
  • package root
    Definition Classes
  • package ch
    Definition Classes
  • package ninecode
    Definition Classes
  • package cim

    Spark Common Information Model (CIM) reader.

    Spark Common Information Model (CIM) reader. Implements an Apache Spark file reader for CIM classes, generating an RDD for all Element objects and one for each specific CIM class. The reader fits into the overall Spark architecture as shown in the following image:

    The architecture follows the standard Relation/InputFormat structure as other readers:

    Definition Classes
  • CHIM
  • CIMAbout
  • CIMClassInfo
  • CIMClasses
  • CIMContext
  • CIMDataFrameReader
  • CIMDataFrameWriter
  • CIMDeDup
  • CIMEdgeData
  • CIMEdges
  • CIMFileFormat
  • CIMInputFormat
  • CIMIntegrityChecker
  • CIMIslandData
  • CIMJoin
  • CIMNetworkTopologyProcessor
  • CIMNormalize
  • CIMParseable
  • CIMParser
  • CIMRecordReader
  • CIMRegistrator
  • CIMRelation
  • CIMRelationship
  • CIMSerializer
  • CIMSubsetter
  • CIMTopologyOptions
  • CIMVertexData
  • DefaultSource
  • Extremum
  • ForceFalse
  • ForceTrue
  • PostEdge
  • PreEdge
  • State
  • TopoEdge
  • Unforced
  • Worker
  • package model

    Provides Common Information Model (CIM) classes for electrical, topological, asset, spatial and other categories of objects that are germane to electric network operations.


    Provides Common Information Model (CIM) classes for electrical, topological, asset, spatial and other categories of objects that are germane to electric network operations.

    Some examples are shown in the following image:

    These classes are the types of, and objects contained in, the RDD that are created by the CIMReader, e.g. RDD[Switch].

    Classes are nested according to the hierarchical package structure found in CIM.

    Each class has the reference to its parent class, available as the sup method, and also as a typed reference of the same name as the parent class.

    This is illustrated in the following image, where the object with id TE1932 (a Switch) is found in RDD[Switch] and all RDD for which the relation 'a Switch "Is A" X' holds, e.g. RDD[ConductingEquipment]:

    The packages and their descriptions are itemized below.

    A short summary of all classes is found below that. The classes can be ordered by package (Grouped) or alphabetically. The classes are also listed in the panel on the left for easy reference.


    This package is an extension of Assets package and contains the core information classes that support asset management and different network and work planning applications with specialized AssetInfo subclasses.

    They hold attributes that can be referenced by not only Asset-s or AssetModel-s but also by ConductingEquipment-s.


    This package contains the core information classes that support asset management applications that deal with the physical and lifecycle aspects of various network resources (as opposed to power system resource models defined in IEC61970::Wires package, which support network applications).


    An asynchronous machine model represents a (induction) generator or motor with no external connection to the rotor windings, e.g. a squirrel-cage induction machine.

    The interconnection with the electrical network equations can differ among simulation tools. The program only needs to know the terminal to which this asynchronous machine is connected in order to establish the correct interconnection. The interconnection with the motor’s equipment could also differ due to input and output signals required by standard models. The asynchronous machine model is used to model wind generators type 1 and type 2. For these, normal practice is to include the rotor flux transients and neglect the stator flux transients.


    Contains equipment which is not normal conducting equipment such as sensors, fault locators, and surge protectors.

    These devices do not define power carrying topological connections as conducting equipment, but are associated to terminals of other conducting equipment.


    This package contains the information classes that support distribution management in general.


    Congestion rent is a major, highly volatile charge currently faced by many participants in the LMP-based electrical energy markets.

    For this reason, the ISOs offer congestion revenue rights (CRR), also known as financial transmission rights or transmission congestion contracts. These are financial instruments that allow market participants to hedge against congestion charges when they schedule their generation, load and bilateral energy transactions.


    Contingencies to be studied.


    The ControlArea package models area specifications which can be used for a variety of purposes.

    The package as a whole models potentially overlapping control area specifications for the purpose of actual generation control, load forecast area load capture, or powerflow based analysis.


    Contains the core PowerSystemResource and ConductingEquipment entities shared by all applications plus common collections of those entities.

    Not all applications require all the Core entities. This package does not depend on any other package except the Domain package, but most of the other packages have associations and generalizations that depend on it.


    This package contains the core information classes that support customer billing applications.


    This package contains model for direct current equipment and controls.


    This package describes diagram layout.

    This describes how objects are arranged in a coordinate system rather than how they are rendered.


    In certain system configurations, continuous excitation control with terminal voltage and power system stabilizing regulator input signals does not ensure that the potential of the excitation system for improving system stability is fully exploited.

    For these situations, discontinuous excitation control signals can be employed to enhance stability following large transient disturbances. <font color="#0f0f0f">For additional information please refer to IEEE 421.5-2005, 12.</font>


    The domain package defines primitive datatypes that are used by classes in other packages.

    Stereotypes are used to describe the datatypes. The following stereotypes are defined: <<enumeration>> A list of permissible constant values. <<Primitive>> The most basic data types used to compose all other data types. <<CIMDatatype>> A datatype that contains a value attribute, an optional unit of measure and a unit multiplier. The unit and multiplier may be specified as a static variable initialized to the allowed value. <<Compound>> A composite of Primitive, enumeration, CIMDatatype or other Compound classes, as long as the Compound classes do not recurse. For all datatypes both positive and negative values are allowed unless stated otherwise for a particular datatype.


    The equivalents package models equivalent networks.


    The excitation system model provides the field voltage (Efd) for a synchronous machine model.

    It is linked to a specific generator (synchronous machine). The representation of all limits used by the models (not including IEEE standard models) shall comply with the representation defined in the Annex E of the IEEE 421.5-2005, unless specified differently in the documentation of the model. The parameters are different for each excitation system model; the same parameter name can have different meaning in different models.


    Inputs to the market system from external sources.


    The package describes faults that may happen to conducting equipment, e.g. tree falling on a power line.


    The GenerationTrainingSimululation package contains prime movers, such as turbines and boilers, which are needed for simulation and educational purposes.


    Contains classes used for generic dataset modelling.


    High voltage direct current (HVDC) models.


    This package models configuration of ICCP required for bilateral exchanges.


    The IEC 61968 subpackages of the CIM are developed, standardized and maintained by IEC TC57 Working Group 14: interfaces for distribution management (WG14).

    Currently, normative parts of the model support the needs of information exchange defined in IEC 61968-3, IEC 61968-4, IEC 61968-9 and in IEC 61968-13.


    Top package for IEC 61970.


    The IEC 62325 subpackages of the CIM are developed, standardized and maintained by the IEC TC57.


    The package is used to define asset-level models for objects.

    Assets may be comprised of other assets and may have relationships to other assets. Assets also have owners and values. Assets may also have a relationship to a PowerSystemResource in the Wires model.

    TODO: The following has been copied from a very old version of draft Part 11, so the references are wrong, but we store the knowledge here to reuse later: "Assets are the basic units which define a physical infrastructure. PowerSystemResources are logical objects meaningful to operations which are constructed from one or more Assets, although PowerSystemResources are not required to specifiy their component Assets. The Asset package is comprosed of several packages. The key concepts of an Asset are as follows:

    • Assets can have names, through inheritance to the Naming package
    • Assets are physical entities which have a lifecycle
    • One or more assets can be associated to create a PowerSystemResource
    • Assets can be grouped (aggregated) with other Assets
    • Assets are typically either 'point' or 'linear' assets, which relate to physical geometry
    • Assets have a close relationship to Work as a consequence of their lifecycle

    The following sections describe the packages in the Assets package. The AssetBasics package defines the relationship between Asset and other classes, such as Organization, PowerSystemResource and Document. Point assets are those assets whose physical location can be described in terms of a single coordinate, such as a pole or a switch. Linear assets are those assets whose physical location is best described in terms of a line, plyline or polygon. Asset work triggers are used to determine when inspection and/or maintenance are required for assets".


    Contains the planned schedules for equipment availability, primarily intended for future studies.


    This package contains functions common for distribution management.


    The package is used to define detailed customer models.


    The package contains portions of the model defined byEnterprise Resource Planning (ERP) standards like those proposed by the Open Applications Group (OAG).

    It is provided to facilitate integration among electric utility applications (CIM) and enterprise resource planning (ERP) applications (as defined by OAG). Rather than inventing new CIM classes that accomplish similar functionality as in existing ERP models, the preferred approach is to use and extend ERP classes as appropriate in other packages. If a model other that the OAG standard is used as a basis for ERP integration, the utility classes labeld "Erp..." should be associated with the appropriate classes of that standard. In fact, definitions of "Erp..." classes are based on OAG Nouns to facilitate this process.

    TODO: The following has been copied from a very old version of draft Part 11, so the references are wrong, but we store the knowledge here to reuse later: "The Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Support Package contains portions of the model defined by ERP standards like those proposed by the Open Applications Group (OAG). This package is provided to facilitate integration among electric utility applications (CIM) and enterprise resource planning (ERP) applications (OAG). Rather than inventing new CIM classes that accomplish similar functionality as in existing ERP models, the preferred approach is to use and extend ERP classes as appropriate in other packages. If a model other that the OAG standard is used as a basis for ERP integration, the utility classes labeled "Erp..." should be associated with the appropriate classes of that standard".


    This package provides the capability to schedule and account for transactions for the exchange of electric power between companies.

    It includes transations for megawatts which are generated, consumed, lost, passed through, sold and purchased. These classes are used by Accounting and Billing for Energy, Generation Capacity, Transmission, and Ancillary Services.


    This package is responsible for Settlement and Billing.

    These classes represent the legal entities who participate in formal or informal agreements.


    The description of computed or dynamic limits.

    These classes would likely go into the OperationalLimits package.


    System Integrity Protection Schemes (SIPS) (IEC terminology).

    Other names used are: Remedial Action Schemes (RAS) or System Protection Schemes (SPS).


    The package covers all types of work, including inspection, maintenance, repair, restoration, and construction.

    It covers the full life cycle including request, initiate, track and record work. Standardized designs (compatible units) are used where possible.

    TODO: The following has been copied from a very old version of draft Part 11, so the references are wrong, but we store the knowledge here to reuse later: "The Work package is used to define classes related to work. There are several different aspects of work. The Work Initiation (Work, Project, Request). The Work Design package is used for managing designs (CompatibleUnit, Design, DesignLocation, WorkTask). The Work Schedule package is used for the scheduling and coordination of work (AccessPermit, MaterialItem, OneCallRequest, Regulation). The Work Closing package is used for tracking costs of work (CostType, LaborItem, WorkCostDetail, VehicleItem). The Work Standards package is used for the definition of compatible units (CULaborItem, CUVehicleItem, CUGroup). This package is used for inspection and maintenance (InspectionDataSet, Procedure). The WorkService package defines Appointment class".


    This package is an extension of the Metering package and contains the information classes that support specialised applications such as demand-side management using load control equipment.

    These classes are generally associated with the point where a service is delivered to the customer.


    Dynamic load models are used to represent the dynamic real and reactive load behaviour of a load from the static power flow model.

    Dynamic load models can be defined as applying either to a single load (energy consumer) or to a group of energy consumers. Large industrial motors or groups of similar motors can be represented by a synchronous machine model (SynchronousMachineDynamics) or an asynchronous machine model (AsynchronousMachineDynamics), which are usually represented as generators with negative active power output in the static (power flow) data.


    This package is responsible for modelling the energy consumers and the system load as curves and associated curve data.

    Special circumstances that may affect the load, such as seasons and day types, are also included here.

    This information is used by Load Forecasting and Load Management.


    This package contains the common objects shared by MarketManagement, MarketOperations and Environmental packages.


    This package contains all core CIM Market Extensions required for market management systems.


    This package contains the common objects shared by MarketOperations packages.


    Market plan definitions for planned markets, planned market events, actual market runs, actual market events.


    Post-market accounting, calculation and meter data corrections to reduce invoicing errors and disputes.

    Reduces manual validation, verification and correction of transactional data that could affect market settlements. Republishing of market results with affected data corrected.


    Results from the execution of a market.


    Contains entities that describe dynamic measurement data exchanged between applications.


    A mechanical load represents the variation in a motor's shaft torque or power as a function of shaft speed.


    This package contains the core information classes that support end device applications with specialized classes for metering and premises area network devices, and remote reading functions.

    These classes are generally associated with the point where a service is delivered to the customer.


    Defining meta-data for a change set in the functional Power System model.


    This package models a specification of limits associated with equipment and other operational entities.


    This package contains the core information classes that support operations and outage management applications.


    Overexcitation limiters (OELs) are also referred to as maximum excitation limiters and field current limiters. The possibility of voltage collapse in stressed power systems increases the importance of modelling these limiters in studies of system conditions that cause machines to operate at high levels of excitation for a sustained period, such as voltage collapse or system-islanding.

    Such events typically occur over a long time frame compared with transient or small-signal stability simulations.


    <font color="#0f0f0f">Excitation systems for synchronous machines are sometimes supplied with an optional means of automatically adjusting generator output reactive power (VAr) or power factor (PF) to a user-specified value.

    This can be accomplished with either a reactive power or power factor controller or regulator. A reactive power or power factor controller is defined as a PF/VAr controller in IEEE 421.1 as “a control function that acts through the reference adjuster to modify the voltage regulator set point to maintain the synchronous machine steady-state power factor or reactive power at a predetermined value.” </font> <font color="#0f0f0f">For additional information please refer to IEEE 421.5-2005, 11.</font>


    <font color="#0f0f0f">A var/pf regulator is defined as “a synchronous machine regulator that functions to maintain the power factor or reactive component of power at a predetermined value.” </font> <font color="#0f0f0f">For additional information please refer to IEEE 421.5-2005, 11.</font> <font color="#0f0f0f">



    This package shows all the root level subpackage dependencies of the combined CIM model.


    Market participant interfaces for bids and trades.


    This package is an extension of the Metering package and contains the information classes that support specialised applications such as prepayment metering.

    These classes are generally associated with the collection and control of revenue from the customer for a delivered service.


    The power system stabilizer (PSS) model provides an input (Vs) to the excitation system model to improve damping of system oscillations.

    A variety of input signals can be used depending on the particular design.


    The production package is responsible for classes which describe various kinds of generators.

    These classes also provide production costing information which is used to economically allocate demand among committed units and calculate reserve quantities.


    An extension to the Core and Wires packages that models information for protection equipment such as relays.

    These entities are used within training simulators and distribution network fault location applications.


    Market static reference data.


    Contains entities to model information used by Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) applications.

    Supervisory control supports operator control of equipment, such as opening or closing a breaker. Data acquisition gathers telemetered data from various sources. The subtypes of the Telemetry entity deliberately match the UCA and IEC 61850 definitions. This package also supports alarm presentation but it is not expected to be used by other applications.


    This subclause describes the standard interconnections for various types of equipment.

    These interconnections are understood by the application programs and can be identified based on the presence of one of the key classes with a relationship to the static power flow model: SynchronousMachineDynamics, AsynchronousMachineDynamics, EnergyConsumerDynamics or WindTurbineType3or4Dynamics. The relationships between classes expressed in the interconnection diagrams are intended to support dynamic behaviour described by either standard models or user-defined models. In the interconnection diagrams, boxes which are black in colour represent function blocks whose functionality can be provided by one of many standard models or by a user-defined model. Blue boxes represent specific standard models. A dashed box means that the function block or specific standard model is optional.


    This subclause contains standard dynamic model specifications grouped into packages by standard function block (type of equipment being modelled).

    In the CIM, standard dynamic models are expressed by means of a class named with the standard model name and attributes reflecting each of the parameters necessary to describe the behaviour of an instance of the standard model.


    State variables for analysis solutions such as powerflow.


    Static var compensator (SVC) models.


    For conventional power generating units (e.g., thermal, hydro, combustion turbine), a synchronous machine model represents the electrical characteristics of the generator and the mechanical characteristics of the turbine-generator rotational inertia.

    Large industrial motors or groups of similar motors can be represented by individual motor models which are represented as generators with negative active power in the static (power flow) data. The interconnection with the electrical network equations can differ among simulation tools. The tool only needs to know the synchronous machine to establish the correct interconnection. The interconnection with the motor’s equipment could also differ due to input and output signals required by standard models.


    An extension to the Core Package that, in association with the Terminal class, models Connectivity, that is the physical definition of how equipment is connected together.

    In addition it models Topology, that is the logical definition of how equipment is connected via closed switches. The Topology definition is independent of the other electrical characteristics.


    The turbine-governor model is linked to one or two synchronous generators and determines the shaft mechanical power (Pm) or torque (Tm) for the generator model.

    Unlike IEEE standard models for other function blocks, the three IEEE turbine-governor standard models (GovHydroIEEE0, GovHydroIEEE2, and GovSteamIEEE1) are documented in IEEE Transactions, not in IEEE standards. For that reason, diagrams are supplied for those models. A 2012 IEEE report, Dynamic Models for Turbine-Governors in Power System Studies, provides updated information on a variety of models including IEEE, vendor and reliability authority models. Fully incorporating the results of that report into the CIM dynamics model is a future effort.


    A turbine load controller acts to maintain turbine power at a set value by continuous adjustment of the turbine governor speed-load reference.


    Underexcitation limiters (UELs) act to boost excitation.

    The UEL typically senses either a combination of voltage and current of the synchronous machine or a combination of real and reactive power. Some UELs utilize a temperature or pressure recalibration feature, in which the UEL characteristic is shifted depending upon the generator cooling gas temperature or pressure.


    This subclause contains user-defined dynamic model classes to support the exchange of both proprietary and explicitly defined user-defined models. <u>Proprietary models</u> represent behaviour which, while not defined by a standard model class, is mutually understood by the sending and receiving applications based on the name passed in the .name attribute of the appropriate xxxUserDefined class.

    Proprietary model parameters are passed as general attributes using as many instances of the ProprietaryParameterDynamics class as there are parameters. <u>Explicitly defined models</u> describe dynamic behaviour in detail in terms of control blocks and their input and output signals. Note that the classes to support explicitly defined modelling are not currently defined - it is future work intended to also be supported by the family of xxxUserDefined classes. Both types of user-defined models use the family of xxxUserDefined classes, which allow a user-defined model to be used: - as the model for an individual standard function block (such as a turbine-governor or power system stabilizer) in a standard interconnection model whose other function blocks could be either standard or user-defined. For an illustration of this form of usage for a proprietary model, see the ExampleFunctionBlockProprietaryModel diagram in subclause 5.5. - as the complete representation of a dynamic behaviour model (for an entire synchronous machine, for example) where standard function blocks and standard interconnections are not used at all. For an illustration of this form of usage for a proprietary model, see the ExampleCompleteProprietaryModel diagram in subclause 5.5.


    <font color="#0f0f0f">A voltage adjuster is a reference adjuster that uses inputs from a reactive power or power factor controller to modify the voltage regulator set point to maintain the synchronous machine steady-state power factor or reactive power at a predetermined value. </font>

    <font color="#0f0f0f">For additional information please refer to IEEE 421.5-2005, 11.</font>


    <font color="#0f0f0f">Synchronous machine terminal voltage transducer and current compensator models</font> adjust the terminal voltage feedback to the excitation system by adding a quantity that is proportional to the terminal current of the generator.

    It is linked to a specific generator (synchronous machine). <font color="#0f0f0f">Several types of compensation are available on most excitation systems. Synchronous machine active and reactive current compensation are the most common. Either reactive droop compensation and/or line-drop compensation can be used, simulating an impedance drop and effectively regulating at some point other than the terminals of the machine. The impedance or range of adjustment and type of compensation should be specified for different types. </font> <font color="#0f0f0f">Care shall be taken to ensure that a consistent PU system is utilized for the compensator parameters and the synchronous machine current base.</font> <font color="#0f0f0f">For further information see IEEE 421.5-2005, 4.</font>

    <font color="#0f0f0f"> </font>


    Wind turbines are generally divided into four types, which are currently significant in power systems.

    The four types have the following characteristics: - type 1: wind turbine with directly grid connected asynchronous generator with fixed rotor resistance (typically squirrel cage); - type 2: wind turbine with directly grid connected asynchronous generator with variable rotor resistance; - type 3: wind turbines with doubly-fed asynchronous generators (directly connected stator and rotor connected through power converter); - type 4: wind turbines connected to the grid through a full size power converter. Models included in this package are according to IEC 61400-27-1:2015.


    An extension to the Core and Topology package that models information on the electrical characteristics of Transmission and Distribution networks.

    This package is used by network applications such as State Estimation, Load Flow and Optimal Power Flow.


    This package contains the core information classes that support work management and network extension planning applications.

    Definition Classes

package cim

Spark Common Information Model (CIM) reader. Implements an Apache Spark file reader for CIM classes, generating an RDD for all Element objects and one for each specific CIM class. The reader fits into the overall Spark architecture as shown in the following image:

The architecture follows the standard Relation/InputFormat structure as other readers:

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. cim
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class CHIM extends Serializable

    Common Hierarchical Information Model (CHIM) for parsing CIM RDF files.

  2. class CIMAbout extends CIMRDD with Serializable

    Handle "about" processing.

    Handle "about" processing.

    For each element with id X, if there are elements with "rdf:about='X'", this class merges the about elements into the "primary" element(s).

  3. case class CIMClassInfo(name: String, parseable: CIMParseable[Product], subsetter: CIMSubsetter[_ <: Product], relations: List[CIMRelationship], serializer: Serializer[_ <: Product]) extends Product with Serializable

    Container for CIM class information.

    Container for CIM class information.


    the name of the class without any package prefix, i.e. the original CIM class name


    the registration and subsetting object for this concrete class


    the subsetter for this concrete class


    the relationships of this concrete class


    the Kryo serializer for this concrete class

  4. class CIMContext extends AnyRef

    Context for parsing.

    Context for parsing. Contains the raw XML, indexes at which to start and stop parsing, the line number index of newlines within the XML, text coverage set (in debug) and error messages raised while parsing.

  5. implicit class CIMDataFrameReader extends AnyRef

    Adds a method, cim, to DataFrameReader that allows you to read CIM files using the DataFileReader

  6. implicit class CIMDataFrameWriter[T] extends AnyRef

    Adds a method, cim, to DataFrameWriter that allows you to write CIM files using the DataFileWriter

  7. class CIMDeDup extends CIMRDD with Serializable

    Handle duplicate processing.

    Handle duplicate processing.

    For each element with id X, if there are other elements with "rdf:ID='X'", this class chooses only one.

    This "duplicates" condition arises, for example, when spatial filters are applied to tile large datasets to partition the export task into smaller subsets, for reasons such as parallelization, memory constraints, etc.

    A linear element crossing a tile boundary can be exported in either tile, if it can be determined beforehand which tile. A simpler option is to export such objects in all tiles whose spatial extents includes some of the element. It is also nice to include related elements to make each tile self consistent.

    These tiles must then be recombined into the full dataset, which is the task for this component - to delete duplicate elements.

    Warnings are generated if the deleted elements are not identical to the elements that are retained.

  8. case class CIMEdgeData(id_cn_1: String, id_cn_2: String, id_equ: String, isZero: Boolean, isConnected: Boolean) extends Product with Serializable

    Edge data for topological processing.

    Edge data for topological processing.


    the connectivity node of terminal 0


    the connectivity node of terminal 1 (or N in the case of multi-terminal devices)


    the ch.ninecode.model.ConductingEquipment object associated with the terminals


    true if there is no electrical difference between the terminals, i.e. a closed switch, which means the terminals are the same topological node


    true if there is a connection between the terminals, i.e. a cable, which means the terminals are the same topological island

  9. class CIMEdges extends CIMRDD with Serializable
  10. class CIMFileFormat extends FileFormat
  11. class CIMInputFormat extends FileInputFormat[String, Element]
  12. class CIMIntegrityChecker extends CIMRDD with Serializable

    Check relationships in CIM data.

  13. case class CIMIslandData(node: VertexId, island_label: String, island: VertexId = Long.MaxValue) extends Serializable with Product

    Vertex data for island topological processing.

    Vertex data for island topological processing.


    the minimum (hash code) of equivalent ConnectivityNode (a single topological node)


    a user friendly label for the island


    the minimum (hash code) of all connected ConnectivityNode (single topological island)

  14. class CIMJoin extends CIMRDD with Serializable

    Join CIM files from NIS Strom and SAP ISU.

    Join CIM files from NIS Strom and SAP ISU.

    Resolve ServiceLocation objects based on the Name user attribute.

  15. case class CIMNetworkTopologyProcessor(spark: SparkSession) extends CIMRDD with Product with Serializable

    Create a topology.

    Create a topology.

    Create TopologicalNode and optionally TopologicalIsland RDD that encode the connections between electrical elements and updates the Terminal and ConnectivityNode RDD to reference them.

    This creates a "bus-branch" model, but retains the "node-breaker" model.

    Based on ConnectivityNode elements and connecting edges, find the topology that has:

    • each substation has a single bus (TopologicalNode) at each nominal voltage level for each set of BusbarSection that are connected by closed switches
    • eliminates switches based on their open/closed state
    • assigns each ConnectivityNode to exactly one TopologicalNode
    • assigns each TopologicalNode to exactly one TopologicalIsland (islands are un-connected groups of internally-connected TopologicalNode)
    • assigns to each TopologicalNode only one ConnectivityNodeContainer (a new unique generated container or one of the possibly many different existing ConnectivityNodeContainer (Bay, Line, Substation, VoltageLevel) of all the ConnectivityNode with the same TopologicalNode)

    There are flags that affect whether a Switch (force_retain_switches) or Fuse (force_retain_fuses) is included in the topology:

    force_retain_switches Switch.retain
    in Topology
    ForceTrue don’t care don’t care yes
    ForceFalse don’t care true yes
    false no
    Unforced true don’t care yes
    false true yes
    false no
    To be done eventually: - create EquivalentEquipment (branch, injection, shunt) for an EquivalentNetwork


    The session with CIM RDD defined, for which the topology should be calculated

  16. class CIMNormalize extends CIMRDD with Serializable

    Handle normalization.

    Handle normalization.

    For each element with a 1:N relation, ensure the N referece the 1 and not vice versa.

  17. abstract class CIMParseable[+A <: Product] extends CIMParser

    Typed base class for registration and subsetting.

    Typed base class for registration and subsetting. Provides facilities to register subclasses with the CHIM parsing framework and forms the subsetting 'typed object' to specify RDDs of specific CIM classes. Typical usage:

    object Terminal extends Parseable[Terminal]
        // implement Parser abstract method
        def parse (context: Context): Terminal = ???

    The CIM class type.

  18. trait CIMParser extends AnyRef

    Provides common infrastructure for parsing CIM elements.

    Provides common infrastructure for parsing CIM elements. Subclasses (actually their companion objects) must implement the parse method. Other methods are helpers for parsing the regular XML structure of CIM rdf files.

  19. trait CIMRDD extends AnyRef

    Access globally named and cached RDD of CIM classes.

    Access globally named and cached RDD of CIM classes.

    This uses the list of persistent RDDs maintained by Spark to retrieve pre-existing RDD of CIM classes persisted by the CIMReader.

    These RDD are strongly typed, and are named according to the corresponding CIM class. For example, there is an RDD[ACLineSegment] with the name "ACLineSegment" persisted and remembered in the spark.sparkContext.getPersistentRDDs: collection.Map[Int, RDD[_] ] by the CIMReader.

    Implicit parameters for the SparkSession and error Logger are required. Implicit parameter StorageLevel is required to put().

    1. Declare a class that extends CIMRDD to be able to access the get() methods:

      import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
      import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession
      import org.slf4j.Logger
      import ch.ninecode.CIMRDD
      import ch.ninecode.model._
      class Processor (spark: SparkSession) extends CIMRDD with Serializable
          implicit val log: Logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger (getClass)
          implicit val session = spark
          def process =
              val switches: RDD[Switch] = get[Switch]
  20. class CIMRecordReader extends RecordReader[String, Element]
  21. class CIMRegistrator extends KryoRegistrator
  22. class CIMRelation extends BaseRelation with TableScan with CIMRDD

    A Relation for CIM RDF files that can produce all of its tuples as an RDD of Row objects.

    A Relation for CIM RDF files that can produce all of its tuples as an RDD of Row objects.

    As a side effect, this relation also creates RDD and local temporary views corresponding to the subclasses of each element, and saves each RDD in the persistent RDD list using the CIM class name.

  23. case class CIMRelationship(field: String, clazz: String, this_cardinality: String, mate_cardinality: String) extends Product with Serializable

    Relation description between CIM classes.

    Relation description between CIM classes.


    the name of the field in this CIM class holding the reference to the other class


    the class name of the other class


    the cardinality of this side of the relation


    the cardinality on the other side of the relation

  24. abstract class CIMSerializer[T] extends Serializer[T]
  25. class CIMSubsetter[A <: Product] extends Serializable

    Subclass extractor.

    Subclass extractor.

    Extracts the given type of object from the full Element Resilient Distributes Dataset (RDD), to create another RDD of just those elements, and creates a DataFrame of that RDD, and registers it as a temporary table for access via SQL (e.g. JDBC and SparkR::sql()).

    Note: This must be serializable and can't depend on the companion objects for the CIM case classes.

  26. case class CIMTopologyOptions(identify_islands: Boolean = false, force_retain_switches: State = Unforced, force_retain_fuses: State = Unforced, force_switch_separate_islands: State = Unforced, force_fuse_separate_islands: State = Unforced, default_switch_open_state: Boolean = false, debug: Boolean = false, storage: StorageLevel = StorageLevel.MEMORY_AND_DISK_SER) extends Product with Serializable

    Topological processing options.

    Topological processing options.

    This class determines the behaviour of the CIMNetworkTopologyProcessor.


    When true, topological islands are identified in addition to topological nodes. That is, TopologicalNode objects generated by the processor will have a valid TopologicalIsland attributes that reference generated TopologicalIsland objects.


    Keep Switch and subclasses as two topological node elements irregardless of the retained attribute, or the open and normalOpen attributes. This is used for alternative scenario calculations. It allows the user to override the behaviour when the processor encounters a Switch or a Switch derived class (e.g. Disconnector), except Fuse and ProtectiveSwitch classes are not included by this flag. The default behaviour of Unforced will use the value of the retained attribute to identify a node boundary only if the attribute is present in the CIM file and the value is true. When set to ForceTrue the behaviour is equivalent to each Switch having a retained attribute with value true. When set to ForceFalse the behaviour is equivalent to each Switch having a retained attribute with value false.


    Keep Fuse, ProtectedSwitch and subclasses as two topological node elements irregardless of the retained attribute, or the open and normalOpen attributes. This is used for fuse specificity calculation. It allows the user to override the normal behaviour when a Fuse is encountered, which is to keep the two terminals as two topological nodes only if the retained attribute is present and true or the open attribute is present and has a value true or if open attribute is not present and the normalOpen attribute has a value true. This has the same effect for Fuse objects as force_retain_switches does for Switch objects.


    Extends the retain attribute to TopologicalIsland processing for Switch derived objects, except for Fuse and ProtectedSwitch objects. The default of Unforced uses the open or normalOpen attributes, if present, or the default_switch_open_state setting otherwise, to determine if a switch separates two islands. ForceTrue keeps the switch in two islands, irregardless of the switch state, while ForceFalse ensures the switch is in only one island.


    Similar functionality as force_switch_separate_islands, but for Fuse objects.


    Allows changing the behaviour when the processor encounters a Switch that has neither an open attribute, nor normalOpen attribute. The default behaviour of false is the same as if open and normalOpen both specify false.


    If true additional tests are performed during topology processing:

    • unique VertexId for every ConnectivityNode mRID (checks the hash function)
    • all edges reference existing ConnectivityNode elements (checks for completeness)
    • no voltage transitions (checks that edges that are joined have the same BaseVoltage)

    The storage level for new and replaced CIM RDD.

  27. case class CIMVD(node: VertexId = Long.MaxValue, node_label: String = "", voltage: String = null, container: String = null) extends Product with Serializable

    Smaller version of CIMVertexData for identifyNodes().

    Smaller version of CIMVertexData for identifyNodes().


    the minimum (hash code) of equivalent ConnectivityNode (a single topological node)


    a user friendly label for the node


    the nominal voltage of the node


    the node container

  28. case class CIMVertexData(island: VertexId = Long.MaxValue, island_label: String = "", node: VertexId = Long.MaxValue, node_label: String = "", voltage: String = null, container: String = null) extends Product with Serializable

    Vertex data for topological processing.

    Vertex data for topological processing.


    the minimum (hash code) of all connected ConnectivityNode (single topological island)


    a user friendly label for the island


    the minimum (hash code) of equivalent ConnectivityNode (a single topological node)


    a user friendly label for the node


    the nominal voltage of the node


    the node container

  29. class DefaultSource extends RelationProvider
  30. class Extremum extends Serializable
  31. case class PostEdge(id_seq_1: String, id_seq_2: String, id_equ: String, clazz: String, name: String, aliasName: String, description: String, container: String, length: Double, voltage: String, normalOpen: Boolean, ratedCurrent: Double, power: Double, installationDate: String, receivedDate: String, status: String, x1: String, y1: String, x2: String, y2: String) extends Serializable with Product
  32. case class PreEdge(id_seq_1: String, cn_1: String, id_seq_2: String, cn_2: String, id_equ: String, clazz: String, name: String, aliasName: String, description: String, container: String, length: Double, voltage: String, normalOpen: Boolean, ratedCurrent: Double, location: String, power: Double, status: String) extends Serializable with Product
  33. sealed trait State extends AnyRef
  34. case class TopoEdge(id_seq_1: String, id_island_1: String, id_seq_2: String, id_island_2: String, id_equ: String, clazz: String, name: String, aliasName: String, description: String, container: String, length: Double, voltage: String, normalOpen: Boolean, ratedCurrent: Double, power: Double, installationDate: String, receivedDate: String, status: String, x1: String, y1: String, x2: String, y2: String) extends Serializable with Product
  35. class Worker[C <: Product, P <: Product] extends Serializable

Value Members

  1. object CHIM extends Serializable
  2. object CIMClasses

    Get a list of classes suitable for Kryo registration.

  3. object CIMContext
  4. object CIMParser

    Holds constant members of the Parser trait.

    Holds constant members of the Parser trait. Includes constants for use by subclasses and the parser. This parser companion object is only needed because Scala doesn't have a static declaration, and instead invents a "companion object" to hold the trait or class members that should be accessible without an instantiated object.

  5. object CIMTopologyOptions extends Serializable
  6. object ForceFalse extends State with Product with Serializable
  7. object ForceTrue extends State with Product with Serializable
  8. object Unforced extends State with Product with Serializable

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
