



package model


Provides Common Information Model (CIM) classes for electrical, topological, asset, spatial and other categories of objects that are germane to electric network operations.

Some examples are shown in the following image:

These classes are the types of, and objects contained in, the RDD that are created by the CIMReader, e.g. RDD[Switch].

Classes are nested according to the hierarchical package structure found in CIM.

Each class has the reference to its parent class, available as the sup method, and also as a typed reference of the same name as the parent class.

This is illustrated in the following image, where the object with id TE1932 (a Switch) is found in RDD[Switch] and all RDD for which the relation 'a Switch "Is A" X' holds, e.g. RDD[ConductingEquipment]:

The packages and their descriptions are itemized below.

A short summary of all classes is found below that. The classes can be ordered by package (Grouped) or alphabetically. The classes are also listed in the panel on the left for easy reference.


This package is an extension of Assets package and contains the core information classes that support asset management and different network and work planning applications with specialized AssetInfo subclasses.

They hold attributes that can be referenced by not only Asset-s or AssetModel-s but also by ConductingEquipment-s.


This package contains the core information classes that support asset management applications that deal with the physical and lifecycle aspects of various network resources (as opposed to power system resource models defined in IEC61970::Wires package, which support network applications).


An asynchronous machine model represents a (induction) generator or motor with no external connection to the rotor windings, e.g. a squirrel-cage induction machine.

The interconnection with the electrical network equations can differ among simulation tools. The program only needs to know the terminal to which this asynchronous machine is connected in order to establish the correct interconnection. The interconnection with the motor’s equipment could also differ due to input and output signals required by standard models. The asynchronous machine model is used to model wind generators type 1 and type 2. For these, normal practice is to include the rotor flux transients and neglect the stator flux transients.


Contains equipment which is not normal conducting equipment such as sensors, fault locators, and surge protectors.

These devices do not define power carrying topological connections as conducting equipment, but are associated to terminals of other conducting equipment.


This package contains the information classes that support distribution management in general.


Congestion rent is a major, highly volatile charge currently faced by many participants in the LMP-based electrical energy markets.

For this reason, the ISOs offer congestion revenue rights (CRR), also known as financial transmission rights or transmission congestion contracts. These are financial instruments that allow market participants to hedge against congestion charges when they schedule their generation, load and bilateral energy transactions.


Contingencies to be studied.


The ControlArea package models area specifications which can be used for a variety of purposes.

The package as a whole models potentially overlapping control area specifications for the purpose of actual generation control, load forecast area load capture, or powerflow based analysis.


Contains the core PowerSystemResource and ConductingEquipment entities shared by all applications plus common collections of those entities.

Not all applications require all the Core entities. This package does not depend on any other package except the Domain package, but most of the other packages have associations and generalizations that depend on it.


This package contains the core information classes that support customer billing applications.


This package contains model for direct current equipment and controls.


This package describes diagram layout.

This describes how objects are arranged in a coordinate system rather than how they are rendered.


In certain system configurations, continuous excitation control with terminal voltage and power system stabilizing regulator input signals does not ensure that the potential of the excitation system for improving system stability is fully exploited.

For these situations, discontinuous excitation control signals can be employed to enhance stability following large transient disturbances. <font color="#0f0f0f">For additional information please refer to IEEE 421.5-2005, 12.</font>


The domain package defines primitive datatypes that are used by classes in other packages.

Stereotypes are used to describe the datatypes. The following stereotypes are defined: <<enumeration>> A list of permissible constant values. <<Primitive>> The most basic data types used to compose all other data types. <<CIMDatatype>> A datatype that contains a value attribute, an optional unit of measure and a unit multiplier. The unit and multiplier may be specified as a static variable initialized to the allowed value. <<Compound>> A composite of Primitive, enumeration, CIMDatatype or other Compound classes, as long as the Compound classes do not recurse. For all datatypes both positive and negative values are allowed unless stated otherwise for a particular datatype.


The equivalents package models equivalent networks.


The excitation system model provides the field voltage (Efd) for a synchronous machine model.

It is linked to a specific generator (synchronous machine). The representation of all limits used by the models (not including IEEE standard models) shall comply with the representation defined in the Annex E of the IEEE 421.5-2005, unless specified differently in the documentation of the model. The parameters are different for each excitation system model; the same parameter name can have different meaning in different models.


Inputs to the market system from external sources.


The package describes faults that may happen to conducting equipment, e.g. tree falling on a power line.


The GenerationTrainingSimululation package contains prime movers, such as turbines and boilers, which are needed for simulation and educational purposes.


Contains classes used for generic dataset modelling.


High voltage direct current (HVDC) models.


This package models configuration of ICCP required for bilateral exchanges.


The IEC 61968 subpackages of the CIM are developed, standardized and maintained by IEC TC57 Working Group 14: interfaces for distribution management (WG14).

Currently, normative parts of the model support the needs of information exchange defined in IEC 61968-3, IEC 61968-4, IEC 61968-9 and in IEC 61968-13.


Top package for IEC 61970.


The IEC 62325 subpackages of the CIM are developed, standardized and maintained by the IEC TC57.


The package is used to define asset-level models for objects.

Assets may be comprised of other assets and may have relationships to other assets. Assets also have owners and values. Assets may also have a relationship to a PowerSystemResource in the Wires model.

TODO: The following has been copied from a very old version of draft Part 11, so the references are wrong, but we store the knowledge here to reuse later: "Assets are the basic units which define a physical infrastructure. PowerSystemResources are logical objects meaningful to operations which are constructed from one or more Assets, although PowerSystemResources are not required to specifiy their component Assets. The Asset package is comprosed of several packages. The key concepts of an Asset are as follows:

  • Assets can have names, through inheritance to the Naming package
  • Assets are physical entities which have a lifecycle
  • One or more assets can be associated to create a PowerSystemResource
  • Assets can be grouped (aggregated) with other Assets
  • Assets are typically either 'point' or 'linear' assets, which relate to physical geometry
  • Assets have a close relationship to Work as a consequence of their lifecycle

The following sections describe the packages in the Assets package. The AssetBasics package defines the relationship between Asset and other classes, such as Organization, PowerSystemResource and Document. Point assets are those assets whose physical location can be described in terms of a single coordinate, such as a pole or a switch. Linear assets are those assets whose physical location is best described in terms of a line, plyline or polygon. Asset work triggers are used to determine when inspection and/or maintenance are required for assets".


Contains the planned schedules for equipment availability, primarily intended for future studies.


This package contains functions common for distribution management.


The package is used to define detailed customer models.


The package contains portions of the model defined byEnterprise Resource Planning (ERP) standards like those proposed by the Open Applications Group (OAG).

It is provided to facilitate integration among electric utility applications (CIM) and enterprise resource planning (ERP) applications (as defined by OAG). Rather than inventing new CIM classes that accomplish similar functionality as in existing ERP models, the preferred approach is to use and extend ERP classes as appropriate in other packages. If a model other that the OAG standard is used as a basis for ERP integration, the utility classes labeld "Erp..." should be associated with the appropriate classes of that standard. In fact, definitions of "Erp..." classes are based on OAG Nouns to facilitate this process.

TODO: The following has been copied from a very old version of draft Part 11, so the references are wrong, but we store the knowledge here to reuse later: "The Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Support Package contains portions of the model defined by ERP standards like those proposed by the Open Applications Group (OAG). This package is provided to facilitate integration among electric utility applications (CIM) and enterprise resource planning (ERP) applications (OAG). Rather than inventing new CIM classes that accomplish similar functionality as in existing ERP models, the preferred approach is to use and extend ERP classes as appropriate in other packages. If a model other that the OAG standard is used as a basis for ERP integration, the utility classes labeled "Erp..." should be associated with the appropriate classes of that standard".


This package provides the capability to schedule and account for transactions for the exchange of electric power between companies.

It includes transations for megawatts which are generated, consumed, lost, passed through, sold and purchased. These classes are used by Accounting and Billing for Energy, Generation Capacity, Transmission, and Ancillary Services.


This package is responsible for Settlement and Billing.

These classes represent the legal entities who participate in formal or informal agreements.


The description of computed or dynamic limits.

These classes would likely go into the OperationalLimits package.


System Integrity Protection Schemes (SIPS) (IEC terminology).

Other names used are: Remedial Action Schemes (RAS) or System Protection Schemes (SPS).


The package covers all types of work, including inspection, maintenance, repair, restoration, and construction.

It covers the full life cycle including request, initiate, track and record work. Standardized designs (compatible units) are used where possible.

TODO: The following has been copied from a very old version of draft Part 11, so the references are wrong, but we store the knowledge here to reuse later: "The Work package is used to define classes related to work. There are several different aspects of work. The Work Initiation (Work, Project, Request). The Work Design package is used for managing designs (CompatibleUnit, Design, DesignLocation, WorkTask). The Work Schedule package is used for the scheduling and coordination of work (AccessPermit, MaterialItem, OneCallRequest, Regulation). The Work Closing package is used for tracking costs of work (CostType, LaborItem, WorkCostDetail, VehicleItem). The Work Standards package is used for the definition of compatible units (CULaborItem, CUVehicleItem, CUGroup). This package is used for inspection and maintenance (InspectionDataSet, Procedure). The WorkService package defines Appointment class".


This package is an extension of the Metering package and contains the information classes that support specialised applications such as demand-side management using load control equipment.

These classes are generally associated with the point where a service is delivered to the customer.


Dynamic load models are used to represent the dynamic real and reactive load behaviour of a load from the static power flow model.

Dynamic load models can be defined as applying either to a single load (energy consumer) or to a group of energy consumers. Large industrial motors or groups of similar motors can be represented by a synchronous machine model (SynchronousMachineDynamics) or an asynchronous machine model (AsynchronousMachineDynamics), which are usually represented as generators with negative active power output in the static (power flow) data.


This package is responsible for modelling the energy consumers and the system load as curves and associated curve data.

Special circumstances that may affect the load, such as seasons and day types, are also included here.

This information is used by Load Forecasting and Load Management.


This package contains the common objects shared by MarketManagement, MarketOperations and Environmental packages.


This package contains all core CIM Market Extensions required for market management systems.


This package contains the common objects shared by MarketOperations packages.


Market plan definitions for planned markets, planned market events, actual market runs, actual market events.


Post-market accounting, calculation and meter data corrections to reduce invoicing errors and disputes.

Reduces manual validation, verification and correction of transactional data that could affect market settlements. Republishing of market results with affected data corrected.


Results from the execution of a market.


Contains entities that describe dynamic measurement data exchanged between applications.


A mechanical load represents the variation in a motor's shaft torque or power as a function of shaft speed.


This package contains the core information classes that support end device applications with specialized classes for metering and premises area network devices, and remote reading functions.

These classes are generally associated with the point where a service is delivered to the customer.


Defining meta-data for a change set in the functional Power System model.


This package models a specification of limits associated with equipment and other operational entities.


This package contains the core information classes that support operations and outage management applications.


Overexcitation limiters (OELs) are also referred to as maximum excitation limiters and field current limiters. The possibility of voltage collapse in stressed power systems increases the importance of modelling these limiters in studies of system conditions that cause machines to operate at high levels of excitation for a sustained period, such as voltage collapse or system-islanding.

Such events typically occur over a long time frame compared with transient or small-signal stability simulations.


<font color="#0f0f0f">Excitation systems for synchronous machines are sometimes supplied with an optional means of automatically adjusting generator output reactive power (VAr) or power factor (PF) to a user-specified value.

This can be accomplished with either a reactive power or power factor controller or regulator. A reactive power or power factor controller is defined as a PF/VAr controller in IEEE 421.1 as “a control function that acts through the reference adjuster to modify the voltage regulator set point to maintain the synchronous machine steady-state power factor or reactive power at a predetermined value.” </font> <font color="#0f0f0f">For additional information please refer to IEEE 421.5-2005, 11.</font>


<font color="#0f0f0f">A var/pf regulator is defined as “a synchronous machine regulator that functions to maintain the power factor or reactive component of power at a predetermined value.” </font> <font color="#0f0f0f">For additional information please refer to IEEE 421.5-2005, 11.</font> <font color="#0f0f0f">



This package shows all the root level subpackage dependencies of the combined CIM model.


Market participant interfaces for bids and trades.


This package is an extension of the Metering package and contains the information classes that support specialised applications such as prepayment metering.

These classes are generally associated with the collection and control of revenue from the customer for a delivered service.


The power system stabilizer (PSS) model provides an input (Vs) to the excitation system model to improve damping of system oscillations.

A variety of input signals can be used depending on the particular design.


The production package is responsible for classes which describe various kinds of generators.

These classes also provide production costing information which is used to economically allocate demand among committed units and calculate reserve quantities.


An extension to the Core and Wires packages that models information for protection equipment such as relays.

These entities are used within training simulators and distribution network fault location applications.


Market static reference data.


Contains entities to model information used by Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) applications.

Supervisory control supports operator control of equipment, such as opening or closing a breaker. Data acquisition gathers telemetered data from various sources. The subtypes of the Telemetry entity deliberately match the UCA and IEC 61850 definitions. This package also supports alarm presentation but it is not expected to be used by other applications.


This subclause describes the standard interconnections for various types of equipment.

These interconnections are understood by the application programs and can be identified based on the presence of one of the key classes with a relationship to the static power flow model: SynchronousMachineDynamics, AsynchronousMachineDynamics, EnergyConsumerDynamics or WindTurbineType3or4Dynamics. The relationships between classes expressed in the interconnection diagrams are intended to support dynamic behaviour described by either standard models or user-defined models. In the interconnection diagrams, boxes which are black in colour represent function blocks whose functionality can be provided by one of many standard models or by a user-defined model. Blue boxes represent specific standard models. A dashed box means that the function block or specific standard model is optional.


This subclause contains standard dynamic model specifications grouped into packages by standard function block (type of equipment being modelled).

In the CIM, standard dynamic models are expressed by means of a class named with the standard model name and attributes reflecting each of the parameters necessary to describe the behaviour of an instance of the standard model.


State variables for analysis solutions such as powerflow.


Static var compensator (SVC) models.


For conventional power generating units (e.g., thermal, hydro, combustion turbine), a synchronous machine model represents the electrical characteristics of the generator and the mechanical characteristics of the turbine-generator rotational inertia.

Large industrial motors or groups of similar motors can be represented by individual motor models which are represented as generators with negative active power in the static (power flow) data. The interconnection with the electrical network equations can differ among simulation tools. The tool only needs to know the synchronous machine to establish the correct interconnection. The interconnection with the motor’s equipment could also differ due to input and output signals required by standard models.


An extension to the Core Package that, in association with the Terminal class, models Connectivity, that is the physical definition of how equipment is connected together.

In addition it models Topology, that is the logical definition of how equipment is connected via closed switches. The Topology definition is independent of the other electrical characteristics.


The turbine-governor model is linked to one or two synchronous generators and determines the shaft mechanical power (Pm) or torque (Tm) for the generator model.

Unlike IEEE standard models for other function blocks, the three IEEE turbine-governor standard models (GovHydroIEEE0, GovHydroIEEE2, and GovSteamIEEE1) are documented in IEEE Transactions, not in IEEE standards. For that reason, diagrams are supplied for those models. A 2012 IEEE report, Dynamic Models for Turbine-Governors in Power System Studies, provides updated information on a variety of models including IEEE, vendor and reliability authority models. Fully incorporating the results of that report into the CIM dynamics model is a future effort.


A turbine load controller acts to maintain turbine power at a set value by continuous adjustment of the turbine governor speed-load reference.


Underexcitation limiters (UELs) act to boost excitation.

The UEL typically senses either a combination of voltage and current of the synchronous machine or a combination of real and reactive power. Some UELs utilize a temperature or pressure recalibration feature, in which the UEL characteristic is shifted depending upon the generator cooling gas temperature or pressure.


This subclause contains user-defined dynamic model classes to support the exchange of both proprietary and explicitly defined user-defined models. <u>Proprietary models</u> represent behaviour which, while not defined by a standard model class, is mutually understood by the sending and receiving applications based on the name passed in the .name attribute of the appropriate xxxUserDefined class.

Proprietary model parameters are passed as general attributes using as many instances of the ProprietaryParameterDynamics class as there are parameters. <u>Explicitly defined models</u> describe dynamic behaviour in detail in terms of control blocks and their input and output signals. Note that the classes to support explicitly defined modelling are not currently defined - it is future work intended to also be supported by the family of xxxUserDefined classes. Both types of user-defined models use the family of xxxUserDefined classes, which allow a user-defined model to be used: - as the model for an individual standard function block (such as a turbine-governor or power system stabilizer) in a standard interconnection model whose other function blocks could be either standard or user-defined. For an illustration of this form of usage for a proprietary model, see the ExampleFunctionBlockProprietaryModel diagram in subclause 5.5. - as the complete representation of a dynamic behaviour model (for an entire synchronous machine, for example) where standard function blocks and standard interconnections are not used at all. For an illustration of this form of usage for a proprietary model, see the ExampleCompleteProprietaryModel diagram in subclause 5.5.


<font color="#0f0f0f">A voltage adjuster is a reference adjuster that uses inputs from a reactive power or power factor controller to modify the voltage regulator set point to maintain the synchronous machine steady-state power factor or reactive power at a predetermined value. </font>

<font color="#0f0f0f">For additional information please refer to IEEE 421.5-2005, 11.</font>


<font color="#0f0f0f">Synchronous machine terminal voltage transducer and current compensator models</font> adjust the terminal voltage feedback to the excitation system by adding a quantity that is proportional to the terminal current of the generator.

It is linked to a specific generator (synchronous machine). <font color="#0f0f0f">Several types of compensation are available on most excitation systems. Synchronous machine active and reactive current compensation are the most common. Either reactive droop compensation and/or line-drop compensation can be used, simulating an impedance drop and effectively regulating at some point other than the terminals of the machine. The impedance or range of adjustment and type of compensation should be specified for different types. </font> <font color="#0f0f0f">Care shall be taken to ensure that a consistent PU system is utilized for the compensator parameters and the synchronous machine current base.</font> <font color="#0f0f0f">For further information see IEEE 421.5-2005, 4.</font>

<font color="#0f0f0f"> </font>


Wind turbines are generally divided into four types, which are currently significant in power systems.

The four types have the following characteristics: - type 1: wind turbine with directly grid connected asynchronous generator with fixed rotor resistance (typically squirrel cage); - type 2: wind turbine with directly grid connected asynchronous generator with variable rotor resistance; - type 3: wind turbines with doubly-fed asynchronous generators (directly connected stator and rotor connected through power converter); - type 4: wind turbines connected to the grid through a full size power converter. Models included in this package are according to IEC 61400-27-1:2015.


An extension to the Core and Topology package that models information on the electrical characteristics of Transmission and Distribution networks.

This package is used by network applications such as State Estimation, Load Flow and Optimal Power Flow.


This package contains the core information classes that support work management and network extension planning applications.

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Grouped
  2. Alphabetic
  3. By Inheritance
  1. model
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. final case class ACDCConverter(ConductingEquipment: ConductingEquipment = null, baseS: Double = 0.0, idc: Double = 0.0, idleLoss: Double = 0.0, maxP: Double = 0.0, maxUdc: Double = 0.0, minP: Double = 0.0, minUdc: Double = 0.0, numberOfValves: Int = 0, p: Double = 0.0, poleLossP: Double = 0.0, q: Double = 0.0, ratedUdc: Double = 0.0, resistiveLoss: Double = 0.0, switchingLoss: Double = 0.0, targetPpcc: Double = 0.0, targetUdc: Double = 0.0, uc: Double = 0.0, udc: Double = 0.0, valveU0: Double = 0.0, DCTerminals: List[String] = null, PccTerminal: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A unit with valves for three phases, together with unit control equipment, essential protective and switching devices, DC storage capacitors, phase reactors and auxiliaries, if any, used for conversion.

    A unit with valves for three phases, together with unit control equipment, essential protective and switching devices, DC storage capacitors, phase reactors and auxiliaries, if any, used for conversion.


    ConductingEquipment Reference to the superclass object.


    Base apparent power of the converter pole. The attribute shall be a positive value.


    Converter DC current, also called Id. It is converter’s state variable, result from power flow.


    Active power loss in pole at no power transfer. It is converter’s configuration data used in power flow. The attribute shall be a positive value.


    Maximum active power limit. The value is overwritten by values of VsCapabilityCurve, if present.


    The maximum voltage on the DC side at which the converter should operate. It is converter’s configuration data used in power flow. The attribute shall be a positive value.


    Minimum active power limit. The value is overwritten by values of VsCapabilityCurve, if present.


    The minimum voltage on the DC side at which the converter should operate. It is converter’s configuration data used in power flow. The attribute shall be a positive value.


    Number of valves in the converter. Used in loss calculations.


    Active power at the point of common coupling. Load sign convention is used, i.e. positive sign means flow out from a node. Starting value for a steady state solution in the case a simplified power flow model is used.


    The active power loss at a DC Pole = idleLoss + switchingLoss*|Idc| + resitiveLoss*Idc2. For lossless operation Pdc=Pac. For rectifier operation with losses Pdc=Pac-lossP. For inverter operation with losses Pdc=Pac+lossP. It is converter’s state variable used in power flow. The attribute shall be a positive value.


    Reactive power at the point of common coupling. Load sign convention is used, i.e. positive sign means flow out from a node. Starting value for a steady state solution in the case a simplified power flow model is used.


    Rated converter DC voltage, also called UdN. The attribute shall be a positive value. It is converter’s configuration data used in power flow. For instance a bipolar HVDC link with value 200 kV has a 400kV difference between the dc lines.


    It is converter’s configuration data used in power flow. Refer to poleLossP. The attribute shall be a positive value.


    Switching losses, relative to the base apparent power 'baseS'. Refer to poleLossP. The attribute shall be a positive value.


    Real power injection target in AC grid, at point of common coupling. Load sign convention is used, i.e. positive sign means flow out from a node.


    Target value for DC voltage magnitude. The attribute shall be a positive value.


    Line-to-line converter voltage, the voltage at the AC side of the valve. It is converter’s state variable, result from power flow. The attribute shall be a positive value.


    Converter voltage at the DC side, also called Ud. It is converter’s state variable, result from power flow. The attribute shall be a positive value.


    Valve threshold voltage, also called Uvalve. Forward voltage drop when the valve is conducting. Used in loss calculations, i.e. the switchLoss depend on numberOfValves * valveU0.


    ACDCConverterDCTerminal A DC converter have DC converter terminals. A converter has two DC converter terminals.


    Terminal Point of common coupling terminal for this converter DC side. It is typically the terminal on the power transformer (or switch) closest to the AC network.

  2. final case class ACDCConverterDCTerminal(DCBaseTerminal: DCBaseTerminal = null, polarity: String = null, DCConductingEquipment: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A DC electrical connection point at the AC/DC converter.

    A DC electrical connection point at the AC/DC converter.

    The AC/DC converter is electrically connected also to the AC side. The AC connection is inherited from the AC conducting equipment in the same way as any other AC equipment. The AC/DC converter DC terminal is separate from generic DC terminal to restrict the connection with the AC side to AC/DC converter and so that no other DC conducting equipment can be connected to the AC side.


    DCBaseTerminal Reference to the superclass object.


    Represents the normal network polarity condition. Depending on the converter configuration the value shall be set as follows:

    • For a monopole with two converter terminals use DCPolarityKind “positive” and “negative”.
    • For a bi-pole or symmetric monopole with three converter terminals use DCPolarityKind “positive”, “middle” and “negative”.

    ACDCConverter A DC converter terminal belong to an DC converter.

  3. final case class ACDCTerminal(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, connected: Boolean = false, sequenceNumber: Int = 0, BusNameMarker: String = null, Measurements: List[String] = null, OperationalLimitSet: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    An electrical connection point (AC or DC) to a piece of conducting equipment.

    An electrical connection point (AC or DC) to a piece of conducting equipment.

    Terminals are connected at physical connection points called connectivity nodes.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    The connected status is related to a bus-branch model and the topological node to terminal relation. True implies the terminal is connected to the related topological node and false implies it is not. In a bus-branch model, the connected status is used to tell if equipment is disconnected without having to change the connectivity described by the topological node to terminal relation. A valid case is that conducting equipment can be connected in one end and open in the other. In particular for an AC line segment, where the reactive line charging can be significant, this is a relevant case.


    The orientation of the terminal connections for a multiple terminal conducting equipment. The sequence numbering starts with 1 and additional terminals should follow in increasing order. The first terminal is the "starting point" for a two terminal branch.


    BusNameMarker The bus name marker used to name the bus (topological node).


    Measurement Measurements associated with this terminal defining where the measurement is placed in the network topology. It may be used, for instance, to capture the sensor position, such as a voltage transformer (PT) at a busbar or a current transformer (CT) at the bar between a breaker and an isolator.


    OperationalLimitSet The operational limit sets at the terminal.

  4. final case class ACLineSegment(Conductor: Conductor = null, b0ch: Double = 0.0, bch: Double = 0.0, g0ch: Double = 0.0, gch: Double = 0.0, r: Double = 0.0, r0: Double = 0.0, shortCircuitEndTemperature: Double = 0.0, x: Double = 0.0, x0: Double = 0.0, ACLineSegmentPhases: List[String] = null, Clamp: List[String] = null, Cut: List[String] = null, LineFaults: List[String] = null, LineGroundingAction: String = null, LineJumpingAction: String = null, PerLengthImpedance: String = null, WireSpacingInfo: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A wire or combination of wires, with consistent electrical characteristics, building a single electrical system, used to carry alternating current between points in the power system.

    A wire or combination of wires, with consistent electrical characteristics, building a single electrical system, used to carry alternating current between points in the power system.

    For symmetrical, transposed three phase lines, it is sufficient to use attributes of the line segment, which describe impedances and admittances for the entire length of the segment. Additionally impedances can be computed by using length and associated per length impedances. The BaseVoltage at the two ends of ACLineSegments in a Line shall have the same BaseVoltage.nominalVoltage. However, boundary lines may have slightly different BaseVoltage.nominalVoltages and variation is allowed. Larger voltage difference in general requires use of an equivalent branch.


    Conductor Reference to the superclass object.


    Zero sequence shunt (charging) susceptance, uniformly distributed, of the entire line section.


    Positive sequence shunt (charging) susceptance, uniformly distributed, of the entire line section. This value represents the full charging over the full length of the line.


    Zero sequence shunt (charging) conductance, uniformly distributed, of the entire line section.


    Positive sequence shunt (charging) conductance, uniformly distributed, of the entire line section.


    Positive sequence series resistance of the entire line section.


    Zero sequence series resistance of the entire line section.


    Maximum permitted temperature at the end of SC for the calculation of minimum short-circuit currents. Used for short circuit data exchange according to IEC 60909.


    Positive sequence series reactance of the entire line section.


    Zero sequence series reactance of the entire line section.


    ACLineSegmentPhase The line segment phases which belong to the line segment.


    Clamp The clamps connected to the line segment.


    Cut Cuts applied to the line segment.


    LineFault The line faults of the line segment.


    GroundAction Ground action involving clamp usage (for the case when the ground is applied along the line segment instead of at its terminals).


    JumperAction Jumper action involving clamp usage (for the case when the jumper is applied along the line segment instead of at its terminals).


    PerLengthImpedance Per-length impedance of this line segment.


    WireSpacingInfo undocumented

  5. final case class ACLineSegmentPhase(PowerSystemResource: PowerSystemResource = null, phase: String = null, sequenceNumber: Int = 0, ACLineSegment: String = null, WireInfo: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Represents a single wire of an alternating current line segment.

    Represents a single wire of an alternating current line segment.


    PowerSystemResource Reference to the superclass object.


    The phase connection of the wire at both ends.


    Number designation for this line segment phase. Each line segment phase within a line segment should have a unique sequence number. This is useful for unbalanced modelling to bind the mathematical model (PhaseImpedanceData of PerLengthPhaseImpedance) with the connectivity model (this class) and the physical model (WirePosition) without tight coupling.


    ACLineSegment The line segment to which the phase belongs.


    WireInfo undocumented

  6. final case class ASRequirements(Element: BasicElement = null, intervalStartTime: String = null, ReserveDemandCurve: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Models Ancillary Service Requirements.

    Models Ancillary Service Requirements.

    Describes interval for which the requirement is applicable.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    The start of the time interval for which requirement is defined.


    ReserveDemandCurve undocumented

  7. final case class ASTMStandard(Element: BasicElement = null, standardEdition: String = null, standardNumber: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Standard published by ASTM (ASTM International).

    Standard published by ASTM (ASTM International).


    Reference to the superclass object.


    Edition of ASTM standard.


    ASTM standard number.

  8. final case class AcceptanceTest(Element: BasicElement = null, dateTime: String = null, success: Boolean = false, type: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Acceptance test for assets.

    Acceptance test for assets.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    Date and time the asset was last tested using the 'type' of test and yielding the current status in 'success' attribute.


    True if asset has passed acceptance test and may be placed in or is in service. It is set to false if asset is removed from service and is required to be tested again before being placed back in service, possibly in a new location. Since asset may go through multiple tests during its lifecycle, the date of each acceptance test may be recorded in 'Asset.ActivityRecord.status.dateTime'.


    Type of test or group of tests that was conducted on 'dateTime'.

  9. final case class AccessPermit(WorkDocument: WorkDocument = null, applicationNumber: String = null, effectiveDate: String = null, expirationDate: String = null, payment: Double = 0.0, permitID: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A permit is sometimes needed to provide legal access to land or equipment.

    A permit is sometimes needed to provide legal access to land or equipment.

    For example, local authority permission for road works.


    WorkDocument Reference to the superclass object.


    Permit application number that is used by municipality, state, province, etc.


    Date that permit became official.


    Permit expiration date.


    Total cost of permit.


    Permit identifier.

  10. final case class AccountMovement(Element: BasicElement = null, amount: Double = 0.0, dateTime: String = null, reason: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Credit/debit movements for an account.

    Credit/debit movements for an account.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    Amount that was credited to/debited from an account. For example: payment received/interest charge on arrears.


    Date and time when the credit/debit transaction was performed.


    Reason for credit/debit transaction on an account. Example: payment received/arrears interest levied.

  11. final case class AccountNotification(Element: BasicElement = null, customerNotificationType: String = null, methodType: String = null, note: String = null, time: String = null, CustomerAccount: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Notifications for move-in, move-out, delinquencies, etc.

    Notifications for move-in, move-out, delinquencies, etc.


    Reference to the superclass object.










    CustomerAccount undocumented

  12. final case class AccountingUnit(Element: BasicElement = null, energyUnit: Double = 0.0, monetaryUnit: String = null, multiplier: String = null, value: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Unit for accounting; use either 'energyUnit' or 'currencyUnit' to specify the unit for 'value'.

    Unit for accounting; use either 'energyUnit' or 'currencyUnit' to specify the unit for 'value'.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    Unit of service.


    Unit of currency.


    Multiplier for the 'energyUnit' or 'monetaryUnit'.


    Value expressed in applicable units.

  13. final case class Accumulator(Measurement: Measurement = null, maxValue: Int = 0, AccumulatorValues: List[String] = null, LimitSets: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Accumulator represents an accumulated (counted) Measurement, e.g.

    Accumulator represents an accumulated (counted) Measurement, e.g. an energy value.


    Measurement Reference to the superclass object.


    Normal value range maximum for any of the MeasurementValue.values. Used for scaling, e.g. in bar graphs or of telemetered raw values.


    AccumulatorValue The values connected to this measurement.


    AccumulatorLimitSet A measurement may have zero or more limit ranges defined for it.

  14. final case class AccumulatorLimit(Limit: Limit = null, value: Int = 0, LimitSet: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Limit values for Accumulator measurements.

    Limit values for Accumulator measurements.


    Limit Reference to the superclass object.


    The value to supervise against. The value is positive.


    AccumulatorLimitSet The set of limits.

  15. final case class AccumulatorLimitSet(LimitSet: LimitSet = null, Limits: List[String] = null, Measurements: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    An AccumulatorLimitSet specifies a set of Limits that are associated with an Accumulator measurement.

    An AccumulatorLimitSet specifies a set of Limits that are associated with an Accumulator measurement.


    LimitSet Reference to the superclass object.


    AccumulatorLimit The limit values used for supervision of Measurements.


    Accumulator The Measurements using the LimitSet.

  16. final case class AccumulatorReset(Control: Control = null, AccumulatorValue: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    This command resets the counter value to zero.

    This command resets the counter value to zero.


    Control Reference to the superclass object.


    AccumulatorValue The accumulator value that is reset by the command.

  17. final case class AccumulatorValue(MeasurementValue: MeasurementValue = null, value: Int = 0, Accumulator: String = null, AccumulatorReset: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    AccumulatorValue represents an accumulated (counted) MeasurementValue.

    AccumulatorValue represents an accumulated (counted) MeasurementValue.


    MeasurementValue Reference to the superclass object.


    The value to supervise. The value is positive.


    Accumulator Measurement to which this value is connected.


    AccumulatorReset The command that resets the accumulator value.

  18. final case class AceTariffType(Element: BasicElement = null, type: String = null, MarketDocument: List[String] = null, Point: List[String] = null, Unit: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    The Area Control Error tariff type that is applied or used.

    The Area Control Error tariff type that is applied or used.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    The coded type of an ACE tariff.


    MarketDocument undocumented


    Point undocumented


    Unit_ undocumented

  19. final case class ActionRequest(Element: BasicElement = null, actionName: String = null, Bid: List[String] = null, Trade: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Action request against an existing Trade.

    Action request against an existing Trade.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    Action name type for the action request.


    Bid undocumented


    Trade undocumented

  20. final case class ActivePowerLimit(OperationalLimit: OperationalLimit = null, normalValue: Double = 0.0, value: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Limit on active power flow.

    Limit on active power flow.


    OperationalLimit Reference to the superclass object.


    The normal value of active power limit. The attribute shall be a positive value or zero.


    Value of active power limit. The attribute shall be a positive value or zero.

  21. final case class ActivityRecord(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, createdDateTime: String = null, reason: String = null, severity: String = null, status: String = null, type: String = null, Assets: List[String] = null, Author: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Records activity for an entity at a point in time; activity may be for an event that has already occurred or for a planned activity.

    Records activity for an entity at a point in time; activity may be for an event that has already occurred or for a planned activity.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    Date and time this activity record has been created (different from the 'status.dateTime', which is the time of a status change of the associated object, if applicable).


    Reason for event resulting in this activity record, typically supplied when user initiated.


    Severity level of event resulting in this activity record.


    Status Information on consequence of event resulting in this activity record.


    Type of event resulting in this activity record.


    Asset All assets for which this activity record has been created.


    Author Author of this activity record.

  22. final case class AdjacentCASet(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, lossPercentage_1: Double = 0.0, BidSelfSched: List[String] = null, HostControlArea: String = null, RTO: String = null, RegisteredResource: List[String] = null, SubControlArea: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Groups Adjacent Control Areas.

    Groups Adjacent Control Areas.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    Loss percentage


    BidSelfSched undocumented


    HostControlArea undocumented


    RTO undocumented


    RegisteredResource undocumented


    SubControlArea undocumented

  23. final case class AggregateNode(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, anodeType: String = null, qualifASOrder: Int = 0, AreaLoadCurve: List[String] = null, CnodeDistributionFactor: List[String] = null, Instruction: List[String] = null, Pnode: List[String] = null, RTO: String = null, RegisteredResource: List[String] = null, SubControlArea: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    An aggregated node can define a typed grouping further defined by the AnodeType enumeratuion.

    An aggregated node can define a typed grouping further defined by the AnodeType enumeratuion.

    Types range from System Zone/Regions to Market Energy Regions to Aggregated Loads and Aggregated Generators.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    Type of aggregated node


    Processing Order for AS self-provisions for this region. The priority of this attribute directs the awards of any resource that resides in overlapping regions. The regions are processed in priority manner.


    AreaLoadCurve undocumented


    CnodeDistributionFactor undocumented


    Instructions undocumented


    Pnode undocumented


    RTO undocumented


    RegisteredResource A RegisteredResource can be associated to only one AggregateNode if not connected to a Pnode or MktConnectivityNode.


    SubControlArea undocumented

  24. final case class AggregateScore(AnalyticScore: AnalyticScore = null, AnalyticScore_attr: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    An aggregated indicative scoring by an analytic, which is based on other analytic scores, that can be used to characterize the health of or the risk associated with one or more assets.

    An aggregated indicative scoring by an analytic, which is based on other analytic scores, that can be used to characterize the health of or the risk associated with one or more assets.


    AnalyticScore Reference to the superclass object.


    AnalyticScore Analytic score contributing to this aggregate score.

  25. final case class AggregatedPnode(Pnode: Pnode = null, apnodeType: String = null, participationCategory: String = null, GenDistributionFactor: List[String] = null, LoadDistributionFactor: List[String] = null, MPMTestResults: List[String] = null, MPMTestThreshold: List[String] = null, MktCombinedCyclePlant: List[String] = null, PnodeDistributionFactor: List[String] = null, TACArea: List[String] = null, TradingHubValues: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    An aggregated pricing node is a specialized type of pricing node used to model items such as System Zone, Default Price Zone, Custom Price Zone, Control Area, Aggregated Generation, Aggregated Particpating Load, Aggregated Non-Participating Load, Trading Hub, Designated Control Area(DCA) Zone.

    An aggregated pricing node is a specialized type of pricing node used to model items such as System Zone, Default Price Zone, Custom Price Zone, Control Area, Aggregated Generation, Aggregated Particpating Load, Aggregated Non-Participating Load, Trading Hub, Designated Control Area(DCA) Zone.


    Pnode Reference to the superclass object.


    Aggregate Price Node Types


    Designated Control Area participation in LMP price measurement 'Y' - Participates in both Local Market Power Mitigation (LMPM) and System Market Power Mitigation (SMPM) 'N' - Not included in LMP price measures 'S' - Participatesin SMPM price measures 'L' - Participatesin LMPM price measures


    GenDistributionFactor undocumented


    LoadDistributionFactor undocumented


    MPMTestResults undocumented


    MPMTestThreshold undocumented


    MktCombinedCyclePlant undocumented


    PnodeDistributionFactor undocumented


    TACArea undocumented


    TradingHubValues undocumented

  26. final case class Agreement(Document: Document = null, signDate: String = null, validityInterval: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Formal agreement between two parties defining the terms and conditions for a set of services.

    Formal agreement between two parties defining the terms and conditions for a set of services.

    The specifics of the services are, in turn, defined via one or more service agreements.


    Document Reference to the superclass object.


    Date this agreement was consummated among associated persons and/or organisations.


    Date and time interval this agreement is valid (from going into effect to termination).

  27. final case class AirCompressor(PowerSystemResource: PowerSystemResource = null, airCompressorRating: Double = 0.0, CAESPlant: String = null, CombustionTurbine: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Combustion turbine air compressor which is an integral part of a compressed air energy storage (CAES) plant.

    Combustion turbine air compressor which is an integral part of a compressed air energy storage (CAES) plant.


    PowerSystemResource Reference to the superclass object.


    Rating of the CAES air compressor.


    CAESPlant An air compressor may be a member of a compressed air energy storage plant.


    CombustionTurbine A CAES air compressor is driven by combustion turbine.

  28. final case class AlertTypeList(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, version: String = null, EnvironmentalAlert: List[String] = null, EnvironmentalDataAuthority: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A named list of alert types.

    A named list of alert types.

    Note: the name of the list is reflected in the .name attribute (inherited from IdentifiedObject).


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    The version of the named list of alert types.


    EnvironmentalAlert An alert whose type is drawn from this alert type list.


    EnvironmentalDataAuthority The environmental data authority responsible for publishing this list of alert types.

  29. final case class AllocationResult(Element: BasicElement = null, intervalStartTime: String = null, updateTimeStamp: String = null, updateUser: String = null, AllocationResultValues: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Models Market clearing results.

    Models Market clearing results.

    Indicates market horizon, interval based. Used by a market quality system for billing and settlement purposes.


    Reference to the superclass object.








    AllocationResultValues undocumented

  30. final case class AllocationResultValues(Element: BasicElement = null, aggregateType: String = null, allocationMwHour: Double = 0.0, allocationPrice: Double = 0.0, energyTypeCode: String = null, marketServiceType: String = null, AllocationResult: String = null, RegisteredResource: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Models Market clearing results in terms of price and MW values.

    Models Market clearing results in terms of price and MW values.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    "1" -- "Detail", "2" -- "Aggregate by Market service type", in which case, the "AllocationEnergyType" field will not be filled; "3" -- "Aggregate by "AllocationEnergyType", in which case "MarketServiceType" will not be filled.








    Choices are: ME - Market Energy Capacity; SR - Spinning Reserve Capacity; NR - Non-Spinning Reserve Capacity; DAC - Day Ahead Capacity; DEC - Derate Capacity


    AllocationResult undocumented


    RegisteredResource undocumented

  31. final case class AltGeneratingUnitMeas(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, priority: Int = 0, AnalogValue: String = null, ControlAreaGeneratingUnit: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A prioritized measurement to be used for the generating unit in the control area specification.

    A prioritized measurement to be used for the generating unit in the control area specification.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    Priority of a measurement usage. Lower numbers have first priority.


    AnalogValue The specific analog value used as a source.


    ControlAreaGeneratingUnit The control area generating unit to which the prioritized measurement assignment is applied.

  32. final case class AltTieMeas(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, priority: Int = 0, AnalogValue: String = null, TieFlow: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A prioritized measurement to be used for the tie flow as part of the control area specification.

    A prioritized measurement to be used for the tie flow as part of the control area specification.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    Priority of a measurement usage. Lower numbers have first priority.


    AnalogValue The specific analog value used as a source.


    TieFlow The tie flow of the alternate measurements.

  33. final case class AlternateModel(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, AlternateModelGroup: String = null, Dataset: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

  34. final case class AlternateModelGroup(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, AlternateModel: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

  35. final case class Analog(Measurement: Measurement = null, maxValue: Double = 0.0, minValue: Double = 0.0, normalValue: Double = 0.0, positiveFlowIn: Boolean = false, AnalogValues: List[String] = null, LimitSets: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Analog represents an analog Measurement.

    Analog represents an analog Measurement.


    Measurement Reference to the superclass object.


    Normal value range maximum for any of the MeasurementValue.values. Used for scaling, e.g. in bar graphs or of telemetered raw values.


    Normal value range minimum for any of the MeasurementValue.values. Used for scaling, e.g. in bar graphs or of telemetered raw values.


    Normal measurement value, e.g., used for percentage calculations.


    If true then this measurement is an active power, reactive power or current with the convention that a positive value measured at the Terminal means power is flowing into the related PowerSystemResource.


    AnalogValue The values connected to this measurement.


    AnalogLimitSet A measurement may have zero or more limit ranges defined for it.

  36. final case class AnalogControl(Control: Control = null, maxValue: Double = 0.0, minValue: Double = 0.0, AnalogValue: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    An analog control used for supervisory control.

    An analog control used for supervisory control.


    Control Reference to the superclass object.


    Normal value range maximum for any of the Control.value. Used for scaling, e.g. in bar graphs.


    Normal value range minimum for any of the Control.value. Used for scaling, e.g. in bar graphs.


    AnalogValue The MeasurementValue that is controlled.

  37. final case class AnalogLimit(Limit: Limit = null, value: Double = 0.0, LimitSet: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Limit values for Analog measurements.

    Limit values for Analog measurements.


    Limit Reference to the superclass object.


    The value to supervise against.


    AnalogLimitSet The set of limits.

  38. final case class AnalogLimitSet(LimitSet: LimitSet = null, Limits: List[String] = null, Measurements: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    An AnalogLimitSet specifies a set of Limits that are associated with an Analog measurement.

    An AnalogLimitSet specifies a set of Limits that are associated with an Analog measurement.


    LimitSet Reference to the superclass object.


    AnalogLimit The limit values used for supervision of Measurements.


    Analog The Measurements using the LimitSet.

  39. final case class AnalogMeasurementValueQuality(MeasurementValueQuality: MeasurementValueQuality = null, scadaQualityCode: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Measurement quality flags for Analog Values.

    Measurement quality flags for Analog Values.


    MeasurementValueQuality Reference to the superclass object.


    The quality code for the given Analog Value.

  40. final case class AnalogValue(MeasurementValue: MeasurementValue = null, value: Double = 0.0, AltGeneratingUnit: List[String] = null, AltTieMeas: List[String] = null, Analog: String = null, AnalogControl: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    AnalogValue represents an analog MeasurementValue.

    AnalogValue represents an analog MeasurementValue.


    MeasurementValue Reference to the superclass object.


    The value to supervise.


    AltGeneratingUnitMeas The alternate generating unit for which this measurement value applies.


    AltTieMeas The usage of the measurement within the control area specification.


    Analog Measurement to which this value is connected.


    AnalogControl The Control variable associated with the MeasurementValue.

  41. final case class Analytic(Document: Document = null, bestValue: Double = 0.0, kind: String = null, scaleKind: String = null, worstValue: Double = 0.0, AnalyticScore: List[String] = null, Asset: List[String] = null, AssetGroup: List[String] = null, AssetHealthEvent: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    An algorithm or calculation for making an assessment about an asset or asset grouping for lifecycle decision making.

    An algorithm or calculation for making an assessment about an asset or asset grouping for lifecycle decision making.


    Document Reference to the superclass object.


    Value that indicates best possible numeric value.


    Kind of analytic this analytic is.


    The scoring scale kind.


    Value that indicates worst possible numeric value.


    AnalyticScore Analytic score produced by this analytic.


    Asset Asset on which this analytic can be performed.


    AssetGroup Asset group on which this analytic can be performed.


    AssetHealthEvent Asset health event which can be generated by this analytic.

  42. final case class AnalyticScore(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, calculationDateTime: String = null, effectiveDateTime: String = null, value: Double = 0.0, Analytic: String = null, Asset: String = null, AssetAggregateScore: String = null, AssetGroup: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    An indicative scoring by an analytic that can be used to characterize the health of or the risk associated with one or more assets.

    An indicative scoring by an analytic that can be used to characterize the health of or the risk associated with one or more assets.

    The analytic score reflects the results of an execution of an analytic against an asset or group of assets.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    Timestamp of when the score was calculated.


    Date-time for when the score applies.


    Asset health score value.


    Analytic Analytic which was executed to arrive at this analytic score..


    Asset Asset to which this analytic score applies.


    AggregateScore Aggregate score to which this analytic score contributed.


    AssetGroup Asset group to which this analytic score applies..

  43. final case class AncillaryServiceClearing(MarketFactors: MarketFactors = null, MarketCaseClearing: String = null, MarketRegionResults: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Model of results of market clearing with respect to Ancillary Service products.

    Model of results of market clearing with respect to Ancillary Service products.


    MarketFactors Reference to the superclass object.


    MarketCaseClearing undocumented


    MarketRegionResults undocumented

  44. final case class AnnotatedProjectDependency(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, dependencyType: String = null, DependentOnStage: String = null, DependingStage: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

  45. final case class ApparentPowerLimit(OperationalLimit: OperationalLimit = null, normalValue: Double = 0.0, value: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Apparent power limit.

    Apparent power limit.


    OperationalLimit Reference to the superclass object.


    The normal apparent power limit. The attribute shall be a positive value or zero.


    The apparent power limit. The attribute shall be a positive value or zero.

  46. final case class Appointment(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, callAhead: Boolean = false, meetingInterval: String = null, Persons: List[String] = null, Works: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Meeting time and location.

    Meeting time and location.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    True if requested to call customer when someone is about to arrive at their premises.


    Date and time reserved for appointment.


    PersonRole All persons for this appointment.


    Work All works for this appointment.

  47. final case class Approver(DocumentPersonRole: DocumentPersonRole = null, Documents: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Person who accepted/signed or rejected the document.

    Person who accepted/signed or rejected the document.


    DocumentPersonRole Reference to the superclass object.


    Document All documents for this approver.

  48. final case class AreaLoadBid(Bid: Bid = null, demandBidMW: Double = 0.0, LoadBid: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    AreaLoadBid is not submitted by a market participant into the Markets.

    AreaLoadBid is not submitted by a market participant into the Markets.

    Instead, it is simply an aggregation of all LoadBids contained wtihin a specific SubControlArea. This entity should inherit from Bid for representation of the timeframe (startTime, stopTime) and the market type.


    Bid Reference to the superclass object.


    The Demand Bid Megawatt for the area case. Attribute Usage: This is Scheduled demand MW in Day Ahead


    LoadBid undocumented

  49. final case class AreaLoadCurve(RegularIntervalSchedule: RegularIntervalSchedule = null, forecastType: String = null, AggregateNode: String = null, TACArea: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Area load curve definition.

    Area load curve definition.


    RegularIntervalSchedule Reference to the superclass object.


    Load forecast area type.


    AggregateNode undocumented


    TACArea undocumented

  50. final case class AreaReserveSpec(Element: BasicElement = null, lowerRegMarginReqt: Double = 0.0, opReserveReqt: Double = 0.0, primaryReserveReqt: Double = 0.0, raiseRegMarginReqt: Double = 0.0, spinningReserveReqt: Double = 0.0, Description: String = null, SubControlArea: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    The control area's reserve specification.

    The control area's reserve specification.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    Lower regulating margin requirement in MW, the amount of generation that can be dropped by control in 10 minutes


    Operating reserve requirement in MW, where operating reserve is the generating capability that is fully available within 30 minutes. Operating reserve is composed of primary reserve (t less than 10 min) and secondary reserve (10 less than t less than 30 min).


    Primary reserve requirement in MW, where primary reserve is generating capability that is fully available within 10 minutes. Primary reserve is composed of spinning reserve and quick-start reserve.


    Raise regulating margin requirement in MW, the amount of generation that can be picked up by control in 10 minutes


    Spinning reserve requirement in MW, spinning reserve is generating capability that is presently synchronized to the network and is fully available within 10 minutes


    Description of the object or instance.


    SubControlArea undocumented

  51. final case class AssemblyDescription(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, ModelSpecification: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A description for how to assemble model parts for a specific purpose.

    A description for how to assemble model parts for a specific purpose.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    ModelPartSpecification The models that are part of the assembly descrption.

  52. final case class AssemblyManifest(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A collection of model parts when combined form a case or part of a case.

    A collection of model parts when combined form a case or part of a case.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.

  53. final case class Asset(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, acceptanceTest: String = null, baselineCondition: String = null, baselineLossOfLife: Double = 0.0, critical: Boolean = false, electronicAddress: String = null, inUseDate: String = null, inUseState: String = null, kind: String = null, lifecycleDate: String = null, lifecycleState: String = null, lotNumber: String = null, position: String = null, purchasePrice: Double = 0.0, retiredReason: String = null, serialNumber: String = null, status: String = null, type: String = null, utcNumber: String = null, ActivityRecords: List[String] = null, Analytic: List[String] = null, AnalyticScore: List[String] = null, AssetContainer: String = null, AssetDeployment: String = null, AssetFunction: List[String] = null, AssetGroup: List[String] = null, AssetInfo: String = null, AssetPropertyCurves: List[String] = null, BreakerOperation: String = null, ConfigurationEvents: List[String] = null, ErpInventory: String = null, ErpItemMaster: String = null, ErpRecDeliveryItems: List[String] = null, FinancialInfo: String = null, Location: String = null, Measurements: List[String] = null, Medium: List[String] = null, OperationalTags: List[String] = null, OrganisationRoles: List[String] = null, Ownerships: List[String] = null, PowerSystemResources: List[String] = null, ProcedureDataSet: List[String] = null, Procedures: List[String] = null, ProductAssetModel: String = null, Reconditionings: List[String] = null, ReliabilityInfos: List[String] = null, ReplacementWorkTasks: List[String] = null, ScheduledEvents: List[String] = null, WorkTasks: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Tangible resource of the utility, including power system equipment, various end devices, cabinets, buildings, etc.

    Tangible resource of the utility, including power system equipment, various end devices, cabinets, buildings, etc.

    For electrical network equipment, the role of the asset is defined through PowerSystemResource and its subclasses, defined mainly in the Wires model (refer to IEC61970-301 and model package IEC61970::Wires). Asset description places emphasis on the physical characteristics of the equipment fulfilling that role.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    AcceptanceTest Information on acceptance test.


    Condition of asset at last baseline. Examples include new, rebuilt, overhaul required, other. Refer to inspection data for information on the most current condition of the asset.


    Percentage of initial life expectancy that has been lost as of the last life expectancy baseline. Represents (initial life expectancy - current life expectancy) / initial life expectancy.


    True if asset is considered critical for some reason (for example, a pole with critical attachments).


    Electronic address.


    InUseDate In use dates for this asset.


    Indication of whether asset is currently deployed (in use), ready to be put into use or not available for use.


    Kind of asset. Used in description of asset components in asset instance templates.


    LifecycleDate <was lifecycle> Lifecycle dates for this asset.


    Current lifecycle state of asset.


    Lot number for this asset. Even for the same model and version number, many assets are manufactured in lots.


    Position of asset or asset component. May often be in relation to other assets or components.


    Purchase price of asset.


    Reason asset retired.


    Serial number of this asset.


    Status of this asset.


    Utility-specific classification of Asset and its subtypes, according to their corporate standards, practices, and existing IT systems (e.g., for management of assets, maintenance, work, outage, customers, etc.).


    Uniquely tracked commodity (UTC) number.


    ActivityRecord All activity records created for this asset.


    Analytic Analytic performed on this asset.


    AnalyticScore Analytic result related to this asset.


    AssetContainer Container of this asset.


    AssetDeployment This asset's deployment.


    AssetFunction undocumented


    AssetGroup Asset group of which this asset is a part.


    AssetInfo Data applicable to this asset.


    AssetPropertyCurve undocumented


    SwitchOperationSummary Breaker operation information for this breaker.


    ConfigurationEvent All configuration events created for this asset.


    ErpInventory undocumented


    ErpItemMaster undocumented


    ErpRecDelvLineItem undocumented


    FinancialInfo Financial information related to this asset.


    Location Location of this asset.


    Measurement Measurement related to this asset.


    Medium Medium with which this asset is filled.


    OperationalTag All operational tags placed on this asset.


    AssetOrganisationRole All roles an organisation plays for this asset.


    Ownership All ownerships of this asset.


    PowerSystemResource All power system resources used to electrically model this asset. For example, transformer asset is electrically modelled with a transformer and its windings and tap changer.


    ProcedureDataSet Procedure data set that applies to this asset.


    Procedure All procedures applicable to this asset.


    ProductAssetModel The model of this asset.


    Reconditioning undocumented


    ReliabilityInfo undocumented


    WorkTask All work tasks on replacement of this old asset.


    ScheduledEvent Scheduled event related to this asset.


    WorkTask All non-replacement work tasks performed on this asset.

  54. final case class AssetAnalog(Analog: Analog = null, detectionLimit: Double = 0.0, precision: Double = 0.0, reportingTemperature: Double = 0.0, TestStandard: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Definition of type of analog useful in asset domain.

    Definition of type of analog useful in asset domain.


    Analog Reference to the superclass object.


    Detection limit of related analog value if different from detection limit of test standard or if there is no test standard. The detection limit (also known as lower limit of detection or limit of detection (LOD), is the lowest quantity of a substance that can be distinguished from the absence of that substance (a blank value) within a stated confidence limit (generally 1%).


    Precision of related analog value if different from precision of test standard or if there is no test standard. Precision is a measure of how closely individual measurements agree with one another. Expressed as 'plus or minus' the value of this attribute.


    Reporting temperature of related analog value if different from reporting temperature of test standard or if there is no test standard. Reporting temperature is what gas volumes are normalized to. Different reporting temperatures are used by different sources. For example, ASTM specifies 0°C, whereas IEC specifies 20°C. Online monitors often have their own unique reporting temperatures.


    TestStandard The lab test standard to which this asset health analog is related.

  55. final case class AssetContainer(Asset: Asset = null, Assets: List[String] = null, LandProperties: List[String] = null, Seals: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Asset that is aggregation of other assets such as conductors, transformers, switchgear, land, fences, buildings, equipment, vehicles, etc.

    Asset that is aggregation of other assets such as conductors, transformers, switchgear, land, fences, buildings, equipment, vehicles, etc.


    Asset Reference to the superclass object.


    Asset All assets within this container asset.


    LandProperty undocumented


    Seal All seals applied to this asset container.

  56. final case class AssetDeployment(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, breakerApplication: String = null, deploymentDate: String = null, deploymentState: String = null, facilityKind: String = null, likelihoodOfFailure: Int = 0, transformerApplication: String = null, Asset: String = null, BaseVoltage: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Deployment of asset deployment in a power system resource role.

    Deployment of asset deployment in a power system resource role.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    Type of network role breaker is playing in this deployment (applies to breaker assets only).


    DeploymentDate Dates of asset deployment.


    Current deployment state of asset.


    Kind of facility (like substation or pole or building or plant or service center) at which asset deployed.


    Likelihood of asset failure on a scale of 1(low) to 100 (high).


    Type of network role transformer is playing in this deployment (applies to transformer assets only).


    Asset Asset in this deployment.


    BaseVoltage Base voltage of this network asset deployment.

  57. final case class AssetDiscrete(Discrete: Discrete = null, TestStandard: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Definition of type of discrete useful in asset domain.

    Definition of type of discrete useful in asset domain.


    Discrete Reference to the superclass object.


    TestStandard The lab test standard to which this asset health discrete is related.

  58. final case class AssetFunction(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, configID: String = null, firmwareID: String = null, hardwareID: String = null, password: String = null, programID: String = null, Asset: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Function performed by an asset.

    Function performed by an asset.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    Configuration specified for this function.


    Firmware version.


    Hardware version.


    Password needed to access this function.


    Name of program.


    Asset undocumented

  59. final case class AssetGroup(Document: Document = null, kind: String = null, Analytic: List[String] = null, AnalyticScore: List[String] = null, Asset: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A grouping of assets created for a purpose such as fleet analytics, inventory or compliance management.

    A grouping of assets created for a purpose such as fleet analytics, inventory or compliance management.


    Document Reference to the superclass object.


    Kind of asset group this asset group is.


    Analytic Analytic which can be performed on this asset group.


    AnalyticScore Analytic score for this asset group.


    Asset Asset which is a part of this asset group.

  60. final case class AssetHealthEvent(ActivityRecord: ActivityRecord = null, actionRecommendation: String = null, actionTimeline: String = null, effectiveDateTime: String = null, Analytic: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    An asset health-related event that is created by an analytic.

    An asset health-related event that is created by an analytic.

    The event is a record of a change in asset health.


    ActivityRecord Reference to the superclass object.


    Recommendation for action.


    Time horizon for action.


    The date and time when the event is effective.


    Analytic Analytic that initiated this asset health event.

  61. final case class AssetInfo(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, Assets: List[String] = null, CatalogAssetType: String = null, PowerSystemResources: List[String] = null, ProductAssetModel: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Set of attributes of an asset, representing typical datasheet information of a physical device that can be instantiated and shared in different data exchange contexts: - as attributes of an asset instance (installed or in stock) - as attributes of an asset model (product by a manufacturer)

    Set of attributes of an asset, representing typical datasheet information of a physical device that can be instantiated and shared in different data exchange contexts: - as attributes of an asset instance (installed or in stock) - as attributes of an asset model (product by a manufacturer)

    - as attributes of a type asset (generic type of an asset as used in designs/extension planning).


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    Asset All assets described by this data.


    CatalogAssetType Asset information (nameplate) for this catalog asset type.


    PowerSystemResource All power system resources with this datasheet information.


    ProductAssetModel Product asset model which conforms to this catalog asset type.

  62. final case class AssetLocationHazard(Hazard: Hazard = null, kind: String = null, Locations: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Potential hazard related to the location of an asset.

    Potential hazard related to the location of an asset.

    Examples are trees growing under overhead power lines, a park being located by a substation (i.e., children climb fence to recover a ball), a lake near an overhead distribution line (fishing pole/line contacting power lines), dangerous neighbour, etc.


    Hazard Reference to the superclass object.


    Kind of hazard.


    Location The location of this hazard.

  63. final case class AssetModelCatalogue(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, status: String = null, AssetModelCatalogueItems: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Catalogue of available types of products and materials that are used to build or install, maintain or operate an Asset.

    Catalogue of available types of products and materials that are used to build or install, maintain or operate an Asset.

    Each catalogue item is for a specific product (AssetModel) available from a specific supplier.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.




    AssetModelCatalogueItem undocumented

  64. final case class AssetModelCatalogueItem(Document: Document = null, unitCost: Double = 0.0, AssetModel: String = null, AssetModelCatalogue: String = null, ErpPOLineItems: List[String] = null, ErpQuoteLineItems: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Provides pricing and other relevant information about a specific manufacturer's product (i.e., AssetModel), and its price from a given supplier.

    Provides pricing and other relevant information about a specific manufacturer's product (i.e., AssetModel), and its price from a given supplier.

    A single AssetModel may be availble from multiple suppliers. Note that manufacturer and supplier are both types of organisation, which the association is inherited from Document.


    Document Reference to the superclass object.


    Unit cost for an asset model from a specific supplier, either for a unit cost or cost per unit length. Cost is for material or asset only and does not include labor to install/construct or configure it.


    ProductAssetModel undocumented


    AssetModelCatalogue undocumented


    ErpPOLineItem undocumented


    ErpQuoteLineItem undocumented

  65. final case class AssetOrganisationRole(OrganisationRole: OrganisationRole = null, Assets: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Role an organisation plays with respect to asset.

    Role an organisation plays with respect to asset.


    OrganisationRole Reference to the superclass object.


    Asset All assets for this organisation role.

  66. final case class AssetOwner(AssetOrganisationRole: AssetOrganisationRole = null, Ownerships: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Owner of the asset.

    Owner of the asset.


    AssetOrganisationRole Reference to the superclass object.


    Ownership All ownerships of this owner.

  67. final case class AssetPropertyCurve(Curve: Curve = null, Assets: List[String] = null, Specification: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    An Asset Property that is described through curves rather than as a data point.

    An Asset Property that is described through curves rather than as a data point.

    The relationship is to be defined between an independent variable (X-axis) and one or two dependent variables (Y1-axis and Y2-axis).


    Curve Reference to the superclass object.


    Asset undocumented


    Specification undocumented

  68. final case class AssetStringMeasurement(StringMeasurement: StringMeasurement = null, kind: String = null, TestStandard: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Definition of type of string measurement useful in asset domain.

    Definition of type of string measurement useful in asset domain.


    StringMeasurement Reference to the superclass object.


    Kind of string useful in asset domain.


    TestStandard Test standard which describes this asset string measurement.

  69. final case class AssetTemperaturePressureAnalog(AssetAnalog: AssetAnalog = null, kind: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Temperature or pressure type of asset analog.

    Temperature or pressure type of asset analog.


    AssetAnalog Reference to the superclass object.


    Kind of analog representing temperature or pressure related to an asset.

  70. final case class AssetTestLab(AssetOrganisationRole: AssetOrganisationRole = null, LabTestDataSet: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Test lab that performs various types of testing related to assets.

    Test lab that performs various types of testing related to assets.


    AssetOrganisationRole Reference to the superclass object.


    LabTestDataSet A set of lab test results produced by this test lab.

  71. final case class AssetTestSampleTaker(AssetOrganisationRole: AssetOrganisationRole = null, Specimen: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Identity of person/organization that took sample.

    Identity of person/organization that took sample.


    AssetOrganisationRole Reference to the superclass object.


    Specimen Specimen taken by this sample taker.

  72. final case class AssetUser(AssetOrganisationRole: AssetOrganisationRole = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Organisation that is a user of the asset.

    Organisation that is a user of the asset.


    AssetOrganisationRole Reference to the superclass object.

  73. final case class Assignment(WorkDocument: WorkDocument = null, effectivePeriod: String = null, Crews: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    An assignment is given to an ErpPerson, Crew, Organisation, Equipment Item, Tool, etc.

    An assignment is given to an ErpPerson, Crew, Organisation, Equipment Item, Tool, etc. and may be used to perform Work, WorkTasks, Procedures, etc.

    TimeSchedules may be set up directly for Assignments or indirectly via the associated WorkTask. Note that these associations are all inherited through the recursive relationship on Document.


    WorkDocument Reference to the superclass object.


    Period between the assignment becoming effective and its expiration.


    OldCrew All Crews having this Assignment.

  74. final case class AsynchronousMachine(RotatingMachine: RotatingMachine = null, asynchronousMachineType: String = null, converterFedDrive: Boolean = false, efficiency: Double = 0.0, iaIrRatio: Double = 0.0, nominalFrequency: Double = 0.0, nominalSpeed: Double = 0.0, polePairNumber: Int = 0, ratedMechanicalPower: Double = 0.0, reversible: Boolean = false, rr1: Double = 0.0, rr2: Double = 0.0, rxLockedRotorRatio: Double = 0.0, tpo: Double = 0.0, tppo: Double = 0.0, xlr1: Double = 0.0, xlr2: Double = 0.0, xm: Double = 0.0, xp: Double = 0.0, xpp: Double = 0.0, xs: Double = 0.0, AsynchronousMachineDynamics: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A rotating machine whose shaft rotates asynchronously with the electrical field.

    A rotating machine whose shaft rotates asynchronously with the electrical field.

    Also known as an induction machine with no external connection to the rotor windings, e.g. squirrel-cage induction machine.


    RotatingMachine Reference to the superclass object.


    Indicates the type of Asynchronous Machine (motor or generator).


    Indicates whether the machine is a converter fed drive. Used for short circuit data exchange according to IEC 60909.


    Efficiency of the asynchronous machine at nominal operation as a percentage. Indicator for converter drive motors. Used for short circuit data exchange according to IEC 60909.


    Ratio of locked-rotor current to the rated current of the motor (Ia/Ir). Used for short circuit data exchange according to IEC 60909.


    Nameplate data indicates if the machine is 50 Hz or 60 Hz.


    Nameplate data. Depends on the slip and number of pole pairs.


    Number of pole pairs of stator. Used for short circuit data exchange according to IEC 60909.


    Rated mechanical power (Pr in IEC 60909-0). Used for short circuit data exchange according to IEC 60909.


    Indicates for converter drive motors if the power can be reversible. Used for short circuit data exchange according to IEC 60909.


    Damper 1 winding resistance.


    Damper 2 winding resistance.


    Locked rotor ratio (R/X). Used for short circuit data exchange according to IEC 60909.


    Transient rotor time constant (greater than tppo).


    Sub-transient rotor time constant (greater than 0).


    Damper 1 winding leakage reactance.


    Damper 2 winding leakage reactance.


    Magnetizing reactance.


    Transient reactance (unsaturated) (greater than or equal to xpp).


    Sub-transient reactance (unsaturated).


    Synchronous reactance (greater than xp).


    AsynchronousMachineDynamics Asynchronous machine dynamics model used to describe dynamic behaviour of this asynchronous machine.

  75. final case class AsynchronousMachineDynamics(RotatingMachineDynamics: RotatingMachineDynamics = null, AsynchronousMachine: String = null, MechanicalLoadDynamics: String = null, TurbineGovernorDynamics: String = null, WindTurbineType1or2Dynamics: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Asynchronous machine whose behaviour is described by reference to a standard model expressed in either time constant reactance form or equivalent circuit form <font color="#0f0f0f">or by definition of a user-defined model.</font> Parameter details:

    Asynchronous machine whose behaviour is described by reference to a standard model expressed in either time constant reactance form or equivalent circuit form <font color="#0f0f0f">or by definition of a user-defined model.</font> Parameter details:

    • Asynchronous machine parameters such as Xl, Xs, etc. are actually used as inductances in the model, but are commonly referred to as reactances since, at nominal frequency, the PU values are the same.

    However, some references use the symbol L instead of X.


    RotatingMachineDynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    AsynchronousMachine Asynchronous machine to which this asynchronous machine dynamics model applies.


    MechanicalLoadDynamics Mechanical load model associated with this asynchronous machine model.


    TurbineGovernorDynamics Turbine-governor model associated with this asynchronous machine model.


    WindTurbineType1or2Dynamics Wind generator type 1 or type 2 model associated with this asynchronous machine model.

  76. final case class AsynchronousMachineEquivalentCircuit(AsynchronousMachineDynamics: AsynchronousMachineDynamics = null, rr1: Double = 0.0, rr2: Double = 0.0, xlr1: Double = 0.0, xlr2: Double = 0.0, xm: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    The electrical equations of all variations of the asynchronous model are based on the AsynchronousEquivalentCircuit diagram for the direct- and quadrature- axes, with two equivalent rotor windings in each axis.

    The electrical equations of all variations of the asynchronous model are based on the AsynchronousEquivalentCircuit diagram for the direct- and quadrature- axes, with two equivalent rotor windings in each axis.

    Equations for conversion between equivalent circuit and time constant reactance forms: Xs = Xm + Xl X' = Xl + Xm x Xlr1 / (Xm + Xlr1) X'' = Xl + Xm x Xlr1 x Xlr2 / (Xm x Xlr1 + Xm x Xlr2 + Xlr1 x Xlr2) T'o = (Xm + Xlr1) / (omega0 x Rr1) T''o = (Xm x Xlr1 + Xm x Xlr2 + Xlr1 x Xlr2) / (omega0 x Rr2 x (Xm + Xlr1) Same equations using CIM attributes from AsynchronousMachineTimeConstantReactance class on left of "=" and AsynchronousMachineEquivalentCircuit class on right (except as noted): xs = xm + RotatingMachineDynamics.statorLeakageReactance xp = RotatingMachineDynamics.statorLeakageReactance + xm x xlr1 / (xm + xlr1) xpp = RotatingMachineDynamics.statorLeakageReactance + xm x xlr1 x xlr2 / (xm x xlr1 + xm x xlr2 + xlr1 x xlr2) tpo = (xm + xlr1) / (2 x pi x nominal frequency x rr1) tppo = (xm x xlr1 + xm x xlr2 + xlr1 x xlr2) / (2 x pi x nominal frequency x rr2 x (xm + xlr1).


    AsynchronousMachineDynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    Damper 1 winding resistance.


    Damper 2 winding resistance.


    Damper 1 winding leakage reactance.


    Damper 2 winding leakage reactance.


    Magnetizing reactance.

  77. final case class AsynchronousMachineTimeConstantReactance(AsynchronousMachineDynamics: AsynchronousMachineDynamics = null, tpo: Double = 0.0, tppo: Double = 0.0, xp: Double = 0.0, xpp: Double = 0.0, xs: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Parameter details:

    Parameter details:

    • If X'' = X', a single cage (one equivalent rotor winding per axis) is modelled.
    • The “p” in the attribute names is a substitution for a “prime” in the usual parameter notation, e.g. tpo refers to T'o.

    The parameters used for models expressed in time constant reactance form include: - RotatingMachine.ratedS (MVAbase); - RotatingMachineDynamics.damping (D); - RotatingMachineDynamics.inertia (H); - RotatingMachineDynamics.saturationFactor (S1); - RotatingMachineDynamics.saturationFactor120 (S12); - RotatingMachineDynamics.statorLeakageReactance (Xl); - RotatingMachineDynamics.statorResistance (Rs); - .xs (Xs); - .xp (X'); - .xpp (X''); - .tpo (T'o);

    - .tppo (T''o).


    AsynchronousMachineDynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    Transient rotor time constant (T'o) (> AsynchronousMachineTimeConstantReactance.tppo). Typical value = 5.


    Subtransient rotor time constant (T''o) (> 0). Typical value = 0,03.


    Transient reactance (unsaturated) (X') (>= AsynchronousMachineTimeConstantReactance.xpp). Typical value = 0,5.


    Subtransient reactance (unsaturated) (X'') (> RotatingMachineDynamics.statorLeakageReactance). Typical value = 0,2.


    Synchronous reactance (Xs) (>= AsynchronousMachineTimeConstantReactance.xp). Typical value = 1,8.

  78. final case class AsynchronousMachineUserDefined(AsynchronousMachineDynamics: AsynchronousMachineDynamics = null, proprietary: Boolean = false, ProprietaryParameterDynamics: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Asynchronous machine whose dynamic behaviour is described by a user-defined model.

    Asynchronous machine whose dynamic behaviour is described by a user-defined model.


    AsynchronousMachineDynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    Behaviour is based on a proprietary model as opposed to a detailed model. true = user-defined model is proprietary with behaviour mutually understood by sending and receiving applications and parameters passed as general attributes false = user-defined model is explicitly defined in terms of control blocks and their input and output signals.


    ProprietaryParameterDynamics Parameter of this proprietary user-defined model.

  79. final case class AtmosphericAnalog(EnvironmentalAnalog: EnvironmentalAnalog = null, kind: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Analog (float) measuring an atmospheric condition.

    Analog (float) measuring an atmospheric condition.


    EnvironmentalAnalog Reference to the superclass object.


    Kind of atmospheric analog.

  80. final case class AtmosphericPhenomenon(EnvironmentalPhenomenon: EnvironmentalPhenomenon = null, altitude: String = null, base: String = null, direction: Double = 0.0, maxCoverage: Double = 0.0, minCoverage: Double = 0.0, speed: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    An atmospheric phenomenon with a base and altitude providing the vertical coverage (combined with the Location to provide three dimensional space).

    An atmospheric phenomenon with a base and altitude providing the vertical coverage (combined with the Location to provide three dimensional space).


    EnvironmentalPhenomenon Reference to the superclass object.


    The maximum altitude of the phenomenon.


    The base altitude of the phenomenon.


    The direction the phenomenon is moving.


    The maximum percentage coverage


    The minimum percentage coverage


    The speed of the phenomenon

  81. final case class AttributeInstanceComponent(Element: BasicElement = null, attribute: String = null, attributeValue: String = null, position: Int = 0, MarketDocument: List[String] = null, TimeSeries: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A class used to provide information about an attribute.

    A class used to provide information about an attribute.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    The identification of the formal name of an attribute.


    The instance value of the attribute.


    A sequential value representing a relative sequence number.


    MarketDocument undocumented


    TimeSeries undocumented

  82. final case class AttributeProperty(Element: BasicElement = null, propertyName: String = null, propertyValue: String = null, sequence: String = null, MktUserAttribute: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Property for a particular attribute that contains name and value.

    Property for a particular attribute that contains name and value.


    Reference to the superclass object.








    MktUserAttribute undocumented

  83. final case class Auction(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, allocationMode: String = null, cancelled: String = null, category: String = null, paymentTerms: String = null, rights: String = null, type: String = null, TimeSeries: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A class providing the identification and type of an auction.

    A class providing the identification and type of an auction.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    Identification of the method of allocation in an auction.


    An indicator that signifies that the auction has been cancelled.


    The product category of an auction.


    The terms which dictate the determination of the bid payment price.


    The rights of use the transmission capacity acquired in an auction.


    The kind of the Auction (e.g. implicit, explicit ...).


    TimeSeries undocumented

  84. final case class Author(DocumentPersonRole: DocumentPersonRole = null, ActivityRecords: List[String] = null, Documents: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Person who created document or activity record.

    Person who created document or activity record.


    DocumentPersonRole Reference to the superclass object.


    ActivityRecord All activity records with this author.


    Document All documents of this this author.

  85. final case class AuxiliaryAccount(Document: Document = null, balance: Double = 0.0, due: String = null, lastCredit: String = null, lastDebit: String = null, principleAmount: Double = 0.0, AuxiliaryAgreement: String = null, Charges: List[String] = null, PaymentTransactions: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Variable and dynamic part of auxiliary agreement, generally representing the current state of the account related to the outstanding balance defined in auxiliary agreement.

    Variable and dynamic part of auxiliary agreement, generally representing the current state of the account related to the outstanding balance defined in auxiliary agreement.


    Document Reference to the superclass object.


    The total amount currently remaining on this account that is required to be paid in order to settle the account to zero. This excludes any due amounts not yet paid.


    Due Current amounts now due for payment on this account.


    AccountMovement Details of the last credit transaction performed on this account.


    AccountMovement Details of the last debit transaction performed on this account.


    The initial principle amount, with which this account was instantiated.


    AuxiliaryAgreement Auxiliary agreement regulating this account.


    Charge All charges levied on this account.


    Transaction All payments against this account.

  86. final case class AuxiliaryAgreement(Agreement: Agreement = null, arrearsInterest: Double = 0.0, auxCycle: String = null, auxPriorityCode: String = null, fixedAmount: Double = 0.0, minAmount: Double = 0.0, payCycle: String = null, subType: String = null, vendPortion: Double = 0.0, vendPortionArrear: Double = 0.0, AuxiliaryAccounts: List[String] = null, CustomerAgreement: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    An ad-hoc auxiliary account agreement associated with a customer agreement, not part of the customer's account, but typically subject to formal agreement between customer and supplier (utility).

    An ad-hoc auxiliary account agreement associated with a customer agreement, not part of the customer's account, but typically subject to formal agreement between customer and supplier (utility).

    Typically this is used to collect revenue owed by the customer for other services or arrears accrued with the utility for other services. It is typically linked to a prepaid token purchase transaction, thus forcing the customer to make a payment towards settlement of the auxiliary account balance whenever the customer needs to purchase a prepaid token for electricity. The present status of the auxiliary agreement can be defined in the context of the utility's business rules, for example: enabled, disabled, pending, over recovered, under recovered, written off, etc.


    Agreement Reference to the superclass object.


    The interest per annum to be charged prorata on 'AuxiliaryAccount.dueArrears' at the end of each 'payCycle'.


    The frequency for automatically recurring auxiliary charges, where 'AuxiliaryAccount.initialCharge' is recursively added to 'AuxiliaryAccount.dueCurrent' at the start of each 'auxCycle'. For example: on a specified date and time; hourly; daily; weekly; monthly; 3-monthly; 6-monthly; 12-monthly; etc.


    The coded priority indicating the priority that this auxiliary agreement has above other auxiliary agreements (associated with the same customer agreement) when it comes to competing for settlement from a payment transaction or token purchase.


    The fixed amount that has to be collected from each vending transaction towards settlement of this auxiliary agreement. Note that there may be multiple tokens vended per vending transaction, but this is not relevant.


    The minimum amount that has to be paid at any transaction towards settling this auxiliary agreement or reducing the balance.


    The contractually expected payment frequency (by the customer). Examples are: ad-hoc; on specified date; hourly, daily, weekly, monthly. etc.


    Sub-classification of the inherited 'type' for this AuxiliaryAgreement.


    The percentage of the transaction amount that has to be collected from each vending transaction towards settlement of this auxiliary agreement when payments are not in arrears. Note that there may be multiple tokens vended per vending transaction, but this is not relevant.


    The percentage of the transaction amount that has to be collected from each vending transaction towards settlement of this auxiliary agreement when payments are in arrears. Note that there may be multiple tokens vended per vending transaction, but this is not relevant.


    AuxiliaryAccount All auxiliary accounts regulated by this agreement.


    CustomerAgreement Customer agreement this (non-service related) auxiliary agreement refers to.

  87. final case class AuxiliaryCost(Element: BasicElement = null, intervalStartTime: String = null, marketType: String = null, updateTimeStamp: String = null, updateUser: String = null, AuxillaryValues: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Models Market clearing results for Auxiliary costs.

    Models Market clearing results for Auxiliary costs.


    Reference to the superclass object.










    AuxiliaryValues undocumented

  88. final case class AuxiliaryEquipment(Equipment: Equipment = null, Terminal: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    AuxiliaryEquipment describe equipment that is not performing any primary functions but support for the equipment performing the primary function.

    AuxiliaryEquipment describe equipment that is not performing any primary functions but support for the equipment performing the primary function.

    AuxiliaryEquipment is attached to primary equipment via an association with Terminal.


    Equipment Reference to the superclass object.


    Terminal The Terminal at the equipment where the AuxiliaryEquipment is attached.

  89. final case class AuxiliaryObject(Element: BasicElement = null, RegisteredGenerator: String = null, RegisteredLoad: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Models Auxiliary Values.

    Models Auxiliary Values.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    RegisteredGenerator undocumented


    RegisteredLoad undocumented

  90. final case class AuxiliaryValues(AuxiliaryObject: AuxiliaryObject = null, availUndispatchedQ: Double = 0.0, incrementalORAvail: Double = 0.0, maxExpostCapacity: Double = 0.0, minExpostCapacity: Double = 0.0, noLoadCost: Double = 0.0, noLoadCostEligibilityFlag: String = null, startUpCost: Double = 0.0, startUpCostEligibilityFlag: String = null, AuxillaryCost: String = null, FiveMinAuxillaryData: String = null, TenMinAuxillaryData: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Models Auxiliary Values.

    Models Auxiliary Values.


    AuxiliaryObject Reference to the superclass object.


















    AuxiliaryCost undocumented


    FiveMinAuxiliaryData undocumented


    TenMinAuxiliaryData undocumented

  91. final case class AvailablityPlan(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, validPeriod: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    The collection of all the availability schedules for a given time range.

    The collection of all the availability schedules for a given time range.

    Only one availability plan shall be valid for the same period.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    The period of time for which the plan is valid.

  92. final case class BWRSteamSupply(SteamSupply: SteamSupply = null, highPowerLimit: Double = 0.0, inCoreThermalTC: Double = 0.0, integralGain: Double = 0.0, lowPowerLimit: Double = 0.0, lowerLimit: Double = 0.0, pressureLimit: Double = 0.0, pressureSetpointGA: Double = 0.0, pressureSetpointTC1: Double = 0.0, pressureSetpointTC2: Double = 0.0, proportionalGain: Double = 0.0, rfAux1: Double = 0.0, rfAux2: Double = 0.0, rfAux3: Double = 0.0, rfAux4: Double = 0.0, rfAux5: Double = 0.0, rfAux6: Double = 0.0, rfAux7: Double = 0.0, rfAux8: Double = 0.0, rodPattern: Double = 0.0, rodPatternConstant: Double = 0.0, upperLimit: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Boiling water reactor used as a steam supply to a steam turbine.

    Boiling water reactor used as a steam supply to a steam turbine.


    SteamSupply Reference to the superclass object.


    High power limit.


    In-core thermal time constant.


    Integral gain.


    Low power limit.


    Initial lower limit.


    Pressure limit.


    Pressure setpoint gain adjuster.


    Pressure setpoint time constant.


    Pressure setpoint time constant.


    Proportional gain.


    Coefficient for modelling the effect of off-nominal frequency and voltage on recirculation and core flow, which affects the BWR power output.


    Coefficient for modelling the effect of off-nominal frequency and voltage on recirculation and core flow, which affects the BWR power output.


    Coefficient for modelling the effect of off-nominal frequency and voltage on recirculation and core flow, which affects the BWR power output.


    Coefficient for modelling the effect of off-nominal frequency and voltage on recirculation and core flow, which affects the BWR power output.


    Coefficient for modelling the effect of off-nominal frequency and voltage on recirculation and core flow, which affects the BWR power output.


    Coefficient for modelling the effect of off-nominal frequency and voltage on recirculation and core flow, which affects the BWR power output.


    Coefficient for modelling the effect of off-nominal frequency and voltage on recirculation and core flow, which affects the BWR power output.


    Coefficient for modelling the effect of off-nominal frequency and voltage on recirculation and core flow, which affects the BWR power output.


    Rod pattern.


    Constant associated with rod pattern.


    Initial upper limit.

  93. final case class Bank(OrganisationRole: OrganisationRole = null, bic: String = null, iban: String = null, BankAccounts: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Organisation that is a commercial bank, agency, or other institution that offers a similar service.

    Organisation that is a commercial bank, agency, or other institution that offers a similar service.


    OrganisationRole Reference to the superclass object.


    Bank identifier code as defined in ISO 9362; for use in countries wher IBAN is not yet in operation.


    International bank account number defined in ISO 13616; for countries where IBAN is not in operation, the existing BIC or SWIFT codes may be used instead (see ISO 9362).


    BankAccount All BankAccounts this Bank provides.

  94. final case class BankAccount(Document: Document = null, accountNumber: String = null, Bank: String = null, ServiceSupplier: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Bank account.

    Bank account.


    Document Reference to the superclass object.


    Account reference number.


    Bank Bank that provides this BankAccount.


    ServiceSupplier ServiceSupplier that is owner of this BankAccount.

  95. final case class BankAccountDetail(Element: BasicElement = null, accountNumber: String = null, bankName: String = null, branchCode: String = null, holderID: String = null, holderName: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Details of a bank account.

    Details of a bank account.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    Operational account reference number.


    Name of bank where account is held.


    Branch of bank where account is held.


    National identity number (or equivalent) of account holder.


    Name of account holder.

  96. final case class BaseCaseConstraintLimit(Curve: Curve = null, SecurityConstraintSum: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Possibly time-varying max MW or MVA and optionally Min MW limit or MVA limit (Y1 and Y2, respectively) assigned to a contingency analysis base case.

    Possibly time-varying max MW or MVA and optionally Min MW limit or MVA limit (Y1 and Y2, respectively) assigned to a contingency analysis base case.

    Use CurveSchedule XAxisUnits to specify MW or MVA. To be used only if the BaseCaseConstraintLimit differs from the DefaultConstraintLimit.


    Curve Reference to the superclass object.


    SecurityConstraintSum undocumented

  97. final case class BaseFrequency(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, frequency: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    The BaseFrequency class describes a base frequency for a power system network.

    The BaseFrequency class describes a base frequency for a power system network.

    In case of multiple power networks with different frequencies, e.g. 50 Hz or 60 Hz each network will have its own base frequency class. Hence it is assumed that power system objects having different base frequencies appear in separate documents where each document has a single base frequency instance.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    The base frequency.

  98. final case class BasePower(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, basePower: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    The BasePower class defines the base power used in the per unit calculations.

    The BasePower class defines the base power used in the per unit calculations.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    Value used as base power.

  99. final case class BaseReading(MeasurementValue: MeasurementValue = null, reportedDateTime: String = null, source: String = null, timePeriod: String = null, value: String = null, ReadingQualities: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Common representation for reading values.

    Common representation for reading values.

    Note that a reading value may have multiple qualities, as produced by various systems ('ReadingQuality.source').


    MeasurementValue Reference to the superclass object.


    (used only when there are detailed auditing requirements) Date and time at which the reading was first delivered to the metering system.


    System that originally supplied the reading (e.g., customer, AMI system, handheld reading system, another enterprise system, etc.).


    Start and end of the period for those readings whose type has a time attribute such as 'billing', seasonal' or 'forTheSpecifiedPeriod'.


    Value of this reading.


    ReadingQuality All qualities of this reading.

  100. final case class BaseVoltage(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, nominalVoltage: Double = 0.0, ConductingEquipment: List[String] = null, NetworkAssetDeployment: List[String] = null, TopologicalNode: List[String] = null, TransformerEnds: List[String] = null, VoltageLevel: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Defines a system base voltage which is referenced.

    Defines a system base voltage which is referenced.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    The power system resource's base voltage. Shall be a positive value and not zero.


    ConductingEquipment All conducting equipment with this base voltage. Use only when there is no voltage level container used and only one base voltage applies. For example, not used for transformers.


    AssetDeployment A network asset deployment at this base voltage level.


    TopologicalNode The topological nodes at the base voltage.


    TransformerEnd Transformer ends at the base voltage. This is essential for PU calculation.


    VoltageLevel The voltage levels having this base voltage.

  101. final case class BaseWork(Document: Document = null, kind: String = null, priority: String = null, statusKind: String = null, TimeSchedules: List[String] = null, WorkActivityRecords: List[String] = null, WorkLocation: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Common representation for work and work tasks.

    Common representation for work and work tasks.


    Document Reference to the superclass object.


    Kind of work.


    Priority of work.


    Kind of work status.


    WorkTimeSchedule All time schedules for this work or work task.


    WorkActivityRecord All activity records for this work or work task.


    WorkLocation Location for this work/task.

  102. case class BasicElement(Element: Element = null, mRID: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Top level element.

    Top level element.

    Not all elements really have an mRID (classes in package Common like PositionPoint and PostalAddress) But Spark needs identifiers for joins, so, for now all elements have an mRID.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    Master resource identifier issued by a model authority. By convention, this is used as the RDF id in the CIM XML.

  103. final case class BasicIntervalSchedule(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, startTime: String = null, value1Multiplier: String = null, value1Unit: String = null, value2Multiplier: String = null, value2Unit: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Schedule of values at points in time.

    Schedule of values at points in time.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    The time for the first time point. The value can be a time of day, not a specific date.


    Multiplier for value1.


    Value1 units of measure.


    Multiplier for value2.


    Value2 units of measure.

  104. final case class BatteryUnit(PowerElectronicsUnit: PowerElectronicsUnit = null, batteryState: String = null, ratedE: Double = 0.0, storedE: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    An electrochemical energy storage device.

    An electrochemical energy storage device.


    PowerElectronicsUnit Reference to the superclass object.


    The current state of the battery (charging, full, etc.).


    Full energy storage capacity of the battery. The attribute shall be a positive value.


    Amount of energy currently stored. The attribute shall be a positive value or zero and lower than BatteryUnit.ratedE.

  105. final case class Bay(EquipmentContainer: EquipmentContainer = null, bayEnergyMeasFlag: Boolean = false, bayPowerMeasFlag: Boolean = false, breakerConfiguration: String = null, busBarConfiguration: String = null, Circuit: String = null, Substation: String = null, VoltageLevel: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A collection of power system resources (within a given substation) including conducting equipment, protection relays, measurements, and telemetry.

    A collection of power system resources (within a given substation) including conducting equipment, protection relays, measurements, and telemetry.

    A bay typically represents a physical grouping related to modularization of equipment.


    EquipmentContainer Reference to the superclass object.


    Indicates the presence/absence of energy measurements.


    Indicates the presence/absence of active/reactive power measurements.


    Breaker configuration.


    Busbar configuration.


    Circuit undocumented


    Substation Substation containing the bay.


    VoltageLevel The voltage level containing this bay.

  106. final case class Bid(Document: Document = null, marketType: String = null, startTime: String = null, stopTime: String = null, ActionRequest: String = null, BidHourlySchedule: List[String] = null, ChargeProfiles: List[String] = null, EnergyMarket: String = null, MarketParticipant: String = null, MitigatedBid: List[String] = null, MitigatedBidSegment: List[String] = null, ProductBids: List[String] = null, RMRDetermination: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Represents both bids to purchase and offers to sell energy or ancillary services in an RTO-sponsored market.

    Represents both bids to purchase and offers to sell energy or ancillary services in an RTO-sponsored market.


    Document Reference to the superclass object.


    The market type, DAM or RTM.


    Start time and date for which bid applies.


    Stop time and date for which bid is applicable.


    ActionRequest undocumented


    BidHourlySchedule undocumented


    ChargeProfile undocumented


    EnergyMarket undocumented


    MarketParticipant undocumented


    MitigatedBid undocumented


    MitigatedBidSegment undocumented


    ProductBid A bid comprises one or more product bids of market products


    RMRDetermination undocumented

  107. final case class BidDistributionFactor(Element: BasicElement = null, timeIntervalEnd: String = null, timeIntervalStart: String = null, PnodeDistributionFactor: List[String] = null, ProductBid: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    This class allows SC to input different time intervals for distribution factors.

    This class allows SC to input different time intervals for distribution factors.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    End of the time interval n which bid is valid (yyyy-mm-dd hh24: mi: ss)


    Start of the time interval in which bid is valid (yyyy-mm-dd hh24: mi: ss).


    PnodeDistributionFactor undocumented


    ProductBid undocumented

  108. final case class BidError(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, componentType: String = null, endTime: String = null, errMessage: String = null, errPriority: Int = 0, logTimeStamp: String = null, msgLevel: Int = 0, ruleID: Int = 0, startTime: String = null, MarketProduct: String = null, ResourceBid: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    This class represent the error information for a bid that is detected during bid validation.

    This class represent the error information for a bid that is detected during bid validation.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.




    hour wihthin the bid for which the error applies


    error message


    Priority number for the error message








    hour wihthin the bid for which the error applies


    MarketProduct undocumented


    ResourceBid undocumented

  109. final case class BidHourlyProductSchedule(RegularIntervalSchedule: RegularIntervalSchedule = null, ProductBid: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Containment for bid parameters that are dependent on a market product type.

    Containment for bid parameters that are dependent on a market product type.


    RegularIntervalSchedule Reference to the superclass object.


    ProductBid undocumented

  110. final case class BidHourlySchedule(RegularIntervalSchedule: RegularIntervalSchedule = null, Bid: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Containment for bid hourly parameters that are not product dependent.

    Containment for bid hourly parameters that are not product dependent.


    RegularIntervalSchedule Reference to the superclass object.


    Bid undocumented

  111. final case class BidPriceCap(Element: BasicElement = null, bidCeiling: Double = 0.0, bidCeilingAS: Double = 0.0, bidFloor: Double = 0.0, bidFloorAS: Double = 0.0, defaultPrice: Double = 0.0, marketType: String = null, MarketProduct: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    This class represent the bid price cap.

    This class represent the bid price cap.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    Bid Ceiling ($/MWH)


    Bid Ceiling ($/MWH) for generic AS versus a specific market product


    Bid Floor, ($/MWH)


    Bid Floor ($/MWH) for generic AS versus a specific market product


    Bid Default Price($/MWH)


    Market Type of the cap (DAM or RTM)


    MarketProduct undocumented

  112. final case class BidPriceCurve(Curve: Curve = null, BidSchedule: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Relationship between unit operating price in $/hour (Y-axis) and unit output in MW (X-axis).

    Relationship between unit operating price in $/hour (Y-axis) and unit output in MW (X-axis).


    Curve Reference to the superclass object.


    BidPriceSchedule undocumented

  113. final case class BidPriceSchedule(RegularIntervalSchedule: RegularIntervalSchedule = null, bidType: String = null, mitigationStatus: String = null, BidPriceCurve: String = null, ProductBid: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Defines bid schedules to allow a product bid to use specified bid price curves for different time intervals.

    Defines bid schedules to allow a product bid to use specified bid price curves for different time intervals.


    RegularIntervalSchedule Reference to the superclass object.


    BID Type: I - Initial Bid; F - Final Bid


    Mitigation Status: 'S' - Mitigated by SMPM because of "misconduct" 'L; - Mitigated by LMPM because of "misconduct" 'R' - Modified by LMPM because of RMR rules 'M' - Mitigated because of "misconduct" both by SMPM and LMPM 'B' - Mitigated because of "misconduct" both by SMPM and modified by LMLM because of RMR rules 'O' - original


    BidPriceCurve undocumented


    ProductBid undocumented

  114. final case class BidSelfSched(RegularIntervalSchedule: RegularIntervalSchedule = null, balancingFlag: String = null, bidType: String = null, priorityFlag: String = null, pumpSelfSchedMw: Double = 0.0, referenceType: String = null, selfSchedMw: Double = 0.0, selfSchedSptResource: String = null, selfSchedType: String = null, updateType: String = null, wheelingTransactionReference: String = null, AdjacentCASet: String = null, HostControlArea: String = null, ProductBid: String = null, SubControlArea: String = null, TransmissionContractRight: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Defines self schedule values to be used for specified time intervals.

    Defines self schedule values to be used for specified time intervals.


    RegularIntervalSchedule Reference to the superclass object.


    This is a Y/N flag for a self-schedule of a resource per market per date and hour, using a specific TR ID. It indicates whether a self-schedule using a TR is balanced with another self-schedule using the same TR ID.


    bidType has two types as the required output of requirements and qualified pre-dispatch.


    This is a Y/N flag for a self-schedule of a resource per market per date and hour, using a specific TR ID. It indicates whether a self-schedule using a TR has scheduling priority in DAM/RTM.


    Contains the PriceTaker, ExistingTransmissionContract, TransmissionOwnershipRights pumping self schedule quantity. If this value is not null, then the unit is in pumping mode.


    Indication of which type of self schedule is being referenced.


    Self scheduled value


    Price Taker Export Self Sched Support Resource


    This attribute is used to specify if a bid includes a self sched bid. If so what self sched type is it. The possible values are shown as follow but not limited to: 'ETC' - Existing transmission contract 'TOR' - Transmission ownership right 'RMR' - Reliability must run 'RGMR' - Regulatory must run "RMT" - Relaiability must take "PT" - Price taker "LPT" - Low price taker "SP" - Self provision "RA" - Resource adequacy This attribute is originally defined in the BidSelfSched class




    A unique identifier of a wheeling transaction. A wheeling transaction is a balanced Energy exchange among Supply and Demand Resources.


    AdjacentCASet undocumented


    HostControlArea undocumented


    ProductBid undocumented


    SubControlArea undocumented


    ContractRight undocumented

  115. final case class BidSet(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, GeneratingBids: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    As set of mutually exclusive bids for which a maximum of one may be scheduled.

    As set of mutually exclusive bids for which a maximum of one may be scheduled.

    Of these generating bids, only one generating bid can be scheduled at a time.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    GeneratingBid undocumented

  116. final case class BidTimeSeries(TimeSeries: TimeSeries = null, blockBid: String = null, direction: String = null, divisible: String = null, exclusiveBidsIdentification: String = null, linkedBidsIdentification: String = null, minimumActivationQuantity: Double = 0.0, priority: Int = 0, status: String = null, stepIncrementQuantity: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    The formal specification of specific characteristics related to a bid.

    The formal specification of specific characteristics related to a bid.


    TimeSeries Reference to the superclass object.


    Indication that the values in the period are considered as a whole. They cannot be changed or subdivided.


    The coded identification of the energy flow.


    An indication whether or not each element of the bid may be partially accepted or not.


    Unique identification associated with all linked tenders. The identification of a set of tenders that are linked together signifying that only one can be accepted. This identification is defined by the tenderer and must be unique for a given auction.


    Unique identification associated with all linked bids.


    The minimum quantity of energy that can be activated at a given time interval.


    The numeric local priority given to a bid. Lower numeric values will have higher priority.


    The information about the status of the bid, such as "shared", "restricted", ...


    The minimum increment that can be applied for an increase in an activation request.

  117. final case class BilateralExchangeActor(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, CommunicationLink: List[String] = null, ConsumerBilateralExchange: List[String] = null, ProvidedBilateralIOPoint: List[String] = null, ProviderBilateralExchange: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    BilateralExchangeActor describes an actor that provides ICCP data, consumes ICCP data or both.

    BilateralExchangeActor describes an actor that provides ICCP data, consumes ICCP data or both.

    The ICCP data provider lists the data it makes available to an ICCP data consumer. This data is described by ProvidedBilateralPoints. The relation between an ICCP data provider and a consumer is established by a BilateralExchangeAgreement. It is up to the ICCP data consumer to select what ProvidedBilateralPoints to use. The selection made is not described in this information model.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    CommunicationLink Communication addressing for a Bilateral Table used by a ICCP data provider or consumer.


    BilateralExchangeAgreement Agreement to information subscriber.


    ProvidedBilateralPoint ICCP information in a Bilateral table that will be exposed to a remote peer.


    BilateralExchangeAgreement Agreement to information provider.

  118. final case class BilateralExchangeAgreement(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, Consumer: String = null, Provider: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    This is the representation of the information exchange agreement between peers.

    This is the representation of the information exchange agreement between peers.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    BilateralExchangeActor Subscriber of information from a remote peer.


    BilateralExchangeActor Provider of information to a remote peer.

  119. final case class BilateralTransaction(Element: BasicElement = null, curtailTimeMax: Int = 0, curtailTimeMin: Int = 0, marketType: String = null, purchaseTimeMax: Int = 0, purchaseTimeMin: Int = 0, scope: String = null, totalTranChargeMax: Double = 0.0, transactionType: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Bilateral transaction

    Bilateral transaction


    Reference to the superclass object.


    Maximum curtailment time in number of trading intervals


    Minimum curtailment time in number of trading intervals


    Market type (default=DA) DA - Day Ahead RT - Real Time HA - Hour Ahead


    Maximum purchase time in number of trading intervals


    Minimum purchase time in number of trading intervals


    Transaction scope: 'Internal' (default) 'External'


    Maximum total transmission (congestion) charges in monetary units


    Transaction type (default 1) 1 - Fixed 2 - Dispatchable continuous 3 - Dispatchable block-loading

  120. final case class BillDeterminant(Document: Document = null, calculationLevel: String = null, configVersion: String = null, deleteStatus: String = null, effectiveDate: String = null, exception: String = null, factor: String = null, frequency: String = null, numberInterval: Int = 0, offset: String = null, precisionLevel: String = null, primaryYN: String = null, referenceFlag: String = null, reportable: String = null, roundOff: String = null, source: String = null, terminationDate: String = null, unitOfMeasure: String = null, ChargeComponents: List[String] = null, ChargeProfile: String = null, ChargeProfileData: List[String] = null, MktUserAttribute: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Models various charges to support billing and settlement.

    Models various charges to support billing and settlement.


    Document Reference to the superclass object.


    Level in charge calculation order.


    The version of configuration of calculation logic in the settlement.












    Number of intervals of bill determiant in trade day, e.g. 300 for five minute intervals.




    The level of precision in the current value.














    The UOM for the current value of the Bill Determinant.


    ChargeComponent A BillDeterminant can have 0-n ChargeComponent and a ChargeComponent can associate to 0-n BillDeterminant.


    ChargeProfile undocumented


    ChargeProfileData undocumented


    MktUserAttribute undocumented

  121. final case class BlockDispatchComponent(EnergyComponent: EnergyComponent = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

  122. final case class BlockDispatchInstruction(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

  123. final case class BlockDispatchOrder(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, p: Double = 0.0, sequence: Int = 0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

  124. final case class BlockingFunction(Element: BasicElement = null, Delay: String = null, VSCtype1: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

  125. final case class BranchEndFlow(Element: BasicElement = null, loadDumpRating: Double = 0.0, longTermRating: Double = 0.0, mVARFlow: Double = 0.0, mwFlow: Double = 0.0, normalRating: Double = 0.0, shortTermRating: Double = 0.0, MktACLineSegmentEndAFlow: List[String] = null, MktACLineSegmentEndBFlow: List[String] = null, MktPowerTransformerEndAFlow: List[String] = null, MktPowerTransformerEndBFlow: List[String] = null, MktSeriesCompensatorEndBFlow: List[String] = null, MktSeriresCompensatorEndAFlow: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Dynamic flows and ratings associated with a branch end.

    Dynamic flows and ratings associated with a branch end.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    The Load Dump Rating for the branch


    The Long Term Rating for the branch


    The MVAR flow on the branch Attribute Usage: Reactive power flow at the series device, transformer, phase shifter, or line end


    The MW flow on the branch Attribute Usage: Active power flow at the series device, transformer, phase shifter, or line end


    The Normal Rating for the branch


    The Short Term Rating for the branch


    MktACLineSegment undocumented


    MktACLineSegment undocumented


    MktPowerTransformer undocumented


    MktPowerTransformer undocumented


    MktSeriesCompensator undocumented


    MktSeriesCompensator undocumented

  126. final case class BranchGroup(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, maximumActivePower: Double = 0.0, maximumReactivePower: Double = 0.0, minimumActivePower: Double = 0.0, minimumReactivePower: Double = 0.0, monitorActivePower: Boolean = false, monitorReactivePower: Boolean = false, BranchGroupTerminal: List[String] = null, PinBranchGroup: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A group of branch terminals whose directed flow summation is to be monitored.

    A group of branch terminals whose directed flow summation is to be monitored.

    A branch group need not form a cutset of the network.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    The maximum active power flow.


    The maximum reactive power flow.


    The minimum active power flow.


    The minimum reactive power flow.


    Monitor the active power flow.


    Monitor the reactive power flow.


    BranchGroupTerminal The directed branch group terminals to be summed.


    PinBranchGroup undocumented

  127. final case class BranchGroupTerminal(Element: BasicElement = null, positiveFlowIn: Boolean = false, BranchGroup: String = null, Terminal: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A specific directed terminal flow for a branch group.

    A specific directed terminal flow for a branch group.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    The flow into the terminal is summed if set true. The flow out of the terminal is summed if set false.


    BranchGroup The branch group to which the directed branch group terminals belong.


    Terminal The terminal to be summed.

  128. final case class Breaker(ProtectedSwitch: ProtectedSwitch = null, inTransitTime: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A mechanical switching device capable of making, carrying, and breaking currents under normal circuit conditions and also making, carrying for a specified time, and breaking currents under specified abnormal circuit conditions e.g.

    A mechanical switching device capable of making, carrying, and breaking currents under normal circuit conditions and also making, carrying for a specified time, and breaking currents under specified abnormal circuit conditions e.g. those of short circuit.


    ProtectedSwitch Reference to the superclass object.


    The transition time from open to close.

  129. final case class BreakerInfo(OldSwitchInfo: OldSwitchInfo = null, phaseTrip: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Properties of breaker assets.

    Properties of breaker assets.


    OldSwitchInfo Reference to the superclass object.


    Phase trip rating.

  130. final case class BusNameMarker(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, priority: Int = 0, ReportingGroup: String = null, Terminal: List[String] = null, TopologicalNode: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Used to apply user standard names to TopologicalNodes.

    Used to apply user standard names to TopologicalNodes.

    Associated with one or more terminals that are normally connected with the bus name. The associated terminals are normally connected by non-retained switches. For a ring bus station configuration, all BusbarSection terminals in the ring are typically associated. For a breaker and a half scheme, both BusbarSections would normally be associated. For a ring bus, all BusbarSections would normally be associated. For a "straight" busbar configuration, normally only the main terminal at the BusbarSection would be associated.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    Priority of bus name marker for use as topology bus name. Use 0 for do not care. Use 1 for highest priority. Use 2 as priority is less than 1 and so on.


    ReportingGroup The reporting group to which this bus name marker belongs.


    ACDCTerminal The terminals associated with this bus name marker.


    TopologicalNode A user defined topological node that was originally defined in a planning model not yet having topology described by ConnectivityNodes. Once ConnectivityNodes has been created they may linked to user defined ToplogicalNdes using BusNameMarkers.

  131. final case class BusbarSection(Connector: Connector = null, ipMax: Double = 0.0, VoltageControlZone: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A conductor, or group of conductors, with negligible impedance, that serve to connect other conducting equipment within a single substation.

    A conductor, or group of conductors, with negligible impedance, that serve to connect other conducting equipment within a single substation.

    Voltage measurements are typically obtained from voltage transformers that are connected to busbar sections. A bus bar section may have many physical terminals but for analysis is modelled with exactly one logical terminal.


    Connector Reference to the superclass object.


    Maximum allowable peak short-circuit current of busbar (Ipmax in IEC 60909-0). Mechanical limit of the busbar in the substation itself. Used for short circuit data exchange according to IEC 60909.


    VoltageControlZone A VoltageControlZone is controlled by a designated BusbarSection.

  132. final case class BusbarSectionInfo(AssetInfo: AssetInfo = null, ratedCurrent: Double = 0.0, ratedVoltage: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Busbar section data.

    Busbar section data.


    AssetInfo Reference to the superclass object.


    Rated current.


    Rated voltage.

  133. final case class Bushing(Asset: Asset = null, BushingInsulationPFs: List[String] = null, FixedContact: String = null, MovingContact: String = null, Terminal: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Bushing asset.

    Bushing asset.


    Asset Reference to the superclass object.


    BushingInsulationPF undocumented


    InterrupterUnit Fixed contact of interrupter to which this bushing is attached.


    InterrupterUnit Moving contact of interrupter to which this bushing is attached.


    Terminal Terminal to which this bushing is attached.

  134. final case class BushingInfo(AssetInfo: AssetInfo = null, c1Capacitance: Double = 0.0, c1PowerFactor: Double = 0.0, c2Capacitance: Double = 0.0, c2PowerFactor: Double = 0.0, insulationKind: String = null, ratedCurrent: Double = 0.0, ratedImpulseWithstandVoltage: Double = 0.0, ratedLineToGroundVoltage: Double = 0.0, ratedVoltage: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Bushing datasheet information.

    Bushing datasheet information.


    AssetInfo Reference to the superclass object.


    Factory measured capacitance, measured between the power factor tap and the bushing conductor.


    Factory measured insulation power factor, measured between the power factor tap and the bushing conductor.


    Factory measured capacitance measured between the power factor tap and ground.


    Factory measured insulation power factor, measured between the power factor tap and ground.


    Kind of insulation.


    Rated current for bushing as installed.


    Rated impulse withstand voltage, also known as BIL (Basic Impulse Level).


    Rated line-to-ground voltage. Also referred to as Uy on bushing nameplate.


    Rated voltage. Can be referred to as Um, system voltage or class on bushing nameplate.

  135. final case class BushingInsulationPF(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, status: String = null, testKind: String = null, Bushing: String = null, TransformerObservation: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Bushing insulation power factor condition as a result of a test.

    Bushing insulation power factor condition as a result of a test.

    Typical status values are: Acceptable, Minor Deterioration or Moisture Absorption, Major Deterioration or Moisture Absorption, Failed.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.




    Kind of test for this bushing.


    Bushing undocumented


    TransformerObservation undocumented

  136. final case class BusinessCase(WorkDocument: WorkDocument = null, corporateCode: String = null, Projects: List[String] = null, Works: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Business justification for capital expenditures, usually addressing operations and maintenance costs as well.

    Business justification for capital expenditures, usually addressing operations and maintenance costs as well.


    WorkDocument Reference to the superclass object.


    A codified representation of the business case (i.e., codes for highway relocation, replace substation transformers, etc.).


    Project undocumented


    Work undocumented

  137. final case class BusinessPlan(Document: Document = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A BusinessPlan is an organized sequence of predetermined actions required to complete a future organizational objective.

    A BusinessPlan is an organized sequence of predetermined actions required to complete a future organizational objective.

    It is a type of document that typically references a schedule, physical and/or logical resources (assets and/or PowerSystemResources), locations, etc.


    Document Reference to the superclass object.

  138. final case class BusinessRole(OrganisationRole: OrganisationRole = null, status: String = null, type: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A business role that this organisation plays.

    A business role that this organisation plays.

    A single organisation typically performs many functions, each one described as a role.


    OrganisationRole Reference to the superclass object.




    Classification by utility's corporate standards and practices.

  139. final case class CAESPlant(PowerSystemResource: PowerSystemResource = null, energyStorageCapacity: Double = 0.0, ratedCapacityP: Double = 0.0, AirCompressor: String = null, ThermalGeneratingUnit: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Compressed air energy storage plant.

    Compressed air energy storage plant.


    PowerSystemResource Reference to the superclass object.


    The rated energy storage capacity. The attribute shall be a positive value.


    The CAES plant's gross rated generating capacity. The attribute shall be a positive value.


    AirCompressor An air compressor may be a member of a compressed air energy storage plant.


    ThermalGeneratingUnit A thermal generating unit may be a member of a compressed air energy storage plant.

  140. final case class CCAinverter(Element: BasicElement = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

  141. final case class CCArectifierControl(Element: BasicElement = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

  142. final case class CIGREStandard(Element: BasicElement = null, standardEdition: String = null, standardNumber: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Standard published by CIGRE (Council on Large Electric Systems).

    Standard published by CIGRE (Council on Large Electric Systems).


    Reference to the superclass object.


    Edition of CIGRE standard.


    CIGRE standard number.

  143. final case class CRRMarket(Market: Market = null, labelID: String = null, CongestionRevenueRight: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Model that describes the Congestion Revenue Rights Auction Market.

    Model that describes the Congestion Revenue Rights Auction Market.


    Market Reference to the superclass object.


    labelID - an ID for a set of apnodes/pnodes used in a CRR market


    CongestionRevenueRight undocumented

  144. final case class CRROrgRole(OrganisationRole: OrganisationRole = null, kind: String = null, status: String = null, CongestionRevenueRight: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Identifies a way in which an organisation may participate with a defined Congestion Revenue Right (CRR).

    Identifies a way in which an organisation may participate with a defined Congestion Revenue Right (CRR).


    OrganisationRole Reference to the superclass object.


    Kind of role the organisation is with regards to the congestion revenue rights.


    Status of congestion revenue rights organisation role.


    CongestionRevenueRight undocumented

  145. final case class CRRSegment(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, amount: Double = 0.0, clearingPrice: Double = 0.0, endDateTime: String = null, quantity: Double = 0.0, startDateTime: String = null, CongestionRevenueRight: String = null, Sink: List[String] = null, Source: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    CRRSegment represents a segment of a CRR in a particular time frame.

    CRRSegment represents a segment of a CRR in a particular time frame.

    The segment class contains amount, clearing price, start date and time, end date and time.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    Dollar amount = quantity x clearingPrice


    Clearing price of a CRR


    segment end date time


    The MW amount associated with the CRR


    segment start date time


    CongestionRevenueRight undocumented


    Pnode undocumented


    Pnode undocumented

  146. final case class CSCDynamics(HVDCDynamics: HVDCDynamics = null, CSConverter: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    CSC function block whose behaviour is described by reference to a standard model <font color="#0f0f0f">or by definition of a user-defined model.</font>

    CSC function block whose behaviour is described by reference to a standard model <font color="#0f0f0f">or by definition of a user-defined model.</font>


    HVDCDynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    CsConverter Current source converter to which current source converter dynamics model applies.

  147. final case class CSCUserDefined(CSCDynamics: CSCDynamics = null, proprietary: Boolean = false, ProprietaryParameterDynamics: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Current source converter (CSC) function block whose dynamic behaviour is described by <font color="#0f0f0f">a user-defined model.</font>

    Current source converter (CSC) function block whose dynamic behaviour is described by <font color="#0f0f0f">a user-defined model.</font>


    CSCDynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    Behaviour is based on a proprietary model as opposed to a detailed model. true = user-defined model is proprietary with behaviour mutually understood by sending and receiving applications and parameters passed as general attributes false = user-defined model is explicitly defined in terms of control blocks and their input and output signals.


    ProprietaryParameterDynamics Parameter of this proprietary user-defined model.

  148. final case class CSCtype1(CSCDynamics: CSCDynamics = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

  149. final case class CTTempActivePowerCurve(Curve: Curve = null, CombustionTurbine: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Relationship between the combustion turbine's power output rating in gross active power (X-axis) and the ambient air temperature (Y-axis).

    Relationship between the combustion turbine's power output rating in gross active power (X-axis) and the ambient air temperature (Y-axis).


    Curve Reference to the superclass object.


    CombustionTurbine A combustion turbine may have an active power versus ambient temperature relationship.

  150. final case class CUAllowableAction(WorkIdentifiedObject: WorkIdentifiedObject = null, status: String = null, CompatibleUnits: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Allowed actions: Install, Remove, Transfer, Abandon, etc.

    Allowed actions: Install, Remove, Transfer, Abandon, etc.


    WorkIdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.




    CompatibleUnit undocumented

  151. final case class CUContractorItem(WorkIdentifiedObject: WorkIdentifiedObject = null, activityCode: String = null, bidAmount: Double = 0.0, status: String = null, CompatibleUnits: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Compatible unit contractor item.

    Compatible unit contractor item.


    WorkIdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    Activity code identifies a specific and distinguishable unit of work.


    The amount that a given contractor will charge for performing this unit of work.




    CompatibleUnit undocumented

  152. final case class CUGroup(WorkIdentifiedObject: WorkIdentifiedObject = null, status: String = null, ChildCUGroups: List[String] = null, CompatibleUnits: List[String] = null, DesignLocationCUs: List[String] = null, ParentCUGroups: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A Compatible Unit Group identifies a set of compatible units which may be jointly utilized for estimating and designating jobs.

    A Compatible Unit Group identifies a set of compatible units which may be jointly utilized for estimating and designating jobs.


    WorkIdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.




    CUGroup undocumented


    CompatibleUnit undocumented


    DesignLocationCU undocumented


    CUGroup undocumented

  153. final case class CULaborCode(WorkIdentifiedObject: WorkIdentifiedObject = null, code: String = null, status: String = null, CULaborItems: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Labor code associated with various compatible unit labor items.

    Labor code associated with various compatible unit labor items.


    WorkIdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    Labor code.




    CULaborItem undocumented

  154. final case class CULaborItem(WorkIdentifiedObject: WorkIdentifiedObject = null, activityCode: String = null, laborDuration: Double = 0.0, laborRate: Double = 0.0, status: String = null, CULaborCode: String = null, CompatibleUnits: List[String] = null, QualificationRequirements: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Compatible unit labor item.

    Compatible unit labor item.


    WorkIdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    Activity code identifies a specific and distinguishable unit of work.


    Estimated time to perform work.


    The labor rate applied for work.




    CULaborCode undocumented


    CompatibleUnit undocumented


    QualificationRequirement undocumented

  155. final case class CUMaterialItem(WorkIdentifiedObject: WorkIdentifiedObject = null, corporateCode: String = null, quantity: String = null, status: String = null, CompatibleUnits: List[String] = null, PropertyUnits: List[String] = null, TypeMaterial: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Compatible unit of a consumable supply item.

    Compatible unit of a consumable supply item.

    For example, nuts, bolts, brackets, glue, etc.


    WorkIdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    Code for material.


    Quantity of the TypeMaterial for this CU, used to determine estimated costs based on a per unit cost or a cost per unit length specified in the TypeMaterial.




    CompatibleUnit undocumented


    PropertyUnit undocumented


    TypeMaterial undocumented

  156. final case class CUWorkEquipmentItem(WorkIdentifiedObject: WorkIdentifiedObject = null, equipCode: String = null, rate: Double = 0.0, status: String = null, CompatibleUnits: List[String] = null, TypeAsset: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Compatible unit for various types of WorkEquipmentAssets, including vehicles.

    Compatible unit for various types of WorkEquipmentAssets, including vehicles.


    WorkIdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    The equipment type code.


    Standard usage rate for the type of vehicle.




    CompatibleUnit undocumented


    WorkAsset undocumented

  157. final case class Cabinet(AssetContainer: AssetContainer = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Enclosure that offers protection to the equipment it contains and/or safety to people/animals outside it.

    Enclosure that offers protection to the equipment it contains and/or safety to people/animals outside it.


    AssetContainer Reference to the superclass object.

  158. final case class CableInfo(WireInfo: WireInfo = null, constructionKind: String = null, diameterOverCore: Double = 0.0, diameterOverInsulation: Double = 0.0, diameterOverJacket: Double = 0.0, diameterOverScreen: Double = 0.0, isStrandFill: Boolean = false, nominalTemperature: Double = 0.0, outerJacketKind: String = null, sheathAsNeutral: Boolean = false, shieldMaterial: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Cable data.

    Cable data.


    WireInfo Reference to the superclass object.


    Kind of construction of this cable.


    Diameter over the core, including any semi-con screen; should be the insulating layer's inside diameter.


    Diameter over the insulating layer, excluding outer screen.


    Diameter over the outermost jacketing layer.


    Diameter over the outer screen; should be the shield's inside diameter.


    True if wire strands are extruded in a way to fill the voids in the cable.


    Maximum nominal design operating temperature.


    Kind of outer jacket of this cable.


    True if sheath / shield is used as a neutral (i.e., bonded).


    Material of the shield.

  159. final case class CalculationMethodHierarchy(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, CalculationMethodOrder: List[String] = null, Measurement: List[String] = null, MeasurementValue: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    The hierarchy of calculation methods used to derive this measurement.

    The hierarchy of calculation methods used to derive this measurement.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    CalculationMethodOrder Order of a statistical calculation associated with this calculation method hierarchy.


    Measurement Measurement to which this calculation method hierarchy applies.


    MeasurementValue Measurement value to which this calculation method hierarchy applies.

  160. final case class CalculationMethodOrder(Element: BasicElement = null, order: Int = 0, CalculationMethodHierarchy: String = null, StatisicalCalculation: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    The order of this calculation method in a hierarchy of calculation methods.

    The order of this calculation method in a hierarchy of calculation methods.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    Order of the statistical calculation method within the calculation method hierarchy.


    CalculationMethodHierarchy The calculation method hierarchy of which this order of statistical calculation is a member.


    StatisticalCalculation The statistical calculation done at this order.

  161. final case class Capability(WorkIdentifiedObject: WorkIdentifiedObject = null, performanceFactor: String = null, status: String = null, type: String = null, validityInterval: String = null, Crafts: List[String] = null, Crew: String = null, WorkTasks: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Capabilities of a crew.

    Capabilities of a crew.


    WorkIdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    Capability performance factor.




    Classification by utility's work management standards and practices.


    Date and time interval for which this capability is valid (when it became effective and when it expires).


    Craft undocumented


    OldCrew undocumented


    OldWorkTask undocumented

  162. final case class Card(Element: BasicElement = null, accountHolderName: String = null, cvNumber: String = null, expiryDate: String = null, pan: String = null, Tender: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Documentation of the tender when it is a type of card (credit, debit, etc).

    Documentation of the tender when it is a type of card (credit, debit, etc).


    Reference to the superclass object.


    Name of account holder.


    The card verification number.


    The date when this card expires.


    The primary account number.


    Tender Payment tender this card is being used for.

  163. final case class Cashier(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, electronicAddress: String = null, CashierShifts: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    The operator of the point of sale for the duration of CashierShift.

    The operator of the point of sale for the duration of CashierShift.

    Cashier is under the exclusive management control of Vendor.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    Electronic address.


    CashierShift All shifts operated by this cashier.

  164. final case class CashierShift(Shift: Shift = null, cashFloat: Double = 0.0, Cashier: String = null, PointOfSale: String = null, Receipts: List[String] = null, Transactions: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    The operating shift for a cashier, during which the cashier may transact against the cashier shift, subject to vendor shift being open.

    The operating shift for a cashier, during which the cashier may transact against the cashier shift, subject to vendor shift being open.


    Shift Reference to the superclass object.


    The amount of cash that the cashier brings to start the shift and that will be taken away at the end of the shift; i.e. the cash float does not get banked.


    Cashier Cashier operating this shift.


    PointOfSale Point of sale that is in operation during this shift.


    Receipt All Receipts recorded for this Shift.


    Transaction All transactions recorded during this cashier shift.

  165. final case class CatalogAssetType(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, estimatedUnitCost: Double = 0.0, kind: String = null, quantity: String = null, stockItem: Boolean = false, type: String = null, AssetInfo: String = null, CompatibleUnits: List[String] = null, ErpBomItemDatas: List[String] = null, ErpInventoryIssues: List[String] = null, ErpReqLineItems: List[String] = null, ProductAssetModel: List[String] = null, TypeAssetCatalogue: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    a Assets that may be used for planning, work or design purposes.

    a Assets that may be used for planning, work or design purposes.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    Estimated unit cost (or cost per unit length) of this type of asset. It does not include labor to install, construct or configure it.


    Kind of asset (from enumerated list).


    The value, unit of measure, and multiplier for the quantity.


    True if item is a stock item (default).


    Description of type of asset.


    AssetInfo Generic nameplate information associated with this catalog asset type.


    CompatibleUnit undocumented


    ErpBomItemData undocumented


    ErpIssueInventory undocumented


    ErpReqLineItem undocumented


    ProductAssetModel Product asset model conforming to this catalog asset type.


    TypeAssetCatalogue undocumented

  166. final case class ChangeSet(DataSet: DataSet = null, ChangeSetMember: List[String] = null, IncrementalDatasetArg: List[String] = null, NMProjectStage: String = null, NetworkModelProjectChangeVersion: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Describes a set of changes that can be applied in different situations.

    Describes a set of changes that can be applied in different situations.

    A given registered target object MRID may only be referenced once by the contained change set members.


    DataSet Reference to the superclass object.


    ChangeSetMember Data objects contained in the dataset.


    IncrementalDatasetArg undocumented


    NetworkModelProjectStage undocumented


    NetworkModelProjectChangeVersion The project of the details of model changes.

  167. final case class ChangeSetMember(Element: BasicElement = null, Changeset: String = null, PropertiesObject: String = null, TargetObject: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A CRUD-style data object.

    A CRUD-style data object.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    ChangeSet Dataset containing the data objects.


    IdentifiedObject The CIM object holding the properties of this dataset context. Sometimes properties are not required and only the reference to the registered object is required.


    IdentifiedObject The registered CIM object.

  168. final case class Channel(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, isVirtual: Boolean = false, ReadingType: String = null, Register: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A single path for the collection or reporting of register values over a period of time.

    A single path for the collection or reporting of register values over a period of time.

    For example, a register which measures forward energy can have two channels, one providing bulk quantity readings and the other providing interval readings of a fixed interval size.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    If true, the data is being calculated by an enterprise system rather than metered directly.


    ReadingType Reading type for register values reported/collected by this channel.


    Register Register whose values are collected/reported by this channel.

  169. final case class Charge(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, fixedPortion: String = null, kind: String = null, variablePortion: Double = 0.0, AuxiliaryAccounts: List[String] = null, ChildCharges: List[String] = null, ConsumptionTariffIntervals: List[String] = null, ParentCharge: String = null, TimeTariffIntervals: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A charge element associated with other entities such as tariff structures, auxiliary agreements or other charge elements.

    A charge element associated with other entities such as tariff structures, auxiliary agreements or other charge elements.

    The total charge amount applicable to this instance of charge is the sum of fixed and variable portion.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    AccountingUnit The fixed portion of this charge element.


    The kind of charge to be applied.


    The variable portion of this charge element, calculated as a percentage of the total amount of a parent charge.


    AuxiliaryAccount All auxiliary accounts to which this charge has to be levied.


    Charge All sub-components of this complex charge.


    ConsumptionTariffInterval Tariff intervals to which this consumption-based charge has to be levied.


    Charge Parent of this charge sub-component.


    TimeTariffInterval Tariff intervals to which this time-based charge has to be levied.

  170. final case class ChargeComponent(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, deleteStatus: String = null, effectiveDate: String = null, equation: String = null, message: String = null, roundOff: String = null, sum: String = null, terminationDate: String = null, type: String = null, BillDeterminants: List[String] = null, ChargeTypes: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A Charge Component is a list of configurable charge quality items to feed into settlement calculation and/or bill determinants.

    A Charge Component is a list of configurable charge quality items to feed into settlement calculation and/or bill determinants.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


















    BillDeterminant A BillDeterminant can have 0-n ChargeComponent and a ChargeComponent can associate to 0-n BillDeterminant.


    ChargeType A ChargeType can have 0-n ChargeComponent and a ChargeComponent can associate to 0-n ChargeType

  171. final case class ChargeGroup(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, effectiveDate: String = null, marketCode: String = null, terminationDate: String = null, ChargeGroupChild: List[String] = null, ChargeGroupParent: String = null, ChargeType: List[String] = null, MktUserAttribute: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Charge Group is the grouping of Charge Types for settlement invoicing purpose.

    Charge Group is the grouping of Charge Types for settlement invoicing purpose.

    Examples such as Ancillary Services, Interests, etc.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.








    ChargeGroup A ChargeGroup instance can have relationships with other ChargeGroup instances.


    ChargeGroup A ChargeGroup instance can have relationships with other ChargeGroup instances.


    ChargeType A ChargeGroup can have 0-n ChargeType. A ChargeType can associate to 0-n ChargeGroup.


    MktUserAttribute undocumented

  172. final case class ChargeProfile(Profile: Profile = null, frequency: String = null, numberInterval: Int = 0, type: String = null, unitOfMeasure: String = null, Bid: String = null, BillDeterminant: String = null, ChargeProfileData: List[String] = null, PassTroughBill: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A type of profile for financial charges.

    A type of profile for financial charges.


    Profile Reference to the superclass object.


    The calculation frequency, daily or monthly.


    The number of intervals in the profile data.


    The type of profile. It could be amount, price, or quantity.


    The unit of measure applied to the value attribute of the profile data.


    Bid undocumented


    BillDeterminant undocumented


    ChargeProfileData undocumented


    PassThroughBill undocumented

  173. final case class ChargeProfileData(Element: BasicElement = null, sequence: Int = 0, timeStamp: String = null, value: Double = 0.0, BillDeterminant: String = null, ChargeProfile: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Model of various charges associated with an energy profile to support billing and settlement.

    Model of various charges associated with an energy profile to support billing and settlement.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    The sequence number of the profile.


    The date and time of an interval.


    The value of an interval given a profile type (amount, price, or quantity), subject to the UOM.


    BillDeterminant undocumented


    ChargeProfile undocumented

  174. final case class ChargeType(Document: Document = null, chargeOrder: String = null, chargeVersion: String = null, effectiveDate: String = null, factor: String = null, frequencyType: String = null, terminationDate: String = null, totalInterval: String = null, ChargeComponents: List[String] = null, ChargeGroup: List[String] = null, MajorChargeGroup: List[String] = null, MktUserAttribute: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Charge Type is the basic level configuration for settlement to process specific charges for invoicing purpose.

    Charge Type is the basic level configuration for settlement to process specific charges for invoicing purpose.

    Examples such as: Day Ahead Spinning Reserve Default Invoice Interest Charge, etc.


    Document Reference to the superclass object.
















    ChargeComponent A ChargeType can have 0-n ChargeComponent and a ChargeComponent can associate to 0-n ChargeType


    ChargeGroup A ChargeGroup can have 0-n ChargeType. A ChargeType can associate to 0-n ChargeGroup.


    MajorChargeGroup A MajorChargeGroup can have 0-n ChargeType. A ChargeType can associate to 0-n MajorChargeGroup.


    MktUserAttribute undocumented

  175. final case class Cheque(Element: BasicElement = null, bankAccountDetail: String = null, chequeNumber: String = null, date: String = null, kind: String = null, micrNumber: String = null, Tender: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    The actual tender when it is a type of cheque.

    The actual tender when it is a type of cheque.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    BankAccountDetail Details of the account holder and bank.


    Cheque reference number as printed on the cheque.


    Date when cheque becomes valid.


    Kind of cheque.


    The magnetic ink character recognition number printed on the cheque.


    Tender Payment tender the cheque is being used for.

  176. final case class Circuit(Line: Line = null, EndBay: List[String] = null, EndTerminal: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

  177. final case class Clamp(ConductingEquipment: ConductingEquipment = null, lengthFromTerminal1: Double = 0.0, ACLineSegment: String = null, ClampAction: String = null, JumperAction: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A Clamp is a galvanic connection at a line segment where other equipment is connected.

    A Clamp is a galvanic connection at a line segment where other equipment is connected.

    A Clamp does not cut the line segment. A Clamp is ConductingEquipment and has one Terminal with an associated ConnectivityNode. Any other ConductingEquipment can be connected to the Clamp ConnectivityNode.


    ConductingEquipment Reference to the superclass object.


    The length to the place where the clamp is located starting from side one of the line segment, i.e. the line segment terminal with sequence number equal to 1.


    ACLineSegment The line segment to which the clamp is connected.


    ClampAction undocumented


    JumperAction undocumented

  178. final case class ClampAction(SwitchingAction: SwitchingAction = null, kind: String = null, Clamp: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Action on Clamp as a switching step

    Action on Clamp as a switching step


    SwitchingAction Reference to the superclass object.


    Switching action to perform


    Clamp undocumented

  179. final case class ClassificationCondition(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, duration: Double = 0.0, test: String = null, EnvironmentalAnalog: List[String] = null, EnvironmentalStringMeasurement: List[String] = null, PhenomenonClassification: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A classification condition used to define preconditions that must be met by a phenomena classification.

    A classification condition used to define preconditions that must be met by a phenomena classification.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    The duration of the of the condition in seconds


    The test applied to the value.


    EnvironmentalAnalog Analog which contributes to the definition of this classification condition.


    EnvironmentalStringMeasurement String measurement which contributes to the definition of this classification condition.


    PhenomenonClassification Phenomenon classification to which this condition relates.

  180. final case class ClearanceAction(SwitchingAction: SwitchingAction = null, kind: String = null, Clearance: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Action on clearance document as a switching step.

    Action on clearance document as a switching step.


    SwitchingAction Reference to the superclass object.


    Clearance action to perform.


    ClearanceDocument Clearance associated with this clearance action.

  181. final case class ClearanceDocument(SafetyDocument: SafetyDocument = null, mustBeDeenergised: Boolean = false, mustBeGrounded: Boolean = false, ClearanceAction: String = null, TaggedPSRs: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Safety document used to authorise work on conducting equipment in the field.

    Safety document used to authorise work on conducting equipment in the field.

    Tagged equipment is not allowed to be operated.


    SafetyDocument Reference to the superclass object.


    If true, the equipment must be deenergised.


    If true, the equipment must be grounded.


    ClearanceAction Clearance action associated with this clearance.


    PowerSystemResource All power system resources tagged through this clearance.

  182. final case class CloudCondition(AtmosphericPhenomenon: AtmosphericPhenomenon = null, kind: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A classified cloud phenomenon with a type.

    A classified cloud phenomenon with a type.


    AtmosphericPhenomenon Reference to the superclass object.


    The type of the cloud as defined by the CloudKind enumeration.

  183. final case class CnodeDistributionFactor(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, factor: Double = 0.0, podLossFactor: Double = 0.0, AggregateNode: String = null, HostControlArea: String = null, MktConnectivityNode: String = null, SubControlArea: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Participation factors per Cnode.

    Participation factors per Cnode.

    Used to calculate "participation" of Cnode in an AggregateNode. Each Cnode associated to an AggregateNode would be assigned a participation factor for its participation within the AggregateNode.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    Used to calculate "participation" of Cnode in an AggregateNode


    Point of delivery loss factor


    AggregateNode undocumented


    HostControlArea undocumented


    MktConnectivityNode undocumented


    SubControlArea undocumented

  184. final case class CogenerationPlant(PowerSystemResource: PowerSystemResource = null, cogenHPSendoutRating: Double = 0.0, cogenHPSteamRating: Double = 0.0, cogenLPSendoutRating: Double = 0.0, cogenLPSteamRating: Double = 0.0, ratedP: Double = 0.0, SteamSendoutSchedule: String = null, ThermalGeneratingUnits: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A set of thermal generating units for the production of electrical energy and process steam (usually from the output of the steam turbines).

    A set of thermal generating units for the production of electrical energy and process steam (usually from the output of the steam turbines).

    The steam sendout is typically used for industrial purposes or for municipal heating and cooling.


    PowerSystemResource Reference to the superclass object.


    The high pressure steam sendout.


    The high pressure steam rating.


    The low pressure steam sendout.


    The low pressure steam rating.


    The rated output active power of the cogeneration plant. The attribute shall be a positive value.


    SteamSendoutSchedule A cogeneration plant has a steam sendout schedule.


    ThermalGeneratingUnit A thermal generating unit may be a member of a cogeneration plant.

  185. final case class ComFunction(EndDeviceFunction: EndDeviceFunction = null, amrAddress: String = null, amrRouter: String = null, direction: String = null, technology: String = null, ComModule: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Communication function of communication equipment or a device such as a meter.

    Communication function of communication equipment or a device such as a meter.


    EndDeviceFunction Reference to the superclass object.


    Communication ID number (e.g. serial number, IP address, telephone number, etc.) of the AMR module which serves this meter.


    Communication ID number (e.g. port number, serial number, data collector ID, etc.) of the parent device associated to this AMR module.


    Kind of communication direction.


    Kind of communication technology.


    ComModule Module performing this communication function.

  186. final case class ComMedia(Asset: Asset = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Communication media such as fibre optic cable, power-line, telephone, etc.

    Communication media such as fibre optic cable, power-line, telephone, etc.


    Asset Reference to the superclass object.

  187. final case class ComModule(Asset: Asset = null, amrSystem: String = null, supportsAutonomousDst: Boolean = false, timeZoneOffset: Double = 0.0, ComFunctions: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    An asset having communications capabilities that can be paired with a meter or other end device to provide the device with communication ability, through associated communication function.

    An asset having communications capabilities that can be paired with a meter or other end device to provide the device with communication ability, through associated communication function.

    An end device that has communications capabilities through embedded hardware can use that function directly (without the communication module), or combine embedded communication function with additional communication functions provided through an external communication module (e.g. zigbee).


    Asset Reference to the superclass object.


    Automated meter reading (AMR) system communicating with this com module.


    If true, autonomous daylight saving time (DST) function is supported.


    Time zone offset relative to GMT for the location of this com module.


    ComFunction All functions this communication module performs.

  188. final case class CombinedCycleConfiguration(RegisteredGenerator: RegisteredGenerator = null, primaryConfiguration: Boolean = false, CombinedCycleConfigurationMember: List[String] = null, CombinedCycleLogicalConfiguration: String = null, FromTransitionState: List[String] = null, ShutdownFlag: Boolean = false, StartupFlag: Boolean = false, ToTransitionState: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Configuration options for combined cycle units.

    Configuration options for combined cycle units.

    For example, a Combined Cycle with (CT1, CT2, ST1) will have (CT1, ST1) and (CT2, ST1) configurations as part of(1CT + 1STlogicalconfiguration).


    RegisteredGenerator Reference to the superclass object.


    Whether this CombinedCycleConfiguration is the primary configuration in the associated Logical configuration?


    CombinedCycleConfigurationMember undocumented


    CombinedCycleLogicalConfiguration undocumented


    CombinedCycleTransitionState undocumented


    Whether Combined Cycle Plant can be shut-down in this Configuration?


    Whether Combined Cycle Plant can be started in this Logical Configuration?


    CombinedCycleTransitionState undocumented

  189. final case class CombinedCycleConfigurationMember(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, primary: Boolean = false, steam: Boolean = false, CombinedCycleConfiguration: String = null, MktThermalGeneratingUnit: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Configuration Member of CCP Configuration.

    Configuration Member of CCP Configuration.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    primary configuration.


    Steam plant.


    CombinedCycleConfiguration undocumented


    MktThermalGeneratingUnit undocumented

  190. final case class CombinedCycleLogicalConfiguration(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, CombinedCycleConfiguration: List[String] = null, MktCombinedCyclePlant: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Logical Configuration of a Combined Cycle plant.

    Logical Configuration of a Combined Cycle plant.

    Operating Combined Cycle Plant (CCP) configurations are represented as Logical CCP Resources. Logical representation shall be used for Market applications to optimize and control Market Operations. Logical representation is also necessary for controlling the number of CCP configurations and to temper performance issues that may otherwise occur.

    For example,(2CT configuration),(1CT + 1ST configuration) are examples of logical configuration, without specifying the specific CT and ST participating in the configuration.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    CombinedCycleConfiguration undocumented


    MktCombinedCyclePlant undocumented

  191. final case class CombinedCyclePlant(PowerSystemResource: PowerSystemResource = null, combCyclePlantRating: Double = 0.0, ThermalGeneratingUnits: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A set of combustion turbines and steam turbines where the exhaust heat from the combustion turbines is recovered to make steam for the steam turbines, resulting in greater overall plant efficiency.

    A set of combustion turbines and steam turbines where the exhaust heat from the combustion turbines is recovered to make steam for the steam turbines, resulting in greater overall plant efficiency.


    PowerSystemResource Reference to the superclass object.


    The combined cycle plant's active power output rating.


    ThermalGeneratingUnit A thermal generating unit may be a member of a combined cycle plant.

  192. final case class CombinedCycleTransitionState(Element: BasicElement = null, upTransition: Boolean = false, FromConfiguration: String = null, ToConfiguration: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Defines the available from and to Transition States for the Combine Cycle Configurations.

    Defines the available from and to Transition States for the Combine Cycle Configurations.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    Flag indicating whether this is an UP transition. If not, it is a DOWN transition.


    CombinedCycleConfiguration undocumented


    CombinedCycleConfiguration undocumented

  193. final case class CombustionTurbine(PrimeMover: PrimeMover = null, ambientTemp: Double = 0.0, auxPowerVersusFrequency: Double = 0.0, auxPowerVersusVoltage: Double = 0.0, capabilityVersusFrequency: Double = 0.0, heatRecoveryFlag: Boolean = false, powerVariationByTemp: Double = 0.0, referenceTemp: Double = 0.0, timeConstant: Double = 0.0, AirCompressor: String = null, CTTempActivePowerCurve: String = null, HeatRecoveryBoiler: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A prime mover that is typically fuelled by gas or light oil.

    A prime mover that is typically fuelled by gas or light oil.


    PrimeMover Reference to the superclass object.


    Default ambient temperature to be used in modelling applications.


    Off-nominal frequency effect on turbine auxiliaries. Per unit reduction in auxiliary active power consumption versus per unit reduction in frequency (from rated frequency).


    Off-nominal voltage effect on turbine auxiliaries. Per unit reduction in auxiliary active power consumption versus per unit reduction in auxiliary bus voltage (from a specified voltage level).


    Off-nominal frequency effect on turbine capability. Per unit reduction in unit active power capability versus per unit reduction in frequency (from rated frequency).


    Flag that is set to true if the combustion turbine is associated with a heat recovery boiler.


    Per unit change in power per (versus) unit change in ambient temperature.


    Reference temperature at which the output of the turbine was defined.


    The time constant for the turbine.


    AirCompressor A CAES air compressor is driven by combustion turbine.


    CTTempActivePowerCurve A combustion turbine may have an active power versus ambient temperature relationship.


    HeatRecoveryBoiler A combustion turbine may have a heat recovery boiler for making steam.

  194. final case class Command(Control: Control = null, normalValue: Int = 0, value: Int = 0, DiscreteValue: String = null, ValueAliasSet: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A Command is a discrete control used for supervisory control.

    A Command is a discrete control used for supervisory control.


    Control Reference to the superclass object.


    Normal value for Control.value e.g. used for percentage scaling.


    The value representing the actuator output.


    DiscreteValue The MeasurementValue that is controlled.


    ValueAliasSet The ValueAliasSet used for translation of a Control value to a name.

  195. final case class CommitmentClearing(MarketFactors: MarketFactors = null, Commitments: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Models results of market clearing which call for commitment of units.

    Models results of market clearing which call for commitment of units.


    MarketFactors Reference to the superclass object.


    Commitments undocumented

  196. final case class Commitments(Element: BasicElement = null, commitmentType: String = null, instructionCost: Double = 0.0, instructionType: String = null, intervalEndTime: String = null, intervalStartTime: String = null, minStatusChangeTime: Int = 0, noLoadCost: Double = 0.0, updateTimeStamp: String = null, updateType: String = null, updateUser: String = null, CommitmentClearing: List[String] = null, RegisteredResource: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Provides the necessary information (on a resource basis) to capture the Startup/Shutdown commitment results.

    Provides the necessary information (on a resource basis) to capture the Startup/Shutdown commitment results.

    This information is relevant to all markets.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    the type of UC status (self commitment, ISO commitment, or SCUC commitment)


    Total cost associated with changing the status of the resource.


    Indicator of either a Start-Up or a Shut-Down.


    End time for the commitment period. This will be on an interval boundary.


    Start time for the commitment period. This will be on an interval boundary.


    SCUC commitment period start-up time. Calculated start up time based on the StartUpTimeCurve provided with the Bid. This is a combination of StartUp time bid and Unit down time. Units is minutes


    Unit no load cost in case of energy commodity








    CommitmentClearing undocumented


    RegisteredResource undocumented

  197. final case class CommodityDefinition(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, commodityCurrency: String = null, commodityUnit: String = null, commodityUnitMultiplier: String = null, CommodityPrice: List[String] = null, MarketProduct: String = null, Pnode: String = null, RTO: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Commodities in the context of IEC 62325 are MarketProducts (energy, regulation, reserve, etc) traded at a specific location, which in this case is a Pnode (either a specific pricing node or a pricing area or zone defined as a collection of pricing nodes).

    Commodities in the context of IEC 62325 are MarketProducts (energy, regulation, reserve, etc) traded at a specific location, which in this case is a Pnode (either a specific pricing node or a pricing area or zone defined as a collection of pricing nodes).

    The CommodityDefinition is a container for these two parameters, plus the unit of measure and the currency in which the Commodity is traded. Each CommodityDefinition should be relatively static; defined once and rarely changed.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    The currency in which the Commodity is traded, using the standard conventions associated with the Currency enumeration.


    The unit of measure in which the Commodity is traded, using the standard conventions associated with the UnitSymbol enumeration.


    The unit multiplier, e.g. "k" to convert the unit "W-h" to "kW-h", using the standard conventions associated with the UnitMultiplier enumeration.


    CommodityPrice undocumented


    MarketProduct undocumented


    Pnode undocumented


    RTO undocumented

  198. final case class CommodityPrice(Element: BasicElement = null, timeIntervalPeriod: String = null, value: Double = 0.0, CommodityDefinition: String = null, PnodeClearing: String = null, PriceDescriptor: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    The CommodityPrice class is used to define the price of a commodity during a given time interval.

    The CommodityPrice class is used to define the price of a commodity during a given time interval.

    The interval may be long, e.g. a year, or very short, e.g. 5 minutes. There will be many instances of the CommodityPrice class for each instance of the CommodityDefinition to which it is associated. Note that there may be more than once price associated with a given interval and these variances are described by the association (or associations) with the PriceDescriptor class.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    The time interval over which the CommodityPrice is valid, using the standard conventions associated with the DateTimeInterval class.


    The price of the Commodity, expressed as a floating point value with the currency and unit of measure defined in the associated CommodityDefinition class.


    CommodityDefinition undocumented


    PnodeClearing undocumented


    PriceDescriptor undocumented

  199. final case class CommunicationLink(PowerSystemResource: PowerSystemResource = null, BilateralExchangeActor: String = null, RemoteUnits: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    The connection to remote units is through one or more communication links.

    The connection to remote units is through one or more communication links.

    Reduntant links may exist. The CommunicationLink class inherits PowerSystemResource. The intention is to allow CommunicationLinks to have Measurements. These Measurements can be used to model link status as operational, out of service, unit failure etc.


    PowerSystemResource Reference to the superclass object.


    BilateralExchangeActor ICCP data provider or consumer using communication addressing for a Bilateral table.


    RemoteUnit RTUs may be attached to communication links.

  200. final case class CompatibleUnit(WorkDocument: WorkDocument = null, estCost: Double = 0.0, quantity: String = null, CUAllowableAction: String = null, CUContractorItems: List[String] = null, CUGroup: String = null, CULaborItems: List[String] = null, CUMaterialItems: List[String] = null, CUWorkEquipmentItems: List[String] = null, CostType: String = null, DesignLocationCUs: List[String] = null, GenericAssetModel: String = null, Procedures: List[String] = null, PropertyUnit: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A pre-planned job model containing labor, material, and accounting requirements for standardized job planning.

    A pre-planned job model containing labor, material, and accounting requirements for standardized job planning.


    WorkDocument Reference to the superclass object.


    Estimated total cost for perfoming CU.


    The quantity, unit of measure, and multiplier at the CU level that applies to the materials.


    CUAllowableAction undocumented


    CUContractorItem undocumented


    CUGroup undocumented


    CULaborItem undocumented


    CUMaterialItem undocumented


    CUWorkEquipmentItem undocumented


    CostType undocumented


    DesignLocationCU undocumented


    CatalogAssetType undocumented


    Procedure undocumented


    PropertyUnit undocumented

  201. final case class CompleteModelToBeDeleted(ModelToBeDeleted: ModelToBeDeleted = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A complete model can be used in applications to perform meaningful calculations, e.g.

    A complete model can be used in applications to perform meaningful calculations, e.g. a study case in offline tools or a real time model in a SCADA/EMS.


    ModelToBeDeleted Reference to the superclass object.

  202. final case class ComplianceEvent(ActivityRecord: ActivityRecord = null, deadline: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Compliance events are used for reporting regulatory or contract compliance issues and/or variances.

    Compliance events are used for reporting regulatory or contract compliance issues and/or variances.

    These might be created as a consequence of local business processes and associated rules. It is anticipated that this class will be customised extensively to meet local implementation needs. Use inherited 'type' to indicate that, for example, expected performance will not be met or reported as mandated.


    ActivityRecord Reference to the superclass object.


    The deadline for compliance.

  203. final case class CompositeSwitch(Equipment: Equipment = null, compositeSwitchType: String = null, Switches: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A model of a set of individual Switches normally enclosed within the same cabinet and possibly with interlocks that restrict the combination of switch positions.

    A model of a set of individual Switches normally enclosed within the same cabinet and possibly with interlocks that restrict the combination of switch positions.

    These are typically found in medium voltage distribution networks. A CompositeSwitch could represent a Ring-Main-Unit (RMU), or pad-mounted switchgear, with primitive internal devices such as an internal bus-bar plus 3 or 4 internal switches each of which may individually be open or closed. A CompositeSwitch and a set of contained Switches can also be used to represent a multi-position switch e.g. a switch that can connect a circuit to Ground, Open or Busbar.


    Equipment Reference to the superclass object.


    An alphanumeric code that can be used as a reference to extra information such as the description of the interlocking scheme if any.


    Switch Switches contained in this Composite switch.

  204. final case class CompositeSwitchInfo(AssetInfo: AssetInfo = null, ganged: Boolean = false, initOpMode: String = null, interruptingRating: Double = 0.0, kind: String = null, phaseCode: String = null, phaseCount: Int = 0, ratedVoltage: Double = 0.0, remote: Boolean = false, switchStateCount: Int = 0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Properties of a composite switch.

    Properties of a composite switch.


    AssetInfo Reference to the superclass object.


    True if multi-phase switch controls all phases concurrently.


    Initial operating mode, with the following values: Automatic, Manual.


    Breaking capacity, or short circuit rating, is the maximum rated current which the device can safely interrupt at the rated voltage.


    Kind of composite switch.


    Phases carried, if applicable.


    Supported number of phases, typically 0, 1 or 3.


    Rated voltage.


    True if device is capable of being operated by remote control.


    Number of switch states represented by the composite switch.

  205. final case class ConcentricNeutralCableInfo(CableInfo: CableInfo = null, diameterOverNeutral: Double = 0.0, neutralStrandCount: Int = 0, neutralStrandGmr: Double = 0.0, neutralStrandRDC20: Double = 0.0, neutralStrandRadius: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Concentric neutral cable data.

    Concentric neutral cable data.


    CableInfo Reference to the superclass object.


    Diameter over the concentric neutral strands.


    Number of concentric neutral strands.


    Geometric mean radius of the neutral strand.


    DC resistance per unit length of the neutral strand at 20 °C.


    Outside radius of the neutral strand.

  206. final case class ConditionFactor(WorkIdentifiedObject: WorkIdentifiedObject = null, cfValue: String = null, kind: String = null, status: String = null, DesignLocationCUs: List[String] = null, DesignLocations: List[String] = null, Designs: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    This is to specify the various condition factors for a design that may alter the cost estimate or the allocation.

    This is to specify the various condition factors for a design that may alter the cost estimate or the allocation.


    WorkIdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    The actual value of the condition factor, such as labor flat fee or percentage.


    Kind of this condition factor.




    DesignLocationCU undocumented


    DesignLocation undocumented


    Design undocumented

  207. final case class ConductingEquipment(Equipment: Equipment = null, BaseVoltage: String = null, GroundingAction: String = null, JumpingAction: String = null, Outage: String = null, ProtectionEquipments: List[String] = null, ProtectiveActionAdjustment: List[String] = null, SvStatus: List[String] = null, Terminals: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    The parts of the AC power system that are designed to carry current or that are conductively connected through terminals.

    The parts of the AC power system that are designed to carry current or that are conductively connected through terminals.


    Equipment Reference to the superclass object.


    BaseVoltage Base voltage of this conducting equipment. Use only when there is no voltage level container used and only one base voltage applies. For example, not used for transformers.


    GroundAction Action involving grounding operation on this conducting equipment.


    JumperAction Jumper action involving jumping operation on this conducting equipment.


    Outage undocumented


    ProtectionEquipment Protection equipment used to protect specific conducting equipment.


    ProtectiveActionAdjustment The operating condition to the Conducting Equipment is changed when protective action adjustment is activated. For ShuntCompensator or other conducting equipment that operates on discrete values (integer), the values given in float will be rounded.


    SvStatus The status state variable associated with this conducting equipment.


    Terminal Conducting equipment have terminals that may be connected to other conducting equipment terminals via connectivity nodes or topological nodes.

  208. final case class Conductor(ConductingEquipment: ConductingEquipment = null, len: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Combination of conducting material with consistent electrical characteristics, building a single electrical system, used to carry current between points in the power system.

    Combination of conducting material with consistent electrical characteristics, building a single electrical system, used to carry current between points in the power system.


    ConductingEquipment Reference to the superclass object.


    Segment length for calculating line section capabilities.

  209. final case class ConfigurationEvent(ActivityRecord: ActivityRecord = null, effectiveDateTime: String = null, modifiedBy: String = null, remark: String = null, ChangedAsset: String = null, ChangedDocument: String = null, ChangedLocation: String = null, ChangedOrganisationRole: String = null, ChangedPersonRole: String = null, ChangedServiceCategory: String = null, ChangedUsagePoint: String = null, FaultCauseType: String = null, PowerSystemResource: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Used to report details on creation, change or deletion of an entity or its configuration.

    Used to report details on creation, change or deletion of an entity or its configuration.


    ActivityRecord Reference to the superclass object.


    Date and time this event has or will become effective.


    Source/initiator of modification.


    Free text remarks.


    Asset Asset whose change resulted in this configuration event.


    Document Document whose change resulted in this configuration event.


    Location Location whose change resulted in this configuration event.


    OrganisationRole Organisation role whose change resulted in this configuration event.


    PersonRole Person role whose change resulted in this configuration event.


    ServiceCategory Service category whose change resulted in this configuration event.


    UsagePoint Usage point whose change resulted in this configuration event.


    FaultCauseType undocumented


    PowerSystemResource undocumented

  210. final case class ConformLoad(EnergyConsumer: EnergyConsumer = null, LoadGroup: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    ConformLoad represent loads that follow a daily load change pattern where the pattern can be used to scale the load with a system load.

    ConformLoad represent loads that follow a daily load change pattern where the pattern can be used to scale the load with a system load.


    EnergyConsumer Reference to the superclass object.


    ConformLoadGroup Group of this ConformLoad.

  211. final case class ConformLoadGroup(LoadGroup: LoadGroup = null, ConformLoadSchedules: List[String] = null, EnergyConsumers: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A group of loads conforming to an allocation pattern.

    A group of loads conforming to an allocation pattern.


    LoadGroup Reference to the superclass object.


    ConformLoadSchedule The ConformLoadSchedules in the ConformLoadGroup.


    ConformLoad Conform loads assigned to this ConformLoadGroup.

  212. final case class ConformLoadSchedule(SeasonDayTypeSchedule: SeasonDayTypeSchedule = null, ConformLoadGroup: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A curve of load versus time (X-axis) showing the active power values (Y1-axis) and reactive power (Y2-axis) for each unit of the period covered.

    A curve of load versus time (X-axis) showing the active power values (Y1-axis) and reactive power (Y2-axis) for each unit of the period covered.

    This curve represents a typical pattern of load over the time period for a given day type and season.


    SeasonDayTypeSchedule Reference to the superclass object.


    ConformLoadGroup The ConformLoadGroup where the ConformLoadSchedule belongs.

  213. final case class CongestionArea(AggregatedPnode: AggregatedPnode = null, IndividualPnode: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Designated Congestion Area Definition (DCA).

    Designated Congestion Area Definition (DCA).


    AggregatedPnode Reference to the superclass object.


    IndividualPnode undocumented

  214. final case class CongestionRevenueRight(Document: Document = null, cRRcategory: String = null, cRRtype: String = null, hedgeType: String = null, timeOfUse: String = null, tradeSliceID: String = null, CRRMarket: String = null, CRROrgRole: List[String] = null, CRRSegment: List[String] = null, Flowgate: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Congestion Revenue Rights (CRR) class that is inherited from a Document class.

    Congestion Revenue Rights (CRR) class that is inherited from a Document class.

    A CRR is a financial concept that is used to hedge congestion charges.

    The CRR is usually settled based on the Locational Marginal Prices (LMPs) that are calculated in the day-ahead market. These LMPs are determined by the Day-ahead resource schedules/bids. CRRs will not hedge against marginal losses. If the congestion component of LMP at the sink is greater than at the source, then the CRR owner is entitled to receive a portion of congestion revenues. If the congestion component at the sink is less than at the source, then an obligation-type CRR owner will be charged, but an option-type CRR owner will not.


    Document Reference to the superclass object.


    CRR category represents 'PTP' for a point-to-point CRR, or 'NSR' for a Network Service Right. If CRR category is 'PTP', both Source ID and Sink ID fields are required. If CRR category is 'NSR' only one field, either Source ID or Sink ID, shall be not null and the other shall be null. However, the 'NSR' category will include at least three records.


    Type of the CRR, from the possible type definitions in the CRR System (e.g. 'LSE', 'ETC').


    Hedge type Obligation or Option. An obligation type requires the holder to receive or pay the congestion rent. An option type gives the holder the option of receiving or paying the congestion rent.


    Time of Use flag of the CRR - Peak (ON), Offpeak (OFF) or all 24 hours (24HR).


    Segment of the CRR described in the current record.


    CRRMarket undocumented


    CRROrgRole undocumented


    CRRSegment undocumented


    Flowgate undocumented

  215. final case class ConnectDisconnectFunction(EndDeviceFunction: EndDeviceFunction = null, eventCount: Int = 0, isConnected: Boolean = false, isDelayedDiscon: Boolean = false, isLocalAutoDisconOp: Boolean = false, isLocalAutoReconOp: Boolean = false, isRemoteAutoDisconOp: Boolean = false, isRemoteAutoReconOp: Boolean = false, rcdInfo: String = null, Switches: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A function that will disconnect and reconnect the customer's load under defined conditions.

    A function that will disconnect and reconnect the customer's load under defined conditions.


    EndDeviceFunction Reference to the superclass object.


    Running cumulative count of connect or disconnect events, for the lifetime of this function or until the value is cleared.


    True if this function is in the connected state.


    If set true, the switch may disconnect the service at the end of a specified time delay after the disconnect signal has been given. If set false, the switch may disconnect the service immediately after the disconnect signal has been given. This is typically the case for over current circuit-breakers which are classified as either instantaneous or slow acting.


    If set true and if disconnection can be operated locally, the operation happens automatically. Otherwise it happens manually.


    If set true and if reconnection can be operated locally, then the operation happens automatically. Otherwise, it happens manually.


    If set true and if disconnection can be operated remotely, then the operation happens automatically. If set false and if disconnection can be operated remotely, then the operation happens manually.


    If set true and if reconnection can be operated remotely, then the operation happens automatically. If set false and if reconnection can be operated remotely, then the operation happens manually.


    RemoteConnectDisconnectInfo Information on remote connect disconnect switch.


    Switch undocumented

  216. final case class ConnectivityNode(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, ConnectivityNodeContainer: String = null, Terminals: List[String] = null, TopologicalNode: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Connectivity nodes are points where terminals of AC conducting equipment are connected together with zero impedance.

    Connectivity nodes are points where terminals of AC conducting equipment are connected together with zero impedance.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    ConnectivityNodeContainer Container of this connectivity node.


    Terminal Terminals interconnected with zero impedance at a this connectivity node.


    TopologicalNode The topological node to which this connectivity node is assigned. May depend on the current state of switches in the network.

  217. final case class ConnectivityNodeContainer(PowerSystemResource: PowerSystemResource = null, ConnectivityNodes: List[String] = null, TopologicalNode: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A base class for all objects that may contain connectivity nodes or topological nodes.

    A base class for all objects that may contain connectivity nodes or topological nodes.


    PowerSystemResource Reference to the superclass object.


    ConnectivityNode Connectivity nodes which belong to this connectivity node container.


    TopologicalNode The topological nodes which belong to this connectivity node container.

  218. final case class Connector(ConductingEquipment: ConductingEquipment = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A conductor, or group of conductors, with negligible impedance, that serve to connect other conducting equipment within a single substation and are modelled with a single logical terminal.

    A conductor, or group of conductors, with negligible impedance, that serve to connect other conducting equipment within a single substation and are modelled with a single logical terminal.


    ConductingEquipment Reference to the superclass object.

  219. final case class ConstraintClearing(MarketFactors: MarketFactors = null, ConstraintResults: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Groups all items associated with Binding Constraints and Constraint Violations per interval and market.

    Groups all items associated with Binding Constraints and Constraint Violations per interval and market.


    MarketFactors Reference to the superclass object.


    ConstraintResults undocumented

  220. final case class ConstraintDuration(Element: BasicElement = null, duration: String = null, type: String = null, TimeSeries: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Duration constraint to activate, to put in operation, to deactivate, ...

    Duration constraint to activate, to put in operation, to deactivate, ... a given event.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    The duration of the constraint.


    The type of the constraint.


    TimeSeries undocumented

  221. final case class ConstraintResults(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, baseFlow: Double = 0.0, bindingLimit: Double = 0.0, clearedValue: Double = 0.0, competitivePathConstraint: String = null, constraintType: String = null, limitFlag: String = null, optimizationFlag: String = null, overloadMW: Double = 0.0, percentMW: Double = 0.0, shadowPrice: Double = 0.0, updateTimeStamp: String = null, updateType: String = null, updateUser: String = null, BGLimit: Double = 0.0, BGTRResCap: Double = 0.0, ConstraintClearing: String = null, Flowgate: String = null, MktContingency: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Provides the Market results for the constraint processing for either the DAM or RTM.

    Provides the Market results for the constraint processing for either the DAM or RTM.

    The data includes the constraint type (binding or violated), the solved value for the constraint, and the associated shadow price.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    Branch base Power Flow.


    MW Limit.


    Cleared MW.


    Non-competitive path constraint Flag"(Y/N) indicating whether the shadow price on a non-competitive path was non-zero.


    Type of constraint.


    Limit flag ('Maximum', 'Minimum').


    Included in optimization Y/N.


    Transmission overload MW.


    Actual MW flow as percent of limit.


    Shadow Price ($/MW) for the commodity. Shadow price for the corresponding constraint.


    Update time stamp.


    MQS change type.


    Updated user.


    This value is determined in DA and RTM. The SCUC optimization ensures that the MW flow on the Branch Group will not exceed this limit in the relevant direction.


    Branch Group TR Reservation Capacity - This value is determined in DA and RTM. It is the amount of spare transmission capacity that is left for the TR holder to use.


    ConstraintClearing undocumented


    Flowgate undocumented


    MktContingency undocumented

  222. final case class ConstraintTerm(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, factor: String = null, function: String = null, SecurityConstraintSum: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A constraint term is one element of a linear constraint.

    A constraint term is one element of a linear constraint.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.




    The function is an enumerated value that can be 'active', 'reactive', or 'VA' to indicate the type of flow.


    SecurityConstraintSum undocumented

  223. final case class ConsumptionTariffInterval(Element: BasicElement = null, sequenceNumber: Int = 0, startValue: Double = 0.0, Charges: List[String] = null, ReadingType: String = null, TariffProfiles: List[String] = null, TouTariffIntervals: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    One of a sequence of intervals defined in terms of consumption quantity of a service such as electricity, water, gas, etc.

    One of a sequence of intervals defined in terms of consumption quantity of a service such as electricity, water, gas, etc.

    It is typically used in association with TariffProfile to define the steps or blocks in a step tariff structure, where startValue simultaneously defines the entry value of this step and the closing value of the previous step. Where consumption is >= startValue it falls within this interval and where consumption is < startValue it falls within the previous interval.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    A sequential reference that defines the identity of this interval and its relative position with respect to other intervals in a sequence of intervals.


    The lowest level of consumption that defines the starting point of this interval. The interval extends to the start of the next interval or until it is reset to the start of the first interval by TariffProfile.tariffCycle.


    Charge All charges used to define this consumption tariff interval.


    ReadingType Reading type for 'startValue'.


    TariffProfile All tariff profiles defined by this consumption tariff interval.


    TimeTariffInterval All time of use tariff intervals influenced by this consumption tariff interval.

  224. final case class Contingency(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, mustStudy: Boolean = false, ContingencyElement: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    An event threatening system reliability, consisting of one or more contingency elements.

    An event threatening system reliability, consisting of one or more contingency elements.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    Set true if must study this contingency.


    ContingencyElement A contingency can have any number of contingency elements.

  225. final case class ContingencyConstraintLimit(Curve: Curve = null, MWLimitSchedules: String = null, MktContingency: String = null, SecurityConstraintSum: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Possibly time-varying max MW or MVA and optionally Min MW limit or MVA limit (Y1 and Y2, respectively) assigned to a constraint for a specific contingency.

    Possibly time-varying max MW or MVA and optionally Min MW limit or MVA limit (Y1 and Y2, respectively) assigned to a constraint for a specific contingency.

    Use CurveSchedule XAxisUnits to specify MW or MVA.


    Curve Reference to the superclass object.


    MWLimitSchedule undocumented


    MktContingency undocumented


    SecurityConstraintSum undocumented

  226. final case class ContingencyElement(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, Contingency: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    An element of a system event to be studied by contingency analysis, representing a change in status of a single piece of equipment.

    An element of a system event to be studied by contingency analysis, representing a change in status of a single piece of equipment.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    Contingency A contingency element belongs to one contingency.

  227. final case class ContingencyEquipment(ContingencyElement: ContingencyElement = null, contingentStatus: String = null, Equipment: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Equipment whose in service status is to change, such as a power transformer or AC line segment.

    Equipment whose in service status is to change, such as a power transformer or AC line segment.


    ContingencyElement Reference to the superclass object.


    The status for the associated equipment when in the contingency state. This status is independent of the case to which the contingency is originally applied, but defines the equipment status when the contingency is applied.


    Equipment The single piece of equipment to which to apply the contingency.

  228. final case class ContractDistributionFactor(Element: BasicElement = null, factor: Double = 0.0, sinkFlag: String = null, sourceFlag: String = null, Flowgate: String = null, RegisteredResource: String = null, TransmissionContractRight: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Distribution among resources at the sink point or source point.

    Distribution among resources at the sink point or source point.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    MW value that this resource provides to the overall contract.


    This value will be set to YES if the referenced Cnode is defined as the sink point in the contract.


    This value will be set to YES if the referenced Cnode is defined as the source point in the contract.


    Flowgate undocumented


    RegisteredResource undocumented


    ContractRight undocumented

  229. final case class ContractRight(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, chainOrder: Int = 0, contractMW: Double = 0.0, contractPrice: Double = 0.0, contractPriority: Int = 0, contractStatus: String = null, contractType: String = null, financialLocation: String = null, financialRightsDAM: String = null, financialRightsRTM: String = null, fuelAdder: Double = 0.0, latestSchedMinutes: Int = 0, latestSchedMktType: String = null, maxNetDependableCapacity: Double = 0.0, maximumScheduleQuantity: Double = 0.0, maximumServiceHours: Int = 0, maximumStartups: Int = 0, minimumLoad: Double = 0.0, minimumScheduleQuantity: Double = 0.0, physicalRightsDAM: String = null, physicalRightsRTM: String = null, startupLeadTime: Int = 0, BidSelfSched: List[String] = null, Chain_TransmissionRightChain: String = null, ContractDistributionFactor: List[String] = null, Ind_TransmissionRightChain: String = null, RTO: String = null, SchedulingCoordinator: String = null, SubstitutionResourceList: List[String] = null, TREntitlement: List[String] = null, TRType: String = null, TransmissionInterfaceEntitlement: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Provides definition of Transmission Ownership Right and Existing Transmission Contract identifiers for use by SCUC.

    Provides definition of Transmission Ownership Right and Existing Transmission Contract identifiers for use by SCUC.

    RMR contract hosting: Startup lead time, Contract Service Limits, Max Service Hours, Max MWhs, Max Start-ups, Ramp Rate, Max Net Dependable Capacity, Min Capacity and Unit Substitution for DAM/RTM to retrieve.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    When used in conjunction with a Transmission Right contract chain, this is the precedence for the contracts.


    MW value of the contract


    Financial value of the contract


    Priority for the contract. This should be unique amoung all contracts for a specific resource. This value is the directive for the SCUC algorithm on the order to satisfy/cut contracts.


    Contract status


    type of the contract. Possible values are but not limited by: ETC, TOR or RMR and RMT self schedules


    Indicator if the location associated with this contract is financial (e.g. pricing nodes) or physical (e.g. connectivity nodes).


    Flag to indicate this contract provides financial rights in the DA Market


    Flag to indicate this contract provides financial rights in the RT Market


    Estimated Fuel Adder


    This indicates the latest schedule minutes (e.g. t - xx) that this resource can be notified to respond. This attribute is only used if the market type is not supplied.


    This indicates the latest schedule market type a contract can be applied to. This is used in conjunction with the latestSchedMinutes attribute to determine the latest time this contract can be called in. The possible values for this attribute are: DAM, RTM or it can be omitted. If omitted, the latestSchedMinutes attribute defines the value.


    Maximum Net Dependable Capacity


    Maximum schedule MW quantity


    Maximum service hours


    Maximum startups


    Minimum Load


    Minimum schedule quanity


    Flag to indicate this contract provides physical rights in the DA Market


    Flag to indicate this contract provides physical rights in the RT Market


    Start up lead time


    BidSelfSched undocumented


    TransmissionRightChain undocumented


    ContractDistributionFactor undocumented


    TransmissionRightChain undocumented


    RTO undocumented


    SchedulingCoordinator undocumented


    SubstitutionResourceList undocumented


    TREntitlement undocumented


    Transmission Right type - is this an individual contract right or a chain contract right. Types = CHAIN or INDIVIDUAL


    TransmissionInterfaceRightEntitlement undocumented

  230. final case class ContractorItem(WorkIdentifiedObject: WorkIdentifiedObject = null, activityCode: String = null, bidAmount: Double = 0.0, cost: Double = 0.0, status: String = null, ErpPayables: List[String] = null, WorkCostDetail: String = null, WorkTask: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Contractor information for work task.

    Contractor information for work task.


    WorkIdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    Activity code identifies a specific and distinguishable unit of work.


    The amount that a given contractor will charge for performing this unit of work.


    The total amount charged.




    ErpPayable undocumented


    WorkCostDetail undocumented


    OldWorkTask undocumented

  231. final case class Control(IOPoint: IOPoint = null, controlType: String = null, operationInProgress: Boolean = false, timeStamp: String = null, unitMultiplier: String = null, unitSymbol: String = null, ControlAction: String = null, PowerSystemResource: String = null, RemoteControl: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Control is used for supervisory/device control.

    Control is used for supervisory/device control.

    It represents control outputs that are used to change the state in a process, e.g. close or open breaker, a set point value or a raise lower command.


    IOPoint Reference to the superclass object.


    Specifies the type of Control, e.g. BreakerOn/Off, GeneratorVoltageSetPoint, TieLineFlow etc. The shall be unique among all specified types and describe the type.


    Indicates that a client is currently sending control commands that has not completed.


    The last time a control output was sent.


    The unit multiplier of the controlled quantity.


    The unit of measure of the controlled quantity.


    ControlAction undocumented


    PowerSystemResource Regulating device governed by this control output.


    RemoteControl The remote point controlling the physical actuator.

  232. final case class ControlAction(SwitchingAction: SwitchingAction = null, analogValue: Double = 0.0, discreteValue: Int = 0, Control: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Control executed as a switching step.

    Control executed as a switching step.


    SwitchingAction Reference to the superclass object.


    The analog value used for the analog control, the raise/lower control and the set point control


    The integer value used for the command or the accumulator reset.


    Control undocumented

  233. final case class ControlArea(PowerSystemResource: PowerSystemResource = null, netInterchange: Double = 0.0, pTolerance: Double = 0.0, type: String = null, ControlAreaGeneratingUnit: List[String] = null, EnergyArea: String = null, TieFlow: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A control area is a grouping of generating units and/or loads and a cutset of tie lines (as terminals) which may be used for a variety of purposes including automatic generation control, power flow solution area interchange control specification, and input to load forecasting.

    A control area is a grouping of generating units and/or loads and a cutset of tie lines (as terminals) which may be used for a variety of purposes including automatic generation control, power flow solution area interchange control specification, and input to load forecasting.

    All generation and load within the area defined by the terminals on the border are considered in the area interchange control. Note that any number of overlapping control area specifications can be superimposed on the physical model. The following general principles apply to ControlArea: 1. The control area orientation for net interchange is positive for an import, negative for an export. 2. The control area net interchange is determined by summing flows in Terminals. The Terminals are identified by creating a set of TieFlow objects associated with a ControlArea object. Each TieFlow object identifies one Terminal. 3. In a single network model, a tie between two control areas must be modelled in both control area specifications, such that the two representations of the tie flow sum to zero. 4. The normal orientation of Terminal flow is positive for flow into the conducting equipment that owns the Terminal. (i.e. flow from a bus into a device is positive.) However, the orientation of each flow in the control area specification must align with the control area convention, i.e. import is positive. If the orientation of the Terminal flow referenced by a TieFlow is positive into the control area, then this is confirmed by setting TieFlow.positiveFlowIn flag TRUE. If not, the orientation must be reversed by setting the TieFlow.positiveFlowIn flag FALSE.


    PowerSystemResource Reference to the superclass object.


    The specified positive net interchange into the control area, i.e. positive sign means flow into the area.


    Active power net interchange tolerance. The attribute shall be a positive value or zero.


    The primary type of control area definition used to determine if this is used for automatic generation control, for planning interchange control, or other purposes. A control area specified with primary type of automatic generation control could still be forecast and used as an interchange area in power flow analysis.


    ControlAreaGeneratingUnit The generating unit specifications for the control area.


    EnergyArea The energy area that is forecast from this control area specification.


    TieFlow The tie flows associated with the control area.

  234. final case class ControlAreaDesignation(Element: BasicElement = null, attained: String = null, native: String = null, RegisteredResource: List[String] = null, SubControlArea: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Indicates Control Area associated with self-schedule.

    Indicates Control Area associated with self-schedule.


    Reference to the superclass object.






    RegisteredResource undocumented


    SubControlArea undocumented

  235. final case class ControlAreaGeneratingUnit(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, AltGeneratingUnitMeas: List[String] = null, ControlArea: String = null, GeneratingUnit: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A control area generating unit.

    A control area generating unit.

    This class is needed so that alternate control area definitions may include the same generating unit. It should be noted that only one instance within a control area should reference a specific generating unit.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    AltGeneratingUnitMeas The link to prioritized measurements for this GeneratingUnit.


    ControlArea The parent control area for the generating unit specifications.


    GeneratingUnit The generating unit specified for this control area. Note that a control area should include a GeneratingUnit only once.

  236. final case class ControlAreaOperator(Organisation: Organisation = null, CAChildOf: List[String] = null, ControlledBy: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Operates the Control Area.

    Operates the Control Area.

    Approves and implements energy transactions. Verifies both Inter-Control Area and Intra-Control Area transactions for the power system before granting approval (and implementing) the transactions.


    Organisation Reference to the superclass object.


    TieLine A ControlAreaOperator has a collection of tie points that ring the ControlArea, called a TieLine.


    HostControlArea A ControlAreaCompany controls a ControlArea.

  237. final case class ControlAreaSolutionData(Element: BasicElement = null, solvedInterchange: Double = 0.0, solvedLosses: Double = 0.0, MktControlArea: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    State Estimator Solution Pool Interchange and Losses.

    State Estimator Solution Pool Interchange and Losses.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    Pool MW Interchange Attribute Usage: The active power interchange of the pool


    Pool Losses MW Attribute Usage: The active power losses of the pool in MW


    MktControlArea undocumented

  238. final case class ControlledAppliance(Element: BasicElement = null, isElectricVehicle: Boolean = false, isExteriorLighting: Boolean = false, isGenerationSystem: Boolean = false, isHvacCompressorOrFurnace: Boolean = false, isInteriorLighting: Boolean = false, isIrrigationPump: Boolean = false, isManagedCommercialIndustrialLoad: Boolean = false, isPoolPumpSpaJacuzzi: Boolean = false, isSimpleMiscLoad: Boolean = false, isSmartAppliance: Boolean = false, isStripAndBaseboardHeater: Boolean = false, isWaterHeater: Boolean = false) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Appliance controlled with a PAN device control.

    Appliance controlled with a PAN device control.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    True if the appliance is an electric vehicle.


    True if the appliance is exterior lighting.


    True if the appliance is a generation system.


    True if the appliance is HVAC compressor or furnace.


    True if the appliance is interior lighting.


    True if the appliance is an irrigation pump.


    True if the appliance is managed commercial or industrial load.


    True if the appliance is a pool, pump, spa or jacuzzi.


    True if the appliance is a simple miscellaneous load.


    True if the appliance is a smart appliance.


    True if the appliance is a stip or baseboard heater.


    True if the appliance is a water heater.

  239. final case class CoolingPowerRating(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, coolingKind: String = null, powerRating: Double = 0.0, stage: Int = 0, Reconditionings: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    There are often stages of power which are associated with stages of cooling.

    There are often stages of power which are associated with stages of cooling.

    For instance, a transformer may be rated 121kV on the primary, 15kV on the secondary and 4kV on the tertiary winding. These are voltage ratings and the power ratings are generally the same for all three windings and independent of the voltage ratings, there are instances where the tertiary may have a lower power rating. For example, for three stages, the power rating may be 15/20/25 MVA and the cooling is OA/FA/FOA. The 15 MVA rating goes with the OA cooling (Oil and Air cooling). This is called the self cooled rating as there are no external cooling enhancements. The 20 MVA rating goes with the FA cooling (Forced Air cooling), this means that when the fans are running and thus enhancing the cooling characteristics, the transformer can operate at a power level of 20 MVA. The 25 MVA rating goes with the FOA cooling (Forced Oil and Air cooling), this means that when the fans and pumps are running and thus enhancing the cooling characteristics even more than before, the transformer can operate at a power level of 25 MVA. This 15/20/25 MVA does not state how the power is split between the various windings. It may be 25 MVA input on the primary, 25 MVA output on the secondary and 0 MVA output on the tertiary. It may also operate at 25 MVA input on the primary, 17 MVA output on the secondary and 8 MVA output on the tertiary.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    Kind of cooling system.


    The power rating associated with type of cooling specified for this stage.


    Stage of cooling and associated power rating.


    Reconditioning undocumented

  240. final case class CoordinateSystem(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, crsUrn: String = null, Locations: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Coordinate reference system.

    Coordinate reference system.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    A Uniform Resource Name (URN) for the coordinate reference system (crs) used to define 'Location. PositionPoints'. An example would be the European Petroleum Survey Group (EPSG) code for a coordinate reference system, defined in URN under the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) namespace as: urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG::XXXX, where XXXX is an EPSG code (a full list of codes can be found at the EPSG Registry web site To define the coordinate system as being WGS84 (latitude, longitude) using an EPSG OGC, this attribute would be urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG::4236. A profile should limit this code to a set of allowed URNs agreed to by all sending and receiving parties.


    Location All locations described with position points in this coordinate system.

  241. final case class CostType(WorkIdentifiedObject: WorkIdentifiedObject = null, amountAssignable: Boolean = false, code: String = null, level: String = null, stage: String = null, status: String = null, ChildCostTypes: List[String] = null, CompatibleUnits: List[String] = null, ErpJournalEntries: List[String] = null, ParentCostType: String = null, WorkCostDetails: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A categorization for resources, often costs, in accounting transactions.

    A categorization for resources, often costs, in accounting transactions.

    Examples include: material components, building in service, coal sales, overhead, etc.


    WorkIdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    True if an amount can be assigned to the resource element (e.g., building in service, transmission plant, software development capital); false otherwise (e.g., internal labor, material components).


    A codified representation of the resource element.


    The level of the resource element in the hierarchy of resource elements (recursive relationship).


    The stage for which this costType applies: estimated design, estimated actual or actual actual.




    CostType undocumented


    CompatibleUnit undocumented


    ErpJournalEntry undocumented


    CostType undocumented


    WorkCostDetail undocumented

  242. final case class Craft(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, status: String = null, type: String = null, Capabilities: List[String] = null, ErpPersons: List[String] = null, Skills: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Craft of a person or a crew.

    Craft of a person or a crew.

    Examples include overhead electric, underground electric, high pressure gas, etc. This ensures necessary knowledge and skills before being allowed to perform certain types of work.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.




    Classification by utility's work mangement standards and practices.


    Capability undocumented


    OldPerson undocumented


    Skill undocumented

  243. final case class Crew(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, status: String = null, CrewMembers: List[String] = null, CrewType: String = null, FieldDispatchHistory: List[String] = null, Location: String = null, Outage: List[String] = null, SwitchingAction: String = null, WorkAssets: List[String] = null, WorkTasks: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Group of people with specific skills, tools, and vehicles.

    Group of people with specific skills, tools, and vehicles.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    Status Status of this crew.


    CrewMember All members of this crew.


    CrewType Type of this crew.


    FieldDispatchHistory undocumented


    Location undocumented


    Outage undocumented


    SwitchingAction undocumented


    WorkAsset All work assets used by this crew.


    WorkTask All work tasks this crew participates in.

  244. final case class CrewMember(OperationPersonRole: OperationPersonRole = null, Crew: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Member of a crew.

    Member of a crew.


    OperationPersonRole Reference to the superclass object.


    Crew Crew to which this crew member belongs.

  245. final case class CrewType(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, Crews: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Custom description of the type of crew.

    Custom description of the type of crew.

    This may be used to determine the type of work the crew can be assigned to. Examples include repair, tree trimming, switching, etc.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    Crew All crews of this type.

  246. final case class CrossCompoundTurbineGovernorDynamics(DynamicsFunctionBlock: DynamicsFunctionBlock = null, HighPressureSynchronousMachineDynamics: String = null, LowPressureSynchronousMachineDynamics: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Turbine-governor cross-compound function block whose behaviour is described by reference to a standard model <font color="#0f0f0f">or by definition of a user-defined model.</font>

    Turbine-governor cross-compound function block whose behaviour is described by reference to a standard model <font color="#0f0f0f">or by definition of a user-defined model.</font>


    DynamicsFunctionBlock Reference to the superclass object.


    SynchronousMachineDynamics High-pressure synchronous machine with which this cross-compound turbine governor is associated.


    SynchronousMachineDynamics Low-pressure synchronous machine with which this cross-compound turbine governor is associated.

  247. final case class CsConverter(ACDCConverter: ACDCConverter = null, alpha: Double = 0.0, gamma: Double = 0.0, maxAlpha: Double = 0.0, maxGamma: Double = 0.0, maxIdc: Double = 0.0, minAlpha: Double = 0.0, minGamma: Double = 0.0, minIdc: Double = 0.0, operatingMode: String = null, pPccControl: String = null, ratedIdc: Double = 0.0, targetAlpha: Double = 0.0, targetGamma: Double = 0.0, targetIdc: Double = 0.0, CSCDynamics: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    DC side of the current source converter (CSC).

    DC side of the current source converter (CSC).

    The firing angle controls the dc voltage at the converter, both for rectifier and inverter. The difference between the dc voltages of the rectifier and inverter determines the dc current. The extinction angle is used to limit the dc voltage at the inverter, if needed, and is not used in active power control. The firing angle, transformer tap position and number of connected filters are the primary means to control a current source dc line. Higher level controls are built on top, e.g. dc voltage, dc current and active power. From a steady state perspective it is sufficient to specify the wanted active power transfer (ACDCConverter.targetPpcc) and the control functions will set the dc voltage, dc current, firing angle, transformer tap position and number of connected filters to meet this. Therefore attributes targetAlpha and targetGamma are not applicable in this case. The reactive power consumed by the converter is a function of the firing angle, transformer tap position and number of connected filter, which can be approximated with half of the active power. The losses is a function of the dc voltage and dc current. The attributes minAlpha and maxAlpha define the range of firing angles for rectifier operation between which no discrete tap changer action takes place. The range is typically 10-18 degrees. The attributes minGamma and maxGamma define the range of extinction angles for inverter operation between which no discrete tap changer action takes place. The range is typically 17-20 degrees.


    ACDCConverter Reference to the superclass object.


    Firing angle that determines the dc voltage at the converter dc terminal. Typical value between 10 degrees and 18 degrees for a rectifier. It is converter’s state variable, result from power flow. The attribute shall be a positive value.


    Extinction angle. It is used to limit the dc voltage at the inverter if needed. Typical value between 17 degrees and 20 degrees for an inverter. It is converter’s state variable, result from power flow. The attribute shall be a positive value.


    Maximum firing angle. It is converter’s configuration data used in power flow. The attribute shall be a positive value.


    Maximum extinction angle. It is converter’s configuration data used in power flow. The attribute shall be a positive value.


    The maximum direct current (Id) on the DC side at which the converter should operate. It is converter’s configuration data use in power flow. The attribute shall be a positive value.


    Minimum firing angle. It is converter’s configuration data used in power flow. The attribute shall be a positive value.


    Minimum extinction angle. It is converter’s configuration data used in power flow. The attribute shall be a positive value.


    The minimum direct current (Id) on the DC side at which the converter should operate. It is converter’s configuration data used in power flow. The attribute shall be a positive value.


    Indicates whether the DC pole is operating as an inverter or as a rectifier. It is converter’s control variable used in power flow.


    Kind of active power control.


    Rated converter DC current, also called IdN. The attribute shall be a positive value. It is converter’s configuration data used in power flow.


    Target firing angle. It is converter’s control variable used in power flow. It is only applicable for rectifier if continuous tap changer control is used. Allowed values are within the range minAlpha<=targetAlpha<=maxAlpha. The attribute shall be a positive value.


    Target extinction angle. It is converter’s control variable used in power flow. It is only applicable for inverter if continuous tap changer control is used. Allowed values are within the range minGamma<=targetGamma<=maxGamma. The attribute shall be a positive value.


    DC current target value. It is converter’s control variable used in power flow. The attribute shall be a positive value.


    CSCDynamics Current source converter dynamics model used to describe dynamic behaviour of this converter.

  248. final case class CurrentEmergencyScheduledInterchange(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, emergencyScheduleMW: Double = 0.0, emergencyScheduleRampTime: Int = 0, emergencyScheduleStartTime: String = null, InternalControlArea: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Control area emergency schedules

    Control area emergency schedules


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    Net tie MW. These are three entries, the current emergency schedule interchange and the two future schedules if they exist.


    Ramp time, the ramping time for a schedule. This is calculated as the remaining time to ramp if a schedule is ramping. Measured in seconds, but can be negattive.


    Net tie time, the start time for a schedule. This is calculated as the current time if a schedule is ramping.


    InternalControlArea undocumented

  249. final case class CurrentLimit(OperationalLimit: OperationalLimit = null, normalValue: Double = 0.0, value: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Operational limit on current.

    Operational limit on current.


    OperationalLimit Reference to the superclass object.


    The normal value for limit on current flow. The attribute shall be a positive value or zero.


    Limit on current flow. The attribute shall be a positive value or zero.

  250. final case class CurrentRelay(ProtectionEquipment: ProtectionEquipment = null, currentLimit1: Double = 0.0, currentLimit2: Double = 0.0, currentLimit3: Double = 0.0, inverseTimeFlag: Boolean = false, timeDelay1: Double = 0.0, timeDelay2: Double = 0.0, timeDelay3: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A device that checks current flow values in any direction or designated direction.

    A device that checks current flow values in any direction or designated direction.


    ProtectionEquipment Reference to the superclass object.


    Current limit number one 1 for inverse time pickup.


    Current limit number 2 for inverse time pickup.


    Current limit number 3 for inverse time pickup.


    Set true if the current relay has inverse time characteristic.


    Inverse time delay number 1 for current limit number 1.


    Inverse time delay number 2 for current limit number 2.


    Inverse time delay number 3 for current limit number 3.

  251. final case class CurrentScheduledInterchange(Element: BasicElement = null, currentNetTieMW: Double = 0.0, useEmergencySchedule: Boolean = false, InternalControlArea: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Control area current net tie (scheduled interchange) sent to real time dispatch.

    Control area current net tie (scheduled interchange) sent to real time dispatch.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    Current control area net tie MW (the sum of the tie line flows, i.e the sum of flows into and out of the control area), the current instantaneous scheduled interchange.


    Use Emergency Schedule Attribute Usage: Emergency use indicator, false = Emergency Schedular OFF, true = Emergency Schedular ON.


    InternalControlArea undocumented

  252. final case class CurrentState(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

  253. final case class CurrentTransformer(Sensor: Sensor = null, accuracyClass: String = null, accuracyLimit: Double = 0.0, coreBurden: Double = 0.0, ctClass: String = null, usage: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Instrument transformer used to measure electrical qualities of the circuit that is being protected and/or monitored.

    Instrument transformer used to measure electrical qualities of the circuit that is being protected and/or monitored.

    Typically used as current transducer for the purpose of metering or protection. A typical secondary current rating would be 5A.


    Sensor Reference to the superclass object.


    CT accuracy classification.


    Percent of rated current for which the CT remains accurate within specified limits.


    Power burden of the CT core.


    CT classification; i.e. class 10P.


    Intended usage of the CT; i.e. metering, protection.

  254. final case class CurrentTransformerInfo(AssetInfo: AssetInfo = null, accuracyClass: String = null, accuracyLimit: Double = 0.0, coreCount: Int = 0, ctClass: String = null, kneePointCurrent: Double = 0.0, kneePointVoltage: Double = 0.0, maxRatio: String = null, nominalRatio: String = null, primaryFlsRating: Double = 0.0, primaryRatio: String = null, ratedCurrent: Double = 0.0, secondaryFlsRating: Double = 0.0, secondaryRatio: String = null, tertiaryFlsRating: Double = 0.0, tertiaryRatio: String = null, usage: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Properties of current transformer asset.

    Properties of current transformer asset.


    AssetInfo Reference to the superclass object.


    CT accuracy classification.


    Accuracy limit.


    Number of cores.




    Maximum primary current where the CT still displays linear characteristicts.


    Maximum voltage across the secondary terminals where the CT still displays linear characteristicts.


    Maximum ratio between the primary and secondary current.


    Nominal ratio between the primary and secondary current; i.e. 100:5.


    Full load secondary (FLS) rating for primary winding.


    Ratio for the primary winding tap changer.


    Rated current on the primary side.


    Full load secondary (FLS) rating for secondary winding.


    Ratio for the secondary winding tap changer.


    Full load secondary (FLS) rating for tertiary winding.


    Ratio for the tertiary winding tap changer.


    Usage: eg. metering, protection, etc.

  255. final case class CurtailmentProfile(Profile: Profile = null, EnergyTransaction: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Curtailing entity must be providing at least one service to the EnergyTransaction.

    Curtailing entity must be providing at least one service to the EnergyTransaction.

    The CurtailmentProfile must be completely contained within the EnergyProfile timeframe for this EnergyTransaction.


    Profile Reference to the superclass object.


    EnergyTransaction An EnergyTransaction may be curtailed by any of the participating entities.

  256. final case class Curve(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, curveStyle: String = null, xMultiplier: String = null, xUnit: String = null, y1Multiplier: String = null, y1Unit: String = null, y2Multiplier: String = null, y2Unit: String = null, y3Multiplier: String = null, y3Unit: String = null, CurveDatas: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A multi-purpose curve or functional relationship between an independent variable (X-axis) and dependent (Y-axis) variables.

    A multi-purpose curve or functional relationship between an independent variable (X-axis) and dependent (Y-axis) variables.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    The style or shape of the curve.


    Multiplier for X-axis.


    The X-axis units of measure.


    Multiplier for Y1-axis.


    The Y1-axis units of measure.


    Multiplier for Y2-axis.


    The Y2-axis units of measure.


    Multiplier for Y3-axis.


    The Y3-axis units of measure.


    CurveData The point data values that define this curve.

  257. final case class CurveData(Element: BasicElement = null, xvalue: Double = 0.0, y1value: Double = 0.0, y2value: Double = 0.0, y3value: Double = 0.0, Curve: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Multi-purpose data points for defining a curve.

    Multi-purpose data points for defining a curve.

    The use of this generic class is discouraged if a more specific class can be used to specify the X and Y axis values along with their specific data types.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    The data value of the X-axis variable, depending on the X-axis units.


    The data value of the first Y-axis variable, depending on the Y-axis units.


    The data value of the second Y-axis variable (if present), depending on the Y-axis units.


    The data value of the third Y-axis variable (if present), depending on the Y-axis units.


    Curve The curve of this curve data point.

  258. final case class Customer(OrganisationRole: OrganisationRole = null, kind: String = null, locale: String = null, priority: String = null, pucNumber: String = null, specialNeed: String = null, status: String = null, vip: Boolean = false, CustomerAccounts: List[String] = null, CustomerAgreements: List[String] = null, CustomerNotifications: List[String] = null, Customer_attr: List[String] = null, EndDevices: List[String] = null, ErpPersons: List[String] = null, OutagePlan: String = null, PlannedOutageNotification: List[String] = null, TroubleTickets: List[String] = null, Works: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Organisation receiving services from service supplier.

    Organisation receiving services from service supplier.


    OrganisationRole Reference to the superclass object.


    Kind of customer.


    Locale designating language to use in communications with this customer.


    Priority of the customer.


    (if applicable) Public utilities commission (PUC) identification number.


    True if customer organisation has special service needs such as life support, hospitals, etc.


    Status of this customer.


    (deprecated) (use 'priority' instead) True if this is an important customer. Importance is for matters different than those in 'specialNeed' attribute.


    CustomerAccount All accounts of this customer.


    CustomerAgreement All agreements of this customer.


    CustomerNotification All notifications required by this customer.


    Customer undocumented


    EndDevice All end devices of this customer.


    OldPerson undocumented


    OutagePlan The outage plan that identifies the customers that are affected.


    PlannedOutageNotification undocumented


    TroubleTicket All trouble tickets for this customer.


    Work All the works performed for this customer.

  259. final case class CustomerAccount(Document: Document = null, billingCycle: String = null, budgetBill: String = null, lastBillAmount: Double = 0.0, AccountNotification: List[String] = null, Customer: String = null, CustomerAgreements: List[String] = null, CustomerBillingInfos: List[String] = null, ErpInvoicees: List[String] = null, PaymentTransactions: List[String] = null, WorkBillingInfos: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Assignment of a group of products and services purchased by the customer through a customer agreement, used as a mechanism for customer billing and payment.

    Assignment of a group of products and services purchased by the customer through a customer agreement, used as a mechanism for customer billing and payment.

    It contains common information from the various types of customer agreements to create billings (invoices) for a customer and receive payment.


    Document Reference to the superclass object.


    Cycle day on which the associated customer account will normally be billed, used to determine when to produce the billing.


    Budget bill code.


    The last amount that will be billed to the customer prior to shut off of the account.


    AccountNotification undocumented


    Customer Customer owning this account.


    CustomerAgreement All agreements for this customer account.


    CustomerBillingInfo undocumented


    ErpInvoice undocumented


    Transaction All payment transactions for this customer account.


    WorkBillingInfo undocumented

  260. final case class CustomerAgreement(Agreement: Agreement = null, isPrePay: Boolean = false, loadMgmt: String = null, shutOffDateTime: String = null, AuxiliaryAgreements: List[String] = null, Customer: String = null, CustomerAccount: String = null, DemandResponsePrograms: List[String] = null, MeterReadings: List[String] = null, PricingStructures: List[String] = null, ServiceCategory: String = null, ServiceLocations: List[String] = null, ServiceSupplier: String = null, StandardIndustryCode: String = null, UsagePoints: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Agreement between the customer and the service supplier to pay for service at a specific service location.

    Agreement between the customer and the service supplier to pay for service at a specific service location.

    It records certain billing information about the type of service provided at the service location and is used during charge creation to determine the type of service.


    Agreement Reference to the superclass object.


    If true, the customer is a pre-pay customer for the specified service.


    Load management code.


    Final date and time the service will be billed to the previous customer.


    AuxiliaryAgreement All (non-service related) auxiliary agreements that refer to this customer agreement.


    Customer Customer for this agreement.


    CustomerAccount Customer account owning this agreement.


    DemandResponseProgram All demand response programs the customer is enrolled in through this customer agreement.


    MeterReading (could be deprecated in the future) All meter readings for this customer agreement.


    PricingStructure All pricing structures applicable to this customer agreement.


    ServiceCategory Service category for this agreement.


    ServiceLocation All service locations regulated by this customer agreement.


    ServiceSupplier Service supplier for this customer agreement.


    StandardIndustryCode undocumented


    UsagePoint All service delivery points regulated by this customer agreement.

  261. final case class CustomerBillingInfo(Document: Document = null, billingDate: String = null, dueDate: String = null, kind: String = null, lastPaymentAmt: Double = 0.0, lastPaymentDate: String = null, outBalance: Double = 0.0, pymtPlanAmt: Double = 0.0, pymtPlanType: String = null, CustomerAccount: String = null, ErpInvoiceLineItems: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    The creation of the monthly customer billing statements is the method employed to notify Customers of charges, adjustments and credits applied to their account for Services and Products.

    The creation of the monthly customer billing statements is the method employed to notify Customers of charges, adjustments and credits applied to their account for Services and Products.

    The actuall billing occurs through an ErpInvoice. The CustomerBillingInfo includes information from the payment, collection, meter reading, installed meter, service, site, customer, customer account, customer agreement, services and pricing subject areas. Each component price shows up as a separate line item on the ErpInvoice. The Customer Billing Statement may include collection and account messages, marketing/civic event messages and bill inserts. One Customer Billing Statement is produced for all Agreements under a CustomerAccount per billing cycle date defined in 'CustomerAccount.billingCycle'. The history of CustomerBillingInfo, Invoices and Payments is to be maintained in associated ActivityRecords.


    Document Reference to the superclass object.


    Business date designated for the billing run which produced this CustomerBillingInfo.


    Calculated date upon which a customer billing amount is due, used in the invoicing process to determine when a Customer's Payment is delinquent. It takes into consideration the regulatory criteria and the Customer's requested due date. In the absence of a Customer requested due date, the due date is typically calculated from the regulated number of days and the 'billingDate'.


    Kind of bill customer receives.


    Amount of the last payment received from the customer. It is retained in the Customer Billing system, although the details of each payment are tracked in the ERP system.


    Date of the last payment received from the customer. It is retained in the Customer Billing system, although the details of each payment are tracked in the ERP system.


    Outstanding balance on the CustomerAccount as of the statement date.


    Monthly amortized amount due during each billing cycle for the CustomerAccount balance for which the Payment Plan is set-up.


    Type of payment plan.


    CustomerAccount undocumented


    ErpInvoiceLineItem undocumented

  262. final case class CustomerConsumer(Organisation: Organisation = null, CustChildOf: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    The energy buyer in the energy marketplace.

    The energy buyer in the energy marketplace.


    Organisation Reference to the superclass object.


    TieLine A ControlAreaOperator or CustomerConsumer may ring their perimeter with metering, which can create a unique SubControlArea at the collection of metering points, called a TieLine.

  263. final case class CustomerNotification(Element: BasicElement = null, contactType: String = null, contactValue: String = null, earliestDateTimeToCall: String = null, latestDateTimeToCall: String = null, trigger: String = null, Customer: String = null, Incident: String = null, TroubleTickets: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Conditions for notifying the customer about the changes in the status of their service (e.g., outage restore, estimated restoration time, tariff or service level change, etc.)

    Conditions for notifying the customer about the changes in the status of their service (e.g., outage restore, estimated restoration time, tariff or service level change, etc.)


    Reference to the superclass object.


    Type of contact (e.g., phone, email, etc.).


    Value of contact type (e.g., phone number, email address, etc.).


    Earliest date time to call the customer.


    Latest date time to call the customer.


    Trigger for this notification.


    Customer Customer requiring this notification.


    Incident Incident as a subject of this customer notification.


    TroubleTicket All trouble tickets with this notification.

  264. final case class Cut(Switch: Switch = null, lengthFromTerminal1: Double = 0.0, ACLineSegment: String = null, CutAction: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A cut separates a line segment into two parts.

    A cut separates a line segment into two parts.

    The cut appears as a switch inserted between these two parts and connects them together. As the cut is normally open there is no galvanic connection between the two line segment parts. But it is possible to close the cut to get galvanic connection. The cut terminals are oriented towards the line segment terminals with the same sequence number. Hence the cut terminal with sequence number equal to 1 is oriented to the line segment's terminal with sequence number equal to 1. The cut terminals also act as connection points for jumpers and other equipment, e.g. a mobile generator. To enable this, connectivity nodes are placed at the cut terminals. Once the connectivity nodes are in place any conducting equipment can be connected at them.


    Switch Reference to the superclass object.


    The length to the place where the cut is located starting from side one of the cut line segment, i.e. the line segment Terminal with sequenceNumber equal to 1.


    ACLineSegment The line segment to which the cut is applied.


    CutAction Action taken with this cut.

  265. final case class CutAction(SwitchingAction: SwitchingAction = null, kind: String = null, Cut: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Action on cut as a switching step.

    Action on cut as a switching step.


    SwitchingAction Reference to the superclass object.


    Switching action to perform.


    Cut Cut on which this action is taken.

  266. final case class Cyclone(AtmosphericPhenomenon: AtmosphericPhenomenon = null, centralPressure: Double = 0.0, maxSurfaceWindSpeed: Double = 0.0, windForce: Int = 0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A cyclone (or tropical cyclone), a rapidly-rotating storm system characterized by a low-pressure center, strong winds, and a spiral arrangement of thunderstorms that produce heavy rain.

    A cyclone (or tropical cyclone), a rapidly-rotating storm system characterized by a low-pressure center, strong winds, and a spiral arrangement of thunderstorms that produce heavy rain.


    AtmosphericPhenomenon Reference to the superclass object.


    The central pressure of the cyclone during the time interval.


    The maximum surface wind speed of the cyclone during the time interval.


    Wind Force as classified on the Beaufort Scale (0-12) during the time interval.

  267. final case class DCBaseTerminal(ACDCTerminal: ACDCTerminal = null, DCNode: String = null, DCTopologicalNode: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    An electrical connection point at a piece of DC conducting equipment.

    An electrical connection point at a piece of DC conducting equipment.

    DC terminals are connected at one physical DC node that may have multiple DC terminals connected. A DC node is similar to an AC connectivity node. The model requires that DC connections are distinct from AC connections.


    ACDCTerminal Reference to the superclass object.


    DCNode The DC connectivity node to which this DC base terminal connects with zero impedance.


    DCTopologicalNode See association end Terminal. TopologicalNode.

  268. final case class DCBreaker(DCSwitch: DCSwitch = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A breaker within a DC system.

    A breaker within a DC system.


    DCSwitch Reference to the superclass object.

  269. final case class DCBusbar(DCConductingEquipment: DCConductingEquipment = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A busbar within a DC system.

    A busbar within a DC system.


    DCConductingEquipment Reference to the superclass object.

  270. final case class DCChopper(DCConductingEquipment: DCConductingEquipment = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Low resistance equipment used in the internal DC circuit to balance voltages.

    Low resistance equipment used in the internal DC circuit to balance voltages.

    It has typically positive and negative pole terminals and a ground.


    DCConductingEquipment Reference to the superclass object.

  271. final case class DCConductingEquipment(Equipment: Equipment = null, ratedUdc: Double = 0.0, DCTerminals: List[String] = null, ProtectiveActionAdjustment: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    The parts of the DC power system that are designed to carry current or that are conductively connected through DC terminals.

    The parts of the DC power system that are designed to carry current or that are conductively connected through DC terminals.


    Equipment Reference to the superclass object.


    Rated DC device voltage. The attribute shall be a positive value. It is configuration data used in power flow.


    DCTerminal A DC conducting equipment has DC terminals.


    ProtectiveActionAdjustment undocumented

  272. final case class DCConverterUnit(DCEquipmentContainer: DCEquipmentContainer = null, operationMode: String = null, Substation: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Indivisible operative unit comprising all equipment between the point of common coupling on the AC side and the point of common coupling – DC side, essentially one or more converters, together with one or more converter transformers, converter control equipment, essential protective and switching devices and auxiliaries, if any, used for conversion.

    Indivisible operative unit comprising all equipment between the point of common coupling on the AC side and the point of common coupling – DC side, essentially one or more converters, together with one or more converter transformers, converter control equipment, essential protective and switching devices and auxiliaries, if any, used for conversion.


    DCEquipmentContainer Reference to the superclass object.


    The operating mode of an HVDC bipole (bipolar, monopolar metallic return, etc).


    Substation The containing substation of the DC converter unit.

  273. final case class DCDisconnector(DCSwitch: DCSwitch = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A disconnector within a DC system.

    A disconnector within a DC system.


    DCSwitch Reference to the superclass object.

  274. final case class DCEquipmentContainer(EquipmentContainer: EquipmentContainer = null, DCNodes: List[String] = null, DCTopologicalNode: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A modelling construct to provide a root class for containment of DC as well as AC equipment.

    A modelling construct to provide a root class for containment of DC as well as AC equipment.

    The class differ from the EquipmentContaner for AC in that it may also contain DCNode-s. Hence it can contain both AC and DC equipment.


    EquipmentContainer Reference to the superclass object.


    DCNode The DC nodes contained in the DC equipment container.


    DCTopologicalNode The topological nodes which belong to this connectivity node container.

  275. final case class DCGround(DCConductingEquipment: DCConductingEquipment = null, inductance: Double = 0.0, r: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A ground within a DC system.

    A ground within a DC system.


    DCConductingEquipment Reference to the superclass object.


    Inductance to ground.


    Resistance to ground.

  276. final case class DCLine(DCEquipmentContainer: DCEquipmentContainer = null, Region: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Overhead lines and/or cables connecting two or more HVDC substations.

    Overhead lines and/or cables connecting two or more HVDC substations.


    DCEquipmentContainer Reference to the superclass object.


    SubGeographicalRegion The SubGeographicalRegion containing the DC line.

  277. final case class DCLineSegment(DCConductingEquipment: DCConductingEquipment = null, capacitance: Double = 0.0, inductance: Double = 0.0, len: Double = 0.0, resistance: Double = 0.0, PerLengthParameter: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A wire or combination of wires not insulated from one another, with consistent electrical characteristics, used to carry direct current between points in the DC region of the power system.

    A wire or combination of wires not insulated from one another, with consistent electrical characteristics, used to carry direct current between points in the DC region of the power system.


    DCConductingEquipment Reference to the superclass object.


    Capacitance of the DC line segment. Significant for cables only.


    Inductance of the DC line segment. Negligible compared with DCSeriesDevice used for smoothing.


    Segment length for calculating line section capabilities.


    Resistance of the DC line segment.


    PerLengthDCLineParameter Set of per-length parameters for this line segment.

  278. final case class DCNode(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, DCEquipmentContainer: String = null, DCTerminals: List[String] = null, DCTopologicalNode: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    DC nodes are points where terminals of DC conducting equipment are connected together with zero impedance.

    DC nodes are points where terminals of DC conducting equipment are connected together with zero impedance.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    DCEquipmentContainer The DC container for the DC nodes.


    DCBaseTerminal DC base terminals interconnected with zero impedance at a this DC connectivity node.


    DCTopologicalNode The DC topological node to which this DC connectivity node is assigned. May depend on the current state of switches in the network.

  279. final case class DCSeriesDevice(DCConductingEquipment: DCConductingEquipment = null, inductance: Double = 0.0, resistance: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A series device within the DC system, typically a reactor used for filtering or smoothing.

    A series device within the DC system, typically a reactor used for filtering or smoothing.

    Needed for transient and short circuit studies.


    DCConductingEquipment Reference to the superclass object.


    Inductance of the device.


    Resistance of the DC device.

  280. final case class DCShunt(DCConductingEquipment: DCConductingEquipment = null, capacitance: Double = 0.0, resistance: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A shunt device within the DC system, typically used for filtering.

    A shunt device within the DC system, typically used for filtering.

    Needed for transient and short circuit studies.


    DCConductingEquipment Reference to the superclass object.


    Capacitance of the DC shunt.


    Resistance of the DC device.

  281. final case class DCSwitch(DCConductingEquipment: DCConductingEquipment = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A switch within the DC system.

    A switch within the DC system.


    DCConductingEquipment Reference to the superclass object.

  282. final case class DCTerminal(DCBaseTerminal: DCBaseTerminal = null, DCConductingEquipment: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    An electrical connection point to generic DC conducting equipment.

    An electrical connection point to generic DC conducting equipment.


    DCBaseTerminal Reference to the superclass object.


    DCConductingEquipment An DC terminal belong to a DC conducting equipment.

  283. final case class DCTopologicalIsland(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, DCTopologicalNodes: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    An electrically connected subset of the network.

    An electrically connected subset of the network.

    DC topological islands can change as the current network state changes, e.g. due to: - disconnect switches or breakers changing state in a SCADA/EMS. - manual creation, change or deletion of topological nodes in a planning tool. Only energised TopologicalNode-s shall be part of the topological island.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    DCTopologicalNode The DC topological nodes in a DC topological island.

  284. final case class DCTopologicalNode(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, DCEquipmentContainer: String = null, DCNodes: List[String] = null, DCTerminals: List[String] = null, DCTopologicalIsland: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    DC bus.

    DC bus.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    DCEquipmentContainer The connectivity node container to which the topological node belongs.


    DCNode The DC connectivity nodes combined together to form this DC topological node. May depend on the current state of switches in the network.


    DCBaseTerminal See association end TopologicalNode. Terminal.


    DCTopologicalIsland A DC topological node belongs to a DC topological island.

  285. final case class DCvoltageControl(Element: BasicElement = null, kivdc: Double = 0.0, kpvdc: Double = 0.0, vdcmax: Double = 0.0, vdcmin: Double = 0.0, Delay: String = null, VSCtype1: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    DC voltage control used for voltage regulation.

    DC voltage control used for voltage regulation.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    Integral gain of the DC voltage regulator (Kivdc).


    Proportional gain of the DC voltage regulator (Kpvdc).


    Maximum DC voltage (Vdcmax).


    Minimum DC voltage (Vdcmin).


    Delay undocumented


    VSCtype1 undocumented

  286. final case class DERCurveData(Element: BasicElement = null, intervalNumber: Int = 0, maxYValue: Double = 0.0, minYValue: Double = 0.0, nominalYValue: Double = 0.0, timeStamp: String = null, DERMonitorableParameter: String = null, DispatchSchedule: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

  287. final case class DERFunction(Element: BasicElement = null, connectDisconnect: Boolean = false, frequencyWattCurveFunction: Boolean = false, maxRealPowerLimiting: Boolean = false, rampRateControl: Boolean = false, reactivePowerDispatch: Boolean = false, realPowerDispatch: Boolean = false, voltVarCurveFunction: Boolean = false, voltWattCurveFunction: Boolean = false, voltageRegulation: Boolean = false, EndDeviceGroup: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

  288. final case class DERGroupDispatch(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, EndDeviceGroup: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

  289. final case class DERGroupForecast(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, predictionCreationDate: String = null, EndDeviceGroup: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

  290. final case class DERMonitorableParameter(Element: BasicElement = null, flowDirection: String = null, yMultiplier: String = null, yUnit: String = null, yUnitInstalledMax: Double = 0.0, yUnitInstalledMin: Double = 0.0, DERCurveData: String = null, DERParameter: String = null, DispatchSchedule: List[String] = null, EndDeviceGroup: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

  291. final case class DINStandard(Element: BasicElement = null, standardEdition: String = null, standardNumber: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Standard published by DIN (German Institute of Standards).

    Standard published by DIN (German Institute of Standards).


    Reference to the superclass object.


    Edition of DIN standard.


    DIN standard number.

  292. final case class DataSet(Element: BasicElement = null, description: String = null, mRID: String = null, name: String = null, AlternateModel: String = null, Profile: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A generic container of a version of instance data.

    A generic container of a version of instance data.

    The MRID can be used in an audit trail, not in reusable script intended to work with new versions of data. A dataset could be serialized multiple times and in multiple technologies, yet retain the same identity.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    The description is a free human readable text describing or naming the object. It may be non unique and may not correlate to a naming hierarchy.


    Master resource identifier issued by a model authority. The mRID is unique within an exchange context. Global uniqueness is easily achieved by using a UUID, as specified in RFC 4122, for the mRID. The use of UUID is strongly recommended. For CIMXML data files in RDF syntax conforming to IEC 61970-552 Edition 1, the mRID is mapped to rdf:ID or rdf:about attributes that identify CIM object elements.


    The name is any free human readable and possibly non unique text naming the object.


    AlternateModel The alternate model using the data.


    Profile2 The profiles that describe the contents of the data set and the rules governing the contents of the data set.

  293. final case class DatasetArg(ModelOperationArg: ModelOperationArg = null, Dataset: String = null, OperationDatasetArgDescription: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A model operation argument referencing a dataset instance.

    A model operation argument referencing a dataset instance.


    ModelOperationArg Reference to the superclass object.


    InstanceSet Dataset referenced by this argument of a model operation..


    DatasetArgDescription The type of role for this dataset role. Should only reference role types that belong to the operation type of the associated operation.

  294. final case class DatasetArgDescription(ModelOperationArgDescription: ModelOperationArgDescription = null, OperationDatasetArg: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

  295. final case class DateAndOrTime(Element: BasicElement = null, date: String = null, time: String = null, MarketDocument: List[String] = null, TimeSeries: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    The date and/or the time.

    The date and/or the time.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    Date as "yyyy-mm-dd", which conforms with ISO 8601


    Time as "hh:mm:ss.sssZ", which conforms with ISO 8601.


    MarketDocument undocumented


    TimeSeries undocumented

  296. final case class DateInterval(Element: BasicElement = null, end: String = null, start: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Interval between two dates.

    Interval between two dates.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    End date of this interval.


    Start date of this interval.

  297. final case class DateTimeInterval(Element: BasicElement = null, end: String = null, start: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Interval between two date and time points, where the interval includes the start time but excludes end time.

    Interval between two date and time points, where the interval includes the start time but excludes end time.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    End date and time of this interval. The end date and time where the interval is defined up to, but excluded.


    Start date and time of this interval. The start date and time is included in the defined interval.

  298. final case class DayType(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, SeasonDayTypeSchedules: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Group of similar days.

    Group of similar days.

    For example it could be used to represent weekdays, weekend, or holidays.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    SeasonDayTypeSchedule Schedules that use this DayType.

  299. final case class DecimalQuantity(Element: BasicElement = null, currency: String = null, multiplier: String = null, unit: String = null, value: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Quantity with decimal value and associated unit or currency information.

    Quantity with decimal value and associated unit or currency information.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    Currency of this quantity.


    Unit multiplier of this quantity.


    Unit of this quantity.


    Value of this quantity.

  300. final case class DefaultBid(Bid: Bid = null, bidType: String = null, minLoadCost: Double = 0.0, peakFlag: String = null, DefaultBidCurve: String = null, RegisteredResource: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    DefaultBid is a generic class to hold Default Energy Bid, Default Startup Bid, and Default Minimum Load Bid:

    DefaultBid is a generic class to hold Default Energy Bid, Default Startup Bid, and Default Minimum Load Bid:

    Default Energy Bid A Default Energy Bid is a monotonically increasing staircase function consisting at maximum 10 economic bid segments, or 10 ($/MW, MW) pairs.

    There are three methods for determining the Default Energy Bid:

    • Cost Based: derived from the Heat Rate or Average Cost multiplied by the Gas Price Index plus 10%.
    • LMP Based: a weighted average of LMPs in the preceding 90 days.
    • Negotiated: an amount negotiated with the designated Independent Entity.

    Default Startup Bid A Default Startup Bid (DSUB) shall be calculated for each RMR unit based on the Startup Cost stored in the Master File and the applicable GPI and EPI.

    Default Minimum Load Bid A Default Minimum Load Bid (DMLB) shall be calculated for each RMR unit based on the Minimum Load Cost stored in the Master File and the applicable GPI.


    Bid Reference to the superclass object.


    Default bid type such as Default Energy Bid, Default Minimum Load Bid, and Default Startup Bid


    Minimum load cost in $/hr


    on-peak, off-peak, or all


    DefaultBidCurve undocumented


    RegisteredResource undocumented

  301. final case class DefaultBidCurve(Curve: Curve = null, curveType: String = null, debAdderFlag: String = null, DefaultBid: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Default bid curve for default energy bid curve and default startup curves (cost and time).

    Default bid curve for default energy bid curve and default startup curves (cost and time).


    Curve Reference to the superclass object.


    To indicate a type used for a default energy bid curve, such as LMP, cost or consultative based.


    Default energy bid adder flag


    DefaultBid undocumented

  302. final case class DefaultBidCurveData(CurveData: CurveData = null, bidSegmentCalcType: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Curve data for default bid curve and startup cost curve.

    Curve data for default bid curve and startup cost curve.


    CurveData Reference to the superclass object.


    Type of calculation basis used to define the default bid segment curve.

  303. final case class DefaultConstraintLimit(Curve: Curve = null, SecurityConstraintSum: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Possibly time-varying max MW or MVA and optionally Min MW limit or MVA limit (Y1 and Y2, respectively) applied as a default value if no specific constraint limits are specified for a contingency analysis.

    Possibly time-varying max MW or MVA and optionally Min MW limit or MVA limit (Y1 and Y2, respectively) applied as a default value if no specific constraint limits are specified for a contingency analysis.

    Use CurveSchedule XAxisUnits to specify MW or MVA.


    Curve Reference to the superclass object.


    SecurityConstraintSum undocumented

  304. final case class Delay(Element: BasicElement = null, tm: Double = 0.0, BlockingFunction: String = null, DCvoltageControl: String = null, PFmode: String = null, Pcontrol: String = null, Qlimiter: String = null, Qmode: String = null, Qregulator: String = null, Umode: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    All the measurements are filtered by a first lag element with a time constant TM.

    All the measurements are filtered by a first lag element with a time constant TM.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    Time constant.


    BlockingFunction undocumented


    DCvoltageControl undocumented


    PFmode undocumented


    Pcontrol undocumented


    Qlimiter undocumented


    Qmode undocumented


    Qregulator undocumented


    Umode undocumented

  305. final case class DemandResponseProgram(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, type: String = null, validityInterval: String = null, CustomerAgreements: List[String] = null, EndDeviceGroups: List[String] = null, UsagePointGroups: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Demand response program.

    Demand response program.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    Type of demand response program; examples are CPP (critical-peak pricing), RTP (real-time pricing), DLC (direct load control), DBP (demand bidding program), BIP (base interruptible program). Note that possible types change a lot and it would be impossible to enumerate them all.


    Interval within which the program is valid.


    CustomerAgreement All customer agreements through which the customer is enrolled in this demand response program.


    EndDeviceGroup All groups of end devices enrolled in this demand response program.


    UsagePointGroup All usage point groups enrolled in this demand response program.

  306. final case class DeploymentDate(Element: BasicElement = null, inServiceDate: String = null, installedDate: String = null, notYetInstalledDate: String = null, outOfServiceDate: String = null, removedDate: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Dates for deployment events of an asset.

    Dates for deployment events of an asset.

    May have multiple deployment type dates for this device and a compound type allows a query to return multiple dates.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    Date and time asset most recently put in service.


    Date and time asset most recently installed.


    Date and time of asset deployment transition to not yet installed.


    Date and time asset most recently taken out of service.


    Date and time asset most recently removed.

  307. final case class Design(WorkDocument: WorkDocument = null, costEstimate: Double = 0.0, kind: String = null, price: Double = 0.0, ConditionFactors: List[String] = null, DesignLocations: List[String] = null, DesignLocationsCUs: List[String] = null, ErpBOMs: List[String] = null, ErpQuoteLineItem: String = null, Work: String = null, WorkCostDetails: List[String] = null, WorkTasks: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A design for consideration by customers, potential customers, or internal work.

    A design for consideration by customers, potential customers, or internal work.

    Note that the Version of design is the revision attribute that is inherited from Document.


    WorkDocument Reference to the superclass object.


    Estimated cost (not price) of design.


    Kind of this design.


    Price to customer for implementing design.


    ConditionFactor undocumented


    DesignLocation undocumented


    DesignLocationCU undocumented


    ErpBOM undocumented


    ErpQuoteLineItem undocumented


    Work undocumented


    WorkCostDetail undocumented


    OldWorkTask undocumented

  308. final case class DesignLocation(WorkIdentifiedObject: WorkIdentifiedObject = null, spanLength: Double = 0.0, status: String = null, ConditionFactors: List[String] = null, DesignLocationCUs: List[String] = null, Designs: List[String] = null, ErpBomItemDatas: List[String] = null, MiscCostItems: List[String] = null, WorkLocations: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A logical part of the design (e.g., pole and all equipment on a pole).

    A logical part of the design (e.g., pole and all equipment on a pole).

    This includes points and spans.


    WorkIdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    The legth of the span from the previous pole to this pole.




    ConditionFactor undocumented


    DesignLocationCU undocumented


    Design undocumented


    ErpBomItemData undocumented


    MiscCostItem undocumented


    WorkLocation undocumented

  309. final case class DesignLocationCU(WorkIdentifiedObject: WorkIdentifiedObject = null, cuAccount: String = null, cuAction: String = null, cuQuantity: String = null, cuUsage: String = null, removalDate: String = null, status: String = null, toBeEnergised: Boolean = false, CUGroups: List[String] = null, CompatibleUnits: List[String] = null, ConditionFactors: List[String] = null, DesignLocation: String = null, Designs: List[String] = null, WorkTasks: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Compatible unit at a given design location.

    Compatible unit at a given design location.


    WorkIdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    A code that helps direct accounting (capital, expense, or accounting treatment).


    A code that instructs the crew what action to perform.


    The quantity of the CU being assigned to this location.


    As the same CU can be used for different purposes and accounting purposes, usage must be specified. Examples include: distribution, transmission, substation.


    Year when a CU that represents an asset is removed.




    True if associated electrical equipment is intended to be energized while work is being performed.


    CUGroup undocumented


    CompatibleUnit undocumented


    ConditionFactor undocumented


    DesignLocation undocumented


    Design undocumented


    OldWorkTask undocumented

  310. final case class DiagnosisDataSet(ProcedureDataSet: ProcedureDataSet = null, effect: String = null, failureMode: String = null, finalCause: String = null, finalCode: String = null, finalOrigin: String = null, finalRemark: String = null, phaseCode: String = null, preliminaryCode: String = null, preliminaryDateTime: String = null, preliminaryRemark: String = null, rootCause: String = null, rootOrigin: String = null, rootRemark: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    The result of a problem (typically an asset failure) diagnosis.

    The result of a problem (typically an asset failure) diagnosis.

    Contains complete information like what might be received from a lab doing forensic analysis of a failed asset.


    ProcedureDataSet Reference to the superclass object.


    Effect of problem.


    Failuer mode, for example: Failure to Insulate; Failure to conduct; Failure to contain oil; Failure to provide ground plane; Other.


    Cause of problem determined during diagnosis.


    Code for diagnosed probem type.


    Origin of problem determined during diagnosis.


    Remarks pertaining to findings during problem diagnosis.


    Phase(s) diagnosed.


    Code for problem type determined during preliminary assessment.


    Date and time preliminary assessment of problem was performed.


    Remarks pertaining to preliminary assessment of problem.


    Root cause of problem determined during diagnosis.


    Root origin of problem determined during diagnosis.


    Remarks pertaining to root cause findings during problem diagnosis.

  311. final case class Diagram(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, orientation: String = null, x1InitialView: Double = 0.0, x2InitialView: Double = 0.0, y1InitialView: Double = 0.0, y2InitialView: Double = 0.0, DiagramElements: List[String] = null, DiagramStyle: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    The diagram being exchanged.

    The diagram being exchanged.

    The coordinate system is a standard Cartesian coordinate system and the orientation attribute defines the orientation. The initial view related attributes can be used to specify an initial view with the x,y coordinates of the diagonal points.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    Coordinate system orientation of the diagram. A positive orientation gives standard “right-hand” orientation, with negative orientation indicating a “left-hand” orientation. For 2D diagrams, a positive orientation will result in X values increasing from left to right and Y values increasing from bottom to top. A negative orientation gives the “left-hand” orientation (favoured by computer graphics displays) with X values increasing from left to right and Y values increasing from top to bottom.


    X coordinate of the first corner of the initial view.


    X coordinate of the second corner of the initial view.


    Y coordinate of the first corner of the initial view.


    Y coordinate of the second corner of the initial view.


    DiagramObject A diagram is made up of multiple diagram objects.


    DiagramStyle A Diagram may have a DiagramStyle.

  312. final case class DiagramObject(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, drawingOrder: Int = 0, isPolygon: Boolean = false, offsetX: Double = 0.0, offsetY: Double = 0.0, rotation: Double = 0.0, Diagram: String = null, DiagramObjectPoints: List[String] = null, DiagramObjectStyle: String = null, IdentifiedObject_attr: String = null, VisibilityLayers: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    An object that defines one or more points in a given space.

    An object that defines one or more points in a given space.

    This object can be associated with anything that specializes IdentifiedObject. For single line diagrams such objects typically include such items as analog values, breakers, disconnectors, power transformers, and transmission lines.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    The drawing order of this element. The higher the number, the later the element is drawn in sequence. This is used to ensure that elements that overlap are rendered in the correct order.


    Defines whether or not the diagram objects points define the boundaries of a polygon or the routing of a polyline. If this value is true then a receiving application should consider the first and last points to be connected.


    The offset in the X direction. This is used for defining the offset from centre for rendering an icon (the default is that a single point specifies the centre of the icon). The offset is in per-unit with 0 indicating there is no offset from the horizontal centre of the icon. -0.5 indicates it is offset by 50% to the left and 0.5 indicates an offset of 50% to the right.


    The offset in the Y direction. This is used for defining the offset from centre for rendering an icon (the default is that a single point specifies the centre of the icon). The offset is in per-unit with 0 indicating there is no offset from the vertical centre of the icon. The offset direction is dependent on the orientation of the diagram, with -0.5 and 0.5 indicating an offset of +/- 50% on the vertical axis.


    Sets the angle of rotation of the diagram object. Zero degrees is pointing to the top of the diagram. Rotation is clockwise. DiagramObject.rotation=0 has the following meaning: The connection point of an element which has one terminal is pointing to the top side of the diagram. The connection point "From side" of an element which has more than one terminal is pointing to the top side of the diagram. DiagramObject.rotation=90 has the following meaning: The connection point of an element which has one terminal is pointing to the right hand side of the diagram. The connection point "From side" of an element which has more than one terminal is pointing to the right hand side of the diagram.


    Diagram A diagram object is part of a diagram.


    DiagramObjectPoint A diagram object can have 0 or more points to reflect its layout position, routing (for polylines) or boundary (for polygons).


    DiagramObjectStyle A diagram object has a style associated that provides a reference for the style used in the originating system.


    IdentifiedObject The domain object to which this diagram object is associated.


    VisibilityLayer A diagram object can be part of multiple visibility layers.

  313. final case class DiagramObjectGluePoint(Element: BasicElement = null, DiagramObjectPoints: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    This is used for grouping diagram object points from different diagram objects that are considered to be glued together in a diagram even if they are not at the exact same coordinates.

    This is used for grouping diagram object points from different diagram objects that are considered to be glued together in a diagram even if they are not at the exact same coordinates.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    DiagramObjectPoint A diagram object glue point is associated with 2 or more object points that are considered to be 'glued' together.

  314. final case class DiagramObjectPoint(Element: BasicElement = null, sequenceNumber: Int = 0, xPosition: Double = 0.0, yPosition: Double = 0.0, zPosition: Double = 0.0, DiagramObject: String = null, DiagramObjectGluePoint: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A point in a given space defined by 3 coordinates and associated to a diagram object.

    A point in a given space defined by 3 coordinates and associated to a diagram object.

    The coordinates may be positive or negative as the origin does not have to be in the corner of a diagram.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    The sequence position of the point, used for defining the order of points for diagram objects acting as a polyline or polygon with more than one point. The attribute shall be a positive value.


    The X coordinate of this point.


    The Y coordinate of this point.


    The Z coordinate of this point.


    DiagramObject The diagram object with which the points are associated.


    DiagramObjectGluePoint The 'glue' point to which this point is associated.

  315. final case class DiagramObjectStyle(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, StyledObjects: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A reference to a style used by the originating system for a diagram object.

    A reference to a style used by the originating system for a diagram object.

    A diagram object style describes information such as line thickness, shape such as circle or rectangle etc, and colour.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    DiagramObject A style can be assigned to multiple diagram objects.

  316. final case class DiagramStyle(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, Diagram: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    The diagram style refers to a style used by the originating system for a diagram.

    The diagram style refers to a style used by the originating system for a diagram.

    A diagram style describes information such as schematic, geographic, etc.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    Diagram A DiagramStyle can be used by many Diagrams.

  317. final case class DifferentialModel(Element: BasicElement = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A set of statements describing the changes in the network model.

    A set of statements describing the changes in the network model.

    The statement is defined in the incremental model.


    Reference to the superclass object.

  318. final case class DimensionsInfo(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, orientation: String = null, sizeDepth: Double = 0.0, sizeDiameter: Double = 0.0, sizeLength: Double = 0.0, sizeWidth: Double = 0.0, Specifications: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    As applicable, the basic linear, area, or volume dimensions of an asset, asset type (AssetModel) or other type of object (such as land area).

    As applicable, the basic linear, area, or volume dimensions of an asset, asset type (AssetModel) or other type of object (such as land area).

    Units and multipliers are specified per dimension.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    A description of the orientation of the object relative to the dimensions. As an example, a vault may have north-south orientation for the sizeLength measurement and sizeDepth may be the height of the vault.


    Depth measurement.


    Diameter measurement.


    Length measurement.


    Width measurement.


    Specification undocumented

  319. final case class DiscExcContIEEEDEC1A(DiscontinuousExcitationControlDynamics: DiscontinuousExcitationControlDynamics = null, esc: Double = 0.0, kan: Double = 0.0, ketl: Double = 0.0, tan: Double = 0.0, td: Double = 0.0, tl1: Double = 0.0, tl2: Double = 0.0, tw5: Double = 0.0, val: Double = 0.0, vanmax: Double = 0.0, vomax: Double = 0.0, vomin: Double = 0.0, vsmax: Double = 0.0, vsmin: Double = 0.0, vtc: Double = 0.0, vtlmt: Double = 0.0, vtm: Double = 0.0, vtn: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    IEEE type DEC1A discontinuous excitation control model that boosts generator excitation to a level higher than that demanded by the voltage regulator and stabilizer immediately following a system fault.

    IEEE type DEC1A discontinuous excitation control model that boosts generator excitation to a level higher than that demanded by the voltage regulator and stabilizer immediately following a system fault.

    Reference: IEEE 421.5-2005, 12.2.


    DiscontinuousExcitationControlDynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    Speed change reference (ESC). Typical value = 0,0015.


    Discontinuous controller gain (KAN). Typical value = 400.


    Terminal voltage limiter gain (KETL). Typical value = 47.


    Discontinuous controller time constant (TAN) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,08.


    Time constant (TD) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,03.


    Time constant (TL1) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,025.


    Time constant (TL2) (>= 0). Typical value = 1,25.


    DEC washout time constant (TW5) (>= 0). Typical value = 5.


    Regulator voltage reference (VAL). Typical value = 5,5.


    Limiter for Van (VANMAX).


    Limiter (VOMAX) (> DiscExcContIEEEDEC1A.vomin). Typical value = 0,3.


    Limiter (VOMIN) (< DiscExcContIEEEDEC1A.vomax). Typical value = 0,1.


    Limiter (VSMAX)(> DiscExcContIEEEDEC1A.vsmin). Typical value = 0,2.


    Limiter (VSMIN) (< DiscExcContIEEEDEC1A.vsmax). Typical value = -0,066.


    Terminal voltage level reference (VTC). Typical value = 0,95.


    Voltage reference (VTLMT). Typical value = 1,1.


    Voltage limits (VTM). Typical value = 1,13.


    Voltage limits (VTN). Typical value = 1,12.

  320. final case class DiscExcContIEEEDEC2A(DiscontinuousExcitationControlDynamics: DiscontinuousExcitationControlDynamics = null, td1: Double = 0.0, td2: Double = 0.0, vdmax: Double = 0.0, vdmin: Double = 0.0, vk: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    IEEE type DEC2A model for discontinuous excitation control.

    IEEE type DEC2A model for discontinuous excitation control.

    This system provides transient excitation boosting via an open-loop control as initiated by a trigger signal generated remotely. Reference: IEEE 421.5-2005 12.3.


    DiscontinuousExcitationControlDynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    Discontinuous controller time constant (TD1) (>= 0).


    Discontinuous controller washout time constant (TD2) (>= 0).


    Limiter (VDMAX) (> DiscExcContIEEEDEC2A.vdmin).


    Limiter (VDMIN) (< DiscExcContIEEEDEC2A.vdmax).


    Discontinuous controller input reference (VK).

  321. final case class DiscExcContIEEEDEC3A(DiscontinuousExcitationControlDynamics: DiscontinuousExcitationControlDynamics = null, tdr: Double = 0.0, vtmin: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    IEEE type DEC3A model.

    IEEE type DEC3A model.

    In some systems, the stabilizer output is disconnected from the regulator immediately following a severe fault to prevent the stabilizer from competing with action of voltage regulator during the first swing. Reference: IEEE 421.5-2005 12.4.


    DiscontinuousExcitationControlDynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    Reset time delay (TDR) (>= 0).


    Terminal undervoltage comparison level (VTMIN).

  322. final case class DisconnectingCircuitBreaker(Breaker: Breaker = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A circuit breaking device including disconnecting function, eliminating the need for separate disconnectors.

    A circuit breaking device including disconnecting function, eliminating the need for separate disconnectors.


    Breaker Reference to the superclass object.

  323. final case class Disconnector(Switch: Switch = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A manually operated or motor operated mechanical switching device used for changing the connections in a circuit, or for isolating a circuit or equipment from a source of power.

    A manually operated or motor operated mechanical switching device used for changing the connections in a circuit, or for isolating a circuit or equipment from a source of power.

    It is required to open or close circuits when negligible current is broken or made.


    Switch Reference to the superclass object.

  324. final case class DiscontinuousExcitationControlDynamics(DynamicsFunctionBlock: DynamicsFunctionBlock = null, ExcitationSystemDynamics: String = null, RemoteInputSignal: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Discontinuous excitation control function block whose behaviour is described by reference to a standard model <font color="#0f0f0f">or by definition of a user-defined model</font>.

    Discontinuous excitation control function block whose behaviour is described by reference to a standard model <font color="#0f0f0f">or by definition of a user-defined model</font>.


    DynamicsFunctionBlock Reference to the superclass object.


    ExcitationSystemDynamics Excitation system model with which this discontinuous excitation control model is associated.


    RemoteInputSignal Remote input signal used by this discontinuous excitation control system model.

  325. final case class DiscontinuousExcitationControlUserDefined(DiscontinuousExcitationControlDynamics: DiscontinuousExcitationControlDynamics = null, proprietary: Boolean = false, ProprietaryParameterDynamics: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Discontinuous excitation control function block whose dynamic behaviour is described by <font color="#0f0f0f">a user-defined model.</font>

    Discontinuous excitation control function block whose dynamic behaviour is described by <font color="#0f0f0f">a user-defined model.</font>


    DiscontinuousExcitationControlDynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    Behaviour is based on a proprietary model as opposed to a detailed model. true = user-defined model is proprietary with behaviour mutually understood by sending and receiving applications and parameters passed as general attributes false = user-defined model is explicitly defined in terms of control blocks and their input and output signals.


    ProprietaryParameterDynamics Parameter of this proprietary user-defined model.

  326. final case class Discrete(Measurement: Measurement = null, maxValue: Int = 0, minValue: Int = 0, normalValue: Int = 0, DiscreteValues: List[String] = null, ValueAliasSet: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Discrete represents a discrete Measurement, i.e.

    Discrete represents a discrete Measurement, i.e. a Measurement representing discrete values, e.g. a Breaker position.


    Measurement Reference to the superclass object.


    Normal value range maximum for any of the MeasurementValue.values. Used for scaling, e.g. in bar graphs or of telemetered raw values.


    Normal value range minimum for any of the MeasurementValue.values. Used for scaling, e.g. in bar graphs or of telemetered raw values.


    Normal measurement value, e.g., used for percentage calculations.


    DiscreteValue The values connected to this measurement.


    ValueAliasSet The ValueAliasSet used for translation of a MeasurementValue.value to a name.

  327. final case class DiscreteMeasurementValueQuality(MeasurementValueQuality: MeasurementValueQuality = null, manualReplaceIndicator: Boolean = false, removeFromOperationIndicator: Boolean = false) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Measurement quality flags for Discrete Values.

    Measurement quality flags for Discrete Values.


    MeasurementValueQuality Reference to the superclass object.


    Switch Manual Replace Indicator. Flag indicating that the switch is manual replace.


    Removed From Operation Indicator. Flag indicating that the switch is removed from operation.

  328. final case class DiscreteValue(MeasurementValue: MeasurementValue = null, value: Int = 0, Command: String = null, Discrete: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    DiscreteValue represents a discrete MeasurementValue.

    DiscreteValue represents a discrete MeasurementValue.


    MeasurementValue Reference to the superclass object.


    The value to supervise.


    Command The Control variable associated with the MeasurementValue.


    Discrete Measurement to which this value is connected.

  329. final case class DispatchInstReply(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, acceptMW: Double = 0.0, acceptStatus: String = null, certificationName: String = null, clearedMW: Double = 0.0, instructionTime: String = null, instructionType: String = null, passIndicator: String = null, receivedTime: String = null, startTime: String = null, RegisteredResource: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Response from registered resource acknowledging receipt of dispatch instructions.

    Response from registered resource acknowledging receipt of dispatch instructions.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    The accepted mw amount by the responder. aka response mw.


    The accept status submitted by the responder. enumeration type needs to be defined


    The Subject DN is the X509 Certificate Subject DN. This is the essentially the certificate name presented by the client. In the case of ADS Certificates, this will be the user name. It may be from an API Client or the MP Client (GUI). The Subject ID normally includes more than just the user name (Common Name), it can also contain information such as City, Company ID, etc.


    MW amount associated with instruction. For 5 minute binding dispatches, this is the Goto MW or DOT


    The target date/time for the received instruction.


    instruction type: commitment out of sequence dispatch


    The type of run for the market clearing.


    Timestamp indicating the time at which the instruction was received.


    start time


    RegisteredResource undocumented

  330. final case class DispatchSchedule(Element: BasicElement = null, confidence: Double = 0.0, curveStyleKind: String = null, numberOfIntervals: Int = 0, startTime: String = null, timeIntervalDuration: Int = 0, timeIntervalUnit: String = null, DERCurveData: List[String] = null, DERMonitorableParameter: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

  331. final case class DispatchablePowerCapability(Element: BasicElement = null, currentActivePower: Double = 0.0, currentApparentPower: Double = 0.0, currentReactivePower: Double = 0.0, maxActivePower: Double = 0.0, maxApparentPower: Double = 0.0, maxReactivePower: Double = 0.0, minActivePower: Double = 0.0, minApparentPower: Double = 0.0, minReactivePower: Double = 0.0, EndDevice: String = null, EndDeviceGroup: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

  332. final case class DistributedResourceActualEvent(MarketActualEvent: MarketActualEvent = null, totalPowerAdjustment: Double = 0.0, InstructionClearing: List[String] = null, InstructionClearingDOT: List[String] = null, ResourcePerformanceEvaluations: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A demand response event is created when there is a need to call upon resources to respond to demand adjustment requests.

    A demand response event is created when there is a need to call upon resources to respond to demand adjustment requests.

    These events are created by ISO/RTO system operations and managed by a demand response management system (DRMS). These events may or may not be coordinated with the Market Events and a defined Energy Market. The event will call for the deployment of a number of registered resources, or for deployment of resources within a zone (an organizational area within the power system that contains a number of resources).


    MarketActualEvent Reference to the superclass object.


    Total active power adjustment (e.g. load reduction) requested for this demand response event.


    InstructionClearing ActualDemandResponseEvents may exist that are not part of a coordinated MarketActualEvent associated to a Market. These ActualDemandResponseEvents can have many InstructionClearing Instructions for specified RegisteredResources or DemandResponse AggregateNodes.


    InstructionClearingDOT undocumented


    ResourcePerformanceEvaluation undocumented

  333. final case class DistributionFactorSet(Element: BasicElement = null, intervalEndTime: String = null, intervalStartTime: String = null, marketType: String = null, GenDistributionFactor: List[String] = null, LoadDistributionFactor: List[String] = null, SysLoadDistribuFactor: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A containing class that groups all the distribution factors within a market.

    A containing class that groups all the distribution factors within a market.

    This is calculated daily for DA factors and hourly for RT factors.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    The end of the time interval for which requirement is defined.


    The start of the time interval for which requirement is defined.


    Market type.


    GenDistributionFactor undocumented


    LoadDistributionFactor undocumented


    SysLoadDistributionFactor undocumented

  334. final case class DobleStandard(Element: BasicElement = null, standardEdition: String = null, standardNumber: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Standard published by Doble.

    Standard published by Doble.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    Edition of Doble standard.


    Doble standard number.

  335. final case class Document(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, authorName: String = null, comment: String = null, createdDateTime: String = null, docStatus: String = null, electronicAddress: String = null, lastModifiedDateTime: String = null, revisionNumber: String = null, status: String = null, subject: String = null, title: String = null, type: String = null, Approver: String = null, Author: String = null, ConfigurationEvents: List[String] = null, Editor: String = null, Issuer: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Parent class for different groupings of information collected and managed as a part of a business process.

    Parent class for different groupings of information collected and managed as a part of a business process.

    It will frequently contain references to other objects, such as assets, people and power system resources.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    Name of the author of this document.


    Free text comment.


    Date and time that this document was created.


    Status Status of this document. For status of subject matter this document represents (e.g., Agreement, Work), use 'status' attribute. Example values for 'docStatus.status' are draft, approved, cancelled, etc.


    ElectronicAddress Electronic address.


    Date and time this document was last modified. Documents may potentially be modified many times during their lifetime.


    Revision number for this document.


    Status Status of subject matter (e.g., Agreement, Work) this document represents. For status of the document itself, use 'docStatus' attribute.


    Document subject.


    Document title.


    Utility-specific classification of this document, according to its corporate standards, practices, and existing IT systems (e.g., for management of assets, maintenance, work, outage, customers, etc.).


    Approver Approver of this document.


    Author Author of this document.


    ConfigurationEvent All configuration events created for this document.


    Editor Editor of this document.


    Issuer Issuer of this document.

  336. final case class DocumentOrganisationRole(OrganisationRole: OrganisationRole = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Role an organisation plays with respect to documents.

    Role an organisation plays with respect to documents.


    OrganisationRole Reference to the superclass object.

  337. final case class DocumentPersonRole(PersonRole: PersonRole = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Person role with respect to documents.

    Person role with respect to documents.


    PersonRole Reference to the superclass object.

  338. final case class Domain(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, MarketDocument: List[String] = null, Price: List[String] = null, Quantity: List[String] = null, RegisteredResource: List[String] = null, TimeSeries: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    An area of activity defined within the energy market.

    An area of activity defined within the energy market.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    MarketDocument undocumented


    Price undocumented


    Quantity undocumented


    RegisteredResource undocumented


    TimeSeries undocumented

  339. final case class DopInstruction(Element: BasicElement = null, mwDOP: Double = 0.0, plotPriority: Int = 0, runIndicatorDOP: String = null, timestampDOP: String = null, updateTimeStamp: String = null, updateType: String = null, updateUser: String = null, InstructionClearingDOP: List[String] = null, RegisteredResouce: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Provides the necessary information (on a resource basis) to capture the Dispatch Operating Point (DOP) results on a Dispatch interval.

    Provides the necessary information (on a resource basis) to capture the Dispatch Operating Point (DOP) results on a Dispatch interval.

    This information is only relevant to the RT interval market.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    Dispatched Operating Point (MW)


    A value used to establish priority of the DOP when plotting. This is only applicable when two DOPs exist for the same time, but with different MW values. E.g. when indicating a step in the curve. Its used to determine if the curve steps up or down.


    Indication of DOP validity. Shows the DOP is calculated from the latest run (YES). A NO indicator shows that the DOP is copied from a previous execution. Up to 2 intervals can be missed.


    DOP time stamp








    InstructionClearingDOP undocumented


    RegisteredResource undocumented

  340. final case class DotInstruction(Element: BasicElement = null, actualRampRate: Double = 0.0, compliantIndicator: String = null, economicMaxOverride: Double = 0.0, expectedEnergy: Double = 0.0, generatorPerformanceDegree: Double = 0.0, hourAheadSchedEnergy: Double = 0.0, hourlySchedule: Double = 0.0, instructionTime: String = null, maximumEmergencyInd: Boolean = false, meterLoadFollowing: Double = 0.0, nonRampRestrictedMW: Double = 0.0, nonSpinReserve: Double = 0.0, previousDOTTimeStamp: String = null, rampRateLimit: Double = 0.0, regulationStatus: String = null, spinReserve: Double = 0.0, standardRampEnergy: Double = 0.0, supplementalEnergy: Double = 0.0, unitStatus: Int = 0, DOT: Double = 0.0, InstructionClearingDOT: List[String] = null, RegisteredResource: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Provides the necessary information (on a resource basis) to capture the Dispatch Operating Target (DOT) results on a Dispatch interval.

    Provides the necessary information (on a resource basis) to capture the Dispatch Operating Target (DOT) results on a Dispatch interval.

    This information is only relevant to the RT interval market.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    Actual ramp rate.


    Flag indicating whether or not the resource was in compliance with the instruction (plus/minus 10%). Directs if a unit is allowed to set the price (ex-post pricing).


    Economic Max Limit override for unit, this value is null, if it is not, this value overrides the Energy column value. Allows dispatcher to override the unit's energy value.


    Expected energy.


    The Degree of Generator Performance (DGP) used for the unit. Measure of how a generator responds to raise /lower signals. Calculated every five minutes.


    HASP results.


    Hourly Schedule (DA Energy Schedule).


    The date/time for the instruction.


    True if maximum emergency limit activated; false otherwise. If unit is requested to move up to its max emergency limit., this flag is set to true.


    Meter Sub System Load Following.


    Desired MW that is not ramp restricted. If no ramp rate limit existed for the unit, this is the MW value tha t the unit was requested to move to.


    Non Spin Reserve used to procure energy.


    Timestamp when the previous DOT value was issued.


    The ramp rate limit for the unit in MWs per minute. Participant bidding data.


    Regulation Status (Yes/No).


    Spin Reserve used to procure energy.


    Standard ramping energy (MWH).


    Supplemental Energy procure by Real Time Dispatch.


    Output results from the case identifying the reason the unit was committed by the software.


    Dispatch operating target value.


    InstructionClearingDOT undocumented


    RegisteredResource undocumented

  341. final case class DrumBoiler(FossilSteamSupply: FossilSteamSupply = null, drumBoilerRating: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Drum boiler.

    Drum boiler.


    FossilSteamSupply Reference to the superclass object.


    Rating of drum boiler in steam units.

  342. final case class DuctBank(AssetContainer: AssetContainer = null, circuitCount: Int = 0, WireSpacingInfos: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A duct contains individual wires in the layout as specified with associated wire spacing instances; number of them gives the number of conductors in this duct.

    A duct contains individual wires in the layout as specified with associated wire spacing instances; number of them gives the number of conductors in this duct.


    AssetContainer Reference to the superclass object.


    Number of circuits in duct bank. Refer to associations between a duct (ConductorAsset) and an ACLineSegment to understand which circuits are in which ducts.


    WireSpacingInfo undocumented

  343. final case class Due(Element: BasicElement = null, arrears: Double = 0.0, charges: Double = 0.0, current: Double = 0.0, interest: Double = 0.0, principle: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Details on amounts due for an account.

    Details on amounts due for an account.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    Part of 'current' that constitutes the arrears portion.


    Part of 'current' that constitutes the charge portion: 'charges' = 'Charge.fixedPortion' + 'Charge.variablePortion'.


    Current total amount now due: current = principle + arrears + interest + charges. Typically the rule for settlement priority is: interest dues, then arrears dues, then current dues, then charge dues.


    Part of 'current' that constitutes the interest portion.


    Part of 'current' that constitutes the portion of the principle amount currently due.

  344. final case class DynamicSchedule(BasicIntervalSchedule: BasicIntervalSchedule = null, dynSchedSignRev: Boolean = false, dynSchedStatus: String = null, MktMeasurement: String = null, Receive_SubControlArea: String = null, Send_SubControlArea: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A continuously variable component of a control area's MW net interchange schedule.

    A continuously variable component of a control area's MW net interchange schedule.

    Dynamic schedules are sent and received by control areas.


    BasicIntervalSchedule Reference to the superclass object.


    Dynamic schedule sign reversal required (true/false)


    The "active" or "inactive" status of the dynamic schedule


    MktMeasurement undocumented


    SubControlArea A control area can receive dynamic schedules from other control areas


    SubControlArea A control area can send dynamic schedules to other control areas

  345. final case class DynamicsFunctionBlock(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, enabled: Boolean = false) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Abstract parent class for all Dynamics function blocks.

    Abstract parent class for all Dynamics function blocks.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    Function block used indicator. true = use of function block is enabled false = use of function block is disabled.

  346. final case class EPAStandard(Element: BasicElement = null, standardEdition: String = null, standardNumber: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Standard published by EPA (United States Environmental Protection Agency).

    Standard published by EPA (United States Environmental Protection Agency).


    Reference to the superclass object.


    Edition of EPA standard.


    EPA standard number.

  347. final case class EarthFaultCompensator(ConductingEquipment: ConductingEquipment = null, r: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A conducting equipment used to represent a connection to ground which is typically used to compensate earth faults.

    A conducting equipment used to represent a connection to ground which is typically used to compensate earth faults.

    An earth fault compensator device modelled with a single terminal implies a second terminal solidly connected to ground. If two terminals are modelled, the ground is not assumed and normal connection rules apply.


    ConductingEquipment Reference to the superclass object.


    Nominal resistance of device.

  348. final case class Earthquake(GeosphericPhenomenon: GeosphericPhenomenon = null, focalDepth: String = null, intensity: Int = 0, magnitude: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    An earthquake.

    An earthquake.


    GeosphericPhenomenon Reference to the superclass object.


    The depth below the earth's surface of the earthquake's focal point.


    The intensity of the earthquake as defined by the Modified Mercalli Intensity (MMI) scale. Possible values are 1-12, corresponding to I-XII.


    The magnitude of the earthquake as defined on the Moment Magnitude (Mw) scale, which measures the size of earthquakes in terms of the energy released. Must be greater than zero.

  349. final case class Editor(DocumentPersonRole: DocumentPersonRole = null, Documents: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Person who modified the document.

    Person who modified the document.


    DocumentPersonRole Reference to the superclass object.


    Document All documents for this editor.

  350. final case class ElectronicAddress(Element: BasicElement = null, email1: String = null, email2: String = null, lan: String = null, mac: String = null, password: String = null, radio: String = null, userID: String = null, web: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Electronic address information.

    Electronic address information.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    Primary email address.


    Alternate email address.


    Address on local area network.


    MAC (Media Access Control) address.


    Password needed to log in.


    Radio address.


    User ID needed to log in, which can be for an individual person, an organisation, a location, etc.


    World wide web address.

  351. trait Element extends Row with Serializable with Cloneable with Product

    Lowest level class in the CIM hierarchy.

    Lowest level class in the CIM hierarchy.

    All CIM model objects inherit from this class, either directly or indirectly.

    Provides overridable functionality to:

    • access the typed superclass for each object (implemented as null in this trait)
    • access the unique ID for each object
    • access the class name and hierarchy class list
    • act as a Row object for use in SQL DataFrames (length, get and copy)
    • export the object as XML (implemented as "" in this trait)
  352. final case class EmissionAccount(Curve: Curve = null, emissionType: String = null, emissionValueSource: String = null, ThermalGeneratingUnit: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Accounts for tracking emissions usage and credits for thermal generating units.

    Accounts for tracking emissions usage and credits for thermal generating units.

    A unit may have zero or more emission accounts, and will typically have one for tracking usage and one for tracking credits.


    Curve Reference to the superclass object.


    The type of emission, for example sulfur dioxide (SO2). The y1AxisUnits of the curve contains the unit of measure (e.g. kg) and the emissionType is the type of emission (e.g. sulfur dioxide).


    The source of the emission value.


    ThermalGeneratingUnit A thermal generating unit may have one or more emission allowance accounts.

  353. final case class EmissionCurve(Curve: Curve = null, emissionContent: Double = 0.0, emissionType: String = null, isNetGrossP: Boolean = false, ThermalGeneratingUnit: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Relationship between the unit's emission rate in units of mass per hour (Y-axis) and output active power (X-axis) for a given type of emission.

    Relationship between the unit's emission rate in units of mass per hour (Y-axis) and output active power (X-axis) for a given type of emission.

    This curve applies when only one type of fuel is being burned.


    Curve Reference to the superclass object.


    The emission content per quantity of fuel burned.


    The type of emission, which also gives the production rate measurement unit. The y1AxisUnits of the curve contains the unit of measure (e.g. kg) and the emissionType is the type of emission (e.g. sulfur dioxide).


    Flag is set to true when output is expressed in net active power.


    ThermalGeneratingUnit A thermal generating unit may have one or more emission curves.

  354. final case class EndDevice(AssetContainer: AssetContainer = null, amrSystem: String = null, installCode: String = null, isPan: Boolean = false, isSmartInverter: Boolean = false, isVirtual: Boolean = false, timeZoneOffset: Double = 0.0, Customer: String = null, DispatchablePowerCapability: List[String] = null, EndDeviceControls: List[String] = null, EndDeviceEvents: List[String] = null, EndDeviceFunctions: List[String] = null, EndDeviceGroups: List[String] = null, EndDeviceInfo: String = null, ServiceLocation: String = null, UsagePoint: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Asset container that performs one or more end device functions.

    Asset container that performs one or more end device functions.

    One type of end device is a meter which can perform metering, load management, connect/disconnect, accounting functions, etc. Some end devices, such as ones monitoring and controlling air conditioners, refrigerators, pool pumps may be connected to a meter. All end devices may have communication capability defined by the associated communication function(s). An end device may be owned by a consumer, a service provider, utility or otherwise. There may be a related end device function that identifies a sensor or control point within a metering application or communications systems (e.g., water, gas, electricity). Some devices may use an optical port that conforms to the ANSI C12.18 standard for communications.


    AssetContainer Reference to the superclass object.


    Automated meter reading (AMR) or other communication system responsible for communications to this end device.


    Installation code.


    If true, this is a premises area network (PAN) device.




    If true, there is no physical device. As an example, a virtual meter can be defined to aggregate the consumption for two or more physical meters. Otherwise, this is a physical hardware device.


    Time zone offset relative to GMT for the location of this end device.


    Customer Customer owning this end device.


    DispatchablePowerCapability undocumented


    EndDeviceControl All end device controls sending commands to this end device.


    EndDeviceEvent All events reported by this end device.


    EndDeviceFunction All end device functions this end device performs.


    EndDeviceGroup All end device groups referring to this end device.


    EndDeviceInfo End device data.


    ServiceLocation Service location whose service delivery is measured by this end device.


    UsagePoint Usage point to which this end device belongs.

  355. final case class EndDeviceAction(Element: BasicElement = null, command: String = null, duration: Double = 0.0, durationIndefinite: Boolean = false, startDateTime: String = null, EndDeviceControl: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Action/command performed by an end device on a device other than the end device.

    Action/command performed by an end device on a device other than the end device.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    Command text.


    Amount of time the action of this control is to remain active.


    True if the action of this control is indefinite.


    Start date and time for action of this control.


    EndDeviceControl End device control issuing this end device action.

  356. final case class EndDeviceCapability(Element: BasicElement = null, autonomousDst: Boolean = false, communication: Boolean = false, connectDisconnect: Boolean = false, demandResponse: Boolean = false, electricMetering: Boolean = false, gasMetering: Boolean = false, metrology: Boolean = false, onRequestRead: Boolean = false, outageHistory: Boolean = false, pressureCompensation: Boolean = false, pricingInfo: Boolean = false, pulseOutput: Boolean = false, relaysProgramming: Boolean = false, reverseFlow: Boolean = false, superCompressibilityCompensation: Boolean = false, temperatureCompensation: Boolean = false, textMessage: Boolean = false, waterMetering: Boolean = false) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Inherent capabilities of an end device (i.e., the functions it supports).

    Inherent capabilities of an end device (i.e., the functions it supports).


    Reference to the superclass object.


    True if autonomous DST (daylight saving time) function is supported.


    True if communication function is supported.


    True if connect and disconnect function is supported.


    True if demand response function is supported.


    True if electric metering function is supported.


    True if gas metering function is supported.


    True if metrology function is supported.


    True if on request read function is supported.


    True if outage history function is supported.


    True if device performs pressure compensation for metered quantities.


    True if pricing information is supported.


    True if device produces pulse outputs.


    True if relays programming function is supported.


    True if reverse flow function is supported.


    True if device performs super compressibility compensation for metered quantities.


    True if device performs temperature compensation for metered quantities.


    True if the displaying of text messages is supported.


    True if water metering function is supported.

  357. final case class EndDeviceControl(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, drProgramLevel: Int = 0, drProgramMandatory: Boolean = false, issuerID: String = null, issuerTrackingID: String = null, priceSignal: String = null, primaryDeviceTiming: String = null, reason: String = null, scheduledInterval: String = null, secondaryDeviceTiming: String = null, EndDeviceAction: String = null, EndDeviceControlType: String = null, EndDeviceGroups: List[String] = null, EndDevices: List[String] = null, UsagePointGroups: List[String] = null, UsagePoints: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Instructs an end device (or an end device group) to perform a specified action.

    Instructs an end device (or an end device group) to perform a specified action.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    Level of a demand response program request, where 0=emergency. Note: Attribute is not defined on DemandResponseProgram as it is not its inherent property (it serves to control it).


    Whether a demand response program request is mandatory. Note: Attribute is not defined on DemandResponseProgram as it is not its inherent property (it serves to control it).


    Unique identifier of the business entity originating an end device control.


    Identifier assigned by the initiator (e.g. retail electric provider) of an end device control action to uniquely identify the demand response event, text message, or other subject of the control action. Can be used when cancelling an event or text message request or to identify the originating event or text message in a consequential end device event.


    (if applicable) Price signal used as parameter for this end device control.


    EndDeviceTiming Timing for the control actions performed on the device identified in the end device control.


    Reason for the control action that allows to determine how to continue processing. For example, disconnect meter command may require different processing by the receiving system if it has been issued for a network-related reason (protection) or for a payment-related reason.


    (if control has scheduled duration) Date and time interval the control has been scheduled to execute within.


    EndDeviceTiming Timing for the control actions performed by devices that are responding to event related information sent to the primary device indicated in the end device control. For example, load control actions performed by a PAN device in response to demand response event information sent to a PAN gateway server.


    EndDeviceAction End device action issued by this end device control.


    EndDeviceControlType Type of this end device control.


    EndDeviceGroup All end device groups receiving commands from this end device control.


    EndDevice All end devices receiving commands from this end device control.


    UsagePointGroup All usage point groups receiving commands from this end device control.


    UsagePoint All usage points receiving commands from this end device control.

  358. final case class EndDeviceControlType(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, domain: String = null, eventOrAction: String = null, subDomain: String = null, type: String = null, EndDeviceControls: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Detailed description for a control produced by an end device.

    Detailed description for a control produced by an end device.

    Values in attributes allow for creation of recommended codes to be used for identifying end device controls as follows: <type>.<domain>.<subDomain>.<eventOrAction>.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    High-level nature of the control.


    The most specific part of this control type. It is mainly in the form of a verb that gives action to the control that just occurred.


    More specific nature of the control, as a further sub-categorisation of 'domain'.


    Type of physical device from which the control was created. A value of zero (0) can be used when the source is unknown.


    EndDeviceControl All end device controls of this type.

  359. final case class EndDeviceEvent(ActivityRecord: ActivityRecord = null, issuerID: String = null, issuerTrackingID: String = null, userID: String = null, EndDevice: String = null, EndDeviceEventDetails: List[String] = null, EndDeviceEventType: String = null, MeterReading: String = null, UsagePoint: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Event detected by a device function associated with the end device.

    Event detected by a device function associated with the end device.


    ActivityRecord Reference to the superclass object.


    Unique identifier of the business entity originating an end device control.


    Identifier assigned by the initiator (e.g. retail electric provider) of an end device control action to uniquely identify the demand response event, text message, or other subject of the control action. Can be used when cancelling an event or text message request or to identify the originating event or text message in a consequential end device event.


    (if user initiated) ID of user who initiated this end device event.


    EndDevice End device that reported this end device event.


    EndDeviceEventDetail All details of this end device event.


    EndDeviceEventType Type of this end device event.


    MeterReading Set of measured values to which this event applies.


    UsagePoint Usage point for which this end device event is reported.

  360. final case class EndDeviceEventDetail(Element: BasicElement = null, name: String = null, value: String = null, EndDeviceEvent: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Name-value pair, specific to end device events.

    Name-value pair, specific to end device events.


    Reference to the superclass object.




    Value, including unit information.


    EndDeviceEvent End device owning this detail.

  361. final case class EndDeviceEventType(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, domain: String = null, eventOrAction: String = null, subDomain: String = null, type: String = null, EndDeviceEvents: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Detailed description for an event produced by an end device.

    Detailed description for an event produced by an end device.

    Values in attributes allow for creation of recommended codes to be used for identifying end device events as follows: <type>.<domain>.<subDomain>.<eventOrAction>.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    High-level nature of the event. By properly classifying events by a small set of domain codes, a system can more easily run reports based on the types of events that have occurred or been received.


    The most specific part of this event type. It is mainly in the form of a verb that gives action to the event that just occurred.


    More specific nature of the event, as a further sub-categorisation of 'domain'.


    Type of physical device from which the event was created. A value of zero (0) can be used when the source is unknown.


    EndDeviceEvent All end device events of this type.

  362. final case class EndDeviceFunction(AssetFunction: AssetFunction = null, enabled: Boolean = false, EndDevice: String = null, Registers: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Function performed by an end device such as a meter, communication equipment, controllers, etc.

    Function performed by an end device such as a meter, communication equipment, controllers, etc.


    AssetFunction Reference to the superclass object.


    True if the function is enabled.


    EndDevice End device that performs this function.


    Register All registers for quantities metered by this end device function.

  363. final case class EndDeviceGroup(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, status: String = null, type: String = null, version: String = null, DERFunction: String = null, DERGroupDispatch: List[String] = null, DERGroupForecast: List[String] = null, DERMonitorableParameter: List[String] = null, DemandResponsePrograms: List[String] = null, DispatchablePowerCapability: String = null, EndDeviceControls: List[String] = null, EndDevices: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Abstraction for management of group communications within a two-way AMR system or the data for a group of related end devices.

    Abstraction for management of group communications within a two-way AMR system or the data for a group of related end devices.

    Commands can be issued to all of the end devices that belong to the group using a defined group address and the underlying AMR communication infrastructure. A DERGroup and a PANDeviceGroup is an EndDeviceGroup.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.




    Type of this group.




    DERFunction undocumented


    DERGroupDispatch undocumented


    DERGroupForecast undocumented


    DERMonitorableParameter undocumented


    DemandResponseProgram All demand response programs this group of end devices is enrolled in.


    DispatchablePowerCapability undocumented


    EndDeviceControl All end device controls sending commands to this end device group.


    EndDevice All end devices this end device group refers to.

  364. final case class EndDeviceInfo(AssetInfo: AssetInfo = null, capability: String = null, isSolidState: Boolean = false, phaseCount: Int = 0, ratedCurrent: Double = 0.0, ratedVoltage: Double = 0.0, EndDevices: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    End device data.

    End device data.


    AssetInfo Reference to the superclass object.


    EndDeviceCapability Inherent capabilities of the device (i.e., the functions it supports).


    If true, this is a solid state end device (as opposed to a mechanical or electromechanical device).


    Number of potential phases the end device supports, typically 0, 1 or 3.


    Rated current.


    Rated voltage.


    EndDevice All end devices described with this data.

  365. final case class EndDeviceTiming(Element: BasicElement = null, duration: Double = 0.0, durationIndefinite: Boolean = false, interval: String = null, randomisation: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Timing for the control actions of end devices.

    Timing for the control actions of end devices.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    Duration of the end device control action or the business event that is the subject of the end device control.


    True if 'duration' is indefinite.


    Start and end time of an interval during which end device control actions are to be executed.


    Kind of randomisation to be applied to the end device control actions to be executed.

  366. final case class EnergyArea(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, ControlArea: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Describes an area having energy production or consumption.

    Describes an area having energy production or consumption.

    Specializations are intended to support the load allocation function as typically required in energy management systems or planning studies to allocate hypothesized load levels to individual load points for power flow analysis. Often the energy area can be linked to both measured and forecast load levels.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    ControlArea The control area specification that is used for the load forecast.

  367. final case class EnergyComponent(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

  368. final case class EnergyConnection(ConductingEquipment: ConductingEquipment = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A connection of energy generation or consumption on the power system model.

    A connection of energy generation or consumption on the power system model.


    ConductingEquipment Reference to the superclass object.

  369. final case class EnergyConsumer(EnergyConnection: EnergyConnection = null, customerCount: Int = 0, grounded: Boolean = false, p: Double = 0.0, pfixed: Double = 0.0, pfixedPct: Double = 0.0, phaseConnection: String = null, q: Double = 0.0, qfixed: Double = 0.0, qfixedPct: Double = 0.0, EnergyConsumerAction: String = null, EnergyConsumerPhase: List[String] = null, LoadDynamics: String = null, LoadResponse: String = null, PowerCutZone: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Generic user of energy - a point of consumption on the power system model.

    Generic user of energy - a point of consumption on the power system model.

    EnergyConsumer.pfixed, .qfixed, .pfixedPct and .qfixedPct have meaning only if there is no LoadResponseCharacteristic associated with EnergyConsumer or if LoadResponseCharacteristic.exponentModel is set to False.


    EnergyConnection Reference to the superclass object.


    Number of individual customers represented by this demand.


    Used for Yn and Zn connections. True if the neutral is solidly grounded.


    Active power of the load. Load sign convention is used, i.e. positive sign means flow out from a node. For voltage dependent loads the value is at rated voltage. Starting value for a steady state solution.


    Active power of the load that is a fixed quantity and does not vary as load group value varies. Load sign convention is used, i.e. positive sign means flow out from a node.


    Fixed active power as a percentage of load group fixed active power. Used to represent the time-varying components. Load sign convention is used, i.e. positive sign means flow out from a node.


    The type of phase connection, such as wye or delta.


    Reactive power of the load. Load sign convention is used, i.e. positive sign means flow out from a node. For voltage dependent loads the value is at rated voltage. Starting value for a steady state solution.


    Reactive power of the load that is a fixed quantity and does not vary as load group value varies. Load sign convention is used, i.e. positive sign means flow out from a node.


    Fixed reactive power as a percentage of load group fixed reactive power. Used to represent the time-varying components. Load sign convention is used, i.e. positive sign means flow out from a node.


    EnergyConsumerAction undocumented


    EnergyConsumerPhase The individual phase models for this energy consumer.


    LoadDynamics Load dynamics model used to describe dynamic behaviour of this energy consumer.


    LoadResponseCharacteristic The load response characteristic of this load. If missing, this load is assumed to be constant power.


    PowerCutZone The energy consumer is assigned to this power cut zone.

  370. final case class EnergyConsumerAction(SwitchingAction: SwitchingAction = null, kind: String = null, EnergyConsumer: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Action to connect or disconnect the Energy Consumer from its Terminal

    Action to connect or disconnect the Energy Consumer from its Terminal


    SwitchingAction Reference to the superclass object.


    Switching action to perform


    EnergyConsumer undocumented

  371. final case class EnergyConsumerPhase(PowerSystemResource: PowerSystemResource = null, p: Double = 0.0, pfixed: Double = 0.0, pfixedPct: Double = 0.0, phase: String = null, q: Double = 0.0, qfixed: Double = 0.0, qfixedPct: Double = 0.0, EnergyConsumer: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A single phase of an energy consumer.

    A single phase of an energy consumer.


    PowerSystemResource Reference to the superclass object.


    Active power of the load. Load sign convention is used, i.e. positive sign means flow out from a node. For voltage dependent loads the value is at rated voltage. Starting value for a steady state solution.


    Active power of the load that is a fixed quantity. Load sign convention is used, i.e. positive sign means flow out from a node.


    Fixed active power as per cent of load group fixed active power. Load sign convention is used, i.e. positive sign means flow out from a node.


    Phase of this energy consumer component. If the energy consumer is wye connected, the connection is from the indicated phase to the central ground or neutral point. If the energy consumer is delta connected, the phase indicates an energy consumer connected from the indicated phase to the next logical non-neutral phase.


    Reactive power of the load. Load sign convention is used, i.e. positive sign means flow out from a node. For voltage dependent loads the value is at rated voltage. Starting value for a steady state solution.


    Reactive power of the load that is a fixed quantity. Load sign convention is used, i.e. positive sign means flow out from a node.


    Fixed reactive power as per cent of load group fixed reactive power. Load sign convention is used, i.e. positive sign means flow out from a node.


    EnergyConsumer The energy consumer to which this phase belongs.

  372. final case class EnergyGroup(PowerSystemResource: PowerSystemResource = null, isSlack: Boolean = false, p: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

  373. final case class EnergyMarket(Market: Market = null, Bids: List[String] = null, MarketResults: String = null, RTO: String = null, RegisteredResources: List[String] = null, Settlements: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Energy and Ancillary Market (e.g.

    Energy and Ancillary Market (e.g.

    Energy, Spinning Reserve, Non-Spinning Reserve) with a description of the Market operation control parameters.


    Market Reference to the superclass object.


    Bid undocumented


    MarketResults undocumented


    RTO undocumented


    RegisteredResource undocumented


    Settlement undocumented

  374. final case class EnergyPriceCurve(Element: BasicElement = null, EnergyTransactions: List[String] = null, FTRs: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Relationship between a price in $(or other monetary unit) /hour (Y-axis) and a MW value (X-axis).

    Relationship between a price in $(or other monetary unit) /hour (Y-axis) and a MW value (X-axis).


    Reference to the superclass object.


    EnergyTransaction undocumented


    FTR undocumented

  375. final case class EnergyPriceIndex(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, energyPriceIndex: Double = 0.0, energyPriceIndexType: String = null, lastModified: String = null, validPeriod: String = null, RegisteredGenerator: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    An Energy Price Index for each Resource is valid for a period (e.g.

    An Energy Price Index for each Resource is valid for a period (e.g. daily) that is identified by a Valid Period Start Time and a Valid Period End Time.

    An Energy Price Index is in $/MWh.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    Energy price index


    EPI type such as wholesale or retail


    Time updated


    Valid period for which the energy price index is valid.


    RegisteredGenerator undocumented

  376. final case class EnergyProduct(Agreement: Agreement = null, EnergyTransactions: List[String] = null, GenerationProvider: String = null, ResoldBy_Marketer: List[String] = null, TitleHeldBy_Marketer: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    An EnergyProduct is offered commercially as a ContractOrTariff.

    An EnergyProduct is offered commercially as a ContractOrTariff.


    Agreement Reference to the superclass object.


    EnergyTransaction The "Source" for an EnergyTransaction is an EnergyProduct which is injected into a ControlArea. Typically this is a ServicePoint.


    GenerationProvider undocumented


    Marketer A Marketer may resell an EnergyProduct.


    Marketer A Marketer holds title to an EnergyProduct.

  377. final case class EnergyProfile(Profile: Profile = null, EnergyTransaction: String = null, TransactionBid: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Specifies the start time, stop time, level for an EnergyTransaction.

    Specifies the start time, stop time, level for an EnergyTransaction.


    Profile Reference to the superclass object.


    EnergyTransaction An EnergyTransaction shall have at least one EnergyProfile.


    TransactionBid undocumented

  378. final case class EnergySchedulingType(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, EnergySource: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Used to define the type of generation for scheduling purposes.

    Used to define the type of generation for scheduling purposes.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    EnergySource Energy Source of a particular Energy Scheduling Type.

  379. final case class EnergySource(EnergyConnection: EnergyConnection = null, activePower: Double = 0.0, nominalVoltage: Double = 0.0, pMax: Double = 0.0, pMin: Double = 0.0, r: Double = 0.0, r0: Double = 0.0, reactivePower: Double = 0.0, rn: Double = 0.0, voltageAngle: Double = 0.0, voltageMagnitude: Double = 0.0, x: Double = 0.0, x0: Double = 0.0, xn: Double = 0.0, EnergySchedulingType: String = null, EnergySourceAction: String = null, EnergySourcePhase: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A generic equivalent for an energy supplier on a transmission or distribution voltage level.

    A generic equivalent for an energy supplier on a transmission or distribution voltage level.


    EnergyConnection Reference to the superclass object.


    High voltage source active injection. Load sign convention is used, i.e. positive sign means flow out from a node. Starting value for steady state solutions.


    Phase-to-phase nominal voltage.


    This is the maximum active power that can be produced by the source. Load sign convention is used, i.e. positive sign means flow out from a TopologicalNode (bus) into the conducting equipment.


    This is the minimum active power that can be produced by the source. Load sign convention is used, i.e. positive sign means flow out from a TopologicalNode (bus) into the conducting equipment.


    Positive sequence Thevenin resistance.


    Zero sequence Thevenin resistance.


    High voltage source reactive injection. Load sign convention is used, i.e. positive sign means flow out from a node. Starting value for steady state solutions.


    Negative sequence Thevenin resistance.


    Phase angle of a-phase open circuit used when voltage characteristics need to be imposed at the node associated with the terminal of the energy source, such as when voltages and angles from the transmission level are used as input to the distribution network. The attribute shall be a positive value or zero.


    Phase-to-phase open circuit voltage magnitude used when voltage characteristics need to be imposed at the node associated with the terminal of the energy source, such as when voltages and angles from the transmission level are used as input to the distribution network. The attribute shall be a positive value or zero.


    Positive sequence Thevenin reactance.


    Zero sequence Thevenin reactance.


    Negative sequence Thevenin reactance.


    EnergySchedulingType Energy Scheduling Type of an Energy Source.


    EnergySourceAction Action taken with this energy source.


    EnergySourcePhase The individual phase information of the energy source.

  380. final case class EnergySourceAction(SwitchingAction: SwitchingAction = null, kind: String = null, EnergySource: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Action on energy source as a switching step.

    Action on energy source as a switching step.


    SwitchingAction Reference to the superclass object.


    Switching action to perform.


    EnergySource Energy source on which this action is taken.

  381. final case class EnergySourcePhase(PowerSystemResource: PowerSystemResource = null, phase: String = null, EnergySource: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Represents the single phase information of an unbalanced energy source.

    Represents the single phase information of an unbalanced energy source.


    PowerSystemResource Reference to the superclass object.


    Phase of this energy source component. If the energy source wye connected, the connection is from the indicated phase to the central ground or neutral point. If the energy source is delta connected, the phase indicates an energy source connected from the indicated phase to the next logical non-neutral phase.


    EnergySource The energy sourceto which the phase belongs.

  382. final case class EnergyTransaction(Document: Document = null, capacityBacked: Boolean = false, congestChargeMax: Double = 0.0, deliveryPointP: Double = 0.0, energyMin: Double = 0.0, firmInterchangeFlag: Boolean = false, payCongestion: Boolean = false, reason: String = null, receiptPointP: Double = 0.0, state: String = null, CurtailmentProfiles: List[String] = null, EnergyPriceCurves: List[String] = null, EnergyProduct: String = null, EnergyProfiles: List[String] = null, Export_SubControlArea: String = null, Import_SubControlArea: String = null, LossProfiles: List[String] = null, TieLines: List[String] = null, TransmissionReservation: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Specifies the schedule for energy transfers between interchange areas that are necessary to satisfy the associated interchange transaction.

    Specifies the schedule for energy transfers between interchange areas that are necessary to satisfy the associated interchange transaction.


    Document Reference to the superclass object.


    Interchange capacity flag. When the flag is set to true, it indicates a transaction is capacity backed.


    Maximum congestion charges in monetary units.


    Delivery point active power.


    Transaction minimum active power if dispatchable.


    Firm interchange flag indicates whether or not this energy transaction can be changed without potential financial consequences.


    Willing to Pay congestion flag


    Reason for energy transaction.


    Receipt point active power.


    { Approve | Deny | Study }


    CurtailmentProfile An EnergyTransaction may be curtailed by any of the participating entities.


    EnergyPriceCurve undocumented


    EnergyProduct The "Source" for an EnergyTransaction is an EnergyProduct which is injected into a ControlArea. Typically this is a ServicePoint.


    EnergyProfile An EnergyTransaction shall have at least one EnergyProfile.


    SubControlArea Energy is transferred between interchange areas


    SubControlArea Energy is transferred between interchange areas


    LossProfile An EnergyTransaction may have a LossProfile.


    TieLine A dynamic energy transaction can act as a pseudo tie line.


    TransmissionReservation undocumented

  383. final case class EnergyTypeReference(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, kind: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

  384. final case class EnvironmentalAlert(ActivityRecord: ActivityRecord = null, alertType: String = null, cancelledDateTime: String = null, headline: String = null, inEffect: String = null, AlertTypeList: String = null, EnvironmentalDataProvider: String = null, EnvironmentalLocationKind: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    An environmental alert issued by a provider or system.

    An environmental alert issued by a provider or system.


    ActivityRecord Reference to the superclass object.


    The type of the issued alert which is drawn from the specified alert type list.


    Time and date alert cancelled. Used only if alert is cancelled before it expires.


    An abbreviated textual description of the alert issued. Note: the full text of the alert appears in the .description attribute (inherited from IdentifiedObject).


    The interval for which this weather alert is in effect.


    AlertTypeList The list of alert types from which the type of this alert is drawn.


    EnvironmentalDataProvider Environmental data provider for this alert.


    EnvironmentalLocationType Type of location to which this environmental alert applies.

  385. final case class EnvironmentalAnalog(Analog: Analog = null, ClassificationCondition: String = null, EnvironmentalInformation: String = null, EnvironmentalMonitoringStation: String = null, ReportingCapability: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Analog (float) measurement of relevance in the environmental domain.

    Analog (float) measurement of relevance in the environmental domain.


    Analog Reference to the superclass object.


    ClassificationCondition Classification condition which this analog helps define.


    EnvironmentalInformation Observation or forecast with which this environmental analog measurement is associated.


    EnvironmentalMonitoringStation Monitoring station which provides this environmental analog measurement.


    ReportingCapability The reporting capability this environmental value set helps define.

  386. final case class EnvironmentalCodedValue(StringMeasurementValue: StringMeasurementValue = null, coverageKind: String = null, intensityKind: String = null, probabilityPercent: Double = 0.0, weatherKind: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    An environmental value described using a coded value.

    An environmental value described using a coded value.

    A triplicate of enumerated values representing intensity, coverage, type of weather is used. These may be concatenated into the string value.


    StringMeasurementValue Reference to the superclass object.


    Code representing the coverage of the weather condition.


    Code representing the intensity of the weather condition.


    Probability of weather condition occurring during the time interval expressed as a percentage. Applicable only when weather condition is related to a forecast (not an observation).


    Code representing the type of weather condition.

  387. final case class EnvironmentalDataAuthority(OrganisationRole: OrganisationRole = null, AlertTypeList: List[String] = null, PhenomenonClassification: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    An entity defining classifications or categories of environmental information, like phenomena or alerts.

    An entity defining classifications or categories of environmental information, like phenomena or alerts.


    OrganisationRole Reference to the superclass object.


    AlertTypeList A specific version of a list of alerts published by this environmental data authority.


    PhenomenonClassification Phenomenon classification defined by this environmental data authority.

  388. final case class EnvironmentalDataProvider(OrganisationRole: OrganisationRole = null, EnvironmentalAlert: List[String] = null, EnvironmentalInformation: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Entity providing environmental data.

    Entity providing environmental data.

    Could be an observed weather data provider, an entity providing forecasts, an authority providing alerts, etc.


    OrganisationRole Reference to the superclass object.


    EnvironmentalAlert Alert issued by this environmental data provider.


    EnvironmentalInformation Environmental information provided by this environmental data provider.

  389. final case class EnvironmentalDependentLimit(LimitDependency: LimitDependency = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    This is a environmental based limit dependency model for calculating operational limits.

    This is a environmental based limit dependency model for calculating operational limits.


    LimitDependency Reference to the superclass object.

  390. final case class EnvironmentalDiscrete(Discrete: Discrete = null, kind: String = null, EnvironmentalInformation: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Discrete (integer) measurement of relevance in the environmental domain.

    Discrete (integer) measurement of relevance in the environmental domain.


    Discrete Reference to the superclass object.


    Kind of environmental discrete (integer).


    EnvironmentalInformation Observation or forecast with which this environmental discrete (integer) is associated.

  391. final case class EnvironmentalEvent(ActivityRecord: ActivityRecord = null, EnvironmentalInformation: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    An environmental event to which one or more forecasts or observations may be tied and which may relate to or affect one or more assets.

    An environmental event to which one or more forecasts or observations may be tied and which may relate to or affect one or more assets.

    This class is intended to be used as a means of grouping forecasts and/or observations and could be used for a variety of purposes, including:

    • to define a 'named' event like Hurricane Katrina and allow the historic (or forecast) values for phenomena and measurements (precipitation, temperature) across time to be associated with it
    • to identify assets that were (or are forecast to be) affected by a phenomenon or set of measurements

    ActivityRecord Reference to the superclass object.


    EnvironmentalInformation Forecast or observation related to this environmental event.

  392. final case class EnvironmentalInformation(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, created: String = null, EnvironmentalAnalog: List[String] = null, EnvironmentalDataProvider: String = null, EnvironmentalDiscrete: List[String] = null, EnvironmentalEvent: List[String] = null, EnvironmentalPhenomenon: List[String] = null, EnvironmentalStringMeasurement: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Abstract class (with concrete child classes of Observation and Forecast) that groups phenomenon and/or environmental value sets.

    Abstract class (with concrete child classes of Observation and Forecast) that groups phenomenon and/or environmental value sets.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    The timestamp of when the forecast was created


    EnvironmentalAnalog Environmental analog associated with this observation or forecast.


    EnvironmentalDataProvider Environmental data provider supplying this environmental information.


    EnvironmentalDiscrete Environmental discrete (integer) associated with this observation or forecast.


    EnvironmentalEvent Environmental event to which this forecast or observation relates.


    EnvironmentalPhenomenon undocumented


    EnvironmentalStringMeasurement Environmental string measurement associated with this forecast or observation.

  393. final case class EnvironmentalLocationType(Element: BasicElement = null, kind: String = null, EnvironmentalAlert: List[String] = null, EnvironmentalPhenomenon: List[String] = null, Location: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Type of environmental location.

    Type of environmental location.

    Used when an environmental alert or phenomenon has multiple locations associated with it.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    The kind of location. Typical values might be center, extent, primary, secondary, etc.


    EnvironmentalAlert Environmental alert applying to location of this type.


    EnvironmentalPhenomenon Environmental phenomenon for which this location is of relevance.


    Location Location of this instance of ths kind of environmental location.

  394. final case class EnvironmentalMonitoringStation(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, dstObserved: Boolean = false, isNetworked: Boolean = false, timeZoneOffset: Double = 0.0, EnvironmentalAnalog: List[String] = null, Location: String = null, ReportingCapability: List[String] = null, TimeSeries: List[String] = null, UsagePoint: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    An environmental monitoring station, examples of which could be a weather station or a seismic monitoring station.

    An environmental monitoring station, examples of which could be a weather station or a seismic monitoring station.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    Whether this station is currently reporting using daylight saving time. Intended to aid a utility Weather Service in interpreting information coming from a station and has no direct relationship to the manner in which time is expressed in EnvironmentalValueSet.


    Indication that station is part of a network of stations used to monitor weather phenomena covering a large geographical area.


    The time offset from UTC (a.k.a. GMT) configured in the station "clock", not (necessarily) the time zone in which the station is physically located. This attribute exists to support management of utility monitoring stations and has no direct relationship to the manner in which time is expressed in EnvironmentalValueSet.


    EnvironmentalAnalog Environmental analog measurement provided by this monitoring station.


    Location Location of this monitoring station.


    ReportingCapability One of the reporting capabilities of this monitoring station.


    TimeSeries undocumented


    UsagePoint undocumented

  395. final case class EnvironmentalPhenomenon(Element: BasicElement = null, timeInterval: String = null, EnvironmentalInformation: String = null, EnvironmentalLocationKind: List[String] = null, PhenomenonClassification: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    The actual or forecast characteristics of an environmental phenomenon at a specific point in time (or during a specific time interval) that may have both a center and area/line location.

    The actual or forecast characteristics of an environmental phenomenon at a specific point in time (or during a specific time interval) that may have both a center and area/line location.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    The timestamp of the phenomenon as a single point or time interval.


    EnvironmentalInformation The forecast or observation of which this phenomenon description is a part.


    EnvironmentalLocationType Location of relevance to this environmental phenomenon.


    PhenomenonClassification The classification of this phenomenon.

  396. final case class EnvironmentalStringMeasurement(StringMeasurement: StringMeasurement = null, ClassificationCondition: String = null, EnvironmentalInformation: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    String measurement of relevance in the environmental domain.

    String measurement of relevance in the environmental domain.


    StringMeasurement Reference to the superclass object.


    ClassificationCondition Classification condition which this string measurement helps define.


    EnvironmentalInformation Observation or forecast with which this environmental string is associated.

  397. final case class Equipment(PowerSystemResource: PowerSystemResource = null, aggregate: Boolean = false, inService: Boolean = false, networkAnalysisEnabled: Boolean = false, normallyInService: Boolean = false, AdditionalEquipmentContainer: List[String] = null, ContingencyEquipment: List[String] = null, EqiupmentLimitSeriesComponent: List[String] = null, EquipmentContainer: String = null, Faults: List[String] = null, LimitDependencyModel: List[String] = null, OperationalLimitSet: List[String] = null, OperationalRestrictions: List[String] = null, Outages: List[String] = null, PinEquipment: List[String] = null, ProtectiveActionEquipment: List[String] = null, UsagePoints: List[String] = null, WeatherStation: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    The parts of a power system that are physical devices, electronic or mechanical.

    The parts of a power system that are physical devices, electronic or mechanical.


    PowerSystemResource Reference to the superclass object.


    The aggregate flag provides an alternative way of representing an aggregated (equivalent) element. It is applicable in cases when the dedicated classes for equivalent equipment do not have all of the attributes necessary to represent the required level of detail. In case the flag is set to “true” the single instance of equipment represents multiple pieces of equipment that have been modelled together as an aggregate equivalent obtained by a network reduction procedure. Examples would be power transformers or synchronous machines operating in parallel modelled as a single aggregate power transformer or aggregate synchronous machine. The attribute is not used for EquivalentBranch, EquivalentShunt and EquivalentInjection.


    Specifies the availability of the equipment. True means the equipment is available for topology processing, which determines if the equipment is energized or not. False means that the equipment is treated by network applications as if it is not in the model.


    The equipment is enabled to participate in network analysis. If unspecified, the value is assumed to be true.


    Specifies the availability of the equipment under normal operating conditions. True means the equipment is available for topology processing, which determines if the equipment is energized or not. False means that the equipment is treated by network applications as if it is not in the model.


    EquipmentContainer Additional equipment container beyond the primary equipment container. The equipment is contained in another equipment container, but also grouped with this equipment container.


    ContingencyEquipment The contingency equipments in which this equipment participates.


    EquipmentLimitSeriesComponent Equipment limit series calculation component to which this equipment contributes.


    EquipmentContainer Container of this equipment.


    Fault All faults on this equipment.


    LimitDependency Limit dependencymodels organized under this equipment as a means for organizing the model in a tree view.


    OperationalLimitSet The operational limit sets associated with this equipment.


    OperationalRestriction All operational restrictions for this equipment.


    Outage All outages in which this equipment is involved.


    PinEquipment undocumented


    ProtectiveActionEquipment Protective action is controlling equipment. This can be direct signals from the control center, or emulation of action done by protection equipment.


    UsagePoint All usage points connected to the electrical grid through this equipment.


    WeatherStation undocumented

  398. final case class EquipmentContainer(ConnectivityNodeContainer: ConnectivityNodeContainer = null, AdditionalGroupedEquipment: List[String] = null, Equipments: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A modelling construct to provide a root class for containing equipment.

    A modelling construct to provide a root class for containing equipment.


    ConnectivityNodeContainer Reference to the superclass object.


    Equipment The additonal contained equipment. The equipment belong to the equipment container. The equipment is contained in another equipment container, but also grouped with this equipment container. Examples include when a switch contained in a substation is also desired to be grouped with a line contianer or when a switch is included in a secondary substation and also grouped in a feeder.


    Equipment Contained equipment.

  399. final case class EquipmentFault(Fault: Fault = null, Terminal: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A fault applied at the terminal, external to the equipment.

    A fault applied at the terminal, external to the equipment.

    This class is not used to specify faults internal to the equipment.


    Fault Reference to the superclass object.


    Terminal The terminal connecting to the bus to which the fault is applied.

  400. final case class EquipmentLimitSeriesComponent(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, Equipment: String = null, SeriesEquipmentDependentLimit: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    This represents one instance of an equipment that contributes to the calculation of an operational limit.

    This represents one instance of an equipment that contributes to the calculation of an operational limit.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    Equipment Equipment contributing toward the series limit. The reference here is to Equipment rather than a specific limit on the equipment so the grouiping can be reused for multiple limits of different types on the same instance of equipment.


    SeriesEquipmentDependentLimit Calculation in which the refernce to equipment applies.

  401. final case class EquipmentUnavailabilitySchedule(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

  402. final case class EquivalentBranch(EquivalentEquipment: EquivalentEquipment = null, negativeR12: Double = 0.0, negativeR21: Double = 0.0, negativeX12: Double = 0.0, negativeX21: Double = 0.0, positiveR12: Double = 0.0, positiveR21: Double = 0.0, positiveX12: Double = 0.0, positiveX21: Double = 0.0, r: Double = 0.0, r21: Double = 0.0, x: Double = 0.0, x21: Double = 0.0, zeroR12: Double = 0.0, zeroR21: Double = 0.0, zeroX12: Double = 0.0, zeroX21: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    The class represents equivalent branches.

    The class represents equivalent branches.

    In cases where a transformer phase shift is modelled and the EquivalentBranch is spanning the same nodes, the impedance quantities for the EquivalentBranch shall consider the needed phase shift.


    EquivalentEquipment Reference to the superclass object.


    Negative sequence series resistance from terminal sequence 1 to terminal sequence 2. Used for short circuit data exchange according to IEC 60909. EquivalentBranch is a result of network reduction prior to the data exchange.


    Negative sequence series resistance from terminal sequence 2 to terminal sequence 1. Used for short circuit data exchange according to IEC 60909. EquivalentBranch is a result of network reduction prior to the data exchange.


    Negative sequence series reactance from terminal sequence 1 to terminal sequence 2. Used for short circuit data exchange according to IEC 60909. Usage : EquivalentBranch is a result of network reduction prior to the data exchange.


    Negative sequence series reactance from terminal sequence 2 to terminal sequence 1. Used for short circuit data exchange according to IEC 60909. Usage: EquivalentBranch is a result of network reduction prior to the data exchange.


    Positive sequence series resistance from terminal sequence 1 to terminal sequence 2 . Used for short circuit data exchange according to IEC 60909. EquivalentBranch is a result of network reduction prior to the data exchange.


    Positive sequence series resistance from terminal sequence 2 to terminal sequence 1. Used for short circuit data exchange according to IEC 60909. EquivalentBranch is a result of network reduction prior to the data exchange.


    Positive sequence series reactance from terminal sequence 1 to terminal sequence 2. Used for short circuit data exchange according to IEC 60909. Usage : EquivalentBranch is a result of network reduction prior to the data exchange.


    Positive sequence series reactance from terminal sequence 2 to terminal sequence 1. Used for short circuit data exchange according to IEC 60909. Usage : EquivalentBranch is a result of network reduction prior to the data exchange.


    Positive sequence series resistance of the reduced branch.


    Resistance from terminal sequence 2 to terminal sequence 1 . Used for steady state power flow. This attribute is optional and represent unbalanced network such as off-nominal phase shifter. If only EquivalentBranch.r is given, then EquivalentBranch.r21 is assumed equal to EquivalentBranch.r. Usage rule : EquivalentBranch is a result of network reduction prior to the data exchange.


    Positive sequence series reactance of the reduced branch.


    Reactance from terminal sequence 2 to terminal sequence 1. Used for steady state power flow. This attribute is optional and represents an unbalanced network such as off-nominal phase shifter. If only EquivalentBranch.x is given, then EquivalentBranch.x21 is assumed equal to EquivalentBranch.x. Usage rule: EquivalentBranch is a result of network reduction prior to the data exchange.


    Zero sequence series resistance from terminal sequence 1 to terminal sequence 2. Used for short circuit data exchange according to IEC 60909. EquivalentBranch is a result of network reduction prior to the data exchange.


    Zero sequence series resistance from terminal sequence 2 to terminal sequence 1. Used for short circuit data exchange according to IEC 60909. Usage : EquivalentBranch is a result of network reduction prior to the data exchange.


    Zero sequence series reactance from terminal sequence 1 to terminal sequence 2. Used for short circuit data exchange according to IEC 60909. Usage : EquivalentBranch is a result of network reduction prior to the data exchange.


    Zero sequence series reactance from terminal sequence 2 to terminal sequence 1. Used for short circuit data exchange according to IEC 60909. Usage : EquivalentBranch is a result of network reduction prior to the data exchange.

  403. final case class EquivalentEquipment(ConductingEquipment: ConductingEquipment = null, EquivalentNetwork: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    The class represents equivalent objects that are the result of a network reduction.

    The class represents equivalent objects that are the result of a network reduction.

    The class is the base for equivalent objects of different types.


    ConductingEquipment Reference to the superclass object.


    EquivalentNetwork The equivalent where the reduced model belongs.

  404. final case class EquivalentInjection(EquivalentEquipment: EquivalentEquipment = null, maxP: Double = 0.0, maxQ: Double = 0.0, minP: Double = 0.0, minQ: Double = 0.0, p: Double = 0.0, q: Double = 0.0, r: Double = 0.0, r0: Double = 0.0, r2: Double = 0.0, regulationCapability: Boolean = false, regulationStatus: Boolean = false, regulationTarget: Double = 0.0, x: Double = 0.0, x0: Double = 0.0, x2: Double = 0.0, ReactiveCapabilityCurve: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    This class represents equivalent injections (generation or load).

    This class represents equivalent injections (generation or load).

    Voltage regulation is allowed only at the point of connection.


    EquivalentEquipment Reference to the superclass object.


    Maximum active power of the injection.


    Maximum reactive power of the injection. Used for modelling of infeed for load flow exchange. Not used for short circuit modelling. If maxQ and minQ are not used ReactiveCapabilityCurve can be used.


    Minimum active power of the injection.


    Minimum reactive power of the injection. Used for modelling of infeed for load flow exchange. Not used for short circuit modelling. If maxQ and minQ are not used ReactiveCapabilityCurve can be used.


    Equivalent active power injection. Load sign convention is used, i.e. positive sign means flow out from a node. Starting value for steady state solutions.


    Equivalent reactive power injection. Load sign convention is used, i.e. positive sign means flow out from a node. Starting value for steady state solutions.


    Positive sequence resistance. Used to represent Extended-Ward (IEC 60909). Usage : Extended-Ward is a result of network reduction prior to the data exchange.


    Zero sequence resistance. Used to represent Extended-Ward (IEC 60909). Usage : Extended-Ward is a result of network reduction prior to the data exchange.


    Negative sequence resistance. Used to represent Extended-Ward (IEC 60909). Usage : Extended-Ward is a result of network reduction prior to the data exchange.


    Specifies whether or not the EquivalentInjection has the capability to regulate the local voltage. If true the EquivalentInjection can regulate. If false the EquivalentInjection cannot regulate. ReactiveCapabilityCurve can only be associated with EquivalentInjection if the flag is true.


    Specifies the regulation status of the EquivalentInjection. True is regulating. False is not regulating.


    The target voltage for voltage regulation. The attribute shall be a positive value.


    Positive sequence reactance. Used to represent Extended-Ward (IEC 60909). Usage : Extended-Ward is a result of network reduction prior to the data exchange.


    Zero sequence reactance. Used to represent Extended-Ward (IEC 60909). Usage : Extended-Ward is a result of network reduction prior to the data exchange.


    Negative sequence reactance. Used to represent Extended-Ward (IEC 60909). Usage : Extended-Ward is a result of network reduction prior to the data exchange.


    ReactiveCapabilityCurve The reactive capability curve used by this equivalent injection.

  405. final case class EquivalentNetwork(ConnectivityNodeContainer: ConnectivityNodeContainer = null, EquivalentEquipments: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A class that groups electrical equivalents, including internal nodes, of a network that has been reduced.

    A class that groups electrical equivalents, including internal nodes, of a network that has been reduced.

    The ConnectivityNodes contained in the equivalent are intended to reflect internal nodes of the equivalent. The boundary Connectivity nodes where the equivalent connects outside itself are not contained by the equivalent.


    ConnectivityNodeContainer Reference to the superclass object.


    EquivalentEquipment The associated reduced equivalents.

  406. final case class EquivalentShunt(EquivalentEquipment: EquivalentEquipment = null, b: Double = 0.0, g: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    The class represents equivalent shunts.

    The class represents equivalent shunts.


    EquivalentEquipment Reference to the superclass object.


    Positive sequence shunt susceptance.


    Positive sequence shunt conductance.

  407. final case class ErpBOM(ErpDocument: ErpDocument = null, Design: String = null, ErpBomItemDatas: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Information that generally describes the Bill of Material Structure and its contents for a utility.

    Information that generally describes the Bill of Material Structure and its contents for a utility.

    This is used by ERP systems to transfer Bill of Material information between two business applications.


    ErpDocument Reference to the superclass object.


    Design undocumented


    ErpBomItemData undocumented

  408. final case class ErpBankAccount(BankAccount: BankAccount = null, bankABA: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Relationship under a particular name, usually evidenced by a deposit against which withdrawals can be made.

    Relationship under a particular name, usually evidenced by a deposit against which withdrawals can be made.

    Types of bank accounts include: demand, time, custodial, joint, trustee, corporate, special, and regular accounts. A statement of transactions during a fiscal period and the resulting balance is maintained on each account. For Payment metering, the account is associated with Bank and Supplier, reflecting details of the bank account used for depositing revenue collected by TokenVendor. The name of the account holder should be specified in 'name' attribute.


    BankAccount Reference to the superclass object.


    Bank ABA.

  409. final case class ErpBomItemData(ErpIdentifiedObject: ErpIdentifiedObject = null, DesignLocation: String = null, ErpBOM: String = null, TypeAsset: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    An individual item on a bill of materials.

    An individual item on a bill of materials.


    ErpIdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    DesignLocation undocumented


    ErpBOM undocumented


    CatalogAssetType undocumented

  410. final case class ErpChartOfAccounts(ErpDocument: ErpDocument = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Accounting structure of a business.

    Accounting structure of a business.

    Each account represents a financial aspect of a business, such as its Accounts Payable, or the value of its inventory, or its office supply expenses.


    ErpDocument Reference to the superclass object.

  411. final case class ErpCompetency(ErpIdentifiedObject: ErpIdentifiedObject = null, ErpPersons: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Information that describes aptitudes of a utility employee.

    Information that describes aptitudes of a utility employee.

    Unlike Skills that an ErpPerson must be certified to perform before undertaking certain type of assignments (to be able to perfrom a Craft), ErpCompetency has more to do with typical Human Resource (HR) matters such as schooling, training, etc.


    ErpIdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    OldPerson undocumented

  412. final case class ErpDocument(Document: Document = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Shadow class for Document, to isolate subclassing from this package.

    Shadow class for Document, to isolate subclassing from this package.

    If any subclass gets normative and needs inheritance, it will inherit directly from Document.


    Document Reference to the superclass object.

  413. final case class ErpEngChangeOrder(ErpDocument: ErpDocument = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    General Utility Engineering Change Order information.

    General Utility Engineering Change Order information.


    ErpDocument Reference to the superclass object.

  414. final case class ErpIdentifiedObject(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Shadow class for IdentifiedObject, to isolate subclassing from this package.

    Shadow class for IdentifiedObject, to isolate subclassing from this package.

    If any subclass gets normative and needs inheritance, it will inherit directly from IdentifiedObject.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.

  415. final case class ErpInventory(ErpIdentifiedObject: ErpIdentifiedObject = null, status: String = null, Asset: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Utility inventory-related information about an item or part (and not for description of the item and its attributes).

    Utility inventory-related information about an item or part (and not for description of the item and its attributes).

    It is used by ERP applications to enable the synchronization of Inventory data that exists on separate Item Master databases. This data is not the master data that describes the attributes of the item such as dimensions, weight, or unit of measure - it describes the item as it exists at a specific location.


    ErpIdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.




    Asset undocumented

  416. final case class ErpInventoryCount(ErpIdentifiedObject: ErpIdentifiedObject = null, status: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    This is related to Inventory physical counts organized by AssetModel.

    This is related to Inventory physical counts organized by AssetModel.

    Note that a count of a type of asset can be accomplished by the association inherited by AssetModel (from Document) to Asset. It enables ERP applications to transfer an inventory count between ERP and the actual physical inventory location. This count may be a cycle count or a physical count.


    ErpIdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.



  417. final case class ErpInvoice(ErpDocument: ErpDocument = null, amount: Double = 0.0, billMediaKind: String = null, dueDate: String = null, kind: String = null, mailedDate: String = null, proForma: Boolean = false, referenceNumber: String = null, transactionDateTime: String = null, transferType: String = null, CustomerAccount: String = null, ErpInvoiceLineItems: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A roll up of invoice line items.

    A roll up of invoice line items.

    The whole invoice has a due date and amount to be paid, with information such as customer, banks etc. being obtained through associations. The invoice roll up is based on individual line items that each contain amounts and descriptions for specific services or products.


    ErpDocument Reference to the superclass object.


    Total amount due on this invoice based on line items and applicable adjustments.


    Kind of media by which the CustomerBillingInfo was delivered.


    Calculated date upon which the Invoice amount is due.


    Kind of invoice (default is 'sales').


    Date on which the customer billing statement/invoice was printed/mailed.


    True if payment is to be paid by a Customer to accept a particular ErpQuote (with associated Design) and have work initiated, at which time an associated ErpInvoice should automatically be generated. EprPayment.subjectStatus satisfies terms specificed in the ErpQuote.


    Number of an invoice to be reference by this invoice.


    Date and time when the invoice is issued.


    Type of invoice transfer.


    CustomerAccount undocumented


    ErpInvoiceLineItem undocumented

  418. final case class ErpInvoiceLineItem(ErpDocument: ErpDocument = null, billPeriod: String = null, glAccount: String = null, glDateTime: String = null, kind: String = null, lineAmount: Double = 0.0, lineNumber: String = null, lineVersion: String = null, netAmount: Double = 0.0, previousAmount: Double = 0.0, ComponentErpInvoiceLineItems: List[String] = null, ContainerErpInvoiceLineItem: String = null, CustomerBillingInfos: List[String] = null, ErpInvoice: String = null, ErpJournalEntries: List[String] = null, ErpPayableLineItem: String = null, ErpPayments: List[String] = null, ErpQuoteLineItem: String = null, ErpRecDelvLineItem: String = null, ErpRecLineItem: String = null, UserAttributes: List[String] = null, WorkBillingInfos: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    An individual line item on an invoice.

    An individual line item on an invoice.


    ErpDocument Reference to the superclass object.


    Bill period for the line item.


    General Ledger account code, must be a valid combination.


    Date and time line item will be posted to the General Ledger.


    Kind of line item.


    Amount due for this line item.


    Line item number on invoice statement.


    Version number of the bill run.


    Net line item charge amount.


    Previous line item charge amount.


    ErpInvoiceLineItem undocumented


    ErpInvoiceLineItem undocumented


    CustomerBillingInfo Customer billing for services rendered.


    ErpInvoice undocumented


    ErpJournalEntry undocumented


    ErpPayableLineItem undocumented


    ErpPayment undocumented


    ErpQuoteLineItem undocumented


    ErpRecDelvLineItem undocumented


    ErpRecLineItem undocumented


    UserAttribute undocumented


    WorkBillingInfo undocumented

  419. final case class ErpIssueInventory(ErpIdentifiedObject: ErpIdentifiedObject = null, status: String = null, TypeAsset: String = null, TypeMaterial: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Can be used to request an application to process an issue or request information about an issue.

    Can be used to request an application to process an issue or request information about an issue.


    ErpIdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.




    CatalogAssetType undocumented


    TypeMaterial undocumented

  420. final case class ErpItemMaster(ErpIdentifiedObject: ErpIdentifiedObject = null, status: String = null, Asset: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Any unique purchased part for manufactured product tracked by ERP systems for a utility.

    Any unique purchased part for manufactured product tracked by ERP systems for a utility.

    Item, as used by the OAG, refers to the basic information about an item, including its attributes, cost, and locations. It does not include item quantities. Compare to the Inventory, which includes all quantities and other location-specific information.


    ErpIdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.




    Asset undocumented

  421. final case class ErpJournal(ErpDocument: ErpDocument = null, ErpJournalEntries: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Book for recording accounting transactions as they occur.

    Book for recording accounting transactions as they occur.

    Transactions and adjustments are first recorded in a journal, which is like a diary of instructions, advising which account to be charged and by how much. A journal represents a change in the balances of a business's financial accounts. Many tasks or transactions throughout an enterprise will result in the creation of a journal. Some examples are creating a customer invoice, paying a vendor, transferring inventory, or paying employees.


    ErpDocument Reference to the superclass object.


    ErpJournalEntry undocumented

  422. final case class ErpJournalEntry(ErpIdentifiedObject: ErpIdentifiedObject = null, accountID: String = null, amount: Double = 0.0, postingDateTime: String = null, sourceID: String = null, status: String = null, transactionDateTime: String = null, CostTypes: List[String] = null, ErpInvoiceLineItem: String = null, ErpJournal: String = null, ErpLedgerEntry: String = null, ErpPayableLineItems: List[String] = null, ErpRecLineItems: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Details of an individual entry in a journal, which is to be posted to a ledger on the posting date.

    Details of an individual entry in a journal, which is to be posted to a ledger on the posting date.


    ErpIdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    Account identifier for this entry.


    The amount of the debit or credit for this account.


    Date and time this entry is to be posted to the ledger.


    The identifer of the source for this entry.




    Date and time journal entry was recorded.


    CostType undocumented


    ErpInvoiceLineItem undocumented


    ErpJournal undocumented


    ErpLedgerEntry undocumented


    ErpPayableLineItem undocumented


    ErpRecLineItem undocumented

  423. final case class ErpLedBudLineItem(ErpIdentifiedObject: ErpIdentifiedObject = null, status: String = null, ErpLedBudLineItem_attr: String = null, ErpLedgerBudget: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Individual entry of a given Ledger Budget, typically containing information such as amount, accounting date, accounting period, and is associated with the applicable general ledger account.

    Individual entry of a given Ledger Budget, typically containing information such as amount, accounting date, accounting period, and is associated with the applicable general ledger account.


    ErpIdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.




    ErpLedgerEntry undocumented


    ErpLedgerBudget undocumented

  424. final case class ErpLedger(ErpDocument: ErpDocument = null, ErpLedgerEntries: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    In accounting transactions, a ledger is a book containing accounts to which debits and credits are posted from journals, where transactions are initially recorded.

    In accounting transactions, a ledger is a book containing accounts to which debits and credits are posted from journals, where transactions are initially recorded.

    Journal entries are periodically posted to the ledger. Ledger Actual represents actual amounts by account within ledger within company or business area. Actual amounts may be generated in a source application and then loaded to a specific ledger within the enterprise general ledger or budget application.


    ErpDocument Reference to the superclass object.


    ErpLedgerEntry undocumented

  425. final case class ErpLedgerBudget(ErpDocument: ErpDocument = null, ErpLedBudLineItems: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Information for utility Ledger Budgets.

    Information for utility Ledger Budgets.

    They support the transfer budget amounts between all possible source applications throughout an enterprise and a general ledger or budget application.


    ErpDocument Reference to the superclass object.


    ErpLedBudLineItem undocumented

  426. final case class ErpLedgerEntry(ErpIdentifiedObject: ErpIdentifiedObject = null, accountID: String = null, accountKind: String = null, amount: Double = 0.0, postedDateTime: String = null, status: String = null, transactionDateTime: String = null, ErpJounalEntry: String = null, ErpLedger: String = null, ErpLedgerEntry_attr: String = null, UserAttributes: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Details of an individual entry in a ledger, which was posted from a journal on the posted date.

    Details of an individual entry in a ledger, which was posted from a journal on the posted date.


    ErpIdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    Account identifier for this entry.


    Kind of account for this entry.


    The amount of the debit or credit for this account.


    Date and time this entry was posted to the ledger.




    Date and time journal entry was recorded.


    ErpJournalEntry undocumented


    ErpLedger undocumented


    ErpLedBudLineItem undocumented


    UserAttribute undocumented

  427. final case class ErpPOLineItem(ErpDocument: ErpDocument = null, AssetModelCatalogueItem: String = null, ErpPurchaseOrder: String = null, ErpRecDelLineItem: String = null, ErpReqLineItem: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Of an ErpPurchaseOrder, this is an individually ordered item or product along with the quantity, price and other descriptive information.

    Of an ErpPurchaseOrder, this is an individually ordered item or product along with the quantity, price and other descriptive information.


    ErpDocument Reference to the superclass object.


    AssetModelCatalogueItem undocumented


    ErpPurchaseOrder undocumented


    ErpRecDelvLineItem undocumented


    ErpReqLineItem undocumented

  428. final case class ErpPayable(ErpDocument: ErpDocument = null, ContractorItems: List[String] = null, ErpPayableLineItems: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A transaction that represents an invoice from a supplier.

    A transaction that represents an invoice from a supplier.

    A payable (or voucher) is an open item, approved and ready for payment, in the Accounts Payable ledger.


    ErpDocument Reference to the superclass object.


    ContractorItem undocumented


    ErpPayableLineItem undocumented

  429. final case class ErpPayableLineItem(ErpIdentifiedObject: ErpIdentifiedObject = null, status: String = null, ErpInvoiceLineItem: String = null, ErpJournalEntries: List[String] = null, ErpPayable: String = null, ErpPayments: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Of an ErpPayable, a line item references an ErpInvoiceLineitem or other source such as credit memos.

    Of an ErpPayable, a line item references an ErpInvoiceLineitem or other source such as credit memos.


    ErpIdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.




    ErpInvoiceLineItem undocumented


    ErpJournalEntry undocumented


    ErpPayable undocumented


    ErpPayment undocumented

  430. final case class ErpPayment(ErpDocument: ErpDocument = null, termsPayment: String = null, ErpInvoiceLineItems: List[String] = null, ErpPayableLineItems: List[String] = null, ErpRecLineItems: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Payment infromation and status for any individual line item of an ErpInvoice (e.g., when payment is from a customer).

    Payment infromation and status for any individual line item of an ErpInvoice (e.g., when payment is from a customer).

    ErpPayable is also updated when payment is to a supplier and ErpReceivable is updated when payment is from a customer. Multiple payments can be made against a single line item and an individual payment can apply to more that one line item.


    ErpDocument Reference to the superclass object.


    Payment terms (e.g., net 30).


    ErpInvoiceLineItem undocumented


    ErpPayableLineItem undocumented


    ErpRecLineItem undocumented

  431. final case class ErpPersonnel(ErpIdentifiedObject: ErpIdentifiedObject = null, status: String = null, ErpPersons: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Information that applies to the basic data about a utility person, used by ERP applications to transfer Personnel data for a worker.

    Information that applies to the basic data about a utility person, used by ERP applications to transfer Personnel data for a worker.


    ErpIdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.




    OldPerson undocumented

  432. final case class ErpProjectAccounting(ErpDocument: ErpDocument = null, ErpTimeEntries: List[String] = null, Projects: List[String] = null, WorkCostDetails: List[String] = null, Works: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Utility Project Accounting information, used by ERP applications to enable all relevant sub-systems that submit single sided transactions to transfer information with a Project Accounting Application.

    Utility Project Accounting information, used by ERP applications to enable all relevant sub-systems that submit single sided transactions to transfer information with a Project Accounting Application.

    This would include, but not necessarily be limited to: Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Budget, Order Management, Purchasing, Time and Labor, Travel and Expense.


    ErpDocument Reference to the superclass object.


    ErpTimeEntry undocumented


    Project undocumented


    WorkCostDetail undocumented


    Work undocumented

  433. final case class ErpPurchaseOrder(ErpDocument: ErpDocument = null, ErpPOLineItems: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A document that communicates an order to purchase goods from a buyer to a supplier.

    A document that communicates an order to purchase goods from a buyer to a supplier.

    The PurchaseOrder carries information to and from the buyer and supplier. It is a legally binding document once both Parties agree to the contents and the specified terms and conditions of the order.


    ErpDocument Reference to the superclass object.


    ErpPOLineItem undocumented

  434. final case class ErpQuote(ErpDocument: ErpDocument = null, ErpQuoteLineItems: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Document describing the prices of goods or services provided by a supplier.

    Document describing the prices of goods or services provided by a supplier.

    It includes the terms of the purchase, delivery proposals, identification of goods or services ordered, as well as their quantities.


    ErpDocument Reference to the superclass object.


    ErpQuoteLineItem undocumented

  435. final case class ErpQuoteLineItem(ErpIdentifiedObject: ErpIdentifiedObject = null, status: String = null, AssetModelCatalogueItem: String = null, Design: String = null, ErpInvoiceLineItem: String = null, ErpQuote: String = null, ErpReqLineItem: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Of an ErpQuote, the item or product quoted along with quantity, price and other descriptive information.

    Of an ErpQuote, the item or product quoted along with quantity, price and other descriptive information.


    ErpIdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.




    AssetModelCatalogueItem undocumented


    Design undocumented


    ErpInvoiceLineItem Some utilities provide quotes to customer for services, where the customer accepts the quote by making a payment. An invoice is required for this to occur.


    ErpQuote undocumented


    ErpReqLineItem undocumented

  436. final case class ErpRecDelvLineItem(ErpIdentifiedObject: ErpIdentifiedObject = null, status: String = null, Assets: List[String] = null, ErpInvoiceLineItem: String = null, ErpPOLineItem: String = null, ErpReceiveDelivery: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Of an ErpReceiveDelivery, this is an individually received good or service by the Organisation receiving goods or services.

    Of an ErpReceiveDelivery, this is an individually received good or service by the Organisation receiving goods or services.

    It may be used to indicate receipt of goods in conjunction with a purchase order line item.


    ErpIdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.




    Asset undocumented


    ErpInvoiceLineItem undocumented


    ErpPOLineItem undocumented


    ErpReceiveDelivery undocumented

  437. final case class ErpRecLineItem(ErpIdentifiedObject: ErpIdentifiedObject = null, status: String = null, ErpInvoiceLineItem: String = null, ErpJournalEntries: List[String] = null, ErpPayments: List[String] = null, ErpReceivable: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Individual entry of an ErpReceivable, it is a particular transaction representing an invoice, credit memo or debit memo to a customer.

    Individual entry of an ErpReceivable, it is a particular transaction representing an invoice, credit memo or debit memo to a customer.


    ErpIdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.




    ErpInvoiceLineItem undocumented


    ErpJournalEntry undocumented


    ErpPayment undocumented


    ErpReceivable undocumented

  438. final case class ErpReceivable(ErpDocument: ErpDocument = null, ErpRecLineItems: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Transaction representing an invoice, credit memo or debit memo to a customer.

    Transaction representing an invoice, credit memo or debit memo to a customer.

    It is an open (unpaid) item in the Accounts Receivable ledger.


    ErpDocument Reference to the superclass object.


    ErpRecLineItem undocumented

  439. final case class ErpReceiveDelivery(ErpDocument: ErpDocument = null, ErpRecDelvLineItems: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Transaction for an Organisation receiving goods or services that may be used to indicate receipt of goods in conjunction with a purchase order.

    Transaction for an Organisation receiving goods or services that may be used to indicate receipt of goods in conjunction with a purchase order.

    A receivable is an open (unpaid) item in the Accounts Receivable ledger.


    ErpDocument Reference to the superclass object.


    ErpRecDelvLineItem undocumented

  440. final case class ErpReqLineItem(ErpIdentifiedObject: ErpIdentifiedObject = null, code: String = null, cost: Double = 0.0, deliveryDate: String = null, quantity: Int = 0, status: String = null, ErpPOLineItem: String = null, ErpQuoteLineItem: String = null, ErpRequisition: String = null, TypeAsset: String = null, TypeMaterial: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Information that describes a requested item and its attributes.

    Information that describes a requested item and its attributes.


    ErpIdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.




    Cost of material.




    Quantity of item requisitioned.




    ErpPOLineItem undocumented


    ErpQuoteLineItem undocumented


    ErpRequisition undocumented


    CatalogAssetType undocumented


    TypeMaterial undocumented

  441. final case class ErpRequisition(ErpDocument: ErpDocument = null, ErpReqLineItems: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    General information that applies to a utility requisition that is a request for the purchase of goods or services.

    General information that applies to a utility requisition that is a request for the purchase of goods or services.

    Typically, a requisition leads to the creation of a purchase order to a specific supplier.


    ErpDocument Reference to the superclass object.


    ErpReqLineItem undocumented

  442. final case class ErpSalesOrder(ErpDocument: ErpDocument = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    General purpose Sales Order is used for utility service orders, etc.

    General purpose Sales Order is used for utility service orders, etc.

    As used by the OAG, the SalesOrder is a step beyond a PurchaseOrder in that the receiving entity of the order also communicates SalesInformoration about the Order along with the Order itself.


    ErpDocument Reference to the superclass object.

  443. final case class ErpSiteLevelData(ErpIdentifiedObject: ErpIdentifiedObject = null, status: String = null, LandProperty: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    For a utility, general information that describes physical locations of organizations or the location codes and their meanings.

    For a utility, general information that describes physical locations of organizations or the location codes and their meanings.

    This enables ERP applications to ensure that the physical location identifiers are synchronized between the business applications.


    ErpIdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.




    LandProperty undocumented

  444. final case class ErpTimeEntry(ErpIdentifiedObject: ErpIdentifiedObject = null, status: String = null, ErpProjectAccounting: String = null, ErpTimeSheet: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    An individual entry on an ErpTimeSheet.

    An individual entry on an ErpTimeSheet.


    ErpIdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.




    ErpProjectAccounting undocumented


    ErpTimeSheet undocumented

  445. final case class ErpTimeSheet(ErpDocument: ErpDocument = null, ErpTimeEntries: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Time sheet for employees and contractors.

    Time sheet for employees and contractors.

    Note that ErpTimeSheet inherits the relationship to ErpPerson from Document.


    ErpDocument Reference to the superclass object.


    ErpTimeEntry undocumented

  446. final case class EstimatedRestorationTime(Element: BasicElement = null, confidenceKind: String = null, ert: String = null, ertSource: String = null, Outage: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    The Estimated Restoration Time for a single outage

    The Estimated Restoration Time for a single outage


    Reference to the superclass object.


    provides the confidence level that this ERT can be accomplished. This may be changed/updated as needed.


    estimated time the outage will be restored


    defines the source that provided the ERT value.


    Outage undocumented

  447. final case class ExPostLoss(MarketFactors: MarketFactors = null, ExPostLossResults: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Model of ex-post calcultion of MW losses.

    Model of ex-post calcultion of MW losses.


    MarketFactors Reference to the superclass object.


    ExPostLossResults undocumented

  448. final case class ExPostLossResults(Element: BasicElement = null, ehvLossMW: Double = 0.0, totalLossMW: Double = 0.0, ExPostLoss: String = null, SubControlArea: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Model results of ex-post calculation of MW losses.

    Model results of ex-post calculation of MW losses.

    Summarizes loss in two categories losses on the the extra high voltage transmission and total losses. Calculated for each subcontrol area.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    EHV MW losses in the company Attribute Usage: Information purposes - Output of LPA engine.


    Total MW losses in the company Attribute Usage: Information purposes - Output of LPA engine.


    ExPostLoss undocumented


    SubControlArea undocumented

  449. final case class ExPostMarketRegion(MarketFactors: MarketFactors = null, ExPostMarketRegionResults: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Model of ex-post calculation of cleared MW on a regional basis.

    Model of ex-post calculation of cleared MW on a regional basis.


    MarketFactors Reference to the superclass object.


    ExPostMarketRegionResults undocumented

  450. final case class ExPostMarketRegionResults(Element: BasicElement = null, exPostClearedPrice: Double = 0.0, ExPostMarketRegion: String = null, MarketRegion: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Model of expost calculation of cleared MW on a region basis.

    Model of expost calculation of cleared MW on a region basis.

    Includes cleared price.


    Reference to the superclass object.




    ExPostMarketRegion undocumented


    MarketRegion undocumented

  451. final case class ExPostPricing(MarketFactors: MarketFactors = null, energyPrice: Double = 0.0, ExPostResults: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Model of ex-post pricing of nodes.

    Model of ex-post pricing of nodes.


    MarketFactors Reference to the superclass object.


    market energy price


    ExPostPricingResults undocumented

  452. final case class ExPostPricingResults(Element: BasicElement = null, congestLMP: Double = 0.0, lmp: Double = 0.0, lossLMP: Double = 0.0, ExPostPricing: String = null, Pnode: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Model of ex-post pricing of nodes.

    Model of ex-post pricing of nodes.

    Includes LMP information, pnode based.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    Congestion component of Location Marginal Price (LMP) in monetary units per MW; congestion component of the hourly LMP at a specific pricing node Attribute Usage: Result of the Security, Pricing, and Dispatch(SPD)/Simultaneous Feasibility Test(SFT) software and denotes the hourly congestion component of LMP for each pricing node.


    5 min weighted average LMP; the Location Marginal Price of the Pnode for which price calculation is carried out. Attribute Usage: 5 min weighted average LMP to be displayed on UI


    Loss component of Location Marginal Price (LMP) in monetary units per MW; loss component of the hourly LMP at a specific pricing node Attribute Usage: Result of the Security, Pricing, and Dispatch(SPD)/Simultaneous Feasibility Test(SFT) software and denotes the hourly loss component of LMP for each pricing node.


    ExPostPricing undocumented


    Pnode undocumented

  453. final case class ExPostResource(MarketFactors: MarketFactors = null, ExPostResourceResults: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Model of ex-post pricing of resources.

    Model of ex-post pricing of resources.


    MarketFactors Reference to the superclass object.


    ExPostResourceResults undocumented

  454. final case class ExPostResourceResults(Element: BasicElement = null, congestionLMP: Double = 0.0, desiredMW: Double = 0.0, dispatchRate: Double = 0.0, lmp: Double = 0.0, lossLMP: Double = 0.0, maxEconomicMW: Double = 0.0, minEconomicMW: Double = 0.0, resourceMW: Double = 0.0, status: String = null, ExPostResource: String = null, RegisteredResource: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Model of ex-post pricing of resources contains components of LMPs: energy, congestion, loss.

    Model of ex-post pricing of resources contains components of LMPs: energy, congestion, loss.

    Resource based.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    LMP component in USD (deprecated)


    Desired output of unit


    Unit Dispatch rate from real time unit dispatch.


    LMP (Local Marginal Price) in USD at the equipment (deprecated)


    loss lmp (deprecated)


    Economic Maximum MW


    Economic Minimum MW


    Current MW output of the equipment Attribute Usage: Information purposes - Information purposes - Output of LPA engine.


    Status of equipment


    ExPostResource undocumented


    RegisteredResource undocumented

  455. final case class ExcAC1A(ExcitationSystemDynamics: ExcitationSystemDynamics = null, hvlvgates: Boolean = false, ka: Double = 0.0, kc: Double = 0.0, kd: Double = 0.0, ke: Double = 0.0, kf: Double = 0.0, kf1: Double = 0.0, kf2: Double = 0.0, ks: Double = 0.0, seve1: Double = 0.0, seve2: Double = 0.0, ta: Double = 0.0, tb: Double = 0.0, tc: Double = 0.0, te: Double = 0.0, tf: Double = 0.0, vamax: Double = 0.0, vamin: Double = 0.0, ve1: Double = 0.0, ve2: Double = 0.0, vrmax: Double = 0.0, vrmin: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Modified IEEE AC1A alternator-supplied rectifier excitation system with different rate feedback source.

    Modified IEEE AC1A alternator-supplied rectifier excitation system with different rate feedback source.


    ExcitationSystemDynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    Indicates if both HV gate and LV gate are active (HVLVgates). true = gates are used false = gates are not used. Typical value = true.


    Voltage regulator gain (Ka) (> 0). Typical value = 400.


    Rectifier loading factor proportional to commutating reactance (Kc) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,2.


    Demagnetizing factor, a function of exciter alternator reactances (Kd) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,38.


    Exciter constant related to self-excited field (Ke). Typical value = 1.


    Excitation control system stabilizer gains (Kf) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,03.


    Coefficient to allow different usage of the model (Kf1) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.


    Coefficient to allow different usage of the model (Kf2) (>= 0). Typical value = 1.


    Coefficient to allow different usage of the model-speed coefficient (Ks) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.


    Exciter saturation function value at the corresponding exciter voltage, Ve1, back of commutating reactance (Se[Ve1]) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,1.


    Exciter saturation function value at the corresponding exciter voltage, Ve2, back of commutating reactance (Se[Ve2]) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,03.


    Voltage regulator time constant (Ta) (> 0). Typical value = 0,02.


    Voltage regulator time constant (Tb) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.


    Voltage regulator time constant (Tc) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.


    Exciter time constant, integration rate associated with exciter control (Te) (> 0). Typical value = 0,8.


    Excitation control system stabilizer time constant (Tf) (> 0). Typical value = 1.


    Maximum voltage regulator output (Vamax) (> 0). Typical value = 14,5.


    Minimum voltage regulator output (Vamin) (< 0). Typical value = -14,5.


    Exciter alternator output voltages back of commutating reactance at which saturation is defined (Ve1) (> 0). Typical value = 4,18.


    Exciter alternator output voltages back of commutating reactance at which saturation is defined (Ve2) (> 0). Typical value = 3,14.


    Maximum voltage regulator outputs (Vrmax) (> 0). Typical value = 6,03.


    Minimum voltage regulator outputs (Vrmin) (< 0). Typical value = -5,43.

  456. final case class ExcAC2A(ExcitationSystemDynamics: ExcitationSystemDynamics = null, hvgate: Boolean = false, ka: Double = 0.0, kb: Double = 0.0, kb1: Double = 0.0, kc: Double = 0.0, kd: Double = 0.0, ke: Double = 0.0, kf: Double = 0.0, kh: Double = 0.0, kl: Double = 0.0, kl1: Double = 0.0, ks: Double = 0.0, lvgate: Boolean = false, seve1: Double = 0.0, seve2: Double = 0.0, ta: Double = 0.0, tb: Double = 0.0, tc: Double = 0.0, te: Double = 0.0, tf: Double = 0.0, vamax: Double = 0.0, vamin: Double = 0.0, ve1: Double = 0.0, ve2: Double = 0.0, vfemax: Double = 0.0, vlr: Double = 0.0, vrmax: Double = 0.0, vrmin: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Modified IEEE AC2A alternator-supplied rectifier excitation system with different field current limit.

    Modified IEEE AC2A alternator-supplied rectifier excitation system with different field current limit.


    ExcitationSystemDynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    Indicates if HV gate is active (HVgate). true = gate is used false = gate is not used. Typical value = true.


    Voltage regulator gain (Ka) (> 0). Typical value = 400.


    Second stage regulator gain (Kb) (> 0). Exciter field current controller gain. Typical value = 25.


    Second stage regulator gain (Kb1). It is exciter field current controller gain used as alternative to Kb to represent a variant of the ExcAC2A model. Typical value = 25.


    Rectifier loading factor proportional to commutating reactance (Kc) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,28.


    Demagnetizing factor, a function of exciter alternator reactances (Kd) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,35.


    Exciter constant related to self-excited field (Ke). Typical value = 1.


    Excitation control system stabilizer gains (Kf) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,03.


    Exciter field current feedback gain (Kh) (>= 0). Typical value = 1.


    Exciter field current limiter gain (Kl). Typical value = 10.


    Coefficient to allow different usage of the model (Kl1). Typical value = 1.


    Coefficient to allow different usage of the model-speed coefficient (Ks) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.


    Indicates if LV gate is active (LVgate). true = gate is used false = gate is not used. Typical value = true.


    Exciter saturation function value at the corresponding exciter voltage, Ve1, back of commutating reactance (Se[Ve1]) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,037.


    Exciter saturation function value at the corresponding exciter voltage, Ve2, back of commutating reactance (Se[Ve2]) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,012.


    Voltage regulator time constant (Ta) (> 0). Typical value = 0,02.


    Voltage regulator time constant (Tb) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.


    Voltage regulator time constant (Tc) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.


    Exciter time constant, integration rate associated with exciter control (Te) (> 0). Typical value = 0,6.


    Excitation control system stabilizer time constant (Tf) (> 0). Typical value = 1.


    Maximum voltage regulator output (Vamax) (> 0). Typical value = 8.


    Minimum voltage regulator output (Vamin) (< 0). Typical value = -8.


    Exciter alternator output voltages back of commutating reactance at which saturation is defined (Ve1) (> 0). Typical value = 4,4.


    Exciter alternator output voltages back of commutating reactance at which saturation is defined (Ve2) (> 0). Typical value = 3,3.


    Exciter field current limit reference (Vfemax) (>= 0). Typical value = 4,4.


    Maximum exciter field current (Vlr) (> 0). Typical value = 4,4.


    Maximum voltage regulator outputs (Vrmax) (> 0). Typical value = 105.


    Minimum voltage regulator outputs (Vrmin) (< 0). Typical value = -95.

  457. final case class ExcAC3A(ExcitationSystemDynamics: ExcitationSystemDynamics = null, efdn: Double = 0.0, ka: Double = 0.0, kc: Double = 0.0, kd: Double = 0.0, ke: Double = 0.0, kf: Double = 0.0, kf1: Double = 0.0, kf2: Double = 0.0, klv: Double = 0.0, kn: Double = 0.0, kr: Double = 0.0, ks: Double = 0.0, seve1: Double = 0.0, seve2: Double = 0.0, ta: Double = 0.0, tb: Double = 0.0, tc: Double = 0.0, te: Double = 0.0, tf: Double = 0.0, vamax: Double = 0.0, vamin: Double = 0.0, ve1: Double = 0.0, ve2: Double = 0.0, vemin: Double = 0.0, vfemax: Double = 0.0, vlv: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Modified IEEE AC3A alternator-supplied rectifier excitation system with different field current limit.

    Modified IEEE AC3A alternator-supplied rectifier excitation system with different field current limit.


    ExcitationSystemDynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    Value of Efd at which feedback gain changes (Efdn) (> 0). Typical value = 2,36.


    Voltage regulator gain (Ka) (> 0). Typical value = 45,62.


    Rectifier loading factor proportional to commutating reactance (Kc) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,104.


    Demagnetizing factor, a function of exciter alternator reactances (Kd) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,499.


    Exciter constant related to self-excited field (Ke). Typical value = 1.


    Excitation control system stabilizer gains (Kf) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,143.


    Coefficient to allow different usage of the model (Kf1). Typical value = 1.


    Coefficient to allow different usage of the model (Kf2). Typical value = 0.


    Gain used in the minimum field voltage limiter loop (Klv). Typical value = 0,194.


    Excitation control system stabilizer gain (Kn) (>= 0). Typical value =0,05.


    Constant associated with regulator and alternator field power supply (Kr) (> 0). Typical value =3,77.


    Coefficient to allow different usage of the model-speed coefficient (Ks). Typical value = 0.


    Exciter saturation function value at the corresponding exciter voltage, Ve1, back of commutating reactance (Se[Ve1]) (>= 0). Typical value = 1,143.


    Exciter saturation function value at the corresponding exciter voltage, Ve2, back of commutating reactance (Se[Ve2]) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,1.


    Voltage regulator time constant (Ta) (> 0). Typical value = 0,013.


    Voltage regulator time constant (Tb) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.


    Voltage regulator time constant (Tc) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.


    Exciter time constant, integration rate associated with exciter control (Te) (> 0). Typical value = 1,17.


    Excitation control system stabilizer time constant (Tf) (> 0). Typical value = 1.


    Maximum voltage regulator output (Vamax) (> 0). Typical value = 1.


    Minimum voltage regulator output (Vamin) (< 0). Typical value = -0,95.


    Exciter alternator output voltages back of commutating reactance at which saturation is defined (Ve1) (> 0). Typical value = 6.24.


    Exciter alternator output voltages back of commutating reactance at which saturation is defined (Ve2) (> 0). Typical value = 4,68.


    Minimum exciter voltage output (Vemin) (<= 0). Typical value = 0.


    Exciter field current limit reference (Vfemax) (>= 0). Typical value = 16.


    Field voltage used in the minimum field voltage limiter loop (Vlv). Typical value = 0,79.

  458. final case class ExcAC4A(ExcitationSystemDynamics: ExcitationSystemDynamics = null, ka: Double = 0.0, kc: Double = 0.0, ta: Double = 0.0, tb: Double = 0.0, tc: Double = 0.0, vimax: Double = 0.0, vimin: Double = 0.0, vrmax: Double = 0.0, vrmin: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Modified IEEE AC4A alternator-supplied rectifier excitation system with different minimum controller output.

    Modified IEEE AC4A alternator-supplied rectifier excitation system with different minimum controller output.


    ExcitationSystemDynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    Voltage regulator gain (Ka) (> 0). Typical value = 200.


    Rectifier loading factor proportional to commutating reactance (Kc) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.


    Voltage regulator time constant (Ta) (> 0). Typical value = 0,015.


    Voltage regulator time constant (Tb) (>= 0). Typical value = 10.


    Voltage regulator time constant (Tc) (>= 0). Typical value = 1.


    Maximum voltage regulator input limit (Vimax) (> 0). Typical value = 10.


    Minimum voltage regulator input limit (Vimin) (< 0). Typical value = -10.


    Maximum voltage regulator output (Vrmax) (> 0). Typical value = 5,64.


    Minimum voltage regulator output (Vrmin) (< 0). Typical value = -4,53.

  459. final case class ExcAC5A(ExcitationSystemDynamics: ExcitationSystemDynamics = null, a: Double = 0.0, efd1: Double = 0.0, efd2: Double = 0.0, ka: Double = 0.0, ke: Double = 0.0, kf: Double = 0.0, ks: Double = 0.0, seefd1: Double = 0.0, seefd2: Double = 0.0, ta: Double = 0.0, tb: Double = 0.0, tc: Double = 0.0, te: Double = 0.0, tf1: Double = 0.0, tf2: Double = 0.0, tf3: Double = 0.0, vrmax: Double = 0.0, vrmin: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Modified IEEE AC5A alternator-supplied rectifier excitation system with different minimum controller output.

    Modified IEEE AC5A alternator-supplied rectifier excitation system with different minimum controller output.


    ExcitationSystemDynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    Coefficient to allow different usage of the model (a). Typical value = 1.


    Exciter voltage at which exciter saturation is defined (Efd1) (> 0). Typical value = 5,6.


    Exciter voltage at which exciter saturation is defined (Efd2) (> 0). Typical value = 4,2.


    Voltage regulator gain (Ka) (> 0). Typical value = 400.


    Exciter constant related to self-excited field (Ke). Typical value = 1.


    Excitation control system stabilizer gains (Kf) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,03.


    Coefficient to allow different usage of the model-speed coefficient (Ks). Typical value = 0.


    Exciter saturation function value at the corresponding exciter voltage, Efd1 (Se[Efd1]) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,86.


    Exciter saturation function value at the corresponding exciter voltage, Efd2 (Se[Efd2]) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,5.


    Voltage regulator time constant (Ta) (> 0). Typical value = 0,02.


    Voltage regulator time constant (Tb) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.


    Voltage regulator time constant (Tc) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.


    Exciter time constant, integration rate associated with exciter control (Te) (> 0). Typical value = 0,8.


    Excitation control system stabilizer time constant (Tf1) (> 0). Typical value = 1.


    Excitation control system stabilizer time constant (Tf2) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,8.


    Excitation control system stabilizer time constant (Tf3) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.


    Maximum voltage regulator output (Vrmax) (> 0). Typical value = 7,3.


    Minimum voltage regulator output (Vrmin) (< 0). Typical value =-7,3.

  460. final case class ExcAC6A(ExcitationSystemDynamics: ExcitationSystemDynamics = null, ka: Double = 0.0, kc: Double = 0.0, kd: Double = 0.0, ke: Double = 0.0, kh: Double = 0.0, ks: Double = 0.0, seve1: Double = 0.0, seve2: Double = 0.0, ta: Double = 0.0, tb: Double = 0.0, tc: Double = 0.0, te: Double = 0.0, th: Double = 0.0, tj: Double = 0.0, tk: Double = 0.0, vamax: Double = 0.0, vamin: Double = 0.0, ve1: Double = 0.0, ve2: Double = 0.0, vfelim: Double = 0.0, vhmax: Double = 0.0, vrmax: Double = 0.0, vrmin: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Modified IEEE AC6A alternator-supplied rectifier excitation system with speed input.

    Modified IEEE AC6A alternator-supplied rectifier excitation system with speed input.


    ExcitationSystemDynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    Voltage regulator gain (Ka) (> 0). Typical value = 536.


    Rectifier loading factor proportional to commutating reactance (Kc) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,173.


    Demagnetizing factor, a function of exciter alternator reactances (Kd) (>= 0). Typical value = 1,91.


    Exciter constant related to self-excited field (Ke). Typical value = 1,6.


    Exciter field current limiter gain (Kh) (>= 0). Typical value = 92.


    Coefficient to allow different usage of the model-speed coefficient (Ks). Typical value = 0.


    Exciter saturation function value at the corresponding exciter voltage, Ve1, back of commutating reactance (Se[Ve1]) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,214.


    Exciter saturation function value at the corresponding exciter voltage, Ve2, back of commutating reactance (Se[Ve2]) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,044.


    Voltage regulator time constant (Ta) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,086.


    Voltage regulator time constant (Tb) (>= 0). Typical value = 9.


    Voltage regulator time constant (Tc) (>= 0). Typical value = 3.


    Exciter time constant, integration rate associated with exciter control (Te) (> 0). Typical value = 1.


    Exciter field current limiter time constant (Th) (> 0). Typical value = 0,08.


    Exciter field current limiter time constant (Tj) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,02.


    Voltage regulator time constant (Tk) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,18.


    Maximum voltage regulator output (Vamax) (> 0). Typical value = 75.


    Minimum voltage regulator output (Vamin) (< 0). Typical value = -75.


    Exciter alternator output voltages back of commutating reactance at which saturation is defined (Ve1) (> 0). Typical value = 7,4.


    Exciter alternator output voltages back of commutating reactance at which saturation is defined (Ve2) (> 0). Typical value = 5,55.


    Exciter field current limit reference (Vfelim) (> 0). Typical value = 19.


    Maximum field current limiter signal reference (Vhmax) (> 0). Typical value = 75.


    Maximum voltage regulator output (Vrmax) (> 0). Typical value = 44.


    Minimum voltage regulator output (Vrmin) (< 0). Typical value = -36.

  461. final case class ExcAC8B(ExcitationSystemDynamics: ExcitationSystemDynamics = null, inlim: Boolean = false, ka: Double = 0.0, kc: Double = 0.0, kd: Double = 0.0, kdr: Double = 0.0, ke: Double = 0.0, kir: Double = 0.0, kpr: Double = 0.0, ks: Double = 0.0, pidlim: Boolean = false, seve1: Double = 0.0, seve2: Double = 0.0, ta: Double = 0.0, tdr: Double = 0.0, te: Double = 0.0, telim: Boolean = false, ve1: Double = 0.0, ve2: Double = 0.0, vemin: Double = 0.0, vfemax: Double = 0.0, vimax: Double = 0.0, vimin: Double = 0.0, vpidmax: Double = 0.0, vpidmin: Double = 0.0, vrmax: Double = 0.0, vrmin: Double = 0.0, vtmult: Boolean = false) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Modified IEEE AC8B alternator-supplied rectifier excitation system with speed input and input limiter.

    Modified IEEE AC8B alternator-supplied rectifier excitation system with speed input and input limiter.


    ExcitationSystemDynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    Input limiter indicator. true = input limiter Vimax and Vimin is considered false = input limiter Vimax and Vimin is not considered. Typical value = true.


    Voltage regulator gain (Ka) (> 0). Typical value = 1.


    Rectifier loading factor proportional to commutating reactance (Kc) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,55.


    Demagnetizing factor, a function of exciter alternator reactances (Kd) (>= 0). Typical value = 1,1.


    Voltage regulator derivative gain (Kdr) (>= 0). Typical value = 10.


    Exciter constant related to self-excited field (Ke). Typical value = 1.


    Voltage regulator integral gain (Kir) (>= 0). Typical value = 5.


    Voltage regulator proportional gain (Kpr) (> 0 if ExcAC8B.kir = 0). Typical value = 80.


    Coefficient to allow different usage of the model-speed coefficient (Ks). Typical value = 0.


    PID limiter indicator. true = input limiter Vpidmax and Vpidmin is considered false = input limiter Vpidmax and Vpidmin is not considered. Typical value = true.


    Exciter saturation function value at the corresponding exciter voltage, Ve1, back of commutating reactance (Se[Ve1]) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,3.


    Exciter saturation function value at the corresponding exciter voltage, Ve2, back of commutating reactance (Se[Ve2]) (>= 0). Typical value = 3.


    Voltage regulator time constant (Ta) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.


    Lag time constant (Tdr) (> 0 if ExcAC8B.kdr > 0). Typical value = 0,1.


    Exciter time constant, integration rate associated with exciter control (Te) (> 0). Typical value = 1,2.


    Selector for the limiter on the block (1/sTe). See diagram for meaning of true and false. Typical value = false.


    Exciter alternator output voltages back of commutating reactance at which saturation is defined (Ve1) (> 0). Typical value = 6,5.


    Exciter alternator output voltages back of commutating reactance at which saturation is defined (Ve2) (> 0). Typical value = 9.


    Minimum exciter voltage output (Vemin) (<= 0). Typical value = 0.


    Exciter field current limit reference (Vfemax). Typical value = 6.


    Input signal maximum (Vimax) (> ExcAC8B.vimin). Typical value = 35.


    Input signal minimum (Vimin) (< ExcAC8B.vimax). Typical value = -10.


    PID maximum controller output (Vpidmax) (> ExcAC8B.vpidmin). Typical value = 35.


    PID minimum controller output (Vpidmin) (< ExcAC8B.vpidmax). Typical value = -10.


    Maximum voltage regulator output (Vrmax) (> 0). Typical value = 35.


    Minimum voltage regulator output (Vrmin) (< 0). Typical value = 0.


    Multiply by generator's terminal voltage indicator. true =the limits Vrmax and Vrmin are multiplied by the generator’s terminal voltage to represent a thyristor power stage fed from the generator terminals false = limits are not multiplied by generator's terminal voltage. Typical value = false.

  462. final case class ExcANS(ExcitationSystemDynamics: ExcitationSystemDynamics = null, blint: Int = 0, ifmn: Double = 0.0, ifmx: Double = 0.0, k2: Double = 0.0, k3: Double = 0.0, kce: Double = 0.0, krvecc: Int = 0, kvfif: Int = 0, t1: Double = 0.0, t2: Double = 0.0, t3: Double = 0.0, tb: Double = 0.0, vrmn: Double = 0.0, vrmx: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Italian excitation system.

    Italian excitation system.

    It represents static field voltage or excitation current feedback excitation system.


    ExcitationSystemDynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    Governor control flag (BLINT). 0 = lead-lag regulator 1 = proportional integral regulator. Typical value = 0.


    Minimum exciter current (IFMN). Typical value = -5,2.


    Maximum exciter current (IFMX). Typical value = 6,5.


    Exciter gain (K2). Typical value = 20.


    AVR gain (K3). Typical value = 1000.


    Ceiling factor (KCE). Typical value = 1.


    Feedback enabling (KRVECC). 0 = open loop control 1 = closed loop control. Typical value = 1.


    Rate feedback signal flag (KVFIF). 0 = output voltage of the exciter 1 = exciter field current. Typical value = 0.


    Time constant (T1) (>= 0). Typical value = 20.


    Time constant (T2) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,05.


    Time constant (T3) (>= 0). Typical value = 1,6.


    Exciter time constant (TB) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,04.


    Minimum AVR output (VRMN). Typical value = -5,2.


    Maximum AVR output (VRMX). Typical value = 6,5.

  463. final case class ExcAVR1(ExcitationSystemDynamics: ExcitationSystemDynamics = null, e1: Double = 0.0, e2: Double = 0.0, ka: Double = 0.0, kf: Double = 0.0, se1: Double = 0.0, se2: Double = 0.0, ta: Double = 0.0, tb: Double = 0.0, te: Double = 0.0, tf: Double = 0.0, vrmn: Double = 0.0, vrmx: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Italian excitation system corresponding to IEEE (1968) type 1 model.

    Italian excitation system corresponding to IEEE (1968) type 1 model.

    It represents an exciter dynamo and electromechanical regulator.


    ExcitationSystemDynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    Field voltage value 1 (E1). Typical value = 4.18.


    Field voltage value 2 (E2). Typical value = 3,14.


    AVR gain (KA). Typical value = 500.


    Rate feedback gain (KF). Typical value = 0,12.


    Saturation factor at E1 (S[E1]). Typical value = 0,1.


    Saturation factor at E2 (S[E2]). Typical value = 0,03.


    AVR time constant (TA) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,2.


    AVR time constant (TB) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.


    Exciter time constant (TE) (>= 0). Typical value = 1.


    Rate feedback time constant (TF) (>= 0). Typical value = 1.


    Minimum AVR output (VRMN). Typical value = -6.


    Maximum AVR output (VRMX). Typical value = 7.

  464. final case class ExcAVR2(ExcitationSystemDynamics: ExcitationSystemDynamics = null, e1: Double = 0.0, e2: Double = 0.0, ka: Double = 0.0, kf: Double = 0.0, se1: Double = 0.0, se2: Double = 0.0, ta: Double = 0.0, tb: Double = 0.0, te: Double = 0.0, tf1: Double = 0.0, tf2: Double = 0.0, vrmn: Double = 0.0, vrmx: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Italian excitation system corresponding to IEEE (1968) type 2 model.

    Italian excitation system corresponding to IEEE (1968) type 2 model.

    It represents an alternator and rotating diodes and electromechanic voltage regulators.


    ExcitationSystemDynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    Field voltage value 1 (E1). Typical value = 4,18.


    Field voltage value 2 (E2). Typical value = 3,14.


    AVR gain (KA). Typical value = 500.


    Rate feedback gain (KF). Typical value = 0,12.


    Saturation factor at E1 (S[E1]). Typical value = 0.1.


    Saturation factor at E2 (S[E2]). Typical value = 0,03.


    AVR time constant (TA) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,02.


    AVR time constant (TB) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.


    Exciter time constant (TE) (>= 0). Typical value = 1.


    Rate feedback time constant (TF1) (>= 0). Typical value = 1.


    Rate feedback time constant (TF2) (>= 0). Typical value = 1.


    Minimum AVR output (VRMN). Typical value = -6.


    Maximum AVR output (VRMX). Typical value = 7.

  465. final case class ExcAVR3(ExcitationSystemDynamics: ExcitationSystemDynamics = null, e1: Double = 0.0, e2: Double = 0.0, ka: Double = 0.0, se1: Double = 0.0, se2: Double = 0.0, t1: Double = 0.0, t2: Double = 0.0, t3: Double = 0.0, t4: Double = 0.0, te: Double = 0.0, vrmn: Double = 0.0, vrmx: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Italian excitation system.

    Italian excitation system.

    It represents an exciter dynamo and electric regulator.


    ExcitationSystemDynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    Field voltage value 1 (E1). Typical value = 4,18.


    Field voltage value 2 (E2). Typical value = 3,14.


    AVR gain (KA). Typical value = 100.


    Saturation factor at E1 (S[E1]). Typical value = 0,1.


    Saturation factor at E2 (S[E2]). Typical value = 0,03.


    AVR time constant (T1) (>= 0). Typical value = 20.


    AVR time constant (T2) (>= 0). Typical value = 1,6.


    AVR time constant (T3) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,66.


    AVR time constant (T4) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,07.


    Exciter time constant (TE) (>= 0). Typical value = 1.


    Minimum AVR output (VRMN). Typical value = -7,5.


    Maximum AVR output (VRMX). Typical value = 7,5.

  466. final case class ExcAVR4(ExcitationSystemDynamics: ExcitationSystemDynamics = null, imul: Boolean = false, ka: Double = 0.0, ke: Double = 0.0, kif: Double = 0.0, t1: Double = 0.0, t1if: Double = 0.0, t2: Double = 0.0, t3: Double = 0.0, t4: Double = 0.0, tif: Double = 0.0, vfmn: Double = 0.0, vfmx: Double = 0.0, vrmn: Double = 0.0, vrmx: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Italian excitation system.

    Italian excitation system.

    It represents a static exciter and electric voltage regulator.


    ExcitationSystemDynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    AVR output voltage dependency selector (IMUL). true = selector is connected false = selector is not connected. Typical value = true.


    AVR gain (KA). Typical value = 300.


    Exciter gain (KE). Typical value = 1.


    Exciter internal reactance (KIF). Typical value = 0.


    AVR time constant (T1) (>= 0). Typical value = 4,8.


    Exciter current feedback time constant (T1IF) (>= 0). Typical value = 60.


    AVR time constant (T2) (>= 0). Typical value = 1,5.


    AVR time constant (T3) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.


    AVR time constant (T4) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.


    Exciter current feedback time constant (TIF) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.


    Minimum exciter output (VFMN). Typical value = 0.


    Maximum exciter output (VFMX). Typical value = 5.


    Minimum AVR output (VRMN). Typical value = 0.


    Maximum AVR output (VRMX). Typical value = 5.

  467. final case class ExcAVR5(ExcitationSystemDynamics: ExcitationSystemDynamics = null, ka: Double = 0.0, rex: Double = 0.0, ta: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Manual excitation control with field circuit resistance.

    Manual excitation control with field circuit resistance.

    This model can be used as a very simple representation of manual voltage control.


    ExcitationSystemDynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    Gain (Ka).


    Effective output resistance (Rex). Rex represents the effective output resistance seen by the excitation system.


    Time constant (Ta) (>= 0).

  468. final case class ExcAVR7(ExcitationSystemDynamics: ExcitationSystemDynamics = null, a1: Double = 0.0, a2: Double = 0.0, a3: Double = 0.0, a4: Double = 0.0, a5: Double = 0.0, a6: Double = 0.0, k1: Double = 0.0, k3: Double = 0.0, k5: Double = 0.0, t1: Double = 0.0, t2: Double = 0.0, t3: Double = 0.0, t4: Double = 0.0, t5: Double = 0.0, t6: Double = 0.0, vmax1: Double = 0.0, vmax3: Double = 0.0, vmax5: Double = 0.0, vmin1: Double = 0.0, vmin3: Double = 0.0, vmin5: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    IVO excitation system.

    IVO excitation system.


    ExcitationSystemDynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    Lead coefficient (A1). Typical value = 0,5.


    Lag coefficient (A2). Typical value = 0,5.


    Lead coefficient (A3). Typical value = 0,5.


    Lag coefficient (A4). Typical value = 0,5.


    Lead coefficient (A5). Typical value = 0,5.


    Lag coefficient (A6). Typical value = 0,5.


    Gain (K1). Typical value = 1.


    Gain (K3). Typical value = 3.


    Gain (K5). Typical value = 1.


    Lead time constant (T1) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,05.


    Lag time constant (T2) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,1.


    Lead time constant (T3) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,1.


    Lag time constant (T4) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,1.


    Lead time constant (T5) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,1.


    Lag time constant (T6) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,1.


    Lead-lag maximum limit (Vmax1) (> ExcAVR7.vmin1). Typical value = 5.


    Lead-lag maximum limit (Vmax3) (> ExcAVR7.vmin3). Typical value = 5.


    Lead-lag maximum limit (Vmax5) (> ExcAVR7.vmin5). Typical value = 5.


    Lead-lag minimum limit (Vmin1) (< ExcAVR7.vmax1). Typical value = -5.


    Lead-lag minimum limit (Vmin3) (< ExcAVR7.vmax3). Typical value = -5.


    Lead-lag minimum limit (Vmin5) (< ExcAVR7.vmax5). Typical value = -2.

  469. final case class ExcBBC(ExcitationSystemDynamics: ExcitationSystemDynamics = null, efdmax: Double = 0.0, efdmin: Double = 0.0, k: Double = 0.0, switch: Boolean = false, t1: Double = 0.0, t2: Double = 0.0, t3: Double = 0.0, t4: Double = 0.0, vrmax: Double = 0.0, vrmin: Double = 0.0, xe: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Transformer fed static excitation system (static with ABB regulator).

    Transformer fed static excitation system (static with ABB regulator).

    This model represents a static excitation system in which a gated thyristor bridge fed by a transformer at the main generator terminals feeds the main generator directly.


    ExcitationSystemDynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    Maximum open circuit exciter voltage (Efdmax) (> ExcBBC.efdmin). Typical value = 5.


    Minimum open circuit exciter voltage (Efdmin) (< ExcBBC.efdmax). Typical value = -5.


    Steady state gain (K) (not = 0). Typical value = 300.


    Supplementary signal routing selector (switch). true = Vs connected to 3rd summing point false = Vs connected to 1st summing point (see diagram). Typical value = false.


    Controller time constant (T1) (>= 0). Typical value = 6.


    Controller time constant (T2) (>= 0). Typical value = 1.


    Lead/lag time constant (T3) (>= 0). If = 0, block is bypassed. Typical value = 0,05.


    Lead/lag time constant (T4) (>= 0). If = 0, block is bypassed. Typical value = 0,01.


    Maximum control element output (Vrmax) (> ExcBBC.vrmin). Typical value = 5.


    Minimum control element output (Vrmin) (< ExcBBC.vrmax). Typical value = -5.


    Effective excitation transformer reactance (Xe) (>= 0). Xe models the regulation of the transformer/rectifier unit. Typical value = 0,05.

  470. final case class ExcCZ(ExcitationSystemDynamics: ExcitationSystemDynamics = null, efdmax: Double = 0.0, efdmin: Double = 0.0, ka: Double = 0.0, ke: Double = 0.0, kp: Double = 0.0, ta: Double = 0.0, tc: Double = 0.0, te: Double = 0.0, vrmax: Double = 0.0, vrmin: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Czech proportion/integral exciter.

    Czech proportion/integral exciter.


    ExcitationSystemDynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    Exciter output maximum limit (Efdmax) (> ExcCZ.efdmin).


    Exciter output minimum limit (Efdmin) (< ExcCZ.efdmax).


    Regulator gain (Ka).


    Exciter constant related to self-excited field (Ke).


    Regulator proportional gain (Kp).


    Regulator time constant (Ta) (>= 0).


    Regulator integral time constant (Tc) (>= 0).


    Exciter time constant, integration rate associated with exciter control (Te) (>= 0).


    Voltage regulator maximum limit (Vrmax) (> ExcCZ.vrmin).


    Voltage regulator minimum limit (Vrmin) (< ExcCZ.vrmax).

  471. final case class ExcDC1A(ExcitationSystemDynamics: ExcitationSystemDynamics = null, efd1: Double = 0.0, efd2: Double = 0.0, efdmax: Double = 0.0, efdmin: Double = 0.0, exclim: Boolean = false, ka: Double = 0.0, ke: Double = 0.0, kf: Double = 0.0, ks: Double = 0.0, seefd1: Double = 0.0, seefd2: Double = 0.0, ta: Double = 0.0, tb: Double = 0.0, tc: Double = 0.0, te: Double = 0.0, tf: Double = 0.0, vrmax: Double = 0.0, vrmin: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Modified IEEE DC1A direct current commutator exciter with speed input and without underexcitation limiters (UEL) inputs.

    Modified IEEE DC1A direct current commutator exciter with speed input and without underexcitation limiters (UEL) inputs.


    ExcitationSystemDynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    Exciter voltage at which exciter saturation is defined (Efd1) (> 0). Typical value = 3,1.


    Exciter voltage at which exciter saturation is defined (Efd2) (> 0). Typical value = 2,3.


    Maximum voltage exciter output limiter (Efdmax) (> ExcDC1A.efdmin). Typical value = 99.


    Minimum voltage exciter output limiter (Efdmin) (< ExcDC1A.edfmax). Typical value = -99.


    (exclim). IEEE standard is ambiguous about lower limit on exciter output. true = a lower limit of zero is applied to integrator output false = a lower limit of zero is not applied to integrator output. Typical value = true.


    Voltage regulator gain (Ka) (> 0). Typical value = 46.


    Exciter constant related to self-excited field (Ke). Typical value = 0.


    Excitation control system stabilizer gain (Kf) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,1.


    Coefficient to allow different usage of the model-speed coefficient (Ks). Typical value = 0.


    Exciter saturation function value at the corresponding exciter voltage, Efd1 (Se[Eefd1]) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,33.


    Exciter saturation function value at the corresponding exciter voltage, Efd2 (Se[Eefd2]) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,1.


    Voltage regulator time constant (Ta) (> 0). Typical value = 0,06.


    Voltage regulator time constant (Tb) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.


    Voltage regulator time constant (Tc) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.


    Exciter time constant, integration rate associated with exciter control (Te) (> 0). Typical value = 0,46.


    Excitation control system stabilizer time constant (Tf) (> 0). Typical value = 1.


    Maximum voltage regulator output (Vrmax) (> ExcDC1A.vrmin). Typical value = 1.


    Minimum voltage regulator output (Vrmin) (< 0 and < ExcDC1A.vrmax). Typical value = -0,9.

  472. final case class ExcDC2A(ExcitationSystemDynamics: ExcitationSystemDynamics = null, efd1: Double = 0.0, efd2: Double = 0.0, exclim: Boolean = false, ka: Double = 0.0, ke: Double = 0.0, kf: Double = 0.0, ks: Double = 0.0, seefd1: Double = 0.0, seefd2: Double = 0.0, ta: Double = 0.0, tb: Double = 0.0, tc: Double = 0.0, te: Double = 0.0, tf: Double = 0.0, tf1: Double = 0.0, vrmax: Double = 0.0, vrmin: Double = 0.0, vtlim: Boolean = false) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Modified IEEE DC2A direct current commutator exciter with speed input, one more leg block in feedback loop and without underexcitation limiters (UEL) inputs.

    Modified IEEE DC2A direct current commutator exciter with speed input, one more leg block in feedback loop and without underexcitation limiters (UEL) inputs.

    DC type 2 excitation system model with added speed multiplier, added lead-lag, and voltage-dependent limits.


    ExcitationSystemDynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    Exciter voltage at which exciter saturation is defined (Efd1) (> 0). Typical value = 3,05.


    Exciter voltage at which exciter saturation is defined (Efd2) (> 0). Typical value = 2,29.


    (exclim). IEEE standard is ambiguous about lower limit on exciter output. true = a lower limit of zero is applied to integrator output false = a lower limit of zero is not applied to integrator output. Typical value = true.


    Voltage regulator gain (Ka) (> 0). Typical value = 300.


    Exciter constant related to self-excited field (Ke). If Ke is entered as zero, the model calculates an effective value of Ke such that the initial condition value of Vr is zero. The zero value of Ke is not changed. If Ke is entered as non-zero, its value is used directly, without change. Typical value = 1.


    Excitation control system stabilizer gain (Kf) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,1.


    Coefficient to allow different usage of the model-speed coefficient (Ks). Typical value = 0.


    Exciter saturation function value at the corresponding exciter voltage, Efd1 (Se[Efd1]) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,279.


    Exciter saturation function value at the corresponding exciter voltage, Efd2 (Se[Efd2]) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,117.


    Voltage regulator time constant (Ta) (> 0). Typical value = 0,01.


    Voltage regulator time constant (Tb) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.


    Voltage regulator time constant (Tc) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.


    Exciter time constant, integration rate associated with exciter control (Te) (> 0). Typical value = 1,33.


    Excitation control system stabilizer time constant (Tf) (> 0). Typical value = 0,675.


    Excitation control system stabilizer time constant (Tf1) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.


    Maximum voltage regulator output (Vrmax) (> ExcDC2A.vrmin). Typical value = 4,95.


    Minimum voltage regulator output (Vrmin) (< 0 and < ExcDC2A.vrmax). Typical value = -4,9.


    (Vtlim). true = limiter at the block (Ka / [1 + sTa]) is dependent on Vt false = limiter at the block is not dependent on Vt. Typical value = true.

  473. final case class ExcDC3A(ExcitationSystemDynamics: ExcitationSystemDynamics = null, efd1: Double = 0.0, efd2: Double = 0.0, efdlim: Boolean = false, efdmax: Double = 0.0, efdmin: Double = 0.0, exclim: Boolean = false, ke: Double = 0.0, kr: Double = 0.0, ks: Double = 0.0, kv: Double = 0.0, seefd1: Double = 0.0, seefd2: Double = 0.0, te: Double = 0.0, trh: Double = 0.0, vrmax: Double = 0.0, vrmin: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Modified IEEE DC3A direct current commutator exciter with speed input, and deadband.

    Modified IEEE DC3A direct current commutator exciter with speed input, and deadband.

    DC old type 4.


    ExcitationSystemDynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    Exciter voltage at which exciter saturation is defined (Efd1) (> 0). Typical value = 2,6.


    Exciter voltage at which exciter saturation is defined (Efd2) (> 0). Typical value = 3,45.


    (Efdlim). true = exciter output limiter is active false = exciter output limiter not active. Typical value = true.


    Maximum voltage exciter output limiter (Efdmax) (> ExcDC3A.efdmin). Typical value = 99.


    Minimum voltage exciter output limiter (Efdmin) (< ExcDC3A.efdmax). Typical value = -99.


    (exclim). IEEE standard is ambiguous about lower limit on exciter output. true = a lower limit of zero is applied to integrator output false = a lower limit of zero not applied to integrator output. Typical value = true.


    Exciter constant related to self-excited field (Ke). Typical value = 1.


    Deadband (Kr). Typical value = 0.


    Coefficient to allow different usage of the model-speed coefficient (Ks). Typical value = 0.


    Fast raise/lower contact setting (Kv) (> 0). Typical value = 0,05.


    Exciter saturation function value at the corresponding exciter voltage, Efd1 (Se[Efd1]) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,1.


    Exciter saturation function value at the corresponding exciter voltage, Efd2 (Se[Efd2]) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,35.


    Exciter time constant, integration rate associated with exciter control (Te) (> 0). Typical value = 1,83.


    Rheostat travel time (Trh) (> 0). Typical value = 20.


    Maximum voltage regulator output (Vrmax) (> 0). Typical value = 5.


    Minimum voltage regulator output (Vrmin) (<= 0). Typical value = 0.

  474. final case class ExcDC3A1(ExcitationSystemDynamics: ExcitationSystemDynamics = null, exclim: Boolean = false, ka: Double = 0.0, ke: Double = 0.0, kf: Double = 0.0, ki: Double = 0.0, kp: Double = 0.0, ta: Double = 0.0, te: Double = 0.0, tf: Double = 0.0, vb1max: Double = 0.0, vblim: Boolean = false, vbmax: Double = 0.0, vrmax: Double = 0.0, vrmin: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Modified old IEEE type 3 excitation system.

    Modified old IEEE type 3 excitation system.


    ExcitationSystemDynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    (exclim). true = lower limit of zero is applied to integrator output false = lower limit of zero not applied to integrator output. Typical value = true.


    Voltage regulator gain (Ka) (> 0). Typical value = 300.


    Exciter constant related to self-excited field (Ke). Typical value = 1.


    Excitation control system stabilizer gain (Kf) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,1.


    Potential circuit gain coefficient (Ki) (>= 0). Typical value = 4,83.


    Potential circuit gain coefficient (Kp) (>= 0). Typical value = 4,37.


    Voltage regulator time constant (Ta) (> 0). Typical value = 0,01.


    Exciter time constant, integration rate associated with exciter control (Te) (> 0). Typical value = 1,83.


    Excitation control system stabilizer time constant (Tf) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,675.


    Available exciter voltage limiter (Vb1max) (> 0). Typical value = 11,63.


    Vb limiter indicator. true = exciter Vbmax limiter is active false = Vb1max is active. Typical value = true.


    Available exciter voltage limiter (Vbmax) (> 0). Typical value = 11,63.


    Maximum voltage regulator output (Vrmax) (> ExcDC3A1.vrmin). Typical value = 5.


    Minimum voltage regulator output (Vrmin) (< 0 and < ExcDC3A1.vrmax). Typical value = 0.

  475. final case class ExcELIN1(ExcitationSystemDynamics: ExcitationSystemDynamics = null, dpnf: Double = 0.0, efmax: Double = 0.0, efmin: Double = 0.0, ks1: Double = 0.0, ks2: Double = 0.0, smax: Double = 0.0, tfi: Double = 0.0, tnu: Double = 0.0, ts1: Double = 0.0, ts2: Double = 0.0, tsw: Double = 0.0, vpi: Double = 0.0, vpnf: Double = 0.0, vpu: Double = 0.0, xe: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Static PI transformer fed excitation system ELIN (VATECH) - simplified model.

    Static PI transformer fed excitation system ELIN (VATECH) - simplified model.

    This model represents an all-static excitation system. A PI voltage controller establishes a desired field current set point for a proportional current controller. The integrator of the PI controller has a follow-up input to match its signal to the present field current. A power system stabilizer with power input is included in the model.


    ExcitationSystemDynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    Controller follow up deadband (Dpnf). Typical value = 0.


    Maximum open circuit excitation voltage (Efmax) (> ExcELIN1.efmin). Typical value = 5.


    Minimum open circuit excitation voltage (Efmin) (< ExcELIN1.efmax). Typical value = -5.


    Stabilizer gain 1 (Ks1). Typical value = 0.


    Stabilizer gain 2 (Ks2). Typical value = 0.


    Stabilizer limit output (smax). Typical value = 0,1.


    Current transducer time constant (Tfi) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.


    Controller reset time constant (Tnu) (>= 0). Typical value = 2.


    Stabilizer phase lag time constant (Ts1) (>= 0). Typical value = 1.


    Stabilizer filter time constant (Ts2) (>= 0). Typical value = 1.


    Stabilizer parameters (Tsw) (>= 0). Typical value = 3.


    Current controller gain (Vpi). Typical value = 12,45.


    Controller follow up gain (Vpnf). Typical value = 2.


    Voltage controller proportional gain (Vpu). Typical value = 34,5.


    Excitation transformer effective reactance (Xe) (>= 0). Xe represents the regulation of the transformer/rectifier unit. Typical value = 0,06.

  476. final case class ExcELIN2(ExcitationSystemDynamics: ExcitationSystemDynamics = null, efdbas: Double = 0.0, iefmax: Double = 0.0, iefmax2: Double = 0.0, iefmin: Double = 0.0, k1: Double = 0.0, k1ec: Double = 0.0, k2: Double = 0.0, k3: Double = 0.0, k4: Double = 0.0, kd1: Double = 0.0, ke2: Double = 0.0, ketb: Double = 0.0, pid1max: Double = 0.0, seve1: Double = 0.0, seve2: Double = 0.0, tb1: Double = 0.0, te: Double = 0.0, te2: Double = 0.0, ti1: Double = 0.0, ti3: Double = 0.0, ti4: Double = 0.0, tr4: Double = 0.0, upmax: Double = 0.0, upmin: Double = 0.0, ve1: Double = 0.0, ve2: Double = 0.0, xp: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Detailed excitation system ELIN (VATECH).

    Detailed excitation system ELIN (VATECH).

    This model represents an all-static excitation system. A PI voltage controller establishes a desired field current set point for a proportional current controller. The integrator of the PI controller has a follow-up input to match its signal to the present field current. Power system stabilizer models used in conjunction with this excitation system model: PssELIN2, PssIEEE2B, Pss2B.


    ExcitationSystemDynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    Gain (Efdbas). Typical value = 0,1.


    Limiter (Iefmax) (> ExcELIN2.iefmin). Typical value = 1.


    Minimum open circuit excitation voltage (Iefmax2). Typical value = -5.


    Limiter (Iefmin) (< ExcELIN2.iefmax). Typical value = 1.


    Voltage regulator input gain (K1). Typical value = 0.


    Voltage regulator input limit (K1ec). Typical value = 2.


    Gain (K2). Typical value = 5.


    Gain (K3). Typical value = 0,1.


    Gain (K4). Typical value = 0.


    Voltage controller derivative gain (Kd1). Typical value = 34,5.


    Gain (Ke2). Typical value = 0,1.


    Gain (Ketb). Typical value = 0,06.


    Controller follow up gain (PID1max). Typical value = 2.


    Exciter saturation function value at the corresponding exciter voltage, Ve1, back of commutating reactance (Se[Ve1]) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.


    Exciter saturation function value at the corresponding exciter voltage, Ve2, back of commutating reactance (Se[Ve2]) (>= 0). Typical value = 1.


    Voltage controller derivative washout time constant (Tb1) (>= 0). Typical value = 12,45.


    Time constant (Te) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.


    Time Constant (Te2) (>= 0). Typical value = 1.


    Controller follow up deadband (Ti1). Typical value = 0.


    Time constant (Ti3) (>= 0). Typical value = 3.


    Time constant (Ti4) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.


    Time constant (Tr4) (>= 0). Typical value = 1.


    Limiter (Upmax) (> ExcELIN2.upmin). Typical value = 3.


    Limiter (Upmin) (< ExcELIN2.upmax). Typical value = 0.


    Exciter alternator output voltages back of commutating reactance at which saturation is defined (Ve1) (> 0). Typical value = 3.


    Exciter alternator output voltages back of commutating reactance at which saturation is defined (Ve2) (> 0). Typical value = 0.


    Excitation transformer effective reactance (Xp). Typical value = 1.

  477. final case class ExcHU(ExcitationSystemDynamics: ExcitationSystemDynamics = null, ae: Double = 0.0, ai: Double = 0.0, atr: Double = 0.0, emax: Double = 0.0, emin: Double = 0.0, imax: Double = 0.0, imin: Double = 0.0, ke: Double = 0.0, ki: Double = 0.0, te: Double = 0.0, ti: Double = 0.0, tr: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Hungarian excitation system, with built-in voltage transducer.

    Hungarian excitation system, with built-in voltage transducer.


    ExcitationSystemDynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    Major loop PI tag gain factor (Ae). Typical value = 3.


    Minor loop PI tag gain factor (Ai). Typical value = 22.


    AVR constant (Atr). Typical value = 2,19.


    Field voltage control signal upper limit on AVR base (Emax) (> ExcHU.emin). Typical value = 0,996.


    Field voltage control signal lower limit on AVR base (Emin) (< ExcHU.emax). Typical value = -0,866.


    Major loop PI tag output signal upper limit (Imax) (> ExcHU.imin). Typical value = 2,19.


    Major loop PI tag output signal lower limit (Imin) (< ExcHU.imax). Typical value = 0,1.


    Voltage base conversion constant (Ke). Typical value = 4,666.


    Current base conversion constant (Ki). Typical value = 0,21428.


    Major loop PI tag integration time constant (Te) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,154.


    Minor loop PI control tag integration time constant (Ti) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,01333.


    Filter time constant (Tr) (>= 0). If a voltage compensator is used in conjunction with this excitation system model, Tr should be set to 0. Typical value = 0,01.

  478. final case class ExcIEEEAC1A(ExcitationSystemDynamics: ExcitationSystemDynamics = null, ka: Double = 0.0, kc: Double = 0.0, kd: Double = 0.0, ke: Double = 0.0, kf: Double = 0.0, seve1: Double = 0.0, seve2: Double = 0.0, ta: Double = 0.0, tb: Double = 0.0, tc: Double = 0.0, te: Double = 0.0, tf: Double = 0.0, vamax: Double = 0.0, vamin: Double = 0.0, ve1: Double = 0.0, ve2: Double = 0.0, vrmax: Double = 0.0, vrmin: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    IEEE 421.5-2005 type AC1A model.

    IEEE 421.5-2005 type AC1A model.

    The model represents the field-controlled alternator-rectifier excitation systems designated type AC1A. These excitation systems consist of an alternator main exciter with non-controlled rectifiers. Reference: IEEE 421.5-2005, 6.1.


    ExcitationSystemDynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    Voltage regulator gain (KA) (> 0). Typical value = 400.


    Rectifier loading factor proportional to commutating reactance (KC) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,2.


    Demagnetizing factor, a function of exciter alternator reactances (KD) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,38.


    Exciter constant related to self-excited field (KE). Typical value = 1.


    Excitation control system stabilizer gains (KF) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,03.


    Exciter saturation function value at the corresponding exciter voltage, VE1, back of commutating reactance (SE[VE1]) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,1.


    Exciter saturation function value at the corresponding exciter voltage, VE2, back of commutating reactance (SE[VE2]) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,03.


    Voltage regulator time constant (TA) (> 0). Typical value = 0,02.


    Voltage regulator time constant (TB) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.


    Voltage regulator time constant (TC) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.


    Exciter time constant, integration rate associated with exciter control (TE) (> 0). Typical value = 0,8.


    Excitation control system stabilizer time constant (TF) (> 0). Typical value = 1.


    Maximum voltage regulator output (VAMAX) (> 0). Typical value = 14,5.


    Minimum voltage regulator output (VAMIN) (< 0). Typical value = -14,5.


    Exciter alternator output voltages back of commutating reactance at which saturation is defined (VE1) (> 0). Typical value = 4,18.


    Exciter alternator output voltages back of commutating reactance at which saturation is defined (VE2) (> 0). Typical value = 3,14.


    Maximum voltage regulator outputs (VRMAX) (> 0). Typical value = 6,03.


    Minimum voltage regulator outputs (VRMIN) (< 0). Typical value = -5,43.

  479. final case class ExcIEEEAC2A(ExcitationSystemDynamics: ExcitationSystemDynamics = null, ka: Double = 0.0, kb: Double = 0.0, kc: Double = 0.0, kd: Double = 0.0, ke: Double = 0.0, kf: Double = 0.0, kh: Double = 0.0, seve1: Double = 0.0, seve2: Double = 0.0, ta: Double = 0.0, tb: Double = 0.0, tc: Double = 0.0, te: Double = 0.0, tf: Double = 0.0, vamax: Double = 0.0, vamin: Double = 0.0, ve1: Double = 0.0, ve2: Double = 0.0, vfemax: Double = 0.0, vrmax: Double = 0.0, vrmin: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    IEEE 421.5-2005 type AC2A model.

    IEEE 421.5-2005 type AC2A model.

    The model represents a high initial response field-controlled alternator-rectifier excitation system. The alternator main exciter is used with non-controlled rectifiers. The type AC2A model is similar to that of type AC1A except for the inclusion of exciter time constant compensation and exciter field current limiting elements. Reference: IEEE 421.5-2005, 6.2.


    ExcitationSystemDynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    Voltage regulator gain (KA) (> 0). Typical value = 400.


    Second stage regulator gain (KB) (> 0). Typical value = 25.


    Rectifier loading factor proportional to commutating reactance (KC) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,28.


    Demagnetizing factor, a function of exciter alternator reactances (KD) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,35.


    Exciter constant related to self-excited field (KE) (>= 0). Typical value = 1.


    Excitation control system stabilizer gains (KF) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,03.


    Exciter field current feedback gain (KH) (>= 0). Typical value = 1.


    Exciter saturation function value at the corresponding exciter voltage, VE1, back of commutating reactance (SE[VE1]) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,037.


    Exciter saturation function value at the corresponding exciter voltage, VE2, back of commutating reactance (SE[VE2]) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,012.


    Voltage regulator time constant (TA) (> 0). Typical value = 0,02.


    Voltage regulator time constant (TB) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.


    Voltage regulator time constant (TC) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.


    Exciter time constant, integration rate associated with exciter control (TE) (> 0). Typical value = 0,6.


    Excitation control system stabilizer time constant (TF) (> 0). Typical value = 1.


    Maximum voltage regulator output (VAMAX) (> 0). Typical value = 8.


    Minimum voltage regulator output (VAMIN) (< 0). Typical value = -8.


    Exciter alternator output voltages back of commutating reactance at which saturation is defined (VE1) (> 0). Typical value = 4,4.


    Exciter alternator output voltages back of commutating reactance at which saturation is defined (VE2) (> 0). Typical value = 3,3.


    Exciter field current limit reference (VFEMAX) (> 0). Typical value = 4,4.


    Maximum voltage regulator outputs (VRMAX) (> 0). Typical value = 105.


    Minimum voltage regulator outputs (VRMIN) (< 0). Typical value = -95.

  480. final case class ExcIEEEAC3A(ExcitationSystemDynamics: ExcitationSystemDynamics = null, efdn: Double = 0.0, ka: Double = 0.0, kc: Double = 0.0, kd: Double = 0.0, ke: Double = 0.0, kf: Double = 0.0, kn: Double = 0.0, kr: Double = 0.0, seve1: Double = 0.0, seve2: Double = 0.0, ta: Double = 0.0, tb: Double = 0.0, tc: Double = 0.0, te: Double = 0.0, tf: Double = 0.0, vamax: Double = 0.0, vamin: Double = 0.0, ve1: Double = 0.0, ve2: Double = 0.0, vemin: Double = 0.0, vfemax: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    IEEE 421.5-2005 type AC3A model.

    IEEE 421.5-2005 type AC3A model.

    The model represents the field-controlled alternator-rectifier excitation systems designated type AC3A. These excitation systems include an alternator main exciter with non-controlled rectifiers. The exciter employs self-excitation, and the voltage regulator power is derived from the exciter output voltage. Therefore, this system has an additional nonlinearity, simulated by the use of a multiplier whose inputs are the voltage regulator command signal, Va, and the exciter output voltage, Efd, times KR. This model is applicable to excitation systems employing static voltage regulators. Reference: IEEE 421.5-2005, 6.3.


    ExcitationSystemDynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    Value of Efd at which feedback gain changes (EFDN) (> 0). Typical value = 2,36.


    Voltage regulator gain (KA) (> 0). Typical value = 45,62.


    Rectifier loading factor proportional to commutating reactance (KC) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,104.


    Demagnetizing factor, a function of exciter alternator reactances (KD) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,499.


    Exciter constant related to self-excited field (KE). Typical value = 1.


    Excitation control system stabilizer gains (KF) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,143.


    Excitation control system stabilizer gain (KN) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,05.


    Constant associated with regulator and alternator field power supply (KR) (> 0). Typical value = 3,77.


    Exciter saturation function value at the corresponding exciter voltage, VE1, back of commutating reactance (SE[VE1]) (>= 0). Typical value = 1,143.


    Exciter saturation function value at the corresponding exciter voltage, VE2, back of commutating reactance (SE[VE2]) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,1.


    Voltage regulator time constant (TA) (> 0). Typical value = 0,013.


    Voltage regulator time constant (TB) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.


    Voltage regulator time constant (TC) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.


    Exciter time constant, integration rate associated with exciter control (TE) (> 0). Typical value = 1,17.


    Excitation control system stabilizer time constant (TF) (> 0). Typical value = 1.


    Maximum voltage regulator output (VAMAX) (> 0). Typical value = 1.


    Minimum voltage regulator output (VAMIN) (< 0). Typical value = -0,95.


    Exciter alternator output voltages back of commutating reactance at which saturation is defined (VE1) (> 0). Typical value = 6,24.


    Exciter alternator output voltages back of commutating reactance at which saturation is defined (VE2) (> 0). Typical value = 4,68.


    Minimum exciter voltage output (VEMIN) (<= 0). Typical value = 0.


    Exciter field current limit reference (VFEMAX) (>= 0). Typical value = 16.

  481. final case class ExcIEEEAC4A(ExcitationSystemDynamics: ExcitationSystemDynamics = null, ka: Double = 0.0, kc: Double = 0.0, ta: Double = 0.0, tb: Double = 0.0, tc: Double = 0.0, vimax: Double = 0.0, vimin: Double = 0.0, vrmax: Double = 0.0, vrmin: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    IEEE 421.5-2005 type AC4A model.

    IEEE 421.5-2005 type AC4A model.

    The model represents type AC4A alternator-supplied controlled-rectifier excitation system which is quite different from the other types of AC systems. This high initial response excitation system utilizes a full thyristor bridge in the exciter output circuit. The voltage regulator controls the firing of the thyristor bridges. The exciter alternator uses an independent voltage regulator to control its output voltage to a constant value. These effects are not modelled; however, transient loading effects on the exciter alternator are included. Reference: IEEE 421.5-2005, 6.4.


    ExcitationSystemDynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    Voltage regulator gain (KA) (> 0). Typical value = 200.


    Rectifier loading factor proportional to commutating reactance (KC) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.


    Voltage regulator time constant (TA) (> 0). Typical value = 0,015.


    Voltage regulator time constant (TB) (>= 0). Typical value = 10.


    Voltage regulator time constant (TC) (>= 0). Typical value = 1.


    Maximum voltage regulator input limit (VIMAX) (> 0). Typical value = 10.


    Minimum voltage regulator input limit (VIMIN) (< 0). Typical value = -10.


    Maximum voltage regulator output (VRMAX) (> 0). Typical value = 5,64.


    Minimum voltage regulator output (VRMIN) (< 0). Typical value = -4,53.

  482. final case class ExcIEEEAC5A(ExcitationSystemDynamics: ExcitationSystemDynamics = null, efd1: Double = 0.0, efd2: Double = 0.0, ka: Double = 0.0, ke: Double = 0.0, kf: Double = 0.0, seefd1: Double = 0.0, seefd2: Double = 0.0, ta: Double = 0.0, te: Double = 0.0, tf1: Double = 0.0, tf2: Double = 0.0, tf3: Double = 0.0, vrmax: Double = 0.0, vrmin: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    IEEE 421.5-2005 type AC5A model.

    IEEE 421.5-2005 type AC5A model.

    The model represents a simplified model for brushless excitation systems. The regulator is supplied from a source, such as a permanent magnet generator, which is not affected by system disturbances. Unlike other AC models, this model uses loaded rather than open circuit exciter saturation data in the same way as it is used for the DC models. Because the model has been widely implemented by the industry, it is sometimes used to represent other types of systems when either detailed data for them are not available or simplified models are required. Reference: IEEE 421.5-2005, 6.5.


    ExcitationSystemDynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    Exciter voltage at which exciter saturation is defined (EFD1) (> 0). Typical value = 5,6.


    Exciter voltage at which exciter saturation is defined (EFD2) (> 0). Typical value = 4,2.


    Voltage regulator gain (KA) (> 0). Typical value = 400.


    Exciter constant related to self-excited field (KE). Typical value = 1.


    Excitation control system stabilizer gains (KF) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,03.


    Exciter saturation function value at the corresponding exciter voltage, EFD1 (SE[EFD1]) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,86.


    Exciter saturation function value at the corresponding exciter voltage, EFD2 (SE[EFD2]) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,5.


    Voltage regulator time constant (TA) (> 0). Typical value = 0,02.


    Exciter time constant, integration rate associated with exciter control (TE) (> 0). Typical value = 0,8.


    Excitation control system stabilizer time constant (TF1) (> 0). Typical value = 1.


    Excitation control system stabilizer time constant (TF2) (>= 0). Typical value = 1.


    Excitation control system stabilizer time constant (TF3) (>= 0). Typical value = 1.


    Maximum voltage regulator output (VRMAX) (> 0). Typical value = 7,3.


    Minimum voltage regulator output (VRMIN) (< 0). Typical value = -7,3.

  483. final case class ExcIEEEAC6A(ExcitationSystemDynamics: ExcitationSystemDynamics = null, ka: Double = 0.0, kc: Double = 0.0, kd: Double = 0.0, ke: Double = 0.0, kh: Double = 0.0, seve1: Double = 0.0, seve2: Double = 0.0, ta: Double = 0.0, tb: Double = 0.0, tc: Double = 0.0, te: Double = 0.0, th: Double = 0.0, tj: Double = 0.0, tk: Double = 0.0, vamax: Double = 0.0, vamin: Double = 0.0, ve1: Double = 0.0, ve2: Double = 0.0, vfelim: Double = 0.0, vhmax: Double = 0.0, vrmax: Double = 0.0, vrmin: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    IEEE 421.5-2005 type AC6A model.

    IEEE 421.5-2005 type AC6A model.

    The model represents field-controlled alternator-rectifier excitation systems with system-supplied electronic voltage regulators. The maximum output of the regulator, VR, is a function of terminal voltage, VT. The field current limiter included in the original model AC6A remains in the 2005 update. Reference: IEEE 421.5-2005, 6.6.


    ExcitationSystemDynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    Voltage regulator gain (KA) (> 0). Typical value = 536.


    Rectifier loading factor proportional to commutating reactance (KC) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,173.


    Demagnetizing factor, a function of exciter alternator reactances (KD) (>= 0). Typical value = 1,91.


    Exciter constant related to self-excited field (KE). Typical value = 1,6.


    Exciter field current limiter gain (KH) (>= 0). Typical value = 92.


    Exciter saturation function value at the corresponding exciter voltage, VE1, back of commutating reactance (SE[VE1]) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,214.


    Exciter saturation function value at the corresponding exciter voltage, VE2, back of commutating reactance (SE[VE2]) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,044.


    Voltage regulator time constant (TA) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,086.


    Voltage regulator time constant (TB) (>= 0). Typical value = 9.


    Voltage regulator time constant (TC) (>= 0). Typical value = 3.


    Exciter time constant, integration rate associated with exciter control (TE) (> 0). Typical value = 1.


    Exciter field current limiter time constant (TH) (> 0). Typical value = 0,08.


    Exciter field current limiter time constant (TJ) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,02.


    Voltage regulator time constant (TK) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,18.


    Maximum voltage regulator output (VAMAX) (> 0). Typical value = 75.


    Minimum voltage regulator output (VAMIN) (< 0). Typical value = -75.


    Exciter alternator output voltages back of commutating reactance at which saturation is defined (VE1) (> 0). Typical value = 7,4.


    Exciter alternator output voltages back of commutating reactance at which saturation is defined (VE2) (> 0). Typical value = 5,55.


    Exciter field current limit reference (VFELIM) (> 0). Typical value = 19.


    Maximum field current limiter signal reference (VHMAX) (> 0). Typical value = 75.


    Maximum voltage regulator output (VRMAX) (> 0). Typical value = 44.


    Minimum voltage regulator output (VRMIN) (< 0). Typical value = -36.

  484. final case class ExcIEEEAC7B(ExcitationSystemDynamics: ExcitationSystemDynamics = null, kc: Double = 0.0, kd: Double = 0.0, kdr: Double = 0.0, ke: Double = 0.0, kf1: Double = 0.0, kf2: Double = 0.0, kf3: Double = 0.0, kia: Double = 0.0, kir: Double = 0.0, kl: Double = 0.0, kp: Double = 0.0, kpa: Double = 0.0, kpr: Double = 0.0, seve1: Double = 0.0, seve2: Double = 0.0, tdr: Double = 0.0, te: Double = 0.0, tf: Double = 0.0, vamax: Double = 0.0, vamin: Double = 0.0, ve1: Double = 0.0, ve2: Double = 0.0, vemin: Double = 0.0, vfemax: Double = 0.0, vrmax: Double = 0.0, vrmin: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    IEEE 421.5-2005 type AC7B model.

    IEEE 421.5-2005 type AC7B model.

    The model represents excitation systems which consist of an AC alternator with either stationary or rotating rectifiers to produce the DC field requirements. It is an upgrade to earlier AC excitation systems, which replace only the controls but retain the AC alternator and diode rectifier bridge. Reference: IEEE 421.5-2005, 6.7. Note, however, that in IEEE 421.5-2005, the [1 / sTE] block is shown as [1 / (1 + sTE)], which is incorrect.


    ExcitationSystemDynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    Rectifier loading factor proportional to commutating reactance (KC) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,18.


    Demagnetizing factor, a function of exciter alternator reactances (KD) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,02.


    Voltage regulator derivative gain (KDR) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.


    Exciter constant related to self-excited field (KE). Typical value = 1.


    Excitation control system stabilizer gain (KF1) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,212.


    Excitation control system stabilizer gain (KF2) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.


    Excitation control system stabilizer gain (KF3) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.


    Voltage regulator integral gain (KIA) (>= 0). Typical value = 59,69.


    Voltage regulator integral gain (KIR) (>= 0). Typical value = 4,24.


    Exciter field voltage lower limit parameter (KL). Typical value = 10.


    Potential circuit gain coefficient (KP) (> 0). Typical value = 4,96.


    Voltage regulator proportional gain (KPA) (> 0 if = 0). Typical value = 65,36.


    Voltage regulator proportional gain (KPR) (> 0 if ExcIEEEAC7B.kir = 0). Typical value = 4,24.


    Exciter saturation function value at the corresponding exciter voltage, VE1, back of commutating reactance (SE[VE1]) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,44.


    Exciter saturation function value at the corresponding exciter voltage, VE2, back of commutating reactance (SE[VE2]) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,075.


    Lag time constant (TDR) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.


    Exciter time constant, integration rate associated with exciter control (TE) (> 0). Typical value = 1,1.


    Excitation control system stabilizer time constant (TF) (> 0). Typical value = 1.


    Maximum voltage regulator output (VAMAX) (> 0). Typical value = 1.


    Minimum voltage regulator output (VAMIN) (< 0). Typical value = -0,95.


    Exciter alternator output voltages back of commutating reactance at which saturation is defined (VE1) (> 0). Typical value = 6,3.


    Exciter alternator output voltages back of commutating reactance at which saturation is defined (VE2) (> 0). Typical value = 3,02.


    Minimum exciter voltage output (VEMIN) (<= 0). Typical value = 0.


    Exciter field current limit reference (VFEMAX). Typical value = 6,9.


    Maximum voltage regulator output (VRMAX) (> 0). Typical value = 5,79.


    Minimum voltage regulator output (VRMIN) (< 0). Typical value = -5,79.

  485. final case class ExcIEEEAC8B(ExcitationSystemDynamics: ExcitationSystemDynamics = null, ka: Double = 0.0, kc: Double = 0.0, kd: Double = 0.0, kdr: Double = 0.0, ke: Double = 0.0, kir: Double = 0.0, kpr: Double = 0.0, seve1: Double = 0.0, seve2: Double = 0.0, ta: Double = 0.0, tdr: Double = 0.0, te: Double = 0.0, ve1: Double = 0.0, ve2: Double = 0.0, vemin: Double = 0.0, vfemax: Double = 0.0, vrmax: Double = 0.0, vrmin: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    IEEE 421.5-2005 type AC8B model.

    IEEE 421.5-2005 type AC8B model.

    This model represents a PID voltage regulator with either a brushless exciter or DC exciter. The AVR in this model consists of PID control, with separate constants for the proportional (KPR), integral (KIR), and derivative (KDR) gains. The representation of the brushless exciter (TE, KE, SE, KC, KD) is similar to the model type AC2A. The type AC8B model can be used to represent static voltage regulators applied to brushless excitation systems. Digitally based voltage regulators feeding DC rotating main exciters can be represented with the AC type AC8B model with the parameters KC and KD set to 0. For thyristor power stages fed from the generator terminals, the limits VRMAX and VRMIN should be a function of terminal voltage: VT x VRMAX and VT x VRMIN. Reference: IEEE 421.5-2005, 6.8.


    ExcitationSystemDynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    Voltage regulator gain (KA) (> 0). Typical value = 1.


    Rectifier loading factor proportional to commutating reactance (KC) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,55.


    Demagnetizing factor, a function of exciter alternator reactances (KD) (>= 0). Typical value = 1,1.


    Voltage regulator derivative gain (KDR) (>= 0). Typical value = 10.


    Exciter constant related to self-excited field (KE). Typical value = 1.


    Voltage regulator integral gain (KIR) (>= 0). Typical value = 5.


    Voltage regulator proportional gain (KPR) (> 0 if ExcIEEEAC8B.kir = 0). Typical value = 80.


    Exciter saturation function value at the corresponding exciter voltage, VE1, back of commutating reactance (SE[VE1]) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,3.


    Exciter saturation function value at the corresponding exciter voltage, VE2, back of commutating reactance (SE[VE2]) (>= 0). Typical value = 3.


    Voltage regulator time constant (TA) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.


    Lag time constant (TDR) (> 0). Typical value = 0,1.


    Exciter time constant, integration rate associated with exciter control (TE) (> 0). Typical value = 1,2.


    Exciter alternator output voltages back of commutating reactance at which saturation is defined (VE1) (> 0). Typical value = 6,5.


    Exciter alternator output voltages back of commutating reactance at which saturation is defined (VE2) (> 0). Typical value = 9.


    Minimum exciter voltage output (VEMIN) (<= 0). Typical value = 0.


    Exciter field current limit reference (VFEMAX). Typical value = 6.


    Maximum voltage regulator output (VRMAX) (> 0). Typical value = 35.


    Minimum voltage regulator output (VRMIN) (<= 0). Typical value = 0.

  486. final case class ExcIEEEDC1A(ExcitationSystemDynamics: ExcitationSystemDynamics = null, efd1: Double = 0.0, efd2: Double = 0.0, exclim: Boolean = false, ka: Double = 0.0, ke: Double = 0.0, kf: Double = 0.0, seefd1: Double = 0.0, seefd2: Double = 0.0, ta: Double = 0.0, tb: Double = 0.0, tc: Double = 0.0, te: Double = 0.0, tf: Double = 0.0, uelin: Boolean = false, vrmax: Double = 0.0, vrmin: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    IEEE 421.5-2005 type DC1A model.

    IEEE 421.5-2005 type DC1A model.

    This model represents field-controlled DC commutator exciters with continuously acting voltage regulators (especially the direct-acting rheostatic, rotating amplifier, and magnetic amplifier types). Because this model has been widely implemented by the industry, it is sometimes used to represent other types of systems when detailed data for them are not available or when a simplified model is required. Reference: IEEE 421.5-2005, 5.1.


    ExcitationSystemDynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    Exciter voltage at which exciter saturation is defined (EFD1) (> 0). Typical value = 3,1.


    Exciter voltage at which exciter saturation is defined (EFD2) (> 0). Typical value = 2,3.


    (exclim). IEEE standard is ambiguous about lower limit on exciter output. true = a lower limit of zero is applied to integrator output false = a lower limit of zero is not applied to integrator output. Typical value = true.


    Voltage regulator gain (KA) (> 0). Typical value = 46.


    Exciter constant related to self-excited field (KE). Typical value = 0.


    Excitation control system stabilizer gain (KF) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.1.


    Exciter saturation function value at the corresponding exciter voltage, EFD1 (SE[EFD1]) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.33.


    Exciter saturation function value at the corresponding exciter voltage, EFD2 (SE[EFD2]) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,1.


    Voltage regulator time constant (TA) (> 0). Typical value = 0,06.


    Voltage regulator time constant (TB) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.


    Voltage regulator time constant (TC) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.


    Exciter time constant, integration rate associated with exciter control (TE) (> 0). Typical value = 0,46.


    Excitation control system stabilizer time constant (TF) (> 0). Typical value = 1.


    UEL input (uelin). true = input is connected to the HV gate false = input connects to the error signal. Typical value = true.


    Maximum voltage regulator output (VRMAX) (> ExcIEEEDC1A.vrmin). Typical value = 1.


    Minimum voltage regulator output (VRMIN) (< 0 and < ExcIEEEDC1A.vrmax). Typical value = -0,9.

  487. final case class ExcIEEEDC2A(ExcitationSystemDynamics: ExcitationSystemDynamics = null, efd1: Double = 0.0, efd2: Double = 0.0, exclim: Double = 0.0, ka: Double = 0.0, ke: Double = 0.0, kf: Double = 0.0, seefd1: Double = 0.0, seefd2: Double = 0.0, ta: Double = 0.0, tb: Double = 0.0, tc: Double = 0.0, te: Double = 0.0, tf: Double = 0.0, uelin: Boolean = false, vrmax: Double = 0.0, vrmin: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    IEEE 421.5-2005 type DC2A model.

    IEEE 421.5-2005 type DC2A model.

    This model represents field-controlled DC commutator exciters with continuously acting voltage regulators having supplies obtained from the generator or auxiliary bus. It differs from the type DC1A model only in the voltage regulator output limits, which are now proportional to terminal voltage VT. It is representative of solid-state replacements for various forms of older mechanical and rotating amplifier regulating equipment connected to DC commutator exciters. Reference: IEEE 421.5-2005, 5.2.


    ExcitationSystemDynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    Exciter voltage at which exciter saturation is defined (EFD1) (> 0). Typical value = 3,05.


    Exciter voltage at which exciter saturation is defined (EFD2) (> 0). Typical value = 2,29.


    (exclim). IEEE standard is ambiguous about lower limit on exciter output. Typical value = - 999 which means that there is no limit applied.


    Voltage regulator gain (KA) (> 0). Typical value = 300.


    Exciter constant related to self-excited field (KE). Typical value = 1.


    Excitation control system stabilizer gain (KF) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,1.


    Exciter saturation function value at the corresponding exciter voltage, EFD1 (SE[EFD1]) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,279.


    Exciter saturation function value at the corresponding exciter voltage, EFD2 (SE[EFD2]) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,117.


    Voltage regulator time constant (TA) (> 0). Typical value = 0,01.


    Voltage regulator time constant (TB) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.


    Voltage regulator time constant (TC) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.


    Exciter time constant, integration rate associated with exciter control (TE) (> 0). Typical value = 1,33.


    Excitation control system stabilizer time constant (TF) (> 0). Typical value = 0,675.


    UEL input (uelin). true = input is connected to the HV gate false = input connects to the error signal. Typical value = true.


    Maximum voltage regulator output (VRMAX)(> ExcIEEEDC2A.vrmin). Typical value = 4,95.


    Minimum voltage regulator output (VRMIN) (< 0 and < ExcIEEEDC2A.vrmax). Typical value = -4,9.

  488. final case class ExcIEEEDC3A(ExcitationSystemDynamics: ExcitationSystemDynamics = null, efd1: Double = 0.0, efd2: Double = 0.0, exclim: Boolean = false, ke: Double = 0.0, kv: Double = 0.0, seefd1: Double = 0.0, seefd2: Double = 0.0, te: Double = 0.0, trh: Double = 0.0, vrmax: Double = 0.0, vrmin: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    IEEE 421.5-2005 type DC3A model.

    IEEE 421.5-2005 type DC3A model.

    This model represents older systems, in particular those DC commutator exciters with non-continuously acting regulators that were commonly used before the development of the continuously acting varieties. These systems respond at basically two different rates, depending upon the magnitude of voltage error. For small errors, adjustment is made periodically with a signal to a motor-operated rheostat. Larger errors cause resistors to be quickly shorted or inserted and a strong forcing signal applied to the exciter. Continuous motion of the motor-operated rheostat occurs for these larger error signals, even though it is bypassed by contactor action. Reference: IEEE 421.5-2005, 5.3.


    ExcitationSystemDynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    Exciter voltage at which exciter saturation is defined (EFD1) (> 0). Typical value = 3,375.


    Exciter voltage at which exciter saturation is defined (EFD2) (> 0). Typical value = 3,15.


    (exclim). IEEE standard is ambiguous about lower limit on exciter output. true = a lower limit of zero is applied to integrator output false = a lower limit of zero is not applied to integrator output. Typical value = true.


    Exciter constant related to self-excited field (KE). Typical value = 0,05.


    Fast raise/lower contact setting (KV) (> 0). Typical value = 0,05.


    Exciter saturation function value at the corresponding exciter voltage, EFD1 (SE[EFD1]) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,267.


    Exciter saturation function value at the corresponding exciter voltage, EFD2 (SE[EFD2]) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,068.


    Exciter time constant, integration rate associated with exciter control (TE) (> 0). Typical value = 0,5.


    Rheostat travel time (TRH) (> 0). Typical value = 20.


    Maximum voltage regulator output (VRMAX) (> 0). Typical value = 1.


    Minimum voltage regulator output (VRMIN) (<= 0). Typical value = 0.

  489. final case class ExcIEEEDC4B(ExcitationSystemDynamics: ExcitationSystemDynamics = null, efd1: Double = 0.0, efd2: Double = 0.0, ka: Double = 0.0, kd: Double = 0.0, ke: Double = 0.0, kf: Double = 0.0, ki: Double = 0.0, kp: Double = 0.0, oelin: Boolean = false, seefd1: Double = 0.0, seefd2: Double = 0.0, ta: Double = 0.0, td: Double = 0.0, te: Double = 0.0, tf: Double = 0.0, uelin: Boolean = false, vemin: Double = 0.0, vrmax: Double = 0.0, vrmin: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    IEEE 421.5-2005 type DC4B model.

    IEEE 421.5-2005 type DC4B model.

    These excitation systems utilize a field-controlled DC commutator exciter with a continuously acting voltage regulator having supplies obtained from the generator or auxiliary bus. Reference: IEEE 421.5-2005, 5.4.


    ExcitationSystemDynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    Exciter voltage at which exciter saturation is defined (EFD1) (> 0). Typical value = 1,75.


    Exciter voltage at which exciter saturation is defined (EFD2) (> 0). Typical value = 2,33.


    Voltage regulator gain (KA) (> 0). Typical value = 1.


    Regulator derivative gain (KD) (>= 0). Typical value = 20.


    Exciter constant related to self-excited field (KE). Typical value = 1.


    Excitation control system stabilizer gain (KF) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.


    Regulator integral gain (KI) (>= 0). Typical value = 20.


    Regulator proportional gain (KP) (>= 0). Typical value = 20.


    OEL input (OELin). true = LV gate false = subtract from error signal. Typical value = true.


    Exciter saturation function value at the corresponding exciter voltage, EFD1 (SE[EFD1]) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,08.


    Exciter saturation function value at the corresponding exciter voltage, EFD2 (SE[EFD2]) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,27.


    Voltage regulator time constant (TA) (> 0). Typical value = 0,2.


    Regulator derivative filter time constant (TD) (> 0 if ExcIEEEDC4B.kd > 0). Typical value = 0,01.


    Exciter time constant, integration rate associated with exciter control (TE) (> 0). Typical value = 0,8.


    Excitation control system stabilizer time constant (TF) (>= 0). Typical value = 1.


    UEL input (UELin). true = HV gate false = add to error signal. Typical value = true.


    Minimum exciter voltage output (VEMIN) (<= 0). Typical value = 0.


    Maximum voltage regulator output (VRMAX) (> ExcIEEEDC4B.vrmin). Typical value = 2,7.


    Minimum voltage regulator output (VRMIN) (<= 0 and < ExcIEEEDC4B.vrmax). Typical value = -0,9.

  490. final case class ExcIEEEST1A(ExcitationSystemDynamics: ExcitationSystemDynamics = null, ilr: Double = 0.0, ka: Double = 0.0, kc: Double = 0.0, kf: Double = 0.0, klr: Double = 0.0, pssin: Boolean = false, ta: Double = 0.0, tb: Double = 0.0, tb1: Double = 0.0, tc: Double = 0.0, tc1: Double = 0.0, tf: Double = 0.0, uelin: String = null, vamax: Double = 0.0, vamin: Double = 0.0, vimax: Double = 0.0, vimin: Double = 0.0, vrmax: Double = 0.0, vrmin: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    IEEE 421.5-2005 type ST1A model.

    IEEE 421.5-2005 type ST1A model.

    This model represents systems in which excitation power is supplied through a transformer from the generator terminals (or the unit’s auxiliary bus) and is regulated by a controlled rectifier. The maximum exciter voltage available from such systems is directly related to the generator terminal voltage. Reference: IEEE 421.5-2005, 7.1.


    ExcitationSystemDynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    Exciter output current limit reference (ILR). Typical value = 0.


    Voltage regulator gain (KA) (> 0). Typical value = 190.


    Rectifier loading factor proportional to commutating reactance (KC) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,08.


    Excitation control system stabilizer gains (KF) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.


    Exciter output current limiter gain (KLR). Typical value = 0.


    Selector of the Power System Stabilizer (PSS) input (PSSin). true = PSS input (Vs) added to error signal false = PSS input (Vs) added to voltage regulator output. Typical value = true.


    Voltage regulator time constant (TA) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.


    Voltage regulator time constant (TB) (>= 0). Typical value = 10.


    Voltage regulator time constant (TB1) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.


    Voltage regulator time constant (TC) (>= 0). Typical value = 1.


    Voltage regulator time constant (TC1) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.


    Excitation control system stabilizer time constant (TF) (>= 0). Typical value = 1.


    Selector of the connection of the UEL input (UELin). Typical value = ignoreUELsignal.


    Maximum voltage regulator output (VAMAX) (> 0). Typical value = 14,5.


    Minimum voltage regulator output (VAMIN) (< 0). Typical value = -14,5.


    Maximum voltage regulator input limit (VIMAX) (> 0). Typical value = 999.


    Minimum voltage regulator input limit (VIMIN) (< 0). Typical value = -999.


    Maximum voltage regulator outputs (VRMAX) (> 0). Typical value = 7,8.


    Minimum voltage regulator outputs (VRMIN) (< 0). Typical value = -6,7.

  491. final case class ExcIEEEST2A(ExcitationSystemDynamics: ExcitationSystemDynamics = null, efdmax: Double = 0.0, ka: Double = 0.0, kc: Double = 0.0, ke: Double = 0.0, kf: Double = 0.0, ki: Double = 0.0, kp: Double = 0.0, ta: Double = 0.0, te: Double = 0.0, tf: Double = 0.0, uelin: Boolean = false, vrmax: Double = 0.0, vrmin: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    IEEE 421.5-2005 type ST2A model.

    IEEE 421.5-2005 type ST2A model.

    Some static systems use both current and voltage sources (generator terminal quantities) to comprise the power source. The regulator controls the exciter output through controlled saturation of the power transformer components. These compound-source rectifier excitation systems are designated type ST2A and are represented by ExcIEEEST2A. Reference: IEEE 421.5-2005, 7.2.


    ExcitationSystemDynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    Maximum field voltage (EFDMax) (>= 0). Typical value = 99.


    Voltage regulator gain (KA) (> 0). Typical value = 120.


    Rectifier loading factor proportional to commutating reactance (KC) (>= 0). Typical value = 1,82.


    Exciter constant related to self-excited field (KE). Typical value = 1.


    Excitation control system stabilizer gains (KF) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,05.


    Potential circuit gain coefficient (KI) (>= 0). Typical value = 8.


    Potential circuit gain coefficient (KP) (>= 0). Typical value = 4,88.


    Voltage regulator time constant (TA) (> 0). Typical value = 0,15.


    Exciter time constant, integration rate associated with exciter control (TE) (> 0). Typical value = 0,5.


    Excitation control system stabilizer time constant (TF) (>= 0). Typical value = 1.


    UEL input (UELin). true = HV gate false = add to error signal. Typical value = true.


    Maximum voltage regulator outputs (VRMAX) (> 0). Typical value = 1.


    Minimum voltage regulator outputs (VRMIN) (<= 0). Typical value = 0.

  492. final case class ExcIEEEST3A(ExcitationSystemDynamics: ExcitationSystemDynamics = null, ka: Double = 0.0, kc: Double = 0.0, kg: Double = 0.0, ki: Double = 0.0, km: Double = 0.0, kp: Double = 0.0, ta: Double = 0.0, tb: Double = 0.0, tc: Double = 0.0, thetap: Double = 0.0, tm: Double = 0.0, vbmax: Double = 0.0, vgmax: Double = 0.0, vimax: Double = 0.0, vimin: Double = 0.0, vmmax: Double = 0.0, vmmin: Double = 0.0, vrmax: Double = 0.0, vrmin: Double = 0.0, xl: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    IEEE 421.5-2005 type ST3A model.

    IEEE 421.5-2005 type ST3A model.

    Some static systems utilize a field voltage control loop to linearize the exciter control characteristic. This also makes the output independent of supply source variations until supply limitations are reached. These systems utilize a variety of controlled-rectifier designs: full thyristor complements or hybrid bridges in either series or shunt configurations. The power source can consist of only a potential source, either fed from the machine terminals or from internal windings. Some designs can have compound power sources utilizing both machine potential and current. These power sources are represented as phasor combinations of machine terminal current and voltage and are accommodated by suitable parameters in model type ST3A which is represented by ExcIEEEST3A. Reference: IEEE 421.5-2005, 7.3.


    ExcitationSystemDynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    Voltage regulator gain (KA) (> 0). This is parameter K in the IEEE standard. Typical value = 200.


    Rectifier loading factor proportional to commutating reactance (KC) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,2.


    Feedback gain constant of the inner loop field regulator (KG) (>= 0). Typical value = 1.


    Potential circuit gain coefficient (KI) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.


    Forward gain constant of the inner loop field regulator (KM) (> 0). Typical value = 7,93.


    Potential circuit gain coefficient (KP) (> 0). Typical value = 6,15.


    Voltage regulator time constant (TA) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.


    Voltage regulator time constant (TB) (>= 0). Typical value = 10.


    Voltage regulator time constant (TC) (>= 0). Typical value = 1.


    Potential circuit phase angle (thetap). Typical value = 0.


    Forward time constant of inner loop field regulator (TM) (> 0). Typical value = 0,4.


    Maximum excitation voltage (VBMax) (> 0). Typical value = 6,9.


    Maximum inner loop feedback voltage (VGMax) (>= 0). Typical value = 5,8.


    Maximum voltage regulator input limit (VIMAX) (> 0). Typical value = 0,2.


    Minimum voltage regulator input limit (VIMIN) (< 0). Typical value = -0,2.


    Maximum inner loop output (VMMax) (> 0). Typical value = 1.


    Minimum inner loop output (VMMin) (<= 0). Typical value = 0.


    Maximum voltage regulator output (VRMAX) (> 0). Typical value = 10.


    Minimum voltage regulator output (VRMIN) (< 0). Typical value = -10.


    Reactance associated with potential source (XL) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,081.

  493. final case class ExcIEEEST4B(ExcitationSystemDynamics: ExcitationSystemDynamics = null, kc: Double = 0.0, kg: Double = 0.0, ki: Double = 0.0, kim: Double = 0.0, kir: Double = 0.0, kp: Double = 0.0, kpm: Double = 0.0, kpr: Double = 0.0, ta: Double = 0.0, thetap: Double = 0.0, vbmax: Double = 0.0, vmmax: Double = 0.0, vmmin: Double = 0.0, vrmax: Double = 0.0, vrmin: Double = 0.0, xl: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    IEEE 421.5-2005 type ST4B model.

    IEEE 421.5-2005 type ST4B model.

    This model is a variation of the type ST3A model, with a proportional plus integral (PI) regulator block replacing the lag-lead regulator characteristic that is in the ST3A model. Both potential and compound source rectifier excitation systems are modelled. The PI regulator blocks have non-windup limits that are represented. The voltage regulator of this model is typically implemented digitally. Reference: IEEE 421.5-2005, 7.4.


    ExcitationSystemDynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    Rectifier loading factor proportional to commutating reactance (KC) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,113.


    Feedback gain constant of the inner loop field regulator (KG) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.


    Potential circuit gain coefficient (KI) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.


    Voltage regulator integral gain output (KIM). Typical value = 0.


    Voltage regulator integral gain (KIR). Typical value = 10,75.


    Potential circuit gain coefficient (KP) (> 0). Typical value = 9,3.


    Voltage regulator proportional gain output (KPM). Typical value = 1.


    Voltage regulator proportional gain (KPR). Typical value = 10,75.


    Voltage regulator time constant (TA) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,02.


    Potential circuit phase angle (thetap). Typical value = 0.


    Maximum excitation voltage (VBMax) (> 0). Typical value = 11,63.


    Maximum inner loop output (VMMax) (> ExcIEEEST4B.vmmin). Typical value = 99.


    Minimum inner loop output (VMMin) (< ExcIEEEST4B.vmmax). Typical value = -99.


    Maximum voltage regulator output (VRMAX) (> 0). Typical value = 1.


    Minimum voltage regulator output (VRMIN) (< 0). Typical value = -0,87.


    Reactance associated with potential source (XL) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,124.

  494. final case class ExcIEEEST5B(ExcitationSystemDynamics: ExcitationSystemDynamics = null, kc: Double = 0.0, kr: Double = 0.0, t1: Double = 0.0, tb1: Double = 0.0, tb2: Double = 0.0, tc1: Double = 0.0, tc2: Double = 0.0, tob1: Double = 0.0, tob2: Double = 0.0, toc1: Double = 0.0, toc2: Double = 0.0, tub1: Double = 0.0, tub2: Double = 0.0, tuc1: Double = 0.0, tuc2: Double = 0.0, vrmax: Double = 0.0, vrmin: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    IEEE 421.5-2005 type ST5B model.

    IEEE 421.5-2005 type ST5B model.

    The type ST5B excitation system is a variation of the type ST1A model, with alternative overexcitation and underexcitation inputs and additional limits. The block diagram in the IEEE 421.5 standard has input signal Vc and does not indicate the summation point with Vref. The implementation of the ExcIEEEST5B shall consider summation point with Vref. Reference: IEEE 421.5-2005, 7.5.


    ExcitationSystemDynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    Rectifier regulation factor (KC) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,004.


    Regulator gain (KR) (> 0). Typical value = 200.


    Firing circuit time constant (T1) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,004.


    Regulator lag time constant (TB1) (>= 0). Typical value = 6.


    Regulator lag time constant (TB2) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,01.


    Regulator lead time constant (TC1) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,8.


    Regulator lead time constant (TC2) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,08.


    OEL lag time constant (TOB1) (>= 0). Typical value = 2.


    OEL lag time constant (TOB2) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,08.


    OEL lead time constant (TOC1) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,1.


    OEL lead time constant (TOC2) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,08.


    UEL lag time constant (TUB1) (>= 0). Typical value = 10.


    UEL lag time constant (TUB2) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,05.


    UEL lead time constant (TUC1) (>= 0). Typical value = 2.


    UEL lead time constant (TUC2) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,1.


    Maximum voltage regulator output (VRMAX) (> 0). Typical value = 5.


    Minimum voltage regulator output (VRMIN) (< 0). Typical value = -4.

  495. final case class ExcIEEEST6B(ExcitationSystemDynamics: ExcitationSystemDynamics = null, ilr: Double = 0.0, kci: Double = 0.0, kff: Double = 0.0, kg: Double = 0.0, kia: Double = 0.0, klr: Double = 0.0, km: Double = 0.0, kpa: Double = 0.0, oelin: String = null, tg: Double = 0.0, vamax: Double = 0.0, vamin: Double = 0.0, vrmax: Double = 0.0, vrmin: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    IEEE 421.5-2005 type ST6B model.

    IEEE 421.5-2005 type ST6B model.

    This model consists of a PI voltage regulator with an inner loop field voltage regulator and pre-control. The field voltage regulator implements a proportional control. The pre-control and the delay in the feedback circuit increase the dynamic response. Reference: IEEE 421.5-2005, 7.6.


    ExcitationSystemDynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    Exciter output current limit reference (ILR) (> 0). Typical value = 4,164.


    Exciter output current limit adjustment (KCI) (> 0). Typical value = 1,0577.


    Pre-control gain constant of the inner loop field regulator (KFF). Typical value = 1.


    Feedback gain constant of the inner loop field regulator (KG) (>= 0). Typical value = 1.


    Voltage regulator integral gain (KIA) (> 0). Typical value = 45,094.


    Exciter output current limiter gain (KLR) (> 0). Typical value = 17,33.


    Forward gain constant of the inner loop field regulator (KM). Typical value = 1.


    Voltage regulator proportional gain (<u>K</u><u>PA</u>) (> 0). Typical value = 18,038.


    OEL input selector (OELin). Typical value = noOELinput.


    Feedback time constant of inner loop field voltage regulator (TG) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,02.


    Maximum voltage regulator output (VAMAX) (> 0). Typical value = 4,81.


    Minimum voltage regulator output (VAMIN) (< 0). Typical value = -3,85.


    Maximum voltage regulator output (VRMAX) (> 0). Typical value = 4,81.


    Minimum voltage regulator output (VRMIN) (< 0). Typical value = -3,85.

  496. final case class ExcIEEEST7B(ExcitationSystemDynamics: ExcitationSystemDynamics = null, kh: Double = 0.0, kia: Double = 0.0, kl: Double = 0.0, kpa: Double = 0.0, oelin: String = null, tb: Double = 0.0, tc: Double = 0.0, tf: Double = 0.0, tg: Double = 0.0, tia: Double = 0.0, uelin: String = null, vmax: Double = 0.0, vmin: Double = 0.0, vrmax: Double = 0.0, vrmin: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    IEEE 421.5-2005 type ST7B model.

    IEEE 421.5-2005 type ST7B model.

    This model is representative of static potential-source excitation systems. In this system, the AVR consists of a PI voltage regulator. A phase lead-lag filter in series allows the introduction of a derivative function, typically used with brushless excitation systems. In that case, the regulator is of the PID type. In addition, the terminal voltage channel includes a phase lead-lag filter. The AVR includes the appropriate inputs on its reference for overexcitation limiter (OEL1), underexcitation limiter (UEL), stator current limiter (SCL), and current compensator (DROOP). All these limitations, when they work at voltage reference level, keep the PSS (VS signal from PSS) in operation. However, the UEL limitation can also be transferred to the high value (HV) gate acting on the output signal. In addition, the output signal passes through a low value (LV) gate for a ceiling overexcitation limiter (OEL2). Reference: IEEE 421.5-2005, 7.7.


    ExcitationSystemDynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    High-value gate feedback gain (KH) (>= 0). Typical value = 1.


    Voltage regulator integral gain (KIA) (>= 0). Typical value = 1.


    Low-value gate feedback gain (KL) (>= 0). Typical value = 1.


    Voltage regulator proportional gain (KPA) (> 0). Typical value = 40.


    OEL input selector (OELin). Typical value = noOELinput.


    Regulator lag time constant (TB) (>= 0). Typical value = 1.


    Regulator lead time constant (TC) (>= 0). Typical value = 1.


    Excitation control system stabilizer time constant (TF) (>= 0). Typical value = 1.


    Feedback time constant of inner loop field voltage regulator (TG) (>= 0). Typical value = 1.


    Feedback time constant (TIA) (>= 0). Typical value = 3.


    UEL input selector (UELin). Typical value = noUELinput.


    Maximum voltage reference signal (VMAX) (> 0 and > ExcIEEEST7B.vmin). Typical value = 1,1.


    Minimum voltage reference signal (VMIN) (> 0 and < ExcIEEEST7B.vmax). Typical value = 0,9.


    Maximum voltage regulator output (VRMAX) (> 0). Typical value = 5.


    Minimum voltage regulator output (VRMIN) (< 0). Typical value = -4,5.

  497. final case class ExcNI(ExcitationSystemDynamics: ExcitationSystemDynamics = null, busFedSelector: Boolean = false, ka: Double = 0.0, kf: Double = 0.0, r: Double = 0.0, ta: Double = 0.0, tf1: Double = 0.0, tf2: Double = 0.0, tr: Double = 0.0, vrmax: Double = 0.0, vrmin: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Bus or solid fed SCR (silicon-controlled rectifier) bridge excitation system model type NI (NVE).

    Bus or solid fed SCR (silicon-controlled rectifier) bridge excitation system model type NI (NVE).


    ExcitationSystemDynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    Fed by selector (BusFedSelector). true = bus fed (switch is closed) false = solid fed (switch is open). Typical value = true.


    Voltage regulator gain (Ka) (> 0). Typical value = 210.


    Excitation control system stabilizer gain (Kf) (> 0). Typical value 0,01.


    rc / rfd (R) (>= 0). 0 means exciter has negative current capability > 0 means exciter does not have negative current capability. Typical value = 5.


    Voltage regulator time constant (Ta) (> 0). Typical value = 0,02.


    Excitation control system stabilizer time constant (Tf1) (> 0). Typical value = 1,0.


    Excitation control system stabilizer time constant (Tf2) (> 0). Typical value = 0,1.


    Time constant (Tr) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,02.


    Maximum voltage regulator ouput (Vrmax) (> ExcNI.vrmin). Typical value = 5,0.


    Minimum voltage regulator ouput (Vrmin) (< ExcNI.vrmax). Typical value = -2,0.

  498. final case class ExcOEX3T(ExcitationSystemDynamics: ExcitationSystemDynamics = null, e1: Double = 0.0, e2: Double = 0.0, ka: Double = 0.0, kc: Double = 0.0, kd: Double = 0.0, ke: Double = 0.0, kf: Double = 0.0, see1: Double = 0.0, see2: Double = 0.0, t1: Double = 0.0, t2: Double = 0.0, t3: Double = 0.0, t4: Double = 0.0, t5: Double = 0.0, t6: Double = 0.0, te: Double = 0.0, tf: Double = 0.0, vrmax: Double = 0.0, vrmin: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Modified IEEE type ST1 excitation system with semi-continuous and acting terminal voltage limiter.

    Modified IEEE type ST1 excitation system with semi-continuous and acting terminal voltage limiter.


    ExcitationSystemDynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    Saturation parameter (E1).


    Saturation parameter (E2).


    Gain (KA).


    Gain (KC).


    Gain (KD).


    Gain (KE).


    Gain (KF).


    Saturation parameter (SE[E1]).


    Saturation parameter (SE[E2]).


    Time constant (T1) (>= 0).


    Time constant (T2) (>= 0).


    Time constant (T3) (>= 0).


    Time constant (T4) (>= 0).


    Time constant (T5) (>= 0).


    Time constant (T6) (>= 0).


    Time constant (TE) (>= 0).


    Time constant (TF) (>= 0).


    Limiter (VRMAX) (> ExcOEX3T.vrmin).


    Limiter (VRMIN) (< ExcOEX3T.vrmax).

  499. final case class ExcPIC(ExcitationSystemDynamics: ExcitationSystemDynamics = null, e1: Double = 0.0, e2: Double = 0.0, efdmax: Double = 0.0, efdmin: Double = 0.0, ka: Double = 0.0, kc: Double = 0.0, ke: Double = 0.0, kf: Double = 0.0, ki: Double = 0.0, kp: Double = 0.0, se1: Double = 0.0, se2: Double = 0.0, ta1: Double = 0.0, ta2: Double = 0.0, ta3: Double = 0.0, ta4: Double = 0.0, te: Double = 0.0, tf1: Double = 0.0, tf2: Double = 0.0, vr1: Double = 0.0, vr2: Double = 0.0, vrmax: Double = 0.0, vrmin: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Proportional/integral regulator excitation system.

    Proportional/integral regulator excitation system.

    This model can be used to represent excitation systems with a proportional-integral (PI) voltage regulator controller.


    ExcitationSystemDynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    Field voltage value 1 (E1). Typical value = 0.


    Field voltage value 2 (E2). Typical value = 0.


    Exciter maximum limit (Efdmax) (> ExcPIC.efdmin). Typical value = 8.


    Exciter minimum limit (Efdmin) (< ExcPIC.efdmax). Typical value = -0,87.


    PI controller gain (Ka). Typical value = 3,15.


    Exciter regulation factor (Kc). Typical value = 0,08.


    Exciter constant (Ke). Typical value = 0.


    Rate feedback gain (Kf). Typical value = 0.


    Current source gain (Ki). Typical value = 0.


    Potential source gain (Kp). Typical value = 6,5.


    Saturation factor at E1 (Se1). Typical value = 0.


    Saturation factor at E2 (Se2). Typical value = 0.


    PI controller time constant (Ta1) (>= 0). Typical value = 1.


    Voltage regulator time constant (Ta2) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,01.


    Lead time constant (Ta3) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.


    Lag time constant (Ta4) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.


    Exciter time constant (Te) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.


    Rate feedback time constant (Tf1) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.


    Rate feedback lag time constant (Tf2) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.


    PI maximum limit (Vr1). Typical value = 1.


    PI minimum limit (Vr2). Typical value = -0,87.


    Voltage regulator maximum limit (Vrmax) (> ExcPIC.vrmin). Typical value = 1.


    Voltage regulator minimum limit (Vrmin) (< ExcPIC.vrmax). Typical value = -0,87.

  500. final case class ExcREXS(ExcitationSystemDynamics: ExcitationSystemDynamics = null, e1: Double = 0.0, e2: Double = 0.0, fbf: String = null, flimf: Double = 0.0, kc: Double = 0.0, kd: Double = 0.0, ke: Double = 0.0, kefd: Double = 0.0, kf: Double = 0.0, kh: Double = 0.0, kii: Double = 0.0, kip: Double = 0.0, ks: Double = 0.0, kvi: Double = 0.0, kvp: Double = 0.0, kvphz: Double = 0.0, nvphz: Double = 0.0, se1: Double = 0.0, se2: Double = 0.0, ta: Double = 0.0, tb1: Double = 0.0, tb2: Double = 0.0, tc1: Double = 0.0, tc2: Double = 0.0, te: Double = 0.0, tf: Double = 0.0, tf1: Double = 0.0, tf2: Double = 0.0, tp: Double = 0.0, vcmax: Double = 0.0, vfmax: Double = 0.0, vfmin: Double = 0.0, vimax: Double = 0.0, vrmax: Double = 0.0, vrmin: Double = 0.0, xc: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    General purpose rotating excitation system.

    General purpose rotating excitation system.

    This model can be used to represent a wide range of excitation systems whose DC power source is an AC or DC generator. It encompasses IEEE type AC1, AC2, DC1, and DC2 excitation system models.


    ExcitationSystemDynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    Field voltage value 1 (E1). Typical value = 3.


    Field voltage value 2 (E2). Typical value = 4.


    Rate feedback signal flag (fbf). Typical value = fieldCurrent.


    Limit type flag (Flimf). Typical value = 0.


    Rectifier regulation factor (Kc). Typical value = 0,05.


    Exciter regulation factor (Kd). Typical value = 2.


    Exciter field proportional constant (Ke). Typical value = 1.


    Field voltage feedback gain (Kefd). Typical value = 0.


    Rate feedback gain (Kf) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,05.


    Field voltage controller feedback gain (Kh). Typical value = 0.


    Field current regulator integral gain (Kii). Typical value = 0.


    Field current regulator proportional gain (Kip). Typical value = 1.


    Coefficient to allow different usage of the model-speed coefficient (Ks). Typical value = 0.


    Voltage regulator integral gain (Kvi). Typical value = 0.


    Voltage regulator proportional gain (Kvp). Typical value = 2800.


    V/Hz limiter gain (Kvphz). Typical value = 0.


    Pickup speed of V/Hz limiter (Nvphz). Typical value = 0.


    Saturation factor at E1 (Se1). Typical value = 0,0001.


    Saturation factor at E2 (Se2). Typical value = 0,001.


    Voltage regulator time constant (Ta) (>= 0). If = 0, block is bypassed. Typical value = 0,01.


    Lag time constant (Tb1) (>= 0). If = 0, block is bypassed. Typical value = 0.


    Lag time constant (Tb2) (>= 0). If = 0, block is bypassed. Typical value = 0.


    Lead time constant (Tc1) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.


    Lead time constant (Tc2) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.


    Exciter field time constant (Te) (> 0). Typical value = 1,2.


    Rate feedback time constant (Tf) (>= 0). If = 0, the feedback path is not used. Typical value = 1.


    Feedback lead time constant (Tf1) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.


    Feedback lag time constant (Tf2) (>= 0). If = 0, block is bypassed. Typical value = 0.


    Field current bridge time constant (Tp) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.


    Maximum compounding voltage (Vcmax). Typical value = 0.


    Maximum exciter field current (Vfmax) (> ExcREXS.vfmin). Typical value = 47.


    Minimum exciter field current (Vfmin) (< ExcREXS.vfmax). Typical value = -20.


    Voltage regulator input limit (Vimax). Typical value = 0,1.


    Maximum controller output (Vrmax) (> ExcREXS.vrmin). Typical value = 47.


    Minimum controller output (Vrmin) (< ExcREXS.vrmax). Typical value = -20.


    Exciter compounding reactance (Xc). Typical value = 0.

  501. final case class ExcRQB(ExcitationSystemDynamics: ExcitationSystemDynamics = null, ki0: Double = 0.0, ki1: Double = 0.0, klir: Double = 0.0, klus: Double = 0.0, lsat: Double = 0.0, lus: Double = 0.0, mesu: Double = 0.0, t4m: Double = 0.0, tc: Double = 0.0, te: Double = 0.0, tf: Double = 0.0, ucmax: Double = 0.0, ucmin: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Excitation system type RQB (four-loop regulator, r?gulateur quatre boucles, developed in France) primarily used in nuclear or thermal generating units.

    Excitation system type RQB (four-loop regulator, r?gulateur quatre boucles, developed in France) primarily used in nuclear or thermal generating units.

    This excitation system shall be always used together with power system stabilizer type PssRQB.


    ExcitationSystemDynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    Voltage reference input gain (Ki0). Typical value = 12,7.


    Voltage input gain (Ki1). Typical value = -16,8.


    OEL input gain (KLIR). Typical value = 12,13.


    Limiter gain (KLUS). Typical value = 50.


    Integrator limiter (LSAT). Typical value = 5,73.


    Setpoint (LUS). Typical value = 0,12.


    Voltage input time constant (MESU) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,02.


    Input time constant (T4M) (>= 0). Typical value = 5.


    Lead lag time constant (TC) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,02.


    Lead lag time constant (TE) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,22.


    Exciter time constant (TF) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,01.


    Maximum voltage reference limit (UCMAX) (> ExcRQB.ucmin). Typical value = 1,1.


    Minimum voltage reference limit (UCMIN) (< ExcRQB.ucmax). Typical value = 0,9.

  502. final case class ExcSCRX(ExcitationSystemDynamics: ExcitationSystemDynamics = null, cswitch: Boolean = false, emax: Double = 0.0, emin: Double = 0.0, k: Double = 0.0, rcrfd: Double = 0.0, tatb: Double = 0.0, tb: Double = 0.0, te: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Simple excitation system with generic characteristics typical of many excitation systems; intended for use where negative field current could be a problem.

    Simple excitation system with generic characteristics typical of many excitation systems; intended for use where negative field current could be a problem.


    ExcitationSystemDynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    Power source switch (Cswitch). true = fixed voltage of 1.0 PU false = generator terminal voltage.


    Maximum field voltage output (Emax) (> ExcSCRX.emin). Typical value = 5.


    Minimum field voltage output (Emin) (< ExcSCRX.emax). Typical value = 0.


    Gain (K) (> 0). Typical value = 200.


    Ratio of field discharge resistance to field winding resistance ([rc / rfd]). Typical value = 0.


    Gain reduction ratio of lag-lead element ([Ta / Tb]). The parameter Ta is not defined explicitly. Typical value = 0.1.


    Denominator time constant of lag-lead block (Tb) (>= 0). Typical value = 10.


    Time constant of gain block (Te) (> 0). Typical value = 0,02.

  503. final case class ExcSEXS(ExcitationSystemDynamics: ExcitationSystemDynamics = null, efdmax: Double = 0.0, efdmin: Double = 0.0, emax: Double = 0.0, emin: Double = 0.0, k: Double = 0.0, kc: Double = 0.0, tatb: Double = 0.0, tb: Double = 0.0, tc: Double = 0.0, te: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Simplified excitation system.

    Simplified excitation system.


    ExcitationSystemDynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    Field voltage clipping maximum limit (Efdmax) (> ExcSEXS.efdmin). Typical value = 5.


    Field voltage clipping minimum limit (Efdmin) (< ExcSEXS.efdmax). Typical value = -5.


    Maximum field voltage output (Emax) (> ExcSEXS.emin). Typical value = 5.


    Minimum field voltage output (Emin) (< ExcSEXS.emax). Typical value = -5.


    Gain (K) (> 0). Typical value = 100.


    PI controller gain (Kc) (> 0 if > 0). Typical value = 0,08.


    Gain reduction ratio of lag-lead element ([Ta / Tb]). Typical value = 0,1.


    Denominator time constant of lag-lead block (Tb) (>= 0). Typical value = 10.


    PI controller phase lead time constant (Tc) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.


    Time constant of gain block (Te) (> 0). Typical value = 0,05.

  504. final case class ExcSK(ExcitationSystemDynamics: ExcitationSystemDynamics = null, efdmax: Double = 0.0, efdmin: Double = 0.0, emax: Double = 0.0, emin: Double = 0.0, k: Double = 0.0, k1: Double = 0.0, k2: Double = 0.0, kc: Double = 0.0, kce: Double = 0.0, kd: Double = 0.0, kgob: Double = 0.0, kp: Double = 0.0, kqi: Double = 0.0, kqob: Double = 0.0, kqp: Double = 0.0, nq: Double = 0.0, qconoff: Boolean = false, qz: Double = 0.0, remote: Boolean = false, sbase: Double = 0.0, tc: Double = 0.0, te: Double = 0.0, ti: Double = 0.0, tp: Double = 0.0, tr: Double = 0.0, uimax: Double = 0.0, uimin: Double = 0.0, urmax: Double = 0.0, urmin: Double = 0.0, vtmax: Double = 0.0, vtmin: Double = 0.0, yp: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Slovakian excitation system.

    Slovakian excitation system.

    UEL and secondary voltage control are included in this model. When this model is used, there cannot be a separate underexcitation limiter or VAr controller model.


    ExcitationSystemDynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    Field voltage clipping upper level limit (Efdmax) (> ExcSK.efdmin).


    Field voltage clipping lower level limit (Efdmin) (< ExcSK.efdmax).


    Maximum field voltage output (Emax) (> ExcSK.emin). Typical value = 20.


    Minimum field voltage output (Emin) (< ExcSK.emax). Typical value = -20.


    Gain (K). Typical value = 1.


    Parameter of underexcitation limit (K1). Typical value = 0,1364.


    Parameter of underexcitation limit (K2). Typical value = -0,3861.


    PI controller gain (Kc). Typical value = 70.


    Rectifier regulation factor (Kce). Typical value = 0.


    Exciter internal reactance (Kd). Typical value = 0.


    P controller gain (Kgob). Typical value = 10.


    PI controller gain (Kp). Typical value = 1.


    PI controller gain of integral component (Kqi). Typical value = 0.


    Rate of rise of the reactive power (Kqob).


    PI controller gain (Kqp). Typical value = 0.


    Deadband of reactive power (nq). Determines the range of sensitivity. Typical value = 0,001.


    Secondary voltage control state (Qc_on_off). true = secondary voltage control is on false = secondary voltage control is off. Typical value = false.


    Desired value (setpoint) of reactive power, manual setting (Qz).


    Selector to apply automatic calculation in secondary controller model (remote). true = automatic calculation is activated false = manual set is active; the use of desired value of reactive power (Qz) is required. Typical value = true.


    Apparent power of the unit (Sbase) (> 0). Unit = MVA. Typical value = 259.


    PI controller phase lead time constant (Tc) (>= 0). Typical value = 8.


    Time constant of gain block (Te) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,1.


    PI controller phase lead time constant (Ti) (>= 0). Typical value = 2.


    Time constant (Tp) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,1.


    Voltage transducer time constant (Tr) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,01.


    Maximum error (UImax) (> ExcSK.uimin). Typical value = 10.


    Minimum error (UImin) (< ExcSK.uimax). Typical value = -10.


    Maximum controller output (URmax) (> ExcSK.urmin). Typical value = 10.


    Minimum controller output (URmin) (< ExcSK.urmax). Typical value = -10.


    Maximum terminal voltage input (Vtmax) (> ExcSK.vtmin). Determines the range of voltage deadband. Typical value = 1,05.


    Minimum terminal voltage input (Vtmin) (< ExcSK.vtmax). Determines the range of voltage deadband. Typical value = 0,95.


    Maximum output (Yp). Typical value = 1.

  505. final case class ExcST1A(ExcitationSystemDynamics: ExcitationSystemDynamics = null, ilr: Double = 0.0, ka: Double = 0.0, kc: Double = 0.0, kf: Double = 0.0, klr: Double = 0.0, ta: Double = 0.0, tb: Double = 0.0, tb1: Double = 0.0, tc: Double = 0.0, tc1: Double = 0.0, tf: Double = 0.0, vamax: Double = 0.0, vamin: Double = 0.0, vimax: Double = 0.0, vimin: Double = 0.0, vrmax: Double = 0.0, vrmin: Double = 0.0, xe: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Modification of an old IEEE ST1A static excitation system without overexcitation limiter (OEL) and underexcitation limiter (UEL).

    Modification of an old IEEE ST1A static excitation system without overexcitation limiter (OEL) and underexcitation limiter (UEL).


    ExcitationSystemDynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    Exciter output current limit reference (Ilr). Typical value = 0.


    Voltage regulator gain (Ka) (> 0). Typical value = 190.


    Rectifier loading factor proportional to commutating reactance (Kc) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,05.


    Excitation control system stabilizer gains (Kf) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.


    Exciter output current limiter gain (Klr). Typical value = 0.


    Voltage regulator time constant (Ta) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,02.


    Voltage regulator time constant (Tb) (>= 0). Typical value = 10.


    Voltage regulator time constant (Tb1) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.


    Voltage regulator time constant (Tc) (>= 0). Typical value = 1.


    Voltage regulator time constant (Tc1) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.


    Excitation control system stabilizer time constant (Tf) (>= 0). Typical value = 1.


    Maximum voltage regulator output (Vamax) (> 0). Typical value = 999.


    Minimum voltage regulator output (Vamin) (< 0). Typical value = -999.


    Maximum voltage regulator input limit (Vimax) (> 0). Typical value = 999.


    Minimum voltage regulator input limit (Vimin) (< 0). Typical value = -999.


    Maximum voltage regulator outputs (Vrmax) (> 0) . Typical value = 7,8.


    Minimum voltage regulator outputs (Vrmin) (< 0). Typical value = -6,7.


    Excitation xfmr effective reactance (Xe). Typical value = 0,04.

  506. final case class ExcST2A(ExcitationSystemDynamics: ExcitationSystemDynamics = null, efdmax: Double = 0.0, ka: Double = 0.0, kc: Double = 0.0, ke: Double = 0.0, kf: Double = 0.0, ki: Double = 0.0, kp: Double = 0.0, ta: Double = 0.0, tb: Double = 0.0, tc: Double = 0.0, te: Double = 0.0, tf: Double = 0.0, uelin: Boolean = false, vrmax: Double = 0.0, vrmin: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Modified IEEE ST2A static excitation system with another lead-lag block added to match the model defined by WECC.

    Modified IEEE ST2A static excitation system with another lead-lag block added to match the model defined by WECC.


    ExcitationSystemDynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    Maximum field voltage (Efdmax) (>= 0). Typical value = 99.


    Voltage regulator gain (Ka) (> 0). Typical value = 120.


    Rectifier loading factor proportional to commutating reactance (Kc) (>= 0). Typical value = 1,82.


    Exciter constant related to self-excited field (Ke). Typical value = 1.


    Excitation control system stabilizer gains (kf) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,05.


    Potential circuit gain coefficient (Ki) (>= 0). Typical value = 8.


    Potential circuit gain coefficient (Kp) (>= 0). Typical value = 4,88.


    Voltage regulator time constant (Ta) (> 0). Typical value = 0,15.


    Voltage regulator time constant (Tb) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.


    Voltage regulator time constant (Tc) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.


    Exciter time constant, integration rate associated with exciter control (Te) (> 0). Typical value = 0,5.


    Excitation control system stabilizer time constant (Tf) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,7.


    UEL input (UELin). true = HV gate false = add to error signal. Typical value = false.


    Maximum voltage regulator outputs (Vrmax) (> 0). Typical value = 1.


    Minimum voltage regulator outputs (Vrmin) (< 0). Typical value = -1.

  507. final case class ExcST3A(ExcitationSystemDynamics: ExcitationSystemDynamics = null, efdmax: Double = 0.0, kc: Double = 0.0, kg: Double = 0.0, ki: Double = 0.0, kj: Double = 0.0, km: Double = 0.0, kp: Double = 0.0, ks: Double = 0.0, ks1: Double = 0.0, tb: Double = 0.0, tc: Double = 0.0, thetap: Double = 0.0, tm: Double = 0.0, vbmax: Double = 0.0, vgmax: Double = 0.0, vimax: Double = 0.0, vimin: Double = 0.0, vrmax: Double = 0.0, vrmin: Double = 0.0, xl: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Modified IEEE ST3A static excitation system with added speed multiplier.

    Modified IEEE ST3A static excitation system with added speed multiplier.


    ExcitationSystemDynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    Maximum AVR output (Efdmax) (>= 0). Typical value = 6,9.


    Rectifier loading factor proportional to commutating reactance (Kc) (>= 0). Typical value = 1,1.


    Feedback gain constant of the inner loop field regulator (Kg) (>= 0). Typical value = 1.


    Potential circuit gain coefficient (Ki) (>= 0). Typical value = 4,83.


    AVR gain (Kj) (> 0). Typical value = 200.


    Forward gain constant of the inner loop field regulator (Km) (> 0). Typical value = 7,04.


    Potential source gain (Kp) (> 0). Typical value = 4,37.


    Coefficient to allow different usage of the model-speed coefficient (Ks). Typical value = 0.


    Coefficient to allow different usage of the model-speed coefficient (Ks1). Typical value = 0.


    Voltage regulator time constant (Tb) (>= 0). Typical value = 6,67.


    Voltage regulator time constant (Tc) (>= 0). Typical value = 1.


    Potential circuit phase angle (thetap). Typical value = 20.


    Forward time constant of inner loop field regulator (Tm) (> 0). Typical value = 1.


    Maximum excitation voltage (Vbmax) (> 0). Typical value = 8,63.


    Maximum inner loop feedback voltage (Vgmax) (>= 0). Typical value = 6,53.


    Maximum voltage regulator input limit (Vimax) (> 0). Typical value = 0,2.


    Minimum voltage regulator input limit (Vimin) (< 0). Typical value = -0,2.


    Maximum voltage regulator output (Vrmax) (> 0). Typical value = 1.


    Minimum voltage regulator output (Vrmin) (< 0). Typical value = -1.


    Reactance associated with potential source (Xl) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,09.

  508. final case class ExcST4B(ExcitationSystemDynamics: ExcitationSystemDynamics = null, kc: Double = 0.0, kg: Double = 0.0, ki: Double = 0.0, kim: Double = 0.0, kir: Double = 0.0, kp: Double = 0.0, kpm: Double = 0.0, kpr: Double = 0.0, lvgate: Boolean = false, ta: Double = 0.0, thetap: Double = 0.0, uel: Boolean = false, vbmax: Double = 0.0, vgmax: Double = 0.0, vmmax: Double = 0.0, vmmin: Double = 0.0, vrmax: Double = 0.0, vrmin: Double = 0.0, xl: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Modified IEEE ST4B static excitation system with maximum inner loop feedback gain Vgmax.

    Modified IEEE ST4B static excitation system with maximum inner loop feedback gain Vgmax.


    ExcitationSystemDynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    Rectifier loading factor proportional to commutating reactance (Kc) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,113.


    Feedback gain constant of the inner loop field regulator (Kg) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.


    Potential circuit gain coefficient (Ki) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.


    Voltage regulator integral gain output (Kim). Typical value = 0.


    Voltage regulator integral gain (Kir). Typical value = 10,75.


    Potential circuit gain coefficient (Kp) (> 0). Typical value = 9,3.


    Voltage regulator proportional gain output (Kpm). Typical value = 1.


    Voltage regulator proportional gain (Kpr). Typical value = 10,75.


    Selector (LVGate). true = LVGate is part of the block diagram false = LVGate is not part of the block diagram. Typical value = false.


    Voltage regulator time constant (Ta) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,02.


    Potential circuit phase angle (thetap). Typical value = 0.


    Selector (UEL). true = UEL is part of block diagram false = UEL is not part of block diagram. Typical value = false.


    Maximum excitation voltage (Vbmax) (> 0). Typical value = 11,63.


    Maximum inner loop feedback voltage (Vgmax) (>= 0). Typical value = 5,8.


    Maximum inner loop output (Vmmax) (> ExcST4B.vmmin). Typical value = 99.


    Minimum inner loop output (Vmmin) (< ExcST4B.vmmax). Typical value = -99.


    Maximum voltage regulator output (Vrmax) (> 0). Typical value = 1.


    Minimum voltage regulator output (Vrmin) (< 0). Typical value = -0,87.


    Reactance associated with potential source (Xl) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,124.

  509. final case class ExcST6B(ExcitationSystemDynamics: ExcitationSystemDynamics = null, ilr: Double = 0.0, k1: Boolean = false, kcl: Double = 0.0, kff: Double = 0.0, kg: Double = 0.0, kia: Double = 0.0, klr: Double = 0.0, km: Double = 0.0, kpa: Double = 0.0, kvd: Double = 0.0, oelin: String = null, tg: Double = 0.0, ts: Double = 0.0, tvd: Double = 0.0, vamax: Double = 0.0, vamin: Double = 0.0, vilim: Boolean = false, vimax: Double = 0.0, vimin: Double = 0.0, vmult: Boolean = false, vrmax: Double = 0.0, vrmin: Double = 0.0, xc: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Modified IEEE ST6B static excitation system with PID controller and optional inner feedback loop.

    Modified IEEE ST6B static excitation system with PID controller and optional inner feedback loop.


    ExcitationSystemDynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    Exciter output current limit reference (Ilr) (> 0). Typical value = 4,164.


    Selector (K1). true = feedback is from Ifd false = feedback is not from Ifd. Typical value = true.


    Exciter output current limit adjustment (Kcl) (> 0). Typical value = 1,0577.


    Pre-control gain constant of the inner loop field regulator (Kff). Typical value = 1.


    Feedback gain constant of the inner loop field regulator (Kg) (>= 0). Typical value = 1.


    Voltage regulator integral gain (Kia) (> 0). Typical value = 45,094.


    Exciter output current limit adjustment (Kcl) (> 0). Typical value = 17,33.


    Forward gain constant of the inner loop field regulator (Km). Typical value = 1.


    Voltage regulator proportional gain (Kpa) (> 0). Typical value = 18,038.


    Voltage regulator derivative gain (Kvd). Typical value = 0.


    OEL input selector (OELin). Typical value = noOELinput (corresponds to OELin = 0 on diagram).


    Feedback time constant of inner loop field voltage regulator (Tg) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,02.


    Rectifier firing time constant (Ts) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.


    Voltage regulator derivative gain (Tvd) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.


    Maximum voltage regulator output (Vamax) (> 0). Typical value = 4,81.


    Minimum voltage regulator output (Vamin) (< 0). Typical value = -3,85.


    Selector (Vilim). true = Vimin-Vimax limiter is active false = Vimin-Vimax limiter is not active. Typical value = true.


    Maximum voltage regulator input limit (Vimax) (> ExcST6B.vimin). Typical value = 10.


    Minimum voltage regulator input limit (Vimin) (< ExcST6B.vimax). Typical value = -10.


    Selector (vmult). true = multiply regulator output by terminal voltage false = do not multiply regulator output by terminal voltage. Typical value = true.


    Maximum voltage regulator output (Vrmax) (> 0). Typical value = 4,81.


    Minimum voltage regulator output (Vrmin) (< 0). Typical value = -3,85.


    Excitation source reactance (Xc). Typical value = 0,05.

  510. final case class ExcST7B(ExcitationSystemDynamics: ExcitationSystemDynamics = null, kh: Double = 0.0, kia: Double = 0.0, kl: Double = 0.0, kpa: Double = 0.0, oelin: String = null, tb: Double = 0.0, tc: Double = 0.0, tf: Double = 0.0, tg: Double = 0.0, tia: Double = 0.0, ts: Double = 0.0, uelin: String = null, vmax: Double = 0.0, vmin: Double = 0.0, vrmax: Double = 0.0, vrmin: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Modified IEEE ST7B static excitation system without stator current limiter (SCL) and current compensator (DROOP) inputs.

    Modified IEEE ST7B static excitation system without stator current limiter (SCL) and current compensator (DROOP) inputs.


    ExcitationSystemDynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    High-value gate feedback gain (Kh) (>= 0). Typical value = 1.


    Voltage regulator integral gain (Kia) (>= 0). Typical value = 1.


    Low-value gate feedback gain (Kl) (>= 0). Typical value = 1.


    Voltage regulator proportional gain (Kpa) (> 0). Typical value = 40.


    OEL input selector (OELin). Typical value = noOELinput.


    Regulator lag time constant (Tb) (>= 0). Typical value = 1.


    Regulator lead time constant (Tc) (>= 0). Typical value = 1.


    Excitation control system stabilizer time constant (Tf) (>= 0). Typical value = 1.


    Feedback time constant of inner loop field voltage regulator (Tg) (>= 0). Typical value = 1.


    Feedback time constant (Tia) (>= 0). Typical value = 3.


    Rectifier firing time constant (Ts) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.


    UEL input selector (UELin). Typical value = noUELinput.


    Maximum voltage reference signal (Vmax) (> 0 and > ExcST7B.vmin)). Typical value = 1,1.


    Minimum voltage reference signal (Vmin) (> 0 and < ExcST7B.vmax). Typical value = 0,9.


    Maximum voltage regulator output (Vrmax) (> 0). Typical value = 5.


    Minimum voltage regulator output (Vrmin) (< 0). Typical value = -4,5.

  511. final case class ExcitationSystemDynamics(DynamicsFunctionBlock: DynamicsFunctionBlock = null, DiscontinuousExcitationControlDynamics: String = null, OverexcitationLimiterDynamics: String = null, PFVArControllerType1Dynamics: String = null, PFVArControllerType2Dynamics: String = null, PowerSystemStabilizerDynamics: String = null, SynchronousMachineDynamics: String = null, UnderexcitationLimiterDynamics: String = null, VoltageCompensatorDynamics: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Excitation system function block whose behaviour is described by reference to a standard model <font color="#0f0f0f">or by definition of a user-defined model.</font>

    Excitation system function block whose behaviour is described by reference to a standard model <font color="#0f0f0f">or by definition of a user-defined model.</font>


    DynamicsFunctionBlock Reference to the superclass object.


    DiscontinuousExcitationControlDynamics Discontinuous excitation control model associated with this excitation system model.


    OverexcitationLimiterDynamics Overexcitation limiter model associated with this excitation system model.


    PFVArControllerType1Dynamics Power factor or VAr controller type 1 model associated with this excitation system model.


    PFVArControllerType2Dynamics Power factor or VAr controller type 2 model associated with this excitation system model.


    PowerSystemStabilizerDynamics Power system stabilizer model associated with this excitation system model.


    SynchronousMachineDynamics Synchronous machine model with which this excitation system model is associated.


    UnderexcitationLimiterDynamics Undrexcitation limiter model associated with this excitation system model.


    VoltageCompensatorDynamics Voltage compensator model associated with this excitation system model.

  512. final case class ExcitationSystemUserDefined(ExcitationSystemDynamics: ExcitationSystemDynamics = null, proprietary: Boolean = false, ProprietaryParameterDynamics: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Excitation system function block whose dynamic behaviour is described by <font color="#0f0f0f">a user-defined model.</font>

    Excitation system function block whose dynamic behaviour is described by <font color="#0f0f0f">a user-defined model.</font>


    ExcitationSystemDynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    Behaviour is based on a proprietary model as opposed to a detailed model. true = user-defined model is proprietary with behaviour mutually understood by sending and receiving applications and parameters passed as general attributes false = user-defined model is explicitly defined in terms of control blocks and their input and output signals.


    ProprietaryParameterDynamics Parameter of this proprietary user-defined model.

  513. final case class ExpectedEnergy(Element: BasicElement = null, intervalStartTime: String = null, updateTimeStamp: String = null, updateUser: String = null, ExpectedEnergyValues: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Model Expected Energy from Market Clearing, interval based.

    Model Expected Energy from Market Clearing, interval based.


    Reference to the superclass object.








    ExpectedEnergyValues undocumented

  514. final case class ExpectedEnergyValues(Element: BasicElement = null, energyTypeCode: String = null, expectedMwh: Double = 0.0, ExpectedEnergy: String = null, RegisteredResource: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Model Expected Energy from Market Clearing.

    Model Expected Energy from Market Clearing.


    Reference to the superclass object.






    ExpectedEnergy undocumented


    RegisteredResource undocumented

  515. final case class ExtensionItem(Element: BasicElement = null, extName: String = null, extType: String = null, extValue: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

  516. final case class ExtensionsList(Element: BasicElement = null, extensionsItem: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

  517. final case class ExternalCustomerAgreement(Agreement: Agreement = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A type of customer agreement involving an external agency.

    A type of customer agreement involving an external agency.

    For example, a customer may form a contracts with an Energy Service Supplier if Direct Access is permitted.


    Agreement Reference to the superclass object.

  518. final case class ExternalNetworkInjection(RegulatingCondEq: RegulatingCondEq = null, governorSCD: Double = 0.0, ikSecond: Boolean = false, maxInitialSymShCCurrent: Double = 0.0, maxP: Double = 0.0, maxQ: Double = 0.0, maxR0ToX0Ratio: Double = 0.0, maxR1ToX1Ratio: Double = 0.0, maxZ0ToZ1Ratio: Double = 0.0, minInitialSymShCCurrent: Double = 0.0, minP: Double = 0.0, minQ: Double = 0.0, minR0ToX0Ratio: Double = 0.0, minR1ToX1Ratio: Double = 0.0, minZ0ToZ1Ratio: Double = 0.0, p: Double = 0.0, q: Double = 0.0, referencePriority: Int = 0, voltageFactor: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    This class represents the external network and it is used for IEC 60909 calculations.

    This class represents the external network and it is used for IEC 60909 calculations.


    RegulatingCondEq Reference to the superclass object.


    Power Frequency Bias. This is the change in power injection divided by the change in frequency and negated. A positive value of the power frequency bias provides additional power injection upon a drop in frequency.


    Indicates whether initial symmetrical short-circuit current and power have been calculated according to IEC (Ik"). Used only if short circuit calculations are done according to superposition method.


    Maximum initial symmetrical short-circuit currents (Ik" max) in A (Ik" = Sk"/(SQRT(3) Un)). Used for short circuit data exchange according to IEC 60909.


    Maximum active power of the injection.


    Maximum reactive power limit. It is used for modelling of infeed for load flow exchange and not for short circuit modelling.


    Maximum ratio of zero sequence resistance of Network Feeder to its zero sequence reactance (R(0)/X(0) max). Used for short circuit data exchange according to IEC 60909.


    Maximum ratio of positive sequence resistance of Network Feeder to its positive sequence reactance (R(1)/X(1) max). Used for short circuit data exchange according to IEC 60909.


    Maximum ratio of zero sequence impedance to its positive sequence impedance (Z(0)/Z(1) max). Used for short circuit data exchange according to IEC 60909.


    Minimum initial symmetrical short-circuit currents (Ik" min) in A (Ik" = Sk"/(SQRT(3) Un)). Used for short circuit data exchange according to IEC 60909.


    Minimum active power of the injection.


    Minimum reactive power limit. It is used for modelling of infeed for load flow exchange and not for short circuit modelling.


    Indicates whether initial symmetrical short-circuit current and power have been calculated according to IEC (Ik"). Used for short circuit data exchange according to IEC 6090.


    Minimum ratio of positive sequence resistance of Network Feeder to its positive sequence reactance (R(1)/X(1) min). Used for short circuit data exchange according to IEC 60909.


    Minimum ratio of zero sequence impedance to its positive sequence impedance (Z(0)/Z(1) min). Used for short circuit data exchange according to IEC 60909.


    Active power injection. Load sign convention is used, i.e. positive sign means flow out from a node. Starting value for steady state solutions.


    Reactive power injection. Load sign convention is used, i.e. positive sign means flow out from a node. Starting value for steady state solutions.


    Priority of unit for use as powerflow voltage phase angle reference bus selection. 0 = don t care (default) 1 = highest priority. 2 is less than 1 and so on.


    Voltage factor in pu, which was used to calculate short-circuit current Ik" and power Sk". Used only if short circuit calculations are done according to superposition method.

  519. final case class FACTSDevice(Asset: Asset = null, kind: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    FACTS device asset.

    FACTS device asset.


    Asset Reference to the superclass object.


    Kind of FACTS device.

  520. final case class FTR(Agreement: Agreement = null, action: String = null, baseEnergy: Double = 0.0, class: String = null, ftrType: String = null, optimized: String = null, EnergyPriceCurve: String = null, Flowgate: String = null, Pnodes: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Financial Transmission Rights (FTR) regarding transmission capacity at a flowgate.

    Financial Transmission Rights (FTR) regarding transmission capacity at a flowgate.


    Agreement Reference to the superclass object.


    Buy, Sell


    Quantity, typically MWs - Seller owns all rights being offered, MWs over time on same Point of Receipt, Point of Delivery, or Resource.


    Peak, Off-peak, 24-hour


    Type of rights being offered (product) allowed to be auctioned (option, obligation).


    Fixed (covers re-configuration, grandfathering) or Optimized (up for sale/purchase


    EnergyPriceCurve undocumented


    Flowgate undocumented


    Pnode undocumented

  521. final case class Facility(AssetContainer: AssetContainer = null, kind: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A facility may contain buildings, storage facilities, switching facilities, power generation, manufacturing facilities, maintenance facilities, etc.

    A facility may contain buildings, storage facilities, switching facilities, power generation, manufacturing facilities, maintenance facilities, etc.


    AssetContainer Reference to the superclass object.


    Kind of this facility.

  522. final case class FailureEvent(ActivityRecord: ActivityRecord = null, breakerFailureReason: String = null, corporateCode: String = null, failureClassification: String = null, failureDateTime: String = null, failureIsolationMethod: String = null, failureMode: String = null, faultLocatingMethod: String = null, location: String = null, rootCause: String = null, transformerFailureReason: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    An event where an asset has failed to perform its functions within specified parameters.

    An event where an asset has failed to perform its functions within specified parameters.

    This class is intended to reflect the failure itself. Additional information resulting from forensic analysis could be captured by a diagnosis data set.


    ActivityRecord Reference to the superclass object.


    Reason for breaker failure.


    Code for asset failure.


    Classification of failure.


    Time and date of asset failure.


    How the asset failure was isolated from the system.


    What asset failed to be able to do.


    The method used for locating the faulted part of the asset. For example, cable options include: Cap Discharge-Thumping, Bridge Method, Visual Inspection, Other.


    Failure location on an object.


    Root cause of asset failure.


    Reason for transformer failure.

  523. final case class Fault(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, impedance: String = null, kind: String = null, occurredDateTime: String = null, phases: String = null, FaultCauseTypes: List[String] = null, FaultyEquipment: String = null, Location: String = null, Outage: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Abnormal condition causing current flow through conducting equipment, such as caused by equipment failure or short circuits from objects not typically modelled (for example, a tree falling on a line).

    Abnormal condition causing current flow through conducting equipment, such as caused by equipment failure or short circuits from objects not typically modelled (for example, a tree falling on a line).


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    FaultImpedance Fault impedance. Its usage is described by 'kind'.


    The kind of phase fault.


    The date and time at which the fault occurred.


    The phases participating in the fault. The fault connections into these phases are further specified by the type of fault.


    FaultCauseType All types of fault cause.


    Equipment Equipment carrying this fault.


    Location undocumented


    Outage Outage associated with this fault.

  524. final case class FaultCauseType(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, ConfigurationEvent: List[String] = null, Faults: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Type of cause of the fault.

    Type of cause of the fault.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    ConfigurationEvent undocumented


    Fault All faults with this cause type.

  525. final case class FaultImpedance(Element: BasicElement = null, rGround: Double = 0.0, rLineToLine: Double = 0.0, xGround: Double = 0.0, xLineToLine: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Impedance description for the fault.

    Impedance description for the fault.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    The resistance of the fault between phases and ground.


    The resistance of the fault between phases.


    The reactance of the fault between phases and ground.


    The reactance of the fault between phases.

  526. final case class FaultIndicator(AuxiliaryEquipment: AuxiliaryEquipment = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A FaultIndicator is typically only an indicator (which may or may not be remotely monitored), and not a piece of equipment that actually initiates a protection event.

    A FaultIndicator is typically only an indicator (which may or may not be remotely monitored), and not a piece of equipment that actually initiates a protection event.

    It is used for FLISR (Fault Location, Isolation and Restoration) purposes, assisting with the dispatch of crews to "most likely" part of the network (i.e. assists with determining circuit section where the fault most likely happened).


    AuxiliaryEquipment Reference to the superclass object.

  527. final case class FaultIndicatorInfo(AssetInfo: AssetInfo = null, resetKind: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Parameters of fault indicator asset.

    Parameters of fault indicator asset.


    AssetInfo Reference to the superclass object.


    Kind of reset mechanisim of this fault indicator.

  528. final case class Feeder(EquipmentContainer: EquipmentContainer = null, NamingSecondarySubstation: List[String] = null, NormalEnergizedSubstation: List[String] = null, NormalEnergizingSubstation: String = null, NormalHeadTerminal: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A collection of equipment for organizational purposes, used for grouping distribution resources.

    A collection of equipment for organizational purposes, used for grouping distribution resources.

    The organization a feeder does not necessarily reflect connectivity or current operation state.


    EquipmentContainer Reference to the superclass object.


    Substation The secondary substations that are normally energized from the feeder. Used for naming purposes. Should be consistent with the other associations for energizing terminal specification and the feeder energization specification.


    Substation The substations that are normally energized by the feeder.


    Substation The substation that nominally energizes the feeder. Also used for naming purposes.


    Terminal The normal head terminal or terminals of the feeder.

  529. final case class FieldDispatchHistory(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, Crew: String = null, FieldDispatchStep: List[String] = null, PlannedOutage: String = null, UnplannedOutage: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    The history of field dispatch statuses for this work.

    The history of field dispatch statuses for this work.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    Crew undocumented


    FieldDispatchStep undocumented


    PlannedOutage undocumented


    UnplannedOutage undocumented

  530. final case class FieldDispatchStep(Element: BasicElement = null, dispatchStatus: String = null, occurredDateTime: String = null, remarks: String = null, sequenceNumber: Int = 0, FieldDispatchHistory: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Details of the step in the field dispatch history.

    Details of the step in the field dispatch history.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    The status of one or more crews dispatched to perform field work at one or more work sites


    The date and time at which the dispatch status occurred.


    freeform comments related to the dispatch to perform field work.


    The sequence number of the field dispatch step within the field dispatch history. Begins with 1 and increments up.


    FieldDispatchHistory undocumented

  531. final case class FieldSafetySupervisor(CrewMember: CrewMember = null, IssuedSafetyDocuments: List[String] = null, ReleasedSafetyDocuments: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Crew member on work site responsible for all local safety measures for the work crew doing maintenance, construction and repair in a substation or on a power line/cable.

    Crew member on work site responsible for all local safety measures for the work crew doing maintenance, construction and repair in a substation or on a power line/cable.


    CrewMember Reference to the superclass object.


    SafetyDocument All safety documents issued to this supervisor.


    SafetyDocument All safety documents released by this supervisor.

  532. final case class FinancialInfo(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, account: String = null, actualPurchaseCost: Double = 0.0, costDescription: String = null, costType: String = null, financialValue: Double = 0.0, plantTransferDateTime: String = null, purchaseDateTime: String = null, purchaseOrderNumber: String = null, quantity: String = null, valueDateTime: String = null, warrantyEndDateTime: String = null, Asset: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Various current financial properties associated with a particular asset.

    Various current financial properties associated with a particular asset.

    Historical properties may be determined by ActivityRecords associated with the asset.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    The account to which this actual material item is charged.


    The actual purchase cost of this particular asset.


    Description of the cost.


    Type of cost to which this Material Item belongs.


    Value of asset as of 'valueDateTime'.


    Date and time asset's financial value was put in plant for regulatory accounting purposes (e.g., for rate base calculations). This is sometime referred to as the "in-service date".


    Date and time asset was purchased.


    Purchase order identifier.


    The quantity of the asset if per unit length, for example conductor.


    Date and time at which the financial value was last established.


    Date and time warranty on asset expires.


    Asset The asset to which this financial information relates.

  533. final case class Fire(GeosphericPhenomenon: GeosphericPhenomenon = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A fire, often uncontrolled, covering an area of land which typically contains combustible vegetation.

    A fire, often uncontrolled, covering an area of land which typically contains combustible vegetation.

    Associated location information is assumed to describe the total area burned as of a specified time.


    GeosphericPhenomenon Reference to the superclass object.

  534. final case class FiveMinAuxiliaryData(Element: BasicElement = null, intervalStartTime: String = null, updateTimeStamp: String = null, updateUser: String = null, AuxillaryValues: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Models 5-Minutes Auxiliary Data.

    Models 5-Minutes Auxiliary Data.


    Reference to the superclass object.








    AuxiliaryValues undocumented

  535. final case class FloatQuantity(Element: BasicElement = null, multiplier: String = null, unit: String = null, value: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Quantity with float value and associated unit information.

    Quantity with float value and associated unit information.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    Unit multiplier of this quantity.


    Unit of this quantity.


    Value of this quantity.

  536. final case class Flood(HydrosphericPhenomenon: HydrosphericPhenomenon = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A flood, an overflowing of a large amount of water beyond its normal confines, esp.

    A flood, an overflowing of a large amount of water beyond its normal confines, esp. over what is normally dry land.


    HydrosphericPhenomenon Reference to the superclass object.

  537. final case class FlowDirection(Element: BasicElement = null, direction: String = null, Point: List[String] = null, TimeSeries: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    The coded identification of the direction of energy flow.

    The coded identification of the direction of energy flow.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    The coded identification of the direction of energy flow.


    Point undocumented


    TimeSeries undocumented

  538. final case class Flowgate(PowerSystemResource: PowerSystemResource = null, direction: String = null, exportMWRating: Double = 0.0, importMWRating: Double = 0.0, CongestionRevenueRight: String = null, ConstraintResults: List[String] = null, ContractDistributionFactor: List[String] = null, FTRs: List[String] = null, FlowgateRelief: List[String] = null, FlowgateValue: List[String] = null, From_SubControlArea: String = null, GeneratingUnitDynamicValues: List[String] = null, GenericConstraints: String = null, HostControlArea: String = null, InterTie: List[String] = null, InterTieResults: List[String] = null, MktLine: List[String] = null, MktPowerTransformer: List[String] = null, MktTerminal: List[String] = null, RegisteredInterTie: List[String] = null, SecurityConstraints: String = null, To_SubControlArea: String = null, TranmissionRightEntitlement: List[String] = null, TransmissionCapacity: List[String] = null, ViolationLimits: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A flowgate, is single or group of transmission elements intended to model MW flow impact relating to transmission limitations and transmission service usage.

    A flowgate, is single or group of transmission elements intended to model MW flow impact relating to transmission limitations and transmission service usage.


    PowerSystemResource Reference to the superclass object.


    The direction of the flowgate, export or import


    Export MW rating


    Import MW rating


    CongestionRevenueRight undocumented


    ConstraintResults undocumented


    ContractDistributionFactor undocumented


    FTR undocumented


    FlowgateRelief undocumented


    FlowgateValue undocumented


    SubControlArea undocumented


    GeneratingUnitDynamicValues undocumented


    GenericConstraints undocumented


    HostControlArea undocumented


    SchedulingPoint undocumented


    InterTieResults undocumented


    MktLine undocumented


    MktPowerTransformer undocumented


    MktTerminal undocumented


    RegisteredInterTie undocumented


    SecurityConstraints undocumented


    SubControlArea undocumented


    TransmissionInterfaceRightEntitlement undocumented


    TransmissionCapacity undocumented


    ViolationLimit undocumented

  539. final case class FlowgatePartner(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, FlowgateValue: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Flowgate defined partner.

    Flowgate defined partner.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    FlowgateValue undocumented

  540. final case class FlowgateRelief(Element: BasicElement = null, effectiveDate: String = null, idcTargetMktFlow: Int = 0, terminateDate: String = null, Flowgate: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    IDC (Interchange Distribution Calulator) sends data for a TLR (Transmission Loading Relief).

    IDC (Interchange Distribution Calulator) sends data for a TLR (Transmission Loading Relief).


    Reference to the superclass object.


    Date/Time when record becomes effective Used to determine when a record becomes effective.


    Energy Flow level that should be maintained according to the TLR rules as specified by the IDC. For Realtime Markets use in dispatch to control constraints under TLR and calculate unconstrained market flows


    Date/Time when record is no longer effective Used to determine when a record is no longer effective


    Flowgate undocumented

  541. final case class FlowgateValue(Element: BasicElement = null, economicDispatchLimit: Int = 0, effectiveDate: String = null, firmNetworkLimit: Int = 0, flowDirectionFlag: String = null, mktFlow: Int = 0, netFirmNetworkLimit: Int = 0, Flowgate: String = null, FlowgatePartner: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Day Ahead, Network Native Load, Economic Dispatch, values used for calculation of Network Native Load (NNL) Determinator process.

    Day Ahead, Network Native Load, Economic Dispatch, values used for calculation of Network Native Load (NNL) Determinator process.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    Limit for Economic Dispatch priority 6 energy flow on the specified flowgate for the specified time period.


    Date/Time when record becomes effective Used to determine when a record becomes effective


    Limit for firm flow on the specified flowgate for the specified time period. The amount of energy flow over a specifed flowgate due to generation in the market which can be classified as Firm Network priority.


    Specifies the direction of energy flow in the flowgate


    The amount of energy flow over a specifed flowgate due to generation in the market.


    Net Energy flow in flowgate for the associated FlowgatePartner


    Flowgate undocumented


    FlowgatePartner undocumented

  542. final case class ForbiddenRegion(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, crossTime: Int = 0, crossingCost: Double = 0.0, highMW: Double = 0.0, lowMW: Double = 0.0, RegisteredResource: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Forbbiden region is operating ranges where the units are unable to maintain steady operation without causing equipment damage.

    Forbbiden region is operating ranges where the units are unable to maintain steady operation without causing equipment damage.

    The four attributes that define a forbidden region are the low MW, the High MW, the crossing time, and the crossing cost.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    Time to cross the forbidden region in minutes.


    Cost associated with crossing the forbidden region


    High end of the region definition


    Low end of the region definition.


    RegisteredResource undocumented

  543. final case class Forecast(EnvironmentalInformation: EnvironmentalInformation = null, validFor: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A forecast group of value sets and/or phenomena characteristics.

    A forecast group of value sets and/or phenomena characteristics.


    EnvironmentalInformation Reference to the superclass object.


    The interval for which the forecast is valid. For example, a forecast issued now for tomorrow might be valid for the next 2 hours.

  544. final case class FormerReference(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, RegisteredResource: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Used to indicate former references to the same piece of equipment.

    Used to indicate former references to the same piece of equipment.

    The ID, name, and effectivity dates are utilized.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    RegisteredResource undocumented

  545. final case class FossilFuel(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, fossilFuelType: String = null, fuelCost: Double = 0.0, fuelDispatchCost: Double = 0.0, fuelEffFactor: Double = 0.0, fuelHandlingCost: Double = 0.0, fuelHeatContent: Double = 0.0, fuelMixture: Double = 0.0, fuelSulfur: Double = 0.0, highBreakpointP: Double = 0.0, lowBreakpointP: Double = 0.0, FuelAllocationSchedules: List[String] = null, ThermalGeneratingUnit: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    The fossil fuel consumed by the non-nuclear thermal generating unit.

    The fossil fuel consumed by the non-nuclear thermal generating unit.

    For example, coal, oil, gas, etc. These are the specific fuels that the generating unit can consume.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    The type of fossil fuel, such as coal, oil, or gas.


    The cost in terms of heat value for the given type of fuel.


    The cost of fuel used for economic dispatching which includes: fuel cost, transportation cost, and incremental maintenance cost.


    The efficiency factor for the fuel (per unit) in terms of the effective energy absorbed.


    Handling and processing cost associated with this fuel.


    The amount of heat per weight (or volume) of the given type of fuel.


    Relative amount of the given type of fuel, when multiple fuels are being consumed.


    The fuel's fraction of pollution credit per unit of heat content.


    The active power output level of the unit at which the given type of fuel is switched on. This fuel (e.g., oil) is sometimes used to supplement the base fuel (e.g., coal) at high active power output levels.


    The active power output level of the unit at which the given type of fuel is switched off. This fuel (e.g., oil) is sometimes used to stabilize the base fuel (e.g., coal) at low active power output levels.


    FuelAllocationSchedule A fuel allocation schedule shall have a fossil fuel.


    ThermalGeneratingUnit A thermal generating unit may have one or more fossil fuels.

  546. final case class FossilSteamSupply(SteamSupply: SteamSupply = null, auxPowerVersusFrequency: Double = 0.0, auxPowerVersusVoltage: Double = 0.0, boilerControlMode: String = null, controlErrorBiasP: Double = 0.0, controlIC: Double = 0.0, controlPC: Double = 0.0, controlPEB: Double = 0.0, controlPED: Double = 0.0, controlTC: Double = 0.0, feedWaterIG: Double = 0.0, feedWaterPG: Double = 0.0, feedWaterTC: Double = 0.0, fuelDemandLimit: Double = 0.0, fuelSupplyDelay: Double = 0.0, fuelSupplyTC: Double = 0.0, maxErrorRateP: Double = 0.0, mechPowerSensorLag: Double = 0.0, minErrorRateP: Double = 0.0, pressureCtrlDG: Double = 0.0, pressureCtrlIG: Double = 0.0, pressureCtrlPG: Double = 0.0, pressureFeedback: Int = 0, superHeater1Capacity: Double = 0.0, superHeater2Capacity: Double = 0.0, superHeaterPipePD: Double = 0.0, throttlePressureSP: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Fossil fuelled boiler (e.g., coal, oil, gas).

    Fossil fuelled boiler (e.g., coal, oil, gas).


    SteamSupply Reference to the superclass object.


    Off nominal frequency effect on auxiliary real power. Per unit active power variation versus per unit frequency variation.


    Off nominal voltage effect on auxiliary real power. Per unit active power variation versus per unit voltage variation.


    The control mode of the boiler.


    Active power error bias ratio.


    Integral constant.


    Proportional constant.


    Pressure error bias ratio.


    Pressure error deadband.


    Time constant.


    Feedwater integral gain ratio.


    Feedwater proportional gain ratio.


    Feedwater time constant ratio.


    Fuel demand limit.


    Fuel delay.


    Fuel supply time constant.


    Active power maximum error rate limit.


    Mechanical power sensor lag.


    Active power minimum error rate limit.


    Pressure control derivative gain ratio.


    Pressure control integral gain ratio.


    Pressure control proportional gain ratio.


    Pressure feedback indicator.


    Drum/primary superheater capacity.


    Secondary superheater capacity.


    Superheater pipe pressure drop constant.


    Throttle pressure setpoint.

  547. final case class FrameworkPart(ModelAuthoritySet: ModelAuthoritySet = null, Frame: String = null, ModelFrameType: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    The type of alternate model frame.

    The type of alternate model frame.

    For example, it could be generator group used to represent generators in state estimator, planning, planning dynamics, short circuit, or real-time dynamics etc., but does not specifically represent any one alternative model. This need to know what objects to be removed in the realization of any one alternate model.


    ModelAuthoritySet Reference to the superclass object.


    NetworkFrame undocumented


    ModelFrameType Model frame type of the model frame.

  548. final case class FrequencyConverter(RegulatingCondEq: RegulatingCondEq = null, frequency: Double = 0.0, maxP: Double = 0.0, maxU: Double = 0.0, minP: Double = 0.0, minU: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A device to convert from one frequency to another (e.g., frequency F1 to F2) comprises a pair of FrequencyConverter instances.

    A device to convert from one frequency to another (e.g., frequency F1 to F2) comprises a pair of FrequencyConverter instances.

    One converts from F1 to DC, the other converts the DC to F2.


    RegulatingCondEq Reference to the superclass object.


    Frequency on the AC side.


    The maximum active power on the DC side at which the frequency converter should operate.


    The maximum voltage on the DC side at which the frequency converter should operate.


    The minimum active power on the DC side at which the frequency converter should operate.


    The minimum voltage on the DC side at which the frequency converter should operate.

  549. final case class FuelAllocationSchedule(Curve: Curve = null, fuelAllocationEndDate: String = null, fuelAllocationStartDate: String = null, fuelType: String = null, maxFuelAllocation: Double = 0.0, minFuelAllocation: Double = 0.0, FossilFuel: String = null, ThermalGeneratingUnit: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    The amount of fuel of a given type which is allocated for consumption over a specified period of time.

    The amount of fuel of a given type which is allocated for consumption over a specified period of time.


    Curve Reference to the superclass object.


    The end time and date of the fuel allocation schedule.


    The start time and date of the fuel allocation schedule.


    The type of fuel, which also indicates the corresponding measurement unit.


    The maximum amount of fuel that is allocated for consumption for the scheduled time period.


    The minimum amount of fuel that is allocated for consumption for the scheduled time period, e.g., based on a "take-or-pay" contract.


    FossilFuel A fuel allocation schedule shall have a fossil fuel.


    ThermalGeneratingUnit A thermal generating unit may have one or more fuel allocation schedules.

  550. final case class FuelCostCurve(Curve: Curve = null, RegisteredGenerator: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Relationship between unit fuel cost in $/kWh(Y-axis) and unit output in MW (X-axis).

    Relationship between unit fuel cost in $/kWh(Y-axis) and unit output in MW (X-axis).


    Curve Reference to the superclass object.


    RegisteredGenerator undocumented

  551. final case class FuelRegion(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, fuelRegionType: String = null, lastModified: String = null, GasPrice: String = null, OilPrice: String = null, RTO: String = null, RegisteredGenerator: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Indication of region for fuel inventory purposes.

    Indication of region for fuel inventory purposes.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    The type of fuel region


    Time of last update


    GasPrice undocumented


    OilPrice undocumented


    RTO undocumented


    RegisteredGenerator undocumented

  552. final case class Fuse(Switch: Switch = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    An overcurrent protective device with a circuit opening fusible part that is heated and severed by the passage of overcurrent through it.

    An overcurrent protective device with a circuit opening fusible part that is heated and severed by the passage of overcurrent through it.

    A fuse is considered a switching device because it breaks current.


    Switch Reference to the superclass object.

  553. final case class GasPrice(Element: BasicElement = null, gasPriceIndex: Double = 0.0, FuelRegion: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Price of gas in monetary units.

    Price of gas in monetary units.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    The average natural gas price at a defined fuel region.


    FuelRegion undocumented

  554. final case class Gate(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, kind: String = null, GateInputPin: List[String] = null, PinGate: List[String] = null, ProtectiveActionCom: List[String] = null, ProtectiveActionEnabled: List[String] = null, RemedialActionScheme: List[String] = null, StageTrigger: List[String] = null, StageTriggerArmed: List[String] = null, StageTriggerCom: List[String] = null, TriggerCondition: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Logical gate than support logical operation based on the input.

    Logical gate than support logical operation based on the input.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    The logical operation of the gate.


    GateInputPin Input to the gate.


    PinGate undocumented


    ProtectiveAction For the ProtectiveAction to be activated the condition for communication needs to be met (true).


    ProtectiveAction undocumented


    RemedialActionScheme undocumented


    StageTrigger undocumented


    StageTrigger undocumented


    StageTrigger undocumented


    TriggerCondition undocumented

  555. final case class GateInputPin(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, aDLogicKind: String = null, absoluteValue: Boolean = false, duration: Double = 0.0, negate: Boolean = false, thresholdPercentage: Double = 0.0, thresholdValue: Double = 0.0, Gate: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Input pin for a logical gate.

    Input pin for a logical gate.

    The condition described in the input pin will give a logical true or false. Result from measurement and calculation are converted to a true or false.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    The compare operation.


    If true, use the absolute value for compare..


    The duration the compare condition need to be present before given a true. Default is 0 seconds.


    Invert/negate the result of the compare.


    The threshold percentage that should be used for compare with the percentage change between input value and threshold value.


    The threshold value that should be used for compare with the input value.


    Gate undocumented

  556. final case class GenDistributionFactor(Element: BasicElement = null, factor: Double = 0.0, AggregatedPnode: String = null, DistributionFactorSet: List[String] = null, IndividualPnode: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    This class models the generation distribution factors.

    This class models the generation distribution factors.

    This class needs to be used along with the AggregatedPnode and the IndividualPnode to show the distribution of each individual party.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    Used to calculate generation "participation" of an individual pnond in an AggregatePnode.


    AggregatedPnode undocumented


    DistributionFactorSet undocumented


    IndividualPnode undocumented

  557. final case class GenICompensationForGenJ(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, rcij: Double = 0.0, xcij: Double = 0.0, SynchronousMachineDynamics: String = null, VcompIEEEType2: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Resistive and reactive components of compensation for generator associated with IEEE type 2 voltage compensator for current flow out of another generator in the interconnection.

    Resistive and reactive components of compensation for generator associated with IEEE type 2 voltage compensator for current flow out of another generator in the interconnection.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    <font color="#0f0f0f">Resistive component of compensation of generator associated with this IEEE type 2 voltage compensator for current flow out of another generator (Rcij).</font>


    <font color="#0f0f0f">Reactive component of compensation of generator associated with this IEEE type 2 voltage compensator for current flow out of another generator (Xcij).</font>


    SynchronousMachineDynamics Standard synchronous machine out of which current flow is being compensated for.


    VCompIEEEType2 The standard IEEE type 2 voltage compensator of this compensation.

  558. final case class GenUnitOpCostCurve(Curve: Curve = null, isNetGrossP: Boolean = false, GeneratingUnit: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Relationship between unit operating cost (Y-axis) and unit output active power (X-axis).

    Relationship between unit operating cost (Y-axis) and unit output active power (X-axis).

    The operating cost curve for thermal units is derived from heat input and fuel costs. The operating cost curve for hydro units is derived from water flow rates and equivalent water costs.


    Curve Reference to the superclass object.


    Flag is set to true when output is expressed in net active power.


    GeneratingUnit A generating unit may have one or more cost curves, depending upon fuel mixture and fuel cost.

  559. final case class GenUnitOpSchedule(RegularIntervalSchedule: RegularIntervalSchedule = null, GeneratingUnit: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    The generating unit's Operator-approved current operating schedule (or plan), typically produced with the aid of unit commitment type analyses.

    The generating unit's Operator-approved current operating schedule (or plan), typically produced with the aid of unit commitment type analyses.

    The X-axis represents absolute time. The Y1-axis represents the status (0=off-line and unavailable: 1=available: 2=must run: 3=must run at fixed power value: etc.). The Y2-axis represents the must run fixed power value where required.


    RegularIntervalSchedule Reference to the superclass object.


    GeneratingUnit A generating unit may have an operating schedule, indicating the planned operation of the unit.

  560. final case class GeneralClearing(MarketFactors: MarketFactors = null, GeneralClearingResults: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Model of clearing result of the market run at the market level.

    Model of clearing result of the market run at the market level.

    Identifies interval.


    MarketFactors Reference to the superclass object.


    GeneralClearingResults undocumented

  561. final case class GeneralClearingResults(Element: BasicElement = null, loadForecast: Double = 0.0, totalLoad: Double = 0.0, totalNetInterchange: Double = 0.0, GeneralClearing: String = null, SubControlArea: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Provides the adjusted load forecast value on a load forecast zone basis.

    Provides the adjusted load forecast value on a load forecast zone basis.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    Load Prediction/Forecast (MW), by Time Period (5', 10', 15')


    Amount of load in the control zone Attribute Usage: hourly load value for the specific area


    Amount of interchange for the control zone Attribute Usage: hourly interchange value for the specific area


    GeneralClearing undocumented


    SubControlArea undocumented

  562. final case class GeneratingBid(ResourceBid: ResourceBid = null, combinedCycleUnitOffer: String = null, downTimeMax: Double = 0.0, installedCapacity: Double = 0.0, lowerRampRate: Double = 0.0, maxEmergencyMW: Double = 0.0, maximumEconomicMW: Double = 0.0, minEmergencyMW: Double = 0.0, minimumEconomicMW: Double = 0.0, noLoadCost: Double = 0.0, notificationTime: Double = 0.0, operatingMode: String = null, raiseRampRate: Double = 0.0, rampCurveType: Int = 0, startUpRampRate: Double = 0.0, startUpType: Int = 0, startupCost: Double = 0.0, upTimeMax: Double = 0.0, BidSet: String = null, NotificationTimeCurve: String = null, RampRateCurve: List[String] = null, RegisteredGenerator: String = null, SecurityConstraints: List[String] = null, StartUpCostCurve: String = null, StartUpTimeCurve: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Offer to supply energy/ancillary services from a generating unit or resource.

    Offer to supply energy/ancillary services from a generating unit or resource.


    ResourceBid Reference to the superclass object.


    Will indicate if the unit is part of a CC offer or not


    Maximum down time.


    Installed Capacity value


    Maximum Dn ramp rate in MW/min


    Power rating available for unit under emergency conditions greater than or equal to maximum economic limit.


    Maximum high economic MW limit, that should not exceed the maximum operating MW limit


    Minimum power rating for unit under emergency conditions, which is less than or equal to the economic minimum.


    Low economic MW limit that shall be greater than or equal to the minimum operating MW limit


    Resource fixed no load cost.


    Time required for crew notification prior to start up of the unit.


    Bid operating mode ('C' - cycling, 'F' - fixed, 'M' - must run, 'U' - unavailable)


    Maximum Up ramp rate in MW/min


    Ramp curve type: 0 - Fixed ramp rate independent of rate function unit MW output 1 - Static ramp rates as a function of unit MW output only 2 - Dynamic ramp rates as a function of unit MW output and ramping time


    Resource startup ramp rate (MW/minute)


    Resource startup type: 1 - Fixed startup time and fixed startup cost 2 - Startup time as a function of down time and fixed startup cost 3 - Startup cost as a function of down time


    Startup cost/price


    Maximum up time.


    BidSet undocumented


    NotificationTimeCurve undocumented


    RampRateCurve undocumented


    RegisteredGenerator undocumented


    SecurityConstraints undocumented


    StartUpCostCurve undocumented


    StartUpTimeCurve undocumented

  563. final case class GeneratingUnit(Equipment: Equipment = null, allocSpinResP: Double = 0.0, autoCntrlMarginP: Double = 0.0, baseP: Double = 0.0, controlDeadband: Double = 0.0, controlPulseHigh: Double = 0.0, controlPulseLow: Double = 0.0, controlResponseRate: Double = 0.0, efficiency: Double = 0.0, genControlMode: String = null, genControlSource: String = null, governorMPL: Double = 0.0, governorSCD: Double = 0.0, highControlLimit: Double = 0.0, initialP: Double = 0.0, longPF: Double = 0.0, lowControlLimit: Double = 0.0, lowerRampRate: Double = 0.0, maxEconomicP: Double = 0.0, maxOperatingP: Double = 0.0, maximumAllowableSpinningReserve: Double = 0.0, minEconomicP: Double = 0.0, minOperatingP: Double = 0.0, minimumOffTime: Double = 0.0, modelDetail: Int = 0, nominalP: Double = 0.0, normalPF: Double = 0.0, penaltyFactor: Double = 0.0, raiseRampRate: Double = 0.0, ratedGrossMaxP: Double = 0.0, ratedGrossMinP: Double = 0.0, ratedNetMaxP: Double = 0.0, shortPF: Double = 0.0, startupCost: Double = 0.0, startupTime: Double = 0.0, tieLinePF: Double = 0.0, totalEfficiency: Double = 0.0, variableCost: Double = 0.0, ControlAreaGeneratingUnit: List[String] = null, GenUnitOpCostCurves: List[String] = null, GenUnitOpSchedule: String = null, GrossToNetActivePowerCurves: List[String] = null, RotatingMachine: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A single or set of synchronous machines for converting mechanical power into alternating-current power.

    A single or set of synchronous machines for converting mechanical power into alternating-current power.

    For example, individual machines within a set may be defined for scheduling purposes while a single control signal is derived for the set. In this case there would be a GeneratingUnit for each member of the set and an additional GeneratingUnit corresponding to the set.


    Equipment Reference to the superclass object.


    The planned unused capacity (spinning reserve) which can be used to support emergency load.


    The planned unused capacity which can be used to support automatic control overruns.


    For dispatchable units, this value represents the economic active power basepoint, for units that are not dispatchable, this value represents the fixed generation value. The value shall be between the operating low and high limits.


    Unit control error deadband. When a unit's desired active power change is less than this deadband, then no control pulses will be sent to the unit.


    Pulse high limit which is the largest control pulse that the unit can respond to.


    Pulse low limit which is the smallest control pulse that the unit can respond to.


    Unit response rate which specifies the active power change for a control pulse of one second in the most responsive loading level of the unit.


    The efficiency of the unit in converting mechanical energy, from the prime mover, into electrical energy.


    The unit control mode.


    The source of controls for a generating unit. Defines the control status of the generating unit.


    Governor motor position limit.


    Governor Speed Changer Droop. This is the change in generator power output divided by the change in frequency normalized by the nominal power of the generator and the nominal frequency and expressed in percent and negated. A positive value of speed change droop provides additional generator output upon a drop in frequency.


    High limit for secondary (AGC) control.


    Default initial active power which is used to store a powerflow result for the initial active power for this unit in this network configuration.


    Generating unit long term economic participation factor.


    Low limit for secondary (AGC) control.


    The normal maximum rate the generating unit active power output can be lowered by control actions.


    Maximum high economic active power limit, that should not exceed the maximum operating active power limit.


    This is the maximum operating active power limit the dispatcher can enter for this unit.


    Maximum allowable spinning reserve. Spinning reserve will never be considered greater than this value regardless of the current operating point.


    Low economic active power limit that shall be greater than or equal to the minimum operating active power limit.


    This is the minimum operating active power limit the dispatcher can enter for this unit.


    Minimum time interval between unit shutdown and startup.


    Detail level of the generator model data.


    The nominal power of the generating unit. Used to give precise meaning to percentage based attributes such as the governor speed change droop (governorSCD attribute). The attribute shall be a positive value equal to or less than RotatingMachine.ratedS.


    Generating unit economic participation factor. The sum of the participation factors across generating units does not have to sum to one. It is used for representing distributed slack participation factor. The attribute shall be a positive value or zero.


    Defined as: 1 / ( 1 - Incremental Transmission Loss); with the Incremental Transmission Loss expressed as a plus or minus value. The typical range of penalty factors is (0.9 to 1.1).


    The normal maximum rate the generating unit active power output can be raised by control actions.


    The unit's gross rated maximum capacity (book value). The attribute shall be a positive value.


    The gross rated minimum generation level which the unit can safely operate at while delivering power to the transmission grid. The attribute shall be a positive value.


    The net rated maximum capacity determined by subtracting the auxiliary power used to operate the internal plant machinery from the rated gross maximum capacity. The attribute shall be a positive value.


    Generating unit short term economic participation factor.


    The initial startup cost incurred for each start of the GeneratingUnit.


    Time it takes to get the unit on-line, from the time that the prime mover mechanical power is applied.


    Generating unit economic participation factor.


    The efficiency of the unit in converting the fuel into electrical energy.


    The variable cost component of production per unit of ActivePower.


    ControlAreaGeneratingUnit ControlArea specifications for this generating unit.


    GenUnitOpCostCurve A generating unit may have one or more cost curves, depending upon fuel mixture and fuel cost.


    GenUnitOpSchedule A generating unit may have an operating schedule, indicating the planned operation of the unit.


    GrossToNetActivePowerCurve A generating unit may have a gross active power to net active power curve, describing the losses and auxiliary power requirements of the unit.


    RotatingMachine A synchronous machine may operate as a generator and as such becomes a member of a generating unit.

  564. final case class GeneratingUnitDynamicValues(Element: BasicElement = null, lossFactor: Double = 0.0, mVAR: Double = 0.0, maximumMW: Double = 0.0, minimumMW: Double = 0.0, mw: Double = 0.0, sensitivity: Double = 0.0, Flowgate: String = null, MktGeneratingUnit: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Optimal Power Flow or State Estimator Unit Data for Operator Training Simulator.

    Optimal Power Flow or State Estimator Unit Data for Operator Training Simulator.

    This is used for RealTime, Study and Maintenance Users.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    Loss Factor


    Unit reactive power generation in MVAR


    The maximum active power generation of the unit in MW


    The minimum active power generation of the unit in MW


    Unit active power generation in MW


    Unit sencivity factor. The distribution factors (DFAX) for the unit


    Flowgate undocumented


    MktGeneratingUnit undocumented

  565. final case class GenerationProvider(Organisation: Organisation = null, ProvidedBy: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    The energy seller in the energy marketplace.

    The energy seller in the energy marketplace.


    Organisation Reference to the superclass object.


    EnergyProduct undocumented

  566. final case class GeneratorTypeAsset(CatalogAssetType: CatalogAssetType = null, maxP: Double = 0.0, maxQ: Double = 0.0, minP: Double = 0.0, minQ: Double = 0.0, rDirectSubtrans: Double = 0.0, rDirectSync: Double = 0.0, rDirectTrans: Double = 0.0, rQuadSubtrans: Double = 0.0, rQuadSync: Double = 0.0, rQuadTrans: Double = 0.0, xDirectSubtrans: Double = 0.0, xDirectSync: Double = 0.0, xDirectTrans: Double = 0.0, xQuadSubtrans: Double = 0.0, xQuadSync: Double = 0.0, xQuadTrans: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Generic generation equipment that may be used for various purposes such as work planning.

    Generic generation equipment that may be used for various purposes such as work planning.

    It defines both the Real and Reactive power properties (modelled at the PSR level as a GeneratingUnit + SynchronousMachine).


    CatalogAssetType Reference to the superclass object.


    Maximum real power limit.


    Maximum reactive power limit.


    Minimum real power generated.


    Minimum reactive power generated.


    Direct-axis subtransient resistance.


    Direct-axis synchronous resistance.


    Direct-axis transient resistance.


    Quadrature-axis subtransient resistance.


    Quadrature-axis synchronous resistance.


    Quadrature-axis transient resistance.


    Direct-axis subtransient reactance.


    Direct-axis synchronous reactance.


    Direct-axis transient reactance.


    Quadrature-axis subtransient reactance.


    Quadrature-axis synchronous reactance.


    Quadrature-axis transient reactance.

  567. final case class GenericAction(SwitchingAction: SwitchingAction = null, PowerSystemResource: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    An arbitrary switching step.

    An arbitrary switching step.


    SwitchingAction Reference to the superclass object.


    PowerSystemResource undocumented

  568. final case class GenericConstraints(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, intervalEndTime: String = null, intervalStartTime: String = null, maxLimit: Double = 0.0, minLimit: Double = 0.0, Flowgate: List[String] = null, TransmissionCapacity: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Generic constraints can represent secure areas, voltage profile, transient stability and voltage collapse limits.

    Generic constraints can represent secure areas, voltage profile, transient stability and voltage collapse limits.

    The generic constraints can be one of the following forms: a) Thermal MW limit constraints type b) Group line flow constraint type


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    Interval End Time


    Interval Start Time


    Maximum Limit (MW)


    Minimum Limit (MW)


    Flowgate undocumented


    TransmissionCapacity undocumented

  569. final case class GenericDataSetVersion(Element: BasicElement = null, majorVersion: String = null, minorVersion: String = null, published: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

  570. final case class GeographicalRegion(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, Regions: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A geographical region of a power system network model.

    A geographical region of a power system network model.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    SubGeographicalRegion All sub-geographical regions within this geographical region.

  571. final case class GeosphericAnalog(EnvironmentalAnalog: EnvironmentalAnalog = null, kind: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Analog (float) measuring a geospheric condition.

    Analog (float) measuring a geospheric condition.


    EnvironmentalAnalog Reference to the superclass object.


    Kind of geospheric analog.

  572. final case class GeosphericPhenomenon(EnvironmentalPhenomenon: EnvironmentalPhenomenon = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A geospheric phenomenon.

    A geospheric phenomenon.


    EnvironmentalPhenomenon Reference to the superclass object.

  573. final case class GovCT1(TurbineGovernorDynamics: TurbineGovernorDynamics = null, aset: Double = 0.0, db: Double = 0.0, dm: Double = 0.0, ka: Double = 0.0, kdgov: Double = 0.0, kigov: Double = 0.0, kiload: Double = 0.0, kimw: Double = 0.0, kpgov: Double = 0.0, kpload: Double = 0.0, kturb: Double = 0.0, ldref: Double = 0.0, maxerr: Double = 0.0, minerr: Double = 0.0, mwbase: Double = 0.0, r: Double = 0.0, rclose: Double = 0.0, rdown: Double = 0.0, ropen: Double = 0.0, rselect: String = null, rup: Double = 0.0, ta: Double = 0.0, tact: Double = 0.0, tb: Double = 0.0, tc: Double = 0.0, tdgov: Double = 0.0, teng: Double = 0.0, tfload: Double = 0.0, tpelec: Double = 0.0, tsa: Double = 0.0, tsb: Double = 0.0, vmax: Double = 0.0, vmin: Double = 0.0, wfnl: Double = 0.0, wfspd: Boolean = false) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    General model for any prime mover with a PID governor, used primarily for combustion turbine and combined cycle units.

    General model for any prime mover with a PID governor, used primarily for combustion turbine and combined cycle units.

    This model can be used to represent a variety of prime movers controlled by PID governors. It is suitable, for example, for the representation of:

    • gas turbine and single shaft combined cycle turbines
    • diesel engines with modern electronic or digital governors
    • steam turbines where steam is supplied from a large boiler drum or a large header whose pressure is substantially constant over the period under study
    • simple hydro turbines in dam configurations where the water column length is short and water inertia effects are minimal.

    Additional information on this model is available in the 2012 IEEE report, Dynamic Models for Turbine-Governors in Power System Studies, pages 3-4 (GGOV1).


    TurbineGovernorDynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    Acceleration limiter setpoint (Aset). Unit = PU / s. Typical value = 0,01.


    Speed governor deadband in PU speed (db). In the majority of applications, it is recommended that this value be set to zero. Typical value = 0.


    Speed sensitivity coefficient (Dm). Dm can represent either the variation of the engine power with the shaft speed or the variation of maximum power capability with shaft speed. If it is positive it describes the falling slope of the engine speed verses power characteristic as speed increases. A slightly falling characteristic is typical for reciprocating engines and some aero-derivative turbines. If it is negative the engine power is assumed to be unaffected by the shaft speed, but the maximum permissible fuel flow is taken to fall with falling shaft speed. This is characteristic of single-shaft industrial turbines due to exhaust temperature limits. Typical value = 0.


    Acceleration limiter gain (Ka). Typical value = 10.


    Governor derivative gain (Kdgov). Typical value = 0.


    Governor integral gain (Kigov). Typical value = 2.


    Load limiter integral gain for PI controller (Kiload). Typical value = 0,67.


    Power controller (reset) gain (Kimw). The default value of 0,01 corresponds to a reset time of 100 s. A value of 0,001 corresponds to a relatively slow-acting load controller. Typical value = 0,01.


    Governor proportional gain (Kpgov). Typical value = 10.


    Load limiter proportional gain for PI controller (Kpload). Typical value = 2.


    Turbine gain (Kturb) (> 0). Typical value = 1,5.


    Load limiter reference value (Ldref). Typical value = 1.


    Maximum value for speed error signal (maxerr) (> GovCT1.minerr). Typical value = 0,05.


    Minimum value for speed error signal (minerr) (< GovCT1.maxerr). Typical value = -0,05.


    Base for power values (MWbase) (> 0). Unit = MW.


    Permanent droop (R). Typical value = 0,04.


    Minimum valve closing rate (Rclose). Unit = PU / s. Typical value = -0,1.


    Maximum rate of load limit decrease (Rdown). Typical value = -99.


    Maximum valve opening rate (Ropen). Unit = PU / s. Typical value = 0.10.


    Feedback signal for droop (Rselect). Typical value = electricalPower.


    Maximum rate of load limit increase (Rup). Typical value = 99.


    Acceleration limiter time constant (Ta) (> 0). Typical value = 0,1.


    Actuator time constant (Tact) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,5.


    Turbine lag time constant (Tb) (> 0). Typical value = 0,5.


    Turbine lead time constant (Tc) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.


    Governor derivative controller time constant (Tdgov) (>= 0). Typical value = 1.


    Transport time delay for diesel engine used in representing diesel engines where there is a small but measurable transport delay between a change in fuel flow setting and the development of torque (Teng) (>= 0). Teng should be zero in all but special cases where this transport delay is of particular concern. Typical value = 0.


    Load-limiter time constant (Tfload) (> 0). Typical value = 3.


    Electrical power transducer time constant (Tpelec) (> 0). Typical value = 1.


    Temperature detection lead time constant (Tsa) (>= 0). Typical value = 4.


    Temperature detection lag time constant (Tsb) (>= 0). Typical value = 5.


    Maximum valve position limit (Vmax) (> GovCT1.vmin). Typical value = 1.


    Minimum valve position limit (Vmin) (< GovCT1.vmax). Typical value = 0,15.


    No load fuel flow (Wfnl). Typical value = 0,2.


    Switch for fuel source characteristic to recognize that fuel flow, for a given fuel valve stroke, can be proportional to engine speed (Wfspd). true = fuel flow proportional to speed (for some gas turbines and diesel engines with positive displacement fuel injectors) false = fuel control system keeps fuel flow independent of engine speed. Typical value = true.

  574. final case class GovCT2(TurbineGovernorDynamics: TurbineGovernorDynamics = null, aset: Double = 0.0, db: Double = 0.0, dm: Double = 0.0, flim1: Double = 0.0, flim10: Double = 0.0, flim2: Double = 0.0, flim3: Double = 0.0, flim4: Double = 0.0, flim5: Double = 0.0, flim6: Double = 0.0, flim7: Double = 0.0, flim8: Double = 0.0, flim9: Double = 0.0, ka: Double = 0.0, kdgov: Double = 0.0, kigov: Double = 0.0, kiload: Double = 0.0, kimw: Double = 0.0, kpgov: Double = 0.0, kpload: Double = 0.0, kturb: Double = 0.0, ldref: Double = 0.0, maxerr: Double = 0.0, minerr: Double = 0.0, mwbase: Double = 0.0, plim1: Double = 0.0, plim10: Double = 0.0, plim2: Double = 0.0, plim3: Double = 0.0, plim4: Double = 0.0, plim5: Double = 0.0, plim6: Double = 0.0, plim7: Double = 0.0, plim8: Double = 0.0, plim9: Double = 0.0, prate: Double = 0.0, r: Double = 0.0, rclose: Double = 0.0, rdown: Double = 0.0, ropen: Double = 0.0, rselect: String = null, rup: Double = 0.0, ta: Double = 0.0, tact: Double = 0.0, tb: Double = 0.0, tc: Double = 0.0, tdgov: Double = 0.0, teng: Double = 0.0, tfload: Double = 0.0, tpelec: Double = 0.0, tsa: Double = 0.0, tsb: Double = 0.0, vmax: Double = 0.0, vmin: Double = 0.0, wfnl: Double = 0.0, wfspd: Boolean = false) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    General governor with frequency-dependent fuel flow limit.

    General governor with frequency-dependent fuel flow limit.

    This model is a modification of the GovCT1 model in order to represent the frequency-dependent fuel flow limit of a specific gas turbine manufacturer.


    TurbineGovernorDynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    Acceleration limiter setpoint (Aset). Unit = PU / s. Typical value = 10.


    Speed governor deadband in PU speed (db). In the majority of applications, it is recommended that this value be set to zero. Typical value = 0.


    Speed sensitivity coefficient (Dm). Dm can represent either the variation of the engine power with the shaft speed or the variation of maximum power capability with shaft speed. If it is positive it describes the falling slope of the engine speed verses power characteristic as speed increases. A slightly falling characteristic is typical for reciprocating engines and some aero-derivative turbines. If it is negative the engine power is assumed to be unaffected by the shaft speed, but the maximum permissible fuel flow is taken to fall with falling shaft speed. This is characteristic of single-shaft industrial turbines due to exhaust temperature limits. Typical value = 0.


    Frequency threshold 1 (Flim1). Unit = Hz. Typical value = 59.


    Frequency threshold 10 (Flim10). Unit = Hz. Typical value = 0.


    Frequency threshold 2 (Flim2). Unit = Hz. Typical value = 0.


    Frequency threshold 3 (Flim3). Unit = Hz. Typical value = 0.


    Frequency threshold 4 (Flim4). Unit = Hz. Typical value = 0.


    Frequency threshold 5 (Flim5). Unit = Hz. Typical value = 0.


    Frequency threshold 6 (Flim6). Unit = Hz. Typical value = 0.


    Frequency threshold 7 (Flim7). Unit = Hz. Typical value = 0.


    Frequency threshold 8 (Flim8). Unit = Hz. Typical value = 0.


    Frequency threshold 9 (Flim9). Unit = Hz. Typical value = 0.


    Acceleration limiter gain (Ka). Typical value = 10.


    Governor derivative gain (Kdgov). Typical value = 0.


    Governor integral gain (Kigov). Typical value = 0,45.


    Load limiter integral gain for PI controller (Kiload). Typical value = 1.


    Power controller (reset) gain (Kimw). The default value of 0,01 corresponds to a reset time of 100 seconds. A value of 0,001 corresponds to a relatively slow-acting load controller. Typical value = 0.


    Governor proportional gain (Kpgov). Typical value = 4.


    Load limiter proportional gain for PI controller (Kpload). Typical value = 1.


    Turbine gain (Kturb). Typical value = 1,9168.


    Load limiter reference value (Ldref). Typical value = 1.


    Maximum value for speed error signal (Maxerr) (> GovCT2.minerr). Typical value = 1.


    Minimum value for speed error signal (Minerr) (< GovCT2.maxerr). Typical value = -1.


    Base for power values (MWbase) (> 0). Unit = MW.


    Power limit 1 (Plim1). Typical value = 0,8325.


    Power limit 10 (Plim10). Typical value = 0.


    Power limit 2 (Plim2). Typical value = 0.


    Power limit 3 (Plim3). Typical value = 0.


    Power limit 4 (Plim4). Typical value = 0.


    Power limit 5 (Plim5). Typical value = 0.


    Power limit 6 (Plim6). Typical value = 0.


    Power limit 7 (Plim7). Typical value = 0.


    Power limit 8 (Plim8). Typical value = 0.


    Power Limit 9 (Plim9). Typical value = 0.


    Ramp rate for frequency-dependent power limit (Prate). Typical value = 0,017.


    Permanent droop (R). Typical value = 0,05.


    Minimum valve closing rate (Rclose). Unit = PU / s. Typical value = -99.


    Maximum rate of load limit decrease (Rdown). Typical value = -99.


    Maximum valve opening rate (Ropen). Unit = PU / s. Typical value = 99.


    Feedback signal for droop (Rselect). Typical value = electricalPower.


    Maximum rate of load limit increase (Rup). Typical value = 99.


    Acceleration limiter time constant (Ta) (>= 0). Typical value = 1.


    Actuator time constant (Tact) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,4.


    Turbine lag time constant (Tb) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,1.


    Turbine lead time constant (Tc) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.


    Governor derivative controller time constant (Tdgov) (>= 0). Typical value = 1.


    Transport time delay for diesel engine used in representing diesel engines where there is a small but measurable transport delay between a change in fuel flow setting and the development of torque (Teng) (>= 0). Teng should be zero in all but special cases where this transport delay is of particular concern. Typical value = 0.


    Load limiter time constant (Tfload) (>= 0). Typical value = 3.


    Electrical power transducer time constant (Tpelec) (>= 0). Typical value = 2,5.


    Temperature detection lead time constant (Tsa) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.


    Temperature detection lag time constant (Tsb) (>= 0). Typical value = 50.


    Maximum valve position limit (Vmax) (> GovCT2.vmin). Typical value = 1.


    Minimum valve position limit (Vmin) (< GovCT2.vmax). Typical value = 0,175.


    No load fuel flow (Wfnl). Typical value = 0,187.


    Switch for fuel source characteristic to recognize that fuel flow, for a given fuel valve stroke, can be proportional to engine speed (Wfspd). true = fuel flow proportional to speed (for some gas turbines and diesel engines with positive displacement fuel injectors) false = fuel control system keeps fuel flow independent of engine speed. Typical value = false.

  575. final case class GovGAST(TurbineGovernorDynamics: TurbineGovernorDynamics = null, at: Double = 0.0, dturb: Double = 0.0, kt: Double = 0.0, mwbase: Double = 0.0, r: Double = 0.0, t1: Double = 0.0, t2: Double = 0.0, t3: Double = 0.0, vmax: Double = 0.0, vmin: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Single shaft gas turbine.

    Single shaft gas turbine.


    TurbineGovernorDynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    Ambient temperature load limit (Load Limit). Typical value = 1.


    Turbine damping factor (Dturb). Typical value = 0,18.


    Temperature limiter gain (Kt). Typical value = 3.


    Base for power values (MWbase) (> 0). Unit = MW.


    Permanent droop (R) (>0). Typical value = 0,04.


    Governor mechanism time constant (T1) (>= 0). T1 represents the natural valve positioning time constant of the governor for small disturbances, as seen when rate limiting is not in effect. Typical value = 0,5.


    Turbine power time constant (T2) (>= 0). T2 represents delay due to internal energy storage of the gas turbine engine. T2 can be used to give a rough approximation to the delay associated with acceleration of the compressor spool of a multi-shaft engine, or with the compressibility of gas in the plenum of a free power turbine of an aero-derivative unit, for example. Typical value = 0,5.


    Turbine exhaust temperature time constant (T3) (>= 0). Typical value = 3.


    Maximum turbine power, PU of MWbase (Vmax) (> GovGAST.vmin). Typical value = 1.


    Minimum turbine power, PU of MWbase (Vmin) (< GovGAST.vmax). Typical value = 0.

  576. final case class GovGAST1(TurbineGovernorDynamics: TurbineGovernorDynamics = null, a: Double = 0.0, b: Double = 0.0, db1: Double = 0.0, db2: Double = 0.0, eps: Double = 0.0, fidle: Double = 0.0, gv1: Double = 0.0, gv2: Double = 0.0, gv3: Double = 0.0, gv4: Double = 0.0, gv5: Double = 0.0, gv6: Double = 0.0, ka: Double = 0.0, kt: Double = 0.0, lmax: Double = 0.0, loadinc: Double = 0.0, ltrate: Double = 0.0, mwbase: Double = 0.0, pgv1: Double = 0.0, pgv2: Double = 0.0, pgv3: Double = 0.0, pgv4: Double = 0.0, pgv5: Double = 0.0, pgv6: Double = 0.0, r: Double = 0.0, rmax: Double = 0.0, t1: Double = 0.0, t2: Double = 0.0, t3: Double = 0.0, t4: Double = 0.0, t5: Double = 0.0, tltr: Double = 0.0, vmax: Double = 0.0, vmin: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Modified single shaft gas turbine.

    Modified single shaft gas turbine.


    TurbineGovernorDynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    Turbine power time constant numerator scale factor (a). Typical value = 0,8.


    Turbine power time constant denominator scale factor (b) (>0). Typical value = 1.


    Intentional dead-band width (db1). Unit = Hz. Typical value = 0.


    Unintentional dead-band (db2). Unit = MW. Typical value = 0.


    Intentional db hysteresis (eps). Unit = Hz. Typical value = 0.


    Fuel flow at zero power output (Fidle). Typical value = 0,18.


    Nonlinear gain point 1, PU gv (Gv1). Typical value = 0.


    Nonlinear gain point 2,PU gv (Gv2). Typical value = 0.


    Nonlinear gain point 3, PU gv (Gv3). Typical value = 0.


    Nonlinear gain point 4, PU gv (Gv4). Typical value = 0.


    Nonlinear gain point 5, PU gv (Gv5). Typical value = 0.


    Nonlinear gain point 6, PU gv (Gv6). Typical value = 0.


    Governor gain (Ka). Typical value = 0.


    Temperature limiter gain (Kt). Typical value = 3.


    Ambient temperature load limit (Lmax). Lmax is the turbine power output corresponding to the limiting exhaust gas temperature. Typical value = 1.


    Valve position change allowed at fast rate (Loadinc). Typical value = 0,05.


    Maximum long term fuel valve opening rate (Ltrate). Typical value = 0,02.


    Base for power values (MWbase) (> 0). Unit = MW.


    Nonlinear gain point 1, PU power (Pgv1). Typical value = 0.


    Nonlinear gain point 2, PU power (Pgv2). Typical value = 0.


    Nonlinear gain point 3, PU power (Pgv3). Typical value = 0.


    Nonlinear gain point 4, PU power (Pgv4). Typical value = 0.


    Nonlinear gain point 5, PU power (Pgv5). Typical value = 0.


    Nonlinear gain point 6, PU power (Pgv6). Typical value = 0.


    Permanent droop (R) (>0). Typical value = 0,04.


    Maximum fuel valve opening rate (Rmax). Unit = PU / s. Typical value = 1.


    Governor mechanism time constant (T1) (>= 0). T1 represents the natural valve positioning time constant of the governor for small disturbances, as seen when rate limiting is not in effect. Typical value = 0,5.


    Turbine power time constant (T2) (>= 0). T2 represents delay due to internal energy storage of the gas turbine engine. T2 can be used to give a rough approximation to the delay associated with acceleration of the compressor spool of a multi-shaft engine, or with the compressibility of gas in the plenum of the free power turbine of an aero-derivative unit, for example. Typical value = 0,5.


    Turbine exhaust temperature time constant (T3) (>= 0). T3 represents delay in the exhaust temperature and load limiting system. Typical value = 3.


    Governor lead time constant (T4) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.


    Governor lag time constant (T5) (>= 0). If = 0, entire gain and lead-lag block is bypassed. Typical value = 0.


    Valve position averaging time constant (Tltr) (>= 0). Typical value = 10.


    Maximum turbine power, PU of MWbase (Vmax) (> GovGAST1.vmin). Typical value = 1.


    Minimum turbine power, PU of MWbase (Vmin) (< GovGAST1.vmax). Typical value = 0.

  577. final case class GovGAST2(TurbineGovernorDynamics: TurbineGovernorDynamics = null, a: Double = 0.0, af1: Double = 0.0, af2: Double = 0.0, b: Double = 0.0, bf1: Double = 0.0, bf2: Double = 0.0, c: Double = 0.0, cf2: Double = 0.0, ecr: Double = 0.0, etd: Double = 0.0, k3: Double = 0.0, k4: Double = 0.0, k5: Double = 0.0, k6: Double = 0.0, kf: Double = 0.0, mwbase: Double = 0.0, t: Double = 0.0, t3: Double = 0.0, t4: Double = 0.0, t5: Double = 0.0, tc: Double = 0.0, tcd: Double = 0.0, tf: Double = 0.0, tmax: Double = 0.0, tmin: Double = 0.0, tr: Double = 0.0, trate: Double = 0.0, tt: Double = 0.0, w: Double = 0.0, x: Double = 0.0, y: Double = 0.0, z: Int = 0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Gas turbine.

    Gas turbine.


    TurbineGovernorDynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    Valve positioner (A).


    Exhaust temperature parameter (Af1). Unit = PU temperature. Based on temperature in degrees C.


    Coefficient equal to 0,5(1-speed) (Af2).


    Valve positioner (B).


    (Bf1). Bf1 = E(1 - W) where E (speed sensitivity coefficient) is 0,55 to 0,65 x Tr. Unit = PU temperature. Based on temperature in degrees C.


    Turbine torque coefficient Khhv (depends on heating value of fuel stream in combustion chamber) (Bf2).


    Valve positioner (C).


    Coefficient defining fuel flow where power output is 0% (Cf2). Synchronous but no output. Typically 0,23 x Khhv (23% fuel flow).


    Combustion reaction time delay (Ecr) (>= 0).


    Turbine and exhaust delay (Etd) (>= 0).


    Ratio of fuel adjustment (K3).


    Gain of radiation shield (K4).


    Gain of radiation shield (K5).


    Minimum fuel flow (K6).


    Fuel system feedback (Kf).


    Base for power values (MWbase) (> 0). Unit = MW.


    Fuel control time constant (T) (>= 0).


    Radiation shield time constant (T3) (>= 0).


    Thermocouple time constant (T4) (>= 0).


    Temperature control time constant (T5) (>= 0).


    Temperature control (Tc). Unit = °F or °C depending on parameters Af1 and Bf1.


    Compressor discharge time constant (Tcd) (>= 0).


    Fuel system time constant (Tf) (>= 0).


    Maximum turbine limit (Tmax) (> GovGAST2.tmin).


    Minimum turbine limit (Tmin) (< GovGAST2.tmax).


    Rated temperature (Tr). Unit = °C depending on parameters Af1 and Bf1.


    Turbine rating (Trate). Unit = MW.


    Temperature controller integration rate (Tt) (>= 0).


    Governor gain (1/droop) on turbine rating (W).


    Governor lead time constant (X) (>= 0).


    Governor lag time constant (Y) (> 0).


    Governor mode (Z). 1 = droop 0 = isochronous.

  578. final case class GovGAST3(TurbineGovernorDynamics: TurbineGovernorDynamics = null, bca: Double = 0.0, bp: Double = 0.0, dtc: Double = 0.0, ka: Double = 0.0, kac: Double = 0.0, kca: Double = 0.0, ksi: Double = 0.0, ky: Double = 0.0, mnef: Double = 0.0, mxef: Double = 0.0, rcmn: Double = 0.0, rcmx: Double = 0.0, tac: Double = 0.0, tc: Double = 0.0, td: Double = 0.0, tfen: Double = 0.0, tg: Double = 0.0, tsi: Double = 0.0, tt: Double = 0.0, ttc: Double = 0.0, ty: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Generic turbogas with acceleration and temperature controller.

    Generic turbogas with acceleration and temperature controller.


    TurbineGovernorDynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    Acceleration limit set-point (Bca). Unit = 1/s. Typical value = 0,01.


    Droop (bp). Typical value = 0,05.


    Exhaust temperature variation due to fuel flow increasing from 0 to 1 PU (deltaTc). Typical value = 390.


    Minimum fuel flow (Ka). Typical value = 0,23.


    Fuel system feedback (KAC). Typical value = 0.


    Acceleration control integral gain (Kca). Unit = 1/s. Typical value = 100.


    Gain of radiation shield (Ksi). Typical value = 0,8.


    Coefficient of transfer function of fuel valve positioner (Ky). Typical value = 1.


    Fuel flow maximum negative error value (MNef). Typical value = -0,05.


    Fuel flow maximum positive error value (MXef). Typical value = 0,05.


    Minimum fuel flow (RCMN). Typical value = -0,1.


    Maximum fuel flow (RCMX). Typical value = 1.


    Fuel control time constant (Tac) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,1.


    Compressor discharge volume time constant (Tc) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,2.


    Temperature controller derivative gain (Td) (>= 0). Typical value = 3,3.


    Turbine rated exhaust temperature correspondent to Pm=1 PU (Tfen). Typical value = 540.


    Time constant of speed governor (Tg) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,05.


    Time constant of radiation shield (Tsi) (>= 0). Typical value = 15.


    Temperature controller integration rate (Tt). Typical value = 250.


    Time constant of thermocouple (Ttc) (>= 0). Typical value = 2,5.


    Time constant of fuel valve positioner (Ty) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,2.

  579. final case class GovGAST4(TurbineGovernorDynamics: TurbineGovernorDynamics = null, bp: Double = 0.0, ktm: Double = 0.0, mnef: Double = 0.0, mxef: Double = 0.0, rymn: Double = 0.0, rymx: Double = 0.0, ta: Double = 0.0, tc: Double = 0.0, tcm: Double = 0.0, tm: Double = 0.0, ty: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Generic turbogas.

    Generic turbogas.


    TurbineGovernorDynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    Droop (bp). Typical value = 0,05.


    Compressor gain (Ktm). Typical value = 0.


    Fuel flow maximum negative error value (MNef). Typical value = -0,05.


    Fuel flow maximum positive error value (MXef). Typical value = 0,05.


    Minimum valve opening (RYMN). Typical value = 0.


    Maximum valve opening (RYMX). Typical value = 1,1.


    Maximum gate opening velocity (TA) (>= 0). Typical value = 3.


    Maximum gate closing velocity (TC) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,5.


    Fuel control time constant (Tcm) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,1.


    Compressor discharge volume time constant (Tm) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,2.


    Time constant of fuel valve positioner (Ty) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,1.

  580. final case class GovGASTWD(TurbineGovernorDynamics: TurbineGovernorDynamics = null, a: Double = 0.0, af1: Double = 0.0, af2: Double = 0.0, b: Double = 0.0, bf1: Double = 0.0, bf2: Double = 0.0, c: Double = 0.0, cf2: Double = 0.0, ecr: Double = 0.0, etd: Double = 0.0, k3: Double = 0.0, k4: Double = 0.0, k5: Double = 0.0, k6: Double = 0.0, kd: Double = 0.0, kdroop: Double = 0.0, kf: Double = 0.0, ki: Double = 0.0, kp: Double = 0.0, mwbase: Double = 0.0, t: Double = 0.0, t3: Double = 0.0, t4: Double = 0.0, t5: Double = 0.0, tc: Double = 0.0, tcd: Double = 0.0, td: Double = 0.0, tf: Double = 0.0, tmax: Double = 0.0, tmin: Double = 0.0, tr: Double = 0.0, trate: Double = 0.0, tt: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Woodward™ gas turbine governor.

    Woodward™ gas turbine governor. [Footnote: Woodward gas turbines are an example of suitable products available commercially.

    This information is given for the convenience of users of this document and does not constitute an endorsement by IEC of these products.]


    TurbineGovernorDynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    Valve positioner (A).


    Exhaust temperature parameter (Af1).


    Coefficient equal to 0,5(1-speed) (Af2).


    Valve positioner (B).


    (Bf1). Bf1 = E(1-w) where E (speed sensitivity coefficient) is 0,55 to 0,65 x Tr.


    Turbine torque coefficient Khhv (depends on heating value of fuel stream in combustion chamber) (Bf2).


    Valve positioner (C).


    Coefficient defining fuel flow where power output is 0 % (Cf2). Synchronous but no output. Typically 0,23 x Khhv (23 % fuel flow).


    Combustion reaction time delay (Ecr) (>= 0).


    Turbine and exhaust delay (Etd) (>= 0).


    Ratio of fuel adjustment (K3).


    Gain of radiation shield (K4).


    Gain of radiation shield (K5).


    Minimum fuel flow (K6).


    Drop governor gain (Kd).


    (Kdroop) (>= 0).


    Fuel system feedback (Kf).


    Isochronous Governor Gain (Ki).


    PID proportional gain (Kp).


    Base for power values (MWbase) (> 0). Unit = MW.


    Fuel control time constant (T) (>= 0).


    Radiation shield time constant (T3) (>= 0).


    Thermocouple time constant (T4) (>= 0).


    Temperature control time constant (T5) (>= 0).


    Temperature control (Tc).


    Compressor discharge time constant (Tcd) (>= 0).


    Power transducer time constant (Td) (>= 0).


    Fuel system time constant (Tf) (>= 0).


    Maximum Turbine limit (Tmax) (> GovGASTWD.tmin).


    Minimum turbine limit (Tmin) (< GovGASTWD.tmax).


    Rated temperature (Tr).


    Turbine rating (Trate). Unit = MW.


    Temperature controller integration rate (Tt) (>= 0).

  581. final case class GovHydro1(TurbineGovernorDynamics: TurbineGovernorDynamics = null, at: Double = 0.0, dturb: Double = 0.0, gmax: Double = 0.0, gmin: Double = 0.0, hdam: Double = 0.0, mwbase: Double = 0.0, qnl: Double = 0.0, rperm: Double = 0.0, rtemp: Double = 0.0, tf: Double = 0.0, tg: Double = 0.0, tr: Double = 0.0, tw: Double = 0.0, velm: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Basic hydro turbine governor.

    Basic hydro turbine governor.


    TurbineGovernorDynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    Turbine gain (At) (> 0). Typical value = 1,2.


    Turbine damping factor (Dturb) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,5.


    Maximum gate opening (Gmax) (> 0 and > GovHydro.gmin). Typical value = 1.


    Minimum gate opening (Gmin) (>= 0 and < GovHydro1.gmax). Typical value = 0.


    Turbine nominal head (hdam). Typical value = 1.


    Base for power values (MWbase) (> 0). Unit = MW.


    No-load flow at nominal head (qnl) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,08.


    Permanent droop (R) (> 0). Typical value = 0,04.


    Temporary droop (r) (> GovHydro1.rperm). Typical value = 0,3.


    Filter time constant (Tf) (> 0). Typical value = 0,05.


    Gate servo time constant (Tg) (> 0). Typical value = 0,5.


    Washout time constant (Tr) (> 0). Typical value = 5.


    Water inertia time constant (Tw) (> 0). Typical value = 1.


    Maximum gate velocity (Vlem) (> 0). Typical value = 0,2.

  582. final case class GovHydro2(TurbineGovernorDynamics: TurbineGovernorDynamics = null, aturb: Double = 0.0, bturb: Double = 0.0, db1: Double = 0.0, db2: Double = 0.0, eps: Double = 0.0, gv1: Double = 0.0, gv2: Double = 0.0, gv3: Double = 0.0, gv4: Double = 0.0, gv5: Double = 0.0, gv6: Double = 0.0, kturb: Double = 0.0, mwbase: Double = 0.0, pgv1: Double = 0.0, pgv2: Double = 0.0, pgv3: Double = 0.0, pgv4: Double = 0.0, pgv5: Double = 0.0, pgv6: Double = 0.0, pmax: Double = 0.0, pmin: Double = 0.0, rperm: Double = 0.0, rtemp: Double = 0.0, tg: Double = 0.0, tp: Double = 0.0, tr: Double = 0.0, tw: Double = 0.0, uc: Double = 0.0, uo: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    IEEE hydro turbine governor with straightforward penstock configuration and hydraulic-dashpot governor.

    IEEE hydro turbine governor with straightforward penstock configuration and hydraulic-dashpot governor.


    TurbineGovernorDynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    Turbine numerator multiplier (Aturb). Typical value = -1.


    Turbine denominator multiplier (Bturb) (> 0). Typical value = 0,5.


    Intentional deadband width (db1). Unit = Hz. Typical value = 0.


    Unintentional deadband (db2). Unit = MW. Typical value = 0.


    Intentional db hysteresis (eps). Unit = Hz. Typical value = 0.


    Nonlinear gain point 1, PU gv (Gv1). Typical value = 0.


    Nonlinear gain point 2, PU gv (Gv2). Typical value = 0.


    Nonlinear gain point 3, PU gv (Gv3). Typical value = 0.


    Nonlinear gain point 4, PU gv (Gv4). Typical value = 0.


    Nonlinear gain point 5, PU gv (Gv5). Typical value = 0.


    Nonlinear gain point 6, PU gv (Gv6). Typical value = 0.


    Turbine gain (Kturb). Typical value = 1.


    Base for power values (MWbase) (> 0). Unit = MW.


    Nonlinear gain point 1, PU power (Pgv1). Typical value = 0.


    Nonlinear gain point 2, PU power (Pgv2). Typical value = 0.


    Nonlinear gain point 3, PU power (Pgv3). Typical value = 0.


    Nonlinear gain point 4, PU power (Pgv4). Typical value = 0.


    Nonlinear gain point 5, PU power (Pgv5). Typical value = 0.


    Nonlinear gain point 6, PU power (Pgv6). Typical value = 0.


    Maximum gate opening (Pmax) (> GovHydro2.pmin). Typical value = 1.


    Minimum gate opening (Pmin) (< GovHydro2.pmax). Typical value = 0.


    Permanent droop (Rperm). Typical value = 0,05.


    Temporary droop (Rtemp). Typical value = 0,5.


    Gate servo time constant (Tg) (> 0). Typical value = 0,5.


    Pilot servo valve time constant (Tp) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,03.


    Dashpot time constant (Tr) (>= 0). Typical value = 12.


    Water inertia time constant (Tw) (>= 0). Typical value = 2.


    Maximum gate closing velocity (Uc) (< 0). Unit = PU / s. Typical value = -0,1.


    Maximum gate opening velocity (Uo). Unit = PU / s. Typical value = 0,1.

  583. final case class GovHydro3(TurbineGovernorDynamics: TurbineGovernorDynamics = null, at: Double = 0.0, db1: Double = 0.0, db2: Double = 0.0, dturb: Double = 0.0, eps: Double = 0.0, governorControl: Boolean = false, gv1: Double = 0.0, gv2: Double = 0.0, gv3: Double = 0.0, gv4: Double = 0.0, gv5: Double = 0.0, gv6: Double = 0.0, h0: Double = 0.0, k1: Double = 0.0, k2: Double = 0.0, kg: Double = 0.0, ki: Double = 0.0, mwbase: Double = 0.0, pgv1: Double = 0.0, pgv2: Double = 0.0, pgv3: Double = 0.0, pgv4: Double = 0.0, pgv5: Double = 0.0, pgv6: Double = 0.0, pmax: Double = 0.0, pmin: Double = 0.0, qnl: Double = 0.0, relec: Double = 0.0, rgate: Double = 0.0, td: Double = 0.0, tf: Double = 0.0, tp: Double = 0.0, tt: Double = 0.0, tw: Double = 0.0, velcl: Double = 0.0, velop: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Modified IEEE hydro governor-turbine.

    Modified IEEE hydro governor-turbine.

    This model differs from that defined in the IEEE modelling guideline paper in that the limits on gate position and velocity do not permit "wind up" of the upstream signals.


    TurbineGovernorDynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    Turbine gain (At) (>0). Typical value = 1,2.


    Intentional dead-band width (db1). Unit = Hz. Typical value = 0.


    Unintentional dead-band (db2). Unit = MW. Typical value = 0.


    Turbine damping factor (Dturb). Typical value = 0,2.


    Intentional db hysteresis (eps). Unit = Hz. Typical value = 0.


    Governor control flag (Cflag). true = PID control is active false = double derivative control is active. Typical value = true.


    Nonlinear gain point 1, PU gv (Gv1). Typical value = 0.


    Nonlinear gain point 2, PU gv (Gv2). Typical value = 0.


    Nonlinear gain point 3, PU gv (Gv3). Typical value = 0.


    Nonlinear gain point 4, PU gv (Gv4). Typical value = 0.


    Nonlinear gain point 5, PU gv (Gv5). Typical value = 0.


    Nonlinear gain point 6, PU gv (Gv6). Typical value = 0.


    Turbine nominal head (H0). Typical value = 1.


    Derivative gain (K1). Typical value = 0,01.


    Double derivative gain, if Cflag = -1 (K2). Typical value = 2,5.


    Gate servo gain (Kg). Typical value = 2.


    Integral gain (Ki). Typical value = 0,5.


    Base for power values (MWbase) (> 0). Unit = MW.


    Nonlinear gain point 1, PU power (Pgv1). Typical value = 0.


    Nonlinear gain point 2, PU power (Pgv2). Typical value = 0.


    Nonlinear gain point 3, PU power (Pgv3). Typical value = 0.


    Nonlinear gain point 4, PU power (Pgv4). Typical value = 0.


    Nonlinear gain point 5, PU power (Pgv5). Typical value = 0.


    Nonlinear gain point 6, PU power (Pgv6). Typical value = 0.


    Maximum gate opening, PU of MWbase (Pmax) (> GovHydro3.pmin). Typical value = 1.


    Minimum gate opening, PU of MWbase (Pmin) (< GovHydro3.pmax). Typical value = 0.


    No-load turbine flow at nominal head (Qnl). Typical value = 0,08.


    Steady-state droop, PU, for electrical power feedback (Relec). Typical value = 0,05.


    Steady-state droop, PU, for governor output feedback (Rgate). Typical value = 0.


    Input filter time constant (Td) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,05.


    Washout time constant (Tf) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,1.


    Gate servo time constant (Tp) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,05.


    Power feedback time constant (Tt) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,2.


    Water inertia time constant (Tw) (>= 0). If = 0, block is bypassed. Typical value = 1.


    Maximum gate closing velocity (Velcl). Unit = PU / s. Typical value = -0,2.


    Maximum gate opening velocity (Velop). Unit = PU / s. Typical value = 0,2.

  584. final case class GovHydro4(TurbineGovernorDynamics: TurbineGovernorDynamics = null, at: Double = 0.0, bgv0: Double = 0.0, bgv1: Double = 0.0, bgv2: Double = 0.0, bgv3: Double = 0.0, bgv4: Double = 0.0, bgv5: Double = 0.0, bmax: Double = 0.0, db1: Double = 0.0, db2: Double = 0.0, dturb: Double = 0.0, eps: Double = 0.0, gmax: Double = 0.0, gmin: Double = 0.0, gv0: Double = 0.0, gv1: Double = 0.0, gv2: Double = 0.0, gv3: Double = 0.0, gv4: Double = 0.0, gv5: Double = 0.0, hdam: Double = 0.0, model: String = null, mwbase: Double = 0.0, pgv0: Double = 0.0, pgv1: Double = 0.0, pgv2: Double = 0.0, pgv3: Double = 0.0, pgv4: Double = 0.0, pgv5: Double = 0.0, qnl: Double = 0.0, rperm: Double = 0.0, rtemp: Double = 0.0, tblade: Double = 0.0, tg: Double = 0.0, tp: Double = 0.0, tr: Double = 0.0, tw: Double = 0.0, uc: Double = 0.0, uo: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Hydro turbine and governor.

    Hydro turbine and governor.

    Represents plants with straight-forward penstock configurations and hydraulic governors of the traditional 'dashpot' type. This model can be used to represent simple, Francis/Pelton or Kaplan turbines.


    TurbineGovernorDynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    Turbine gain (At). Typical value = 1,2.


    Kaplan blade servo point 0 (Bgv0) (= 0 for simple, = 0 for Francis/Pelton). Typical value for Kaplan = 0.


    Kaplan blade servo point 1 (Bgv1) (= 0 for simple, = 0 for Francis/Pelton). Typical value for Kaplan = 0.


    Kaplan blade servo point 2 (Bgv2) (= 0 for simple, = 0 for Francis/Pelton). Typical value for Kaplan = 0,1.


    Kaplan blade servo point 3 (Bgv3) (= 0 for simple, = 0 for Francis/Pelton). Typical value for Kaplan = 0,667.


    Kaplan blade servo point 4 (Bgv4) (= 0 for simple, = 0 for Francis/Pelton). Typical value for Kaplan = 0,9.


    Kaplan blade servo point 5 (Bgv5) (= 0 for simple, = 0 for Francis/Pelton). Typical value for Kaplan = 1.


    Maximum blade adjustment factor (Bmax) (= 0 for simple, = 0 for Francis/Pelton). Typical value for Kaplan = 1,1276.


    Intentional deadband width (db1). Unit = Hz. Typical value = 0.


    Unintentional dead-band (db2). Unit = MW. Typical value = 0.


    Turbine damping factor (Dturb). Unit = delta P (PU of MWbase) / delta speed (PU). Typical value for simple = 0,5, Francis/Pelton = 1,1, Kaplan = 1,1.


    Intentional db hysteresis (eps). Unit = Hz. Typical value = 0.


    Maximum gate opening, PU of MWbase (Gmax) (> GovHydro4.gmin). Typical value = 1.


    Minimum gate opening, PU of MWbase (Gmin) (< GovHydro4.gmax). Typical value = 0.


    Nonlinear gain point 0, PU gv (Gv0) (= 0 for simple). Typical for Francis/Pelton = 0,1, Kaplan = 0,1.


    Nonlinear gain point 1, PU gv (Gv1) (= 0 for simple, > GovHydro4.gv0 for Francis/Pelton and Kaplan). Typical value for Francis/Pelton = 0,4, Kaplan = 0,4.


    Nonlinear gain point 2, PU gv (Gv2) (= 0 for simple, > GovHydro4.gv1 for Francis/Pelton and Kaplan). Typical value for Francis/Pelton = 0,5, Kaplan = 0,5.


    Nonlinear gain point 3, PU gv (Gv3) (= 0 for simple, > GovHydro4.gv2 for Francis/Pelton and Kaplan). Typical value for Francis/Pelton = 0,7, Kaplan = 0,7.


    Nonlinear gain point 4, PU gv (Gv4) (= 0 for simple, > GovHydro4.gv3 for Francis/Pelton and Kaplan). Typical value for Francis/Pelton = 0,8, Kaplan = 0,8.


    Nonlinear gain point 5, PU gv (Gv5) (= 0 for simple, < 1 and > GovHydro4.gv4 for Francis/Pelton and Kaplan). Typical value for Francis/Pelton = 0,9, Kaplan = 0,9.


    Head available at dam (hdam). Typical value = 1.


    The kind of model being represented (simple, Francis/Pelton or Kaplan).


    Base for power values (MWbase) (> 0). Unit = MW.


    Nonlinear gain point 0, PU power (Pgv0) (= 0 for simple). Typical value = 0.


    Nonlinear gain point 1, PU power (Pgv1) (= 0 for simple). Typical value for Francis/Pelton = 0,42, Kaplan = 0,35.


    Nonlinear gain point 2, PU power (Pgv2) (= 0 for simple). Typical value for Francis/Pelton = 0,56, Kaplan = 0,468.


    Nonlinear gain point 3, PU power (Pgv3) (= 0 for simple). Typical value for Francis/Pelton = 0,8, Kaplan = 0,796.


    Nonlinear gain point 4, PU power (Pgv4) (= 0 for simple). Typical value for Francis/Pelton = 0,9, Kaplan = 0,917.


    Nonlinear gain point 5, PU power (Pgv5) (= 0 for simple). Typical value for Francis/Pelton = 0,97, Kaplan = 0,99.


    No-load flow at nominal head (Qnl). Typical value for simple = 0,08, Francis/Pelton = 0, Kaplan = 0.


    Permanent droop (Rperm) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,05.


    Temporary droop (Rtemp) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,3.


    Blade servo time constant (Tblade) (>= 0). Typical value = 100.


    Gate servo time constant (Tg) (> 0). Typical value = 0,5.


    Pilot servo time constant (Tp) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,1.


    Dashpot time constant (Tr) (>= 0). Typical value = 5.


    Water inertia time constant (Tw) (> 0). Typical value = 1.


    Max gate closing velocity (Uc). Typical value = 0,2.


    Max gate opening velocity (Uo). Typical value = 0,2.

  585. final case class GovHydroDD(TurbineGovernorDynamics: TurbineGovernorDynamics = null, aturb: Double = 0.0, bturb: Double = 0.0, db1: Double = 0.0, db2: Double = 0.0, eps: Double = 0.0, gmax: Double = 0.0, gmin: Double = 0.0, gv1: Double = 0.0, gv2: Double = 0.0, gv3: Double = 0.0, gv4: Double = 0.0, gv5: Double = 0.0, gv6: Double = 0.0, inputSignal: Boolean = false, k1: Double = 0.0, k2: Double = 0.0, kg: Double = 0.0, ki: Double = 0.0, mwbase: Double = 0.0, pgv1: Double = 0.0, pgv2: Double = 0.0, pgv3: Double = 0.0, pgv4: Double = 0.0, pgv5: Double = 0.0, pgv6: Double = 0.0, pmax: Double = 0.0, pmin: Double = 0.0, r: Double = 0.0, td: Double = 0.0, tf: Double = 0.0, tp: Double = 0.0, tt: Double = 0.0, tturb: Double = 0.0, velcl: Double = 0.0, velop: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Double derivative hydro governor and turbine.

    Double derivative hydro governor and turbine.


    TurbineGovernorDynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    Turbine numerator multiplier (Aturb) (see parameter detail 3). Typical value = -1.


    Turbine denominator multiplier (Bturb) (see parameter detail 3). Typical value = 0,5.


    Intentional dead-band width (db1). Unit = Hz. Typical value = 0.


    Unintentional dead-band (db2). Unit = MW. Typical value = 0.


    Intentional db hysteresis (eps). Unit = Hz. Typical value = 0.


    Maximum gate opening (Gmax) (> GovHydroDD.gmin). Typical value = 0.


    Minimum gate opening (Gmin) (< GovHydroDD.gmax). Typical value = 0.


    Nonlinear gain point 1, PU gv (Gv1). Typical value = 0.


    Nonlinear gain point 2, PU gv (Gv2). Typical value = 0.


    Nonlinear gain point 3, PU gv (Gv3). Typical value = 0.


    Nonlinear gain point 4, PU gv (Gv4). Typical value = 0.


    Nonlinear gain point 5, PU gv (Gv5). Typical value = 0.


    Nonlinear gain point 6, PU gv (Gv6). Typical value = 0.


    Input signal switch (Flag). true = Pe input is used false = feedback is received from CV. Flag is normally dependent on Tt. If Tt is zero, Flag is set to false. If Tt is not zero, Flag is set to true. Typical value = true.


    Single derivative gain (K1). Typical value = 3,6.


    Double derivative gain (K2). Typical value = 0,2.


    Gate servo gain (Kg). Typical value = 3.


    Integral gain (Ki). Typical value = 1.


    Base for power values (MWbase) (>0). Unit = MW.


    Nonlinear gain point 1, PU power (Pgv1). Typical value = 0.


    Nonlinear gain point 2, PU power (Pgv2). Typical value = 0.


    Nonlinear gain point 3, PU power (Pgv3). Typical value = 0.


    Nonlinear gain point 4, PU power (Pgv4). Typical value = 0.


    Nonlinear gain point 5, PU power (Pgv5). Typical value = 0.


    Nonlinear gain point 6, PU power (Pgv6). Typical value = 0.


    Maximum gate opening, PU of MWbase (Pmax) (> GovHydroDD.pmin). Typical value = 1.


    Minimum gate opening, PU of MWbase (Pmin) (> GovHydroDD.pmax). Typical value = 0.


    Steady state droop (R). Typical value = 0,05.


    Input filter time constant (Td) (>= 0). If = 0, block is bypassed. Typical value = 0.


    Washout time constant (Tf) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,1.


    Gate servo time constant (Tp) (>= 0). If = 0, block is bypassed. Typical value = 0,35.


    Power feedback time constant (Tt) (>= 0). If = 0, block is bypassed. Typical value = 0,02.


    Turbine time constant (Tturb) (>= 0). See parameter detail 3. Typical value = 0,8.


    Maximum gate closing velocity (Velcl). Unit = PU / s. Typical value = -0,14.


    Maximum gate opening velocity (Velop). Unit = PU / s. Typical value = 0,09.

  586. final case class GovHydroFrancis(TurbineGovernorDynamics: TurbineGovernorDynamics = null, am: Double = 0.0, av0: Double = 0.0, av1: Double = 0.0, bp: Double = 0.0, db1: Double = 0.0, etamax: Double = 0.0, governorControl: String = null, h1: Double = 0.0, h2: Double = 0.0, hn: Double = 0.0, kc: Double = 0.0, kg: Double = 0.0, kt: Double = 0.0, qc0: Double = 0.0, qn: Double = 0.0, ta: Double = 0.0, td: Double = 0.0, ts: Double = 0.0, twnc: Double = 0.0, twng: Double = 0.0, tx: Double = 0.0, va: Double = 0.0, valvmax: Double = 0.0, valvmin: Double = 0.0, vc: Double = 0.0, waterTunnelSurgeChamberSimulation: Boolean = false, zsfc: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Detailed hydro unit - Francis model.

    Detailed hydro unit - Francis model.

    This model can be used to represent three types of governors. A schematic of the hydraulic system of detailed hydro unit models, such as Francis and Pelton, is provided in the DetailedHydroModelHydraulicSystem diagram.


    TurbineGovernorDynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    Opening section SEFF at the maximum efficiency (Am). Typical value = 0,7.


    Area of the surge tank (AV0). Unit = m2. Typical value = 30.


    Area of the compensation tank (AV1). Unit = m2. Typical value = 700.


    Droop (Bp). Typical value = 0,05.


    Intentional dead-band width (DB1). Unit = Hz. Typical value = 0.


    Maximum efficiency (EtaMax). Typical value = 1,05.


    Governor control flag (Cflag). Typical value = mechanicHydrolicTachoAccelerator.


    Head of compensation chamber water level with respect to the level of penstock (H1). Unit = km. Typical value = 0,004.


    Head of surge tank water level with respect to the level of penstock (H2). Unit = km. Typical value = 0,040.


    Rated hydraulic head (Hn). Unit = km. Typical value = 0,250.


    Penstock loss coefficient (due to friction) (Kc). Typical value = 0,025.


    Water tunnel and surge chamber loss coefficient (due to friction) (Kg). Typical value = 0,025.


    Washout gain (Kt). Typical value = 0,25.


    No-load turbine flow at nominal head (Qc0). Typical value = 0,1.


    Rated flow (Qn). Unit = m3/s. Typical value = 250.


    Derivative gain (Ta) (>= 0). Typical value = 3.


    Washout time constant (Td) (>= 0). Typical value = 6.


    Gate servo time constant (Ts) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,5.


    Water inertia time constant (Twnc) (>= 0). Typical value = 1.


    Water tunnel and surge chamber inertia time constant (Twng) (>= 0). Typical value = 3.


    Derivative feedback gain (Tx) (>= 0). Typical value = 1.


    Maximum gate opening velocity (Va). Unit = PU / s. Typical value = 0,06.


    Maximum gate opening (ValvMax) (> GovHydroFrancis.valvmin). Typical value = 1,1.


    Minimum gate opening (ValvMin) (< GovHydroFrancis.valvmax). Typical value = 0.


    Maximum gate closing velocity (Vc). Unit = PU / s. Typical value = -0,06.


    Water tunnel and surge chamber simulation (Tflag). true = enable of water tunnel and surge chamber simulation false = inhibit of water tunnel and surge chamber simulation. Typical value = false.


    Head of upper water level with respect to the level of penstock (Zsfc). Unit = km. Typical value = 0,025.

  587. final case class GovHydroIEEE0(TurbineGovernorDynamics: TurbineGovernorDynamics = null, k: Double = 0.0, mwbase: Double = 0.0, pmax: Double = 0.0, pmin: Double = 0.0, t1: Double = 0.0, t2: Double = 0.0, t3: Double = 0.0, t4: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    IEEE simplified hydro governor-turbine model.

    IEEE simplified hydro governor-turbine model.

    Used for mechanical-hydraulic and electro-hydraulic turbine governors, with or without steam feedback. Typical values given are for mechanical-hydraulic turbine-governor. Ref<font color="#0f0f0f">erence: IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, November/December 1973, Volume PAS-92, Number 6, Dynamic Models for Steam and Hydro Turbines in Power System Studies, page 1904.</font>


    TurbineGovernorDynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    Governor gain (K).


    Base for power values (MWbase) (> 0). Unit = MW.


    Gate maximum (Pmax) (> GovHydroIEEE0.pmin).


    Gate minimum (Pmin) (< GovHydroIEEE.pmax).


    Governor lag time constant (T1) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,25.


    Governor lead time constant (T2) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.


    Gate actuator time constant (T3) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,1.


    Water starting time (T4) (>= 0).

  588. final case class GovHydroIEEE2(TurbineGovernorDynamics: TurbineGovernorDynamics = null, aturb: Double = 0.0, bturb: Double = 0.0, gv1: Double = 0.0, gv2: Double = 0.0, gv3: Double = 0.0, gv4: Double = 0.0, gv5: Double = 0.0, gv6: Double = 0.0, kturb: Double = 0.0, mwbase: Double = 0.0, pgv1: Double = 0.0, pgv2: Double = 0.0, pgv3: Double = 0.0, pgv4: Double = 0.0, pgv5: Double = 0.0, pgv6: Double = 0.0, pmax: Double = 0.0, pmin: Double = 0.0, rperm: Double = 0.0, rtemp: Double = 0.0, tg: Double = 0.0, tp: Double = 0.0, tr: Double = 0.0, tw: Double = 0.0, uc: Double = 0.0, uo: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    IEEE hydro turbine governor model represents plants with straightforward penstock configurations and hydraulic-dashpot governors.

    IEEE hydro turbine governor model represents plants with straightforward penstock configurations and hydraulic-dashpot governors.

    Ref<font color="#0f0f0f">erence: IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, November/December 1973, Volume PAS-92, Number 6, Dynamic Models for Steam and Hydro Turbines in Power System Studies, page 1904.</font>


    TurbineGovernorDynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    Turbine numerator multiplier (Aturb). Typical value = -1.


    Turbine denominator multiplier (Bturb) (> 0). Typical value = 0,5.


    Nonlinear gain point 1, PU gv (Gv1). Typical value = 0.


    Nonlinear gain point 2, PU gv (Gv2). Typical value = 0.


    Nonlinear gain point 3, PU gv (Gv3). Typical value = 0.


    Nonlinear gain point 4, PU gv (Gv4). Typical value = 0.


    Nonlinear gain point 5, PU gv (Gv5). Typical value = 0.


    Nonlinear gain point 6, PU gv (Gv6). Typical value = 0.


    Turbine gain (Kturb). Typical value = 1.


    Base for power values (MWbase) (> 0). Unit = MW.


    Nonlinear gain point 1, PU power (Pgv1). Typical value = 0.


    Nonlinear gain point 2, PU power (Pgv2). Typical value = 0.


    Nonlinear gain point 3, PU power (Pgv3). Typical value = 0.


    Nonlinear gain point 4, PU power (Pgv4). Typical value = 0.


    Nonlinear gain point 5, PU power (Pgv5). Typical value = 0.


    Nonlinear gain point 6, PU power (Pgv6). Typical value = 0.


    Maximum gate opening (Pmax) (> GovHydroIEEE2.pmin). Typical value = 1.


    Minimum gate opening (Pmin) (<GovHydroIEEE2.pmax). Typical value = 0.


    Permanent droop (Rperm). Typical value = 0,05.


    Temporary droop (Rtemp). Typical value = 0,5.


    Gate servo time constant (Tg) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,5.


    Pilot servo valve time constant (Tp) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,03.


    Dashpot time constant (Tr) (>= 0). Typical value = 12.


    Water inertia time constant (Tw) (>= 0). Typical value = 2.


    Maximum gate closing velocity (Uc) (<0). Typical value = -0,1.


    Maximum gate opening velocity (Uo). Unit = PU / s. Typical value = 0,1.

  589. final case class GovHydroPID(TurbineGovernorDynamics: TurbineGovernorDynamics = null, aturb: Double = 0.0, bturb: Double = 0.0, db1: Double = 0.0, db2: Double = 0.0, eps: Double = 0.0, gv1: Double = 0.0, gv2: Double = 0.0, gv3: Double = 0.0, gv4: Double = 0.0, gv5: Double = 0.0, gv6: Double = 0.0, inputSignal: Boolean = false, kd: Double = 0.0, kg: Double = 0.0, ki: Double = 0.0, kp: Double = 0.0, mwbase: Double = 0.0, pgv1: Double = 0.0, pgv2: Double = 0.0, pgv3: Double = 0.0, pgv4: Double = 0.0, pgv5: Double = 0.0, pgv6: Double = 0.0, pmax: Double = 0.0, pmin: Double = 0.0, r: Double = 0.0, td: Double = 0.0, tf: Double = 0.0, tp: Double = 0.0, tt: Double = 0.0, tturb: Double = 0.0, velcl: Double = 0.0, velop: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    PID governor and turbine.

    PID governor and turbine.


    TurbineGovernorDynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    Turbine numerator multiplier (Aturb) (see parameter detail 3). Typical value -1.


    Turbine denominator multiplier (Bturb) (see parameter detail 3). Typical value = 0,5.


    Intentional dead-band width (db1). Unit = Hz. Typical value = 0.


    Unintentional dead-band (db2). Unit = MW. Typical value = 0.


    Intentional db hysteresis (eps). Unit = Hz. Typical value = 0.


    Nonlinear gain point 1, PU gv (Gv1). Typical value = 0.


    Nonlinear gain point 2, PU gv (Gv2). Typical value = 0.


    Nonlinear gain point 3, PU gv (Gv3). Typical value = 0.


    Nonlinear gain point 4, PU gv (Gv4). Typical value = 0.


    Nonlinear gain point 5, PU gv (Gv5). Typical value = 0.


    Nonlinear gain point 6, PU gv (Gv6). Typical value = 0.


    Input signal switch (Flag). true = Pe input is used false = feedback is received from CV. Flag is normally dependent on Tt. If Tt is zero, Flag is set to false. If Tt is not zero, Flag is set to true. Typical value = true.


    Derivative gain (Kd). Typical value = 1,11.


    Gate servo gain (Kg). Typical value = 2,5.


    Integral gain (Ki). Typical value = 0,36.


    Proportional gain (Kp). Typical value = 0,1.


    Base for power values (MWbase) (> 0). Unit = MW.


    Nonlinear gain point 1, PU power (Pgv1). Typical value = 0.


    Nonlinear gain point 2, PU power (Pgv2). Typical value = 0.


    Nonlinear gain point 3, PU power (Pgv3). Typical value = 0.


    Nonlinear gain point 4, PU power (Pgv4). Typical value = 0.


    Nonlinear gain point 5, PU power (Pgv5). Typical value = 0.


    Nonlinear gain point 6, PU power (Pgv6). Typical value = 0.


    Maximum gate opening, PU of MWbase (Pmax) (> GovHydroPID.pmin). Typical value = 1.


    Minimum gate opening, PU of MWbase (Pmin) (< GovHydroPID.pmax). Typical value = 0.


    Steady state droop (R). Typical value = 0,05.


    Input filter time constant (Td) (>= 0). If = 0, block is bypassed. Typical value = 0.


    Washout time constant (Tf) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,1.


    Gate servo time constant (Tp) (>= 0). If = 0, block is bypassed. Typical value = 0,35.


    Power feedback time constant (Tt) (>= 0). If = 0, block is bypassed. Typical value = 0,02.


    Turbine time constant (Tturb) (>= 0). See Parameter detail 3. Typical value = 0,8.


    Maximum gate closing velocity (Velcl). Unit = PU / s. Typical value = -0,14.


    Maximum gate opening velocity (Velop). Unit = PU / s. Typical value = 0,09.

  590. final case class GovHydroPID2(TurbineGovernorDynamics: TurbineGovernorDynamics = null, atw: Double = 0.0, d: Double = 0.0, feedbackSignal: Boolean = false, g0: Double = 0.0, g1: Double = 0.0, g2: Double = 0.0, gmax: Double = 0.0, gmin: Double = 0.0, kd: Double = 0.0, ki: Double = 0.0, kp: Double = 0.0, mwbase: Double = 0.0, p1: Double = 0.0, p2: Double = 0.0, p3: Double = 0.0, rperm: Double = 0.0, ta: Double = 0.0, tb: Double = 0.0, treg: Double = 0.0, tw: Double = 0.0, velmax: Double = 0.0, velmin: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Hydro turbine and governor.

    Hydro turbine and governor.

    Represents plants with straightforward penstock configurations and "three term" electro-hydraulic governors (i.e. WoodwardTM electronic). [Footnote: Woodward electronic governors are an example of suitable products available commercially. This information is given for the convenience of users of this document and does not constitute an endorsement by IEC of these products.]


    TurbineGovernorDynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    Factor multiplying Tw (Atw). Typical value = 0.


    Turbine damping factor (D). Unit = delta P / delta speed. Typical value = 0.


    Feedback signal type flag (Flag). true = use gate position feedback signal false = use Pe.


    Gate opening at speed no load (G0). Typical value = 0.


    Intermediate gate opening (G1). Typical value = 0.


    Intermediate gate opening (G2). Typical value = 0.


    Maximum gate opening (Gmax) (> GovHydroPID2.gmin). Typical value = 0.


    Minimum gate opening (Gmin) (> GovHydroPID2.gmax). Typical value = 0.


    Derivative gain (Kd). Typical value = 0.


    Reset gain (Ki). Unit = PU/s. Typical value = 0.


    Proportional gain (Kp). Typical value = 0.


    Base for power values (MWbase) (>0). Unit = MW.


    Power at gate opening G1 (P1). Typical value = 0.


    Power at gate opening G2 (P2). Typical value = 0.


    Power at full opened gate (P3). Typical value = 0.


    Permanent drop (Rperm). Typical value = 0.


    Controller time constant (Ta) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.


    Gate servo time constant (Tb) (> 0).


    Speed detector time constant (Treg) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.


    Water inertia time constant (Tw) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.


    Maximum gate opening velocity (Velmax) (< GovHydroPID2.velmin). Unit = PU / s. Typical value = 0.


    Maximum gate closing velocity (Velmin) (> GovHydroPID2.velmax). Unit = PU / s. Typical value = 0.

  591. final case class GovHydroPelton(TurbineGovernorDynamics: TurbineGovernorDynamics = null, av0: Double = 0.0, av1: Double = 0.0, bp: Double = 0.0, db1: Double = 0.0, db2: Double = 0.0, h1: Double = 0.0, h2: Double = 0.0, hn: Double = 0.0, kc: Double = 0.0, kg: Double = 0.0, qc0: Double = 0.0, qn: Double = 0.0, simplifiedPelton: Boolean = false, staticCompensating: Boolean = false, ta: Double = 0.0, ts: Double = 0.0, tv: Double = 0.0, twnc: Double = 0.0, twng: Double = 0.0, tx: Double = 0.0, va: Double = 0.0, valvmax: Double = 0.0, valvmin: Double = 0.0, vav: Double = 0.0, vc: Double = 0.0, vcv: Double = 0.0, waterTunnelSurgeChamberSimulation: Boolean = false, zsfc: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Detailed hydro unit - Pelton model.

    Detailed hydro unit - Pelton model.

    This model can be used to represent the dynamic related to water tunnel and surge chamber. The DetailedHydroModelHydraulicSystem diagram, located under the GovHydroFrancis class, provides a schematic of the hydraulic system of detailed hydro unit models, such as Francis and Pelton.


    TurbineGovernorDynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    Area of the surge tank (AV0). Unit = m2. Typical value = 30.


    Area of the compensation tank (AV1). Unit = m2. Typical value = 700.


    Droop (bp). Typical value = 0,05.


    Intentional dead-band width (DB1). Unit = Hz. Typical value = 0.


    Intentional dead-band width of valve opening error (DB2). Unit = Hz. Typical value = 0,01.


    Head of compensation chamber water level with respect to the level of penstock (H1). Unit = km. Typical value = 0,004.


    Head of surge tank water level with respect to the level of penstock (H2). Unit = km. Typical value = 0,040.


    Rated hydraulic head (Hn). Unit = km. Typical value = 0,250.


    Penstock loss coefficient (due to friction) (Kc). Typical value = 0,025.


    Water tunnel and surge chamber loss coefficient (due to friction) (Kg). Typical value = 0,025.


    No-load turbine flow at nominal head (Qc0). Typical value = 0,05.


    Rated flow (Qn). Unit = m3/s. Typical value = 250.


    Simplified Pelton model simulation (Sflag). true = enable of simplified Pelton model simulation false = enable of complete Pelton model simulation (non-linear gain). Typical value = true.


    Static compensating characteristic (Cflag). It should be true if simplifiedPelton = false. true = enable of static compensating characteristic false = inhibit of static compensating characteristic. Typical value = false.


    Derivative gain (accelerometer time constant) (Ta) (>= 0). Typical value = 3.


    Gate servo time constant (Ts) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,15.


    Servomotor integrator time constant (Tv) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,3.


    Water inertia time constant (Twnc) (>= 0). Typical value = 1.


    Water tunnel and surge chamber inertia time constant (Twng) (>= 0). Typical value = 3.


    Electronic integrator time constant (Tx) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,5.


    Maximum gate opening velocity (Va). Unit = PU / s. Typical value = 0,06.


    Maximum gate opening (ValvMax) (> GovHydroPelton.valvmin). Typical value = 1,1.


    Minimum gate opening (ValvMin) (< GovHydroPelton.valvmax). Typical value = 0.


    Maximum servomotor valve opening velocity (Vav). Typical value = 0,1.


    Maximum gate closing velocity (Vc). Unit = PU / s. Typical value = -0,06.


    Maximum servomotor valve closing velocity (Vcv). Typical value = -0,1.


    Water tunnel and surge chamber simulation (Tflag). true = enable of water tunnel and surge chamber simulation false = inhibit of water tunnel and surge chamber simulation. Typical value = false.


    Head of upper water level with respect to the level of penstock (Zsfc). Unit = km. Typical value = 0,025.

  592. final case class GovHydroR(TurbineGovernorDynamics: TurbineGovernorDynamics = null, at: Double = 0.0, db1: Double = 0.0, db2: Double = 0.0, dturb: Double = 0.0, eps: Double = 0.0, gmax: Double = 0.0, gmin: Double = 0.0, gv1: Double = 0.0, gv2: Double = 0.0, gv3: Double = 0.0, gv4: Double = 0.0, gv5: Double = 0.0, gv6: Double = 0.0, h0: Double = 0.0, inputSignal: Boolean = false, kg: Double = 0.0, ki: Double = 0.0, mwbase: Double = 0.0, pgv1: Double = 0.0, pgv2: Double = 0.0, pgv3: Double = 0.0, pgv4: Double = 0.0, pgv5: Double = 0.0, pgv6: Double = 0.0, pmax: Double = 0.0, pmin: Double = 0.0, qnl: Double = 0.0, r: Double = 0.0, t1: Double = 0.0, t2: Double = 0.0, t3: Double = 0.0, t4: Double = 0.0, t5: Double = 0.0, t6: Double = 0.0, t7: Double = 0.0, t8: Double = 0.0, td: Double = 0.0, tp: Double = 0.0, tt: Double = 0.0, tw: Double = 0.0, velcl: Double = 0.0, velop: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Fourth order lead-lag governor and hydro turbine.

    Fourth order lead-lag governor and hydro turbine.


    TurbineGovernorDynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    Turbine gain (At). Typical value = 1,2.


    Intentional dead-band width (db1). Unit = Hz. Typical value = 0.


    Unintentional dead-band (db2). Unit = MW. Typical value = 0.


    Turbine damping factor (Dturb). Typical value = 0,2.


    Intentional db hysteresis (eps). Unit = Hz. Typical value = 0.


    Maximum governor output (Gmax) (> GovHydroR.gmin). Typical value = 1,05.


    Minimum governor output (Gmin) (< GovHydroR.gmax). Typical value = -0,05.


    Nonlinear gain point 1, PU gv (Gv1). Typical value = 0.


    Nonlinear gain point 2, PU gv (Gv2). Typical value = 0.


    Nonlinear gain point 3, PU gv (Gv3). Typical value = 0.


    Nonlinear gain point 4, PU gv (Gv4). Typical value = 0.


    Nonlinear gain point 5, PU gv (Gv5). Typical value = 0.


    Nonlinear gain point 6, PU gv (Gv6). Typical value = 0.


    Turbine nominal head (H0). Typical value = 1.


    Input signal switch (Flag). true = Pe input is used false = feedback is received from CV. Flag is normally dependent on Tt. If Tt is zero, Flag is set to false. If Tt is not zero, Flag is set to true. Typical value = true.


    Gate servo gain (Kg). Typical value = 2.


    Integral gain (Ki). Typical value = 0,5.


    Base for power values (MWbase) (> 0). Unit = MW.


    Nonlinear gain point 1, PU power (Pgv1). Typical value = 0.


    Nonlinear gain point 2, PU power (Pgv2). Typical value = 0.


    Nonlinear gain point 3, PU power (Pgv3). Typical value = 0.


    Nonlinear gain point 4, PU power (Pgv4). Typical value = 0.


    Nonlinear gain point 5, PU power (Pgv5). Typical value = 0.


    Nonlinear gain point 6, PU power (Pgv6). Typical value = 0.


    Maximum gate opening, PU of MWbase (Pmax) (> GovHydroR.pmin). Typical value = 1.


    Minimum gate opening, PU of MWbase (Pmin) (< GovHydroR.pmax). Typical value = 0.


    No-load turbine flow at nominal head (Qnl). Typical value = 0,08.


    Steady-state droop (R). Typical value = 0,05.


    Lead time constant 1 (T1) (>= 0). Typical value = 1,5.


    Lag time constant 1 (T2) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,1.


    Lead time constant 2 (T3) (>= 0). Typical value = 1,5.


    Lag time constant 2 (T4) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,1.


    Lead time constant 3 (T5) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.


    Lag time constant 3 (T6) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,05.


    Lead time constant 4 (T7) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.


    Lag time constant 4 (T8) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,05.


    Input filter time constant (Td) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,05.


    Gate servo time constant (Tp) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,05.


    Power feedback time constant (Tt) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.


    Water inertia time constant (Tw) (> 0). Typical value = 1.


    Maximum gate closing velocity (Velcl). Unit = PU / s. Typical value = -0,2.


    Maximum gate opening velocity (Velop). Unit = PU / s. Typical value = 0,2.

  593. final case class GovHydroWEH(TurbineGovernorDynamics: TurbineGovernorDynamics = null, db: Double = 0.0, dicn: Double = 0.0, dpv: Double = 0.0, dturb: Double = 0.0, feedbackSignal: Boolean = false, fl1: Double = 0.0, fl2: Double = 0.0, fl3: Double = 0.0, fl4: Double = 0.0, fl5: Double = 0.0, fp1: Double = 0.0, fp10: Double = 0.0, fp2: Double = 0.0, fp3: Double = 0.0, fp4: Double = 0.0, fp5: Double = 0.0, fp6: Double = 0.0, fp7: Double = 0.0, fp8: Double = 0.0, fp9: Double = 0.0, gmax: Double = 0.0, gmin: Double = 0.0, gtmxcl: Double = 0.0, gtmxop: Double = 0.0, gv1: Double = 0.0, gv2: Double = 0.0, gv3: Double = 0.0, gv4: Double = 0.0, gv5: Double = 0.0, kd: Double = 0.0, ki: Double = 0.0, kp: Double = 0.0, mwbase: Double = 0.0, pmss1: Double = 0.0, pmss10: Double = 0.0, pmss2: Double = 0.0, pmss3: Double = 0.0, pmss4: Double = 0.0, pmss5: Double = 0.0, pmss6: Double = 0.0, pmss7: Double = 0.0, pmss8: Double = 0.0, pmss9: Double = 0.0, rpg: Double = 0.0, rpp: Double = 0.0, td: Double = 0.0, tdv: Double = 0.0, tg: Double = 0.0, tp: Double = 0.0, tpe: Double = 0.0, tw: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    WoodwardTM electric hydro governor.

    WoodwardTM electric hydro governor. [Footnote: Woodward electric hydro governors are an example of suitable products available commercially.

    This information is given for the convenience of users of this document and does not constitute an endorsement by IEC of these products.]


    TurbineGovernorDynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    Speed deadband (db).


    Value to allow the integral controller to advance beyond the gate limits (Dicn).


    Value to allow the pilot valve controller to advance beyond the gate limits (Dpv).


    Turbine damping factor (Dturb). Unit = delta P (PU of MWbase) / delta speed (PU).


    Feedback signal selection (Sw). true = PID output (if R-Perm-Gate = droop and R-Perm-Pe = 0) false = electrical power (if R-Perm-Gate = 0 and R-Perm-Pe = droop) or false = gate position (if R-Perm-Gate = droop and R-Perm-Pe = 0). Typical value = false.


    Flowgate 1 (Fl1). Flow value for gate position point 1 for lookup table representing water flow through the turbine as a function of gate position to produce steady state flow.


    Flowgate 2 (Fl2). Flow value for gate position point 2 for lookup table representing water flow through the turbine as a function of gate position to produce steady state flow.


    Flowgate 3 (Fl3). Flow value for gate position point 3 for lookup table representing water flow through the turbine as a function of gate position to produce steady state flow.


    Flowgate 4 (Fl4). Flow value for gate position point 4 for lookup table representing water flow through the turbine as a function of gate position to produce steady state flow.


    Flowgate 5 (Fl5). Flow value for gate position point 5 for lookup table representing water flow through the turbine as a function of gate position to produce steady state flow.


    Flow P1 (Fp1). Turbine flow value for point 1 for lookup table representing PU mechanical power on machine MVA rating as a function of turbine flow.


    Flow P10 (Fp10). Turbine flow value for point 10 for lookup table representing PU mechanical power on machine MVA rating as a function of turbine flow.


    Flow P2 (Fp2). Turbine flow value for point 2 for lookup table representing PU mechanical power on machine MVA rating as a function of turbine flow.


    Flow P3 (Fp3). Turbine flow value for point 3 for lookup table representing PU mechanical power on machine MVA rating as a function of turbine flow.


    Flow P4 (Fp4). Turbine flow value for point 4 for lookup table representing PU mechanical power on machine MVA rating as a function of turbine flow.


    Flow P5 (Fp5). Turbine flow value for point 5 for lookup table representing PU mechanical power on machine MVA rating as a function of turbine flow.


    Flow P6 (Fp6). Turbine flow value for point 6 for lookup table representing PU mechanical power on machine MVA rating as a function of turbine flow.


    Flow P7 (Fp7). Turbine flow value for point 7 for lookup table representing PU mechanical power on machine MVA rating as a function of turbine flow.


    Flow P8 (Fp8). Turbine flow value for point 8 for lookup table representing PU mechanical power on machine MVA rating as a function of turbine flow.


    Flow P9 (Fp9). Turbine flow value for point 9 for lookup table representing PU mechanical power on machine MVA rating as a function of turbine flow.


    Maximum gate position (Gmax) (> GovHydroWEH.gmin).


    Minimum gate position (Gmin) (< GovHydroWEH.gmax).


    Maximum gate closing rate (Gtmxcl).


    Maximum gate opening rate (Gtmxop).


    Gate 1 (Gv1). Gate Position value for point 1 for lookup table representing water flow through the turbine as a function of gate position to produce steady state flow.


    Gate 2 (Gv2). Gate Position value for point 2 for lookup table representing water flow through the turbine as a function of gate position to produce steady state flow.


    Gate 3 (Gv3). Gate Position value for point 3 for lookup table representing water flow through the turbine as a function of gate position to produce steady state flow.


    Gate 4 (Gv4). Gate Position value for point 4 for lookup table representing water flow through the turbine as a function of gate position to produce steady state flow.


    Gate 5 (Gv5). Gate Position value for point 5 for lookup table representing water flow through the turbine as a function of gate position to produce steady state flow.


    Derivative controller derivative gain (Kd).


    Derivative controller Integral gain (Ki).


    Derivative control gain (Kp).


    Base for power values (MWbase) (> 0). Unit = MW.


    Pmss flow P1 (Pmss1). Mechanical power output for turbine flow point 1 for lookup table representing PU mechanical power on machine MVA rating as a function of turbine flow.


    Pmss flow P10 (Pmss10). Mechanical power output for turbine flow point 10 for lookup table representing PU mechanical power on machine MVA rating as a function of turbine flow.


    Pmss flow P2 (Pmss2). Mechanical power output for turbine flow point 2 for lookup table representing PU mechanical power on machine MVA rating as a function of turbine flow.


    Pmss flow P3 (Pmss3). Mechanical power output for turbine flow point 3 for lookup table representing PU mechanical power on machine MVA rating as a function of turbine flow.


    Pmss flow P4 (Pmss4). Mechanical power output for turbine flow point 4 for lookup table representing PU mechanical power on machine MVA rating as a function of turbine flow.


    Pmss flow P5 (Pmss5). Mechanical power output for turbine flow point 5 for lookup table representing PU mechanical power on machine MVA rating as a function of turbine flow.


    Pmss flow P6 (Pmss6). Mechanical power output for turbine flow point 6 for lookup table representing PU mechanical power on machine MVA rating as a function of turbine flow.


    Pmss flow P7 (Pmss7). Mechanical power output for turbine flow point 7 for lookup table representing PU mechanical power on machine MVA rating as a function of turbine flow.


    Pmss flow P8 (Pmss8). Mechanical power output for turbine flow point 8 for lookup table representing PU mechanical power on machine MVA rating as a function of turbine flow.


    Pmss flow P9 (Pmss9). Mechanical power output for turbine flow point 9 for lookup table representing PU mechanical power on machine MVA rating as a function of turbine flow.


    Permanent droop for governor output feedback (R-Perm-Gate).


    Permanent droop for electrical power feedback (R-Perm-Pe).


    Derivative controller time constant (Td) (>= 0). Limits the derivative characteristic beyond a breakdown frequency to avoid amplification of high-frequency noise.


    Distributive valve time lag time constant (Tdv) (>= 0).


    Value to allow the distribution valve controller to advance beyond the gate movement rate limit (Tg) (>= 0).


    Pilot valve time lag time constant (Tp) (>= 0).


    Electrical power droop time constant (Tpe) (>= 0).


    Water inertia time constant (Tw) (> 0).

  594. final case class GovHydroWPID(TurbineGovernorDynamics: TurbineGovernorDynamics = null, d: Double = 0.0, gatmax: Double = 0.0, gatmin: Double = 0.0, gv1: Double = 0.0, gv2: Double = 0.0, gv3: Double = 0.0, kd: Double = 0.0, ki: Double = 0.0, kp: Double = 0.0, mwbase: Double = 0.0, pgv1: Double = 0.0, pgv2: Double = 0.0, pgv3: Double = 0.0, pmax: Double = 0.0, pmin: Double = 0.0, reg: Double = 0.0, ta: Double = 0.0, tb: Double = 0.0, treg: Double = 0.0, tw: Double = 0.0, velmax: Double = 0.0, velmin: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    WoodwardTM PID hydro governor.

    WoodwardTM PID hydro governor. [Footnote: Woodward PID hydro governors are an example of suitable products available commercially.

    This information is given for the convenience of users of this document and does not constitute an endorsement by IEC of these products.]


    TurbineGovernorDynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    Turbine damping factor (D). Unit = delta P / delta speed.


    Gate opening limit maximum (Gatmax) (> GovHydroWPID.gatmin).


    Gate opening limit minimum (Gatmin) (< GovHydroWPID.gatmax).


    Gate position 1 (Gv1).


    Gate position 2 (Gv2).


    Gate position 3 (Gv3) (= 1,0).


    Derivative gain (Kd). Typical value = 1,11.


    Reset gain (Ki). Typical value = 0,36.


    Proportional gain (Kp). Typical value = 0,1.


    Base for power values (MWbase) (> 0). Unit = MW.


    Output at Gv1 PU of MWbase (Pgv1).


    Output at Gv2 PU of MWbase (Pgv2).


    Output at Gv3 PU of MWbase (Pgv3).


    Maximum power output (Pmax) (> GovHydroWPID.pmin).


    Minimum power output (Pmin) (< GovHydroWPID.pmax).


    Permanent drop (Reg).


    Controller time constant (Ta) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.


    Gate servo time constant (Tb) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.


    Speed detector time constant (Treg) (>= 0).


    Water inertia time constant (Tw) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.


    Maximum gate opening velocity (Velmax) (> GovHydroWPID.velmin). Unit = PU / s. Typical value = 0.


    Maximum gate closing velocity (Velmin) (< GovHydroWPID.velmax). Unit = PU / s. Typical value = 0.

  595. final case class GovSteam0(TurbineGovernorDynamics: TurbineGovernorDynamics = null, dt: Double = 0.0, mwbase: Double = 0.0, r: Double = 0.0, t1: Double = 0.0, t2: Double = 0.0, t3: Double = 0.0, vmax: Double = 0.0, vmin: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A simplified steam turbine governor.

    A simplified steam turbine governor.


    TurbineGovernorDynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    Turbine damping coefficient (Dt). Unit = delta P / delta speed. Typical value = 0.


    Base for power values (MWbase) (> 0). Unit = MW.


    Permanent droop (R). Typical value = 0,05.


    Steam bowl time constant (T1) (> 0). Typical value = 0,5.


    Numerator time constant of T2/T3 block (T2) (>= 0). Typical value = 3.


    Reheater time constant (T3) (> 0). Typical value = 10.


    Maximum valve position, PU of mwcap (Vmax) (> GovSteam0.vmin). Typical value = 1.


    Minimum valve position, PU of mwcap (Vmin) (< GovSteam0.vmax). Typical value = 0.

  596. final case class GovSteam1(TurbineGovernorDynamics: TurbineGovernorDynamics = null, db1: Double = 0.0, db2: Double = 0.0, eps: Double = 0.0, gv1: Double = 0.0, gv2: Double = 0.0, gv3: Double = 0.0, gv4: Double = 0.0, gv5: Double = 0.0, gv6: Double = 0.0, k: Double = 0.0, k1: Double = 0.0, k2: Double = 0.0, k3: Double = 0.0, k4: Double = 0.0, k5: Double = 0.0, k6: Double = 0.0, k7: Double = 0.0, k8: Double = 0.0, mwbase: Double = 0.0, pgv1: Double = 0.0, pgv2: Double = 0.0, pgv3: Double = 0.0, pgv4: Double = 0.0, pgv5: Double = 0.0, pgv6: Double = 0.0, pmax: Double = 0.0, pmin: Double = 0.0, sdb1: Boolean = false, sdb2: Boolean = false, t1: Double = 0.0, t2: Double = 0.0, t3: Double = 0.0, t4: Double = 0.0, t5: Double = 0.0, t6: Double = 0.0, t7: Double = 0.0, uc: Double = 0.0, uo: Double = 0.0, valve: Boolean = false) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Steam turbine governor, based on the GovSteamIEEE1 (with optional deadband and nonlinear valve gain added).

    Steam turbine governor, based on the GovSteamIEEE1 (with optional deadband and nonlinear valve gain added).


    TurbineGovernorDynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    Intentional deadband width (db1). Unit = Hz. Typical value = 0.


    Unintentional deadband (db2). Unit = MW. Typical value = 0.


    Intentional db hysteresis (eps). Unit = Hz. Typical value = 0.


    Nonlinear gain valve position point 1 (GV1). Typical value = 0.


    Nonlinear gain valve position point 2 (GV2). Typical value = 0,4.


    Nonlinear gain valve position point 3 (GV3). Typical value = 0,5.


    Nonlinear gain valve position point 4 (GV4). Typical value = 0,6.


    Nonlinear gain valve position point 5 (GV5). Typical value = 1.


    Nonlinear gain valve position point 6 (GV6). Typical value = 0.


    Governor gain (reciprocal of droop) (K) (> 0). Typical value = 25.


    Fraction of HP shaft power after first boiler pass (K1). Typical value = 0,2.


    Fraction of LP shaft power after first boiler pass (K2). Typical value = 0.


    Fraction of HP shaft power after second boiler pass (K3). Typical value = 0,3.


    Fraction of LP shaft power after second boiler pass (K4). Typical value = 0.


    Fraction of HP shaft power after third boiler pass (K5). Typical value = 0,5.


    Fraction of LP shaft power after third boiler pass (K6). Typical value = 0.


    Fraction of HP shaft power after fourth boiler pass (K7). Typical value = 0.


    Fraction of LP shaft power after fourth boiler pass (K8). Typical value = 0.


    Base for power values (MWbase) (> 0). Unit = MW.


    Nonlinear gain power value point 1 (Pgv1). Typical value = 0.


    Nonlinear gain power value point 2 (Pgv2). Typical value = 0,75.


    Nonlinear gain power value point 3 (Pgv3). Typical value = 0,91.


    Nonlinear gain power value point 4 (Pgv4). Typical value = 0,98.


    Nonlinear gain power value point 5 (Pgv5). Typical value = 1.


    Nonlinear gain power value point 6 (Pgv6). Typical value = 0.


    Maximum valve opening (Pmax) (> GovSteam1.pmin). Typical value = 1.


    Minimum valve opening (Pmin) (>= 0 and < GovSteam1.pmax). Typical value = 0.


    Intentional deadband indicator. true = intentional deadband is applied false = intentional deadband is not applied. Typical value = true.


    Unintentional deadband location. true = intentional deadband is applied before point "A" false = intentional deadband is applied after point "A". Typical value = true.


    Governor lag time constant (T1) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.


    Governor lead time constant (T2) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.


    Valve positioner time constant (T3) (> 0). Typical value = 0,1.


    Inlet piping/steam bowl time constant (T4) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,3.


    Time constant of second boiler pass (T5) (>= 0). Typical value = 5.


    Time constant of third boiler pass (T6) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,5.


    Time constant of fourth boiler pass (T7) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.


    Maximum valve closing velocity (Uc) (< 0). Unit = PU / s. Typical value = -10.


    Maximum valve opening velocity (Uo) (> 0). Unit = PU / s. Typical value = 1.


    Nonlinear valve characteristic. true = nonlinear valve characteristic is used false = nonlinear valve characteristic is not used. Typical value = true.

  597. final case class GovSteam2(TurbineGovernorDynamics: TurbineGovernorDynamics = null, dbf: Double = 0.0, k: Double = 0.0, mnef: Double = 0.0, mxef: Double = 0.0, pmax: Double = 0.0, pmin: Double = 0.0, t1: Double = 0.0, t2: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Simplified governor.

    Simplified governor.


    TurbineGovernorDynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    Frequency deadband (DBF). Typical value = 0.


    Governor gain (reciprocal of droop) (K). Typical value = 20.


    Fuel flow maximum negative error value (MNEF). Typical value = -1.


    Fuel flow maximum positive error value (MXEF). Typical value = 1.


    Maximum fuel flow (PMAX) (> GovSteam2.pmin). Typical value = 1.


    Minimum fuel flow (PMIN) (< GovSteam2.pmax). Typical value = 0.


    Governor lag time constant (T1) (> 0). Typical value = 0,45.


    Governor lead time constant (T2) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.

  598. final case class GovSteamBB(TurbineGovernorDynamics: TurbineGovernorDynamics = null, fcut: Double = 0.0, k2: Double = 0.0, k3: Double = 0.0, kd: Double = 0.0, kg: Double = 0.0, kls: Double = 0.0, kp: Double = 0.0, ks: Double = 0.0, peflag: Boolean = false, pmax: Double = 0.0, pmin: Double = 0.0, t1: Double = 0.0, t4: Double = 0.0, t5: Double = 0.0, t6: Double = 0.0, td: Double = 0.0, tn: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    European governor model.

    European governor model.


    TurbineGovernorDynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    Frequency deadband (fcut) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,002.


    Gain (K2). Typical value = 0,75.


    Gain (K3). Typical value = 0,5.


    Gain (Kd). Typical value = 1,0.


    Gain (Kg). Typical value = 1,0.


    Gain (Kls) (> 0). Typical value = 0,1.


    Gain (Kp). Typical value = 1,0.


    Gain (Ks). Typical value = 21,0.


    Electric power input selection (Peflag). true = electric power input false = feedback signal. Typical value = false.


    High power limit (Pmax) (> GovSteamBB.pmin). Typical value = 1,0.


    Low power limit (Pmin) (< GovSteamBB.pmax). Typical value = 0.


    Time constant (T1). Typical value = 0,05.


    Time constant (T4). Typical value = 0,15.


    Time constant (T5). Typical value = 12,0.


    Time constant (T6). Typical value = 0,75.


    Time constant (Td) (> 0). Typical value = 1,0.


    Time constant (Tn) (> 0). Typical value = 1,0.

  599. final case class GovSteamCC(CrossCompoundTurbineGovernorDynamics: CrossCompoundTurbineGovernorDynamics = null, dhp: Double = 0.0, dlp: Double = 0.0, fhp: Double = 0.0, flp: Double = 0.0, mwbase: Double = 0.0, pmaxhp: Double = 0.0, pmaxlp: Double = 0.0, rhp: Double = 0.0, rlp: Double = 0.0, t1hp: Double = 0.0, t1lp: Double = 0.0, t3hp: Double = 0.0, t3lp: Double = 0.0, t4hp: Double = 0.0, t4lp: Double = 0.0, t5hp: Double = 0.0, t5lp: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Cross compound turbine governor.

    Cross compound turbine governor.

    Unlike tandem compound units, cross compound units are not on the same shaft.


    CrossCompoundTurbineGovernorDynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    HP damping factor (Dhp). Typical value = 0.


    LP damping factor (Dlp). Typical value = 0.


    Fraction of HP power ahead of reheater (Fhp). Typical value = 0,3.


    Fraction of LP power ahead of reheater (Flp). Typical value = 0,7.


    Base for power values (MWbase) (> 0). Unit = MW.


    Maximum HP value position (Pmaxhp). Typical value = 1.


    Maximum LP value position (Pmaxlp). Typical value = 1.


    HP governor droop (Rhp) (> 0). Typical value = 0,05.


    LP governor droop (Rlp) (> 0). Typical value = 0,05.


    HP governor time constant (T1hp) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,1.


    LP governor time constant (T1lp) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,1.


    HP turbine time constant (T3hp) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,1.


    LP turbine time constant (T3lp) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,1.


    HP turbine time constant (T4hp) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,1.


    LP turbine time constant (T4lp) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,1.


    HP reheater time constant (T5hp) (>= 0). Typical value = 10.


    LP reheater time constant (T5lp) (>= 0). Typical value = 10.

  600. final case class GovSteamEU(TurbineGovernorDynamics: TurbineGovernorDynamics = null, chc: Double = 0.0, cho: Double = 0.0, cic: Double = 0.0, cio: Double = 0.0, db1: Double = 0.0, db2: Double = 0.0, hhpmax: Double = 0.0, ke: Double = 0.0, kfcor: Double = 0.0, khp: Double = 0.0, klp: Double = 0.0, komegacor: Double = 0.0, mwbase: Double = 0.0, pmax: Double = 0.0, prhmax: Double = 0.0, simx: Double = 0.0, tb: Double = 0.0, tdp: Double = 0.0, ten: Double = 0.0, tf: Double = 0.0, tfp: Double = 0.0, thp: Double = 0.0, tip: Double = 0.0, tlp: Double = 0.0, tp: Double = 0.0, trh: Double = 0.0, tvhp: Double = 0.0, tvip: Double = 0.0, tw: Double = 0.0, wfmax: Double = 0.0, wfmin: Double = 0.0, wmax1: Double = 0.0, wmax2: Double = 0.0, wwmax: Double = 0.0, wwmin: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Simplified boiler and steam turbine with PID governor.

    Simplified boiler and steam turbine with PID governor.


    TurbineGovernorDynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    Control valves rate closing limit (Chc). Unit = PU / s. Typical value = -3,3.


    Control valves rate opening limit (Cho). Unit = PU / s. Typical value = 0,17.


    Intercept valves rate closing limit (Cic). Typical value = -2,2.


    Intercept valves rate opening limit (Cio). Typical value = 0,123.


    Deadband of the frequency corrector (db1). Typical value = 0.


    Deadband of the speed governor (db2). Typical value = 0,0004.


    Maximum control valve position (Hhpmax). Typical value = 1.


    Gain of the power controller (Ke). Typical value = 0,65.


    Gain of the frequency corrector (Kfcor). Typical value = 20.


    Fraction of total turbine output generated by HP part (Khp). Typical value = 0,277.


    Fraction of total turbine output generated by HP part (Klp). Typical value = 0,723.


    Gain of the speed governor (Kwcor). Typical value = 20.


    Base for power values (MWbase) (> 0). Unit = MW.


    Maximal active power of the turbine (Pmax). Typical value = 1.


    Maximum low pressure limit (Prhmax). Typical value = 1,4.


    Intercept valves transfer limit (Simx). Typical value = 0,425.


    Boiler time constant (Tb) (>= 0). Typical value = 100.


    Derivative time constant of the power controller (Tdp) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.


    Electro hydraulic transducer (Ten) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,1.


    Frequency transducer time constant (Tf) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.


    Time constant of the power controller (Tfp) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.


    High pressure (HP) time constant of the turbine (Thp) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,31.


    Integral time constant of the power controller (Tip) (>= 0). Typical value = 2.


    Low pressure (LP) time constant of the turbine (Tlp) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,45.


    Power transducer time constant (Tp) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,07.


    Reheater time constant of the turbine (Trh) (>= 0). Typical value = 8.


    Control valves servo time constant (Tvhp) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,1.


    Intercept valves servo time constant (Tvip) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,15.


    Speed transducer time constant (Tw) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,02.


    Upper limit for frequency correction (Wfmax) (> GovSteamEU.wfmin). Typical value = 0,05.


    Lower limit for frequency correction (Wfmin) (< GovSteamEU.wfmax). Typical value = -0,05.


    Emergency speed control lower limit (wmax1). Typical value = 1,025.


    Emergency speed control upper limit (wmax2). Typical value = 1,05.


    Upper limit for the speed governor (Wwmax) (> GovSteamEU.wwmin). Typical value = 0,1.


    Lower limit for the speed governor frequency correction (Wwmin) (< GovSteamEU.wwmax). Typical value = -1.

  601. final case class GovSteamFV2(TurbineGovernorDynamics: TurbineGovernorDynamics = null, dt: Double = 0.0, k: Double = 0.0, mwbase: Double = 0.0, r: Double = 0.0, t1: Double = 0.0, t3: Double = 0.0, ta: Double = 0.0, tb: Double = 0.0, tc: Double = 0.0, tt: Double = 0.0, vmax: Double = 0.0, vmin: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Steam turbine governor with reheat time constants and modelling of the effects of fast valve closing to reduce mechanical power.

    Steam turbine governor with reheat time constants and modelling of the effects of fast valve closing to reduce mechanical power.


    TurbineGovernorDynamics Reference to the superclass object.




    Fraction of the turbine power developed by turbine sections not involved in fast valving (K).


    Alternate base used instead of machine base in equipment model if necessary (MWbase) (> 0). Unit = MW.




    Governor time constant (T1) (>= 0).


    Reheater time constant (T3) (>= 0).


    Time after initial time for valve to close (Ta) (>= 0).


    Time after initial time for valve to begin opening (Tb) (>= 0).


    Time after initial time for valve to become fully open (Tc) (>= 0).


    Time constant with which power falls off after intercept valve closure (Tt) (>= 0).


    (Vmax) (> GovSteamFV2.vmin).


    (Vmin) (< GovSteamFV2.vmax).

  602. final case class GovSteamFV3(TurbineGovernorDynamics: TurbineGovernorDynamics = null, gv1: Double = 0.0, gv2: Double = 0.0, gv3: Double = 0.0, gv4: Double = 0.0, gv5: Double = 0.0, gv6: Double = 0.0, k: Double = 0.0, k1: Double = 0.0, k2: Double = 0.0, k3: Double = 0.0, mwbase: Double = 0.0, pgv1: Double = 0.0, pgv2: Double = 0.0, pgv3: Double = 0.0, pgv4: Double = 0.0, pgv5: Double = 0.0, pgv6: Double = 0.0, pmax: Double = 0.0, pmin: Double = 0.0, prmax: Double = 0.0, t1: Double = 0.0, t2: Double = 0.0, t3: Double = 0.0, t4: Double = 0.0, t5: Double = 0.0, t6: Double = 0.0, ta: Double = 0.0, tb: Double = 0.0, tc: Double = 0.0, uc: Double = 0.0, uo: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Simplified GovSteamIEEE1 steam turbine governor with Prmax limit and fast valving.

    Simplified GovSteamIEEE1 steam turbine governor with Prmax limit and fast valving.


    TurbineGovernorDynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    Nonlinear gain valve position point 1 (GV1). Typical value = 0.


    Nonlinear gain valve position point 2 (GV2). Typical value = 0,4.


    Nonlinear gain valve position point 3 (GV3). Typical value = 0,5.


    Nonlinear gain valve position point 4 (GV4). Typical value = 0,6.


    Nonlinear gain valve position point 5 (GV5). Typical value = 1.


    Nonlinear gain valve position point 6 (GV6). Typical value = 0.


    Governor gain, (reciprocal of droop) (K). Typical value = 20.


    Fraction of turbine power developed after first boiler pass (K1). Typical value = 0,2.


    Fraction of turbine power developed after second boiler pass (K2). Typical value = 0,2.


    Fraction of hp turbine power developed after crossover or third boiler pass (K3). Typical value = 0,6.


    Base for power values (MWbase) (> 0). Unit = MW.


    Nonlinear gain power value point 1 (Pgv1). Typical value = 0.


    Nonlinear gain power value point 2 (Pgv2). Typical value = 0,75.


    Nonlinear gain power value point 3 (Pgv3). Typical value = 0,91.


    Nonlinear gain power value point 4 (Pgv4). Typical value = 0,98.


    Nonlinear gain power value point 5 (Pgv5). Typical value = 1.


    Nonlinear gain power value point 6 (Pgv6). Typical value = 0.


    Maximum valve opening, PU of MWbase (Pmax) (> GovSteamFV3.pmin). Typical value = 1.


    Minimum valve opening, PU of MWbase (Pmin) (< GovSteamFV3.pmax). Typical value = 0.


    Max. pressure in reheater (Prmax). Typical value = 1.


    Governor lead time constant (T1) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.


    Governor lag time constant (T2) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.


    Valve positioner time constant (T3) (> 0). Typical value = 0.


    Inlet piping/steam bowl time constant (T4) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,2.


    Time constant of second boiler pass (i.e. reheater) (T5) (> 0 if fast valving is used, otherwise >= 0). Typical value = 0,5.


    Time constant of crossover or third boiler pass (T6) (>= 0). Typical value = 10.


    Time to close intercept valve (IV) (Ta) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,97.


    Time until IV starts to reopen (Tb) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,98.


    Time until IV is fully open (Tc) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,99.


    Maximum valve closing velocity (Uc). Unit = PU / s. Typical value = -1.


    Maximum valve opening velocity (Uo). Unit = PU / s. Typical value = 0,1.

  603. final case class GovSteamFV4(TurbineGovernorDynamics: TurbineGovernorDynamics = null, cpsmn: Double = 0.0, cpsmx: Double = 0.0, crmn: Double = 0.0, crmx: Double = 0.0, kdc: Double = 0.0, kf1: Double = 0.0, kf3: Double = 0.0, khp: Double = 0.0, kic: Double = 0.0, kip: Double = 0.0, kit: Double = 0.0, kmp1: Double = 0.0, kmp2: Double = 0.0, kpc: Double = 0.0, kpp: Double = 0.0, kpt: Double = 0.0, krc: Double = 0.0, ksh: Double = 0.0, lpi: Double = 0.0, lps: Double = 0.0, mnef: Double = 0.0, mxef: Double = 0.0, pr1: Double = 0.0, pr2: Double = 0.0, psmn: Double = 0.0, rsmimn: Double = 0.0, rsmimx: Double = 0.0, rvgmn: Double = 0.0, rvgmx: Double = 0.0, srmn: Double = 0.0, srmx: Double = 0.0, srsmp: Double = 0.0, svmn: Double = 0.0, svmx: Double = 0.0, ta: Double = 0.0, tam: Double = 0.0, tc: Double = 0.0, tcm: Double = 0.0, tdc: Double = 0.0, tf1: Double = 0.0, tf2: Double = 0.0, thp: Double = 0.0, tmp: Double = 0.0, trh: Double = 0.0, tv: Double = 0.0, ty: Double = 0.0, y: Double = 0.0, yhpmn: Double = 0.0, yhpmx: Double = 0.0, ympmn: Double = 0.0, ympmx: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Detailed electro-hydraulic governor for steam unit.

    Detailed electro-hydraulic governor for steam unit.


    TurbineGovernorDynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    Minimum value of pressure regulator output (Cpsmn). Typical value = -1.


    Maximum value of pressure regulator output (Cpsmx). Typical value = 1.


    Minimum value of regulator set-point (Crmn). Typical value = 0.


    Maximum value of regulator set-point (Crmx). Typical value = 1,2.


    Derivative gain of pressure regulator (Kdc). Typical value = 1.


    Frequency bias (reciprocal of droop) (Kf1). Typical value = 20.


    Frequency control (reciprocal of droop) (Kf3). Typical value = 20.


    Fraction of total turbine output generated by HP part (Khp). Typical value = 0,35.


    Integral gain of pressure regulator (Kic). Typical value = 0,0033.


    Integral gain of pressure feedback regulator (Kip). Typical value = 0,5.


    Integral gain of electro-hydraulic regulator (Kit). Typical value = 0,04.


    First gain coefficient of intercept valves characteristic (Kmp1). Typical value = 0,5.


    Second gain coefficient of intercept valves characteristic (Kmp2). Typical value = 3,5.


    Proportional gain of pressure regulator (Kpc). Typical value = 0,5.


    Proportional gain of pressure feedback regulator (Kpp). Typical value = 1.


    Proportional gain of electro-hydraulic regulator (Kpt). Typical value = 0,3.


    Maximum variation of fuel flow (Krc). Typical value = 0,05.


    Pressure loss due to flow friction in the boiler tubes (Ksh). Typical value = 0,08.


    Maximum negative power error (Lpi). Typical value = -0,15.


    Maximum positive power error (Lps). Typical value = 0,03.


    Lower limit for frequency correction (MNEF). Typical value = -0,05.


    Upper limit for frequency correction (MXEF). Typical value = 0,05.


    First value of pressure set point static characteristic (Pr1). Typical value = 0,2.


    Second value of pressure set point static characteristic, corresponding to Ps0 = 1,0 PU (Pr2). Typical value = 0,75.


    Minimum value of pressure set point static characteristic (Psmn). Typical value = 1.


    Minimum value of integral regulator (Rsmimn). Typical value = 0.


    Maximum value of integral regulator (Rsmimx). Typical value = 1,1.


    Minimum value of integral regulator (Rvgmn). Typical value = 0.


    Maximum value of integral regulator (Rvgmx). Typical value = 1,2.


    Minimum valve opening (Srmn). Typical value = 0.


    Maximum valve opening (Srmx). Typical value = 1,1.


    Intercept valves characteristic discontinuity point (Srsmp). Typical value = 0,43.


    Maximum regulator gate closing velocity (Svmn). Typical value = -0,0333.


    Maximum regulator gate opening velocity (Svmx). Typical value = 0,0333.


    Control valves rate opening time (Ta) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,8.


    Intercept valves rate opening time (Tam) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,8.


    Control valves rate closing time (Tc) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,5.


    Intercept valves rate closing time (Tcm) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,5.


    Derivative time constant of pressure regulator (Tdc) (>= 0). Typical value = 90.


    Time constant of fuel regulation (Tf1) (>= 0). Typical value = 10.


    Time constant of steam chest (Tf2) (>= 0). Typical value = 10.


    High pressure (HP) time constant of the turbine (Thp) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,15.


    Low pressure (LP) time constant of the turbine (Tmp) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,4.


    Reheater time constant of the turbine (Trh) (>= 0). Typical value = 10.


    Boiler time constant (Tv) (>= 0). Typical value = 60.


    Control valves servo time constant (Ty) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,1.


    Coefficient of linearized equations of turbine (Stodola formulation) (Y). Typical value = 0,13.


    Minimum control valve position (Yhpmn). Typical value = 0.


    Maximum control valve position (Yhpmx). Typical value = 1,1.


    Minimum intercept valve position (Ympmn). Typical value = 0.


    Maximum intercept valve position (Ympmx). Typical value = 1,1.

  604. final case class GovSteamIEEE1(TurbineGovernorDynamics: TurbineGovernorDynamics = null, k: Double = 0.0, k1: Double = 0.0, k2: Double = 0.0, k3: Double = 0.0, k4: Double = 0.0, k5: Double = 0.0, k6: Double = 0.0, k7: Double = 0.0, k8: Double = 0.0, mwbase: Double = 0.0, pmax: Double = 0.0, pmin: Double = 0.0, t1: Double = 0.0, t2: Double = 0.0, t3: Double = 0.0, t4: Double = 0.0, t5: Double = 0.0, t6: Double = 0.0, t7: Double = 0.0, uc: Double = 0.0, uo: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    IEEE steam turbine governor model.

    IEEE steam turbine governor model.

    Ref<font color="#0f0f0f">erence: IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, November/December 1973, Volume PAS-92, Number 6, Dynamic Models for Steam and Hydro Turbines in Power System Studies, page 1904.</font>


    TurbineGovernorDynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    Governor gain (reciprocal of droop) (K) (> 0). Typical value = 25.


    Fraction of HP shaft power after first boiler pass (K1). Typical value = 0,2.


    Fraction of LP shaft power after first boiler pass (K2). Typical value = 0.


    Fraction of HP shaft power after second boiler pass (K3). Typical value = 0,3.


    Fraction of LP shaft power after second boiler pass (K4). Typical value = 0.


    Fraction of HP shaft power after third boiler pass (K5). Typical value = 0,5.


    Fraction of LP shaft power after third boiler pass (K6). Typical value = 0.


    Fraction of HP shaft power after fourth boiler pass (K7). Typical value = 0.


    Fraction of LP shaft power after fourth boiler pass (K8). Typical value = 0.


    Base for power values (MWbase) (> 0). Unit = MW.


    Maximum valve opening (Pmax) (> GovSteamIEEE1.pmin). Typical value = 1.


    Minimum valve opening (Pmin) (>= 0 and < GovSteamIEEE1.pmax). Typical value = 0.


    Governor lag time constant (T1) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.


    Governor lead time constant (T2) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.


    Valve positioner time constant (T3) (> 0). Typical value = 0,1.


    Inlet piping/steam bowl time constant (T4) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,3.


    Time constant of second boiler pass (T5) (>= 0). Typical value = 5.


    Time constant of third boiler pass (T6) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,5.


    Time constant of fourth boiler pass (T7) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.


    Maximum valve closing velocity (Uc) (< 0). Unit = PU / s. Typical value = -10.


    Maximum valve opening velocity (Uo) (> 0). Unit = PU / s. Typical value = 1.

  605. final case class GovSteamSGO(TurbineGovernorDynamics: TurbineGovernorDynamics = null, k1: Double = 0.0, k2: Double = 0.0, k3: Double = 0.0, mwbase: Double = 0.0, pmax: Double = 0.0, pmin: Double = 0.0, t1: Double = 0.0, t2: Double = 0.0, t3: Double = 0.0, t4: Double = 0.0, t5: Double = 0.0, t6: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Simplified steam turbine governor.

    Simplified steam turbine governor.


    TurbineGovernorDynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    One / PU regulation (K1).


    Fraction (K2).


    Fraction (K3).


    Base for power values (MWbase) (> 0). Unit = MW.


    Upper power limit (Pmax) (> GovSteamSGO.pmin).


    Lower power limit (Pmin) (>= 0 and < GovSteamSGO.pmax).


    Controller lag (T1) (>= 0).


    Controller lead compensation (T2) (>= 0).


    Governor lag (T3) (> 0).


    Delay due to steam inlet volumes associated with steam chest and inlet piping (T4) (>= 0).


    Reheater delay including hot and cold leads (T5) (>= 0).


    Delay due to IP-LP turbine, crossover pipes and LP end hoods (T6) (>= 0).

  606. final case class GrossToNetActivePowerCurve(Curve: Curve = null, GeneratingUnit: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Relationship between the generating unit's gross active power output on the X-axis (measured at the terminals of the machine(s)) and the generating unit's net active power output on the Y-axis (based on utility-defined measurements at the power station).

    Relationship between the generating unit's gross active power output on the X-axis (measured at the terminals of the machine(s)) and the generating unit's net active power output on the Y-axis (based on utility-defined measurements at the power station).

    Station service loads, when modelled, should be treated as non-conforming bus loads. There may be more than one curve, depending on the auxiliary equipment that is in service.


    Curve Reference to the superclass object.


    GeneratingUnit A generating unit may have a gross active power to net active power curve, describing the losses and auxiliary power requirements of the unit.

  607. final case class Ground(ConductingEquipment: ConductingEquipment = null, GroundAction: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A point where the system is grounded used for connecting conducting equipment to ground.

    A point where the system is grounded used for connecting conducting equipment to ground.

    The power system model can have any number of grounds.


    ConductingEquipment Reference to the superclass object.


    GroundAction Action taken with this ground.

  608. final case class GroundAction(SwitchingAction: SwitchingAction = null, kind: String = null, AlongACLineSegment: String = null, Ground: String = null, GroundedEquipment: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Action on ground as a switching step.

    Action on ground as a switching step.


    SwitchingAction Reference to the superclass object.


    Switching action to perform.


    ACLineSegment The line segment that this ground action will affect. This is the only way to access relationship to clamp in case the ground needs to be placed along the line segment.


    Ground Ground on which this action is taken.


    ConductingEquipment Equipment being grounded with this operation. In case of placing a ground anywhere along a line segment, you must use the clamp (to get the distance from one terminal), so use the explicit relation with line segment. In all other cases (including placing the ground at a line segment terminal), reference to one or more conducting equipment is sufficient.

  609. final case class GroundDisconnector(Switch: Switch = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A manually operated or motor operated mechanical switching device used for isolating a circuit or equipment from ground.

    A manually operated or motor operated mechanical switching device used for isolating a circuit or equipment from ground.


    Switch Reference to the superclass object.

  610. final case class GroundingImpedance(EarthFaultCompensator: EarthFaultCompensator = null, x: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A fixed impedance device used for grounding.

    A fixed impedance device used for grounding.


    EarthFaultCompensator Reference to the superclass object.


    Reactance of device.

  611. final case class HVDCDynamics(DynamicsFunctionBlock: DynamicsFunctionBlock = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    HVDC whose behaviour is described by reference to a standard model <font color="#0f0f0f">or by definition of a user-defined model.</font>

    HVDC whose behaviour is described by reference to a standard model <font color="#0f0f0f">or by definition of a user-defined model.</font>


    DynamicsFunctionBlock Reference to the superclass object.

  612. final case class HVDCLookUpTable(Element: BasicElement = null, functionKind: String = null, input: Double = 0.0, output: Double = 0.0, sequence: Int = 0, Qregulator: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

  613. final case class Hazard(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, status: String = null, type: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    An object or a condition that is a danger for causing loss or perils to an asset and/or people.

    An object or a condition that is a danger for causing loss or perils to an asset and/or people.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    Status Status of this hazard.


    Type of this hazard.

  614. final case class HealthScore(AggregateScore: AggregateScore = null, AssetRiskScore: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Score that is indicative of the health of one or more assets.

    Score that is indicative of the health of one or more assets.


    AggregateScore Reference to the superclass object.


    RiskScore Risk score with which this health score is associated.

  615. final case class HeatInputCurve(Curve: Curve = null, auxPowerMult: Double = 0.0, auxPowerOffset: Double = 0.0, heatInputEff: Double = 0.0, heatInputOffset: Double = 0.0, isNetGrossP: Boolean = false, ThermalGeneratingUnit: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Relationship between unit heat input in energy per time for main fuel (Y1-axis) and supplemental fuel (Y2-axis) versus unit output in active power (X-axis).

    Relationship between unit heat input in energy per time for main fuel (Y1-axis) and supplemental fuel (Y2-axis) versus unit output in active power (X-axis).

    The quantity of main fuel used to sustain generation at this output level is prorated for throttling between definition points. The quantity of supplemental fuel used at this output level is fixed and not prorated.


    Curve Reference to the superclass object.


    Power output - auxiliary power multiplier adjustment factor.


    Power output - auxiliary power offset adjustment factor.


    Heat input - efficiency multiplier adjustment factor.


    Heat input - offset adjustment factor.


    Flag is set to true when output is expressed in net active power.


    ThermalGeneratingUnit A thermal generating unit may have a heat input curve.

  616. final case class HeatRateCurve(Curve: Curve = null, isNetGrossP: Boolean = false, ThermalGeneratingUnit: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Relationship between unit heat rate per active power (Y-axis) and unit output (X-axis).

    Relationship between unit heat rate per active power (Y-axis) and unit output (X-axis).

    The heat input is from all fuels.


    Curve Reference to the superclass object.


    Flag is set to true when output is expressed in net active power.


    ThermalGeneratingUnit A thermal generating unit may have a heat rate curve.

  617. final case class HeatRecoveryBoiler(FossilSteamSupply: FossilSteamSupply = null, steamSupplyRating2: Double = 0.0, CombustionTurbines: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    The heat recovery system associated with combustion turbines in order to produce steam for combined cycle plants.

    The heat recovery system associated with combustion turbines in order to produce steam for combined cycle plants.


    FossilSteamSupply Reference to the superclass object.


    The steam supply rating in kilopounds per hour, if dual pressure boiler.


    CombustionTurbine A combustion turbine may have a heat recovery boiler for making steam.

  618. final case class HostControlArea(PowerSystemResource: PowerSystemResource = null, areaControlMode: String = null, freqSetPoint: Double = 0.0, frequencyBiasFactor: Double = 0.0, AdjacentCASet: String = null, BidSelfSched: List[String] = null, CnodeDistributionFactor: List[String] = null, Controls: String = null, Flowgate: List[String] = null, LossClearingResults: List[String] = null, RTO: String = null, RegisteredResource: List[String] = null, SubControlAreas: List[String] = null, SysLoadDistribuFactor: List[String] = null, TransferInterface: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A HostControlArea has a set of tie points and a set of generator controls (i.e., AGC).

    A HostControlArea has a set of tie points and a set of generator controls (i.e., AGC).

    It also has a total load, including transmission and distribution losses.


    PowerSystemResource Reference to the superclass object.


    The area's present control mode: (CF = constant frequency) or (CTL = constant tie-line) or (TLB = tie-line bias) or (OFF = off control)


    The present power system frequency set point for automatic generation control


    The control area's frequency bias factor, in MW/0.1 Hz, for automatic generation control (AGC)


    AdjacentCASet undocumented


    BidSelfSched undocumented


    CnodeDistributionFactor undocumented


    ControlAreaOperator A ControlAreaCompany controls a ControlArea.


    Flowgate undocumented


    LossClearingResults undocumented


    RTO undocumented


    RegisteredResource undocumented


    SubControlArea The interchange area may operate as a control area


    SysLoadDistributionFactor undocumented


    TransferInterface undocumented

  619. final case class HourlyPreDispatchSchedule(BidHourlySchedule: BidHourlySchedule = null, value: Boolean = false) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    An indicator specifying that a resource shall have an Hourly Pre-Dispatch.

    An indicator specifying that a resource shall have an Hourly Pre-Dispatch.

    The resource could be a RegisteredGenerator or a RegisteredInterTie.

    This schedule is assocated with the hourly parameters in a resource bid.


    BidHourlySchedule Reference to the superclass object.


    Flag defining that for this hour in the resource bid the resource shall have an hourly pre-dispatch.

  620. final case class Hurricane(Cyclone: Cyclone = null, category: Int = 0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A hurricane, a subtype of cyclone occurring in the North Atlantic Ocean or North-eastern Pacific Ocean whose intensity is measured using the Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Scale.

    A hurricane, a subtype of cyclone occurring in the North Atlantic Ocean or North-eastern Pacific Ocean whose intensity is measured using the Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Scale.


    Cyclone Reference to the superclass object.


    The hurricane's category during the time interval, using Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Wind Scale, a 1 to 5 rating based on a hurricane's sustained wind speed.

  621. final case class HydroGeneratingEfficiencyCurve(Curve: Curve = null, HydroGeneratingUnit: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Relationship between unit efficiency as percentage and unit output active power for a given net head in meters.

    Relationship between unit efficiency as percentage and unit output active power for a given net head in meters.

    The relationship between efficiency, discharge, head, and power output is expressed as follows: E =KP/HQ where: E is the efficiency, as a percentage; P is the active power; H is the height; Q is the discharge, volume/time unit; K is a constant. For example, a curve instance for a given net head could show efficiency (Y-axis) versus active power output (X-axis) or versus discharge on the X-axis.


    Curve Reference to the superclass object.


    HydroGeneratingUnit A hydro generating unit has an efficiency curve.

  622. final case class HydroGeneratingUnit(GeneratingUnit: GeneratingUnit = null, dropHeight: Double = 0.0, energyConversionCapability: String = null, hydroUnitWaterCost: Double = 0.0, turbineType: String = null, HydroGeneratingEfficiencyCurves: List[String] = null, HydroPowerPlant: String = null, PenstockLossCurve: String = null, TailbayLossCurve: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A generating unit whose prime mover is a hydraulic turbine (e.g., Francis, Pelton, Kaplan).

    A generating unit whose prime mover is a hydraulic turbine (e.g., Francis, Pelton, Kaplan).


    GeneratingUnit Reference to the superclass object.


    The height water drops from the reservoir mid-point to the turbine.


    Energy conversion capability for generating.


    The equivalent cost of water that drives the hydro turbine.


    Type of turbine.


    HydroGeneratingEfficiencyCurve A hydro generating unit has an efficiency curve.


    HydroPowerPlant The hydro generating unit belongs to a hydro power plant.


    PenstockLossCurve A hydro generating unit has a penstock loss curve.


    TailbayLossCurve A hydro generating unit has a tailbay loss curve.

  623. final case class HydroPowerPlant(PowerSystemResource: PowerSystemResource = null, dischargeTravelDelay: Double = 0.0, genRatedP: Double = 0.0, hydroPlantStorageType: String = null, penstockType: String = null, plantDischargeCapacity: Double = 0.0, plantRatedHead: Double = 0.0, pumpRatedP: Double = 0.0, surgeTankCode: String = null, surgeTankCrestLevel: Double = 0.0, GenSourcePumpDischargeReservoir: String = null, HydroGeneratingUnits: List[String] = null, HydroPumps: List[String] = null, Reservoir: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A hydro power station which can generate or pump.

    A hydro power station which can generate or pump.

    When generating, the generator turbines receive water from an upper reservoir. When pumping, the pumps receive their water from a lower reservoir.


    PowerSystemResource Reference to the superclass object.


    Water travel delay from tailbay to next downstream hydro power station.


    The hydro plant's generating rating active power for rated head conditions. The attribute shall be a positive value.


    The type of hydro power plant water storage.


    Type and configuration of hydro plant penstock(s).


    Total plant discharge capacity.


    The plant's rated gross head. The attribute shall be a positive value.


    The hydro plant's pumping rating active power for rated head conditions. The attribute shall be a positive value.


    A code describing the type (or absence) of surge tank that is associated with the hydro power plant.


    The level at which the surge tank spills.


    Reservoir Generators are supplied water from or pumps discharge water to an upstream reservoir.


    HydroGeneratingUnit The hydro generating unit belongs to a hydro power plant.


    HydroPump The hydro pump may be a member of a pumped storage plant or a pump for distributing water.


    Reservoir Generators discharge water to or pumps are supplied water from a downstream reservoir.

  624. final case class HydroPump(Equipment: Equipment = null, pumpDischAtMaxHead: Double = 0.0, pumpDischAtMinHead: Double = 0.0, pumpPowerAtMaxHead: Double = 0.0, pumpPowerAtMinHead: Double = 0.0, HydroPowerPlant: String = null, HydroPumpOpSchedule: String = null, RotatingMachine: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A synchronous motor-driven pump, typically associated with a pumped storage plant.

    A synchronous motor-driven pump, typically associated with a pumped storage plant.


    Equipment Reference to the superclass object.


    The pumping discharge under maximum head conditions, usually at full gate.


    The pumping discharge under minimum head conditions, usually at full gate.


    The pumping power under maximum head conditions, usually at full gate.


    The pumping power under minimum head conditions, usually at full gate.


    HydroPowerPlant The hydro pump may be a member of a pumped storage plant or a pump for distributing water.


    HydroPumpOpSchedule The hydro pump has a pumping schedule over time, indicating when pumping is to occur.


    RotatingMachine The synchronous machine drives the turbine which moves the water from a low elevation to a higher elevation. The direction of machine rotation for pumping may or may not be the same as for generating.

  625. final case class HydroPumpOpSchedule(RegularIntervalSchedule: RegularIntervalSchedule = null, HydroPump: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    The hydro pump's Operator-approved current operating schedule (or plan), typically produced with the aid of unit commitment type analyses.

    The hydro pump's Operator-approved current operating schedule (or plan), typically produced with the aid of unit commitment type analyses.

    The unit's operating schedule status is typically given as: (0=unavailable) (1=available to startup or shutdown) (2=must pump).


    RegularIntervalSchedule Reference to the superclass object.


    HydroPump The hydro pump has a pumping schedule over time, indicating when pumping is to occur.

  626. final case class HydroTurbine(PrimeMover: PrimeMover = null, gateRateLimit: Double = 0.0, gateUpperLimit: Double = 0.0, maxHeadMaxP: Double = 0.0, minHeadMaxP: Double = 0.0, speedRating: Double = 0.0, speedRegulation: Double = 0.0, transientDroopTime: Double = 0.0, transientRegulation: Double = 0.0, turbineRating: Double = 0.0, turbineType: String = null, waterStartingTime: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A water driven prime mover.

    A water driven prime mover.

    Typical turbine types are: Francis, Kaplan, and Pelton.


    PrimeMover Reference to the superclass object.


    Gate rate limit.


    Gate upper limit.


    Maximum efficiency active power at maximum head conditions.


    Maximum efficiency active power at minimum head conditions.


    Rated speed in number of revolutions. The attribute shall be a positive value.


    Speed regulation.


    Transient droop time constant.


    Transient regulation.


    Rated turbine active power. The attribute shall be a positive value.


    Type of turbine.


    Water starting time.

  627. final case class HydrosphericAnalog(EnvironmentalAnalog: EnvironmentalAnalog = null, kind: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Analog (float) measuring a hydrospheric condition.

    Analog (float) measuring a hydrospheric condition.


    EnvironmentalAnalog Reference to the superclass object.


    Kind of hydrospheric analog.

  628. final case class HydrosphericPhenomenon(EnvironmentalPhenomenon: EnvironmentalPhenomenon = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A hydrospheric phenomenon.

    A hydrospheric phenomenon.


    EnvironmentalPhenomenon Reference to the superclass object.

  629. final case class ICCPInformationMessage(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, localReference: String = null, scope: String = null, TASE2BilateralTable: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    This class represents the TASE.2 Information Message Object.

    This class represents the TASE.2 Information Message Object.

    The attribute must be non-null. The value of the attribute shall be used as the TASE.2 Information Reference, as specified by 60870-6-503.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    The Local Reference attribute specifies a value agreed upon between sender and receiver of the Information Message. It further identifies the Information Message.


    Indicates if the Point is global scoped (e.g. VCC) or accessible only to the Bilateral table peer (e.g. ICC).


    TASE2BilateralTable Bilateral table agreement that includes the informational message.

  630. final case class ICCPProvidedPoint(ProvidedBilateralPoint: ProvidedBilateralPoint = null, accessPriviledge: String = null, pointQuality: String = null, pointType: String = null, scope: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    The attribute must have a value.

    The attribute must have a value.

    The name attribute shall be used as the DataValue name used for the exchange.


    ProvidedBilateralPoint Reference to the superclass object.


    Provides information regarding the access privileges allowed to the ICCP Point.


    Specifies the type of ICCP quality that will be conveyed as part of the ICCP Point.


    Indicates the ICCP Point type that is to be conveyed. A CIM AccumlatorValue shall be mapped to an ICCP real. A CIM AnalogValue shall be mapped to an ICCP real. A CIM DiscreteValue shall be mapped to either an ICCP real, state, stateSupplemental, or either protection event type. A CIM StringMeasurementValue does not have a standardized mapping.


    Indicates if the Point is global scoped (e.g. VCC) or accessible only to the Bilateral table peer (e.g. ICC).

  631. final case class ICCPVCC(BilateralExchangeActor: BilateralExchangeActor = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Indicates that the ICCP information is global in nature and normally is available to all authorized peers.

    Indicates that the ICCP information is global in nature and normally is available to all authorized peers.


    BilateralExchangeActor Reference to the superclass object.

  632. final case class ICCPVirtualControlCentre(BilateralExchangeActor: BilateralExchangeActor = null, applicationSecurityRequirement: String = null, calling: Boolean = false, clientAndServer: Boolean = false, minimumUpdateInterval: Int = 0, nameOfLocalICC: String = null, supportForBlock1: Boolean = false, supportForBlock2: Boolean = false, supportForBlock3: Boolean = false, supportForBlock4: Boolean = false, supportForBlock5: Boolean = false, supportForDepriciatedBlock8: Boolean = false, transportSecurityRequirement: Boolean = false) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    This contains the information that a particular actor exposes for a particular agreed upon ICCP Bilateral Table.

    This contains the information that a particular actor exposes for a particular agreed upon ICCP Bilateral Table.


    BilateralExchangeActor Reference to the superclass object.


    Specifies the expected security mechanism, per IEC 62351-4, to be utilized.


    Used to indicate if the Provider is responsible for initiating the TASE.2 connection. If the value is TRUE, the provider is responsible for establishing the association. If the value is FALSE, the peer provider of the Bilateral Table will need to establish the association.


    If True the value indicates that the entity represented by the bilateral table is capable of issuing requests and responding to request (e.g. bidirectional support of ICCP requests). If False, this indicates that a calling entity (e.g. calling = True) will not be able to respond to ICCP requests. If False, and calling=False, this indicates that the entity will only respond to ICCP requests and not issue ICCP requests.


    Specifies the fastest update interval that can be provided for integrity information and Transfer Set creation. The value is in seconds.


    Specifies the ICC scope name that the remote can use to access the information in the Bilateral Table if the information is not VCC scoped. This value may not be null.


    Per IEC 60870-6-702: If true indicates support for basic services. Must always be true.


    Per IEC 60870-6-702: If true indicates support for extended conditions.


    Per IEC 60870-6-702: If true indicates support for blocked transfers.


    Per IEC 60870-6-702: If true indicates support for information messages.


    Per IEC 60870-6-702: If true indicates support for device control.


    Per IEC 60870-6-702: If true indicates support for accounts. The use of this block was deprecated in Edition 3.


    If true, then transport level security as specified by IEC 62351-6 is required.

  633. final case class IEC61968CIMVersion(Element: BasicElement = null, date: String = null, version: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    IEC 61968 version number assigned to this UML model.

    IEC 61968 version number assigned to this UML model.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    (const=2016-10-31) Form is YYYY-MM-DD for example for January 5, 2009 it is 2009-01-05.


    (const=IEC61968CIM13v09) Form is IEC61968CIMXXvYY[a-z] where XX is the major CIM package version and the YY is the minor version. For example IEC61968CIM10v17a. The letter on the version number indicates the changes are due to National Committee comments.

  634. final case class IEC61970CIMVersion(Element: BasicElement = null, date: String = null, version: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    This is the IEC 61970 CIM version number assigned to this UML model.

    This is the IEC 61970 CIM version number assigned to this UML model.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    Form is YYYY-MM-DD for example for January 5, 2009 it is 2009-01-05.


    Form is IEC61970CIMXXvYY where XX is the major CIM package version and the YY is the minor version. For example IEC61970CIM13v18.

  635. final case class IEC62325CIMVersion(Element: BasicElement = null, date: String = null, version: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    IEC 62325 version number assigned to this UML model.

    IEC 62325 version number assigned to this UML model.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    Form is YYYY-MM-DD for example for January 5, 2009 it is 2009-01-05.


    Form is IEC62325CIMXXvYY where XX is the major CIM package version and the YY is the minor version. For example IEC62325CIM10v03.

  636. final case class IECStandard(Element: BasicElement = null, standardEdition: String = null, standardNumber: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Standard published by IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission).

    Standard published by IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission).


    Reference to the superclass object.


    Edition of IEC standard.


    IEC standard number.

  637. final case class IEEEStandard(Element: BasicElement = null, standardEdition: String = null, standardNumber: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Standard published by IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers).

    Standard published by IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers).


    Reference to the superclass object.


    Edition of IEEE standard.


    IEEE standard number.

  638. final case class IOPoint(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, BilateralToIOPoint: List[String] = null, IOPointSource: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    The class describe a measurement or control value.

    The class describe a measurement or control value.

    The purpose is to enable having attributes and associations common for measurement and control.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    ProvidedBilateralPoint Bilateral ICCP point for the measurement or control.


    IOPointSource Local merasurement value source for an ICCP point.

  639. final case class IOPointSource(MeasurementValueSource: MeasurementValueSource = null, IOPoint: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Indicates the point source for an IO Point.

    Indicates the point source for an IO Point.


    MeasurementValueSource Reference to the superclass object.


    IOPoint ICCP point for a local measurement value source.

  640. final case class IPAccessPoint(CommunicationLink: CommunicationLink = null, address: String = null, addressType: String = null, gateway: String = null, subnet: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Internet Protocol Access Point – used to represent an addressing structure is based upon an Internet Protocol (IP) address.

    Internet Protocol Access Point – used to represent an addressing structure is based upon an Internet Protocol (IP) address.


    CommunicationLink Reference to the superclass object.


    Is the dotted decimal IP Address resolve the IP address. The format is controlled by the value of the addressType.


    IP address type.


    Is the dotted decimal IPAddress of the first hop router. Format is controlled by the addressType.


    This is the IP subnet mask which controls the local vs non-local routing.

  641. final case class ISOStandard(Element: BasicElement = null, standardEdition: String = null, standardNumber: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Standard published by ISO (International Organization for Standardization).

    Standard published by ISO (International Organization for Standardization).


    Reference to the superclass object.


    Edition of ISO standard.


    ISO standard number.

  642. final case class ISOUpperLayer(TCPAccessPoint: TCPAccessPoint = null, aeInvoke: Int = 0, aeQual: Int = 0, apInvoke: Int = 0, apTitle: String = null, osiPsel: String = null, osiSsel: String = null, osiTsel: String = null, UpperLayerPublicX509Certificate: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Is a set of configure addressing information that is required since ICCP utilizes addressing other than a TCP port.

    Is a set of configure addressing information that is required since ICCP utilizes addressing other than a TCP port.


    TCPAccessPoint Reference to the superclass object.


    Is part of the Application Entity addressing as specified by ISO Addressing.


    Is the AE qualifier and represents further application level addressing information.


    Is a further application level OSI addressing parameter.


    Is a sequence of integer strings separated by ".". The value, in conjunction with other application addressing attributes (e.g. other APs) are used to select a specific application (e.g. the ICCP application entity) per the OSI reference model. The sequence, and its values, represent a namespace whose values are governed by ISO/IEC 7498-3.


    Is the addressing selector for OSI presentation addressing.


    Is the OSI session layer addressing information.


    Is the OSI Transport Layer addressing information.


    PublicX509Certificate Certificate to be bound for use for Application layer mutual authentication.

  643. final case class IdcInverterControl(Element: BasicElement = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

  644. final case class IdentifiedObject(Element: BasicElement = null, aliasName: String = null, description: String = null, mRID: String = null, name: String = null, DiagramObjects: List[String] = null, InstanceSet: String = null, Names: List[String] = null, PropertiesCIMDataObject: String = null, TargetingCIMDataObject: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    This is a root class to provide common identification for all classes needing identification and naming attributes.

    This is a root class to provide common identification for all classes needing identification and naming attributes.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    The aliasName is free text human readable name of the object alternative to It may be non unique and may not correlate to a naming hierarchy. The attribute aliasName is retained because of backwards compatibility between CIM relases. It is however recommended to replace aliasName with the Name class as aliasName is planned for retirement at a future time.


    The description is a free human readable text describing or naming the object. It may be non unique and may not correlate to a naming hierarchy.


    Master resource identifier issued by a model authority. The mRID is unique within an exchange context. Global uniqueness is easily achieved by using a UUID, as specified in RFC 4122, for the mRID. The use of UUID is strongly recommended. For CIMXML data files in RDF syntax conforming to IEC 61970-552, the mRID is mapped to rdf:ID or rdf:about attributes that identify CIM object elements.


    The name is any free human readable and possibly non unique text naming the object.


    DiagramObject The diagram objects that are associated with the domain object.


    InstanceSet Dataset containing the data objects.


    Name All names of this identified object.


    ChangeSetMember The single CIM data object in the appropriate dataset context.


    ChangeSetMember Data objects registered.

  645. final case class IgnAngleContInverter(Element: BasicElement = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

  646. final case class InUseDate(Element: BasicElement = null, inUseDate: String = null, notReadyForUseDate: String = null, readyForUseDate: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Dates associated with asset 'in use' status.

    Dates associated with asset 'in use' status.

    May have multiple in use dates for this device and a compound type allows a query to return multiple dates.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    Date asset was most recently put in use.


    Date of most recent asset transition to not ready for use state.


    Date of most recent asset transition to ready for use state.

  647. final case class InadvertentAccount(Element: BasicElement = null, SubControlArea: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    An account for tracking inadvertent interchange versus time for each control area.

    An account for tracking inadvertent interchange versus time for each control area.

    A control area may have more than one inadvertent account in order to track inadvertent over one or more specific tie points in addition to the usual overall net inadvertent. Separate accounts would also be used to track designated time periods, such as on-peak and off-peak.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    SubControlArea A control area can have one or more net inadvertent interchange accounts

  648. final case class Incident(Document: Document = null, cause: String = null, CustomerNotifications: List[String] = null, IncidentHazard: List[String] = null, Location: String = null, Outage: String = null, Owner: String = null, TroubleOrder: String = null, TroubleTickets: List[String] = null, UnplannedOutage: String = null, Works: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Description of a problem in the field that may be reported in a trouble ticket or come from another source.

    Description of a problem in the field that may be reported in a trouble ticket or come from another source.

    It may have to do with an outage.


    Document Reference to the superclass object.


    Cause of this incident.


    CustomerNotification All notifications for a customer related to the status change of this incident.


    IncidentHazard All hazards associated with this incident.


    Location Location of this incident.


    Outage Outage for this incident.


    Operator Operator who owns this incident.


    TroubleOrder undocumented


    TroubleTicket All trouble tickets reporting this incident.


    UnplannedOutage undocumented


    Work All works addressing this incident.

  649. final case class IncidentHazard(Hazard: Hazard = null, Incident: String = null, TroubleTicket: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Hazardous situation associated with an incident.

    Hazardous situation associated with an incident.

    Examples are line down, gas leak, fire, etc.


    Hazard Reference to the superclass object.


    Incident Incident associated with this hazard.


    TroubleTicket Trouble ticket associated with this hazard.

  650. final case class IncrementalDatasetArg(ModelOperationArg: ModelOperationArg = null, IncrementalDataset: String = null, IncrementalDatasetArgDescription: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A generic model operation argument referencing an incremental change description.

    A generic model operation argument referencing an incremental change description.


    ModelOperationArg Reference to the superclass object.


    ChangeSet undocumented


    IncrementalDatasetArgDescription undocumented

  651. final case class IncrementalDatasetArgDescription(ModelOperationArgDescription: ModelOperationArgDescription = null, IncrementalDatasetArg: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

  652. final case class IncrementalHeatRateCurve(Curve: Curve = null, isNetGrossP: Boolean = false, ThermalGeneratingUnit: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Relationship between unit incremental heat rate in (delta energy/time) per (delta active power) and unit output in active power.

    Relationship between unit incremental heat rate in (delta energy/time) per (delta active power) and unit output in active power.

    The IHR curve represents the slope of the HeatInputCurve. Note that the "incremental heat rate" and the "heat rate" have the same engineering units.


    Curve Reference to the superclass object.


    Flag is set to true when output is expressed in net active power.


    ThermalGeneratingUnit A thermal generating unit may have an incremental heat rate curve.

  653. final case class IndividualPnode(Pnode: Pnode = null, CongestionArea: List[String] = null, GenDistributionFactor: String = null, LoadDistributionFactor: String = null, MktConnectivityNode: String = null, PnodeDistributionFactor: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Individual pricing node based on Pnode.

    Individual pricing node based on Pnode.


    Pnode Reference to the superclass object.


    CongestionArea undocumented


    GenDistributionFactor undocumented


    LoadDistributionFactor undocumented


    MktConnectivityNode undocumented


    PnodeDistributionFactor undocumented

  654. final case class InflowForecast(RegularIntervalSchedule: RegularIntervalSchedule = null, Reservoir: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Natural water inflow to a reservoir, usually forecasted from predicted rain and snowmelt.

    Natural water inflow to a reservoir, usually forecasted from predicted rain and snowmelt.

    Typically in one hour increments for up to 10 days. The forecast is given in average cubic meters per second over the time increment.


    RegularIntervalSchedule Reference to the superclass object.


    Reservoir A reservoir may have a "natural" inflow forecast.

  655. final case class InfoQuestion(WorkDocument: WorkDocument = null, answer: String = null, answerDateTime: String = null, answerRemark: String = null, questionCode: String = null, questionRemark: String = null, questionText: String = null, questionType: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Questions and answers associated with a type of document for purposes of clarification.

    Questions and answers associated with a type of document for purposes of clarification.

    Questions may be predefined or ad hoc.


    WorkDocument Reference to the superclass object.


    Answer to question.


    The date and time the quesiton was answered.


    Remarks to qualify the answer.


    The question code. If blank, refer to questionText.


    Remarks to qualify the question in this situation.


    For non-coded questions, the question is provided here.


    The type of the question.

  656. final case class InspectionAnalog(AssetAnalog: AssetAnalog = null, kind: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Asset inspection type of analog.

    Asset inspection type of analog.


    AssetAnalog Reference to the superclass object.


    Kind of analog representing inspection result.

  657. final case class InspectionDataSet(ProcedureDataSet: ProcedureDataSet = null, locationCondition: String = null, AccordingToSchedules: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Documents the result of one inspection, for a given attribute of an asset.

    Documents the result of one inspection, for a given attribute of an asset.


    ProcedureDataSet Reference to the superclass object.


    Description of the conditions of the location where the asset resides.


    ScheduledEventData undocumented

  658. final case class InspectionDiscrete(AssetDiscrete: AssetDiscrete = null, kind: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Asset inspection type of discrete.

    Asset inspection type of discrete.


    AssetDiscrete Reference to the superclass object.


    Kind of discrete representing inspection result.

  659. final case class InstanceSet(DataSet: DataSet = null, DatasetArg: List[String] = null, InstanceSetMember: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Instance of a version of a model part.

    Instance of a version of a model part.

    This corresponds to a payload of instance data.


    DataSet Reference to the superclass object.


    DatasetArg The role of a dataset in the context of an operation.


    IdentifiedObject Data objects contained in the dataset.

  660. final case class InstructionClearing(MarketFactors: MarketFactors = null, ActualDemandResponseEvent: String = null, Instructions: List[String] = null, ResourceDeploymentStatus: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Model of market clearing, relating to commitment instructions.

    Model of market clearing, relating to commitment instructions.

    Identifies interval.


    MarketFactors Reference to the superclass object.


    DistributedResourceActualEvent ActualDemandResponseEvents may exist that are not part of a cordinated MarketActualEvent associated to a Market. These ActualDemandResponseEvents can have many InstructionClearing Instructions for specified RegisteredResources or Distributed Energy Resource type of AggregateNodes.


    Instructions undocumented


    ResourceDeploymentStatus undocumented

  661. final case class InstructionClearingDOP(MarketFactors: MarketFactors = null, DopInstruction: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Model of market clearing, related to Dispatch Operating Point.

    Model of market clearing, related to Dispatch Operating Point.

    Identifies interval.


    MarketFactors Reference to the superclass object.


    DopInstruction undocumented

  662. final case class InstructionClearingDOT(MarketFactors: MarketFactors = null, contingencyActive: String = null, dispatchMode: String = null, DemandResponseActualEvent: String = null, DotInstruction: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Model of market clearing, related to Dispatch Operating Target (model of anticipatory dispatch).

    Model of market clearing, related to Dispatch Operating Target (model of anticipatory dispatch).

    Identifies interval.


    MarketFactors Reference to the superclass object.


    Indication that the system is currently operating in a contingency mode.




    DistributedResourceActualEvent undocumented


    DotInstruction undocumented

  663. final case class Instructions(Element: BasicElement = null, bindingDOD: Double = 0.0, bindingDOT: Double = 0.0, bindingInstruction: String = null, instructionCost: Double = 0.0, instructionSource: String = null, instructionStartTime: String = null, instructionType: String = null, manuallyBlocked: String = null, minStatusChangeTime: Int = 0, updateTimeStamp: String = null, updateType: String = null, updateUser: String = null, AggregateNode: String = null, InstructionClearing: List[String] = null, RegisteredResource: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Provides the necessary information (on a resource basis) to capture the Startup/Shutdown instruction results.

    Provides the necessary information (on a resource basis) to capture the Startup/Shutdown instruction results.

    This information is relevant to the DA Market (RUC only) as well as the RT Market (HASP, Pre-dispatch, and Interval).


    Reference to the superclass object.


    Binding dispatch operating delta provides a relative delta to be applied. Typically used in demand response instructions. The binding<font color="#0f0f0f">DOD instructions are cumulative; in other words a second DOD instruction does not replace the previous DOD, instead the second DOD adds to the previous DODs.</font>






    Total cost associated with changing the status of the resource.


    instruction source for market quality results (INS, ACT)


    Time the resource should be at Pmin (for start ups). Time the resource is off line.


    Indicator of either a Start-Up or a Shut-Down.


    Manually Blocked Indicator (Yes/No). The instruction has been blocked by an Operator.


    Minimum start up time required to bring the unit online (minutes). SCUC commitment period start-up time. Calculated start up time based on the StartUpTimeCurve provided with the Bid. This is a combination of StartUp time bid and Unit down time. Units is minutes








    AggregateNode undocumented


    InstructionClearing undocumented


    RegisteredResource undocumented

  664. final case class IntSchedAgreement(Agreement: Agreement = null, defaultIntegrationMethod: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A type of agreement that provides the default method by which interchange schedules are to be integrated to obtain hourly MWh schedules for accounting.

    A type of agreement that provides the default method by which interchange schedules are to be integrated to obtain hourly MWh schedules for accounting.


    Agreement Reference to the superclass object.


    The default method by which interchange schedules are to be integrated to obtain hourly MWh schedules for accounting. Method #1 is to integrate the instantaneous schedule between the hourly boundaries. Method #2 compensates for any up/down ramping that occurs across the hourly boundary (this is called block accounting).

  665. final case class IntegerQuantity(Element: BasicElement = null, multiplier: String = null, unit: String = null, value: Int = 0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Quantity with integer value and associated unit information.

    Quantity with integer value and associated unit information.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    Unit multiplier of this quantity.


    Unit of this quantity.


    Value of this quantity.

  666. final case class InterTieBid(ResourceBid: ResourceBid = null, minHourlyBlock_1: Int = 0, RampRateCurve: List[String] = null, RegisteredInterTie: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    This class represents the inter tie bid.

    This class represents the inter tie bid.


    ResourceBid Reference to the superclass object.


    The minimum hourly block for an Inter-Tie Resource supplied within the bid.


    RampRateCurve undocumented


    RegisteredInterTie undocumented

  667. final case class InterTieClearing(MarketFactors: MarketFactors = null, InterTieResults: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Model of market clearing related to results at the inter-ties.

    Model of market clearing related to results at the inter-ties.

    Identifies interval


    MarketFactors Reference to the superclass object.


    InterTieResults undocumented

  668. final case class InterTieDispatchResponse(Element: BasicElement = null, acceptMW: Double = 0.0, acceptStatus: String = null, clearedMW: Double = 0.0, passIndicator: String = null, startTime: String = null, RegisteredInterTie: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Response from an intertie resource acknowledging receipt of dispatch instructions.

    Response from an intertie resource acknowledging receipt of dispatch instructions.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    The accepted mw amount by the responder. aka response mw.


    The accept status submitted by the responder. Valid values are NON-RESPONSE, ACCEPT, DECLINE, PARTIAL.


    MW amount associated with instruction. For 5 minute binding dispatches, this is the Goto MW or DOT


    Part of the Composite key that downstream app uses to match the instruction


    Part of the Composite key that downstream app uses to match the instruction


    RegisteredInterTie undocumented

  669. final case class InterTieResults(Element: BasicElement = null, baseMW: Double = 0.0, clearedValue: Double = 0.0, Flowgate: String = null, InterTieClearing: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Provides the tie point specific output from the market applications.

    Provides the tie point specific output from the market applications.

    Currently, this is defined as the loop flow compensation MW value.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    Net Actual MW Flow


    Net Dispatched MW


    Flowgate undocumented


    InterTieClearing undocumented

  670. final case class InterchangeETCData(Element: BasicElement = null, contractNumber: String = null, usageMW: Double = 0.0, InterchangeSchedule: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Existing Transmission Contract data for an interchange schedule.

    Existing Transmission Contract data for an interchange schedule.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    Existing transmission contract number


    Existing transmission contract usage MW value


    InterchangeSchedule undocumented

  671. final case class InterchangeSchedule(Curve: Curve = null, checkOutType: String = null, directionType: String = null, energyType: String = null, intervalLength: Int = 0, marketType: String = null, operatingDate: String = null, outOfMarketType: Boolean = false, scheduleType: String = null, wcrID: String = null, InterTie: String = null, InterchangeETCData: List[String] = null, RegisteredInterTie: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Interchange schedule class to hold information for interchange schedules such as import export type, energy type, and etc.

    Interchange schedule class to hold information for interchange schedules such as import export type, energy type, and etc.


    Curve Reference to the superclass object.


    To indicate a check out type such as adjusted capacity or dispatch capacity.


    Import or export.


    Energy product type.


    Interval length.


    Market type.


    Operating date, hour.


    To indicate an out-of-market (OOM) schedule.


    Schedule type.


    Wheeling Counter-Resource ID (required when Schedule Type=Wheel).


    SchedulingPoint undocumented


    InterchangeETCData undocumented


    RegisteredInterTie undocumented

  672. final case class IntermittentResourceEligibility(MarketFactors: MarketFactors = null, eligibilityStatus: String = null, RegisteredResource: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Indicates whether unit is eligible for treatment as a intermittent variable renewable resource.

    Indicates whether unit is eligible for treatment as a intermittent variable renewable resource.


    MarketFactors Reference to the superclass object.


    Indicates whether a resource is eligible for PIRP program for a given hour


    RegisteredResource undocumented

  673. final case class InternalControlArea(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, CurrentEmergencySI: List[String] = null, CurrentScheduledInterchange: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    There is one internal control area in the system, which is the single control area in the primary network company.

    There is one internal control area in the system, which is the single control area in the primary network company.

    Real time generation control affects only the internal control area.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    CurrentEmergencyScheduledInterchange undocumented


    CurrentScheduledInterchange undocumented

  674. final case class InternalLocation(WorkLocation: WorkLocation = null, buildingName: String = null, buildingNumber: String = null, floor: Int = 0, roomNumber: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Description of location internal to a building.

    Description of location internal to a building.


    WorkLocation Reference to the superclass object.


    Name of building where location is.


    Number of building where location is.


    Floor of location.


    Room number of location.

  675. final case class InterrupterUnit(Asset: Asset = null, Bushing: List[String] = null, OperatingMechanism: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Breaker interrupter.

    Breaker interrupter.

    Some interrupters have one fixed and one moving contact, some have 2 fixed contacts, some 2 moving contacts. An interrupter will have relationships with 2 bushings and those relationships may be any combination of the FixedContact and MovingContact associations.


    Asset Reference to the superclass object.


    Bushing Bushing(s) to which the moving contact(s) of this interrupter is(are) attached. Some interrupters have one fixed and one moving contact, some have 2 fixed contacts, some 2 moving contacts. An interrupter will have relationships with 2 bushings and those relationships may be any combination of the FixedContact and MovingContact associations.


    OperatingMechanism Breaker mechanism controlling this interrupter.

  676. final case class InterrupterUnitInfo(AssetInfo: AssetInfo = null, interruptingMedium: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Interrupter datasheet information.

    Interrupter datasheet information.


    AssetInfo Reference to the superclass object.


    Interrupting medium.

  677. final case class IntervalBlock(Element: BasicElement = null, IntervalReadings: List[String] = null, MeterReading: String = null, PendingCalculation: String = null, ReadingType: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Time sequence of readings of the same reading type.

    Time sequence of readings of the same reading type.

    Contained interval readings may need conversion through the application of an offset and a scalar defined in associated pending. Table 548 shows all association ends of IntervalBlock with other classes. Table 548 – Association ends of Metering::IntervalBlock with other classes Associations name mult to type description

    0..* PendingCalculation 0..1 PendingCalculation Pending calculation to apply to interval reading values contained by this block (after which the resulting reading type is different than the original because it reflects the conversion result).

    0..* IntervalReadings 0..* IntervalReading Interval reading contained in this block.

    0..* ReadingType 0..1 ReadingType Type information for interval reading values contained in this block.

    0..* MeterReading 0..1 MeterReading Meter reading containing this interval block.

    IntervalReading Data captured at regular intervals of time. Interval data could be captured as incremental data, absolute data, or relative data. The source for the data is usually a tariff quantity or an engineering quantity. Data is typically captured in time-tagged, uniform, fixed-length intervals of 5 min, 10 min, 15 min, 30 min, or 60 min. Note: Interval Data is sometimes also called "Interval Data Readings" (IDR).


    Reference to the superclass object.


    IntervalReading Interval reading contained in this block.


    MeterReading Meter reading containing this interval block.


    PendingCalculation Pending calculation to apply to interval reading values contained by this block (after which the resulting reading type is different than the original because it reflects the conversion result).


    ReadingType Type information for interval reading values contained in this block.

  678. final case class IntervalReading(BaseReading: BaseReading = null, IntervalBlocks: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Data captured at regular intervals of time.

    Data captured at regular intervals of time.

    Interval data could be captured as incremental data, absolute data, or relative data. The source for the data is usually a tariff quantity or an engineering quantity. Data is typically captured in time-tagged, uniform, fixed-length intervals of 5 min, 10 min, 15 min, 30 min, or 60 min. Note: Interval Data is sometimes also called "Interval Data Readings" (IDR).


    BaseReading Reference to the superclass object.


    IntervalBlock All blocks containing this interval reading.

  679. final case class IrregularIntervalSchedule(BasicIntervalSchedule: BasicIntervalSchedule = null, TimePoints: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    The schedule has time points where the time between them varies.

    The schedule has time points where the time between them varies.


    BasicIntervalSchedule Reference to the superclass object.


    IrregularTimePoint The point data values that define a curve.

  680. final case class IrregularTimePoint(Element: BasicElement = null, time: Double = 0.0, value1: Double = 0.0, value2: Double = 0.0, IntervalSchedule: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    TimePoints for a schedule where the time between the points varies.

    TimePoints for a schedule where the time between the points varies.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    The time is relative to the schedule starting time.


    The first value at the time. The meaning of the value is defined by the derived type of the associated schedule.


    The second value at the time. The meaning of the value is defined by the derived type of the associated schedule.


    IrregularIntervalSchedule An IrregularTimePoint belongs to an IrregularIntervalSchedule.

  681. final case class Issuer(DocumentPersonRole: DocumentPersonRole = null, Documents: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Person who issued the document and is responsible for its content.

    Person who issued the document and is responsible for its content.


    DocumentPersonRole Reference to the superclass object.


    Document All documents for this issuer.

  682. final case class Joint(Asset: Asset = null, configurationKind: String = null, fillKind: String = null, insulation: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Joint connects two or more cables.

    Joint connects two or more cables.

    It includes the portion of cable under wipes, welds, or other seals.


    Asset Reference to the superclass object.


    Configuration of joint.


    Material used to fill the joint.


    The type of insulation around the joint, classified according to the utility's asset management standards and practices.

  683. final case class Jumper(Switch: Switch = null, JumperAction: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A short section of conductor with negligible impedance which can be manually removed and replaced if the circuit is de-energized.

    A short section of conductor with negligible impedance which can be manually removed and replaced if the circuit is de-energized.

    Note that zero-impedance branches can potentially be modelled by other equipment types.


    Switch Reference to the superclass object.


    JumperAction Action taken with this jumper.

  684. final case class JumperAction(SwitchingAction: SwitchingAction = null, kind: String = null, ACLineSegments: List[String] = null, Clamp: String = null, JumpedEquipments: List[String] = null, Jumper: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Action on jumper as a switching step.

    Action on jumper as a switching step.


    SwitchingAction Reference to the superclass object.


    Switching action to perform.


    ACLineSegment The line segment that this jumper action will affect. This is the only way to access relationship to clamp in case the jumper needs to connect along the line segment.


    Clamp undocumented


    ConductingEquipment Conducting equipment is affected when the jumper action connects one or both ends of a jumper to the conducting equipment. If the jumper action involves placing one or both ends of a jumper anywhere along a line segment, you must use the clamp (to get the distance from one terminal), using the explicit relation with clamp. In the case of placing one or both ends of the jumper at a line segment terminal, reference to one or more line segments is sufficient.


    Jumper Jumper on which this action is taken.

  685. final case class Junction(Connector: Connector = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A point where one or more conducting equipments are connected with zero resistance.

    A point where one or more conducting equipments are connected with zero resistance.


    Connector Reference to the superclass object.

  686. final case class LabTestDataSet(ProcedureDataSet: ProcedureDataSet = null, conclusion: String = null, conclusionConfidence: String = null, reasonForTest: String = null, testEquipmentID: String = null, AssetTestLab: String = null, Specimen: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Results of testing done by a lab.

    Results of testing done by a lab.


    ProcedureDataSet Reference to the superclass object.


    Conclusion drawn from test results.


    Description of confidence in conclusion.


    Reason for performing test.


    Identity of lab equipment used to perform test.


    AssetTestLab Test lab which produced this set of lab test results.


    Specimen Specimen on which lab testing done in determining results.

  687. final case class LaborItem(WorkIdentifiedObject: WorkIdentifiedObject = null, activityCode: String = null, cost: Double = 0.0, laborDuration: Double = 0.0, laborRate: Double = 0.0, status: String = null, ErpPersons: List[String] = null, WorkCostDetail: String = null, WorkTask: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Labor used for work order.

    Labor used for work order.


    WorkIdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    Activity code identifies a specific and distinguishable unit of work.


    Total cost for labor. Note that this may not be able to be derived from labor rate and time charged.


    Time required to perform work.


    The labor rate applied for work.




    OldPerson undocumented


    WorkCostDetail undocumented


    OldWorkTask undocumented

  688. final case class LaborelecStandard(Element: BasicElement = null, standardEdition: String = null, standardNumber: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Standard published by Laborelec.

    Standard published by Laborelec.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    Edition of Laborelec standard.


    Laborelec standard number.

  689. final case class LandProperty(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, demographicKind: String = null, externalRecordReference: String = null, kind: String = null, status: String = null, AssetContainers: List[String] = null, ErpOrganisationRoles: List[String] = null, ErpPersonRoles: List[String] = null, ErpSiteLevelDatas: List[String] = null, LocationGrants: List[String] = null, Locations: List[String] = null, RightOfWays: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Information about a particular piece of (land) property such as its use.

    Information about a particular piece of (land) property such as its use.

    Ownership of the property may be determined through associations to Organisations and/or ErpPersons.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    Demographics around the site.


    Reference allocated by the governing organisation (such as municipality) to this piece of land that has a formal reference to Surveyor General's records. The governing organisation is specified in associated Organisation.


    Kind of (land) property, categorised according to its main functional use from the utility's perspective.




    AssetContainer undocumented


    PropertyOrganisationRole undocumented


    PersonPropertyRole undocumented


    ErpSiteLevelData undocumented


    LocationGrant All location grants this land property has.


    Location The spatail description of a piece of property.


    RightOfWay All rights of way this land property has.

  690. final case class Landslide(GeosphericPhenomenon: GeosphericPhenomenon = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A landslide, a large mass of rocks and earth that suddenly and quickly moves down the side of a mountain or hill.

    A landslide, a large mass of rocks and earth that suddenly and quickly moves down the side of a mountain or hill.


    GeosphericPhenomenon Reference to the superclass object.

  691. final case class LevelVsVolumeCurve(Curve: Curve = null, Reservoir: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Relationship between reservoir volume and reservoir level.

    Relationship between reservoir volume and reservoir level.

    The volume is at the Y-axis and the reservoir level at the X-axis.


    Curve Reference to the superclass object.


    Reservoir A reservoir may have a level versus volume relationship.

  692. final case class LifecycleDate(Element: BasicElement = null, installationDate: String = null, manufacturedDate: String = null, purchaseDate: String = null, receivedDate: String = null, removalDate: String = null, retiredDate: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Dates for asset lifecycle state changes.

    Dates for asset lifecycle state changes.

    May have multiple lifecycle dates for this device and a compound type allows a query to return multiple dates.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    Date current installation was completed, which may not be the same as the in-service date. Asset may have been installed at other locations previously. Ignored if asset is (1) not currently installed (e.g., stored in a depot) or (2) not intended to be installed (e.g., vehicle, tool).


    Date the asset was manufactured.


    Date the asset was purchased. Note that even though an asset may have been purchased, it may not have been received into inventory at the time of purchase.


    Date the asset was received and first placed into inventory.


    Date when the asset was last removed from service. Ignored if (1) not intended to be in service, or (2) currently in service.


    Date the asset is permanently retired from service and may be scheduled for disposal. Ignored if asset is (1) currently in service, or (2) permanently removed from service.

  693. final case class LightningStrike(GeosphericPhenomenon: GeosphericPhenomenon = null, errorEllipseConfidence: Double = 0.0, errorEllipseMajorSemiAxis: Double = 0.0, errorEllipseMinorSemiAxis: Double = 0.0, errorEllipseOrientation: Double = 0.0, negativePolarity: Boolean = false, peakAmplitude: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A cloud-to-ground lightning strike at a particular location.

    A cloud-to-ground lightning strike at a particular location.


    GeosphericPhenomenon Reference to the superclass object.


    Likelihood that strike fell within errorEllipse.


    Length of major semi-axis (longest radius) of the error ellipse.


    Length of minor semi-axis (shortest radius) of the error ellipse.


    The orientation of the major semi- axis in degrees from True North.


    The polarity of the strike, with T meaning negative. About 90% of all lightning strokes are negative strokes, meaning that they were initiated by a large concentration of negative charge in the cloud-base; this tends to induce an area of positive charge on the ground.


    Peak current of strike.

  694. final case class Limit(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, Procedures: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Specifies one limit value for a Measurement.

    Specifies one limit value for a Measurement.

    A Measurement typically has several limits that are kept together by the LimitSet class. The actual meaning and use of a Limit instance (i.e., if it is an alarm or warning limit or if it is a high or low limit) is not captured in the Limit class. However the name of a Limit instance may indicate both meaning and use.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    Procedure undocumented

  695. final case class LimitDependency(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, Equipment: String = null, OperationalLimit: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A limit calculation model used to compute an operational limit based on external input such as temperature.

    A limit calculation model used to compute an operational limit based on external input such as temperature.

    These are intended to be shared among operational limits with the same calculation form that apply to a piece of equipment..


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    Equipment The equipment for which this limit dependency model is organized under.


    OperationalLimit The operational limits to which this limit dependency model applies.

  696. final case class LimitScalingLimit(LimitDependency: LimitDependency = null, limitScalingPercent: Double = 0.0, SourceOperationalLimit: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Specifies an operational limit is calculated by scaling another operational limit.

    Specifies an operational limit is calculated by scaling another operational limit.


    LimitDependency Reference to the superclass object.


    The associated source limit is scaled by this value to compute the limit of the dependency model.


    OperationalLimit undocumented

  697. final case class LimitSet(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, isPercentageLimits: Boolean = false) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Specifies a set of Limits that are associated with a Measurement.

    Specifies a set of Limits that are associated with a Measurement.

    A Measurement may have several LimitSets corresponding to seasonal or other changing conditions. The condition is captured in the name and description attributes. The same LimitSet may be used for several Measurements. In particular percentage limits are used this way.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    Tells if the limit values are in percentage of normalValue or the specified Unit for Measurements and Controls.

  698. final case class Line(EquipmentContainer: EquipmentContainer = null, Region: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Contains equipment beyond a substation belonging to a power transmission line.

    Contains equipment beyond a substation belonging to a power transmission line.


    EquipmentContainer Reference to the superclass object.


    SubGeographicalRegion The sub-geographical region of the line.

  699. final case class LineDetail(Element: BasicElement = null, amount: Double = 0.0, dateTime: String = null, note: String = null, rounding: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Details on an amount line, with rounding, date and note.

    Details on an amount line, with rounding, date and note.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    Amount for this line item.


    Date and time when this line was created in the application process.


    Free format note relevant to this line.


    Totalised monetary value of all errors due to process rounding or truncating that is not reflected in 'amount'.

  700. final case class LineFault(Fault: Fault = null, lengthFromTerminal1: Double = 0.0, ACLineSegment: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A fault that occurs on an AC line segment at some point along the length.

    A fault that occurs on an AC line segment at some point along the length.


    Fault Reference to the superclass object.


    The length to the place where the fault is located starting from terminal with sequence number 1 of the faulted line segment.


    ACLineSegment The line segment of this line fault.

  701. final case class LinearShuntCompensator(ShuntCompensator: ShuntCompensator = null, b0PerSection: Double = 0.0, bPerSection: Double = 0.0, g0PerSection: Double = 0.0, gPerSection: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A linear shunt compensator has banks or sections with equal admittance values.

    A linear shunt compensator has banks or sections with equal admittance values.


    ShuntCompensator Reference to the superclass object.


    Zero sequence shunt (charging) susceptance per section.


    Positive sequence shunt (charging) susceptance per section.


    Zero sequence shunt (charging) conductance per section.


    Positive sequence shunt (charging) conductance per section.

  702. final case class LinearShuntCompensatorPhase(ShuntCompensatorPhase: ShuntCompensatorPhase = null, bPerSection: Double = 0.0, gPerSection: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A per phase linear shunt compensator has banks or sections with equal admittance values.

    A per phase linear shunt compensator has banks or sections with equal admittance values.


    ShuntCompensatorPhase Reference to the superclass object.


    Susceptance per section of the phase if shunt compensator is wye connected. Susceptance per section phase to phase if shunt compensator is delta connected.


    Conductance per section for this phase if shunt compensator is wye connected. Conductance per section phase to phase if shunt compensator is delta connected.

  703. final case class LoadAggregate(LoadDynamics: LoadDynamics = null, LoadMotor: String = null, LoadStatic: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Aggregate loads are used to represent all or part of the real and reactive load from one or more loads in the static (power flow) data.

    Aggregate loads are used to represent all or part of the real and reactive load from one or more loads in the static (power flow) data.

    This load is usually the aggregation of many individual load devices and the load model is an approximate representation of the aggregate response of the load devices to system disturbances. Standard aggregate load model comprised of static and/or dynamic components. A static load model represents the sensitivity of the real and reactive power consumed by the load to the amplitude and frequency of the bus voltage. A dynamic load model can be used to represent the aggregate response of the motor components of the load.


    LoadDynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    LoadMotor Aggregate motor (dynamic) load associated with this aggregate load.


    LoadStatic Aggregate static load associated with this aggregate load.

  704. final case class LoadAggregationPoint(AggregateNode: AggregateNode = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A specialized class of type AggregatedNode type.

    A specialized class of type AggregatedNode type.

    Defines Load Aggregation Points.


    AggregateNode Reference to the superclass object.

  705. final case class LoadArea(EnergyArea: EnergyArea = null, SubLoadAreas: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    The class is the root or first level in a hierarchical structure for grouping of loads for the purpose of load flow load scaling.

    The class is the root or first level in a hierarchical structure for grouping of loads for the purpose of load flow load scaling.


    EnergyArea Reference to the superclass object.


    SubLoadArea The SubLoadAreas in the LoadArea.

  706. final case class LoadBid(ResourceBid: ResourceBid = null, dropRampRate: Double = 0.0, loadRedInitiationCost: Double = 0.0, loadRedInitiationTime: Double = 0.0, marketDate: String = null, meteredValue: Boolean = false, minLoad: Double = 0.0, minLoadReduction: Double = 0.0, minLoadReductionCost: Double = 0.0, minLoadReductionInterval: Double = 0.0, minTimeBetLoadRed: Double = 0.0, pickUpRampRate: Double = 0.0, priceSetting: Boolean = false, reqNoticeTime: Double = 0.0, shutdownCost: Double = 0.0, AreaLoadBid: String = null, LoadReductionPriceCurve: List[String] = null, RampRateCurve: List[String] = null, RegisteredLoad: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Offer to supply energy/ancillary services from a load resource (participating load reduces consumption).

    Offer to supply energy/ancillary services from a load resource (participating load reduces consumption).


    ResourceBid Reference to the superclass object.


    Maximum rate that load can be reduced (MW/minute)


    load reduction initiation cost


    load reduction initiation time


    The date represents the NextMarketDate for which the load response bids apply to.


    Flag indicated that the load reduction is metered. (See above) If priceSetting and meteredValue both equal 1, then the facility is eligible to set LMP in the real time market.


    Minimum MW load below which it may not be reduced.


    Minimum MW for a load reduction (e.g. MW rating of a discrete pump.


    Cost in $ at the minimum reduced load


    Shortest period load reduction shall be maintained before load can be restored to normal levels.


    Shortest time that load shall be left at normal levels before a new load reduction.


    Maximum rate load may be restored (MW/minute)


    Flag to indicate that the facility can set LMP Works in tandem with Metered Value. Greater chance of this being dynamic than the Metered Value, however, it is requested that Price Setting and Metered Value stay at the same source. Currently no customers have implemented the metering capability, but if this option is implemented, then Price Setting could become dynamic. However, Metered Value will remain static.


    Time period that is required from an order to reduce a load to the time that it takes to get to the minimum load reduction.


    The fixed cost associated with committing a load reduction.


    AreaLoadBid undocumented


    LoadReductionPriceCurve undocumented


    RampRateCurve undocumented


    RegisteredLoad undocumented

  707. final case class LoadBreakSwitch(ProtectedSwitch: ProtectedSwitch = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A mechanical switching device capable of making, carrying, and breaking currents under normal operating conditions.

    A mechanical switching device capable of making, carrying, and breaking currents under normal operating conditions.


    ProtectedSwitch Reference to the superclass object.

  708. final case class LoadComposite(LoadDynamics: LoadDynamics = null, epfd: Double = 0.0, epfs: Double = 0.0, epvd: Double = 0.0, epvs: Double = 0.0, eqfd: Double = 0.0, eqfs: Double = 0.0, eqvd: Double = 0.0, eqvs: Double = 0.0, h: Double = 0.0, lfac: Double = 0.0, pfrac: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Combined static load and induction motor load effects.

    Combined static load and induction motor load effects.

    The dynamics of the motor are simplified by linearizing the induction machine equations.


    LoadDynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    Active load-frequency dependence index (dynamic) (Epfd). Typical value = 1,5.


    Active load-frequency dependence index (static) (Epfs). Typical value = 1,5.


    Active load-voltage dependence index (dynamic) (Epvd). Typical value = 0,7.


    Active load-voltage dependence index (static) (Epvs). Typical value = 0,7.


    Reactive load-frequency dependence index (dynamic) (Eqfd). Typical value = 0.


    Reactive load-frequency dependence index (static) (Eqfs). Typical value = 0.


    Reactive load-voltage dependence index (dynamic) (Eqvd). Typical value = 2.


    Reactive load-voltage dependence index (static) (Eqvs). Typical value = 2.


    Inertia constant (H) (>= 0). Typical value = 2,5.


    Loading factor (Lfac). The ratio of initial P to motor MVA base. Typical value = 0,8.


    Fraction of constant-power load to be represented by this motor model (PFRAC) (>= 0,0 and <= 1,0). Typical value = 0,5.

  709. final case class LoadDistributionFactor(Element: BasicElement = null, pDistFactor: Double = 0.0, qDistFactor: Double = 0.0, AggregatedPnode: String = null, DistributionFactorSet: List[String] = null, IndividualPnode: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    This class models the load distribution factors.

    This class models the load distribution factors.

    This class should be used in one of two ways:

    Use it along with the AggregatedPnode and the IndividualPnode to show the distriubtion of each individual party


    Use it with Mkt_EnergyConsumer to represent the current MW/Mvar distribution within it's parnet load group.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    Real power (MW) load distribution factor


    Reactive power (MVAr) load distribution factor


    AggregatedPnode undocumented


    DistributionFactorSet undocumented


    IndividualPnode undocumented

  710. final case class LoadDynamics(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, EnergyConsumer: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Load whose behaviour is described by reference to a standard model <font color="#0f0f0f">or by definition of a user-defined model.</font> A standard feature of dynamic load behaviour modelling is the ability to associate the same behaviour to multiple energy consumers by means of a single load definition.

    Load whose behaviour is described by reference to a standard model <font color="#0f0f0f">or by definition of a user-defined model.</font> A standard feature of dynamic load behaviour modelling is the ability to associate the same behaviour to multiple energy consumers by means of a single load definition.

    The load model is always applied to individual bus loads (energy consumers).


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    EnergyConsumer Energy consumer to which this dynamics load model applies.

  711. final case class LoadFollowingInst(Element: BasicElement = null, endTime: String = null, loadFollowingMW: Double = 0.0, mssInstructionID: String = null, startTime: String = null, RegisteredResource: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Metered SubSystem Load Following Instruction.

    Metered SubSystem Load Following Instruction.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    Instruction End Time


    Load Following MW Positive for follow-up and negative for follow-down


    Unique instruction id per instruction, assigned by the SC and provided to ADS. ADS passes through.


    Instruction Start Time


    RegisteredResource undocumented

  712. final case class LoadFollowingOperatorInput(Element: BasicElement = null, dataEntryTimeStamp: String = null, tempLoadFollowingDownManualCap: Double = 0.0, tempLoadFollowingUpManualCap: Double = 0.0, updateTimeStamp: String = null, updateType: String = null, updateUser: String = null, RegisteredResource: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Model of load following capabilities that are entered by operators on a temporary basis.

    Model of load following capabilities that are entered by operators on a temporary basis.

    Related to Registered Resources in Metered Subsystems.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    Time the data entry was performed


    temporarily manually entered LFD capacity


    temporarily manually entered LFU capacity.








    RegisteredResource undocumented

  713. final case class LoadGenericNonLinear(LoadDynamics: LoadDynamics = null, bs: Double = 0.0, bt: Double = 0.0, genericNonLinearLoadModelType: String = null, ls: Double = 0.0, lt: Double = 0.0, tp: Double = 0.0, tq: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Generic non-linear dynamic (GNLD) load.

    Generic non-linear dynamic (GNLD) load.

    This model can be used in mid-term and long-term voltage stability simulations (i.e., to study voltage collapse), as it can replace a more detailed representation of aggregate load, including induction motors, thermostatically controlled and static loads.


    LoadDynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    Steady state voltage index for reactive power (BS).


    Transient voltage index for reactive power (BT).


    Type of generic non-linear load model.


    Steady state voltage index for active power (LS).


    Transient voltage index for active power (LT).


    Time constant of lag function of active power (TP) (> 0).


    Time constant of lag function of reactive power (TQ) (> 0).

  714. final case class LoadGroup(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, SubLoadArea: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    The class is the third level in a hierarchical structure for grouping of loads for the purpose of load flow load scaling.

    The class is the third level in a hierarchical structure for grouping of loads for the purpose of load flow load scaling.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    SubLoadArea The SubLoadArea where the Loadgroup belongs.

  715. final case class LoadModelPartVersion(Element: BasicElement = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Load a model part version.

    Load a model part version.


    Reference to the superclass object.

  716. final case class LoadMotor(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, d: Double = 0.0, h: Double = 0.0, lfac: Double = 0.0, lp: Double = 0.0, lpp: Double = 0.0, ls: Double = 0.0, pfrac: Double = 0.0, ra: Double = 0.0, tbkr: Double = 0.0, tpo: Double = 0.0, tppo: Double = 0.0, tv: Double = 0.0, vt: Double = 0.0, LoadAggregate: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Aggregate induction motor load.

    Aggregate induction motor load.

    This model is used to represent a fraction of an ordinary load as "induction motor load". It allows a load that is treated as an ordinary constant power in power flow analysis to be represented by an induction motor in dynamic simulation. This model is intended for representation of aggregations of many motors dispersed through a load represented at a high voltage bus but where there is no information on the characteristics of individual motors. Either a "one-cage" or "two-cage" model of the induction machine can be modelled. Magnetic saturation is not modelled. This model treats a fraction of the constant power part of a load as a motor. During initialisation, the initial power drawn by the motor is set equal to Pfrac times the constant P part of the static load. The remainder of the load is left as a static load. The reactive power demand of the motor is calculated during initialisation as a function of voltage at the load bus. This reactive power demand can be less than or greater than the constant Q component of the load. If the motor's reactive demand is greater than the constant Q component of the load, the model inserts a shunt capacitor at the terminal of the motor to bring its reactive demand down to equal the constant Q reactive load. If an induction motor load model and a static load model are both present for a load, the motor Pfrac is assumed to be subtracted from the power flow constant P load before the static load model is applied. The remainder of the load, if any, is then represented by the static load model.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    Damping factor (D). Unit = delta P/delta speed. Typical value = 2.


    Inertia constant (H) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,4.


    Loading factor (Lfac). The ratio of initial P to motor MVA base. Typical value = 0,8.


    Transient reactance (Lp). Typical value = 0,15.


    Subtransient reactance (Lpp). Typical value = 0,15.


    Synchronous reactance (Ls). Typical value = 3,2.


    Fraction of constant-power load to be represented by this motor model (Pfrac) (>= 0,0 and <= 1,0). Typical value = 0,3.


    Stator resistance (Ra). Typical value = 0.


    Circuit breaker operating time (Tbkr) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,08.


    Transient rotor time constant (Tpo) (>= 0). Typical value = 1.


    Subtransient rotor time constant (Tppo) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,02.


    Voltage trip pickup time (Tv) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,1.


    Voltage threshold for tripping (Vt). Typical value = 0,7.


    LoadAggregate Aggregate load to which this aggregate motor (dynamic) load belongs.

  717. final case class LoadRatio(Element: BasicElement = null, intervalEndTime: String = null, intervalStartTime: String = null, share: Double = 0.0, SchedulingCoordinator: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Representing the ratio of the load share for the associated SC.

    Representing the ratio of the load share for the associated SC.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    Interval End Time


    Interval Start Time


    Share in percentage of total Market load for the selected time interval.


    SchedulingCoordinator undocumented

  718. final case class LoadReductionPriceCurve(Curve: Curve = null, LoadBid: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    This is the price sensitivity that bidder expresses for allowing market load interruption.

    This is the price sensitivity that bidder expresses for allowing market load interruption.

    Relationship between price (Y1-axis) vs. MW (X-axis).


    Curve Reference to the superclass object.


    LoadBid undocumented

  719. final case class LoadReductionTimeCurve(Curve: Curve = null, loadReductionTimeCurveType: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    This is the cureve that describes the load reduction time.

    This is the cureve that describes the load reduction time.

    Relationship between time (Y1-axis) vs. MW (X-axis).


    Curve Reference to the superclass object.


    type of the curve: Possible values are but not limited to: Max, Min,

  720. final case class LoadResponseCharacteristic(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, exponentModel: Boolean = false, pConstantCurrent: Double = 0.0, pConstantImpedance: Double = 0.0, pConstantPower: Double = 0.0, pFrequencyExponent: Double = 0.0, pVoltageExponent: Double = 0.0, qConstantCurrent: Double = 0.0, qConstantImpedance: Double = 0.0, qConstantPower: Double = 0.0, qFrequencyExponent: Double = 0.0, qVoltageExponent: Double = 0.0, EnergyConsumer: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Models the characteristic response of the load demand due to changes in system conditions such as voltage and frequency.

    Models the characteristic response of the load demand due to changes in system conditions such as voltage and frequency.

    It is not related to demand response. If LoadResponseCharacteristic.exponentModel is True, the exponential voltage or frequency dependent models are specified and used as to calculate active and reactive power components of the load model. The equations to calculate active and reactive power components of the load model are internal to the power flow calculation, hence they use different quantities depending on the use case of the data exchange. The equations for exponential voltage dependent load model injected power are: pInjection= Pnominal* (Voltage/cim:BaseVoltage.nominalVoltage) ** cim:LoadResponseCharacteristic.pVoltageExponent qInjection= Qnominal* (Voltage/cim:BaseVoltage.nominalVoltage) ** cim:LoadResponseCharacteristic.qVoltageExponent Where: 1) * means "multiply" and ** is "raised to power of"; 2) Pnominal and Qnominal represent the active power and reactive power at nominal voltage as any load described by the voltage exponential model shall be given at nominal voltage. This means that EnergyConsumer.p and EnergyConsumer.q are at nominal voltage. 3) After power flow is solved: -pInjection and qInjection correspond to SvPowerflow.p and SvPowerflow.q respectively. - Voltage corresponds to SvVoltage.v at the TopologicalNode where the load is connected.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    Indicates the exponential voltage dependency model is to be used. If false, the coefficient model is to be used. The exponential voltage dependency model consist of the attributes:

    • pVoltageExponent
    • qVoltageExponent
    • pFrequencyExponent
    • qFrequencyExponent. The coefficient model consist of the attributes:
    • pConstantImpedance
    • pConstantCurrent
    • pConstantPower
    • qConstantImpedance
    • qConstantCurrent
    • qConstantPower. The sum of pConstantImpedance, pConstantCurrent and pConstantPower shall equal 1. The sum of qConstantImpedance, qConstantCurrent and qConstantPower shall equal 1.

    Portion of active power load modelled as constant current.


    Portion of active power load modelled as constant impedance.


    Portion of active power load modelled as constant power.


    Exponent of per unit frequency effecting active power.


    Exponent of per unit voltage effecting real power.


    Portion of reactive power load modelled as constant current.


    Portion of reactive power load modelled as constant impedance.


    Portion of reactive power load modelled as constant power.


    Exponent of per unit frequency effecting reactive power.


    Exponent of per unit voltage effecting reactive power.


    EnergyConsumer The set of loads that have the response characteristics.

  721. final case class LoadStatic(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, ep1: Double = 0.0, ep2: Double = 0.0, ep3: Double = 0.0, eq1: Double = 0.0, eq2: Double = 0.0, eq3: Double = 0.0, kp1: Double = 0.0, kp2: Double = 0.0, kp3: Double = 0.0, kp4: Double = 0.0, kpf: Double = 0.0, kq1: Double = 0.0, kq2: Double = 0.0, kq3: Double = 0.0, kq4: Double = 0.0, kqf: Double = 0.0, staticLoadModelType: String = null, LoadAggregate: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    General static load.

    General static load.

    This model represents the sensitivity of the real and reactive power consumed by the load to the amplitude and frequency of the bus voltage.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    First term voltage exponent for active power (Ep1). Used only when .staticLoadModelType = exponential.


    Second term voltage exponent for active power (Ep2). Used only when .staticLoadModelType = exponential.


    Third term voltage exponent for active power (Ep3). Used only when .staticLoadModelType = exponential.


    First term voltage exponent for reactive power (Eq1). Used only when .staticLoadModelType = exponential.


    Second term voltage exponent for reactive power (Eq2). Used only when .staticLoadModelType = exponential.


    Third term voltage exponent for reactive power (Eq3). Used only when .staticLoadModelType = exponential.


    First term voltage coefficient for active power (Kp1). Not used when .staticLoadModelType = constantZ.


    Second term voltage coefficient for active power (Kp2). Not used when .staticLoadModelType = constantZ.


    Third term voltage coefficient for active power (Kp3). Not used when .staticLoadModelType = constantZ.


    Frequency coefficient for active power (Kp4) (not = 0 if .staticLoadModelType = zIP2). Used only when .staticLoadModelType = zIP2.


    Frequency deviation coefficient for active power (Kpf). Not used when .staticLoadModelType = constantZ.


    First term voltage coefficient for reactive power (Kq1). Not used when .staticLoadModelType = constantZ.


    Second term voltage coefficient for reactive power (Kq2). Not used when .staticLoadModelType = constantZ.


    Third term voltage coefficient for reactive power (Kq3). Not used when .staticLoadModelType = constantZ.


    Frequency coefficient for reactive power (Kq4) (not = 0 when .staticLoadModelType = zIP2). Used only when .staticLoadModelType - zIP2.


    Frequency deviation coefficient for reactive power (Kqf). Not used when .staticLoadModelType = constantZ.


    Type of static load model. Typical value = constantZ.


    LoadAggregate Aggregate load to which this aggregate static load belongs.

  722. final case class LoadUserDefined(LoadDynamics: LoadDynamics = null, proprietary: Boolean = false, ProprietaryParameterDynamics: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Load whose dynamic behaviour is described by a user-defined model.

    Load whose dynamic behaviour is described by a user-defined model.


    LoadDynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    Behaviour is based on a proprietary model as opposed to a detailed model. true = user-defined model is proprietary with behaviour mutually understood by sending and receiving applications and parameters passed as general attributes false = user-defined model is explicitly defined in terms of control blocks and their input and output signals.


    ProprietaryParameterDynamics Parameter of this proprietary user-defined model.

  723. final case class LocalReliabilityArea(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, RTO: String = null, RegisteredGenerator: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Allows definition of reliability areas (e.g..

    Allows definition of reliability areas (e.g.. load pockets) within the ISO/RTO.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    RTO undocumented


    RegisteredGenerator undocumented

  724. final case class Location(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, direction: String = null, electronicAddress: String = null, geoInfoReference: String = null, mainAddress: String = null, phone1: String = null, phone2: String = null, secondaryAddress: String = null, status: String = null, type: String = null, Assets: List[String] = null, ConfigurationEvents: List[String] = null, CoordinateSystem: String = null, Crew: List[String] = null, Crews: List[String] = null, EnvironmentalLocationKind: List[String] = null, EnvironmentalMonitoringStation: List[String] = null, Fault: List[String] = null, Hazards: List[String] = null, Incident: String = null, LandProperties: List[String] = null, Measurements: List[String] = null, OutageOrder: String = null, PositionPoints: List[String] = null, PowerSystemResources: List[String] = null, Routes: List[String] = null, SwitchingOrder: String = null, TroubleOrder: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    The place, scene, or point of something where someone or something has been, is, and/or will be at a given moment in time.

    The place, scene, or point of something where someone or something has been, is, and/or will be at a given moment in time.

    It can be defined with one or more position points (coordinates) in a given coordinate system.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    (if applicable) Direction that allows field crews to quickly find a given asset. For a given location, such as a street address, this is the relative direction in which to find the asset. For example, a streetlight may be located at the 'NW' (northwest) corner of the customer's site, or a usage point may be located on the second floor of an apartment building.


    ElectronicAddress Electronic address.


    (if applicable) Reference to geographical information source, often external to the utility.


    StreetAddress Main address of the location.


    TelephoneNumber Phone number.


    TelephoneNumber Additional phone number.


    StreetAddress Secondary address of the location. For example, PO Box address may have different ZIP code than that in the 'mainAddress'.


    Status Status of this location.


    Classification by utility's corporate standards and practices, relative to the location itself (e.g., geographical, functional accounting, etc., not a given property that happens to exist at that location).


    Asset All assets at this location.


    ConfigurationEvent All configuration events created for this location.


    CoordinateSystem Coordinate system used to describe position points of this location.


    Crew undocumented


    OldCrew undocumented


    EnvironmentalLocationType Kind of environmental location which this location is.


    EnvironmentalMonitoringStation Monitoring station located at this location.


    Fault undocumented


    AssetLocationHazard All asset hazards at this location.


    Incident Incident at this location.


    LandProperty undocumented


    Measurement undocumented


    OutageOrder undocumented


    PositionPoint Sequence of position points describing this location, expressed in coordinate system 'Location. CoordinateSystem'.


    PowerSystemResource All power system resources at this location.


    Route undocumented


    SwitchingOrder undocumented


    TroubleOrder undocumented

  725. final case class LocationGrant(Agreement: Agreement = null, propertyData: String = null, LandProperty: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A grant provides a right, as defined by type, for a parcel of land.

    A grant provides a right, as defined by type, for a parcel of land.

    Note that the association to Location, Asset, Organisation, etc. for the Grant is inherited from Agreement, a type of Document.


    Agreement Reference to the superclass object.


    Property related information that describes the Grant's land parcel. For example, it may be a deed book number, deed book page number, and parcel number.


    LandProperty Land property this location grant applies to.

  726. final case class LossClearing(MarketFactors: MarketFactors = null, LossClearingResults: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    RT only and is published on 5 minute intervals for the previous RT time interval results.

    RT only and is published on 5 minute intervals for the previous RT time interval results.


    MarketFactors Reference to the superclass object.


    LossClearingResults undocumented

  727. final case class LossClearingResults(Element: BasicElement = null, lossMW: Double = 0.0, HostControlArea: String = null, LossClearing: String = null, RUCZone: String = null, SubControlArea: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Provides the MW loss for RUC Zones, subcontrol areas, and the total loss.

    Provides the MW loss for RUC Zones, subcontrol areas, and the total loss.


    Reference to the superclass object.




    HostControlArea undocumented


    LossClearing undocumented


    RUCZone undocumented


    SubControlArea undocumented

  728. final case class LossProfile(Profile: Profile = null, EnergyTransaction: String = null, HasLoss_1: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    LossProfile is associated with an EnerrgyTransaction and must be completely contained within the time frame of the EnergyProfile associated with this EnergyTransaction.

    LossProfile is associated with an EnerrgyTransaction and must be completely contained within the time frame of the EnergyProfile associated with this EnergyTransaction.


    Profile Reference to the superclass object.


    EnergyTransaction An EnergyTransaction may have a LossProfile.


    TransmissionProvider Part of the LossProfile for an EnergyTransaction may be a loss for a TransmissionProvider. If so, the TransmissionProvider must be one of the participating entities in the EnergyTransaction.

  729. final case class LossSensitivity(MarketFactors: MarketFactors = null, lossFactor: Double = 0.0, MktConnectivityNode: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Loss sensitivity applied to a ConnectivityNode for a given time interval.

    Loss sensitivity applied to a ConnectivityNode for a given time interval.


    MarketFactors Reference to the superclass object.


    Loss penalty factor. Defined as: 1 / ( 1 - Incremental Transmission Loss); with the Incremental Transmission Loss expressed as a plus or minus value. The typical range of penalty factors is (0,9 to 1,1).


    MktConnectivityNode undocumented

  730. final case class MPMClearing(MarketFactors: MarketFactors = null, mitigationOccuredFlag: String = null, LMPMFinalFlag: String = null, MPMTestResults: List[String] = null, SMPMFinalFlag: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Model of results of Market Power tests, and possible mitigation.

    Model of results of Market Power tests, and possible mitigation.

    Interval based.


    MarketFactors Reference to the superclass object.






    MPMTestResults undocumented



  731. final case class MPMResourceStatus(Element: BasicElement = null, resourceStatus: String = null, MPMTestCategory: String = null, MitigatedBidClearing: List[String] = null, RegisteredResource: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Model of results of Market Power tests, gives status of resource for the associated interval.

    Model of results of Market Power tests, gives status of resource for the associated interval.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    Interval Test Status 'N' - not applicable


    MPMTestCategory undocumented


    MitigatedBidClearing undocumented


    RegisteredResource undocumented

  732. final case class MPMTestCategory(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, purposeFlag: String = null, testIdentifier: String = null, testMethod: String = null, MPMResourceStatus: List[String] = null, MPMTestResults: List[String] = null, MPMTestThreshold: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Provides a reference to the Market Power Mitigation test identifiers and methods for the results of the DA or RT markets.

    Provides a reference to the Market Power Mitigation test identifiers and methods for the results of the DA or RT markets.

    Specific data is the test identifier (Price, Conduct, or Impact) and the test method (System MPM, Local MPM, Alternate System MPM, or Alternate Local MPM).


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    Nature of threshold data: 'M' - Mitigation threshold 'R' - Reporting threshold


    1 - Global Price Test 2 - Global Conduct Test 3 - Global Impact Test 4 - Local Price Test 5 - Local Conduct Test 6 - Local Impact Test


    The method of performing the market power monitoring. Examples are Normal (default) thresholds or Alternate thresholds.


    MPMResourceStatus undocumented


    MPMTestResults undocumented


    MPMTestThreshold undocumented

  733. final case class MPMTestResults(Element: BasicElement = null, marginPercent: Double = 0.0, outcome: String = null, AggregatedPnode: String = null, MPMClearing: String = null, MPMTestCategory: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Provides the outcome and margin percent (as appropriate) result data for the MPM tests.

    Provides the outcome and margin percent (as appropriate) result data for the MPM tests.

    There are relationships to Zone for Designated Congestion Area Tests, CurveSchedData for bid segment tests, to the SubControlArea for the system wide level tests, and Pnodes for the LMPM impact tests.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    Used to show the Margin % result of the Impact test


    The results of the test. For the Price, Impact, and Conduct tests, typical values are NA, Pass, Fail, Disable, or Skip.


    AggregatedPnode undocumented


    MPMClearing undocumented


    MPMTestCategory undocumented

  734. final case class MPMTestThreshold(Element: BasicElement = null, marketType: String = null, percent: Double = 0.0, price: Double = 0.0, AggregatedPnode: List[String] = null, MPMTestCategory: String = null, RegisteredResource: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Market Power Mitigation (MPM) test thresholds for resource as well as designated congestion areas (DCAs).

    Market Power Mitigation (MPM) test thresholds for resource as well as designated congestion areas (DCAs).


    Reference to the superclass object.


    Market Type (DAM, RTM)


    Price Threshold in %


    Price Threshold in $/MW


    AggregatedPnode undocumented


    MPMTestCategory undocumented


    RegisteredResource undocumented

  735. final case class MSSAggregation(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, costRecovery: String = null, grossSettlement: String = null, ignoreLosses: String = null, ignoreMarginalLosses: String = null, loadFollowing: String = null, rucProcurement: String = null, MeteredSubSystem: List[String] = null, RTO: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Metered Sub-System aggregation of MSS Zones.

    Metered Sub-System aggregation of MSS Zones.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    Charge for Emission Costs, Start Up Costs, or Minimum Load Costs.


    MSS Load Following may select Net vs. Gross settlement. Net Settlement requires the net Demand settled at the MSS LAP and Net Supply needs to settle at the equivalent to the weighted average price of the MSS generation. Gross load will be settled at the System LAP and the Gross supply will be settled at the LMP. MSS Aggregation that elects gross settlement shall have to identify if its resources are Load Following or not.


    Provides an indication if losses are to be ignored for this zone. Also refered to as Exclude Marginal Losses.


    Provides an indication if marginal losses are to be ignored for this zone.


    Indication that this particular MSSA participates in the Load Following function.


    Indicates that RUC will be procured by the ISO or self provided.


    MeteredSubSystem undocumented


    RTO undocumented

  736. final case class MSSZone(AggregateNode: AggregateNode = null, ignoreLosses: String = null, lossFactor: Double = 0.0, rucGrossSettlement: String = null, MeteredSubSystem: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Model to define a zone within a Metered Sub System.

    Model to define a zone within a Metered Sub System.


    AggregateNode Reference to the superclass object.


    Provides an indication if losses are to be ignored for this metered subsystem zone.


    This is the default loss factor for the Metered Sub-System (MSS) zone. The actual losses are calculated during the RT market.


    Metered Sub-System (MSS) Load Following may select Net vs. Gross settlement. Net Settlement requires the net Demand settled at the Metered Sub-Sustem (MSS) Load Aggregation Point (LAP) and Net Supply needs to settle at the equivalent to the weighted average price of the MSS generation. Gross load will be settled at the System LAP and the Gross supply will be settled at the LMP. MSS Aggregation that elects gross settlement shall have to identify if its resources are Load Following or not.


    MeteredSubSystem undocumented

  737. final case class MWLimitSchedule(Element: BasicElement = null, SecurityConstraintLimit: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Maximum MW and optionally Minimum MW (Y1 and Y2, respectively).

    Maximum MW and optionally Minimum MW (Y1 and Y2, respectively).


    Reference to the superclass object.


    ContingencyConstraintLimit undocumented

  738. final case class MagneticStorm(SpacePhenomenon: SpacePhenomenon = null, changeDst: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A magnetic storm, a temporary disturbance of the earth's magnetic field, induced by radiation and streams of charged particles from the sun.

    A magnetic storm, a temporary disturbance of the earth's magnetic field, induced by radiation and streams of charged particles from the sun.


    SpacePhenomenon Reference to the superclass object.


    Change in the disturbance - storm time (Dst) index. The size of a geomagnetic storm is classified as:

    • moderate ( -50 nT >minimum of Dst > -100 nT)
    • intense (-100 nT > minimum Dst > -250 nT) or
    • super-storm ( minimum of Dst < -250 nT).
  739. final case class Maintainer(AssetOrganisationRole: AssetOrganisationRole = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Organisation that maintains assets.

    Organisation that maintains assets.


    AssetOrganisationRole Reference to the superclass object.

  740. final case class MaintenanceDataSet(ProcedureDataSet: ProcedureDataSet = null, conditionAfter: String = null, conditionBefore: String = null, maintCode: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    The result of a maintenance activity, a type of Procedure, for a given attribute of an asset.

    The result of a maintenance activity, a type of Procedure, for a given attribute of an asset.


    ProcedureDataSet Reference to the superclass object.


    Condition of asset just following maintenance procedure.


    Description of the condition of the asset just prior to maintenance being performed.


    Code for the type of maintenance performed.

  741. final case class MaintenanceLocation(WorkLocation: WorkLocation = null, block: String = null, lot: String = null, nearestIntersection: String = null, subdivision: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Location where to perform maintenance work.

    Location where to perform maintenance work.


    WorkLocation Reference to the superclass object.


    (if applicable) Name, identifier, or description of the block in which work is to occur.


    (if applicable) Name, identifier, or description of the lot in which work is to occur.


    The names of streets at the nearest intersection to work area.


    (if applicable) Name, identifier, or description of the subdivision in which work is to occur.

  742. final case class MaintenanceWorkTask(WorkTask: WorkTask = null, breakerMaintenanceKind: String = null, transformerMaintenanceKind: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Maintenance work task.

    Maintenance work task.

    Costs associated with this are considered preventive maintenance (PM) costs.


    WorkTask Reference to the superclass object.


    Kind of breaker maintenance performed by this maintenance work task.


    Kind of transformer maintenance performed by this maintenance work task.

  743. final case class MajorChargeGroup(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, effectiveDate: String = null, frequencyType: String = null, invoiceType: String = null, requireAutorun: String = null, revisionNumber: String = null, runType: String = null, runVersion: String = null, terminationDate: String = null, ChargeType: List[String] = null, MarketInvoice: List[String] = null, MktScheduledEvent: List[String] = null, Settlement: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A Major Charge Group is the same as Invoice Type which provides the highest level of grouping for charge types configuration.

    A Major Charge Group is the same as Invoice Type which provides the highest level of grouping for charge types configuration.

    Examples: Market, FERC, RMR.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.










    Revision number for the major charge group








    ChargeType A MajorChargeGroup can have 0-n ChargeType. A ChargeType can associate to 0-n MajorChargeGroup.


    MarketInvoice undocumented


    MarketScheduledEvent undocumented


    Settlement undocumented

  744. final case class Manufacturer(OrganisationRole: OrganisationRole = null, ProductAssetModels: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Organisation that manufactures asset products.

    Organisation that manufactures asset products.


    OrganisationRole Reference to the superclass object.


    ProductAssetModel All asset models by this manufacturer.

  745. final case class Market(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, actualEnd: String = null, actualStart: String = null, dst: Boolean = false, end: String = null, localTimeZone: String = null, start: String = null, status: String = null, timeIntervalLength: Double = 0.0, tradingDay: String = null, tradingPeriod: String = null, MarketFactors: List[String] = null, MarketProducts: List[String] = null, MarketRun: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Market (e.g.

    Market (e.g.

    Day Ahead Market, Real Time Market) with a description of the Market operation control parameters.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    Market ending time - actual market end


    Market starting time - actual market start


    True if daylight savings time (DST) is in effect.


    Market end time.


    Local time zone.


    Market start time.


    Market Status 'OPEN', 'CLOSED', 'CLEARED', 'BLOCKED'


    Trading time interval length.


    Market trading date


    Trading period that describes the market, possibilities could be for an Energy Market: Day Hour For a CRR Market: Year Month Season


    MarketFactors undocumented


    MarketProduct undocumented


    MarketRun undocumented

  746. final case class MarketActualEvent(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, eventComments: String = null, eventEndTime: String = null, eventStartTime: String = null, eventStatus: String = null, eventType: String = null, MarketRun: String = null, PlannedMarketEvent: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    This class represents the actual instance of an event.

    This class represents the actual instance of an event.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    Free format comments for the event, for any purpose needed.


    End time of the event.


    Start time of the event.


    Event status, e.g. active, canceled, expired, etc.


    Actual event type.


    MarketRun Market run triggered by this actual event. For example, the DA market run is triggered by the actual open bid submission event and terminated by the actual execution and completion of the DA market run captured by the runState of the MarketRun.


    PlannedMarketEvent Planned event executed by this actual event.

  747. final case class MarketAgreement(MarketDocument: MarketDocument = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    An identification or eventually the contents of an agreement between two or more parties.

    An identification or eventually the contents of an agreement between two or more parties.


    MarketDocument Reference to the superclass object.

  748. final case class MarketCaseClearing(MarketFactors: MarketFactors = null, caseType: String = null, modifiedDate: String = null, postedDate: String = null, MarketProductClearing: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Market case clearing results are posted for a given settlement period.

    Market case clearing results are posted for a given settlement period.


    MarketFactors Reference to the superclass object.


    Settlement period: 'DA - Bid-in' 'DA - Reliability' 'DA - Amp1' 'DA - Amp2' 'RT - Ex-Ante' 'RT - Ex-Post' 'RT - Amp1' 'RT - Amp2'


    Last time and date clearing results were manually modified.


    Bid clearing results posted time and date.


    AncillaryServiceClearing undocumented

  749. final case class MarketDocument(Document: Document = null, AceTariffType: List[String] = null, AttributeInstanceComponent: List[String] = null, DateAndOrTime: List[String] = null, Domain: List[String] = null, MarketDocument_attr: List[String] = null, MarketParticipant: List[String] = null, Period: List[String] = null, Process: List[String] = null, Reason: List[String] = null, SelfMarketDocument: List[String] = null, TimeSeries: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Electronic document containing the information necessary to satisfy a given business process set of requirements.

    Electronic document containing the information necessary to satisfy a given business process set of requirements.


    Document Reference to the superclass object.


    AceTariffType undocumented


    AttributeInstanceComponent undocumented


    DateAndOrTime undocumented


    Domain undocumented


    MarketDocument undocumented


    MarketParticipant undocumented


    Period undocumented


    Process undocumented


    Reason undocumented


    MarketDocument undocumented


    TimeSeries undocumented

  750. final case class MarketEvaluationPoint(UsagePoint: UsagePoint = null, TimeSeries: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    The identification of an entity where energy products are measured or computed.

    The identification of an entity where energy products are measured or computed.


    UsagePoint Reference to the superclass object.


    TimeSeries undocumented

  751. final case class MarketFactors(Document: Document = null, intervalEndTime: String = null, intervalStartTime: String = null, Market: String = null, MktActivityRecord: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Aggregation of market information relative for a specific time interval.

    Aggregation of market information relative for a specific time interval.


    Document Reference to the superclass object.


    The end of the time interval for which requirement is defined.


    The start of the time interval for which requirement is defined.


    Market undocumented


    MktActivityRecord undocumented

  752. final case class MarketInvoice(Element: BasicElement = null, amount: Double = 0.0, billMediaKind: String = null, dueDate: String = null, kind: String = null, mailedDate: String = null, proForma: Boolean = false, referenceNumber: String = null, transactionDateTime: String = null, transferType: String = null, MajorChargeGroup: List[String] = null, MarketInvoiceLineItems: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A roll up of invoice line items.

    A roll up of invoice line items.

    The whole invoice has a due date and amount to be paid, with information such as customer, banks etc. being obtained through associations. The invoice roll up is based on individual line items that each contain amounts and descriptions for specific services or products.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    Total amount due on this invoice based on line items and applicable adjustments.


    Kind of media by which the CustomerBillingInfo was delivered.


    Calculated date upon which the Invoice amount is due.


    Kind of invoice (default is 'sales').


    Date on which the customer billing statement/invoice was printed/mailed.


    True if payment is to be paid by a Customer to accept a particular ErpQuote (with associated Design) and have work initiated, at which time an associated ErpInvoice should automatically be generated. EprPayment.subjectStatus satisfies terms specificed in the ErpQuote.


    Number of an invoice to be reference by this invoice.


    Date and time when the invoice is issued.


    Type of invoice transfer.


    MajorChargeGroup undocumented


    MarketInvoiceLineItem undocumented

  753. final case class MarketInvoiceLineItem(Element: BasicElement = null, billPeriod: String = null, glAccount: String = null, glDateTime: String = null, kind: String = null, lineAmount: Double = 0.0, lineNumber: String = null, lineVersion: String = null, netAmount: Double = 0.0, previousAmount: Double = 0.0, ComponentMarketInvoiceLineItems: List[String] = null, ContainerMarketInvoiceLineItem: String = null, MarketInvoice: String = null, Settlement: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    An individual line item on an invoice.

    An individual line item on an invoice.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    Bill period for the line item.


    General Ledger account code, shall be a valid combination.


    Date and time line item will be posted to the General Ledger.


    Kind of line item.


    Amount due for this line item.


    Line item number on invoice statement.


    Version number of the bill run.


    Net line item charge amount.


    Previous line item charge amount.


    MarketInvoiceLineItem undocumented


    MarketInvoiceLineItem undocumented


    MarketInvoice undocumented


    Settlement undocumented

  754. final case class MarketLedger(Element: BasicElement = null, MarketLedgerEntries: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    In accounting transactions, a ledger is a book containing accounts to which debits and credits are posted from journals, where transactions are initially recorded.

    In accounting transactions, a ledger is a book containing accounts to which debits and credits are posted from journals, where transactions are initially recorded.

    Journal entries are periodically posted to the ledger. Ledger actual represents actual amounts by account within ledger within company or within business area. Actual amounts may be generated in a source application and then loaded to a specific ledger within the enterprise general ledger or budget application.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    MarketLedgerEntry undocumented

  755. final case class MarketLedgerEntry(Element: BasicElement = null, accountID: String = null, accountKind: String = null, amount: Double = 0.0, postedDateTime: String = null, status: String = null, transactionDateTime: String = null, MarketLedger: String = null, Settlement: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Details of an individual entry in a ledger, which was posted from a journal on the posted date.

    Details of an individual entry in a ledger, which was posted from a journal on the posted date.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    Account identifier for this entry.


    Kind of account for this entry.


    The amount of the debit or credit for this account.


    Date and time this entry was posted to the ledger.


    Status of ledger entry.


    Date and time journal entry was recorded.


    MarketLedger undocumented


    Settlement undocumented

  756. final case class MarketObjectStatus(Element: BasicElement = null, status: String = null, RegisteredResource: List[String] = null, TimeSeries: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    The condition or position of an object with regard to its standing.

    The condition or position of an object with regard to its standing.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    The coded condition or position of an object with regard to its standing.


    RegisteredResource undocumented


    TimeSeries undocumented

  757. final case class MarketParticipant(Organisation: Organisation = null, Bid: List[String] = null, MarketDocument: List[String] = null, MarketPerson: List[String] = null, MarketRole: List[String] = null, RegisteredResource: List[String] = null, SchedulingCoordinator: List[String] = null, TimeSeries: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    An identification of a party acting in a electricity market business process.

    An identification of a party acting in a electricity market business process.

    This class is used to identify organizations that can participate in market management and/or market operations.


    Organisation Reference to the superclass object.


    Bid undocumented


    MarketDocument undocumented


    MarketPerson undocumented


    MarketRole undocumented


    RegisteredResource undocumented


    SchedulingCoordinator undocumented


    TimeSeries undocumented

  758. final case class MarketPerson(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, category: String = null, electronicAddressAlternate: String = null, electronicAddressPrimary: String = null, firstName: String = null, governmentID: String = null, landlinePhone: String = null, lastName: String = null, mName: String = null, mobilePhone: String = null, prefix: String = null, specialNeed: String = null, status: String = null, suffix: String = null, userID: String = null, MarketParticipant: List[String] = null, MarketSkills: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    General purpose information for name and other information to contact people.

    General purpose information for name and other information to contact people.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    Category of this person relative to utility operations, classified according to the utility's corporate standards and practices. Examples include employee, contractor, agent, not affiliated, etc. This field is not used to indicate whether this person is a customer of the utility. Often an employee or contractor is also a customer. Customer information is gained with relationship to Organisation and CustomerData. In similar fashion, this field does not indicate the various roles this person may fill as part of utility operations.


    Alternate Electronic address.


    Primary Electronic address.


    Person's first name.


    Unique identifier for person relative to its governing authority, for example a federal tax identifier (such as a Social Security number in the United States).


    Landline phone number.


    Person's last (family, sir) name.


    Middle name(s) or initial(s).


    Mobile phone number.


    A prefix or title for the person's name, such as Miss, Mister, Doctor, etc.


    Special service needs for the person (contact) are described; examples include life support, etc.




    A suffix for the person's name, such as II, III, etc.


    The user name for the person; required to log in.


    MarketParticipant undocumented


    MarketSkill undocumented

  759. final case class MarketPlan(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, tradingDay: String = null, PlannedMarket: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    This class identifies a set of planned markets.

    This class identifies a set of planned markets.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    Planned market trading day.


    PlannedMarket A market plan has a number of markets (DA, HA, RT).

  760. final case class MarketProduct(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, marketProductType: String = null, rampInterval: Double = 0.0, BidError: List[String] = null, BidPriceCap: List[String] = null, CommodityDefinition: List[String] = null, Market: String = null, MarketRegionResults: String = null, ProductBids: List[String] = null, ReserveReqs: List[String] = null, ResourceAwardInstruction: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A product traded by an RTO (e.g.

    A product traded by an RTO (e.g. energy, 10 minute spinning reserve).

    Ancillary service product examples include: Regulation, Regulation Up, Regulation Down, Spinning Reserve, Non-Spinning Reserve, etc.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    Market product type examples: EN (Energy) RU (Regulation Up) RD (Regulation Dn) SR (Spinning Reserve) NR (Non-Spinning Reserve) RC (RUC)


    Ramping time interval for the specific market product type specified by marketProductType attribute. For example, if marketProductType = EN (from enumeration MarketProductType), then the rampInterval is the ramping time interval for Energy.


    BidError undocumented


    BidPriceCap undocumented


    CommodityDefinition undocumented


    Market undocumented


    MarketRegionResults undocumented


    ProductBid undocumented


    ReserveReq Market product associated with reserve requirement must be a reserve or regulation product.


    ResourceAwardInstruction undocumented

  761. final case class MarketQualificationRequirement(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, effectiveDate: String = null, expirationDate: String = null, qualificationID: String = null, status: Int = 0, statusType: String = null, MarketSkills: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Certain skills are required and shall be certified in order for a person (typically a member of a crew) to be qualified to work on types of equipment.

    Certain skills are required and shall be certified in order for a person (typically a member of a crew) to be qualified to work on types of equipment.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    Effective date of the privilege, terminate date of the privilege, or effective date of the application for the organization


    This is the terminate date of the application for the organization The specific organization can no longer access the application as of the terminate date


    Qualification identifier.


    The status of the privilege. Shows the status of the user´s qualification. The current statuses are: 1=New, 2=Active, 3=Refused, 4=Terminated, 5=Withdrawn and it is subject to update.


    This is the name of the status of the qualification and is used to display the status of the user's or organization's status.


    MarketSkill undocumented

  762. final case class MarketRegion(AggregateNode: AggregateNode = null, ExPostMarketRegionResults: List[String] = null, MarketRegionResults: List[String] = null, ReserveDemandCurve: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A specialized class of AggregatedNode type.

    A specialized class of AggregatedNode type.

    Defines the MarketRegions. Regions could be system Market Regions, Energy Regions or Ancillary Service Regions.


    AggregateNode Reference to the superclass object.


    ExPostMarketRegionResults undocumented


    MarketRegionResults undocumented


    ReserveDemandCurve undocumented

  763. final case class MarketRegionResults(Element: BasicElement = null, clearedMW: Double = 0.0, clearedPrice: Double = 0.0, dispatchCtMW: Double = 0.0, dispatchHydroMW: Double = 0.0, dispatchRate: Double = 0.0, dispatchSteamMW: Double = 0.0, imbalanceEnergyBias: Double = 0.0, limitFlag: String = null, lumpyIndicator: String = null, maxSufficiencyIndex: Double = 0.0, minSufficiencyIndex: Double = 0.0, reqMaxMW: Double = 0.0, reqMinMW: Double = 0.0, selfScheduleMW: Double = 0.0, AncillaryServiceClearing: String = null, MarketProduct: String = null, MarketRegion: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Provides all Region Ancillary Service results for the DA and RT markets.

    Provides all Region Ancillary Service results for the DA and RT markets.

    The specific data is commodity type (Regulation Up, Regulation Down, Spinning Reserve, Non-spinning Reserve, or Total Up reserves) based for the cleared MW, cleared price, and total capacity required for the region.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    Cleared generation Value in MW. For AS, this value is clearedMW = AS Total. For AS, clearedMW - selfScheduleMW = AS Procured


    Marginal Price ($/MW) for the commodity (Energy, Regulation Up, Regulation Down, Spinning Reserve, or Non-spinning reserve) based on the pricing run.


    Dispatchable MW for Combustion units.


    Dispatchable MW for Hydro units.


    Dispatch rate in MW/minutes.


    Dispatchable MW for Steam units.


    Imbalance Energy Bias (MW) by Time Period (5' only)


    Locational AS Flags indicating whether the Upper or Lower Bound limit of the AS regional procurment is binding


    The "Lumpy Flag"(Y/N) indicates whether the resource that sets the price is a lumpy generator by hour over the time horizon. Only applicable for the Day Ahead Market


    Region requirement maximum limit


    Region requirement minimum limit


    Region requirement maximum limit


    Region requirement minimum limit


    Aof AS, selfScheduleMW = AS Self-Provided


    AncillaryServiceClearing undocumented


    MarketProduct undocumented


    MarketRegion undocumented

  764. final case class MarketResults(Element: BasicElement = null, ancillarySvcCost: Double = 0.0, contingentOperatingResAvail: String = null, energyCost: Double = 0.0, minimumLoadCost: Double = 0.0, startUpCost: Double = 0.0, totalCost: Double = 0.0, totalRucCost: Double = 0.0, EnergyMarket: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    This class holds elements that are single values for the entire market time horizon.

    This class holds elements that are single values for the entire market time horizon.

    That is, for the Day Ahead market, there is 1 value for each element, not hourly based. Is a summary of the market run.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    Total AS Cost (i.e., payment) ($) over the time horizon


    Global Contingent Operating Reserve Availability Indicator (Yes/No)


    Total Energy Cost ($) over the time horizon


    Total Minimum Load Cost ($) over the time horizon


    Total Start-up Cost ($) over the time horizon


    Total Cost (Energy + AS) cost ($) by over the time horizon


    The total RUC capacity cost for this interval


    EnergyMarket undocumented

  765. final case class MarketRole(OrganisationRole: OrganisationRole = null, type: String = null, MarketParticipant: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    The external intended behavior played by a party within the electricity market.

    The external intended behavior played by a party within the electricity market.


    OrganisationRole Reference to the superclass object.


    The kind of market roles that can be played by parties for given domains within the electricity market. Types are flexible using dataType of string for free-entry of role types.


    MarketParticipant undocumented

  766. final case class MarketRun(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, executionType: String = null, marketApprovalTime: String = null, marketApprovedStatus: Boolean = false, marketEndTime: String = null, marketStartTime: String = null, marketType: String = null, reportedState: String = null, runState: String = null, Market: String = null, MarketActualEvent: List[String] = null, PlannedMarket: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    This class represents an actual instance of a planned market.

    This class represents an actual instance of a planned market.

    For example, a Day Ahead market opens with the Bid Submission, ends with the closing of the Bid Submission. The market run represent the whole process. MarketRuns can be defined for markets such as Day Ahead Market, Real Time Market, Hour Ahead Market, Week Ahead Market, etc.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    The execution type; Day Ahead, Intra Day, Real Time Pre-Dispatch, Real Time Dispatch


    Approved time for case. Identifies the time that the dispatcher approved a specific real time unit dispatch case


    Set to true when the plan is approved by authority and becomes the official plan for the day ahead market. Identifies the approved case for the market for the specified time interval.


    The end time defined as the end of the market, market end time.


    The start time defined as the beginning of the market, market start time.


    The market type, Day Ahead Market or Real Time Market.


    This is the state of market run activity as reported by market systems to the market definition services.


    This is the state controlled by market defintion service. Possible values could be but not limited by: Open, Close.


    Market undocumented


    MarketActualEvent All actual events that trigger this market run.


    PlannedMarket A planned market could have multiple market runs for the reason that a planned market could have a rerun.

  767. final case class MarketScheduledEvent(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, category: String = null, duration: Double = 0.0, status: String = null, MajorChargeGroup: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Signifies an event to trigger one or more activities, such as reading a meter, recalculating a bill, requesting work, when generating units shall be scheduled for maintenance, when a transformer is scheduled to be refurbished, etc.

    Signifies an event to trigger one or more activities, such as reading a meter, recalculating a bill, requesting work, when generating units shall be scheduled for maintenance, when a transformer is scheduled to be refurbished, etc.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    Category of scheduled event.


    Duration of the scheduled event, for example, the time to ramp between values.




    MajorChargeGroup undocumented

  768. final case class MarketSkill(Document: Document = null, certificationPeriod: String = null, effectiveDateTime: String = null, level: String = null, MarketPerson: String = null, MarketQualificationRequirements: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Proficiency level of a craft, which is required to operate or maintain a particular type of asset and/or perform certain types of work.

    Proficiency level of a craft, which is required to operate or maintain a particular type of asset and/or perform certain types of work.


    Document Reference to the superclass object.


    Interval between the certification and its expiry.


    Date and time the skill became effective.


    Level of skill for a Craft.


    MarketPerson undocumented


    MarketQualificationRequirement undocumented

  769. final case class MarketStatement(Document: Document = null, end: String = null, referenceNumber: String = null, start: String = null, tradeDate: String = null, transactionDate: String = null, MarketStatementLineItem: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A statement is a roll up of statement line items.

    A statement is a roll up of statement line items.

    Each statement along with its line items provide the details of specific charges at any given time. Used by Billing and Settlement.


    Document Reference to the superclass object.


    The end of a bill period.


    The version number of previous statement (in the case of true up).


    The start of a bill period.


    The date of which Settlement is run.


    The date of which this statement is issued.


    MarketStatementLineItem undocumented

  770. final case class MarketStatementLineItem(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, currentAmount: Double = 0.0, currentISOAmount: Double = 0.0, currentISOQuantity: Double = 0.0, currentPrice: Double = 0.0, currentQuantity: Double = 0.0, intervalDate: String = null, intervalNumber: String = null, netAmount: Double = 0.0, netISOAmount: Double = 0.0, netISOQuantity: Double = 0.0, netPrice: Double = 0.0, netQuantity: Double = 0.0, previousAmount: Double = 0.0, previousISOAmount: Double = 0.0, previousISOQuantity: Double = 0.0, previousPrice: Double = 0.0, previousQuantity: Double = 0.0, quantityUOM: String = null, ComponentMarketStatementLineItem: List[String] = null, ContainerMarketStatementLineItem: String = null, MarketStatement: String = null, MktUserAttribute: List[String] = null, PassThroughBill: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    An individual line item on an ISO settlement statement.

    An individual line item on an ISO settlement statement.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    Current settlement amount.


    Current ISO settlement amount.


    Current ISO settlement quantity.


    Current settlement price.


    Current settlement quantity, subject to the UOM.


    The date of which the settlement is run.


    The number of intervals.


    Net settlement amount.


    Net ISO settlement amount.


    Net ISO settlement quantity.


    Net settlement price.


    Net settlement quantity, subject to the UOM.


    Previous settlement amount.


    Previous ISO settlement amount.


    Previous ISO settlement quantity.


    Previous settlement price.


    Previous settlement quantity, subject to the UOM.


    The unit of measure for the quantity element of the line item.


    MarketStatementLineItem undocumented


    MarketStatementLineItem undocumented


    MarketStatement undocumented


    MktUserAttribute undocumented


    PassThroughBill undocumented

  771. final case class Marketer(Organisation: Organisation = null, HoldsTitleTo_EnergyProducts: List[String] = null, Resells_EnergyProduct: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Matches buyers and sellers, and secures transmission (and other ancillary services) needed to complete the energy transaction.

    Matches buyers and sellers, and secures transmission (and other ancillary services) needed to complete the energy transaction.


    Organisation Reference to the superclass object.


    EnergyProduct A Marketer holds title to an EnergyProduct.


    EnergyProduct A Marketer may resell an EnergyProduct.

  772. final case class MaterialItem(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, quantity: String = null, TypeMaterial: String = null, WorkTask: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    The physical consumable supply used for work and other purposes.

    The physical consumable supply used for work and other purposes.

    It includes items such as nuts, bolts, brackets, glue, etc.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    Quantity of material used.


    TypeMaterial undocumented


    WorkTask undocumented

  773. final case class MaxStartUpCostCurve(Curve: Curve = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    The maximum Startup costs and time as a function of down time.

    The maximum Startup costs and time as a function of down time.

    Relationship between unit startup cost (Y1-axis) vs. unit elapsed down time (X-axis). This is used to validate the information provided in the Bid.


    Curve Reference to the superclass object.

  774. final case class Measurement(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, measurementType: String = null, phases: String = null, unitMultiplier: String = null, unitSymbol: String = null, Asset: String = null, CalculationMethodHierarchy: String = null, Locations: List[String] = null, MeasurementAction: String = null, MeasurementCalculatorInput: List[String] = null, PinMeasurement: List[String] = null, PowerSystemResource: String = null, Procedures: List[String] = null, ProtectiveActionAdjustment: List[String] = null, Terminal: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A Measurement represents any measured, calculated or non-measured non-calculated quantity.

    A Measurement represents any measured, calculated or non-measured non-calculated quantity.

    Any piece of equipment may contain Measurements, e.g. a substation may have temperature measurements and door open indications, a transformer may have oil temperature and tank pressure measurements, a bay may contain a number of power flow measurements and a Breaker may contain a switch status measurement. The PSR - Measurement association is intended to capture this use of Measurement and is included in the naming hierarchy based on EquipmentContainer. The naming hierarchy typically has Measurements as leaves, e.g. Substation-VoltageLevel-Bay-Switch-Measurement. Some Measurements represent quantities related to a particular sensor location in the network, e.g. a voltage transformer (VT) or potential transformer (PT) at a busbar or a current transformer (CT) at the bar between a breaker and an isolator. The sensing position is not captured in the PSR - Measurement association. Instead it is captured by the Measurement - Terminal association that is used to define the sensing location in the network topology. The location is defined by the connection of the Terminal to ConductingEquipment. If both a Terminal and PSR are associated, and the PSR is of type ConductingEquipment, the associated Terminal should belong to that ConductingEquipment instance. When the sensor location is needed both Measurement-PSR and Measurement-Terminal are used. The Measurement-Terminal association is never used alone.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    Specifies the type of measurement. For example, this specifies if the measurement represents an indoor temperature, outdoor temperature, bus voltage, line flow, etc. When the measurementType is set to "Specialization", the type of Measurement is defined in more detail by the specialized class which inherits from Measurement.


    Indicates to which phases the measurement applies and avoids the need to use 'measurementType' to also encode phase information (which would explode the types). The phase information in Measurement, along with 'measurementType' and 'phases' uniquely defines a Measurement for a device, based on normal network phase. Their meaning will not change when the computed energizing phasing is changed due to jumpers or other reasons. If the attribute is missing three phases (ABC) shall be assumed.


    The unit multiplier of the measured quantity.


    The unit of measure of the measured quantity.


    Asset undocumented


    CalculationMethodHierarchy Calculation method hierarchy which applies to this analog.


    Location undocumented


    MeasurementAction undocumented


    MeasurementCalculatorInput undocumented


    PinMeasurement undocumented


    PowerSystemResource The power system resource that contains the measurement.


    Procedure Measurements are specified in types of documents, such as procedures.


    ProtectiveActionAdjustment undocumented


    ACDCTerminal One or more measurements may be associated with a terminal in the network.

  775. final case class MeasurementAction(SwitchingAction: SwitchingAction = null, Measurement: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Measurement taken as a switching step.

    Measurement taken as a switching step.


    SwitchingAction Reference to the superclass object.


    Measurement undocumented

  776. final case class MeasurementCalculator(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, kind: String = null, MeasurementCalculatorInput: List[String] = null, PinMeasurement: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Result of a calculation of one or more measurement.

    Result of a calculation of one or more measurement.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    Calculation operation executed on the operants.


    MeasurementCalculatorInput Used in the calculation.


    PinMeasurement undocumented

  777. final case class MeasurementCalculatorInput(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, absoluteValue: Boolean = false, order: Int = 0, Measurement: String = null, MeasurementCalculator: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Input to measurement calculation.

    Input to measurement calculation.

    Support Analog, Discrete and Accumulator.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    If true, use the absolute value for the calculation.


    Positive number that defines the order of the operant in the calculation. 0 = default. The order is not relevant (e.g. summation).


    Measurement Measurement used as input to a calculation.


    MeasurementCalculator undocumented

  778. final case class MeasurementValue(IOPoint: IOPoint = null, sensorAccuracy: Double = 0.0, timeStamp: String = null, CalculationMethodHierarchy: String = null, ErpPerson: String = null, MeasurementValueQuality: String = null, MeasurementValueSource: String = null, ProcedureDataSet: List[String] = null, RemoteSource: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    The current state for a measurement.

    The current state for a measurement.

    A state value is an instance of a measurement from a specific source. Measurements can be associated with many state values, each representing a different source for the measurement.


    IOPoint Reference to the superclass object.


    The limit, expressed as a percentage of the sensor maximum, that errors will not exceed when the sensor is used under reference conditions.


    The time when the value was last updated.


    CalculationMethodHierarchy undocumented


    OldPerson undocumented


    MeasurementValueQuality A MeasurementValue has a MeasurementValueQuality associated with it.


    MeasurementValueSource A reference to the type of source that updates the MeasurementValue, e.g. SCADA, CCLink, manual, etc. User conventions for the names of sources are contained in the introduction to IEC 61970-301.


    ProcedureDataSet undocumented


    RemoteSource Link to the physical telemetered point associated with this measurement.

  779. final case class MeasurementValueQuality(Quality61850: Quality61850 = null, MeasurementValue: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Measurement quality flags.

    Measurement quality flags.

    Bits 0-10 are defined for substation automation in IEC 61850-7-3. Bits 11-15 are reserved for future expansion by that document. Bits 16-31 are reserved for EMS applications.


    Quality61850 Reference to the superclass object.


    MeasurementValue A MeasurementValue has a MeasurementValueQuality associated with it.

  780. final case class MeasurementValueSource(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, MeasurementValues: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    MeasurementValueSource describes the alternative sources updating a MeasurementValue.

    MeasurementValueSource describes the alternative sources updating a MeasurementValue.

    User conventions for how to use the MeasurementValueSource attributes are defined in IEC 61970-301.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    MeasurementValue The MeasurementValues updated by the source.

  781. final case class MechLoad1(MechanicalLoadDynamics: MechanicalLoadDynamics = null, a: Double = 0.0, b: Double = 0.0, d: Double = 0.0, e: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Mechanical load model type 1.

    Mechanical load model type 1.


    MechanicalLoadDynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    Speed squared coefficient (a).


    Speed coefficient (b).


    Speed to the exponent coefficient (d).


    Exponent (e).

  782. final case class MechanicalLoadDynamics(DynamicsFunctionBlock: DynamicsFunctionBlock = null, AsynchronousMachineDynamics: String = null, SynchronousMachineDynamics: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Mechanical load function block whose behaviour is described by reference to a standard model <font color="#0f0f0f">or by definition of a user-defined model.</font>

    Mechanical load function block whose behaviour is described by reference to a standard model <font color="#0f0f0f">or by definition of a user-defined model.</font>


    DynamicsFunctionBlock Reference to the superclass object.


    AsynchronousMachineDynamics Asynchronous machine model with which this mechanical load model is associated. MechanicalLoadDynamics shall have either an association to SynchronousMachineDynamics or to AsynchronousMachineDynamics.


    SynchronousMachineDynamics Synchronous machine model with which this mechanical load model is associated. MechanicalLoadDynamics shall have either an association to SynchronousMachineDynamics or AsynchronousMachineDyanmics.

  783. final case class MechanicalLoadUserDefined(MechanicalLoadDynamics: MechanicalLoadDynamics = null, proprietary: Boolean = false, ProprietaryParameterDynamics: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Mechanical load function block whose dynamic behaviour is described by <font color="#0f0f0f">a user-defined model.</font>

    Mechanical load function block whose dynamic behaviour is described by <font color="#0f0f0f">a user-defined model.</font>


    MechanicalLoadDynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    Behaviour is based on a proprietary model as opposed to a detailed model. true = user-defined model is proprietary with behaviour mutually understood by sending and receiving applications and parameters passed as general attributes false = user-defined model is explicitly defined in terms of control blocks and their input and output signals.


    ProprietaryParameterDynamics Parameter of this proprietary user-defined model.

  784. final case class Medium(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, kind: String = null, volumeSpec: Double = 0.0, Asset: List[String] = null, Specification: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A substance that either (1) provides the means of transmission of a force or effect, such as hydraulic fluid, or (2) is used for a surrounding or enveloping substance, such as oil in a transformer or circuit breaker.

    A substance that either (1) provides the means of transmission of a force or effect, such as hydraulic fluid, or (2) is used for a surrounding or enveloping substance, such as oil in a transformer or circuit breaker.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    Kind of this medium.


    The volume of the medium specified for this application. Note that the actual volume is a type of measurement associated witht the asset.


    Asset Medium with which this asset is filled.


    Specification undocumented

  785. final case class MerchantAccount(Document: Document = null, currentBalance: Double = 0.0, provisionalBalance: Double = 0.0, MerchantAgreement: String = null, Transactors: List[String] = null, VendorShifts: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    The operating account controlled by merchant agreement, against which the vendor may vend tokens or receipt payments.

    The operating account controlled by merchant agreement, against which the vendor may vend tokens or receipt payments.

    Transactions via vendor shift debit the account and bank deposits via bank statement credit the account.


    Document Reference to the superclass object.


    The current operating balance of this account.


    The balance of this account after taking into account any pending debits from VendorShift.merchantDebitAmount and pending credits from BankStatement.merchantCreditAmount or credits (see also BankStatement attributes and VendorShift attributes).


    MerchantAgreement Merchant agreement that instantiated this merchant account.


    Transactor All transactors this merchant account is registered with.


    VendorShift All vendor shifts that operate on this merchant account.

  786. final case class MerchantAgreement(Agreement: Agreement = null, MerchantAccounts: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A formal controlling contractual agreement between supplier and merchant, in terms of which the merchant is authorised to vend tokens and receipt payments on behalf of the supplier.

    A formal controlling contractual agreement between supplier and merchant, in terms of which the merchant is authorised to vend tokens and receipt payments on behalf of the supplier.

    The merchant is accountable to the supplier for revenue collected at point of sale.


    Agreement Reference to the superclass object.


    MerchantAccount All merchant accounts instantiated as a result of this merchant agreement.

  787. final case class Meter(EndDevice: EndDevice = null, connectionCategory: String = null, formNumber: String = null, MeterMultipliers: List[String] = null, MeterReadings: List[String] = null, MeterReplacementWorkTasks: List[String] = null, MeterServiceWorkTask: List[String] = null, VendingTransactions: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Physical asset that performs the metering role of the usage point.

    Physical asset that performs the metering role of the usage point.

    Used for measuring consumption and detection of events.


    EndDevice Reference to the superclass object.


    A code used to specify the connection category, e.g. low voltage, where the meter operates.


    Meter form designation per ANSI C12.10 or other applicable standard. An alphanumeric designation denoting the circuit arrangement for which the meter is applicable and its specific terminal arrangement.


    MeterMultiplier All multipliers applied at this meter.


    MeterReading All meter readings provided by this meter.


    MeterWorkTask All work tasks on replacement of this old meter.


    MeterWorkTask All non-replacement work tasks on this meter.


    Transaction All vending transactions on this meter.

  788. final case class MeterMultiplier(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, kind: String = null, value: Double = 0.0, Meter: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Multiplier applied at the meter.

    Multiplier applied at the meter.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    Kind of multiplier.


    Multiplier value.


    Meter Meter applying this multiplier.

  789. final case class MeterReading(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, isCoincidentTrigger: Boolean = false, valuesInterval: String = null, CustomerAgreement: String = null, EndDeviceEvents: List[String] = null, IntervalBlocks: List[String] = null, Meter: String = null, Readings: List[String] = null, UsagePoint: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Set of values obtained from the meter.

    Set of values obtained from the meter.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    If true, this meter reading is the meter reading for which other coincident meter readings are requested or provided.


    Date and time interval of the data items contained within this meter reading.


    CustomerAgreement (could be deprecated in the future) Customer agreement for this meter reading.


    EndDeviceEvent All end device events associated with this set of measured values.


    IntervalBlock All interval blocks contained in this meter reading.


    Meter Meter providing this reading.


    Reading All reading values contained within this meter reading.


    UsagePoint Usage point from which this meter reading (set of values) has been obtained.

  790. final case class MeterWorkTask(WorkTask: WorkTask = null, Meter: String = null, OldMeter: String = null, UsagePoint: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Work task involving meters.

    Work task involving meters.


    WorkTask Reference to the superclass object.


    Meter Meter on which this non-replacement work task is performed.


    Meter Old meter replaced by this work task.


    UsagePoint Usage point to which this meter service work task applies.

  791. final case class MeteredSubSystem(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, MSSAggregation: String = null, MSSZone: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A metered subsystem.

    A metered subsystem.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    MSSAggregation undocumented


    MSSZone undocumented

  792. final case class MetrologyRequirement(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, reason: String = null, ReadingTypes: List[String] = null, UsagePoints: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A specification of the metering requirements for a particular point within a network.

    A specification of the metering requirements for a particular point within a network.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    Reason for this metrology requirement being specified.


    ReadingType All reading types required to be collected by this metrology requirement.


    UsagePoint All usage points having this metrology requirement.

  793. final case class MiscCostItem(WorkIdentifiedObject: WorkIdentifiedObject = null, account: String = null, costPerUnit: Double = 0.0, costType: String = null, externalRefID: String = null, quantity: String = null, status: String = null, DesignLocation: String = null, WorkCostDetail: String = null, WorkTask: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Various cost items that are not associated with compatible units.

    Various cost items that are not associated with compatible units.

    Examples include rental equipment, labor, materials, contractor costs, permits - anything not covered in a CU.


    WorkIdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    This drives the accounting treatment for this misc. item.


    The cost per unit for this misc. item.


    The cost type for accounting, such as material, labor, vehicle, contractor, equipment, overhead.


    External reference identifier (e.g. purchase order number, serial number) .


    The quantity of the misc. item being assigned to this location.




    DesignLocation undocumented


    WorkCostDetail undocumented


    OldWorkTask undocumented

  794. final case class MitigatedBid(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, Bid: String = null, MitigatedBidClearing: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Mitigated bid results posted for a given settlement period.

    Mitigated bid results posted for a given settlement period.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    Bid undocumented


    MitigatedBidClearing undocumented

  795. final case class MitigatedBidClearing(MarketFactors: MarketFactors = null, MPMResourceStatus: List[String] = null, MitigatedBid: List[String] = null, RMRDetermination: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Model of market power mitigation through reference or mitigated bids.

    Model of market power mitigation through reference or mitigated bids.

    Interval based.


    MarketFactors Reference to the superclass object.


    MPMResourceStatus undocumented


    MitigatedBid undocumented


    RMRDetermination undocumented

  796. final case class MitigatedBidSegment(Element: BasicElement = null, intervalStartTime: String = null, segmentMW: Double = 0.0, segmentNumber: Int = 0, thresholdType: String = null, Bid: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Model of mitigated bid.

    Model of mitigated bid.

    Indicates segment of piece-wise linear bid, that has been mitigated.


    Reference to the superclass object.




    Mitigated bid segment MW value


    Mitigated Bid Segment Number




    Bid undocumented

  797. final case class MktACLineSegment(ACLineSegment: ACLineSegment = null, EndAFlow: String = null, EndBFlow: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Subclass of IEC 61970:Wires:ACLineSegment.

    Subclass of IEC 61970:Wires:ACLineSegment.


    ACLineSegment Reference to the superclass object.


    BranchEndFlow undocumented


    BranchEndFlow undocumented

  798. final case class MktActivityRecord(ActivityRecord: ActivityRecord = null, MarketFactors: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Subclass of IEC61968: Common:ActivityRecord.

    Subclass of IEC61968: Common:ActivityRecord.


    ActivityRecord Reference to the superclass object.


    MarketFactors undocumented

  799. final case class MktAnalogLimit(AnalogLimit: AnalogLimit = null, exceededLimit: Boolean = false, limitType: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Subclass of IEC 61970:Meas:AnalogLimit.

    Subclass of IEC 61970:Meas:AnalogLimit.


    AnalogLimit Reference to the superclass object.


    true if limit exceeded


    The type of limit the value represents Branch Limit Types: Short Term Medium Term Long Term Voltage Limits: High Low

  800. final case class MktAnalogLimitSet(AnalogLimitSet: AnalogLimitSet = null, ratingSet: Int = 0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Subclass of IEC 61970:Meas:AnalogLimitSet.

    Subclass of IEC 61970:Meas:AnalogLimitSet.


    AnalogLimitSet Reference to the superclass object.


    Rating set numbers

  801. final case class MktCombinedCyclePlant(CombinedCyclePlant: CombinedCyclePlant = null, AggregatedPnode: String = null, CombinedCycleLogicalConfiguration: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Subclass of Production: CombinedCyclePlant from IEC 61970 package.

    Subclass of Production: CombinedCyclePlant from IEC 61970 package.

    A set of combustion turbines and steam turbines where the exhaust heat from the combustion turbines is recovered to make steam for the steam turbines, resulting in greater overall plant efficiency.


    CombinedCyclePlant Reference to the superclass object.


    AggregatedPnode undocumented


    CombinedCycleLogicalConfiguration undocumented

  802. final case class MktConductingEquipment(ConductingEquipment: ConductingEquipment = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Subclass of IEC 61970:Core:ConductingEquipment.

    Subclass of IEC 61970:Core:ConductingEquipment.


    ConductingEquipment Reference to the superclass object.

  803. final case class MktConnectivityNode(ConnectivityNode: ConnectivityNode = null, CnodeDistributionFactor: List[String] = null, IndividualPnode: String = null, LossPenaltyFactor: List[String] = null, NodeConstraintTerm: List[String] = null, RTO: String = null, RegisteredResource: List[String] = null, SysLoadDistribuFactor: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Subclass of IEC61970:Topology:ConnectivityNode.

    Subclass of IEC61970:Topology:ConnectivityNode.


    ConnectivityNode Reference to the superclass object.


    CnodeDistributionFactor undocumented


    IndividualPnode undocumented


    LossSensitivity undocumented


    NodeConstraintTerm undocumented


    RTO undocumented


    RegisteredResource undocumented


    SysLoadDistributionFactor undocumented

  804. final case class MktContingency(Contingency: Contingency = null, loadRolloverFlag: Boolean = false, ltcControlFlag: Boolean = false, participationFactorSet: String = null, screeningFlag: Boolean = false, ConstraintResults: List[String] = null, ContingencyConstraintLimit: List[String] = null, TransferInterfaceSolutionA: String = null, TransferInterfaceSolutionB: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Subclass of IEC 61970:Contingency.

    Subclass of IEC 61970:Contingency.


    Contingency Reference to the superclass object.


    load change flag Flag that indicates whether load rollover and load pickup should be processed for this contingency


    ltc enable flag Flag that indicates if LTCs regulate voltage during the solution of the contingency


    Participation Factor flag An indication which set of generator participation factors should be used to re-allocate generation in this contingency


    sceening flag for outage Flag that indicated whether screening is bypassed for the contingency


    ConstraintResults undocumented


    ContingencyConstraintLimit undocumented


    TransferInterfaceSolution undocumented


    TransferInterfaceSolution undocumented

  805. final case class MktControlArea(ControlArea: ControlArea = null, ControlAreaSolutionData: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Market subclass of IEC 61970:ControlArea.

    Market subclass of IEC 61970:ControlArea.


    ControlArea Reference to the superclass object.


    ControlAreaSolutionData undocumented

  806. final case class MktGeneratingUnit(GeneratingUnit: GeneratingUnit = null, GeneratingUnitDynamicValues: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Subclass of IEC61970:Production:GeneratingUnit.

    Subclass of IEC61970:Production:GeneratingUnit.


    GeneratingUnit Reference to the superclass object.


    GeneratingUnitDynamicValues undocumented

  807. final case class MktHeatRateCurve(HeatRateCurve: HeatRateCurve = null, RegisteredGenerator: String = null, ResourceVerifiableCosts: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Subclass of IEC 61970: Generation: Production:HeatRateCurve.

    Subclass of IEC 61970: Generation: Production:HeatRateCurve.


    HeatRateCurve Reference to the superclass object.


    RegisteredGenerator undocumented


    ResourceVerifiableCosts undocumented

  808. final case class MktLine(Line: Line = null, Flowgate: List[String] = null, TransmissionRightOfWay: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Subclass for IEC61970:Wires:Line.

    Subclass for IEC61970:Wires:Line.


    Line Reference to the superclass object.


    Flowgate undocumented


    TransmissionRightOfWay undocumented

  809. final case class MktMeasurement(Measurement: Measurement = null, ByTiePoint: String = null, DynamicSchedule: List[String] = null, ForTiePoint: String = null, Pnode: String = null, ViolationLimit: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Subclass of IEC61970:Meas:Measurement.

    Subclass of IEC61970:Meas:Measurement.


    Measurement Reference to the superclass object.


    TiePoint A measurement is made on the B side of a tie point


    DynamicSchedule undocumented


    TiePoint A measurement is made on the A side of a tie point


    Pnode Allows Pnode an association to aggregated resources external DC ties or psuedo tie measurements.


    ViolationLimit undocumented

  810. final case class MktPSRType(PSRType: PSRType = null, psrType: String = null, TimeSeries: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    The type of a power system resource.

    The type of a power system resource.


    PSRType Reference to the superclass object.


    The coded type of a power system resource.


    TimeSeries undocumented

  811. final case class MktPowerTransformer(PowerTransformer: PowerTransformer = null, EndAFlow: String = null, EndBFlow: String = null, Flowgate: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Subclass of IEC61970:Wires:PowerTransformer.

    Subclass of IEC61970:Wires:PowerTransformer.


    PowerTransformer Reference to the superclass object.


    BranchEndFlow undocumented


    BranchEndFlow undocumented


    Flowgate undocumented

  812. final case class MktSeriesCompensator(SeriesCompensator: SeriesCompensator = null, EndAFlow: String = null, EndBFlow: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Subclass of IEC 61970:Wires:SeriesCompensator.

    Subclass of IEC 61970:Wires:SeriesCompensator.


    SeriesCompensator Reference to the superclass object.


    BranchEndFlow undocumented


    BranchEndFlow undocumented

  813. final case class MktShuntCompensator(ShuntCompensator: ShuntCompensator = null, ShuntCompensatorDynamicData: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Subclass of IEC 61970:Wires:ShuntCompensator.

    Subclass of IEC 61970:Wires:ShuntCompensator.


    ShuntCompensator Reference to the superclass object.


    ShuntCompensatorDynamicData undocumented

  814. final case class MktSwitch(Switch: Switch = null, SwitchStatus: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Subclass of IEC 61970:Wires:Switch.

    Subclass of IEC 61970:Wires:Switch.


    Switch Reference to the superclass object.


    SwitchStatus undocumented

  815. final case class MktTapChanger(TapChanger: TapChanger = null, TapChangerDynamicData: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Subclass of IEC 61970:Wires:TapChanger.

    Subclass of IEC 61970:Wires:TapChanger.


    TapChanger Reference to the superclass object.


    TapChangerDynamicData undocumented

  816. final case class MktTerminal(Terminal: Terminal = null, Flowgate: String = null, TerminalConstraintTerm: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Subclass of IEC61970:Core:Terminal.

    Subclass of IEC61970:Core:Terminal.


    Terminal Reference to the superclass object.


    Flowgate undocumented


    TerminalConstraintTerm undocumented

  817. final case class MktThermalGeneratingUnit(ThermalGeneratingUnit: ThermalGeneratingUnit = null, CombinedCycleConfigurationMember: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Subclass of ThermalGeneratingUnit from Production Package in IEC 61970.

    Subclass of ThermalGeneratingUnit from Production Package in IEC 61970.


    ThermalGeneratingUnit Reference to the superclass object.


    CombinedCycleConfigurationMember undocumented

  818. final case class MktUserAttribute(UserAttribute: UserAttribute = null, AttributeProperty: List[String] = null, BillDeterminant: List[String] = null, ChargeGroup: List[String] = null, ChargeType: List[String] = null, MarketStatementLineItem: List[String] = null, PassThroughBill: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Subclass of IEC61968:Domain2:UserAttribute.

    Subclass of IEC61968:Domain2:UserAttribute.


    UserAttribute Reference to the superclass object.


    AttributeProperty undocumented


    BillDeterminant undocumented


    ChargeGroup undocumented


    ChargeType undocumented


    MarketStatementLineItem undocumented


    PassThroughBill undocumented

  819. final case class ModelAuthority(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, ModelingAuthoritySets: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A Modeling Authority is an entity responsible for supplying and maintaining the data defining a specific set of objects in a network model.

    A Modeling Authority is an entity responsible for supplying and maintaining the data defining a specific set of objects in a network model.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    ModelAuthoritySet Modeling Authority Sets supplied and maintained by this Modeling Authority.

  820. final case class ModelAuthoritySet(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, ModelSpecification: List[String] = null, ModelingAuthority: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A Modeling Authority Set is a group of objects in a network model where the data is supplied and maintained by the same Modeling Authority.

    A Modeling Authority Set is a group of objects in a network model where the data is supplied and maintained by the same Modeling Authority.

    This class is typically not included in instance data exchange as this information is tracked by other mechanisms in the exchange.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    ModelPartSpecification Models of the model frame.


    ModelAuthority Modeling Authority suppliying and maintaining the data for the objects in this Modeling Authority Set.

  821. final case class ModelFrameType(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, ModelFrame: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Examples would be "Boundary" or "Region" type of frame.

    Examples would be "Boundary" or "Region" type of frame.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    FrameworkPart Model frames of the model frame type.

  822. final case class ModelOperation(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, sequenceNumber: Int = 0, ModelOperationArg: List[String] = null, ModelOperationDescription: String = null, OperationSequence: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    An operation performed on models.

    An operation performed on models.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    Sequence number within a operation sequence, lower is first. Normally starts with 1.


    ModelOperationArg Arguments of the operation.


    ModelOperationDescription The type of the model operation.


    ModelOperationSequence undocumented

  823. final case class ModelOperationArg(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, sequenceNumber: Int = 0, ModelOperation: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Describes the role a dataset plays in a model operation.

    Describes the role a dataset plays in a model operation.

    The role is applicable only in the context of a single operation.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    The sequence number of the argument in an operation. Argument entries are considered in numerical order where the operation requires an ordering.


    ModelOperation The opeation for the operation argument.

  824. final case class ModelOperationArgDescription(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, multiplicityMaximum: Int = 0, multiplicityMinimum: Int = 0, ModelOperationDefinition: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    The type of custom operation dataset role for an operation description.

    The type of custom operation dataset role for an operation description.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    The maximum multiplicity of the instance arguments that should be supplied for a single operation. Use -1 to indicate unlimited.


    The minimum multiplicity of the instance arguments that should be supplied for a single operation. Use zero to indicate optional.


    ModelOperationDescription The type of operation for this type of dataset role. Operations referencing the dataset role type should only belong to operations that reference the operation type.

  825. final case class ModelOperationDescription(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, ModelOperation: List[String] = null, OperationDatasetArgDescription: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    The type of model operation.

    The type of model operation.

    This class is referenced by model operations and defines the kind of operation.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    ModelOperation The instances of operations that conform to this operation type.


    ModelOperationArgDescription The type of dataset roles that can be used for a type of general model operation.

  826. final case class ModelOperationSequence(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, ModelOperation: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A concrete sequence of operations.

    A concrete sequence of operations.

    For example, this may be used to describe a specific audit trail, a script or other specific set of actions on specific datasets.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    ModelOperation undocumented

  827. final case class ModelPartSpecification(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, AssemblyDescription: List[String] = null, FrameworkPart: String = null, Model: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    The type of model.

    The type of model.

    For example, state estimator, planning, planning dynamics, short circuit, or real-time dynamics etc. The model must conform to a profile.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    AssemblyDescription The assembly description into which model parts should be included.


    ModelAuthoritySet Model frame of the model part.


    ModelPartVersion Modle parts conforming to the model part specification.

  828. final case class ModelPartVersion(ModelToBeDeleted: ModelToBeDeleted = null, ModelSpecification: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    This is a version of a part of a model.

    This is a version of a part of a model.

    New instances of this class with new identity are instantiated upon changes to the content of this class or changes to the associated data set. Instances of this class are considered immutable. The case audit trail can reference this immutable data to exactly reproduce a case.


    ModelToBeDeleted Reference to the superclass object.


    ModelPartSpecification Model specification of the modelt.

  829. final case class ModelToBeDeleted(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A Model is a collection of Datasets.

    A Model is a collection of Datasets.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.

  830. final case class MonthDayInterval(Element: BasicElement = null, end: String = null, start: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Interval between two times specified as month and day.

    Interval between two times specified as month and day.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    End time of this interval.


    Start time of this interval.

  831. final case class MutualCoupling(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, b0ch: Double = 0.0, distance11: Double = 0.0, distance12: Double = 0.0, distance21: Double = 0.0, distance22: Double = 0.0, g0ch: Double = 0.0, r0: Double = 0.0, x0: Double = 0.0, First_Terminal: String = null, Second_Terminal: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    This class represents the zero sequence line mutual coupling.

    This class represents the zero sequence line mutual coupling.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    Zero sequence mutual coupling shunt (charging) susceptance, uniformly distributed, of the entire line section.


    Distance to the start of the coupled region from the first line's terminal having sequence number equal to 1.


    Distance to the end of the coupled region from the first line's terminal with sequence number equal to 1.


    Distance to the start of coupled region from the second line's terminal with sequence number equal to 1.


    Distance to the end of coupled region from the second line's terminal with sequence number equal to 1.


    Zero sequence mutual coupling shunt (charging) conductance, uniformly distributed, of the entire line section.


    Zero sequence branch-to-branch mutual impedance coupling, resistance.


    Zero sequence branch-to-branch mutual impedance coupling, reactance.


    Terminal The starting terminal for the calculation of distances along the first branch of the mutual coupling. Normally MutualCoupling would only be used for terminals of AC line segments. The first and second terminals of a mutual coupling should point to different AC line segments.


    Terminal The starting terminal for the calculation of distances along the second branch of the mutual coupling.

  832. final case class Name(Element: BasicElement = null, name: String = null, IdentifiedObject: String = null, NameType: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    The Name class provides the means to define any number of human readable names for an object.

    The Name class provides the means to define any number of human readable names for an object.

    A name is not to be used for defining inter-object relationships. For inter-object relationships instead use the object identification 'mRID'.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    Any free text that name the object.


    IdentifiedObject Identified object that this name designates.


    NameType Type of this name.

  833. final case class NameType(Element: BasicElement = null, description: String = null, name: String = null, NameTypeAuthority: String = null, Names: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Type of name.

    Type of name.

    Possible values for attribute 'name' are implementation dependent but standard profiles may specify types. An enterprise may have multiple IT systems each having its own local name for the same object, e.g. a planning system may have different names from an EMS. An object may also have different names within the same IT system, e.g. localName as defined in CIM version 14. The definition from CIM14 is: The localName is a human readable name of the object. It is a free text name local to a node in a naming hierarchy similar to a file directory structure. A power system related naming hierarchy may be: Substation, VoltageLevel, Equipment etc. Children of the same parent in such a hierarchy have names that typically are unique among them.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    Description of the name type.


    Name of the name type.


    NameTypeAuthority Authority responsible for managing names of this type.


    Name All names of this type.

  834. final case class NameTypeAuthority(Element: BasicElement = null, description: String = null, name: String = null, NameTypes: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Authority responsible for creation and management of names of a given type; typically an organization or an enterprise system.

    Authority responsible for creation and management of names of a given type; typically an organization or an enterprise system.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    Description of the name type authority.


    Name of the name type authority.


    NameType All name types managed by this authority.

  835. final case class NetworkBoundary(FrameworkPart: FrameworkPart = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A framework part that is a boundary between 2 frames.

    A framework part that is a boundary between 2 frames.


    FrameworkPart Reference to the superclass object.

  836. final case class NetworkFrame(FrameworkPart: FrameworkPart = null, FrameworkPart_attr: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A region isolated by boundaries.

    A region isolated by boundaries.


    FrameworkPart Reference to the superclass object.


    FrameworkPart undocumented

  837. final case class NetworkModelCaseDefinition(Element: BasicElement = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Instructions to build a network model case, including when appropriate the results.

    Instructions to build a network model case, including when appropriate the results.


    Reference to the superclass object.

  838. final case class NetworkModelProject(NetworkModelProjectComponent: NetworkModelProjectComponent = null, ContainedProject: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A grouping of network model change descriptions.

    A grouping of network model change descriptions.

    Primarily used to organize the phases of an overall project.


    NetworkModelProjectComponent Reference to the superclass object.


    NetworkModelProjectComponent Projects that are included in this parent project.

  839. final case class NetworkModelProject2(NetworkModelProjectComponent2: NetworkModelProjectComponent2 = null, Child: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

  840. final case class NetworkModelProjectChange(NetworkModelProjectComponent: NetworkModelProjectComponent = null, NetworkModelProjectChangeVersion: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Network model project change described by versions of an associated change set.

    Network model project change described by versions of an associated change set.

    Has persistent identity over multiple versions of the associated change set.


    NetworkModelProjectComponent Reference to the superclass object.


    NetworkModelProjectChangeVersion A specific version of the network model project change.

  841. final case class NetworkModelProjectChangeVersion(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, comment: String = null, effectiveDateTime: String = null, timeStamp: String = null, ChangeSet: String = null, NetworkModelProjectChange: String = null, NetworkModelProjectState: String = null, SupercededBy: String = null, Supercedes: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Describes the status and the planned implementation of the associated change set into the as-built model.

    Describes the status and the planned implementation of the associated change set into the as-built model.

    New instances of this class with new identity are instantiated upon changes to the content of this class or changes to the associated change set. Instances of this class are considered immutable. The case audit trail can reference this immutable data to exactly reproduce a case.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    A user provided comment describing the changes in this version from the previous version.


    The date/time the change set is included in the model.


    The date/time this version was finalized and thus made immutable.


    ChangeSet The details of model changes for this project. The change set should have a new identifier if it changes.


    NetworkModelProjectChange The persistent network model project change to which this version applies.


    NetworkModelProjectState The state of this network model project version.


    NetworkModelProjectChangeVersion The project version that will supercede this project version.


    NetworkModelProjectChangeVersion Project version that is being superceded.

  842. final case class NetworkModelProjectCollection(Element: BasicElement = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

  843. final case class NetworkModelProjectComponent(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, ContainingProject: String = null, ProjectARelationships: List[String] = null, ProjectBRelationships: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Abstract class for both a network model project and network model change.

    Abstract class for both a network model project and network model change.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    NetworkModelProject The parent project of this project.


    NetworkModelProjectRelationship undocumented


    NetworkModelProjectRelationship undocumented

  844. final case class NetworkModelProjectComponent2(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, closed: String = null, created: String = null, updated: String = null, version: Int = 0, Parent: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

  845. final case class NetworkModelProjectDocument(Element: BasicElement = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

  846. final case class NetworkModelProjectRelationship(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, ProjectA: String = null, ProjectB: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A relationship that assists humans and software building cases by assembling project changes in the correct sequence.

    A relationship that assists humans and software building cases by assembling project changes in the correct sequence.

    This class may be specialized to create specific types of relationships.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    NetworkModelProjectComponent undocumented


    NetworkModelProjectComponent undocumented

  847. final case class NetworkModelProjectStage(NetworkModelProjectComponent2: NetworkModelProjectComponent2 = null, changesetVersion: Int = 0, commissionedDate: String = null, plannedCommissionedDate: String = null, ChangeSets: List[String] = null, DenpendecyDependingStage: List[String] = null, DependencyDependentOnStage: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

  848. final case class NetworkModelProjectState(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, NetworkModelProjectChangeVersion: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A network model project version state.

    A network model project version state.

    States are agreed upon by the exchange community. Examples are "approved", "proposed", "withdrawn", "committed" etc.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    NetworkModelProjectChangeVersion The change versions that are at this state.

  849. final case class NoLoadTest(TransformerTest: TransformerTest = null, energisedEndVoltage: Double = 0.0, excitingCurrent: Double = 0.0, excitingCurrentZero: Double = 0.0, loss: Double = 0.0, lossZero: Double = 0.0, EnergisedEnd: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    No-load test results determine core admittance parameters.

    No-load test results determine core admittance parameters.

    They include exciting current and core loss measurements from applying voltage to one winding. The excitation may be positive sequence or zero sequence. The test may be repeated at different voltages to measure saturation.


    TransformerTest Reference to the superclass object.


    Voltage applied to the winding (end) during test.


    Exciting current measured from a positive-sequence or single-phase excitation test.


    Exciting current measured from a zero-sequence open-circuit excitation test.


    Losses measured from a positive-sequence or single-phase excitation test.


    Losses measured from a zero-sequence excitation test.


    TransformerEndInfo Transformer end that current is applied to in this no-load test.

  850. final case class NodeConstraintTerm(ConstraintTerm: ConstraintTerm = null, MktConnectivityNode: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    To be used only to constrain a quantity that cannot be associated with a terminal.

    To be used only to constrain a quantity that cannot be associated with a terminal.

    For example, a registered generating unit that is not electrically connected to the network.


    ConstraintTerm Reference to the superclass object.


    MktConnectivityNode undocumented

  851. final case class NonConformLoad(EnergyConsumer: EnergyConsumer = null, LoadGroup: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    NonConformLoad represents loads that do not follow a daily load change pattern and whose changes are not correlated with the daily load change pattern.

    NonConformLoad represents loads that do not follow a daily load change pattern and whose changes are not correlated with the daily load change pattern.


    EnergyConsumer Reference to the superclass object.


    NonConformLoadGroup Group of this ConformLoad.

  852. final case class NonConformLoadGroup(LoadGroup: LoadGroup = null, EnergyConsumers: List[String] = null, NonConformLoadSchedules: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Loads that do not follow a daily and seasonal load variation pattern.

    Loads that do not follow a daily and seasonal load variation pattern.


    LoadGroup Reference to the superclass object.


    NonConformLoad Conform loads assigned to this ConformLoadGroup.


    NonConformLoadSchedule The NonConformLoadSchedules in the NonConformLoadGroup.

  853. final case class NonConformLoadSchedule(SeasonDayTypeSchedule: SeasonDayTypeSchedule = null, NonConformLoadGroup: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    An active power (Y1-axis) and reactive power (Y2-axis) schedule (curves) versus time (X-axis) for non-conforming loads, e.g., large industrial load or power station service (where modelled).

    An active power (Y1-axis) and reactive power (Y2-axis) schedule (curves) versus time (X-axis) for non-conforming loads, e.g., large industrial load or power station service (where modelled).


    SeasonDayTypeSchedule Reference to the superclass object.


    NonConformLoadGroup The NonConformLoadGroup where the NonConformLoadSchedule belongs.

  854. final case class NonStandardItem(WorkDocument: WorkDocument = null, amount: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    This document provides information for non-standard items like customer contributions (e.g., customer digs trench), vouchers (e.g., credit), and contractor bids.

    This document provides information for non-standard items like customer contributions (e.g., customer digs trench), vouchers (e.g., credit), and contractor bids.


    WorkDocument Reference to the superclass object.


    The projected cost for this item.

  855. final case class NonlinearShuntCompensator(ShuntCompensator: ShuntCompensator = null, NonlinearShuntCompensatorPoints: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A non linear shunt compensator has bank or section admittance values that differ.

    A non linear shunt compensator has bank or section admittance values that differ.

    The attributes g, b, g0 and b0 of the associated NonlinearShuntCompensatorPoint describe the total conductance and admittance of a NonlinearShuntCompensatorPoint at a section number specified by NonlinearShuntCompensatorPoint.sectionNumber.


    ShuntCompensator Reference to the superclass object.


    NonlinearShuntCompensatorPoint All points of the non-linear shunt compensator.

  856. final case class NonlinearShuntCompensatorPhase(ShuntCompensatorPhase: ShuntCompensatorPhase = null, NonlinearShuntCompensatorPhasePoints: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A per phase non linear shunt compensator has bank or section admittance values that differ.

    A per phase non linear shunt compensator has bank or section admittance values that differ.

    The attributes g and b of the associated NonlinearShuntCompensatorPhasePoint describe the total conductance and admittance of a NonlinearShuntCompensatorPhasePoint at a section number specified by NonlinearShuntCompensatorPhasePoint.sectionNumber.


    ShuntCompensatorPhase Reference to the superclass object.


    NonlinearShuntCompensatorPhasePoint All points of the non-linear shunt compensator phase.

  857. final case class NonlinearShuntCompensatorPhasePoint(Element: BasicElement = null, b: Double = 0.0, g: Double = 0.0, sectionNumber: Int = 0, NonlinearShuntCompensatorPhase: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A per phase non linear shunt compensator bank or section admittance value.

    A per phase non linear shunt compensator bank or section admittance value.

    The number of NonlinearShuntCompenstorPhasePoint instances associated with a NonlinearShuntCompensatorPhase shall be equal to ShuntCompensatorPhase.maximumSections. ShuntCompensator.sections shall only be set to one of the NonlinearShuntCompenstorPhasePoint.sectionNumber. There is no interpolation between NonlinearShuntCompenstorPhasePoint-s.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    Positive sequence shunt (charging) susceptance per section.


    Positive sequence shunt (charging) conductance per section.


    The number of the section.


    NonlinearShuntCompensatorPhase Non-linear shunt compensator phase owning this point.

  858. final case class NonlinearShuntCompensatorPoint(Element: BasicElement = null, b: Double = 0.0, b0: Double = 0.0, g: Double = 0.0, g0: Double = 0.0, sectionNumber: Int = 0, NonlinearShuntCompensator: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A non linear shunt compensator bank or section admittance value.

    A non linear shunt compensator bank or section admittance value.

    The number of NonlinearShuntCompenstorPoint instances associated with a NonlinearShuntCompensator shall be equal to ShuntCompensator.maximumSections. ShuntCompensator.sections shall only be set to one of the NonlinearShuntCompenstorPoint.sectionNumber. There is no interpolation between NonlinearShuntCompenstorPoint-s.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    Positive sequence shunt (charging) susceptance per section.


    Zero sequence shunt (charging) susceptance per section.


    Positive sequence shunt (charging) conductance per section.


    Zero sequence shunt (charging) conductance per section.


    The number of the section.


    NonlinearShuntCompensator Non-linear shunt compensator owning this point.

  859. final case class NotificationTimeCurve(Curve: Curve = null, GeneratingBids: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Notification time curve as a function of down time.

    Notification time curve as a function of down time.

    Relationship between crew notification time (Y1-axis) and unit startup time (Y2-axis) vs. unit elapsed down time (X-axis).


    Curve Reference to the superclass object.


    GeneratingBid undocumented

  860. final case class NuclearGeneratingUnit(GeneratingUnit: GeneratingUnit = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A nuclear generating unit.

    A nuclear generating unit.


    GeneratingUnit Reference to the superclass object.

  861. final case class ObjectCreation(ChangeSetMember: ChangeSetMember = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    An object is to be created in the context.

    An object is to be created in the context.


    ChangeSetMember Reference to the superclass object.

  862. final case class ObjectDeletion(ChangeSetMember: ChangeSetMember = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    An object is to be deleted in the context.

    An object is to be deleted in the context.


    ChangeSetMember Reference to the superclass object.

  863. final case class ObjectModification(ChangeSetMember: ChangeSetMember = null, ObjectReverseModification: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    The object already exists and is to be modified.

    The object already exists and is to be modified.


    ChangeSetMember Reference to the superclass object.


    ObjectReverseModification The data object holding preconditions of updates.

  864. final case class ObjectReverseModification(ChangeSetMember: ChangeSetMember = null, ObjectModification: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Used to specify precondition properties for a preconditioned update.

    Used to specify precondition properties for a preconditioned update.


    ChangeSetMember Reference to the superclass object.


    ObjectModification The associated data object representing the update. Normally the associaiton is specifed, but in the case of a proxy object where the association is removed, we might not reference any data object as it would only reference a proxy data object with no associations.

  865. final case class Observation(EnvironmentalInformation: EnvironmentalInformation = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Observed (actual non-forecast) values sets and/or phenomena characteristics.

    Observed (actual non-forecast) values sets and/or phenomena characteristics.


    EnvironmentalInformation Reference to the superclass object.

  866. final case class OilAnalysisFluidAnalog(AssetAnalog: AssetAnalog = null, kind: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Asset oil analysis fluid test type of analog.

    Asset oil analysis fluid test type of analog.


    AssetAnalog Reference to the superclass object.


    Kind of analog representing oil fluid test analysis result.

  867. final case class OilAnalysisFluidDiscrete(AssetDiscrete: AssetDiscrete = null, kind: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Asset oil analysis fluid type of discrete.

    Asset oil analysis fluid type of discrete.


    AssetDiscrete Reference to the superclass object.


    Kind of discrete representing oil fluid test analysis result.

  868. final case class OilAnalysisGasAnalog(AssetAnalog: AssetAnalog = null, kind: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Asset oil analysis gas type of analog.

    Asset oil analysis gas type of analog.


    AssetAnalog Reference to the superclass object.


    Kind of analog representing oil dissolved gases analysis result.

  869. final case class OilAnalysisMetalsAnalog(AssetAnalog: AssetAnalog = null, kind: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Asset oil analysis metals type of analog.

    Asset oil analysis metals type of analog.


    AssetAnalog Reference to the superclass object.


    Kind of analog representing oil metals elements analysis result.

  870. final case class OilAnalysisMoistureAnalog(AssetAnalog: AssetAnalog = null, kind: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Asset oil analysis moisture type of analog.

    Asset oil analysis moisture type of analog.


    AssetAnalog Reference to the superclass object.


    Kind of analog representing oil moisture analysis result.

  871. final case class OilAnalysisPCBAnalog(AssetAnalog: AssetAnalog = null, kind: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Asset oil analysis PCB type of analog.

    Asset oil analysis PCB type of analog.


    AssetAnalog Reference to the superclass object.


    Kind of analog representing oil PCB analysis result.

  872. final case class OilAnalysisPCBDiscrete(AssetDiscrete: AssetDiscrete = null, kind: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Asset oil analysis PCB type of discrete.

    Asset oil analysis PCB type of discrete.


    AssetDiscrete Reference to the superclass object.


    Kind of discrete representing oil PCB test analysis result.

  873. final case class OilAnalysisPaperAnalog(AssetAnalog: AssetAnalog = null, kind: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Asset oil inspection paper type of analog.

    Asset oil inspection paper type of analog.


    AssetAnalog Reference to the superclass object.


    Kind of analog representing oil paper degradation analysis result.

  874. final case class OilAnalysisParticleAnalog(AssetAnalog: AssetAnalog = null, kind: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Asset oil analysis particle type of analog.

    Asset oil analysis particle type of analog.


    AssetAnalog Reference to the superclass object.


    Kind of analog representing oil particulate analysis result.

  875. final case class OilAnalysisParticleDiscrete(AssetDiscrete: AssetDiscrete = null, kind: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Asset oil analysis particle type of discrete.

    Asset oil analysis particle type of discrete.


    AssetDiscrete Reference to the superclass object.


    Kind of discrete representing oil particulate analysis result.

  876. final case class OilPrice(Element: BasicElement = null, oilPriceIndex: Double = 0.0, FuelRegion: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Price of oil in monetary units.

    Price of oil in monetary units.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    The average oil price at a defined fuel region.


    FuelRegion undocumented

  877. final case class OilSpecimen(Specimen: Specimen = null, oilSampleTakenFrom: String = null, oilSampleTemperature: Double = 0.0, oilTemperatureSource: String = null, sampleContainer: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

  878. final case class OldCrew(Crew: Crew = null, type: String = null, Assignments: List[String] = null, Capabilities: List[String] = null, Locations: List[String] = null, Route: String = null, ShiftPatterns: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A crew is a group of people with specific skills, tools, and vehicles.

    A crew is a group of people with specific skills, tools, and vehicles.


    Crew Reference to the superclass object.


    Classification by utility's work management standards and practices.


    Assignment All Assignments for this Crew.


    Capability undocumented


    Location undocumented


    Route undocumented


    ShiftPattern undocumented

  879. final case class OldPerson(Person: Person = null, status: String = null, type: String = null, Crafts: List[String] = null, CustomerData: String = null, ErpCompetency: String = null, ErpPersonnel: String = null, LaborItems: List[String] = null, LandPropertyRoles: List[String] = null, MeasurementValues: List[String] = null, OrganisationRoles: List[String] = null, Skills: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    General purpose information for name and other information to contact people.

    General purpose information for name and other information to contact people.


    Person Reference to the superclass object.




    Utility-specific classification for this person, according to the utility's corporate standards and practices. Examples include employee, contractor, agent, not affiliated, etc. Note that this field is not used to indicate whether this person is a customer of the utility. Often an employee or contractor is also a customer. Customer information is gained with relationship to Organisation and CustomerData. In similar fashion, this field does not indicate the various roles this person may fill as part of utility operations.


    Craft undocumented


    Customer undocumented


    ErpCompetency undocumented


    ErpPersonnel undocumented


    LaborItem undocumented


    PersonPropertyRole undocumented


    MeasurementValue undocumented


    PersonOrganisationRole undocumented


    Skill undocumented

  880. final case class OldSwitchInfo(SwitchInfo: SwitchInfo = null, dielectricStrength: Double = 0.0, loadBreak: Boolean = false, makingCapacity: Double = 0.0, minimumCurrent: Double = 0.0, poleCount: Int = 0, remote: Boolean = false, withstandCurrent: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Properties of switch assets.

    Properties of switch assets.


    SwitchInfo Reference to the superclass object.


    The maximum rms voltage that may be applied across an open contact without breaking down the dielectric properties of the switch in the open position.


    True if switch has load breaking capabiity. Unless specified false, this is always assumed to be true for breakers and reclosers.


    The highest value of current the switch can make at the rated voltage under specified operating conditions without suffering significant deterioration of its performance.


    The lowest value of current that the switch can make, carry and break in uninterrupted duty at the rated voltage under specified operating conditions without suffering significant deterioration of its performance.


    Number of poles (i.e. of current carrying conductors that are switched).


    True if device is capable of being operated by remote control.


    The highest value of current the switch can carry in the closed position at the rated voltage under specified operating conditions without suffering significant deterioration of its performance.

  881. final case class OldTransformerEndInfo(TransformerEndInfo: TransformerEndInfo = null, dayOverLoadRating: Double = 0.0, hourOverLoadRating: Double = 0.0, solidInsulationWeight: Double = 0.0, windingInsulationKind: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

  882. final case class OldTransformerTankInfo(TransformerTankInfo: TransformerTankInfo = null, constructionKind: String = null, coreCoilsWeight: Double = 0.0, coreKind: String = null, function: String = null, neutralBIL: Double = 0.0, oilPreservationKind: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

  883. final case class OldWorkTask(WorkTask: WorkTask = null, Capabilities: List[String] = null, ContractorItems: List[String] = null, Design: String = null, DesignLocationCUs: List[String] = null, LaborItems: List[String] = null, MiscCostItems: List[String] = null, OverheadCost: String = null, QualificationRequirements: List[String] = null, Usages: List[String] = null, WorkCostDetails: List[String] = null, WorkFlowStep: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A set of tasks is required to implement a design.

    A set of tasks is required to implement a design.


    WorkTask Reference to the superclass object.


    Capability undocumented


    ContractorItem undocumented


    Design undocumented


    DesignLocationCU undocumented


    LaborItem undocumented


    MiscCostItem undocumented


    OverheadCost undocumented


    QualificationRequirement undocumented


    Usage undocumented


    WorkCostDetail undocumented


    WorkFlowStep undocumented

  884. final case class OneCallRequest(WorkDocument: WorkDocument = null, explosivesUsed: Boolean = false, markedIndicator: Boolean = false, markingInstruction: String = null, WorkLocations: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A request for other utilities to mark their underground facilities prior to commencement of construction and/or maintenance.

    A request for other utilities to mark their underground facilities prior to commencement of construction and/or maintenance.


    WorkDocument Reference to the superclass object.


    True if explosives have been or are planned to be used.


    True if work location has been marked, for example for a dig area.


    Instructions for marking a dig area, if applicable.


    WorkLocation undocumented

  885. final case class OpenAccessProduct(Agreement: Agreement = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Contracts for services offered commercially.

    Contracts for services offered commercially.


    Agreement Reference to the superclass object.

  886. final case class OpenCircuitTest(TransformerTest: TransformerTest = null, energisedEndStep: Int = 0, energisedEndVoltage: Double = 0.0, openEndStep: Int = 0, openEndVoltage: Double = 0.0, phaseShift: Double = 0.0, EnergisedEnd: String = null, OpenEnd: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Open-circuit test results verify winding turn ratios and phase shifts.

    Open-circuit test results verify winding turn ratios and phase shifts.

    They include induced voltage and phase shift measurements on open-circuit windings, with voltage applied to the energised end. For three-phase windings, the excitation can be a positive sequence (the default) or a zero sequence.


    TransformerTest Reference to the superclass object.


    Tap step number for the energised end of the test pair.


    Voltage applied to the winding (end) during test.


    Tap step number for the open end of the test pair.


    Voltage measured at the open-circuited end, with the energised end set to rated voltage and all other ends open.


    Phase shift measured at the open end with the energised end set to rated voltage and all other ends open.


    TransformerEndInfo Transformer end that current is applied to in this open-circuit test.


    TransformerEndInfo Transformer end measured for induced voltage and angle in this open-circuit test.

  887. final case class OpenTieSchedule(BidHourlySchedule: BidHourlySchedule = null, value: Boolean = false) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Result of bid validation against conditions that may exist on an interchange that becomes disconnected or is heavily discounted with respect the MW flow.

    Result of bid validation against conditions that may exist on an interchange that becomes disconnected or is heavily discounted with respect the MW flow.

    This schedule is assocated with the hourly parameters in a resource bid.


    BidHourlySchedule Reference to the superclass object.



  888. final case class OperatingMechanism(Asset: Asset = null, InterrupterUnit: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Breaker mechanism.

    Breaker mechanism.


    Asset Reference to the superclass object.


    InterrupterUnit Interrupter controlled by this mechanism.

  889. final case class OperatingMechanismInfo(AssetInfo: AssetInfo = null, closeAmps: Double = 0.0, closeVoltage: Double = 0.0, mechanismKind: String = null, motorRunCurrent: Double = 0.0, motorStartCurrent: Double = 0.0, motorVoltage: Double = 0.0, tripAmps: Double = 0.0, tripVoltage: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Breaker operating mechanism datasheet information.

    Breaker operating mechanism datasheet information.


    AssetInfo Reference to the superclass object.


    Close current (nominal).


    Close voltage in volts DC.


    Kind of breaker operating mechanism.


    Rated motor run current in amps.


    Rated motor start current in amps.


    Nominal motor voltage in volts DC.


    Trip current (nominal).


    Trip voltage in volts DC.

  890. final case class OperatingParticipant(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, OperatingShare: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    An operator of multiple power system resource objects.

    An operator of multiple power system resource objects.

    Note multple operating participants may operate the same power system resource object. This can be used for modeling jointly owned units where each owner operates as a contractual share.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    OperatingShare The operating shares of this operating participant. An operating participant can be resused for any number of power system resources.

  891. final case class OperatingShare(Element: BasicElement = null, percentage: Double = 0.0, OperatingParticipant: String = null, PowerSystemResource: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Specifies the operations contract relationship between a power system resource and a contract participant.

    Specifies the operations contract relationship between a power system resource and a contract participant.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    Percentage operational ownership between the pair (power system resource and operating participant) associated with this share. The total percentage ownership for a power system resource should add to 100%.


    OperatingParticipant The operating participant having this share with the associated power system resource.


    PowerSystemResource The power system resource to which the share applies.

  892. final case class Operation(Element: BasicElement = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

  893. final case class OperationPersonRole(PersonRole: PersonRole = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Person role in the context of utility operations.

    Person role in the context of utility operations.


    PersonRole Reference to the superclass object.

  894. final case class OperationalLimit(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, LimitDependencyModel: List[String] = null, LimitScalingLimit: List[String] = null, OperationalLimitSet: String = null, OperationalLimitType: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A value and normal value associated with a specific kind of limit.

    A value and normal value associated with a specific kind of limit.

    The sub class value and normalValue attributes vary inversely to the associated OperationalLimitType.acceptableDuration (acceptableDuration for short). If a particular piece of equipment has multiple operational limits of the same kind (apparent power, current, etc.), the limit with the greatest acceptableDuration shall have the smallest limit value and the limit with the smallest acceptableDuration shall have the largest limit value. Note: A large current can only be allowed to flow through a piece of equipment for a short duration without causing damage, but a lesser current can be allowed to flow for a longer duration.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    LimitDependency The limit dependency models which are used to calculate this limit. If no limit dependencies are specified then the native limit value is used.


    LimitScalingLimit undocumented


    OperationalLimitSet The limit set to which the limit values belong.


    OperationalLimitType The limit type associated with this limit.

  895. final case class OperationalLimitSet(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, Equipment: String = null, OperationalLimitValue: List[String] = null, Terminal: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A set of limits associated with equipment.

    A set of limits associated with equipment.

    Sets of limits might apply to a specific temperature, or season for example. A set of limits may contain different severities of limit levels that would apply to the same equipment. The set may contain limits of different types such as apparent power and current limits or high and low voltage limits that are logically applied together as a set.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    Equipment The equipment to which the limit set applies.


    OperationalLimit Values of equipment limits.


    ACDCTerminal The terminal where the operational limit set apply.

  896. final case class OperationalLimitType(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, acceptableDuration: Double = 0.0, direction: String = null, isInfiniteDuration: Boolean = false, OperationalLimit: List[String] = null, SourceOperationalLimitTypeScaling: List[String] = null, TargetOperationalLimitmTypeScaling: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    The operational meaning of a category of limits.

    The operational meaning of a category of limits.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    The nominal acceptable duration of the limit. Limits are commonly expressed in terms of the time limit for which the limit is normally acceptable. The actual acceptable duration of a specific limit may depend on other local factors such as temperature or wind speed. The attribute has meaning only if the flag isInfiniteDuration is set to false, hence it shall not be exchanged when isInfiniteDuration is set to true.


    The direction of the limit.


    Defines if the operational limit type has infinite duration. If true, the limit has infinite duration. If false, the limit has definite duration which is defined by the attribute acceptableDuration.


    OperationalLimit The operational limits associated with this type of limit.


    OperatonalLimitTypeScaling undocumented


    OperatonalLimitTypeScaling undocumented

  897. final case class OperationalRestriction(Document: Document = null, activePeriod: String = null, restrictedValue: String = null, Equipments: List[String] = null, ProductAssetModel: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A document that can be associated with equipment to describe any sort of restrictions compared with the original manufacturer's specification or with the usual operational practice e.g.

    A document that can be associated with equipment to describe any sort of restrictions compared with the original manufacturer's specification or with the usual operational practice e.g. temporary maximum loadings, maximum switching current, do not operate if bus couplers are open, etc.

    In the UK, for example, if a breaker or switch ever mal-operates, this is reported centrally and utilities use their asset systems to identify all the installed devices of the same manufacturer's type. They then apply operational restrictions in the operational systems to warn operators of potential problems. After appropriate inspection and maintenance, the operational restrictions may be removed.


    Document Reference to the superclass object.


    Interval during which this restriction is applied.


    Restricted (new) value; includes unit of measure and potentially multiplier.


    Equipment All equipments to which this restriction applies.


    ProductAssetModel Asset model to which this restriction applies.

  898. final case class OperationalTag(Document: Document = null, Asset: String = null, PowerSystemResource: String = null, TagAction: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Operational tag placed on a power system resource or asset in the context of switching plan execution or other work in the field.

    Operational tag placed on a power system resource or asset in the context of switching plan execution or other work in the field.


    Document Reference to the superclass object.


    Asset Asset on which this tag has been placed.


    PowerSystemResource Power system resource on which this tag has been placed.


    TagAction Tag action associated with this tag.

  899. final case class OperationalUpdatedRating(OperationalRestriction: OperationalRestriction = null, changeType: String = null, PlannedOutage: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Lowered capability because of deterioration or inadequacy (sometimes referred to as derating or partial outage) or other kind of operational rating change.

    Lowered capability because of deterioration or inadequacy (sometimes referred to as derating or partial outage) or other kind of operational rating change.


    OperationalRestriction Reference to the superclass object.


    Type of operational updated rating, e.g. a derate, a rerate or a return to normal.


    PlannedOutage Planned equipment outage with this updated rating.

  900. final case class OperationsSafetySupervisor(Operator: Operator = null, IssuedSafetyDocuments: List[String] = null, ReleasedSafetyDocuments: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Operator with responsibility that the work in high voltage installation is executed in a safe manner and according to safety regulation.

    Operator with responsibility that the work in high voltage installation is executed in a safe manner and according to safety regulation.


    Operator Reference to the superclass object.


    SafetyDocument All safety documents issued by this supervisor.


    SafetyDocument All safety documents released to this supervisor.

  901. final case class OperatonalLimitTypeScaling(Element: BasicElement = null, scalingPercent: Double = 0.0, SourceOperationalLimitType: String = null, TargetOperationalLimit: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    One operational limit type scales values of another operational limit type when under the same operational limit set.

    One operational limit type scales values of another operational limit type when under the same operational limit set.

    This applies to any operational limit assigned to the target operational limit type and without other limit dependency models.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    The percentage scaling of the source limit to compute the target limit. Applys to operational limits within an operaitonal limit set when both source and target operational limit types exist.


    OperationalLimitType undocumented


    OperationalLimitType undocumented

  902. final case class Operator(OperationPersonRole: OperationPersonRole = null, Incidents: List[String] = null, SwitchingSteps: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Control room operator.

    Control room operator.


    OperationPersonRole Reference to the superclass object.


    Incident All incidents owned by this operator.


    SwitchingAction All switching steps this operator is responsible for.

  903. final case class OrgOrgRole(OrganisationRole: OrganisationRole = null, clientID: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Roles played between Organisations and other Organisations.

    Roles played between Organisations and other Organisations.

    This includes role ups for ogranisations, cost centers, profit centers, regulatory reporting, etc. Note that the parent and child relationship is indicated by the name on each end of the association.


    OrganisationRole Reference to the superclass object.


    Identifiers of the organisation held by another organisation, such as a government agency (federal, state, province, city, county), financial institution (Dun and Bradstreet), etc.

  904. final case class OrgPnodeAllocation(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, maxMWAllocation: Double = 0.0, Pnode: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    This class models the allocation between asset owners and pricing nodes.

    This class models the allocation between asset owners and pricing nodes.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    Maximum MW for the Source/Sink for the Allocation


    Pnode undocumented

  905. final case class OrgResOwnership(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, asscType: String = null, masterSchedulingCoordinatorFlag: String = null, ownershipPercent: Double = 0.0, RegisteredResource: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    This class model the ownership percent and type of ownership between resource and organisation.

    This class model the ownership percent and type of ownership between resource and organisation.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    association type for the association between Organisation and Resource:


    Flag to indicate that the SC representing the Resource is the Master SC.


    ownership percentage for each resource


    RegisteredResource undocumented

  906. final case class Organisation(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, electronicAddress: String = null, phone1: String = null, phone2: String = null, postalAddress: String = null, streetAddress: String = null, ParentOrganisation: String = null, Roles: List[String] = null, SwitchingPlanRequest: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Organisation that might have roles as utility, contractor, supplier, manufacturer, customer, etc.

    Organisation that might have roles as utility, contractor, supplier, manufacturer, customer, etc.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    ElectronicAddress Electronic address.


    TelephoneNumber Phone number.


    TelephoneNumber Additional phone number.


    StreetAddress Postal address, potentially different than 'streetAddress' (e.g., another city).


    StreetAddress Street address.


    ParentOrganization Parent organisation of this organisation.


    OrganisationRole All roles of this organisation.


    SwitchingPlanRequest undocumented

  907. final case class OrganisationRole(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, ConfigurationEvents: List[String] = null, Organisation: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Identifies a way in which an organisation may participate in the utility enterprise (e.g., customer, manufacturer, etc).

    Identifies a way in which an organisation may participate in the utility enterprise (e.g., customer, manufacturer, etc).


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    ConfigurationEvent All configuration events created for this organisation role.


    Organisation Organisation having this role.

  908. final case class Outage(Document: Document = null, actualPeriod: String = null, communityDescriptor: String = null, customersRestored: Int = 0, estimatedPeriod: String = null, metersAffected: Int = 0, originalCustomersServed: Int = 0, originalMetersAffected: Int = 0, outageKind: String = null, statusKind: String = null, summary: String = null, utilityDisclaimer: String = null, Crew: List[String] = null, DeEnergizedUsagePoint: List[String] = null, EnergizedUsagePoint: List[String] = null, Equipments: List[String] = null, EstimatedRestorationTime: String = null, Faults: List[String] = null, Incident: List[String] = null, OutageArea: List[String] = null, OutageIsolationEquipment: List[String] = null, PlannedSwitchActions: List[String] = null, SwitchingPlans: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Document describing details of an active or planned outage in a part of the electrical network.

    Document describing details of an active or planned outage in a part of the electrical network.

    A non-planned outage may be created upon: - a breaker trip, - a fault indicator status change, - a meter event indicating customer outage, - a reception of one or more customer trouble calls, or - an operator command, reflecting information obtained from the field crew. Outage restoration may be performed using a switching plan which complements the outage information with detailed switching activities, including the relationship to the crew and work. A planned outage may be created upon: - a request for service, maintenance or construction work in the field, or - an operator-defined outage for what-if/contingency network analysis.


    Document Reference to the superclass object.


    Actual outage period; end of the period corresponds to the actual restoration time.


    a name to denote the community - this could be a name or a code of some kind.


    number of customers that have been restored in the area.


    Estimated outage period for a planned outage. The start of the period is the start of the planned outage and the end of the period corresponds to the end of the planned outage.


    The updated number of meters affected by the outage as reported by the OMS within the utility. It is assumed this number will be updated repeatedly until the full outage is resolved.


    the total number of customers that are served in the area (both outaged and not outaged).


    The original number of meters that were affected as reported by the OMS within the utility. That is, this is the total number of meters that were out at the beginning of the outage.


    Defines if the outage has been verified or is only estimated


    defines the status of the crew as in dispatched or arrived, etc.


    ServicePointOutageSummary Summary counts of service points (customers) affected by this outage.


    This contains an disclaimers the utility would like to place on the data provided to any stakeholder. This may be different for different stakeholders. This should possibly be an attribute under the Organization class but it is placed here for now.


    Crew undocumented


    UsagePoint all deenergized useage points associated with the outage.


    UsagePoint All energized usage points associated with this outage.


    Equipment All equipments associated with this outage.


    EstimatedRestorationTime undocumented


    Fault All faults involved in this outage.


    Incident Incident reported in trouble call that results in this outage.


    OutageArea undocumented


    ConductingEquipment undocumented


    SwitchAction All switch actions to apply within the scope of this planned outage. Each such action groups switches to which the action is to apply in order to produce the desired network state considered as outage.


    SwitchingPlan All switching plans that lead to supply restoration due to this outage. Only one will be retained for execution.

  909. final case class OutageArea(Element: BasicElement = null, earliestReportedTime: String = null, metersServed: Int = 0, outageAreaKind: String = null, Outage: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    This defines the area covered by the Outage.

    This defines the area covered by the Outage.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    This is the reported time of the first outage report


    defines the number of meters served in the defined area.


    defines the type of area that has the outage - county, state, zipcode, etc.


    Outage undocumented

  910. final case class OutageOrder(Document: Document = null, comment: String = null, Location: List[String] = null, OutagePlan: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Transmits an outage plan to a crew in order for the planned outage to be executed.

    Transmits an outage plan to a crew in order for the planned outage to be executed.


    Document Reference to the superclass object.


    Free-form comment associated with the outage order


    Location undocumented


    OutagePlan undocumented

  911. final case class OutagePlan(Document: Document = null, approvedDateTime: String = null, cancelledDateTime: String = null, plannedPeriod: String = null, purpose: String = null, Customer: List[String] = null, OutageOrder: String = null, PlannedOutage: String = null, SwitchingPlan: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Document containing the definition of planned outages of equipment and/or usage points.

    Document containing the definition of planned outages of equipment and/or usage points.

    It will reference switching plans that are used to execute the planned outage.


    Document Reference to the superclass object.


    The date and time the outage plan was approved


    Date and Time the planned outage was canceled.


    planned start and end time of the planned outage.


    Purpose of this outage plan, such as whether it is to replace equipment or perform maintenance or repairs or to reconfigure network topology.


    Customer The customers that are affected by this planned outage.


    OutageOrder undocumented


    PlannedOutage The outage resulting from the execution of the outage plan.


    SwitchingPlan The swiching plan that is associated with the outage plan.

  912. final case class OverexcLim2(OverexcitationLimiterDynamics: OverexcitationLimiterDynamics = null, ifdlim: Double = 0.0, koi: Double = 0.0, voimax: Double = 0.0, voimin: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Different from LimIEEEOEL, LimOEL2 has a fixed pickup threshold and reduces the excitation set-point by means of a non-windup integral regulator.

    Different from LimIEEEOEL, LimOEL2 has a fixed pickup threshold and reduces the excitation set-point by means of a non-windup integral regulator.

    Irated is the rated machine excitation current (calculated from nameplate conditions: Vnom, Pnom, CosPhinom).


    OverexcitationLimiterDynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    Limit value of rated field current (IFDLIM). Typical value = 1,05.


    Gain Over excitation limiter (KOI). Typical value = 0,1.


    Maximum error signal (VOIMAX) (> OverexcLim2.voimin). Typical value = 0.


    Minimum error signal (VOIMIN) (< OverexcLim2.voimax). Typical value = -9999.

  913. final case class OverexcLimIEEE(OverexcitationLimiterDynamics: OverexcitationLimiterDynamics = null, hyst: Double = 0.0, ifdlim: Double = 0.0, ifdmax: Double = 0.0, itfpu: Double = 0.0, kcd: Double = 0.0, kramp: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    The over excitation limiter model is intended to represent the significant features of OELs necessary for some large-scale system studies.

    The over excitation limiter model is intended to represent the significant features of OELs necessary for some large-scale system studies.

    It is the result of a pragmatic approach to obtain a model that can be widely applied with attainable data from generator owners. An attempt to include all variations in the functionality of OELs and duplicate how they interact with the rest of the excitation systems would likely result in a level of application insufficient for the studies for which they are intended. Reference: IEEE OEL 421.5-2005, 9.


    OverexcitationLimiterDynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    OEL pickup/drop-out hysteresis (HYST). Typical value = 0,03.


    OEL timed field current limit (IFDLIM). Typical value = 1,05.


    OEL instantaneous field current limit (IFDMAX). Typical value = 1,5.


    OEL timed field current limiter pickup level (ITFPU). Typical value = 1,05.


    OEL cooldown gain (KCD). Typical value = 1.


    OEL ramped limit rate (KRAMP). Unit = PU / s. Typical value = 10.

  914. final case class OverexcLimX1(OverexcitationLimiterDynamics: OverexcitationLimiterDynamics = null, efd1: Double = 0.0, efd2: Double = 0.0, efd3: Double = 0.0, efddes: Double = 0.0, efdrated: Double = 0.0, kmx: Double = 0.0, t1: Double = 0.0, t2: Double = 0.0, t3: Double = 0.0, vlow: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Field voltage over excitation limiter.

    Field voltage over excitation limiter.


    OverexcitationLimiterDynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    Low voltage point on the inverse time characteristic (EFD1). Typical value = 1,1.


    Mid voltage point on the inverse time characteristic (EFD2). Typical value = 1,2.


    High voltage point on the inverse time characteristic (EFD3). Typical value = 1,5.


    Desired field voltage (EFDDES). Typical value = 0,9.


    Rated field voltage (EFDRATED). Typical value = 1,05.


    Gain (KMX). Typical value = 0,01.


    Time to trip the exciter at the low voltage point on the inverse time characteristic (TIME1) (>= 0). Typical value = 120.


    Time to trip the exciter at the mid voltage point on the inverse time characteristic (TIME2) (>= 0). Typical value = 40.


    Time to trip the exciter at the high voltage point on the inverse time characteristic (TIME3) (>= 0). Typical value = 15.


    Low voltage limit (VLOW) (> 0).

  915. final case class OverexcLimX2(OverexcitationLimiterDynamics: OverexcitationLimiterDynamics = null, efd1: Double = 0.0, efd2: Double = 0.0, efd3: Double = 0.0, efddes: Double = 0.0, efdrated: Double = 0.0, kmx: Double = 0.0, m: Boolean = false, t1: Double = 0.0, t2: Double = 0.0, t3: Double = 0.0, vlow: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Field voltage or current overexcitation limiter designed to protect the generator field of an AC machine with automatic excitation control from overheating due to prolonged overexcitation.

    Field voltage or current overexcitation limiter designed to protect the generator field of an AC machine with automatic excitation control from overheating due to prolonged overexcitation.


    OverexcitationLimiterDynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    Low voltage or current point on the inverse time characteristic (EFD1). Typical value = 1,1.


    Mid voltage or current point on the inverse time characteristic (EFD2). Typical value = 1,2.


    High voltage or current point on the inverse time characteristic (EFD3). Typical value = 1,5.


    Desired field voltage if m = false or desired field current if m = true (EFDDES). Typical value = 1.


    Rated field voltage if m = false or rated field current if m = true (EFDRATED). Typical value = 1,05.


    Gain (KMX). Typical value = 0,002.


    (m). true = IFD limiting false = EFD limiting.


    Time to trip the exciter at the low voltage or current point on the inverse time characteristic (TIME1) (>= 0). Typical value = 120.


    Time to trip the exciter at the mid voltage or current point on the inverse time characteristic (TIME2) (>= 0). Typical value = 40.


    Time to trip the exciter at the high voltage or current point on the inverse time characteristic (TIME3) (>= 0). Typical value = 15.


    Low voltage limit (VLOW) (> 0).

  916. final case class OverexcitationLimiterDynamics(DynamicsFunctionBlock: DynamicsFunctionBlock = null, ExcitationSystemDynamics: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Overexcitation limiter function block whose behaviour is described by reference to a standard model <font color="#0f0f0f">or by definition of a user-defined model.</font>

    Overexcitation limiter function block whose behaviour is described by reference to a standard model <font color="#0f0f0f">or by definition of a user-defined model.</font>


    DynamicsFunctionBlock Reference to the superclass object.


    ExcitationSystemDynamics Excitation system model with which this overexcitation limiter model is associated.

  917. final case class OverexcitationLimiterUserDefined(OverexcitationLimiterDynamics: OverexcitationLimiterDynamics = null, proprietary: Boolean = false, ProprietaryParameterDynamics: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Overexcitation limiter system function block whose dynamic behaviour is described by <font color="#0f0f0f">a user-defined model.</font>

    Overexcitation limiter system function block whose dynamic behaviour is described by <font color="#0f0f0f">a user-defined model.</font>


    OverexcitationLimiterDynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    Behaviour is based on a proprietary model as opposed to a detailed model. true = user-defined model is proprietary with behaviour mutually understood by sending and receiving applications and parameters passed as general attributes false = user-defined model is explicitly defined in terms of control blocks and their input and output signals.


    ProprietaryParameterDynamics Parameter of this proprietary user-defined model.

  918. final case class OverheadCost(WorkIdentifiedObject: WorkIdentifiedObject = null, code: String = null, cost: Double = 0.0, status: String = null, WorkCostDetails: List[String] = null, WorkTasks: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Overhead cost applied to work order.

    Overhead cost applied to work order.


    WorkIdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    Overhead code.


    The overhead cost to be applied.




    WorkCostDetail undocumented


    OldWorkTask undocumented

  919. final case class OverheadWireInfo(WireInfo: WireInfo = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Overhead wire data.

    Overhead wire data.


    WireInfo Reference to the superclass object.

  920. final case class Ownership(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, share: Double = 0.0, Asset: String = null, AssetOwner: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Ownership of e.g.

    Ownership of e.g. asset.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    Share of this ownership.


    Asset Asset that is object of this ownership.


    AssetOwner Asset owner that is subject in this ownership.

  921. final case class PFVArControllerType1Dynamics(DynamicsFunctionBlock: DynamicsFunctionBlock = null, ExcitationSystemDynamics: String = null, RemoteInputSignal: String = null, VoltageAdjusterDynamics: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Power factor or VAr controller type 1 function block whose behaviour is described by reference to a standard model <font color="#0f0f0f">or by definition of a user-defined model.</font>

    Power factor or VAr controller type 1 function block whose behaviour is described by reference to a standard model <font color="#0f0f0f">or by definition of a user-defined model.</font>


    DynamicsFunctionBlock Reference to the superclass object.


    ExcitationSystemDynamics Excitation system model with which this power actor or VAr controller type 1 model is associated.


    RemoteInputSignal Remote input signal used by this power factor or VAr controller type 1 model.


    VoltageAdjusterDynamics Voltage adjuster model associated with this power factor or VAr controller type 1 model.

  922. final case class PFVArControllerType1UserDefined(PFVArControllerType1Dynamics: PFVArControllerType1Dynamics = null, proprietary: Boolean = false, ProprietaryParameterDynamics: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Power factor or VAr controller type 1 function block whose dynamic behaviour is described by <font color="#0f0f0f">a user-defined model.</font>

    Power factor or VAr controller type 1 function block whose dynamic behaviour is described by <font color="#0f0f0f">a user-defined model.</font>


    PFVArControllerType1Dynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    Behaviour is based on a proprietary model as opposed to a detailed model. true = user-defined model is proprietary with behaviour mutually understood by sending and receiving applications and parameters passed as general attributes false = user-defined model is explicitly defined in terms of control blocks and their input and output signals.


    ProprietaryParameterDynamics Parameter of this proprietary user-defined model.

  923. final case class PFVArControllerType2Dynamics(DynamicsFunctionBlock: DynamicsFunctionBlock = null, ExcitationSystemDynamics: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Power factor or VAr controller type 2 function block whose behaviour is described by reference to a standard model <font color="#0f0f0f">or by definition of a user-defined model.</font>

    Power factor or VAr controller type 2 function block whose behaviour is described by reference to a standard model <font color="#0f0f0f">or by definition of a user-defined model.</font>


    DynamicsFunctionBlock Reference to the superclass object.


    ExcitationSystemDynamics Excitation system model with which this power factor or VAr controller type 2 is associated.

  924. final case class PFVArControllerType2UserDefined(PFVArControllerType2Dynamics: PFVArControllerType2Dynamics = null, proprietary: Boolean = false, ProprietaryParameterDynamics: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Power factor or VAr controller type 2 function block whose dynamic behaviour is described by <font color="#0f0f0f">a user-defined model.</font>

    Power factor or VAr controller type 2 function block whose dynamic behaviour is described by <font color="#0f0f0f">a user-defined model.</font>


    PFVArControllerType2Dynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    Behaviour is based on a proprietary model as opposed to a detailed model. true = user-defined model is proprietary with behaviour mutually understood by sending and receiving applications and parameters passed as general attributes false = user-defined model is explicitly defined in terms of control blocks and their input and output signals.


    ProprietaryParameterDynamics Parameter of this proprietary user-defined model.

  925. final case class PFVArType1IEEEPFController(PFVArControllerType1Dynamics: PFVArControllerType1Dynamics = null, ovex: Boolean = false, tpfc: Double = 0.0, vitmin: Double = 0.0, vpf: Double = 0.0, vpfcbw: Double = 0.0, vpfref: Double = 0.0, vvtmax: Double = 0.0, vvtmin: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    IEEE PF controller type 1 which operates by moving the voltage reference directly.

    IEEE PF controller type 1 which operates by moving the voltage reference directly.

    Reference: IEEE 421.5-2005, 11.2.


    PFVArControllerType1Dynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    Overexcitation Flag (OVEX) true = overexcited false = underexcited.


    PF controller time delay (TPFC) (>= 0). Typical value = 5.


    Minimum machine terminal current needed to enable pf/var controller (VITMIN).


    Synchronous machine power factor (VPF).


    PF controller deadband (VPFC_BW). Typical value = 0,05.


    PF controller reference (VPFREF).


    Maximum machine terminal voltage needed for pf/var controller to be enabled (VVTMAX) (> PFVArType1IEEEPFController.vvtmin).


    Minimum machine terminal voltage needed to enable pf/var controller (VVTMIN) (< PFVArType1IEEEPFController.vvtmax).

  926. final case class PFVArType1IEEEVArController(PFVArControllerType1Dynamics: PFVArControllerType1Dynamics = null, tvarc: Double = 0.0, vvar: Double = 0.0, vvarcbw: Double = 0.0, vvarref: Double = 0.0, vvtmax: Double = 0.0, vvtmin: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    IEEE VAR controller type 1 which operates by moving the voltage reference directly.

    IEEE VAR controller type 1 which operates by moving the voltage reference directly.

    Reference: IEEE 421.5-2005, 11.3.


    PFVArControllerType1Dynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    Var controller time delay (TVARC) (>= 0). Typical value = 5.


    Synchronous machine power factor (VVAR).


    Var controller deadband (VVARC_BW). Typical value = 0,02.


    Var controller reference (VVARREF).


    Maximum machine terminal voltage needed for pf/VAr controller to be enabled (VVTMAX) (> PVFArType1IEEEVArController.vvtmin).


    Minimum machine terminal voltage needed to enable pf/var controller (VVTMIN) (< PVFArType1IEEEVArController.vvtmax).

  927. final case class PFVArType2Common1(PFVArControllerType2Dynamics: PFVArControllerType2Dynamics = null, j: Boolean = false, ki: Double = 0.0, kp: Double = 0.0, max: Double = 0.0, ref: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Power factor / reactive power regulator.

    Power factor / reactive power regulator.

    This model represents the power factor or reactive power controller such as the Basler SCP-250. The controller measures power factor or reactive power (PU on generator rated power) and compares it with the operator's set point. [Footnote: Basler SCP-250 is an example of a suitable product available commercially. This information is given for the convenience of users of this document and does not constitute an endorsement by IEC of this product.]


    PFVArControllerType2Dynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    Selector (J). true = control mode for reactive power false = control mode for power factor.


    Reset gain (Ki).


    Proportional gain (Kp).


    Output limit (max).


    Reference value of reactive power or power factor (Ref). The reference value is initialised by this model. This initialisation can override the value exchanged by this attribute to represent a plant operator's change of the reference setting.

  928. final case class PFVArType2IEEEPFController(PFVArControllerType2Dynamics: PFVArControllerType2Dynamics = null, exlon: Boolean = false, ki: Double = 0.0, kp: Double = 0.0, pfref: Double = 0.0, vclmt: Double = 0.0, vref: Double = 0.0, vs: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    IEEE PF controller type 2 which is a summing point type controller making up the outside loop of a two-loop system.

    IEEE PF controller type 2 which is a summing point type controller making up the outside loop of a two-loop system.

    This controller is implemented as a slow PI type controller. The voltage regulator forms the inner loop and is implemented as a fast controller. Reference: IEEE 421.5-2005, 11.4.


    PFVArControllerType2Dynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    Overexcitation or under excitation flag (EXLON) true = 1 (not in the overexcitation or underexcitation state, integral action is active) false = 0 (in the overexcitation or underexcitation state, so integral action is disabled to allow the limiter to play its role).


    Integral gain of the pf controller (KI). Typical value = 1.


    Proportional gain of the pf controller (KP). Typical value = 1.


    Power factor reference (PFREF).


    Maximum output of the pf controller (VCLMT). Typical value = 0,1.


    Voltage regulator reference (VREF).


    Generator sensing voltage (VS).

  929. final case class PFVArType2IEEEVArController(PFVArControllerType2Dynamics: PFVArControllerType2Dynamics = null, exlon: Boolean = false, ki: Double = 0.0, kp: Double = 0.0, qref: Double = 0.0, vclmt: Double = 0.0, vref: Double = 0.0, vs: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    IEEE VAR controller type 2 which is a summing point type controller.

    IEEE VAR controller type 2 which is a summing point type controller.

    It makes up the outside loop of a two-loop system. This controller is implemented as a slow PI type controller, and the voltage regulator forms the inner loop and is implemented as a fast controller. Reference: IEEE 421.5-2005, 11.5.


    PFVArControllerType2Dynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    Overexcitation or under excitation flag (EXLON) true = 1 (not in the overexcitation or underexcitation state, integral action is active) false = 0 (in the overexcitation or underexcitation state, so integral action is disabled to allow the limiter to play its role).


    Integral gain of the pf controller (KI).


    Proportional gain of the pf controller (KP).


    Reactive power reference (QREF).


    Maximum output of the pf controller (VCLMT).


    Voltage regulator reference (VREF).


    Generator sensing voltage (VS).

  930. final case class PFmode(Element: BasicElement = null, Delay: String = null, VSCtype1: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

  931. final case class PSREvent(ActivityRecord: ActivityRecord = null, kind: String = null, PowerSystemResource: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Event recording the change in operational status of a power system resource; may be for an event that has already occurred or for a planned activity.

    Event recording the change in operational status of a power system resource; may be for an event that has already occurred or for a planned activity.


    ActivityRecord Reference to the superclass object.


    Kind of event.


    PowerSystemResource Power system resource that generated this event.

  932. final case class PSRType(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, PowerSystemResources: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Classifying instances of the same class, e.g.

    Classifying instances of the same class, e.g. overhead and underground ACLineSegments.

    This classification mechanism is intended to provide flexibility outside the scope of this document, i.e. provide customisation that is non standard.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    PowerSystemResource Power system resources classified with this power system resource type.

  933. final case class PWRSteamSupply(SteamSupply: SteamSupply = null, coldLegFBLagTC: Double = 0.0, coldLegFBLeadTC1: Double = 0.0, coldLegFBLeadTC2: Double = 0.0, coldLegFG1: Double = 0.0, coldLegFG2: Double = 0.0, coldLegLagTC: Double = 0.0, coreHTLagTC1: Double = 0.0, coreHTLagTC2: Double = 0.0, coreNeutronicsEffTC: Double = 0.0, coreNeutronicsHT: Double = 0.0, feedbackFactor: Double = 0.0, hotLegLagTC: Double = 0.0, hotLegSteamGain: Double = 0.0, hotLegToColdLegGain: Double = 0.0, pressureCG: Double = 0.0, steamFlowFG: Double = 0.0, steamPressureDropLagTC: Double = 0.0, steamPressureFG: Double = 0.0, throttlePressureFactor: Double = 0.0, throttlePressureSP: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Pressurized water reactor used as a steam supply to a steam turbine.

    Pressurized water reactor used as a steam supply to a steam turbine.


    SteamSupply Reference to the superclass object.


    Cold leg feedback lag time constant.


    Cold leg feedback lead time constant.


    Cold leg feedback lead time constant.


    Cold leg feedback gain 1.


    Cold leg feedback gain 2.


    Cold leg lag time constant.


    Core heat transfer lag time constant.


    Core heat transfer lag time constant.


    Core neutronics effective time constant.


    Core neutronics and heat transfer.


    Feedback factor.


    Hot leg lag time constant.


    Hot leg steam gain.


    Hot leg to cold leg gain.


    Pressure control gain.


    Steam flow feedback gain.


    Steam pressure drop lag time constant.


    Steam pressure feedback gain.


    Throttle pressure factor.


    Throttle pressure setpoint.

  934. final case class PackageDependenciesCIMVersion(Element: BasicElement = null, date: String = null, version: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    The version of dependencies description among top level subpackages of the combined CIM model.

    The version of dependencies description among top level subpackages of the combined CIM model.

    This is not the same as the combined packages version.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    Date of last change to the main package dependencies in format YYYY-MM-DD. This is updated when the version attribute is updated.


    The version of the main subpackages of the combined CIM model. The format is simply an integer. The version (and date) initial values should be updated any time the dependencies in the model change and require an actual change to the diagrams within this package.

  935. final case class PanDemandResponse(EndDeviceAction: EndDeviceAction = null, appliance: String = null, avgLoadAdjustment: Double = 0.0, cancelControlMode: String = null, cancelDateTime: String = null, cancelNow: Boolean = false, coolingOffset: Double = 0.0, coolingSetpoint: Double = 0.0, criticalityLevel: String = null, dutyCycle: Double = 0.0, enrollmentGroup: String = null, heatingOffset: Double = 0.0, heatingSetpoint: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    PAN control used to issue action/command to PAN devices during a demand response/load control event.

    PAN control used to issue action/command to PAN devices during a demand response/load control event.


    EndDeviceAction Reference to the superclass object.


    ControlledAppliance Appliance being controlled.


    Used to define a maximum energy usage limit as a percentage of the client implementations specific average energy usage. The load adjustment percentage is added to 100% creating a percentage limit applied to the client implementations specific average energy usage. A -10% load adjustment percentage will establish an energy usage limit equal to 90% of the client implementations specific average energy usage. Each load adjustment percentage is referenced to the client implementations specific average energy usage. There are no cumulative effects. The range of this field is -100% to +100% with a resolution of 1. A -100% value equals a total load shed. A +100% value will limit the energy usage to the client implementations specific average energy usage.


    Encoding of cancel control.


    Timestamp when a canceling of the event is scheduled to start.


    If true, a canceling of the event should start immediately.


    Requested offset to apply to the normal cooling setpoint at the time of the start of the event. It represents a temperature change that will be applied to the associated cooling set point. The temperature offsets will be calculated per the local temperature in the thermostat. The calculated temperature will be interpreted as the number of degrees to be added to the cooling set point. Sequential demand response events are not cumulative. The offset shall be applied to the normal setpoint.


    Requested cooling set point. Temperature set point is typically defined and calculated based on local temperature.


    Level of criticality for the action of this control. The action taken by load control devices for an event can be solely based on this value, or in combination with other load control event fields supported by the device.


    Maximum "on" state duty cycle as a percentage of time. For example, if the value is 80, the device would be in an "on" state for 80% of the time for the duration of the action.


    Provides a mechanism to direct load control actions to groups of PAN devices. It can be used in conjunction with the PAN device types.


    Requested offset to apply to the normal heating setpoint at the time of the start of the event. It represents a temperature change that will be applied to the associated heating set point. The temperature offsets will be calculated per the local temperature in the thermostat. The calculated temperature will be interpreted as the number of degrees to be subtracted from the heating set point. Sequential demand response events are not cumulative. The offset shall be applied to the normal setpoint.


    Requested heating set point. Temperature set point is typically defined and calculated based on local temperature.

  936. final case class PanDisplay(EndDeviceAction: EndDeviceAction = null, confirmationRequired: Boolean = false, priority: String = null, textMessage: String = null, transmissionMode: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    PAN action/command used to issue the displaying of text messages on PAN devices.

    PAN action/command used to issue the displaying of text messages on PAN devices.


    EndDeviceAction Reference to the superclass object.


    If true, the requesting entity (e.g. retail electric provider) requires confirmation of the successful display of the text message.


    Priority associated with the text message to be displayed.


    Text to be displayed by a PAN device.


    Transmission mode to be used for this PAN display control.

  937. final case class PanPricing(EndDeviceAction: EndDeviceAction = null, providerID: Int = 0, PanPricingDetails: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    PAN action/command used to issue pricing information to a PAN device.

    PAN action/command used to issue pricing information to a PAN device.


    EndDeviceAction Reference to the superclass object.


    Unique identifier for the commodity provider.


    PanPricingDetail All pricing details issued by this PAN pricing command/action.

  938. final case class PanPricingDetail(Element: BasicElement = null, alternateCostDelivered: Double = 0.0, alternateCostUnit: String = null, currentTimeDate: String = null, generationPrice: Double = 0.0, generationPriceRatio: Double = 0.0, price: Double = 0.0, priceRatio: Double = 0.0, priceTier: Int = 0, priceTierCount: Int = 0, priceTierLabel: String = null, rateLabel: String = null, registerTier: String = null, unitOfMeasure: String = null, PanPricing: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Detail for a single price command/action.

    Detail for a single price command/action.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    Alternative measure of the cost of the energy consumed. An example might be the emissions of CO2 for each kWh of electricity consumed providing a measure of the environmental cost.


    Cost unit for the alternate cost delivered field. One example is kg of CO2 per unit of measure.


    Current time as determined by a PAN device.


    Price of the commodity measured in base unit of currency per 'unitOfMeasure'.


    Ratio of 'generationPrice' to the "normal" price chosen by the commodity provider.


    Price of the commodity measured in base unit of currency per 'unitOfMeasure'.


    Ratio of 'price' to the "normal" price chosen by the commodity provider.


    Pricing tier as chosen by the commodity provider.


    Maximum number of price tiers available.


    Label for price tier.


    Label of the current billing rate specified by commodity provider.


    Register tier accumulating usage information.


    Defines commodity as well as its base unit of measure.


    PanPricing PAN pricing command/action issuing this price detail.

  939. final case class ParentOrganization(Organisation: Organisation = null, Organisation_attr: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

  940. final case class Participation(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, factor: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Participation level of a given Pnode in a given AggregatePnode.

    Participation level of a given Pnode in a given AggregatePnode.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    Used to calculate "participation" of Pnode in an AggregatePnode. For example, for regulation region this factor is 1 and total sum of all factors for a specific regulation region does not have to be 1. For pricing zone the total sum of all factors has to be 1.

  941. final case class PassThroughBill(Document: Document = null, adjustedAmount: Double = 0.0, amount: Double = 0.0, billEnd: String = null, billRunType: String = null, billStart: String = null, billedTo: String = null, effectiveDate: String = null, isDisputed: Boolean = false, isProfiled: Boolean = false, paidTo: String = null, previousEnd: String = null, previousStart: String = null, price: Double = 0.0, productCode: String = null, providedBy: String = null, quantity: String = null, serviceEnd: String = null, serviceStart: String = null, soldTo: String = null, taxAmount: Double = 0.0, timeZone: String = null, tradeDate: String = null, transactionDate: String = null, transactionType: String = null, ChargeProfiles: List[String] = null, MarketStatementLineItem: String = null, MktUserAttribute: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Pass Through Bill is used for: 1)Two sided charge transactions with or without ISO involvement 2) Specific direct charges or payments that are calculated outside or provided directly to settlements

    Pass Through Bill is used for: 1)Two sided charge transactions with or without ISO involvement 2) Specific direct charges or payments that are calculated outside or provided directly to settlements

    3) Specific charge bill determinants that are externally supplied and used in charge calculations


    Document Reference to the superclass object.




    The charge amount of the product/service.


    Bill period end date


    The settlement run type, for example: prelim, final, and rerun.


    Bill period start date


    The company to which the PTB transaction is billed.


    The effective date of the transaction


    Disputed transaction indicator


    A flag indicating whether there is a profile data associated with the PTB.


    The company to which the PTB transaction is paid.


    The previous bill period end date


    The previous bill period start date


    The price of product/service.


    The product identifier for determining the charge type of the transaction.


    The company by which the PTB transaction service is provided.


    The product quantity.


    The end date of service provided, if periodic.


    The start date of service provided, if periodic.


    The company to which the PTB transaction is sold.


    The tax on services taken.


    The time zone code


    The trade date


    The date the transaction occurs.


    The type of transaction. For example, charge customer, bill customer, matching AR/AP, or bill determinant


    ChargeProfile undocumented


    MarketStatementLineItem undocumented


    MktUserAttribute undocumented

  942. final case class Pcontrol(Element: BasicElement = null, Delay: String = null, VSCtype1: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

  943. final case class PendingCalculation(Element: BasicElement = null, multiplyBeforeAdd: Boolean = false, offset: Int = 0, scalarDenominator: Int = 0, scalarFloat: Double = 0.0, scalarNumerator: Int = 0, IntervalBlocks: List[String] = null, ReadingType: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    When present, a scalar conversion that needs to be applied to every IntervalReading.value contained in IntervalBlock.

    When present, a scalar conversion that needs to be applied to every IntervalReading.value contained in IntervalBlock.

    This conversion results in a new associated ReadingType, reflecting the true dimensions of IntervalReading values after the conversion.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    Whether scalars should be applied before adding the 'offset'.


    (if applicable) Offset to be added as well as multiplication using scalars.


    (if scalar is rational number) When 'IntervalReading.value' is multiplied by 'scalarNumerator' and divided by this value, it causes a unit of measure conversion to occur, resulting in the 'ReadingType.unit'.


    (if scalar is floating number) When multiplied with 'IntervalReading.value', it causes a unit of measure conversion to occur, according to the 'ReadingType.unit'.


    (if scalar is integer or rational number) When the scalar is a simple integer, and this attribute is presented alone and multiplied with 'IntervalReading.value', it causes a unit of measure conversion to occur, resulting in the 'ReadingType.unit'. It is never used in conjunction with 'scalarFloat', only with 'scalarDenominator'.


    IntervalBlock All blocks of interval reading values to which this pending conversion applies.


    ReadingType Reading type resulting from this pending conversion.

  944. final case class PenstockLossCurve(Curve: Curve = null, HydroGeneratingUnit: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Relationship between penstock head loss (in meters) and total discharge through the penstock (in cubic meters per second).

    Relationship between penstock head loss (in meters) and total discharge through the penstock (in cubic meters per second).

    One or more turbines may be connected to the same penstock.


    Curve Reference to the superclass object.


    HydroGeneratingUnit A hydro generating unit has a penstock loss curve.

  945. final case class PerLengthDCLineParameter(PerLengthLineParameter: PerLengthLineParameter = null, capacitance: Double = 0.0, inductance: Double = 0.0, resistance: Double = 0.0, DCLineSegments: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Common type for per-length electrical catalogues describing DC line parameters.

    Common type for per-length electrical catalogues describing DC line parameters.


    PerLengthLineParameter Reference to the superclass object.


    Capacitance per unit of length of the DC line segment; significant for cables only.


    Inductance per unit of length of the DC line segment.


    Resistance per length of the DC line segment.


    DCLineSegment All line segments described by this set of per-length parameters.

  946. final case class PerLengthImpedance(PerLengthLineParameter: PerLengthLineParameter = null, ACLineSegments: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Common type for per-length impedance electrical catalogues.

    Common type for per-length impedance electrical catalogues.


    PerLengthLineParameter Reference to the superclass object.


    ACLineSegment All line segments described by this per-length impedance.

  947. final case class PerLengthLineParameter(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, WireAssemblyInfo: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Common type for per-length electrical catalogues describing line parameters.

    Common type for per-length electrical catalogues describing line parameters.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    WireAssemblyInfo undocumented

  948. final case class PerLengthPhaseImpedance(PerLengthImpedance: PerLengthImpedance = null, conductorCount: Int = 0, PhaseImpedanceData: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Impedance and admittance parameters per unit length for n-wire unbalanced lines, in matrix form.

    Impedance and admittance parameters per unit length for n-wire unbalanced lines, in matrix form.


    PerLengthImpedance Reference to the superclass object.


    Number of phase, neutral, and other wires retained. Constrains the number of matrix elements and the phase codes that can be used with this matrix.


    PhaseImpedanceData All data that belong to this conductor phase impedance.

  949. final case class PerLengthSequenceImpedance(PerLengthImpedance: PerLengthImpedance = null, b0ch: Double = 0.0, bch: Double = 0.0, g0ch: Double = 0.0, gch: Double = 0.0, r: Double = 0.0, r0: Double = 0.0, x: Double = 0.0, x0: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Sequence impedance and admittance parameters per unit length, for transposed lines of 1, 2, or 3 phases.

    Sequence impedance and admittance parameters per unit length, for transposed lines of 1, 2, or 3 phases.

    For 1-phase lines, define x=x0=xself. For 2-phase lines, define x=xs-xm and x0=xs+xm.


    PerLengthImpedance Reference to the superclass object.


    Zero sequence shunt (charging) susceptance, per unit of length.


    Positive sequence shunt (charging) susceptance, per unit of length.


    Zero sequence shunt (charging) conductance, per unit of length.


    Positive sequence shunt (charging) conductance, per unit of length.


    Positive sequence series resistance, per unit of length.


    Zero sequence series resistance, per unit of length.


    Positive sequence series reactance, per unit of length.


    Zero sequence series reactance, per unit of length.

  950. final case class Period(Element: BasicElement = null, resolution: String = null, timeInterval: String = null, MarketDocument: List[String] = null, Point: List[String] = null, Reason: List[String] = null, TimeSeries: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    An identification of a time interval that may have a given resolution.

    An identification of a time interval that may have a given resolution.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    The number of units of time that compose an individual step within a period.


    The start and end date and time for a given interval.


    MarketDocument undocumented


    Point undocumented


    Reason undocumented


    TimeSeries undocumented

  951. final case class PeriodicStatisticalCalculation(StatisticalCalculation: StatisticalCalculation = null, calculationIntervalMagnitude: Int = 0, calculationIntervalUnit: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Description of period for which calculation is performed.

    Description of period for which calculation is performed.

    Conditions: F: {Not sure where these came from… delete from UML?}


    StatisticalCalculation Reference to the superclass object.


    Number of units (of calculationIntervalUnit) in the calculation interval.


    Unit in which calculation interval is defined.

  952. final case class Person(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, electronicAddress: String = null, firstName: String = null, landlinePhone: String = null, lastName: String = null, mName: String = null, mobilePhone: String = null, prefix: String = null, specialNeed: String = null, suffix: String = null, Roles: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    General purpose information for name and other information to contact people.

    General purpose information for name and other information to contact people.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    ElectronicAddress Electronic address.


    Person's first name.


    TelephoneNumber Landline phone number.


    Person's last (family, sir) name.


    Middle name(s) or initial(s).


    TelephoneNumber Mobile phone number.


    A prefix or title for the person's name, such as Miss, Mister, Doctor, etc.


    Special service needs for the person (contact) are described; examples include life support, etc.


    A suffix for the person's name, such as II, III, etc.


    PersonRole All roles of this person.

  953. final case class PersonOrganisationRole(OrganisationRole: OrganisationRole = null, clientID: String = null, ErpPerson: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Role an organisation plays with respect to persons.

    Role an organisation plays with respect to persons.


    OrganisationRole Reference to the superclass object.


    Identifiers of the person held by an organisation, such as a government agency (federal, state, province, city, county), financial institutions, etc.


    OldPerson undocumented

  954. final case class PersonPropertyRole(Role: Role = null, LandProperty: String = null, Person: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    The role of a person relative to a given piece of property.

    The role of a person relative to a given piece of property.

    Examples of roles include: owner, renter, contractor, etc.


    Role Reference to the superclass object.


    LandProperty undocumented


    OldPerson undocumented

  955. final case class PersonRole(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, Appointments: List[String] = null, ConfigurationEvents: List[String] = null, Person: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

  956. final case class PetersenCoil(EarthFaultCompensator: EarthFaultCompensator = null, mode: String = null, nominalU: Double = 0.0, offsetCurrent: Double = 0.0, positionCurrent: Double = 0.0, xGroundMax: Double = 0.0, xGroundMin: Double = 0.0, xGroundNominal: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A variable impedance device normally used to offset line charging during single line faults in an ungrounded section of network.

    A variable impedance device normally used to offset line charging during single line faults in an ungrounded section of network.


    EarthFaultCompensator Reference to the superclass object.


    The mode of operation of the Petersen coil.


    The nominal voltage for which the coil is designed.


    The offset current that the Petersen coil controller is operating from the resonant point. This is normally a fixed amount for which the controller is configured and could be positive or negative. Typically 0 to 60 A depending on voltage and resonance conditions.


    The control current used to control the Petersen coil also known as the position current. Typically in the range of 20 mA to 200 mA.


    The maximum reactance.


    The minimum reactance.


    The nominal reactance. This is the operating point (normally over compensation) that is defined based on the resonance point in the healthy network condition. The impedance is calculated based on nominal voltage divided by position current.

  957. final case class PhaseImpedanceData(Element: BasicElement = null, b: Double = 0.0, column: Int = 0, fromPhase: String = null, g: Double = 0.0, r: Double = 0.0, row: Int = 0, toPhase: String = null, x: Double = 0.0, PhaseImpedance: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Impedance and conductance matrix element values.

    Impedance and conductance matrix element values.

    The diagonal elements are described by the elements having the same toPhase and fromPhase value and the off diagonal elements have different toPhase and fromPhase values. The matrix can also be stored in symmetric lower triangular format using the row and column attributes, which map to ACLineSegmentPhase.sequenceNumber.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    Susceptance matrix element value, per length of unit.


    The matrix element's column number, in the range 1 to row. Only the lower triangle needs to be stored. This column number matches ACLineSegmentPhase.sequenceNumber.


    Refer to the class description.


    Conductance matrix element value, per length of unit.


    Resistance matrix element value, per length of unit.


    The matrix element’s row number, in the range 1 to PerLengthPhaseImpedance.conductorCount. Only the lower triangle needs to be stored. This row number matches ACLineSegmentPhase.sequenceNumber.


    Refer to the class description.


    Reactance matrix element value, per length of unit.


    PerLengthPhaseImpedance Conductor phase impedance to which this data belongs.

  958. final case class PhaseTapChanger(TapChanger: TapChanger = null, TransformerEnd: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A transformer phase shifting tap model that controls the phase angle difference across the power transformer and potentially the active power flow through the power transformer.

    A transformer phase shifting tap model that controls the phase angle difference across the power transformer and potentially the active power flow through the power transformer.

    This phase tap model may also impact the voltage magnitude.


    TapChanger Reference to the superclass object.


    TransformerEnd Transformer end to which this phase tap changer belongs.

  959. final case class PhaseTapChangerAsymmetrical(PhaseTapChangerNonLinear: PhaseTapChangerNonLinear = null, windingConnectionAngle: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Describes the tap model for an asymmetrical phase shifting transformer in which the difference voltage vector adds to the in-phase winding.

    Describes the tap model for an asymmetrical phase shifting transformer in which the difference voltage vector adds to the in-phase winding.

    The out-of-phase winding is the transformer end where the tap changer is located. The angle between the in-phase and out-of-phase windings is named the winding connection angle. The phase shift depends on both the difference voltage magnitude and the winding connection angle.


    PhaseTapChangerNonLinear Reference to the superclass object.


    The phase angle between the in-phase winding and the out-of -phase winding used for creating phase shift. The out-of-phase winding produces what is known as the difference voltage. Setting this angle to 90 degrees is not the same as a symmetrical transformer. The attribute can only be multiples of 30 degrees. The allowed range is -150 degrees to 150 degrees excluding 0.

  960. final case class PhaseTapChangerLinear(PhaseTapChanger: PhaseTapChanger = null, stepPhaseShiftIncrement: Double = 0.0, xMax: Double = 0.0, xMin: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Describes a tap changer with a linear relation between the tap step and the phase angle difference across the transformer.

    Describes a tap changer with a linear relation between the tap step and the phase angle difference across the transformer.

    This is a mathematical model that is an approximation of a real phase tap changer. The phase angle is computed as stepPhaseShiftIncrement times the tap position. The voltage magnitude of both sides is the same.


    PhaseTapChanger Reference to the superclass object.


    Phase shift per step position. A positive value indicates a positive angle variation from the Terminal at the PowerTransformerEnd, where the TapChanger is located, into the transformer. The actual phase shift increment might be more accurately computed from the symmetrical or asymmetrical models or a tap step table lookup if those are available.


    The reactance depends on the tap position according to a "u" shaped curve. The maximum reactance (xMax) appears at the low and high tap positions. Depending on the “u” curve the attribute can be either higher or lower than PowerTransformerEnd.x.


    The reactance depends on the tap position according to a "u" shaped curve. The minimum reactance (xMin) appears at the mid tap position. PowerTransformerEnd.x shall be consistent with PhaseTapChangerLinear.xMin and PhaseTapChangerNonLinear.xMin. In case of inconsistency, PowerTransformerEnd.x shall be used.

  961. final case class PhaseTapChangerNonLinear(PhaseTapChanger: PhaseTapChanger = null, voltageStepIncrement: Double = 0.0, xMax: Double = 0.0, xMin: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    The non-linear phase tap changer describes the non-linear behaviour of a phase tap changer.

    The non-linear phase tap changer describes the non-linear behaviour of a phase tap changer.

    This is a base class for the symmetrical and asymmetrical phase tap changer models. The details of these models can be found in IEC 61970-301.


    PhaseTapChanger Reference to the superclass object.


    The voltage step increment on the out of phase winding (the PowerTransformerEnd where the TapChanger is located) specified in percent of rated voltage of the PowerTransformerEnd. A positive value means a positive voltage variation from the Terminal at the PowerTransformerEnd, where the TapChanger is located, into the transformer. When the increment is negative, the voltage decreases when the tap step increases.


    The reactance depends on the tap position according to a "u" shaped curve. The maximum reactance (xMax) appears at the low and high tap positions. Depending on the “u” curve the attribute can be either higher or lower than PowerTransformerEnd.x.


    The reactance depend on the tap position according to a "u" shaped curve. The minimum reactance (xMin) appear at the mid tap position. PowerTransformerEnd.x shall be consistent with PhaseTapChangerLinear.xMin and PhaseTapChangerNonLinear.xMin. In case of inconsistency, PowerTransformerEnd.x shall be used.

  962. final case class PhaseTapChangerSymmetrical(PhaseTapChangerNonLinear: PhaseTapChangerNonLinear = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Describes a symmetrical phase shifting transformer tap model in which the voltage magnitude of both sides is the same.

    Describes a symmetrical phase shifting transformer tap model in which the voltage magnitude of both sides is the same.

    The difference voltage magnitude is the base in an equal-sided triangle where the sides corresponds to the primary and secondary voltages. The phase angle difference corresponds to the top angle and can be expressed as twice the arctangent of half the total difference voltage.


    PhaseTapChangerNonLinear Reference to the superclass object.

  963. final case class PhaseTapChangerTable(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, PhaseTapChangerTablePoint: List[String] = null, PhaseTapChangerTabular: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Describes a tabular curve for how the phase angle difference and impedance varies with the tap step.

    Describes a tabular curve for how the phase angle difference and impedance varies with the tap step.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    PhaseTapChangerTablePoint The points of this table.


    PhaseTapChangerTabular The phase tap changers to which this phase tap table applies.

  964. final case class PhaseTapChangerTablePoint(TapChangerTablePoint: TapChangerTablePoint = null, angle: Double = 0.0, PhaseTapChangerTable: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Describes each tap step in the phase tap changer tabular curve.

    Describes each tap step in the phase tap changer tabular curve.


    TapChangerTablePoint Reference to the superclass object.


    The angle difference in degrees. A positive value indicates a positive angle variation from the Terminal at the PowerTransformerEnd, where the TapChanger is located, into the transformer.


    PhaseTapChangerTable The table of this point.

  965. final case class PhaseTapChangerTabular(PhaseTapChanger: PhaseTapChanger = null, PhaseTapChangerTable: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Describes a tap changer with a table defining the relation between the tap step and the phase angle difference across the transformer.

    Describes a tap changer with a table defining the relation between the tap step and the phase angle difference across the transformer.


    PhaseTapChanger Reference to the superclass object.


    PhaseTapChangerTable The phase tap changer table for this phase tap changer.

  966. final case class PhenomenonClassification(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, ClassificationCondition: List[String] = null, EnvironmentalDataAuthority: String = null, EnvironmentalPhenomenon: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A pre-defined phenomenon classification as defined by a particular authority.

    A pre-defined phenomenon classification as defined by a particular authority.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    ClassificationCondition Condition contributing to the classification of this phenomenon.


    EnvironmentalDataAuthority Authority defining this environmental phenomenon.


    EnvironmentalPhenomenon undocumented

  967. final case class PhotoVoltaicUnit(PowerElectronicsUnit: PowerElectronicsUnit = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A photovoltaic device or an aggregation of such devices.

    A photovoltaic device or an aggregation of such devices.


    PowerElectronicsUnit Reference to the superclass object.

  968. final case class PinBranchGroup(GateInputPin: GateInputPin = null, kind: String = null, BranchGroup: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Value associated with branch group is used as compare.

    Value associated with branch group is used as compare.


    GateInputPin Reference to the superclass object.


    The compare operation done on the branch group.


    BranchGroup The branch group that should be used in compare.

  969. final case class PinEquipment(GateInputPin: GateInputPin = null, kind: String = null, Equipment: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Value associated with Equipment is used as compare.

    Value associated with Equipment is used as compare.


    GateInputPin Reference to the superclass object.


    The compare operation done on the equipment.


    Equipment The Equipment that should be used in compare.

  970. final case class PinGate(GateInputPin: GateInputPin = null, GateOutput: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    An output from one gate represent an input to another gate.

    An output from one gate represent an input to another gate.


    GateInputPin Reference to the superclass object.


    Gate undocumented

  971. final case class PinMeasurement(GateInputPin: GateInputPin = null, Measurement: String = null, MeasurementCalculator: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Gate input pin that is associated with a Measurement or a calculation of Measurement.

    Gate input pin that is associated with a Measurement or a calculation of Measurement.


    GateInputPin Reference to the superclass object.


    Measurement The Measurement that should be used in compare.


    MeasurementCalculator Result of the calculation used as input to a gate.

  972. final case class PinTerminal(GateInputPin: GateInputPin = null, kind: String = null, Terminal: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Value associated with Terminal is used as compare.

    Value associated with Terminal is used as compare.


    GateInputPin Reference to the superclass object.


    The compare operation done on the terminal.


    Terminal The Terminal that should be used in compare.

  973. final case class PlannedMarket(Element: BasicElement = null, marketEndTime: String = null, marketStartTime: String = null, marketType: String = null, MarketPlan: String = null, MarketRun: List[String] = null, PlannedMarketEvent: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Represent a planned market.

    Represent a planned market.

    For example a planned DA/HA/RT market.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    Market end time.


    Market start time.


    Market type.


    MarketPlan A market plan has a number of markets (DA, HA, RT).


    MarketRun A planned market could have multiple market runs for the reason that a planned market could have a rerun.


    PlannedMarketEvent A planned market shall have a set of planned events

  974. final case class PlannedMarketEvent(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, eventType: String = null, plannedTime: Int = 0, MarketActualEvent: List[String] = null, PlannedMarket: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    This class represents planned events.

    This class represents planned events.

    Used to model the various planned events in a market (closing time, clearing time, etc.)


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    Planned event type.


    This is relative time so that this attribute can be used by more than one planned market. For example the bid submission is 10am everyday.


    MarketActualEvent All actual events that execute this planned event.


    PlannedMarket A planned market shall have a set of planned events

  975. final case class PlannedOutage(Outage: Outage = null, reason: String = null, FieldDispatchHistory: String = null, OutagePlan: String = null, UpdatedRatings: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

  976. final case class PlannedOutageNotification(Document: Document = null, Customer: List[String] = null, SwitchingPlan: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    This class will be used to generate call ahead lists for customers who will be affected by a planned outage.

    This class will be used to generate call ahead lists for customers who will be affected by a planned outage.


    Document Reference to the superclass object.


    Customer undocumented


    SwitchingPlan undocumented

  977. final case class Plant(EquipmentContainer: EquipmentContainer = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A Plant is a collection of equipment for purposes of generation.

    A Plant is a collection of equipment for purposes of generation.


    EquipmentContainer Reference to the superclass object.

  978. final case class Pnode(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, isPublic: Boolean = false, AggregateNode: List[String] = null, CommodityDefinition: List[String] = null, DeliveryTransactionBids: List[String] = null, ExPostResults: List[String] = null, FTRs: List[String] = null, MktMeasurement: List[String] = null, OrgPnodeAllocation: List[String] = null, PnodeResults: List[String] = null, RTO: String = null, ReceiptTransactionBids: List[String] = null, RegisteredResources: List[String] = null, SinkCRRSegment: List[String] = null, SourceCRRSegment: List[String] = null, SubControlArea: String = null, Trade: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A pricing node is directly associated with a connectivity node.

    A pricing node is directly associated with a connectivity node.

    It is a pricing location for which market participants submit their bids, offers, buy/sell CRRs, and settle.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    If true, this Pnode is public (prices are published for DA/RT and FTR markets), otherwise it is private (location is not usable by market for bidding/FTRs/transactions).


    AggregateNode undocumented


    CommodityDefinition undocumented


    TransactionBid undocumented


    ExPostPricingResults undocumented


    FTR undocumented


    MktMeasurement Allows Measurements to be associated to Pnodes.


    OrgPnodeAllocation undocumented


    PnodeResults undocumented


    RTO undocumented


    TransactionBid undocumented


    RegisteredResource A registered resource injects power at one or more connectivity nodes related to a pnode


    CRRSegment undocumented


    CRRSegment undocumented


    SubControlArea undocumented


    Trade undocumented

  979. final case class PnodeClearing(MarketFactors: MarketFactors = null, CommodityPrice: List[String] = null, PnodeResults: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Pricing node clearing results posted for a given settlement period.

    Pricing node clearing results posted for a given settlement period.


    MarketFactors Reference to the superclass object.


    CommodityPrice undocumented


    PnodeResults undocumented

  980. final case class PnodeDistributionFactor(Element: BasicElement = null, factor: Double = 0.0, offPeak: String = null, onPeak: String = null, podLossFactor: Double = 0.0, AggregatedPnode: String = null, BidDistributionFactor: String = null, IndividualPnode: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    This class allows SC to input different distribution factors for pricing node.

    This class allows SC to input different distribution factors for pricing node.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    Used to calculate "participation" of Pnode in an AggregatePnode. For example, for regulation region this factor is 1 and total sum of all factors for a specific regulation region does not have to be 1. For pricing zone the total sum of all factors has to be 1.


    Indication that this distribution factor is to apply during off peak.


    Indication that this factor is to apply during Peak periods.


    Point of delivery loss factor


    AggregatedPnode undocumented


    BidDistributionFactor undocumented


    IndividualPnode undocumented

  981. final case class PnodeResults(Element: BasicElement = null, congestLMP: Double = 0.0, costLMP: Double = 0.0, lossLMP: Double = 0.0, marginalClearingPrice: Double = 0.0, scheduledMW: Double = 0.0, updateTimeStamp: String = null, updateType: String = null, updateUser: String = null, Pnode: String = null, PnodeClearing: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Provides the total price, the cost component, the loss component, and the congestion component for Pnodes for the forward and real time markets.

    Provides the total price, the cost component, the loss component, and the congestion component for Pnodes for the forward and real time markets.

    There are several prices produced based on the run type (MPM, RUC, Pricing, or Scheduling/Dispatch).


    Reference to the superclass object.


    Congestion component of Location Marginal Price (LMP) in monetary units per MW.


    Cost component of Locational Marginal Pricing (LMP) in monetary units per MW.


    Loss component of Location Marginal Price (LMP) in monetary units per MW.


    Locational Marginal Price (LMP) ($/MWh)


    total MW schedule at the pnode








    Pnode undocumented


    PnodeClearing undocumented

  982. final case class Point(Element: BasicElement = null, position: Int = 0, quality: String = null, quantity: Double = 0.0, secondaryQuantity: Double = 0.0, AceTariffType: List[String] = null, FlowDirection: List[String] = null, Period: String = null, Price: List[String] = null, Quantity: List[String] = null, Reason: List[String] = null, TimeSeries: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    An identification of a set of values beeing adressed within a specific interval of time.

    An identification of a set of values beeing adressed within a specific interval of time.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    A sequential value representing the relative position within a given time interval.


    The quality of the information being provided. This quality may be estimated, not available, as provided, etc.


    Principal quantity identified for a point.


    Secondary quantity identified for a point.


    AceTariffType undocumented


    FlowDirection undocumented


    Period undocumented


    Price undocumented


    Quantity undocumented


    Reason undocumented


    TimeSeries undocumented

  983. final case class PointOfSale(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, location: String = null, CashierShifts: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Logical point where transactions take place with operational interaction between cashier and the payment system; in certain cases the point of sale interacts directly with the end customer, in which case the cashier might not be a real person: for example a self-service kiosk or over the internet.

    Logical point where transactions take place with operational interaction between cashier and the payment system; in certain cases the point of sale interacts directly with the end customer, in which case the cashier might not be a real person: for example a self-service kiosk or over the internet.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    Local description for where this point of sale is physically located.


    CashierShift All shifts this point of sale operated in.

  984. final case class Pole(Structure: Structure = null, baseKind: String = null, breastBlock: Boolean = false, classification: String = null, construction: String = null, diameter: Double = 0.0, jpaReference: String = null, len: Double = 0.0, preservativeKind: String = null, speciesType: String = null, treatedDateTime: String = null, treatmentKind: String = null, Streetlights: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Pole asset.

    Pole asset.


    Structure Reference to the superclass object.


    Kind of base for this pole.


    True if a block of material has been attached to base of pole in ground for stability. This technique is used primarily when anchors can not be used.


    Pole class: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, H1, H2, Other, Unknown.


    The framing structure mounted on the pole.


    Diameter of the pole.


    Joint pole agreement reference number.


    Length of the pole (inclusive of any section of the pole that may be underground post-installation).


    Kind of preservative for this pole.


    Pole species. Aluminum, Aluminum Davit, Concrete, Fiberglass, Galvanized Davit, Galvanized, Steel Davit Primed, Steel Davit, Steel Standard Primed, Steel, Truncated, Wood-Treated, Wood-Hard, Wood-Salt Treated, Wood-Soft, Wood, Other, Unknown.


    Date and time pole was last treated with preservative.


    Kind of treatment for this pole.


    Streetlight All streetlights attached to this pole.

  985. final case class PositionPoint(Element: BasicElement = null, groupNumber: Int = 0, sequenceNumber: Int = 0, xPosition: String = null, yPosition: String = null, zPosition: String = null, Location: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Set of spatial coordinates that determine a point, defined in the coordinate system specified in 'Location.

    Set of spatial coordinates that determine a point, defined in the coordinate system specified in 'Location.

    CoordinateSystem'. Use a single position point instance to describe a point-oriented location. Use a sequence of position points to describe a line-oriented object (physical location of non-point oriented objects like cables or lines), or area of an object (like a substation or a geographical zone - in this case, have first and last position point with the same values).


    Reference to the superclass object.


    Zero-relative sequence number of this group within a series of points; used when there is a need to express disjoint groups of points that are considered to be part of a single location.


    Zero-relative sequence number of this point within a series of points.


    X axis position.


    Y axis position.


    (if applicable) Z axis position.


    Location Location described by this position point.

  986. final case class PostLineSensor(Sensor: Sensor = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A sensor used mainly in overhead distribution networks as the source of both current and voltage measurements.

    A sensor used mainly in overhead distribution networks as the source of both current and voltage measurements.


    Sensor Reference to the superclass object.

  987. final case class PotentialTransformer(Sensor: Sensor = null, accuracyClass: String = null, nominalRatio: Double = 0.0, ptClass: String = null, type: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Instrument transformer (also known as Voltage Transformer) used to measure electrical qualities of the circuit that is being protected and/or monitored.

    Instrument transformer (also known as Voltage Transformer) used to measure electrical qualities of the circuit that is being protected and/or monitored.

    Typically used as voltage transducer for the purpose of metering, protection, or sometimes auxiliary substation supply. A typical secondary voltage rating would be 120V.


    Sensor Reference to the superclass object.


    PT accuracy classification.


    Nominal ratio between the primary and secondary voltage.


    Potential transformer (PT) classification covering burden.


    Potential transformer construction type.

  988. final case class PotentialTransformerInfo(AssetInfo: AssetInfo = null, accuracyClass: String = null, nominalRatio: String = null, primaryRatio: String = null, ptClass: String = null, ratedVoltage: Double = 0.0, secondaryRatio: String = null, tertiaryRatio: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Properties of potential transformer asset.

    Properties of potential transformer asset.


    AssetInfo Reference to the superclass object.






    Ratio for the primary winding tap changer.




    Rated voltage on the primary side.


    Ratio for the secondary winding tap changer.


    Ratio for the tertiary winding tap changer.

  989. final case class PowerCutZone(PowerSystemResource: PowerSystemResource = null, cutLevel1: Double = 0.0, cutLevel2: Double = 0.0, EnergyConsumers: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    An area or zone of the power system which is used for load shedding purposes.

    An area or zone of the power system which is used for load shedding purposes.


    PowerSystemResource Reference to the superclass object.


    First level (amount) of load to cut as a percentage of total zone load.


    Second level (amount) of load to cut as a percentage of total zone load.


    EnergyConsumer Energy consumer is assigned to the power cut zone.

  990. final case class PowerElectronicsConnection(RegulatingCondEq: RegulatingCondEq = null, maxIFault: Double = 0.0, maxQ: Double = 0.0, minQ: Double = 0.0, p: Double = 0.0, q: Double = 0.0, r: Double = 0.0, r0: Double = 0.0, ratedS: Double = 0.0, ratedU: Double = 0.0, rn: Double = 0.0, x: Double = 0.0, x0: Double = 0.0, xn: Double = 0.0, PowerElectronicsConnectionPhase: List[String] = null, PowerElectronicsUnit: List[String] = null, WindTurbineType3or4Dynamics: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A connection to the AC network for energy production or consumption that uses power electronics rather than rotating machines.

    A connection to the AC network for energy production or consumption that uses power electronics rather than rotating machines.


    RegulatingCondEq Reference to the superclass object.


    Maximum fault current this device will contribute, in per-unit of rated current, before the converter protection will trip or bypass.


    Maximum reactive power limit. This is the maximum (nameplate) limit for the unit.


    Minimum reactive power limit for the unit. This is the minimum (nameplate) limit for the unit.


    Active power injection. Load sign convention is used, i.e. positive sign means flow out from a node. Starting value for a steady state solution.


    Reactive power injection. Load sign convention is used, i.e. positive sign means flow out from a node. Starting value for a steady state solution.


    Equivalent resistance (RG) of generator. RG is considered for the calculation of all currents, except for the calculation of the peak current ip. Used for short circuit data exchange according to IEC 60909.


    Zero sequence resistance of the synchronous machine.


    Nameplate apparent power rating for the unit. The attribute shall have a positive value.


    Rated voltage (nameplate data, Ur in IEC 60909-0). It is primarily used for short circuit data exchange according to IEC 60909. The attribute shall be a positive value.


    Negative sequence Thevenin resistance.


    Positive sequence Thevenin reactance.


    Zero sequence Thevenin reactance.


    Negative sequence Thevenin reactance.


    PowerElectronicsConnectionPhase The individual phases models for the power electronics connection.


    PowerElectronicsUnit An AC network connection may have several power electronics units connecting through it.


    WindTurbineType3or4Dynamics The wind turbine type 3 or type 4 dynamics model associated with this power electronics connection.

  991. final case class PowerElectronicsConnectionPhase(PowerSystemResource: PowerSystemResource = null, p: Double = 0.0, phase: String = null, q: Double = 0.0, PowerElectronicsConnection: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A single phase of a power electronics connection.

    A single phase of a power electronics connection.


    PowerSystemResource Reference to the superclass object.


    Active power injection. Load sign convention is used, i.e. positive sign means flow into the equipment from the network.


    Phase of this energy producer component. If the energy producer is wye connected, the connection is from the indicated phase to the central ground or neutral point. If the energy producer is delta connected, the phase indicates an energy producer connected from the indicated phase to the next logical non-neutral phase.


    Reactive power injection. Load sign convention is used, i.e. positive sign means flow into the equipment from the network.


    PowerElectronicsConnection Power electronics connection of this power electronics connection phase.

  992. final case class PowerElectronicsUnit(Equipment: Equipment = null, maxP: Double = 0.0, minP: Double = 0.0, PowerElectronicsConnection: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A generating unit or battery or aggregation that connects to the AC network using power electronics rather than rotating machines.

    A generating unit or battery or aggregation that connects to the AC network using power electronics rather than rotating machines.


    Equipment Reference to the superclass object.


    Maximum active power limit. This is the maximum (nameplate) limit for the unit.


    Minimum active power limit. This is the minimum (nameplate) limit for the unit.


    PowerElectronicsConnection A power electronics unit has a connection to the AC network.

  993. final case class PowerElectronicsWindUnit(PowerElectronicsUnit: PowerElectronicsUnit = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A wind generating unit that connects to the AC network with power electronics rather than rotating machines or an aggregation of such units.

    A wind generating unit that connects to the AC network with power electronics rather than rotating machines or an aggregation of such units.


    PowerElectronicsUnit Reference to the superclass object.

  994. final case class PowerQualityPricing(Document: Document = null, emergencyHighVoltLimit: Double = 0.0, emergencyLowVoltLimit: Double = 0.0, normalHighVoltLimit: Double = 0.0, normalLowVoltLimit: Double = 0.0, powerFactorMin: Double = 0.0, valueUninterruptedServiceEnergy: Double = 0.0, valueUninterruptedServiceP: Double = 0.0, voltImbalanceViolCost: Double = 0.0, voltLimitViolCost: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Pricing can be based on power quality.

    Pricing can be based on power quality.


    Document Reference to the superclass object.


    Emergency high voltage limit.


    Emergency low voltage limit.


    Normal high voltage limit.


    Normal low voltage limit.


    Threshold minimum power factor for this PricingStructure, specified in instances where a special charge is levied if the actual power factor for a Service falls below the value specified here.


    Value of uninterrupted service (Cost per energy).


    Value of uninterrupted service (Cost per active power).


    Voltage imbalance violation cost (Cost per unit Voltage).


    Voltage limit violation cost (Cost per unit Voltage).

  995. final case class PowerSystemProjectLifecycleToBeDeleted(Element: BasicElement = null, cancelled: String = null, committed: String = null, inBuild: String = null, inPlan: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Represent the base lifecycle of a functional model change that could be a construction of new elements.

    Represent the base lifecycle of a functional model change that could be a construction of new elements.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    The date the Power System Project is in cancelled stage.


    The date Power System Project is in committed stage.


    The date Power System Project is in build stage.


    The date Power System Project is in planning stage.

  996. final case class PowerSystemResource(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, AssetDatasheet: String = null, Assets: List[String] = null, Clearances: List[String] = null, ConfigurationEvent: List[String] = null, Controls: List[String] = null, GenericAction: List[String] = null, Location: String = null, Measurements: List[String] = null, OperatingShare: List[String] = null, OperationalTags: List[String] = null, PSREvents: List[String] = null, PSRType: String = null, ReportingGroup: List[String] = null, VerificationAction: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A power system resource (PSR) can be an item of equipment such as a switch, an equipment container containing many individual items of equipment such as a substation, or an organisational entity such as sub-control area.

    A power system resource (PSR) can be an item of equipment such as a switch, an equipment container containing many individual items of equipment such as a substation, or an organisational entity such as sub-control area.

    Power system resources can have measurements associated.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    AssetInfo Datasheet information for this power system resource.


    Asset All assets represented by this power system resource. For example, multiple conductor assets are electrically modelled as a single AC line segment.


    ClearanceDocument All clearances applicable to this power system resource.


    ConfigurationEvent undocumented


    Control The controller outputs used to actually govern a regulating device, e.g. the magnetization of a synchronous machine or capacitor bank breaker actuator.


    GenericAction undocumented


    Location Location of this power system resource.


    Measurement The measurements associated with this power system resource.


    OperatingShare The operating shares of this power system resource.


    OperationalTag All operational tags placed on this power system resource.


    PSREvent All events associated with this power system resource.


    PSRType Custom classification for this power system resource.


    ReportingGroup Reporting groups to which this power system resource belongs.


    VerificationAction undocumented

  997. final case class PowerSystemStabilizerDynamics(DynamicsFunctionBlock: DynamicsFunctionBlock = null, ExcitationSystemDynamics: String = null, RemoteInputSignal: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Power system stabilizer function block whose behaviour is described by reference to a standard model <font color="#0f0f0f">or by definition of a user-defined model.</font>

    Power system stabilizer function block whose behaviour is described by reference to a standard model <font color="#0f0f0f">or by definition of a user-defined model.</font>


    DynamicsFunctionBlock Reference to the superclass object.


    ExcitationSystemDynamics Excitation system model with which this power system stabilizer model is associated.


    RemoteInputSignal Remote input signal used by this power system stabilizer model.

  998. final case class PowerSystemStabilizerUserDefined(PowerSystemStabilizerDynamics: PowerSystemStabilizerDynamics = null, proprietary: Boolean = false, ProprietaryParameterDynamics: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    <font color="#0f0f0f">Power system stabilizer</font> function block whose dynamic behaviour is described by <font color="#0f0f0f">a user-defined model.</font>

    <font color="#0f0f0f">Power system stabilizer</font> function block whose dynamic behaviour is described by <font color="#0f0f0f">a user-defined model.</font>


    PowerSystemStabilizerDynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    Behaviour is based on a proprietary model as opposed to a detailed model. true = user-defined model is proprietary with behaviour mutually understood by sending and receiving applications and parameters passed as general attributes false = user-defined model is explicitly defined in terms of control blocks and their input and output signals.


    ProprietaryParameterDynamics Parameter of this proprietary user-defined model.

  999. final case class PowerTransformer(ConductingEquipment: ConductingEquipment = null, beforeShCircuitHighestOperatingCurrent: Double = 0.0, beforeShCircuitHighestOperatingVoltage: Double = 0.0, beforeShortCircuitAnglePf: Double = 0.0, highSideMinOperatingU: Double = 0.0, isPartOfGeneratorUnit: Boolean = false, operationalValuesConsidered: Boolean = false, vectorGroup: String = null, PowerTransformerEnd: List[String] = null, TransformerTanks: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    An electrical device consisting of two or more coupled windings, with or without a magnetic core, for introducing mutual coupling between electric circuits.

    An electrical device consisting of two or more coupled windings, with or without a magnetic core, for introducing mutual coupling between electric circuits.

    Transformers can be used to control voltage and phase shift (active power flow). A power transformer may be composed of separate transformer tanks that need not be identical. A power transformer can be modelled with or without tanks and is intended for use in both balanced and unbalanced representations. A power transformer typically has two terminals, but may have one (grounding), three or more terminals. The inherited association ConductingEquipment.BaseVoltage should not be used. The association from TransformerEnd to BaseVoltage should be used instead.


    ConductingEquipment Reference to the superclass object.


    The highest operating current (Ib in IEC 60909-0) before short circuit (depends on network configuration and relevant reliability philosophy). It is used for calculation of the impedance correction factor KT defined in IEC 60909-0.


    The highest operating voltage (Ub in IEC 60909-0) before short circuit. It is used for calculation of the impedance correction factor KT defined in IEC 60909-0. This is worst case voltage on the low side winding (3.7.1 of IEC 60909:2001). Used to define operating conditions.


    The angle of power factor before short circuit (phib in IEC 60909-0). It is used for calculation of the impedance correction factor KT defined in IEC 60909-0. This is the worst case power factor. Used to define operating conditions.


    The minimum operating voltage (uQmin in IEC 60909-0) at the high voltage side (Q side) of the unit transformer of the power station unit. A value well established from long-term operating experience of the system. It is used for calculation of the impedance correction factor KG defined in IEC 60909-0.


    Indicates whether the machine is part of a power station unit. Used for short circuit data exchange according to IEC 60909. It has an impact on how the correction factors are calculated for transformers, since the transformer is not necessarily part of a synchronous machine and generating unit. It is not always possible to derive this information from the model. This is why the attribute is necessary.


    It is used to define if the data (other attributes related to short circuit data exchange) defines long term operational conditions or not. Used for short circuit data exchange according to IEC 60909.


    Vector group of the transformer for protective relaying, e.g., Dyn1. For unbalanced transformers, this may not be simply determined from the constituent winding connections and phase angle displacements. The vectorGroup string consists of the following components in the order listed: high voltage winding connection, mid voltage winding connection (for three winding transformers), phase displacement clock number from 0 to 11, low voltage winding connection phase displacement clock number from 0 to 11. The winding connections are D (delta), Y (wye), YN (wye with neutral), Z (zigzag), ZN (zigzag with neutral), A (auto transformer). Upper case means the high voltage, lower case mid or low. The high voltage winding always has clock position 0 and is not included in the vector group string. Some examples: YNy0 (two winding wye to wye with no phase displacement), YNd11 (two winding wye to delta with 330 degrees phase displacement), YNyn0d5 (three winding transformer wye with neutral high voltage, wye with neutral mid voltage and no phase displacement, delta low voltage with 150 degrees displacement). Phase displacement is defined as the angular difference between the phasors representing the voltages between the neutral point (real or imaginary) and the corresponding terminals of two windings, a positive sequence voltage system being applied to the high-voltage terminals, following each other in alphabetical sequence if they are lettered, or in numerical sequence if they are numbered: the phasors are assumed to rotate in a counter-clockwise sense.


    PowerTransformerEnd The ends of this power transformer.


    TransformerTank All transformers that belong to this bank.

  1000. final case class PowerTransformerEnd(TransformerEnd: TransformerEnd = null, b: Double = 0.0, b0: Double = 0.0, connectionKind: String = null, g: Double = 0.0, g0: Double = 0.0, phaseAngleClock: Int = 0, r: Double = 0.0, r0: Double = 0.0, ratedS: Double = 0.0, ratedU: Double = 0.0, x: Double = 0.0, x0: Double = 0.0, PowerTransformer: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A PowerTransformerEnd is associated with each Terminal of a PowerTransformer.

    A PowerTransformerEnd is associated with each Terminal of a PowerTransformer.

    The impedance values r, r0, x, and x0 of a PowerTransformerEnd represents a star equivalent as follows. 1) for a two Terminal PowerTransformer the high voltage (TransformerEnd.endNumber=1) PowerTransformerEnd has non zero values on r, r0, x, and x0 while the low voltage (TransformerEnd.endNumber=2) PowerTransformerEnd has zero values for r, r0, x, and x0. Parameters are always provided, even if the PowerTransformerEnds have the same rated voltage. In this case, the parameters are provided at the PowerTransformerEnd which has TransformerEnd.endNumber equal to 1. 2) for a three Terminal PowerTransformer the three PowerTransformerEnds represent a star equivalent with each leg in the star represented by r, r0, x, and x0 values. 3) For a three Terminal transformer each PowerTransformerEnd shall have g, g0, b and b0 values corresponding to the no load losses distributed on the three PowerTransformerEnds. The total no load loss shunt impedances may also be placed at one of the PowerTransformerEnds, preferably the end numbered 1, having the shunt values on end 1. This is the preferred way. 4) for a PowerTransformer with more than three Terminals the PowerTransformerEnd impedance values cannot be used. Instead use the TransformerMeshImpedance or split the transformer into multiple PowerTransformers. Each PowerTransformerEnd must be contained by a PowerTransformer. Because a PowerTransformerEnd (or any other object) can not be contained by more than one parent, a PowerTransformerEnd can not have an association to an EquipmentContainer (Substation, VoltageLevel, etc).


    TransformerEnd Reference to the superclass object.


    Magnetizing branch susceptance (B mag). The value can be positive or negative.


    Zero sequence magnetizing branch susceptance.


    Kind of connection.


    Magnetizing branch conductance.


    Zero sequence magnetizing branch conductance (star-model).


    Terminal voltage phase angle displacement where 360 degrees are represented with clock hours. The valid values are 0 to 11. For example, for the secondary side end of a transformer with vector group code of 'Dyn11', specify the connection kind as wye with neutral and specify the phase angle of the clock as 11. The clock value of the transformer end number specified as 1, is assumed to be zero. Note the transformer end number is not assumed to be the same as the terminal sequence number.


    Resistance (star-model) of the transformer end. The attribute shall be equal to or greater than zero for non-equivalent transformers.


    Zero sequence series resistance (star-model) of the transformer end.


    Normal apparent power rating. The attribute shall be a positive value. For a two-winding transformer the values for the high and low voltage sides shall be identical.


    Rated voltage: phase-phase for three-phase windings, and either phase-phase or phase-neutral for single-phase windings. A high voltage side, as given by TransformerEnd.endNumber, shall have a ratedU that is greater than or equal to ratedU for the lower voltage sides. The attribute shall be a positive value.


    Positive sequence series reactance (star-model) of the transformer end.


    Zero sequence series reactance of the transformer end.


    PowerTransformer The power transformer of this power transformer end.

  1001. final case class PowerTransformerInfo(AssetInfo: AssetInfo = null, TransformerTankInfos: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Set of power transformer data, from an equipment library.

    Set of power transformer data, from an equipment library.


    AssetInfo Reference to the superclass object.


    TransformerTankInfo Data for all the tanks described by this power transformer data.

  1002. final case class Price(Element: BasicElement = null, amount: Double = 0.0, category: String = null, direction: String = null, Domain: List[String] = null, Point: String = null, TimeSeries: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    The cost corresponding to a specific measure and expressed in a currency.

    The cost corresponding to a specific measure and expressed in a currency.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    A number of monetary units specified in a unit of currency.


    The category of a price to be used in a price calculation. The price category is mutually agreed between System Operators.


    The direction indicates whether a System Operator pays the Market Parties or inverse.


    Domain undocumented


    Point undocumented


    TimeSeries undocumented

  1003. final case class PriceDescriptor(Element: BasicElement = null, marketType: String = null, priceType: String = null, CommodityPrice: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    The price of a Commodity during a given time interval may change over time.

    The price of a Commodity during a given time interval may change over time.

    For example, a price may be forecasted a year ahead, a month ahead, a day ahead, an hour ahead, and in real time; this is defined using the MarketType. Additionally a price may have one or more components. For example, a locational marginal energy price may be the arithmetic sum of the system price, the congestion price, and the loss price. The priceType enumeration is used determine if the price is the complete price (priceType="total") or one of potentially many constituent components.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    The time frame for the price, using the standard conventions associated with the MarketType enumeration.


    The "kind" of price being described. In general, the priceType will either be "total" to signify that the price is the price paid to buy or sell the commodity, sometimes referred to as an "all-in" price, or one of potentially many components.


    CommodityPrice undocumented

  1004. final case class PricingStructure(Document: Document = null, code: String = null, dailyCeilingUsage: Int = 0, dailyEstimatedUsage: Int = 0, dailyFloorUsage: Int = 0, revenueKind: String = null, taxExemption: Boolean = false, CustomerAgreements: List[String] = null, ServiceCategory: String = null, Tariffs: List[String] = null, Transactions: List[String] = null, UsagePoints: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Grouping of pricing components and prices used in the creation of customer charges and the eligibility criteria under which these terms may be offered to a customer.

    Grouping of pricing components and prices used in the creation of customer charges and the eligibility criteria under which these terms may be offered to a customer.

    The reasons for grouping include state, customer classification, site characteristics, classification (i.e. fee price structure, deposit price structure, electric service price structure, etc.) and accounting requirements.


    Document Reference to the superclass object.


    Unique user-allocated key for this pricing structure, used by company representatives to identify the correct price structure for allocating to a customer. For rate schedules it is often prefixed by a state code.


    Absolute maximum valid non-demand usage quantity used in validating a customer's billed non-demand usage.


    Used in place of actual computed estimated average when history of usage is not available, and typically manually entered by customer accounting.


    Absolute minimum valid non-demand usage quantity used in validating a customer's billed non-demand usage.


    (accounting) Kind of revenue, often used to determine the grace period allowed, before collection actions are taken on a customer (grace periods vary between revenue classes).


    True if this pricing structure is not taxable.


    CustomerAgreement All customer agreements with this pricing structure.


    ServiceCategory Service category to which this pricing structure applies.


    Tariff All tariffs used by this pricing structure.


    Transaction All transactions applying this pricing structure.


    UsagePoint All service delivery points (with prepayment meter running as a stand-alone device, with no CustomerAgreement or Customer) to which this pricing structure applies.

  1005. final case class PrimeMover(PowerSystemResource: PowerSystemResource = null, primeMoverRating: Double = 0.0, SynchronousMachines: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    The machine used to develop mechanical energy used to drive a generator.

    The machine used to develop mechanical energy used to drive a generator.


    PowerSystemResource Reference to the superclass object.


    Rating of prime mover.


    SynchronousMachine Synchronous machines this Prime mover drives.

  1006. final case class Priority(Element: BasicElement = null, justification: String = null, rank: Int = 0, type: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Priority definition.

    Priority definition.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    Justification for 'rank'.


    Priority level; usually, lower number means high priority, but the details are provided in 'type'.


    Type describing 'rank'; e.g., high, emergency, etc.

  1007. final case class Procedure(Document: Document = null, instruction: String = null, kind: String = null, sequenceNumber: String = null, Assets: List[String] = null, CompatibleUnits: List[String] = null, Limits: List[String] = null, Measurements: List[String] = null, ProcedureDataSets: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Documented procedure for various types of work or work tasks on assets.

    Documented procedure for various types of work or work tasks on assets.


    Document Reference to the superclass object.


    Textual description of this procedure.


    Kind of procedure.


    Sequence number in a sequence of procedures being performed.


    Asset All assets to which this procedure applies.


    CompatibleUnit undocumented


    Limit undocumented


    Measurement Document containing this measurement.


    ProcedureDataSet All data sets captured by this procedure.

  1008. final case class ProcedureDataSet(Document: Document = null, completedDateTime: String = null, Asset: String = null, MeasurementValue: List[String] = null, Procedure: String = null, Properties: List[String] = null, TransformerObservations: List[String] = null, WorkTask: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A data set recorded each time a procedure is executed.

    A data set recorded each time a procedure is executed.

    Observed results are captured in associated measurement values and/or values for properties relevant to the type of procedure performed.


    Document Reference to the superclass object.


    Date and time procedure was completed.


    Asset Asset to which this procedure data set applies.


    MeasurementValue undocumented


    Procedure Procedure capturing this data set.


    UserAttribute UserAttributes used to specify further properties of this procedure data set. Use 'name' to specify what kind of property it is, and 'value.value' attribute for the actual value.


    TransformerObservation undocumented


    WorkTask Work task that created this procedure data set.

  1009. final case class Process(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, classificationType: String = null, processType: String = null, MarketDocument: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    The formal specification of a set of business transactions having the same business goal.

    The formal specification of a set of business transactions having the same business goal.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    The classification mechanism used to group a set of objects together within a business process. The grouping may be of a detailed or a summary nature.


    The kind of business process.


    MarketDocument undocumented

  1010. final case class ProductAssetModel(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, catalogueNumber: String = null, corporateStandardKind: String = null, drawingNumber: String = null, instructionManual: String = null, modelNumber: String = null, modelVersion: String = null, overallLength: Double = 0.0, styleNumber: String = null, usageKind: String = null, weightTotal: Double = 0.0, Asset: List[String] = null, AssetInfo: String = null, AssetModelCatalogueItems: List[String] = null, CatalogAssetType: String = null, Manufacturer: String = null, OperationalRestrictions: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Asset model by a specific manufacturer.

    Asset model by a specific manufacturer.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    Catalogue number for asset model.


    Kind of corporate standard for this asset model.


    Drawing number for asset model.


    Reference manual or instruction book for this asset model.


    Manufacturer's model number.


    Version number for product model, which indicates vintage of the product.


    Overall length of this asset model.


    Style number of asset model.


    Intended usage for this asset model.


    Total manufactured weight of asset.


    Asset An asset of this model.


    AssetInfo Asset information (nameplate) for this product asset model.


    AssetModelCatalogueItem undocumented


    CatalogAssetType Catalog asset type to which this product asset model conforms.


    Manufacturer Manufacturer of this asset model.


    OperationalRestriction All operational restrictions applying to this asset model.

  1011. final case class ProductBid(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, Bid: String = null, BidDistributionFactor: List[String] = null, BidHourlyProductSchedule: List[String] = null, BidSchedule: List[String] = null, BidSelfSched: List[String] = null, MarketProduct: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Component of a bid that pertains to one market product.

    Component of a bid that pertains to one market product.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    Bid A bid comprises one or more product bids of market products


    BidDistributionFactor undocumented


    BidHourlyProductSchedule undocumented


    BidPriceSchedule undocumented


    BidSelfSched undocumented


    MarketProduct undocumented

  1012. final case class Profile(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, ProfileDatas: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A profile is a simpler curve type.

    A profile is a simpler curve type.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    ProfileData A profile has profile data associated with it.

  1013. final case class Profile2(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, DataSet: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Describes the existence of a profile.

    Describes the existence of a profile.

    The MRID is usually defined as a static value by the document or artifact that defines the contents of the profile and the rules for using the profile.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    DataSet The data sets that make use of the profile.

  1014. final case class ProfileData(Element: BasicElement = null, bidPrice: Double = 0.0, capacityLevel: Double = 0.0, energyLevel: Double = 0.0, minimumLevel: Double = 0.0, sequenceNumber: Int = 0, startDateTime: String = null, stopDateTime: String = null, Profile: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Data for profile.

    Data for profile.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    Bid price associated with contract


    Capacity level for the profile, in MW.


    Energy level for the profile, in MWH.


    Minimum MW value of contract


    Sequence to provide item numbering for the profile. { greater than or equal to 1 }


    Start date/time for this profile.


    Stop date/time for this profile.


    Profile A profile has profile data associated with it.

  1015. final case class Project(WorkDocument: WorkDocument = null, budget: Double = 0.0, BusinessCase: String = null, ErpProjectAccounting: String = null, ParentProject: String = null, SubProjects: List[String] = null, Works: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A collection of related work.

    A collection of related work.

    For construction projects and maintenance projects, multiple phases may be performed.


    WorkDocument Reference to the superclass object.


    Overall project budget.


    BusinessCase undocumented


    ErpProjectAccounting undocumented


    Project undocumented


    Project undocumented


    Work undocumented

  1016. final case class ProjectAlternative(NetworkModelProjectRelationship: NetworkModelProjectRelationship = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Project B is an alternative to project A.

    Project B is an alternative to project A.

    Project A is the primary alternative. Multiple project alternatives should not be selected into a single network study case.


    NetworkModelProjectRelationship Reference to the superclass object.

  1017. final case class ProjectDependency(NetworkModelProjectRelationship: NetworkModelProjectRelationship = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Project A change sets should be applied before Project B during case creation.

    Project A change sets should be applied before Project B during case creation.


    NetworkModelProjectRelationship Reference to the superclass object.

  1018. final case class PropertyOrganisationRole(OrganisationRole: OrganisationRole = null, LandProperty: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Role an organisation plays with respect to property (for example, the organisation may be the owner, renter, occupier, taxiing authority, etc.).

    Role an organisation plays with respect to property (for example, the organisation may be the owner, renter, occupier, taxiing authority, etc.).


    OrganisationRole Reference to the superclass object.


    LandProperty undocumented

  1019. final case class PropertyUnit(WorkIdentifiedObject: WorkIdentifiedObject = null, accountingUsage: String = null, activityCode: String = null, propertyAccount: String = null, status: String = null, CUMaterialItems: List[String] = null, CompatibleUnits: List[String] = null, WorkCostDetails: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Unit of property for reporting purposes.

    Unit of property for reporting purposes.


    WorkIdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    A code that identifies appropriate type of property accounts such as distribution, streetlgihts, communications.


    Activity code identifies a specific and distinguishable work action.


    Used for property record accounting. For example, in the USA, this would be a FERC account.




    CUMaterialItem undocumented


    CompatibleUnit undocumented


    WorkCostDetail undocumented

  1020. final case class ProportionalDistributionComponent(EnergyComponent: EnergyComponent = null, distributionFactor: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

  1021. final case class ProprietaryParameterDynamics(Element: BasicElement = null, booleanParameterValue: Boolean = false, floatParameterValue: Double = 0.0, integerParameterValue: Int = 0, parameterNumber: Int = 0, AsynchronousMachineUserDefined: String = null, CSCUserDefined: String = null, DiscontinuousExcitationControlUserDefined: String = null, ExcitationSystemUserDefined: String = null, LoadUserDefined: String = null, MechanicalLoadUserDefined: String = null, OverexcitationLimiterUserDefined: String = null, PFVArControllerType1UserDefined: String = null, PFVArControllerType2UserDefined: String = null, PowerSystemStabilizerUserDefined: String = null, SVCUserDefined: String = null, SynchronousMachineUserDefined: String = null, TurbineGovernorUserDefined: String = null, TurbineLoadControllerUserDefined: String = null, UnderexcitationLimiterUserDefined: String = null, VSCUserDefined: String = null, VoltageAdjusterUserDefined: String = null, VoltageCompensatorUserDefined: String = null, WindPlantUserDefined: String = null, WindType1or2UserDefined: String = null, WindType3or4UserDefined: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Supports definition of one or more parameters of several different datatypes for use by proprietary user-defined models.

    Supports definition of one or more parameters of several different datatypes for use by proprietary user-defined models.

    This class does not inherit from IdentifiedObject since it is not intended that a single instance of it be referenced by more than one proprietary user-defined model instance.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    Boolean parameter value. If this attribute is populated, integerParameterValue and floatParameterValue will not be.


    Floating point parameter value. If this attribute is populated, booleanParameterValue and integerParameterValue will not be.


    Integer parameter value. If this attribute is populated, booleanParameterValue and floatParameterValue will not be.


    Sequence number of the parameter among the set of parameters associated with the related proprietary user-defined model.


    AsynchronousMachineUserDefined Proprietary user-defined model with which this parameter is associated.


    CSCUserDefined Proprietary user-defined model with which this parameter is associated.


    DiscontinuousExcitationControlUserDefined Proprietary user-defined model with which this parameter is associated.


    ExcitationSystemUserDefined Proprietary user-defined model with which this parameter is associated.


    LoadUserDefined Proprietary user-defined model with which this parameter is associated.


    MechanicalLoadUserDefined Proprietary user-defined model with which this parameter is associated.


    OverexcitationLimiterUserDefined Proprietary user-defined model with which this parameter is associated.


    PFVArControllerType1UserDefined Proprietary user-defined model with which this parameter is associated.


    PFVArControllerType2UserDefined Proprietary user-defined model with which this parameter is associated.


    PowerSystemStabilizerUserDefined Proprietary user-defined model with which this parameter is associated.


    SVCUserDefined Proprietary user-defined model with which this parameter is associated.


    SynchronousMachineUserDefined Proprietary user-defined model with which this parameter is associated.


    TurbineGovernorUserDefined Proprietary user-defined model with which this parameter is associated.


    TurbineLoadControllerUserDefined Proprietary user-defined model with which this parameter is associated.


    UnderexcitationLimiterUserDefined Proprietary user-defined model with which this parameter is associated.


    VSCUserDefined Proprietary user-defined model with which this parameter is associated.


    VoltageAdjusterUserDefined Proprietary user-defined model with which this parameter is associated.


    VoltageCompensatorUserDefined Proprietary user-defined model with which this parameter is associated.


    WindPlantUserDefined Proprietary user-defined model with which this parameter is associated.


    WindType1or2UserDefined Proprietary user-defined model with which this parameter is associated.


    WindType3or4UserDefined Proprietary user-defined model with which this parameter is associated.

  1022. final case class ProtectedSwitch(Switch: Switch = null, breakingCapacity: Double = 0.0, OperatedByProtectionEquipment: List[String] = null, RecloseSequences: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A ProtectedSwitch is a switching device that can be operated by ProtectionEquipment.

    A ProtectedSwitch is a switching device that can be operated by ProtectionEquipment.


    Switch Reference to the superclass object.


    The maximum fault current a breaking device can break safely under prescribed conditions of use.


    ProtectionEquipment Protection equipments that operate this ProtectedSwitch.


    RecloseSequence A breaker may have zero or more automatic reclosures after a trip occurs.

  1023. final case class ProtectionEquipment(Equipment: Equipment = null, highLimit: Double = 0.0, lowLimit: Double = 0.0, powerDirectionFlag: Boolean = false, relayDelayTime: Double = 0.0, unitMultiplier: String = null, unitSymbol: String = null, ConductingEquipments: List[String] = null, ProtectedSwitches: List[String] = null, ProtectiveAction: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    An electrical device designed to respond to input conditions in a prescribed manner and after specified conditions are met to cause contact operation or similar abrupt change in associated electric control circuits, or simply to display the detected condition.

    An electrical device designed to respond to input conditions in a prescribed manner and after specified conditions are met to cause contact operation or similar abrupt change in associated electric control circuits, or simply to display the detected condition.

    Protection equipment is associated with conducting equipment and usually operate circuit breakers.


    Equipment Reference to the superclass object.


    The maximum allowable value.


    The minimum allowable value.


    Direction same as positive active power flow value.


    The time delay from detection of abnormal conditions to relay operation.


    The unit multiplier of the value.


    The unit of measure of the value.


    ConductingEquipment Protection equipment may be used to protect specific conducting equipment.


    ProtectedSwitch Protected switches operated by this ProtectionEquipment.


    ProtectiveAction Protective action can emulate the action done by one or more protection equipment. In a node breaker model were protective equipment is model this association will be used.

  1024. final case class ProtectionEquipmentInfo(AssetInfo: AssetInfo = null, groundTrip: Double = 0.0, phaseTrip: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Properties of protection equipment asset.

    Properties of protection equipment asset.


    AssetInfo Reference to the superclass object.


    Actual ground trip for this type of relay, if applicable.


    Actual phase trip for this type of relay, if applicable.

  1025. final case class ProtectiveAction(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, enabled: Boolean = false, normalEnabled: Boolean = false, GateComCondition: String = null, GateEnabledCondition: String = null, ProtectionEquipment: String = null, ProtectiveActionCollection: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A protective action for supporting the integrity of the power system.

    A protective action for supporting the integrity of the power system.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    The status of the class set by operation or by signal. Optional field that will override other status fields.


    The default/normal value used when other active signal/values are missing.


    Gate undocumented


    Gate Association to a Gate that through a gate logic and input pin defines enabling of the ProtectiveAction.


    ProtectionEquipment undocumented


    ProtectiveActionCollection undocumented

  1026. final case class ProtectiveActionAdjustment(ProtectiveAction: ProtectiveAction = null, byPercentage: Double = 0.0, byValue: Double = 0.0, kind: String = null, reduce: Boolean = false, setValue: Double = 0.0, ConductingEquipment: String = null, DCConductingEquipment: String = null, Measurement: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Protective actions on non-switching equipment.

    Protective actions on non-switching equipment.

    The operating condition is adjusted.


    ProtectiveAction Reference to the superclass object.


    The adjustment is given in percent of the active value.


    The adjustment is given in value of the active value.


    Defines the kind of adjustment that should be done. With this value the correct attribute containing the value needs to be used.


    If true, the adjusted value is an reduction. Other wise it is an increase in the value.


    The adjustment is given by a new active value.


    ConductingEquipment ConductingEquipment whose operating condition is changed when this protective action adjustment gets activated.


    DCConductingEquipment The operating condition to the Conducting Equipment is changed when protective action adjustment is activated.


    Measurement The measurement is used to control the operation of an equipment.

  1027. final case class ProtectiveActionCollection(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, ProtectiveAction: List[String] = null, StageTrigger: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A collection of protective actions to protect the integrity of the power system.

    A collection of protective actions to protect the integrity of the power system.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    ProtectiveAction Set of ProtectiveAction belonging to a ProtectiveActionCollection.


    StageTrigger When condition to the StageTrigger is met, the actions in the ProtectiveActionCollection are activated/triggered.

  1028. final case class ProtectiveActionEquipment(ProtectiveAction: ProtectiveAction = null, inService: Boolean = false, Equipment: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Protective action to put an Equipment in-service/out-of-service.

    Protective action to put an Equipment in-service/out-of-service.


    ProtectiveAction Reference to the superclass object.


    If true the equipment is put in-service, otherwise out-of-service.


    Equipment undocumented

  1029. final case class ProtectiveActionRegulation(ProtectiveAction: ProtectiveAction = null, isRegulating: Boolean = false, targetValue: Double = 0.0, RegulatingControl: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Protective action to change regulation to Equipment.

    Protective action to change regulation to Equipment.


    ProtectiveAction Reference to the superclass object.


    If true the regulator is put in-service, otherwise out-of-service (no regulation).


    The target value specified the new case input for the regulator. The value has the units appropriate to the mode attribute. The protective action does not change the mode attribute.


    RegulatingControl undocumented

  1030. final case class ProvidedBilateralPoint(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, BilateralExchangeActor: String = null, IOPoint: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Allows declaration of ICCP points to be provided through a Bilateral Table agreement.

    Allows declaration of ICCP points to be provided through a Bilateral Table agreement.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    BilateralExchangeActor Remote peer that will receive ICCP information in a Bilateral table.


    IOPoint Measurement or control for the bilateral ICCP point.

  1031. final case class Pss1(PowerSystemStabilizerDynamics: PowerSystemStabilizerDynamics = null, kf: Double = 0.0, komega: Double = 0.0, kpe: Double = 0.0, ks: Double = 0.0, pmin: Double = 0.0, t10: Double = 0.0, t5: Double = 0.0, t6: Double = 0.0, t7: Double = 0.0, t8: Double = 0.0, t9: Double = 0.0, tpe: Double = 0.0, vadat: Boolean = false, vsmn: Double = 0.0, vsmx: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Italian PSS with three inputs (speed, frequency, power).

    Italian PSS with three inputs (speed, frequency, power).


    PowerSystemStabilizerDynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    Frequency power input gain (KF). Typical value = 5.


    Shaft speed power input gain (Komega). Typical value = 0.


    Electric power input gain (KPE). Typical value = 0,3.


    PSS gain (Ks). Typical value = 1.


    Minimum power PSS enabling (Pmin). Typical value = 0,25.


    Lead/lag time constant (T10) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.


    Washout (T5) (>= 0). Typical value = 3,5.


    Filter time constant (T6) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.


    Lead/lag time constant (T7) (>= 0). If = 0, both blocks are bypassed. Typical value = 0.


    Lead/lag time constant (T8) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.


    Lead/lag time constant (T9) (>= 0). If = 0, both blocks are bypassed. Typical value = 0.


    Electric power filter time constant (TPE) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,05.


    <font color="#0f0f0f">Signal selector (VADAT).</font> <font color="#0f0f0f">true = closed (generator power is greater than Pmin)</font> <font color="#0f0f0f">false = open (Pe is smaller than Pmin).</font> <font color="#0f0f0f">Typical value = true.</font>


    Stabilizer output maximum limit (VSMN). Typical value = -0,06.


    Stabilizer output minimum limit (VSMX). Typical value = 0,06.

  1032. final case class Pss1A(PowerSystemStabilizerDynamics: PowerSystemStabilizerDynamics = null, a1: Double = 0.0, a2: Double = 0.0, a3: Double = 0.0, a4: Double = 0.0, a5: Double = 0.0, a6: Double = 0.0, a7: Double = 0.0, a8: Double = 0.0, inputSignalType: String = null, kd: Boolean = false, ks: Double = 0.0, t1: Double = 0.0, t2: Double = 0.0, t3: Double = 0.0, t4: Double = 0.0, t5: Double = 0.0, t6: Double = 0.0, tdelay: Double = 0.0, vcl: Double = 0.0, vcu: Double = 0.0, vrmax: Double = 0.0, vrmin: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Single input power system stabilizer.

    Single input power system stabilizer.

    It is a modified version in order to allow representation of various vendors' implementations on PSS type 1A.


    PowerSystemStabilizerDynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    Notch filter parameter (A1).


    Notch filter parameter (A2).


    Notch filter parameter (A3).


    Notch filter parameter (A4).


    Notch filter parameter (A5).


    Notch filter parameter (A6).


    Notch filter parameter (A7).


    Notch filter parameter (A8).


    Type of input signal (rotorAngularFrequencyDeviation, busFrequencyDeviation, generatorElectricalPower, generatorAcceleratingPower, busVoltage, or busVoltageDerivative).


    Selector (Kd). true = e-sTdelay used false = e-sTdelay not used.


    Stabilizer gain (Ks).


    Lead/lag time constant (T1) (>= 0).


    Lead/lag time constant (T2) (>= 0).


    Lead/lag time constant (T3) (>= 0).


    Lead/lag time constant (T4) (>= 0).


    Washout time constant (T5) (>= 0).


    Transducer time constant (T6) (>= 0).


    Time constant (Tdelay) (>= 0).


    Stabilizer input cutoff threshold (Vcl).


    Stabilizer input cutoff threshold (Vcu).


    Maximum stabilizer output (Vrmax) (> Pss1A.vrmin).


    Minimum stabilizer output (Vrmin) (< Pss1A.vrmax).

  1033. final case class Pss2B(PowerSystemStabilizerDynamics: PowerSystemStabilizerDynamics = null, a: Double = 0.0, ks1: Double = 0.0, ks2: Double = 0.0, ks3: Double = 0.0, ks4: Double = 0.0, m: Int = 0, n: Int = 0, t1: Double = 0.0, t10: Double = 0.0, t11: Double = 0.0, t2: Double = 0.0, t3: Double = 0.0, t4: Double = 0.0, t6: Double = 0.0, t7: Double = 0.0, t8: Double = 0.0, t9: Double = 0.0, ta: Double = 0.0, tb: Double = 0.0, tw1: Double = 0.0, tw2: Double = 0.0, tw3: Double = 0.0, tw4: Double = 0.0, vsi1max: Double = 0.0, vsi1min: Double = 0.0, vsi2max: Double = 0.0, vsi2min: Double = 0.0, vstmax: Double = 0.0, vstmin: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Modified IEEE PSS2B.

    Modified IEEE PSS2B.

    Extra lead/lag (or rate) block added at end (up to 4 lead/lags total).


    PowerSystemStabilizerDynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    Numerator constant (a). Typical value = 1.


    Stabilizer gain (Ks1). Typical value = 12.


    Gain on signal #2 (Ks2). Typical value = 0,2.


    Gain on signal #2 input before ramp-tracking filter (Ks3). Typical value = 1.


    Gain on signal #2 input after ramp-tracking filter (Ks4). Typical value = 1.


    Denominator order of ramp tracking filter (m). Typical value = 5.


    Order of ramp tracking filter (n). Typical value = 1.


    Lead/lag time constant (T1) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,12.


    Lead/lag time constant (T10) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.


    Lead/lag time constant (T11) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.


    Lead/lag time constant (T2) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,02.


    Lead/lag time constant (T3) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,3.


    Lead/lag time constant (T4) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,02.


    Time constant on signal #1 (T6) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.


    Time constant on signal #2 (T7) (>= 0). Typical value = 2.


    Lead of ramp tracking filter (T8) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,2.


    Lag of ramp tracking filter (T9) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,1.


    Lead constant (Ta) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.


    Lag time constant (Tb) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.


    First washout on signal #1 (Tw1) (>= 0). Typical value = 2.


    Second washout on signal #1 (Tw2) (>= 0). Typical value = 2.


    First washout on signal #2 (Tw3) (>= 0). Typical value = 2.


    Second washout on signal #2 (Tw4) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.


    Input signal #1 maximum limit (Vsi1max) (> Pss2B.vsi1min). Typical value = 2.


    Input signal #1 minimum limit (Vsi1min) (< Pss2B.vsi1max). Typical value = -2.


    Input signal #2 maximum limit (Vsi2max) (> Pss2B.vsi2min). Typical value = 2.


    Input signal #2 minimum limit (Vsi2min) (< Pss2B.vsi2max). Typical value = -2.


    Stabilizer output maximum limit (Vstmax) (> Pss2B.vstmin). Typical value = 0,1.


    Stabilizer output minimum limit (Vstmin) (< Pss2B.vstmax). Typical value = -0,1.

  1034. final case class Pss2ST(PowerSystemStabilizerDynamics: PowerSystemStabilizerDynamics = null, inputSignal1Type: String = null, inputSignal2Type: String = null, k1: Double = 0.0, k2: Double = 0.0, lsmax: Double = 0.0, lsmin: Double = 0.0, t1: Double = 0.0, t10: Double = 0.0, t2: Double = 0.0, t3: Double = 0.0, t4: Double = 0.0, t5: Double = 0.0, t6: Double = 0.0, t7: Double = 0.0, t8: Double = 0.0, t9: Double = 0.0, vcl: Double = 0.0, vcu: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    PTI microprocessor-based stabilizer type 1.

    PTI microprocessor-based stabilizer type 1.


    PowerSystemStabilizerDynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    Type of input signal #1 (rotorAngularFrequencyDeviation, busFrequencyDeviation, generatorElectricalPower, generatorAcceleratingPower, busVoltage, or busVoltageDerivative - shall be different than Pss2ST.inputSignal2Type). Typical value = rotorAngularFrequencyDeviation.


    Type of input signal #2 (rotorAngularFrequencyDeviation, busFrequencyDeviation, generatorElectricalPower, generatorAcceleratingPower, busVoltage, or busVoltageDerivative - shall be different than Pss2ST.inputSignal1Type). Typical value = busVoltageDerivative.


    Gain (K1).


    Gain (K2).


    Limiter (LSMAX) (> Pss2ST.lsmin).


    Limiter (LSMIN) (< Pss2ST.lsmax).


    Time constant (T1) (>= 0).


    Time constant (T10) (>= 0).


    Time constant (T2) (>= 0).


    Time constant (T3) (>= 0).


    Time constant (T4) (>= 0).


    Time constant (T5) (>= 0).


    Time constant (T6) (>= 0).


    Time constant (T7) (>= 0).


    Time constant (T8) (>= 0).


    Time constant (T9) (>= 0).


    Cutoff limiter (VCL).


    Cutoff limiter (VCU).

  1035. final case class Pss5(PowerSystemStabilizerDynamics: PowerSystemStabilizerDynamics = null, ctw2: Boolean = false, deadband: Double = 0.0, isfreq: Boolean = false, kf: Double = 0.0, kpe: Double = 0.0, kpss: Double = 0.0, pmin: Double = 0.0, tl1: Double = 0.0, tl2: Double = 0.0, tl3: Double = 0.0, tl4: Double = 0.0, tpe: Double = 0.0, tw1: Double = 0.0, tw2: Double = 0.0, vadat: Boolean = false, vsmn: Double = 0.0, vsmx: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Detailed Italian PSS.

    Detailed Italian PSS.


    PowerSystemStabilizerDynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    Selector for second washout enabling (CTW2). true = second washout filter is bypassed false = second washout filter in use. Typical value = true.


    Stabilizer output deadband (DEADBAND). Typical value = 0.


    Selector for frequency/shaft speed input (isFreq). true = speed (same meaning as InputSignaKind.rotorSpeed) false = frequency (same meaning as InputSignalKind.busFrequency). Typical value = true (same meaning as InputSignalKind.rotorSpeed).


    Frequency/shaft speed input gain (KF). Typical value = 5.


    Electric power input gain (KPE). Typical value = 0,3.


    PSS gain (KPSS). Typical value = 1.


    Minimum power PSS enabling (Pmin). Typical value = 0,25.


    Lead/lag time constant (TL1) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.


    Lead/lag time constant (TL2) (>= 0). If = 0, both blocks are bypassed. Typical value = 0.


    Lead/lag time constant (TL3) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.


    Lead/lag time constant (TL4) (>= 0). If = 0, both blocks are bypassed. Typical value = 0.


    Electric power filter time constant (TPE) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,05.


    First washout (TW1) (>= 0). Typical value = 3,5.


    Second washout (TW2) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.


    <font color="#0f0f0f">Signal selector (VadAtt).</font> <font color="#0f0f0f">true = closed (generator power is greater than Pmin)</font> <font color="#0f0f0f">false = open (Pe is smaller than Pmin).</font> <font color="#0f0f0f">Typical value = true.</font>


    Stabilizer output maximum limit (VSMN). Typical value = -0,1.


    Stabilizer output minimum limit (VSMX). Typical value = 0,1.

  1036. final case class PssELIN2(PowerSystemStabilizerDynamics: PowerSystemStabilizerDynamics = null, apss: Double = 0.0, ks1: Double = 0.0, ks2: Double = 0.0, ppss: Double = 0.0, psslim: Double = 0.0, ts1: Double = 0.0, ts2: Double = 0.0, ts3: Double = 0.0, ts4: Double = 0.0, ts5: Double = 0.0, ts6: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Power system stabilizer typically associated with ExcELIN2 (though PssIEEE2B or Pss2B can also be used).

    Power system stabilizer typically associated with ExcELIN2 (though PssIEEE2B or Pss2B can also be used).


    PowerSystemStabilizerDynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    Coefficient (a_PSS). Typical value = 0,1.


    Gain (Ks1). Typical value = 1.


    Gain (Ks2). Typical value = 0,1.


    Coefficient (p_PSS) (>= 0 and <= 4). Typical value = 0,1.


    PSS limiter (psslim). Typical value = 0,1.


    Time constant (Ts1) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.


    Time constant (Ts2) (>= 0). Typical value = 1.


    Time constant (Ts3) (>= 0). Typical value = 1.


    Time constant (Ts4) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,1.


    Time constant (Ts5) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.


    Time constant (Ts6) (>= 0). Typical value = 1.

  1037. final case class PssIEEE1A(PowerSystemStabilizerDynamics: PowerSystemStabilizerDynamics = null, a1: Double = 0.0, a2: Double = 0.0, inputSignalType: String = null, ks: Double = 0.0, t1: Double = 0.0, t2: Double = 0.0, t3: Double = 0.0, t4: Double = 0.0, t5: Double = 0.0, t6: Double = 0.0, vrmax: Double = 0.0, vrmin: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    IEEE 421.5-2005 type PSS1A power system stabilizer model.

    IEEE 421.5-2005 type PSS1A power system stabilizer model.

    PSS1A is the generalized form of a PSS with a single input signal. Reference: IEEE 1A 421.5-2005, 8.1.


    PowerSystemStabilizerDynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    PSS signal conditioning frequency filter constant (A1). Typical value = 0,061.


    PSS signal conditioning frequency filter constant (A2). Typical value = 0,0017.


    Type of input signal (rotorAngularFrequencyDeviation, generatorElectricalPower, or busFrequencyDeviation). Typical value = rotorAngularFrequencyDeviation.


    Stabilizer gain (Ks). Typical value = 5.


    Lead/lag time constant (T1) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,3.


    Lead/lag time constant (T2) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,03.


    Lead/lag time constant (T3) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,3.


    Lead/lag time constant (T4) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,03.


    Washout time constant (T5) (>= 0). Typical value = 10.


    Transducer time constant (T6) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,01.


    Maximum stabilizer output (Vrmax) (> PssIEEE1A.vrmin). Typical value = 0,05.


    Minimum stabilizer output (Vrmin) (< PssIEEE1A.vrmax). Typical value = -0,05.

  1038. final case class PssIEEE2B(PowerSystemStabilizerDynamics: PowerSystemStabilizerDynamics = null, inputSignal1Type: String = null, inputSignal2Type: String = null, ks1: Double = 0.0, ks2: Double = 0.0, ks3: Double = 0.0, m: Int = 0, n: Int = 0, t1: Double = 0.0, t10: Double = 0.0, t11: Double = 0.0, t2: Double = 0.0, t3: Double = 0.0, t4: Double = 0.0, t6: Double = 0.0, t7: Double = 0.0, t8: Double = 0.0, t9: Double = 0.0, tw1: Double = 0.0, tw2: Double = 0.0, tw3: Double = 0.0, tw4: Double = 0.0, vsi1max: Double = 0.0, vsi1min: Double = 0.0, vsi2max: Double = 0.0, vsi2min: Double = 0.0, vstmax: Double = 0.0, vstmin: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    IEEE 421.5-2005 type PSS2B power system stabilizer model.

    IEEE 421.5-2005 type PSS2B power system stabilizer model.

    This stabilizer model is designed to represent a variety of dual-input stabilizers, which normally use combinations of power and speed or frequency to derive the stabilizing signal. Reference: IEEE 2B 421.5-2005, 8.2.


    PowerSystemStabilizerDynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    Type of input signal #1 (rotorAngularFrequencyDeviation, busFrequencyDeviation). Typical value = rotorAngularFrequencyDeviation.


    Type of input signal #2 (generatorElectricalPower). Typical value = generatorElectricalPower.


    Stabilizer gain (Ks1). Typical value = 12.


    Gain on signal #2 (Ks2). Typical value = 0,2.


    Gain on signal #2 input before ramp-tracking filter (Ks3). Typical value = 1.


    Denominator order of ramp tracking filter (M). Typical value = 5.


    Order of ramp tracking filter (N). Typical value = 1.


    Lead/lag time constant (T1) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,12.


    Lead/lag time constant (T10) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.


    Lead/lag time constant (T11) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.


    Lead/lag time constant (T2) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,02.


    Lead/lag time constant (T3) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,3.


    Lead/lag time constant (T4) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,02.


    Time constant on signal #1 (T6) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.


    Time constant on signal #2 (T7) (>= 0). Typical value = 2.


    Lead of ramp tracking filter (T8) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,2.


    Lag of ramp tracking filter (T9) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,1.


    First washout on signal #1 (Tw1) (>= 0). Typical value = 2.


    Second washout on signal #1 (Tw2) (>= 0). Typical value = 2.


    First washout on signal #2 (Tw3) (>= 0). Typical value = 2.


    Second washout on signal #2 (Tw4) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.


    Input signal #1 maximum limit (Vsi1max) (> PssIEEE2B.vsi1min). Typical value = 2.


    Input signal #1 minimum limit (Vsi1min) (< PssIEEE2B.vsi1max). Typical value = -2.


    Input signal #2 maximum limit (Vsi2max) (> PssIEEE2B.vsi2min). Typical value = 2.


    Input signal #2 minimum limit (Vsi2min) (< PssIEEE2B.vsi2max). Typical value = -2.


    Stabilizer output maximum limit (Vstmax) (> PssIEEE2B.vstmin). Typical value = 0,1.


    Stabilizer output minimum limit (Vstmin) (< PssIEEE2B.vstmax). Typical value = -0,1.

  1039. final case class PssIEEE3B(PowerSystemStabilizerDynamics: PowerSystemStabilizerDynamics = null, a1: Double = 0.0, a2: Double = 0.0, a3: Double = 0.0, a4: Double = 0.0, a5: Double = 0.0, a6: Double = 0.0, a7: Double = 0.0, a8: Double = 0.0, ks1: Double = 0.0, ks2: Double = 0.0, t1: Double = 0.0, t2: Double = 0.0, tw1: Double = 0.0, tw2: Double = 0.0, tw3: Double = 0.0, vstmax: Double = 0.0, vstmin: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    IEEE 421.5-2005 type PSS3B power system stabilizer model.

    IEEE 421.5-2005 type PSS3B power system stabilizer model.

    The PSS model PSS3B has dual inputs of electrical power and rotor angular frequency deviation. The signals are used to derive an equivalent mechanical power signal. This model has 2 input signals. They have the following fixed types (expressed in terms of InputSignalKind values): the first one is of rotorAngleFrequencyDeviation type and the second one is of generatorElectricalPower type. Reference: IEEE 3B 421.5-2005, 8.3.


    PowerSystemStabilizerDynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    Notch filter parameter (A1). Typical value = 0,359.


    Notch filter parameter (A2). Typical value = 0,586.


    Notch filter parameter (A3). Typical value = 0,429.


    Notch filter parameter (A4). Typical value = 0,564.


    Notch filter parameter (A5). Typical value = 0,001.


    Notch filter parameter (A6). Typical value = 0.


    Notch filter parameter (A7). Typical value = 0,031.


    Notch filter parameter (A8). Typical value = 0.


    Gain on signal # 1 (Ks1). Typical value = -0,602.


    Gain on signal # 2 (Ks2). Typical value = 30,12.


    Transducer time constant (T1) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,012.


    Transducer time constant (T2) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,012.


    Washout time constant (Tw1) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,3.


    Washout time constant (Tw2) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,3.


    Washout time constant (Tw3) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,6.


    Stabilizer output maximum limit (Vstmax) (> PssIEEE3B.vstmin). Typical value = 0,1.


    Stabilizer output minimum limit (Vstmin) (< PssIEEE3B.vstmax). Typical value = -0,1.

  1040. final case class PssIEEE4B(PowerSystemStabilizerDynamics: PowerSystemStabilizerDynamics = null, bwh1: Double = 0.0, bwh2: Double = 0.0, bwl1: Double = 0.0, bwl2: Double = 0.0, kh: Double = 0.0, kh1: Double = 0.0, kh11: Double = 0.0, kh17: Double = 0.0, kh2: Double = 0.0, ki: Double = 0.0, ki1: Double = 0.0, ki11: Double = 0.0, ki17: Double = 0.0, ki2: Double = 0.0, kl: Double = 0.0, kl1: Double = 0.0, kl11: Double = 0.0, kl17: Double = 0.0, kl2: Double = 0.0, omeganh1: Double = 0.0, omeganh2: Double = 0.0, omeganl1: Double = 0.0, omeganl2: Double = 0.0, th1: Double = 0.0, th10: Double = 0.0, th11: Double = 0.0, th12: Double = 0.0, th2: Double = 0.0, th3: Double = 0.0, th4: Double = 0.0, th5: Double = 0.0, th6: Double = 0.0, th7: Double = 0.0, th8: Double = 0.0, th9: Double = 0.0, ti1: Double = 0.0, ti10: Double = 0.0, ti11: Double = 0.0, ti12: Double = 0.0, ti2: Double = 0.0, ti3: Double = 0.0, ti4: Double = 0.0, ti5: Double = 0.0, ti6: Double = 0.0, ti7: Double = 0.0, ti8: Double = 0.0, ti9: Double = 0.0, tl1: Double = 0.0, tl10: Double = 0.0, tl11: Double = 0.0, tl12: Double = 0.0, tl2: Double = 0.0, tl3: Double = 0.0, tl4: Double = 0.0, tl5: Double = 0.0, tl6: Double = 0.0, tl7: Double = 0.0, tl8: Double = 0.0, tl9: Double = 0.0, vhmax: Double = 0.0, vhmin: Double = 0.0, vimax: Double = 0.0, vimin: Double = 0.0, vlmax: Double = 0.0, vlmin: Double = 0.0, vstmax: Double = 0.0, vstmin: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    IEEE 421.5-2005 type PSS4B power system stabilizer.

    IEEE 421.5-2005 type PSS4B power system stabilizer.

    The PSS4B model represents a structure based on multiple working frequency bands. Three separate bands, respectively dedicated to the low-, intermediate- and high-frequency modes of oscillations, are used in this delta omega (speed input) PSS. There is an error in the in IEEE 421.5-2005 PSS4B model: the Pe input should read –Pe. This implies that the input Pe needs to be multiplied by -1. Reference: IEEE 4B 421.5-2005, 8.4. Parameter details: This model has 2 input signals. They have the following fixed types (expressed in terms of InputSignalKind values): the first one is of rotorAngleFrequencyDeviation type and the second one is of generatorElectricalPower type.


    PowerSystemStabilizerDynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    Notch filter 1 (high-frequency band): three dB bandwidth (Bwi).


    Notch filter 2 (high-frequency band): three dB bandwidth (Bwi).


    Notch filter 1 (low-frequency band): three dB bandwidth (Bwi).


    Notch filter 2 (low-frequency band): three dB bandwidth (Bwi).


    High band gain (KH). Typical value = 120.


    High band differential filter gain (KH1). Typical value = 66.


    High band first lead-lag blocks coefficient (KH11). Typical value = 1.


    High band first lead-lag blocks coefficient (KH17). Typical value = 1.


    High band differential filter gain (KH2). Typical value = 66.


    Intermediate band gain (KI). Typical value = 30.


    Intermediate band differential filter gain (KI1). Typical value = 66.


    Intermediate band first lead-lag blocks coefficient (KI11). Typical value = 1.


    Intermediate band first lead-lag blocks coefficient (KI17). Typical value = 1.


    Intermediate band differential filter gain (KI2). Typical value = 66.


    Low band gain (KL). Typical value = 7.5.


    Low band differential filter gain (KL1). Typical value = 66.


    Low band first lead-lag blocks coefficient (KL11). Typical value = 1.


    Low band first lead-lag blocks coefficient (KL17). Typical value = 1.


    Low band differential filter gain (KL2). Typical value = 66.


    Notch filter 1 (high-frequency band): filter frequency (omegani).


    Notch filter 2 (high-frequency band): filter frequency (omegani).


    Notch filter 1 (low-frequency band): filter frequency (omegani).


    Notch filter 2 (low-frequency band): filter frequency (omegani).


    High band time constant (TH1) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,01513.


    High band time constant (TH10) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.


    High band time constant (TH11) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.


    High band time constant (TH12) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.


    High band time constant (TH2) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,01816.


    High band time constant (TH3) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.


    High band time constant (TH4) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.


    High band time constant (TH5) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.


    High band time constant (TH6) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.


    High band time constant (TH7) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,01816.


    High band time constant (TH8) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,02179.


    High band time constant (TH9) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.


    Intermediate band time constant (TI1) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,173.


    Intermediate band time constant (TI10) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.


    Intermediate band time constant (TI11) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.


    Intermediate band time constant (TI12) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.


    Intermediate band time constant (TI2) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,2075.


    Intermediate band time constant (TI3) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.


    Intermediate band time constant (TI4) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.


    Intermediate band time constant (TI5) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.


    Intermediate band time constant (TI6) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.


    Intermediate band time constant (TI7) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,2075.


    Intermediate band time constant (TI8) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,2491.


    Intermediate band time constant (TI9) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.


    Low band time constant (TL1) (>= 0). Typical value = 1,73.


    Low band time constant (TL10) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.


    Low band time constant (TL11) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.


    Low band time constant (TL12) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.


    Low band time constant (TL2) (>= 0). Typical value = 2,075.


    Low band time constant (TL3) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.


    Low band time constant (TL4) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.


    Low band time constant (TL5) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.


    Low band time constant (TL6) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.


    Low band time constant (TL7) (>= 0). Typical value = 2,075.


    Low band time constant (TL8) (>= 0). Typical value = 2,491.


    Low band time constant (TL9) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.


    High band output maximum limit (VHmax) (> PssIEEE4B.vhmin). Typical value = 0,6.


    High band output minimum limit (VHmin) (< PssIEEE4V.vhmax). Typical value = -0,6.


    Intermediate band output maximum limit (VImax) (> PssIEEE4B.vimin). Typical value = 0,6.


    Intermediate band output minimum limit (VImin) (< PssIEEE4B.vimax). Typical value = -0,6.


    Low band output maximum limit (VLmax) (> PssIEEE4B.vlmin). Typical value = 0,075.


    Low band output minimum limit (VLmin) (< PssIEEE4B.vlmax). Typical value = -0,075.


    PSS output maximum limit (VSTmax) (> PssIEEE4B.vstmin). Typical value = 0,15.


    PSS output minimum limit (VSTmin) (< PssIEEE4B.vstmax). Typical value = -0,15.

  1041. final case class PssPTIST1(PowerSystemStabilizerDynamics: PowerSystemStabilizerDynamics = null, dtc: Double = 0.0, dtf: Double = 0.0, dtp: Double = 0.0, k: Double = 0.0, m: Double = 0.0, t1: Double = 0.0, t2: Double = 0.0, t3: Double = 0.0, t4: Double = 0.0, tf: Double = 0.0, tp: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    PTI microprocessor-based stabilizer type 1.

    PTI microprocessor-based stabilizer type 1.


    PowerSystemStabilizerDynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    Time step related to activation of controls (deltatc) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,025.


    Time step frequency calculation (deltatf) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,025.


    Time step active power calculation (deltatp) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,0125.


    Gain (K). Typical value = 9.


    (M). M = 2 x H. Typical value = 5.


    Time constant (T1) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,3.


    Time constant (T2) (>= 0). Typical value = 1.


    Time constant (T3) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,2.


    Time constant (T4) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,05.


    Time constant (Tf) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,2.


    Time constant (Tp) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,2.

  1042. final case class PssPTIST3(PowerSystemStabilizerDynamics: PowerSystemStabilizerDynamics = null, a0: Double = 0.0, a1: Double = 0.0, a2: Double = 0.0, a3: Double = 0.0, a4: Double = 0.0, a5: Double = 0.0, al: Double = 0.0, athres: Double = 0.0, b0: Double = 0.0, b1: Double = 0.0, b2: Double = 0.0, b3: Double = 0.0, b4: Double = 0.0, b5: Double = 0.0, dl: Double = 0.0, dtc: Double = 0.0, dtf: Double = 0.0, dtp: Double = 0.0, isw: Boolean = false, k: Double = 0.0, lthres: Double = 0.0, m: Double = 0.0, nav: Double = 0.0, ncl: Double = 0.0, ncr: Double = 0.0, pmin: Double = 0.0, t1: Double = 0.0, t2: Double = 0.0, t3: Double = 0.0, t4: Double = 0.0, t5: Double = 0.0, t6: Double = 0.0, tf: Double = 0.0, tp: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    PTI microprocessor-based stabilizer type 3.

    PTI microprocessor-based stabilizer type 3.


    PowerSystemStabilizerDynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    Filter coefficient (A0).


    Limiter (Al).


    Filter coefficient (A2).


    Filter coefficient (A3).


    Filter coefficient (A4).


    Filter coefficient (A5).


    Limiter (Al).


    Threshold value above which output averaging will be bypassed (Athres). Typical value = 0,005.


    Filter coefficient (B0).


    Filter coefficient (B1).


    Filter coefficient (B2).


    Filter coefficient (B3).


    Filter coefficient (B4).


    Filter coefficient (B5).


    Limiter (Dl).


    Time step related to activation of controls (deltatc) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,025 (0,03 for 50 Hz).


    Time step frequency calculation (deltatf) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,025 (0,03 for 50 Hz).


    Time step active power calculation (deltatp) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,0125 (0,015 for 50 Hz).


    Digital/analogue output switch (Isw). true = produce analogue output false = convert to digital output, using tap selection table.


    Gain (K). Typical value = 9.


    Threshold value (Lthres).


    (M). M = 2 x H. Typical value = 5.


    Number of control outputs to average (NAV) (1 <= NAV <= 16). Typical value = 4.


    Number of counts at limit to active limit function (NCL) (> 0).


    Number of counts until reset after limit function is triggered (NCR).




    Time constant (T1) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,3.


    Time constant (T2) (>= 0). Typical value = 1.


    Time constant (T3) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,2.


    Time constant (T4) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,05.


    Time constant (T5) (>= 0).


    Time constant (T6) (>= 0).


    Time constant (Tf) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,2.


    Time constant (Tp) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,2.

  1043. final case class PssRQB(PowerSystemStabilizerDynamics: PowerSystemStabilizerDynamics = null, kdpm: Double = 0.0, ki2: Double = 0.0, ki3: Double = 0.0, ki4: Double = 0.0, sibv: Double = 0.0, t4f: Double = 0.0, t4m: Double = 0.0, t4mom: Double = 0.0, tomd: Double = 0.0, tomsl: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Power system stabilizer type RQB.

    Power system stabilizer type RQB.

    This power system stabilizer is intended to be used together with excitation system type ExcRQB, which is primarily used in nuclear or thermal generating units.


    PowerSystemStabilizerDynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    Lead lag gain (KDPM). Typical value = 0,185.


    Speed input gain (Ki2). Typical value = 3,43.


    Electrical power input gain (Ki3). Typical value = -11,45.


    Mechanical power input gain (Ki4). Typical value = 11,86.


    Speed deadband (SIBV). Typical value = 0,006.


    Lead lag time constant (T4F) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,045.


    Input time constant (T4M) (>= 0). Typical value = 5.


    Speed time constant (T4MOM) (>= 0). Typical value = 1,27.


    Speed delay (TOMD) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,02.


    Speed time constant (TOMSL) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,04.

  1044. final case class PssSB4(PowerSystemStabilizerDynamics: PowerSystemStabilizerDynamics = null, kx: Double = 0.0, ta: Double = 0.0, tb: Double = 0.0, tc: Double = 0.0, td: Double = 0.0, te: Double = 0.0, tt: Double = 0.0, tx1: Double = 0.0, tx2: Double = 0.0, vsmax: Double = 0.0, vsmin: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Power sensitive stabilizer model.

    Power sensitive stabilizer model.


    PowerSystemStabilizerDynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    Gain (Kx). Typical value = 2,7.


    Time constant (Ta) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,37.


    Time constant (Tb) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,37.


    Time constant (Tc) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,035.


    Time constant (Td) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,0.


    Time constant (Te) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,0169.


    Time constant (Tt) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,18.


    Reset time constant (Tx1) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,035.


    Time constant (Tx2) (>= 0). Typical value = 5,0.


    Limiter (Vsmax) (> PssSB4.vsmin). Typical value = 0,062.


    Limiter (Vsmin) (< PssSB4.vsmax). Typical value = -0,062.

  1045. final case class PssSH(PowerSystemStabilizerDynamics: PowerSystemStabilizerDynamics = null, k: Double = 0.0, k0: Double = 0.0, k1: Double = 0.0, k2: Double = 0.0, k3: Double = 0.0, k4: Double = 0.0, t1: Double = 0.0, t2: Double = 0.0, t3: Double = 0.0, t4: Double = 0.0, td: Double = 0.0, vsmax: Double = 0.0, vsmin: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    SiemensTM “H infinity” power system stabilizer with generator electrical power input.

    SiemensTM “H infinity” power system stabilizer with generator electrical power input. [Footnote: Siemens "H infinity" power system stabilizers are an example of suitable products available commercially.

    This information is given for the convenience of users of this document and does not constitute an endorsement by IEC of these products.]


    PowerSystemStabilizerDynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    Main gain (K). Typical value = 1.


    Gain 0 (K0). Typical value = 0,012.


    Gain 1 (K1). Typical value = 0,488.


    Gain 2 (K2). Typical value = 0,064.


    Gain 3 (K3). Typical value = 0,224.


    Gain 4 (K4). Typical value = 0,1.


    Time constant 1 (T1) (> 0). Typical value = 0,076.


    Time constant 2 (T2) (> 0). Typical value = 0,086.


    Time constant 3 (T3) (> 0). Typical value = 1,068.


    Time constant 4 (T4) (> 0). Typical value = 1,913.


    Input time constant (Td) (>= 0). Typical value = 10.


    Output maximum limit (Vsmax) (> PssSH.vsmin). Typical value = 0,1.


    Output minimum limit (Vsmin) (< PssSH.vsmax). Typical value = -0,1.

  1046. final case class PssSK(PowerSystemStabilizerDynamics: PowerSystemStabilizerDynamics = null, k1: Double = 0.0, k2: Double = 0.0, k3: Double = 0.0, t1: Double = 0.0, t2: Double = 0.0, t3: Double = 0.0, t4: Double = 0.0, t5: Double = 0.0, t6: Double = 0.0, vsmax: Double = 0.0, vsmin: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Slovakian PSS with three inputs.

    Slovakian PSS with three inputs.


    PowerSystemStabilizerDynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    Gain P (K1). Typical value = -0,3.


    Gain fE (K2). Typical value = -0,15.


    Gain If (K3). Typical value = 10.


    Denominator time constant (T1) (> 0,005). Typical value = 0,3.


    Filter time constant (T2) (> 0,005). Typical value = 0,35.


    Denominator time constant (T3) (> 0,005). Typical value = 0,22.


    Filter time constant (T4) (> 0,005). Typical value = 0,02.


    Denominator time constant (T5) (> 0,005). Typical value = 0,02.


    Filter time constant (T6) (> 0,005). Typical value = 0,02.


    Stabilizer output maximum limit (VSMAX) (> PssSK.vsmin). Typical value = 0,4.


    Stabilizer output minimum limit (VSMIN) (< PssSK.vsmax). Typical value = -0.4.

  1047. final case class PssSTAB2A(PowerSystemStabilizerDynamics: PowerSystemStabilizerDynamics = null, hlim: Double = 0.0, k2: Double = 0.0, k3: Double = 0.0, k4: Double = 0.0, k5: Double = 0.0, t2: Double = 0.0, t3: Double = 0.0, t5: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Power system stabilizer part of an ABB excitation system.

    Power system stabilizer part of an ABB excitation system. [Footnote: ABB excitation systems are an example of suitable products available commercially.

    This information is given for the convenience of users of this document and does not constitute an endorsement by IEC of these products.]


    PowerSystemStabilizerDynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    Stabilizer output limiter (HLIM). Typical value = 0,5.


    Gain (K2). Typical value = 1,0.


    Gain (K3). Typical value = 0,25.


    Gain (K4). Typical value = 0,075.


    Gain (K5). Typical value = 2,5.


    Time constant (T2). Typical value = 4,0.


    Time constant (T3). Typical value = 2,0.


    Time constant (T5). Typical value = 4,5.

  1048. final case class PssWECC(PowerSystemStabilizerDynamics: PowerSystemStabilizerDynamics = null, inputSignal1Type: String = null, inputSignal2Type: String = null, k1: Double = 0.0, k2: Double = 0.0, t1: Double = 0.0, t10: Double = 0.0, t2: Double = 0.0, t3: Double = 0.0, t4: Double = 0.0, t5: Double = 0.0, t6: Double = 0.0, t7: Double = 0.0, t8: Double = 0.0, t9: Double = 0.0, vcl: Double = 0.0, vcu: Double = 0.0, vsmax: Double = 0.0, vsmin: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Dual input power system stabilizer, based on IEEE type 2, with modified output limiter defined by WECC (Western Electricity Coordinating Council, USA).

    Dual input power system stabilizer, based on IEEE type 2, with modified output limiter defined by WECC (Western Electricity Coordinating Council, USA).


    PowerSystemStabilizerDynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    Type of input signal #1 (rotorAngularFrequencyDeviation, busFrequencyDeviation, generatorElectricalPower, generatorAcceleratingPower, busVoltage, or busVoltageDerivative - shall be different than PssWECC.inputSignal2Type). Typical value = rotorAngularFrequencyDeviation.


    Type of input signal #2 (rotorAngularFrequencyDeviation, busFrequencyDeviation, generatorElectricalPower, generatorAcceleratingPower, busVoltage, busVoltageDerivative - shall be different than PssWECC.inputSignal1Type). Typical value = busVoltageDerivative.


    Input signal 1 gain (K1). Typical value = 1,13.


    Input signal 2 gain (K2). Typical value = 0,0.


    Input signal 1 transducer time constant (T1) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,037.


    Lag time constant (T10) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.


    Input signal 2 transducer time constant (T2) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,0.


    Stabilizer washout time constant (T3) (>= 0). Typical value = 9,5.


    Stabilizer washout time lag constant (T4) (>= 0). Typical value = 9,5.


    Lead time constant (T5) (>= 0). Typical value = 1,7.


    Lag time constant (T6) (>= 0). Typical value = 1,5.


    Lead time constant (T7) (>= 0). Typical value = 1,7.


    Lag time constant (T8) (>= 0). Typical value = 1,5.


    Lead time constant (T9) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.


    Minimum value for voltage compensator output (VCL). Typical value = 0.


    Maximum value for voltage compensator output (VCU). Typical value = 0.


    Maximum output signal (Vsmax) (> PssWECC.vsmin). Typical value = 0,05.


    Minimum output signal (Vsmin) (< PssWECC.vsmax). Typical value = -0,05.

  1049. final case class PublicX509Certificate(Element: BasicElement = null, issuerName: String = null, serialNumber: String = null, ISOUpperLayer: String = null, TCPAccessPoint: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Used to convey information that will allow matching in order to determine which certificate to use.

    Used to convey information that will allow matching in order to determine which certificate to use.

    Actual certificates are exchanged externally to the CIM exchange.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    Represents the CA that issued the certificate. Defined to be per X.509.


    Is the serial number of the certificate per X.509 definition.


    ISOUpperLayer Application layer used with the certificate for mutual authentication.


    TCPAccessPoint The association allows a certificate to be bound for use by TLS.

  1050. final case class PumpingCostSchedule(BidHourlyProductSchedule: BidHourlyProductSchedule = null, value: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    The operating cost of a Pump Storage Hydro Unit operating as a hydro pump.

    The operating cost of a Pump Storage Hydro Unit operating as a hydro pump.

    This schedule is assocated with the hourly parameters in a resource bid associated with a specific product within the bid.


    BidHourlyProductSchedule Reference to the superclass object.



  1051. final case class PumpingLevelSchedule(BidHourlyProductSchedule: BidHourlyProductSchedule = null, value: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    The fixed operating level of a Pump Storage Hydro Unit operating as a hydro pump.

    The fixed operating level of a Pump Storage Hydro Unit operating as a hydro pump.

    Associated with the energy market product type.

    This schedule is assocated with the hourly parameters in a resource bid associated with a specific product within the bid.


    BidHourlyProductSchedule Reference to the superclass object.



  1052. final case class PumpingShutDownCostSchedule(BidHourlyProductSchedule: BidHourlyProductSchedule = null, value: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    The cost to shutdown a Pump Storage Hydro Unit (in pump mode) or a pump.

    The cost to shutdown a Pump Storage Hydro Unit (in pump mode) or a pump.

    This schedule is assocated with the hourly parameters in a resource bid associated with a specific product within the bid.


    BidHourlyProductSchedule Reference to the superclass object.



  1053. final case class Qlimiter(Element: BasicElement = null, Delay: String = null, VSCtype1: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

  1054. final case class Qmode(Element: BasicElement = null, Delay: String = null, VSCtype1: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

  1055. final case class Qregulator(Element: BasicElement = null, Delay: String = null, HVDClookUpTable: List[String] = null, VSCtype1: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

  1056. final case class QualificationRequirement(WorkIdentifiedObject: WorkIdentifiedObject = null, qualificationID: String = null, CULaborItems: List[String] = null, Skills: List[String] = null, Specifications: List[String] = null, WorkTasks: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Certain skills are required and must be certified in order for a person (typically a member of a crew) to be qualified to work on types of equipment.

    Certain skills are required and must be certified in order for a person (typically a member of a crew) to be qualified to work on types of equipment.


    WorkIdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    Qualification identifier.


    CULaborItem undocumented


    Skill undocumented


    Specification undocumented


    OldWorkTask undocumented

  1057. final case class Quality61850(Element: BasicElement = null, badReference: Boolean = false, estimatorReplaced: Boolean = false, failure: Boolean = false, oldData: Boolean = false, operatorBlocked: Boolean = false, oscillatory: Boolean = false, outOfRange: Boolean = false, overFlow: Boolean = false, source: String = null, suspect: Boolean = false, test: Boolean = false, validity: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Quality flags in this class are as defined in IEC 61850, except for estimatorReplaced, which has been included in this class for convenience.

    Quality flags in this class are as defined in IEC 61850, except for estimatorReplaced, which has been included in this class for convenience.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    Measurement value may be incorrect due to a reference being out of calibration.


    Value has been replaced by State Estimator. estimatorReplaced is not an IEC61850 quality bit but has been put in this class for convenience.


    This identifier indicates that a supervision function has detected an internal or external failure, e.g. communication failure.


    Measurement value is old and possibly invalid, as it has not been successfully updated during a specified time interval.


    Measurement value is blocked and hence unavailable for transmission.


    To prevent some overload of the communication it is sensible to detect and suppress oscillating (fast changing) binary inputs. If a signal changes in a defined time twice in the same direction (from 0 to 1 or from 1 to 0) then oscillation is detected and the detail quality identifier "oscillatory" is set. If it is detected a configured numbers of transient changes could be passed by. In this time the validity status "questionable" is set. If after this defined numbers of changes the signal is still in the oscillating state the value shall be set either to the opposite state of the previous stable value or to a defined default value. In this case the validity status "questionable" is reset and "invalid" is set as long as the signal is oscillating. If it is configured such that no transient changes should be passed by then the validity status "invalid" is set immediately in addition to the detail quality identifier "oscillatory" (used for status information only).


    Measurement value is beyond a predefined range of value.


    Measurement value is beyond the capability of being represented properly. For example, a counter value overflows from maximum count back to a value of zero.


    Source gives information related to the origin of a value. The value may be acquired from the process, defaulted or substituted.


    A correlation function has detected that the value is not consistent with other values. Typically set by a network State Estimator.


    Measurement value is transmitted for test purposes.


    Validity of the measurement value.

  1058. final case class Quantity(Element: BasicElement = null, quality: String = null, quantity: Double = 0.0, type: String = null, Detail_Quantity: List[String] = null, Domain: List[String] = null, Point: List[String] = null, TimeSeries: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Description of quantities needed in the data exchange.

    Description of quantities needed in the data exchange.

    The type of the quantity is described either by the role of the association or the type attribute. The quality attribute provides the information about the quality of the quantity (measured, estimated, etc.).


    Reference to the superclass object.


    The quality of the information being provided. This quality may be estimated, not available, as provided, etc.


    The quantity value. The association role provides the information about what is expressed.


    The description of the type of the quantity.


    Quantity Additional information related to the associated quantity.


    Domain undocumented


    Point undocumented


    TimeSeries undocumented

  1059. final case class RMRDetermination(Element: BasicElement = null, Bid: String = null, MitigatedBidClearing: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Indicates whether unit is a reliablity must run unit: required to be on to satisfy Grid Code Reliablitiy criteria, load demand, or voltage support.

    Indicates whether unit is a reliablity must run unit: required to be on to satisfy Grid Code Reliablitiy criteria, load demand, or voltage support.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    Bid undocumented


    MitigatedBidClearing undocumented

  1060. final case class RMRHeatRateCurve(Curve: Curve = null, RegisteredGenerator: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Model to support processing of reliability must run units.

    Model to support processing of reliability must run units.


    Curve Reference to the superclass object.


    RegisteredGenerator undocumented

  1061. final case class RMROperatorInput(MarketFactors: MarketFactors = null, manuallySchedRMRMw: Double = 0.0, updateTimeStamp: String = null, updateType: String = null, updateUser: String = null, RegisteredResource: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    RMR Operator's entry of the RMR requirement per market interval.

    RMR Operator's entry of the RMR requirement per market interval.


    MarketFactors Reference to the superclass object.


    The lower of the original pre-dispatch or the AC run schedule (Also known as the RMR Reguirement) becomes the pre-dispatch value.








    RegisteredResource undocumented

  1062. final case class RMRStartUpCostCurve(Curve: Curve = null, RegisteredGenerator: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Model to support processing of reliability must run units.

    Model to support processing of reliability must run units.


    Curve Reference to the superclass object.


    RegisteredGenerator undocumented

  1063. final case class RMRStartUpEnergyCurve(Curve: Curve = null, RegisteredGenerator: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Model to support processing of reliability must run units.

    Model to support processing of reliability must run units.


    Curve Reference to the superclass object.


    RegisteredGenerator undocumented

  1064. final case class RMRStartUpFuelCurve(Curve: Curve = null, RegisteredGenerator: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Model to support processing of reliability must run units.

    Model to support processing of reliability must run units.


    Curve Reference to the superclass object.


    RegisteredGenerator undocumented

  1065. final case class RMRStartUpTimeCurve(Curve: Curve = null, RegisteredGenerator: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Model to support processing of reliability must run units.

    Model to support processing of reliability must run units.


    Curve Reference to the superclass object.


    RegisteredGenerator undocumented

  1066. final case class RTO(MarketParticipant: MarketParticipant = null, AdjacentCASet: List[String] = null, AggregateNode: List[String] = null, CommodityDefinition: List[String] = null, EnergyMarkets: List[String] = null, FuelRegion: List[String] = null, HostControlArea: List[String] = null, LocalReliabilityArea: List[String] = null, MSSAggregation: List[String] = null, MktConnectivityNode: List[String] = null, Pnodes: List[String] = null, ResourceGroupReqs: List[String] = null, SecurityConstraints: List[String] = null, SecurityConstraintsLinear: List[String] = null, SubControlArea: List[String] = null, TransmissionContractRight: List[String] = null, TransmissionRightChain: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Regional transmission operator.

    Regional transmission operator.


    MarketParticipant Reference to the superclass object.


    AdjacentCASet undocumented


    AggregateNode undocumented


    CommodityDefinition undocumented


    EnergyMarket undocumented


    FuelRegion undocumented


    HostControlArea undocumented


    LocalReliabilityArea undocumented


    MSSAggregation undocumented


    MktConnectivityNode undocumented


    Pnode undocumented


    ResourceGroupReq undocumented


    SecurityConstraints undocumented


    SecurityConstraintSum undocumented


    SubControlArea undocumented


    ContractRight undocumented


    TransmissionRightChain undocumented

  1067. final case class RUCAwardInstruction(Element: BasicElement = null, clearedPrice: Double = 0.0, marketProductType: String = null, updateTimeStamp: String = null, updateType: String = null, updateUser: String = null, ClearingResourceAward: List[String] = null, RUCAward: Double = 0.0, RUCCapacity: Double = 0.0, RUCSchedule: Double = 0.0, RegisteredResource: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    This class models the information about the RUC awards.

    This class models the information about the RUC awards.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    Marginal Price ($/MW) for the commodity (Regulation Up, Regulation Down, Spinning Reserve, or Non-spinning reserve) for pricing run.


    major product type may include the following but not limited to: Energy Regulation Up Regulation Dn Spinning Reserve Non-Spinning Reserve Operating Reserve








    ResourceAwardClearing undocumented


    The RUC Award of a resource is the portion of the RUC Capacity that is not under RA or RMR contracts. The RUC Award of a resource is the portion of the RUC Capacity that is eligible for RUC Availability payment.


    The RUC Capacity of a resource is the difference between (i) the RUC Schedule and (ii) the higher of the DA Schedule and the Minimum Load.


    The RUC Schedule of a resource is its output level that balances the load forecast used in RUC. The RUC Schedule in RUC is similar to the DA Schedule in DAM.


    RegisteredResource undocumented

  1068. final case class RUCZone(AggregateNode: AggregateNode = null, LossClearingResults: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A specialized class of type AggregatedNode type.

    A specialized class of type AggregatedNode type.

    Defines RUC Zones. A forecast region represents a collection of Nodes for which the Market operator has developed sufficient historical demand and relevant weather data to perform a demand forecast for such area. The Market Operator may further adjust this forecast to ensure that the Reliability Unit Commitment produces adequate local capacity procurement.


    AggregateNode Reference to the superclass object.


    LossClearingResults undocumented

  1069. final case class RaiseLowerCommand(AnalogControl: AnalogControl = null, ValueAliasSet: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    An analog control that increases or decreases a set point value with pulses.

    An analog control that increases or decreases a set point value with pulses.

    Unless otherwise specified, one pulse moves the set point by one.


    AnalogControl Reference to the superclass object.


    ValueAliasSet The ValueAliasSet used for translation of a Control value to a name.

  1070. final case class RampRateCurve(Curve: Curve = null, condition: String = null, constraintRampType: String = null, rampRateType: String = null, GeneratingBid: String = null, InterTieBid: String = null, LoadBid: String = null, RegisteredResource: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Ramp rate as a function of resource MW output.

    Ramp rate as a function of resource MW output.


    Curve Reference to the superclass object.


    condition for the ramp rate


    The condition that identifies whether a Generating Resource should be constrained from Ancillary Service provision if its Schedule or Dispatch change across Trading Hours or Trading Intervals requires more than a specified fraction of the duration of the Trading Hour or Trading Interval. Valid values are Fast/Slow


    How ramp rate is applied (e.g. raise or lower, as when applied to a generation resource)


    GeneratingBid undocumented


    InterTieBid undocumented


    LoadBid undocumented


    RegisteredResource undocumented

  1071. final case class Ratio(Element: BasicElement = null, denominator: Double = 0.0, numerator: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Fraction specified explicitly with a numerator and denominator, which can be used to calculate the quotient.

    Fraction specified explicitly with a numerator and denominator, which can be used to calculate the quotient.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    The part of a fraction that is below the line and that functions as the divisor of the numerator.


    The part of a fraction that is above the line and signifies the number to be divided by the denominator.

  1072. final case class RatioTapChanger(TapChanger: TapChanger = null, stepVoltageIncrement: Double = 0.0, tculControlMode: String = null, RatioTapChangerTable: String = null, TransformerEnd: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A tap changer that changes the voltage ratio impacting the voltage magnitude but not the phase angle across the transformer.

    A tap changer that changes the voltage ratio impacting the voltage magnitude but not the phase angle across the transformer.

    Angle sign convention (general): Positive value indicates a positive phase shift from the winding where the tap is located to the other winding (for a two-winding transformer).


    TapChanger Reference to the superclass object.


    Tap step increment, in per cent of rated voltage of the power transformer end, per step position. When the increment is negative, the voltage decreases when the tap step increases.


    Specifies the regulation control mode (voltage or reactive) of the RatioTapChanger.


    RatioTapChangerTable The tap ratio table for this ratio tap changer.


    TransformerEnd Transformer end to which this ratio tap changer belongs.

  1073. final case class RatioTapChangerTable(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, RatioTapChanger: List[String] = null, RatioTapChangerTablePoint: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Describes a curve for how the voltage magnitude and impedance varies with the tap step.

    Describes a curve for how the voltage magnitude and impedance varies with the tap step.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    RatioTapChanger The ratio tap changer of this tap ratio table.


    RatioTapChangerTablePoint Points of this table.

  1074. final case class RatioTapChangerTablePoint(TapChangerTablePoint: TapChangerTablePoint = null, RatioTapChangerTable: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Describes each tap step in the ratio tap changer tabular curve.

    Describes each tap step in the ratio tap changer tabular curve.


    TapChangerTablePoint Reference to the superclass object.


    RatioTapChangerTable Table of this point.

  1075. final case class RationalNumber(Element: BasicElement = null, denominator: Int = 0, numerator: Int = 0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Rational number = 'numerator' / 'denominator'.

    Rational number = 'numerator' / 'denominator'.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    Denominator. Value 1 indicates the number is a simple integer.



  1076. final case class ReactiveCapabilityCurve(Curve: Curve = null, coolantTemperature: Double = 0.0, hydrogenPressure: Double = 0.0, EquivalentInjection: List[String] = null, InitiallyUsedBySynchronousMachines: List[String] = null, SynchronousMachines: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Reactive power rating envelope versus the synchronous machine's active power, in both the generating and motoring modes.

    Reactive power rating envelope versus the synchronous machine's active power, in both the generating and motoring modes.

    For each active power value there is a corresponding high and low reactive power limit value. Typically there will be a separate curve for each coolant condition, such as hydrogen pressure. The Y1 axis values represent reactive minimum and the Y2 axis values represent reactive maximum.


    Curve Reference to the superclass object.


    The machine's coolant temperature (e.g., ambient air or stator circulating water).


    The hydrogen coolant pressure.


    EquivalentInjection The equivalent injection using this reactive capability curve.


    SynchronousMachine Synchronous machines using this curve as default.


    SynchronousMachine Synchronous machines using this curve.

  1077. final case class Reading(BaseReading: BaseReading = null, position: Int = 0, reason: String = null, valueMissing: Boolean = false, MeterReadings: List[String] = null, ReadingType: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Specific value measured by a meter or other asset, or calculated by a system.

    Specific value measured by a meter or other asset, or calculated by a system.

    Each Reading is associated with a specific ReadingType.


    BaseReading Reference to the superclass object.


    A sequential value representing the relative position within a given time interval.


    Reason for this reading being taken.


    The indication of whether or not the quantity of this reading is missing.


    MeterReading All meter readings (sets of values) containing this reading value.


    ReadingType Type information for this reading value.

  1078. final case class ReadingInterharmonic(Element: BasicElement = null, denominator: Int = 0, numerator: Int = 0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Interharmonics are represented as a rational number 'numerator' / 'denominator', and harmonics are represented using the same mechanism and identified by 'denominator'=1.

    Interharmonics are represented as a rational number 'numerator' / 'denominator', and harmonics are represented using the same mechanism and identified by 'denominator'=1.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    Interharmonic denominator. Value 0 means not applicable. Value 2 is used in combination with 'numerator'=1 to represent interharmonic 1/2. Finally, value 1 indicates the harmonic of the order specified with 'numerator'.


    Interharmonic numerator. Value 0 means not applicable. Value 1 is used in combination with 'denominator'=2 to represent interharmonic 1/2, and with 'denominator'=1 it represents fundamental frequency. Finally, values greater than 1 indicate the harmonic of that order (e.g., 'numerator'=5 is the fifth harmonic).

  1079. final case class ReadingQuality(Element: BasicElement = null, comment: String = null, source: String = null, timeStamp: String = null, Reading: String = null, ReadingQualityType: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Quality of a specific reading value or interval reading value.

    Quality of a specific reading value or interval reading value.

    Note that more than one quality may be applicable to a given reading. Typically not used unless problems or unusual conditions occur (i.e., quality for each reading is assumed to be good unless stated otherwise in associated reading quality type). It can also be used with the corresponding reading quality type to indicate that the validation has been performed and succeeded.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    Elaboration on the quality code.


    System acting as the source of the quality code.


    Date and time at which the quality code was assigned or ascertained.


    BaseReading Reading value to which this quality applies.


    ReadingQualityType Type of this reading quality.

  1080. final case class ReadingQualityType(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, category: String = null, subCategory: String = null, systemId: String = null, ReadingQualities: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Detailed description for a quality of a reading value, produced by an end device or a system.

    Detailed description for a quality of a reading value, produced by an end device or a system.

    Values in attributes allow for creation of the recommended codes to be used for identifying reading value quality codes as follows: <systemId>.<category>.<subCategory>.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    High-level nature of the reading value quality.


    More specific nature of the reading value quality, as a further sub-categorisation of 'category'.


    Identification of the system which has declared the issue with the data or provided commentary on the data.


    ReadingQuality All reading qualities of this type.

  1081. final case class ReadingType(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, accumulation: String = null, aggregate: String = null, argument: String = null, commodity: String = null, consumptionTier: Int = 0, cpp: Int = 0, currency: String = null, flowDirection: String = null, interharmonic: String = null, macroPeriod: String = null, measurementKind: String = null, measuringPeriod: String = null, multiplier: String = null, phases: String = null, tou: Int = 0, unit: String = null, Channel: String = null, ConsumptionTariffIntervals: List[String] = null, IntervalBlocks: List[String] = null, MetrologyRequirements: List[String] = null, PendingCalculation: String = null, Readings: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Detailed description for a type of a reading value.

    Detailed description for a type of a reading value.

    Values in attributes allow for the creation of recommended codes to be used for identifying reading value types as follows: <macroPeriod>.<aggregate>.<measuringPeriod>.<accumulation>.<flowDirection>.<commodity>.<measurementKind>.<interharmonic.numerator>.<interharmonic.denominator>.<argument.numerator>.<argument.denominator>.<tou>.<cpp>.<consumptionTier>.<phases>.<multiplier>.<unit>.<currency>.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    Accumulation behaviour of a reading over time, usually 'measuringPeriod', to be used with individual endpoints (as opposed to 'macroPeriod' and 'aggregate' that are used to describe aggregations of data from individual endpoints).


    Salient attribute of the reading data aggregated from individual endpoints. This is mainly used to define a mathematical operation carried out over 'macroPeriod', but may also be used to describe an attribute of the data when the 'macroPeriod' is not defined.


    RationalNumber Argument used to introduce numbers into the unit of measure description where they are needed (e.g., 4 where the measure needs an argument such as CEMI(n=4)). Most arguments used in practice however will be integers (i.e., 'denominator'=1). Value 0 in 'numerator' and 'denominator' means not applicable.


    Commodity being measured.


    In case of common flat-rate pricing for power, in which all purchases are at a given rate, 'consumptionTier'=0. Otherwise, the value indicates the consumption tier, which can be used in conjunction with TOU or CPP pricing. Consumption tier pricing refers to the method of billing in which a certain "block" of energy is purchased/sold at one price, after which the next block of energy is purchased at another price, and so on, all throughout a defined period. At the start of the defined period, consumption is initially zero, and any usage is measured against the first consumption tier ('consumptionTier'=1). If this block of energy is consumed before the end of the period, energy consumption moves to be reconed against the second consumption tier ('consumptionTier'=2), and so on. At the end of the defined period, the consumption accumulator is reset, and usage within the 'consumptionTier'=1 restarts.


    Critical peak period (CPP) bucket the reading value is attributed to. Value 0 means not applicable. Even though CPP is usually considered a specialised form of time of use 'tou', this attribute is defined explicitly for flexibility.


    Metering-specific currency.


    Flow direction for a reading where the direction of flow of the commodity is important (for electricity measurements this includes current, energy, power, and demand).


    ReadingInterharmonic Indication of a "harmonic" or "interharmonic" basis for the measurement. Value 0 in 'numerator' and 'denominator' means not applicable.


    Time period of interest that reflects how the reading is viewed or captured over a long period of time.


    Identifies "what" is being measured, as refinement of 'commodity'. When combined with 'unit', it provides detail to the unit of measure. For example, 'energy' with a unit of measure of 'kWh' indicates to the user that active energy is being measured, while with 'kVAh' or 'kVArh', it indicates apparent energy and reactive energy, respectively. 'power' can be combined in a similar way with various power units of measure: Distortion power ('distortionVoltAmperes') with 'kVA' is different from 'power' with 'kVA'.


    Time attribute inherent or fundamental to the reading value (as opposed to 'macroPeriod' that supplies an "adjective" to describe aspects of a time period with regard to the measurement). It refers to the way the value was originally measured and not to the frequency at which it is reported or presented. For example, an hourly interval of consumption data would have value 'hourly' as an attribute. However in the case of an hourly sampled voltage value, the meterReadings schema would carry the 'hourly' interval size information. It is common for meters to report demand in a form that is measured over the course of a portion of an hour, while enterprise applications however commonly assume the demand (in kW or kVAr) normalised to 1 hour. The system that receives readings directly from the meter therefore shall perform this transformation before publishing readings for use by the other enterprise systems. The scalar used is chosen based on the block size (not any sub-interval size).


    Metering-specific multiplier.


    Metering-specific phase code.


    Time of use (TOU) bucket the reading value is attributed to. Value 0 means not applicable.


    Metering-specific unit.


    Channel Channel reporting/collecting register values with this type information.


    ConsumptionTariffInterval All tariff intervals with consumption described by this reading type.


    IntervalBlock All blocks containing interval reading values with this type information.


    MetrologyRequirement All metrology requirements that require this reading type to be collected.


    PendingCalculation Pending calculation that produced this reading type.


    Reading All reading values with this type information.

  1082. final case class Reason(Element: BasicElement = null, code: String = null, text: String = null, MarketDocument: List[String] = null, Period: List[String] = null, Point: List[String] = null, RegisteredResource: List[String] = null, TimeSeries: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    The motivation of an act.

    The motivation of an act.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    The motivation of an act in coded form.


    The textual explanation corresponding to the reason code.


    MarketDocument undocumented


    Period undocumented


    Point undocumented


    RegisteredResource undocumented


    TimeSeries undocumented

  1083. final case class Receipt(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, isBankable: Boolean = false, line: String = null, CashierShift: String = null, Tenders: List[String] = null, Transactions: List[String] = null, VendorShift: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Record of total receipted payment from customer.

    Record of total receipted payment from customer.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    True if this receipted payment is manually bankable, otherwise it is an electronic funds transfer.


    LineDetail Receipted amount with rounding, date and note.


    CashierShift Cashier shift during which this receipt was recorded.


    Tender All payments received in the form of tenders recorded by this receipt.


    Transaction All transactions recorded for this receipted payment.


    VendorShift Vendor shift during which this receipt was recorded.

  1084. final case class RecloseSequence(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, recloseDelay: Double = 0.0, recloseStep: Int = 0, ProtectedSwitch: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A reclose sequence (open and close) is defined for each possible reclosure of a breaker.

    A reclose sequence (open and close) is defined for each possible reclosure of a breaker.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    Indicates the time lapse before the reclose step will execute a reclose.


    Indicates the ordinal position of the reclose step relative to other steps in the sequence.


    ProtectedSwitch A breaker may have zero or more automatic reclosures after a trip occurs.

  1085. final case class Recloser(ProtectedSwitch: ProtectedSwitch = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Pole-mounted fault interrupter with built-in phase and ground relays, current transformer (CT), and supplemental controls.

    Pole-mounted fault interrupter with built-in phase and ground relays, current transformer (CT), and supplemental controls.


    ProtectedSwitch Reference to the superclass object.

  1086. final case class RecloserInfo(OldSwitchInfo: OldSwitchInfo = null, groundTripCapable: Boolean = false, groundTripNormalEnabled: Boolean = false, groundTripRating: Double = 0.0, phaseTripRating: Double = 0.0, recloseLockoutCount: Int = 0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Properties of recloser assets.

    Properties of recloser assets.


    OldSwitchInfo Reference to the superclass object.


    True if device has ground trip capability.


    True if normal status of ground trip is enabled.


    Ground trip rating.


    Phase trip rating.


    Total number of phase reclose operations.

  1087. final case class Reconditioning(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, dateTime: String = null, Asset: String = null, PowerRatings: List[String] = null, TransformerObservations: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Reconditioning information for an asset.

    Reconditioning information for an asset.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    Date and time this reconditioning (or a major overhaul) has been performed.


    Asset undocumented


    CoolingPowerRating undocumented


    TransformerObservation undocumented

  1088. final case class RedLine(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, status: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    This class is used for handling the accompanying annotations, time stamp, author, etc.

    This class is used for handling the accompanying annotations, time stamp, author, etc. of designs, drawings and maps.

    A red line can be associated with any Location object.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.



  1089. final case class Register(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, isVirtual: Boolean = false, leftDigitCount: Int = 0, rightDigitCount: Int = 0, touTier: String = null, touTierName: String = null, Channels: List[String] = null, EndDeviceFunction: String = null, Usage_Point: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A device that indicates or records units of the commodity or other quantity measured.

    A device that indicates or records units of the commodity or other quantity measured.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    If true, the data it produces is calculated or measured by a device other than a physical end device/meter. Otherwise, any data streams it produces are measured by the hardware of the end device/meter itself.


    Number of digits (dials on a mechanical meter) to the left of the decimal place; default is normally 5.


    Number of digits (dials on a mechanical meter) to the right of the decimal place.


    Clock time interval for register to beging/cease accumulating time of usage (e.g., start at 8:00 am, stop at 5:00 pm).


    Name used for the time of use tier (also known as bin or bucket). For example, "peak", "off-peak", "TOU Category A", etc.


    Channel All channels that collect/report values from this register.


    EndDeviceFunction End device function metering quantities displayed by this register.


    UsagePoint undocumented

  1090. final case class RegisteredControllableLoad(Element: BasicElement = null, maxBaseLoad: Double = 0.0, maxDeploymentTime: Double = 0.0, maxLoadRedTimesPerDay: Int = 0, maxLoadReduction: Double = 0.0, maxReductionTime: Double = 0.0, maxWeeklyDeployment: Int = 0, minLoadReduction: Double = 0.0, minLoadReductionCost: Double = 0.0, minLoadReductionInterval: Double = 0.0, minReductionTime: Double = 0.0, minTimeBetLoadRed: Double = 0.0, reqNoticeTime: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Temporary holding for load reduction attributes removed from RegisteredLoad.

    Temporary holding for load reduction attributes removed from RegisteredLoad.

    Use for future use case when developing the RegisteredDistributedResource specialized classes.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    Maximum Base Load (MW), per Participating Load Resource


    Maximum Deployment time (seconds)


    Maximum Number of Daily Load Curtailments


    maximum load reduction


    Maxiimum Load Reduction Time (min), per Participating Load Resource


    Maximum weekly deployments


    Minimum MW for a load reduction (e.g., MW rating of a discrete pump. This attribute may be used also in the LoadBid class. The reason that the attribute is also modeled in this class is that it is resource attribute and needs to be persistently stored.


    minimum load reduction cost. Single number for the load


    Shortest period load reduction shall be maintained before load can be restored to normal levels. This attribute may be used also in the LoadBid class. The reason that the attribute is also modeled in this class is that it is resource attribute and needs to be persistently stored.


    Minimum Load Reduction Time (min), per Participating Load Resource


    Shortest time that load shall be left at normal levels before a new load reduction. This attribute may be used also in the LoadBid class. The reason that the attribute is also modeled in this class is that it is resource attribute and needs to be persistently stored.


    Time period that is required from an order to reduce a load to the time that it takes to get to the minimum load reduction. This attribute may be used also in the LoadBid class. The reason that the attribute is also modeled in this class is that it is resource attribute and needs to be persistently stored.

  1091. final case class RegisteredDistributedResource(RegisteredResource: RegisteredResource = null, distributedResourceType: String = null, ResourcePerformanceRatings: List[String] = null, ResponseMethods: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A registered resource that represents a distributed energy resource, such as a micro-generator, fuel cell, photo-voltaic energy source, etc.

    A registered resource that represents a distributed energy resource, such as a micro-generator, fuel cell, photo-voltaic energy source, etc.


    RegisteredResource Reference to the superclass object.


    The type of resource. Examples include: fuel cell, flywheel, photovoltaic, micro-turbine, CHP (combined heat power), V2G (vehicle to grid), DES (distributed energy storage), and others.


    ResourcePerformanceRating undocumented


    ResponseMethod undocumented

  1092. final case class RegisteredGenerator(RegisteredResource: RegisteredResource = null, capacityFactor: Double = 0.0, coldStartTime: Double = 0.0, combinedCycleOperatingMode: String = null, commericialOperationDate: String = null, constrainedOutputFlag: String = null, energyDownRampRate: Double = 0.0, energyUpRampRate: Double = 0.0, extremeLongStart: String = null, fuelSource: String = null, highControlLimit: Double = 0.0, hotIntTime: Double = 0.0, hotStartTime: Double = 0.0, intColdTime: Double = 0.0, intStartTime: Double = 0.0, loadFollowingDownMSS: String = null, loadFollowingUpMSS: String = null, lowControlLImit: Double = 0.0, maxDependableCap: Double = 0.0, maxMinLoadCost: Double = 0.0, maxPumpingLevel: Double = 0.0, maxShutdownTime: String = null, maxStartUpsPerDay: Int = 0, maxWeeklyEnergy: Double = 0.0, maxWeeklyStarts: Int = 0, maximumAllowableSpinningReserve: Double = 0.0, maximumOperatingLimit: Double = 0.0, minLoadCost: Double = 0.0, minimumLoadCostBasis: String = null, minimumLoadFuelCost: Double = 0.0, minimumOperatingLimit: Double = 0.0, mustOfferRA: String = null, nameplateCapacity: Double = 0.0, operatingMaintenanceCost: Double = 0.0, pumpMinDownTime: Double = 0.0, pumpMinUpTime: Double = 0.0, pumpShutdownCost: Double = 0.0, pumpShutdownTime: Int = 0, pumpingCost: Double = 0.0, pumpingFactor: Double = 0.0, quickStartFlag: String = null, rampCurveType: String = null, regulationDownRampRate: Double = 0.0, regulationFlag: String = null, regulationUpRampRate: Double = 0.0, resourceSubType: String = null, riverSystem: String = null, spinRampRate: Double = 0.0, startUpCostBasis: String = null, syncCondCapable: String = null, unitType: String = null, useLimitFlag: String = null, variableEnergyResource: String = null, AuxillaryObject: List[String] = null, EnergyPriceIndex: String = null, FuelCostCurve: String = null, FuelRegion: String = null, GeneratingBids: List[String] = null, LocalReliabilityArea: String = null, MktHeatRateCurve: String = null, RMNRFlag: String = null, RMRFlag: String = null, RMRHeatRateCurve: String = null, RMRManualIndicator: String = null, RMRStartUpCostCurve: String = null, RMRStartUpEnergyCurve: String = null, RMRStartUpFuelCurve: String = null, RMRStartUpTimeCurve: String = null, RMTFlag: String = null, RegulatingLimit: String = null, StartUpCostCurves: List[String] = null, StartUpEnergyCurve: String = null, StartUpFuelCurve: String = null, StartUpTimeCurve: String = null, Trade: List[String] = null, UnitInitialConditions: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Model of a generator that is registered to participate in the market.

    Model of a generator that is registered to participate in the market.


    RegisteredResource Reference to the superclass object.


    The ratio of actual energy produced by resource divided by the maximum potential energy if the resource is fully utilized. As an example, wind farms.


    Cold start time.


    Combined Cycle operating mode.




    Constrained Output Generator (COG) Indicator (Yes/No), per Generating Resource


    Response rate in MW per minute for ramping energy down.


    Response rate in MW per minute for ramping energy up.


    Some long-start up time units may need to receive start up instruction before DA market results are available. Long-Start resources may be either physical resources within the control with start-up times greater than 18 hours or the long-start contractual inter-tie commitment that shall be completed by 6 am one-day ahead. Therefore, there is a need for a process to determine the commitment of such resources before the DA market.


    Values: Natural Gas Based Resource, Non Natural Gas Based Resource "NG" - Natural-Gas-Based Resource - a Resource that is powered by Natural Gas "NNG" - Non-Natural-Gas-Based Resource - a Resouce that is powered by some other fuel than Natural Gas


    High limit for secondary (AGC) control


    Hot-to-intermediate time (Seasonal)


    Hot start time.


    Intermediate-to-cold time (Seasonal)


    Intermediate start time.


    Certifies resources for use in MSS Load Following Down


    Certifies resources for use in MSS Load Following Up


    Low limit for secondary (AGC) control


    Maximum Dependable Capacity (MNDC). Maximun Net Dependable Capacity is used in association with an RMR contract.


    The registered maximum Minimum Load Cost of a Generating Resource registered with a Cost Basis of "Bid Cost".


    max pumping level of a hydro pump unit


    Maximum time this device can be shut down.


    maximum start ups per day


    Maximum weekly Energy (Seasonal)


    Maximum weekly starts (seasonal parameter)


    Maximum allowable spinning reserve. Spinning reserve will never be considered greater than this value regardless of the current operating point.


    This is the maximum operating MW limit the dispatcher can enter for this unit


    minimum load cost. Value is (currency/hr)


    The cost basis for minimum load.


    The cost for the fuel required to get a Generating Resource to operate at the minimum load level


    This is the minimum operating MW limit the dispatcher can enter for this unit.


    Flag to indicate that this unit is a resource adequacy resource and must offer.


    MW value stated on the nameplate of the Generator -- the value it potentially could provide.


    The portion of the Operating Cost of a Generating Resource that is not related to fuel cost.


    The minimum down time for the pump in a pump storage unit.


    The minimum up time aspect for the pump in a pump storage unit


    The cost to shutdown a pump during the pump aspect of a pump storage unit.


    The shutdown time (minutes) of the pump aspect of a pump storage unit.




    Pumping factor for pump storage units, conversion factor between generating and pumping.


    Quick start flag (Yes/No). Identifies the registered generator as a quick start unit. A quick start unit is a unit that has the ability to be available for load within a 30 minute period.


    Ramp curve type. Identifies the type of curve which may be a fixed, static or dynamic.


    Regulation down response rate in MW per minute


    Specifies if the unit is regulating or not regulating or expected to be regulating but is not.


    Regulation up response rate in MW per minute.


    Unit sub type used by Settlements or scheduling application. Application use of the unit sub type may define the necessary types as applicable.


    River System the Resource is tied to.


    Response rate in MW per minute for spinning reserve.


    The cost basis for start up.


    Is the Resource Synchronous Condenser capable Resource?


    Generating unit type: Combined Cycle, Gas Turbine, Hydro Turbine, Other, Photovoltaic, Hydro Pump-Turbine, Reciprocating Engine, Steam Turbine, Synchronous Condenser, Wind Turbine


    Use limit flag: indicates if the use-limited resource is fully scheduled (or has some slack for real-time dispatch) (Y/N)


    Provides an indication that this resource is intending to participate in an intermittent resource program.


    AuxiliaryObject undocumented


    EnergyPriceIndex undocumented


    FuelCostCurve undocumented


    FuelRegion undocumented


    GeneratingBid undocumented


    LocalReliabilityArea undocumented


    MktHeatRateCurve undocumented


    Reliability must not run (RMNR) flag: indicated whether the RMR unit is set as an RMNR in the current market


    Reliability must run (RMR) flag: indicates whether the unit is RMR; Indicates whether the unit is RMR: N' - not an RMR unit '1' - RMR Condition 1 unit '2' - RMR Condition 2 unit


    RMRHeatRateCurve undocumented


    Indicates the RMR Manual pre-determination status [Y/N]


    RMRStartUpCostCurve undocumented


    RMRStartUpEnergyCurve undocumented


    RMRStartUpFuelCurve undocumented


    RMRStartUpTimeCurve undocumented


    Reliability must take (RMT) flag (Yes/No): indicates whether the unit is RMT


    RegulatingLimit undocumented


    StartUpCostCurve undocumented


    StartUpEnergyCurve undocumented


    StartUpFuelCurve undocumented


    StartUpTimeCurve undocumented


    Trade undocumented


    UnitInitialConditions undocumented

  1093. final case class RegisteredInterTie(RegisteredResource: RegisteredResource = null, direction: String = null, energyProductType: String = null, isDCTie: String = null, isDynamicInterchange: String = null, minHourlyBlockLimit: Int = 0, Flowgate: String = null, InterTieBid: String = null, InterTieDispatchResponse: List[String] = null, InterchangeSchedule: List[String] = null, WheelingCounterParty: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    This class represents the inter tie resource.

    This class represents the inter tie resource.


    RegisteredResource Reference to the superclass object.


    Indicates the direction (export/import) of an InterTie resource.


    Under each major product type, the commodity type can be applied to further specify the type.


    Flag to indicated whether this Inter-tie is a DC Tie.


    Specifies whether the inter-tie resource is registered for the dynamic interchange.


    The registered upper bound of minimum hourly block for an Inter-Tie Resource.


    Flowgate undocumented


    InterTieBid undocumented


    InterTieDispatchResponse undocumented


    InterchangeSchedule undocumented


    WheelingCounterParty undocumented

  1094. final case class RegisteredLoad(RegisteredResource: RegisteredResource = null, blockLoadTransfer: Boolean = false, dynamicallyScheduledLoadResource: Boolean = false, dynamicallyScheduledQualification: Boolean = false, AuxillaryObject: List[String] = null, LoadBids: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Model of a load that is registered to participate in the market.

    Model of a load that is registered to participate in the market.

    RegisteredLoad is used to model any load that is served by the wholesale market directly. RegisteredLoads may be dispatchable or non-dispatchable and may or may not have bid curves. Examples of RegisteredLoads would include: distribution company load, energy retailer load, large bulk power system connected facility load.

    Loads that are served indirectly, for example - through an energy retailer or a vertical utility, should be modeled as RegisteredDistributedResources. Examples of RegisteredDistributedResources would include: distribution level storage, distribution level generation and distribution level demand response.


    RegisteredResource Reference to the superclass object.


    Emergency operating procedure - Flag to indicate that the Resource is Block Load pseudo resource.


    Flag to indicate that a Load Resource is part of a DSR Load


    Qualification status (used for DSR qualification).


    AuxiliaryObject undocumented


    LoadBid undocumented

  1095. final case class RegisteredResource(PowerSystemResource: PowerSystemResource = null, commercialOpDate: String = null, contingencyAvailFlag: String = null, dispatchable: Boolean = false, flexibleOfferFlag: String = null, hourlyPredispatch: String = null, isAggregatedRes: String = null, lastModified: String = null, marketParticipationFlag: String = null, maxBaseSelfSchedQty_1: Double = 0.0, maxOnTime: Double = 0.0, minDispatchTime: Double = 0.0, minOffTime: Double = 0.0, minOnTime: Double = 0.0, mustOfferFlag: String = null, nonMarket: String = null, pointOfDeliveryFlag: String = null, priceSetFlagDA: String = null, priceSetFlagRT: String = null, registrationStatus: String = null, resourceAdequacyFlag: String = null, ACAFlag: String = null, ASSPOptimizationFlag: String = null, AdjacentCASet: String = null, AggregateNode: String = null, AllocationResultValues: List[String] = null, Commitments: List[String] = null, ContractDistributionFactor: List[String] = null, ControlAreaDesignation: List[String] = null, DefaultBid: String = null, DispatchInstReply: List[String] = null, Domain: List[String] = null, DopInstruction: List[String] = null, DotInstruction: List[String] = null, ECAFlag: String = null, EnergyMarkets: List[String] = null, ExPostResourceResults: List[String] = null, ExpectedEnergyValues: List[String] = null, ForbiddenRegion: List[String] = null, FormerReference: List[String] = null, HostControlArea: String = null, Instructions: List[String] = null, InterTie: List[String] = null, IntermittentResourceEligibility: List[String] = null, LMPMFlag: String = null, LoadFollowingInst: List[String] = null, LoadFollowingOperatorInput: List[String] = null, MPMResourceStatus: List[String] = null, MPMTestThreshold: List[String] = null, MarketObjectStatus: List[String] = null, MarketParticipant: String = null, MktConnectivityNode: String = null, OrgResOwnership: List[String] = null, Pnode: String = null, RMROperatorInput: List[String] = null, RUCAwardInstruction: List[String] = null, RampRateCurve: List[String] = null, Reason: List[String] = null, ResourceAncillaryServiceQualification: List[String] = null, ResourceAwardInstruction: List[String] = null, ResourceCapacity: List[String] = null, ResourceCertification: List[String] = null, ResourceDispatchResults: List[String] = null, ResourceGroups: List[String] = null, ResourceLoadFollowingInst: List[String] = null, ResourceVerifiableCosts: String = null, SMPMFlag: String = null, SubControlArea: List[String] = null, SubstitutionResourceList: List[String] = null, TimeSeries: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A resource that is registered through the market participant registration system.

    A resource that is registered through the market participant registration system.

    Examples include generating unit, load, and non-physical generator or load.


    PowerSystemResource Reference to the superclass object.


    Resource Commercial Operation Date.


    Contingent operating reserve availiability (Yes/No). Resource is availiable to participate with capacity in contingency dispatch.


    Dispatchable: indicates whether the resource is dispatchable. This implies that the resource intends to submit Energy bids/offers or Ancillary Services bids/offers, or self-provided schedules.


    Flexible offer flag (Y/N).


    Indicates need to dispatch before the start of the operating hour. Only relevant in Real-Time Market. Applies to generation, intertie and participating load resource. Value (Y/N).


    A flag to indicate if a resource is an aggregated resource.


    Indication of the last time this item was modified/versioned.


    Market Participation flag: indicates whether the resource participate in the market.


    Maximum base self schedule quantity.


    Maximum on time after start up.


    Minimum number of consecutive hours a resource shall be dispatched if bid is accepted.


    Minimum off time after shut down.


    Minimum on time after start up.


    Must offer flag: indicates whether the unit is subject to the must offer provisions (Y/N).


    Flag to indicate that the Resource is not participating in the Market Operations.


    Indication that the registered resource is a Point of Delivery (YES) resource which implies there is a POD Loss Factor.


    Price setting flag: indicates whether a resource is capable of setting the Market Clearing Price (Y) for the DA market, and if not, indicates whether the resource shall submit bids for energy at $ 0 (S) or not (N). Initially in the RegisteredGenerator class. It was moved to the RegisteredResource class for the participating load dispatch purpose.


    Price setting flag: indicates whether a resource is capable of setting the Market Clearing Price (Y) for the RT market, and if not, indicates whether the resource shall submit bids for energy at $ 0 (S) or not (N). Initially in the RegisteredGenerator class. It was moved to the RegisteredResource class for the participating load dispatch purpose.


    Registration Status of resource - Active, Mothballed, Planned, or Decommissioned.


    Indication that this resource participates in the resource adequacy function.


    Indication that this resource is associated with an Adjacent Control Area.


    Indication that the resource participates in the optimization process by default.


    AdjacentCASet undocumented


    AggregateNode An AggregateNode may be associated with up to many RegisteredResources.


    AllocationResultValues undocumented


    Commitments undocumented


    ContractDistributionFactor undocumented


    ControlAreaDesignation undocumented


    DefaultBid undocumented


    DispatchInstReply undocumented


    Domain undocumented


    DopInstruction undocumented


    DotInstruction undocumented


    Indication that this resource is associated with an Embedded Control area.


    EnergyMarket undocumented


    ExPostResourceResults undocumented


    ExpectedEnergyValues undocumented


    ForbiddenRegion undocumented


    FormerReference undocumented


    HostControlArea undocumented


    Instructions undocumented


    SchedulingPoint undocumented


    IntermittentResourceEligibility undocumented


    LMPM flag: indicates whether the resource is subject to the LMPM test (Yes/No).


    LoadFollowingInst undocumented


    LoadFollowingOperatorInput undocumented


    MPMResourceStatus undocumented


    MPMTestThreshold undocumented


    MarketObjectStatus undocumented


    MarketParticipant undocumented


    MktConnectivityNode undocumented


    OrgResOwnership undocumented


    Pnode A registered resource injects power at one or more connectivity nodes related to a pnode


    RMROperatorInput undocumented


    RUCAwardInstruction undocumented


    RampRateCurve undocumented


    Reason undocumented


    ResourceCertification RegisteredResources are qualified for resource ancillary service types (which include market product types as well as other types such as BlackStart) by the association to the class ResourceAncillaryServiceQualification.


    ResourceAwardInstruction undocumented


    ResourceCapacity undocumented


    ResourceCertification2 undocumented


    ResourceDispatchResults undocumented


    ResourceGroup undocumented


    ResourceLoadFollowingInst undocumented


    ResourceVerifiableCosts undocumented


    SMPM flag: indicates whether the resource is subject to the SMPM test (Yes/No).


    SubControlArea undocumented


    SubstitutionResourceList undocumented


    TimeSeries undocumented

  1096. final case class RegularIntervalSchedule(BasicIntervalSchedule: BasicIntervalSchedule = null, endTime: String = null, timeStep: Double = 0.0, TimePoints: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    The schedule has time points where the time between them is constant.

    The schedule has time points where the time between them is constant.


    BasicIntervalSchedule Reference to the superclass object.


    The time for the last time point. The value can be a time of day, not a specific date.


    The time between each pair of subsequent regular time points in sequence order.


    RegularTimePoint The regular interval time point data values that define this schedule.

  1097. final case class RegularTimePoint(Element: BasicElement = null, sequenceNumber: Int = 0, value1: Double = 0.0, value2: Double = 0.0, IntervalSchedule: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Time point for a schedule where the time between the consecutive points is constant.

    Time point for a schedule where the time between the consecutive points is constant.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    The position of the regular time point in the sequence. Note that time points don't have to be sequential, i.e. time points may be omitted. The actual time for a RegularTimePoint is computed by multiplying the associated regular interval schedule's time step with the regular time point sequence number and adding the associated schedules start time. To specify values for the start time, use sequence number 0. The sequence number cannot be negative.


    The first value at the time. The meaning of the value is defined by the derived type of the associated schedule.


    The second value at the time. The meaning of the value is defined by the derived type of the associated schedule.


    RegularIntervalSchedule Regular interval schedule containing this time point.

  1098. final case class RegulatingCondEq(EnergyConnection: EnergyConnection = null, controlEnabled: Boolean = false, RegulatingControl: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A type of conducting equipment that can regulate a quantity (i.e.

    A type of conducting equipment that can regulate a quantity (i.e. voltage or flow) at a specific point in the network.


    EnergyConnection Reference to the superclass object.


    Specifies the regulation status of the equipment. True is regulating, false is not regulating.


    RegulatingControl The regulating control scheme in which this equipment participates.

  1099. final case class RegulatingControl(PowerSystemResource: PowerSystemResource = null, discrete: Boolean = false, enabled: Boolean = false, maxAllowedTargetValue: Double = 0.0, minAllowedTargetValue: Double = 0.0, mode: String = null, monitoredPhase: String = null, targetDeadband: Double = 0.0, targetValue: Double = 0.0, targetValueUnitMultiplier: String = null, ProtectiveActionRegulation: List[String] = null, RegulatingCondEq: List[String] = null, RegulationSchedule: List[String] = null, Terminal: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Specifies a set of equipment that works together to control a power system quantity such as voltage or flow.

    Specifies a set of equipment that works together to control a power system quantity such as voltage or flow.

    Remote bus voltage control is possible by specifying the controlled terminal located at some place remote from the controlling equipment. The specified terminal shall be associated with the connectivity node of the controlled point. The most specific subtype of RegulatingControl shall be used in case such equipment participate in the control, e.g. TapChangerControl for tap changers. For flow control, load sign convention is used, i.e. positive sign means flow out from a TopologicalNode (bus) into the conducting equipment. The attribute minAllowedTargetValue and maxAllowedTargetValue are required in the following cases: - For a power generating module operated in power factor control mode to specify maximum and minimum power factor values; - Whenever it is necessary to have an off center target voltage for the tap changer regulator. For instance, due to long cables to off shore wind farms and the need to have a simpler setup at the off shore transformer platform, the voltage is controlled from the land at the connection point for the off shore wind farm. Since there usually is a voltage rise along the cable, there is typical and overvoltage of up 3-4 kV compared to the on shore station. Thus in normal operation the tap changer on the on shore station is operated with a target set point, which is in the lower parts of the dead band. The attributes minAllowedTargetValue and maxAllowedTargetValue are not related to the attribute targetDeadband and thus they are not treated as an alternative of the targetDeadband. They are needed due to limitations in the local substation controller. The attribute targetDeadband is used to prevent the power flow from move the tap position in circles (hunting) that is to be used regardless of the attributes minAllowedTargetValue and maxAllowedTargetValue.


    PowerSystemResource Reference to the superclass object.


    The regulation is performed in a discrete mode. This applies to equipment with discrete controls, e.g. tap changers and shunt compensators.


    The flag tells if regulation is enabled.


    Maximum allowed target value (RegulatingControl.targetValue).


    Minimum allowed target value (RegulatingControl.targetValue).


    The regulating control mode presently available. This specification allows for determining the kind of regulation without need for obtaining the units from a schedule.


    Phase voltage controlling this regulator, measured at regulator location.


    This is a deadband used with discrete control to avoid excessive update of controls like tap changers and shunt compensator banks while regulating. The units of those appropriate for the mode. The attribute shall be a positive value or zero. If RegulatingControl.discrete is set to "false", the RegulatingControl.targetDeadband is to be ignored. Note that for instance, if the targetValue is 100 kV and the targetDeadband is 2 kV the range is from 99 to 101 kV.


    The target value specified for case input. This value can be used for the target value without the use of schedules. The value has the units appropriate to the mode attribute.


    Specify the multiplier for used for the targetValue.


    ProtectiveActionRegulation Enable/disable a regulating control or set new target value.


    RegulatingCondEq The equipment that participates in this regulating control scheme.


    RegulationSchedule Schedule for this regulating control.


    Terminal The terminal associated with this regulating control. The terminal is associated instead of a node, since the terminal could connect into either a topological node or a connectivity node. Sometimes it is useful to model regulation at a terminal of a bus bar object.

  1100. final case class RegulatingLimit(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, highLimit: Double = 0.0, lowLimit: Double = 0.0, RegisteredGenerator: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    This class represents the physical characteristic of a generator regarding the regulating limit.

    This class represents the physical characteristic of a generator regarding the regulating limit.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.






    RegisteredGenerator undocumented

  1101. final case class Regulation(WorkDocument: WorkDocument = null, referenceNumber: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Special requirements and/or regulations may pertain to certain types of assets or work.

    Special requirements and/or regulations may pertain to certain types of assets or work.

    For example, fire protection and scaffolding.


    WorkDocument Reference to the superclass object.


    External reference to regulation, if applicable.

  1102. final case class RegulationSchedule(SeasonDayTypeSchedule: SeasonDayTypeSchedule = null, RegulatingControl: String = null, VoltageControlZones: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A pre-established pattern over time for a controlled variable, e.g., busbar voltage.

    A pre-established pattern over time for a controlled variable, e.g., busbar voltage.


    SeasonDayTypeSchedule Reference to the superclass object.


    RegulatingControl Regulating controls that have this schedule.


    VoltageControlZone A VoltageControlZone may have a voltage regulation schedule.

  1103. final case class RelativeDisplacement(Element: BasicElement = null, displacement: Double = 0.0, kind: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Vertical displacement relative to either sealevel, ground or the center of the earth.

    Vertical displacement relative to either sealevel, ground or the center of the earth.


    Reference to the superclass object.





  1104. final case class ReliabilityInfo(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, mTTR: Double = 0.0, momFailureRate: Double = 0.0, Assets: List[String] = null, Specification: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Information regarding the experienced and expected reliability of a specific asset, type of asset, or asset model.

    Information regarding the experienced and expected reliability of a specific asset, type of asset, or asset model.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    Mean time to repair (MTTR - hours).


    Momentary failure rate (temporary failures/kft-year).


    Asset undocumented


    Specification undocumented

  1105. final case class RemedialActionScheme(PowerSystemResource: PowerSystemResource = null, armed: Boolean = false, kind: String = null, normalArmed: Boolean = false, GateArmed: String = null, Stage: List[String] = null, TriggerCondition: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Remedial Action Scheme (RAS), Special Protection Schemes (SPS), System Protection Schemes (SPS) or System Integrity Protection Schemes (SIPS).

    Remedial Action Scheme (RAS), Special Protection Schemes (SPS), System Protection Schemes (SPS) or System Integrity Protection Schemes (SIPS).


    PowerSystemResource Reference to the superclass object.


    The status of the class set by operation or by signal. Optional field that will override other status fields.


    Kind of Remedial Action Scheme (RAS).


    The default/normal value used when other active signal/values are missing.


    Gate Gate that through a gate logic and input pin defines arming of the Remedial Action Schemes (RAS).


    Stage A Remedial Action Scheme (RAS) consist of one or more stage that are trigger and execute protection action.


    TriggerCondition Triggering of the Remedial Action Schemes (RAS).

  1106. final case class RemoteConnectDisconnectInfo(Element: BasicElement = null, armedTimeout: Double = 0.0, customerVoltageLimit: Double = 0.0, energyLimit: Double = 0.0, energyUsageStartDateTime: String = null, energyUsageWarning: Double = 0.0, isArmConnect: Boolean = false, isArmDisconnect: Boolean = false, isEnergyLimiting: Boolean = false, needsPowerLimitCheck: Boolean = false, needsVoltageLimitCheck: Boolean = false, powerLimit: Double = 0.0, usePushbutton: Boolean = false) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Details of remote connect and disconnect function.

    Details of remote connect and disconnect function.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    Setting of the timeout elapsed time.


    Voltage limit on customer side of RCD switch above which the connect should not be made.


    Limit of energy before disconnect.


    Start date and time to accumulate energy for energy usage limiting.


    Warning energy limit, used to trigger event code that energy usage is nearing limit.


    True if the RCD switch has to be armed before a connect action can be initiated.


    True if the RCD switch has to be armed before a disconnect action can be initiated.


    True if the energy usage is limited and the customer will be disconnected if they go over the limit.


    True if load limit has to be checked to issue an immediate disconnect (after a connect) if load is over the limit.


    True if voltage limit has to be checked to prevent connect if voltage is over the limit.


    Load limit above which the connect should either not take place or should cause an immediate disconnect.


    True if pushbutton has to be used for connect.

  1107. final case class RemoteControl(RemotePoint: RemotePoint = null, actuatorMaximum: Double = 0.0, actuatorMinimum: Double = 0.0, remoteControlled: Boolean = false, Control: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Remote controls are outputs that are sent by the remote unit to actuators in the process.

    Remote controls are outputs that are sent by the remote unit to actuators in the process.


    RemotePoint Reference to the superclass object.


    The maximum set point value accepted by the remote control point.


    The minimum set point value accepted by the remote control point.


    Set to true if the actuator is remotely controlled.


    Control The Control for the RemoteControl point.

  1108. final case class RemoteInputSignal(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, remoteSignalType: String = null, DiscontinuousExcitationControlDynamics: String = null, PFVArControllerType1Dynamics: String = null, PowerSystemStabilizerDynamics: String = null, Terminal: String = null, UnderexcitationLimiterDynamics: String = null, VoltageCompensatorDynamics: String = null, WindPlantDynamics: String = null, WindTurbineType1or2Dynamics: String = null, WindTurbineType3or4Dynamics: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Supports connection to a terminal associated with a remote bus from which an input signal of a specific type is coming.

    Supports connection to a terminal associated with a remote bus from which an input signal of a specific type is coming.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    Type of input signal.


    DiscontinuousExcitationControlDynamics Discontinuous excitation control model using this remote input signal.


    PFVArControllerType1Dynamics Power factor or VAr controller type 1 model using this remote input signal.


    PowerSystemStabilizerDynamics Power system stabilizer model using this remote input signal.


    Terminal Remote terminal with which this input signal is associated.


    UnderexcitationLimiterDynamics Underexcitation limiter model using this remote input signal.


    VoltageCompensatorDynamics Voltage compensator model using this remote input signal.


    WindPlantDynamics The wind plant using the remote signal.


    WindTurbineType1or2Dynamics Wind generator type 1 or type 2 model using this remote input signal.


    WindTurbineType3or4Dynamics Wind turbine type 3 or type 4 models using this remote input signal.

  1109. final case class RemotePoint(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, RemoteUnit: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    For an RTU, remote points correspond to telemetered values or control outputs.

    For an RTU, remote points correspond to telemetered values or control outputs.

    Other units (e.g. control centres) usually also contain calculated values.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    RemoteUnit Remote unit this point belongs to.

  1110. final case class RemoteSource(RemotePoint: RemotePoint = null, deadband: Double = 0.0, scanInterval: Double = 0.0, sensorMaximum: Double = 0.0, sensorMinimum: Double = 0.0, MeasurementValue: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Remote sources are state variables that are telemetered or calculated within the remote unit.

    Remote sources are state variables that are telemetered or calculated within the remote unit.


    RemotePoint Reference to the superclass object.


    The smallest change in value to be reported.


    The time interval between scans.


    The maximum value the telemetry item can return.


    The minimum value the telemetry item can return.


    MeasurementValue Link to the physical telemetered point associated with this measurement.

  1111. final case class RemoteUnit(PowerSystemResource: PowerSystemResource = null, remoteUnitType: String = null, CommunicationLinks: List[String] = null, RemotePoints: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A remote unit can be an RTU, IED, substation control system, control centre, etc.

    A remote unit can be an RTU, IED, substation control system, control centre, etc.

    The communication with the remote unit can be through various standard protocols (e.g. IEC 61870, IEC 61850) or non standard protocols (e.g. DNP, RP570, etc.). A remote unit contains remote data points that might be telemetered, collected or calculated. The RemoteUnit class inherits PowerSystemResource. The intention is to allow RemoteUnits to have Measurements. These Measurements can be used to model unit status as operational, out of service, unit failure, etc.


    PowerSystemResource Reference to the superclass object.


    Type of remote unit.


    CommunicationLink RTUs may be attached to communication links.


    RemotePoint Remote points this Remote unit contains.

  1112. final case class RepairItem(Element: BasicElement = null, breakerRepairItem: String = null, transformerRepairItem: String = null, RepairWorkTask: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Asset component to be repaired or problem area to be corrected.

    Asset component to be repaired or problem area to be corrected.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    Breaker component or problem area which is the focus of this maintenance work task (for work tasks related to breakers only).


    Transformer component or problem area which is the focus of this maintenance work task (for work tasks related to transformers only).


    RepairWorkTask Repair work task under which breaker item of this type is repaired.

  1113. final case class RepairWorkTask(WorkTask: WorkTask = null, emergency: Boolean = false, BreakerRepairItem: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Work task for asset repair.

    Work task for asset repair.

    Costs associated with this are considered corrective maintenance (CM) costs.


    WorkTask Reference to the superclass object.


    Repair work is emergency.


    RepairItem Type of breaker item to be repaird by this repair work task.

  1114. final case class ReportingCapability(Element: BasicElement = null, reportingIntervalPeriod: Int = 0, reportingIntervalType: String = null, reportingMethod: String = null, EnvironmentalAnalog: List[String] = null, EnvironmentalMonitoringStation: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    <font color="#0f0f0f">Definition of one set of reporting capabilities for this monitoring station.

    <font color="#0f0f0f">Definition of one set of reporting capabilities for this monitoring station.

    The associated EnvironmentalValueSets describe the maximum range of possible environmental values the station is capable of returning. This attribute is intended primarily to assist a utility in managing its stations. </font>


    Reference to the superclass object.


    Number of units of time making up reporting period.


    Unit of time in which reporting period is expressed.


    Indicates how the weather station reports observations.


    EnvironmentalAnalog One of the environmental value sets expressing one of the reporting capabilities.


    EnvironmentalMonitoringStation The environmental monitoring station to which this set of reporting capabilities belong.

  1115. final case class ReportingGroup(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, BusNameMarker: List[String] = null, PowerSystemResource: List[String] = null, ReportingSuperGroup: String = null, TopologicalNode: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A reporting group is used for various ad-hoc groupings used for reporting.

    A reporting group is used for various ad-hoc groupings used for reporting.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    BusNameMarker The bus name markers that belong to this reporting group.


    PowerSystemResource Power system resources which belong to this reporting group.


    ReportingSuperGroup Reporting super group to which this reporting group belongs.


    TopologicalNode The topological nodes that belong to the reporting group.

  1116. final case class ReportingSuperGroup(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, ReportingGroup: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A reporting super group, groups reporting groups for a higher level report.

    A reporting super group, groups reporting groups for a higher level report.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    ReportingGroup Reporting groups that are grouped under this super group.

  1117. final case class ReserveDemandCurve(Curve: Curve = null, reqMaxMW: Double = 0.0, reserveRequirementType: String = null, ASRequirements: String = null, MarketRegion: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Reserve demand curve.

    Reserve demand curve.

    Models maximum quantities of reserve required per Market Region and models a reserve demand curve for the minimum quantities of reserve. The ReserveDemandCurve is a relationship between unit operating reserve price in $/MWhr (Y-axis) and unit reserves in MW (X-axis).


    Curve Reference to the superclass object.


    Region requirement maximum limit


    Reserve requirement type that the max and curve apply to. For example, operating reserve, regulation and contingency.


    ASRequirements undocumented


    MarketRegion undocumented

  1118. final case class ReserveReq(ResourceGroupReq: ResourceGroupReq = null, MarketProduct: String = null, ReserveReqCurve: String = null, SensitivityPriceCurve: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Requirements for minimum amount of reserve and/or regulation to be supplied by a set of qualified resources.

    Requirements for minimum amount of reserve and/or regulation to be supplied by a set of qualified resources.


    ResourceGroupReq Reference to the superclass object.


    MarketProduct Market product associated with reserve requirement must be a reserve or regulation product.


    ReserveReqCurve undocumented


    SensitivityPriceCurve undocumented

  1119. final case class ReserveReqCurve(Curve: Curve = null, ReserveReq: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A curve relating reserve requirement versus time, showing the values of a specific reserve requirement for each unit of the period covered.

    A curve relating reserve requirement versus time, showing the values of a specific reserve requirement for each unit of the period covered.

    The curve can be based on "absolute" time or on "normalized' time. X is time, typically expressed in absolute time Y1 is reserve requirement, typically expressed in MW


    Curve Reference to the superclass object.


    ReserveReq undocumented

  1120. final case class Reservoir(PowerSystemResource: PowerSystemResource = null, activeStorageCapacity: Double = 0.0, energyStorageRating: Double = 0.0, fullSupplyLevel: Double = 0.0, grossCapacity: Double = 0.0, normalMinOperateLevel: Double = 0.0, riverOutletWorks: String = null, spillTravelDelay: Double = 0.0, spillWayGateType: String = null, spillwayCapacity: Double = 0.0, spillwayCrestLength: Double = 0.0, spillwayCrestLevel: Double = 0.0, HydroPowerPlants: List[String] = null, InflowForecasts: List[String] = null, LevelVsVolumeCurves: List[String] = null, SpillsFromReservoir: String = null, SpillsIntoReservoirs: List[String] = null, TargetLevelSchedule: String = null, UpstreamFromHydroPowerPlants: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A water storage facility within a hydro system, including: ponds, lakes, lagoons, and rivers.

    A water storage facility within a hydro system, including: ponds, lakes, lagoons, and rivers.

    The storage is usually behind some type of dam.


    PowerSystemResource Reference to the superclass object.


    Storage volume between the full supply level and the normal minimum operating level.


    The reservoir's energy storage rating in energy for given head conditions.


    Full supply level, above which water will spill. This can be the spillway crest level or the top of closed gates.


    Total capacity of reservoir.


    Normal minimum operating level below which the penstocks will draw air.


    River outlet works for riparian right releases or other purposes.


    The spillway water travel delay to the next downstream reservoir.


    Type of spillway gate, including parameters.


    The flow capacity of the spillway in cubic meters per second.


    The length of the spillway crest.


    Spillway crest level above which water will spill.


    HydroPowerPlant Generators discharge water to or pumps are supplied water from a downstream reservoir.


    InflowForecast A reservoir may have a "natural" inflow forecast.


    LevelVsVolumeCurve A reservoir may have a level versus volume relationship.


    Reservoir A reservoir may spill into a downstream reservoir.


    Reservoir A reservoir may spill into a downstream reservoir.


    TargetLevelSchedule A reservoir may have a water level target schedule.


    HydroPowerPlant Generators are supplied water from or pumps discharge water to an upstream reservoir.

  1121. final case class ResourceAwardClearing(MarketFactors: MarketFactors = null, contingencyActive: String = null, dispatchMode: String = null, RUCAwardInstruction: List[String] = null, ResourceAwardInstruction: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Models details of bid and offer market clearing.

    Models details of bid and offer market clearing.

    Class indicates whether a contingency is active and whether the automatic dispatching system is active for this interval of the market solution.


    MarketFactors Reference to the superclass object.


    Indication that the system is currently operating in a contingency mode.




    RUCAwardInstruction undocumented


    ResourceAwardInstruction undocumented

  1122. final case class ResourceAwardInstruction(Element: BasicElement = null, awardMW: Double = 0.0, clearedMW: Double = 0.0, clearedPrice: Double = 0.0, congestLMP: Double = 0.0, costLMP: Double = 0.0, dispatcherAddedMW: Double = 0.0, economicMax: Double = 0.0, economicMin: Double = 0.0, effRegulationDownLimit: Double = 0.0, effRegulationUpLimit: Double = 0.0, lmp: Double = 0.0, lossLMP: Double = 0.0, manuallyBlocked: String = null, marginalResourceIndicator: String = null, mustRunInd: Boolean = false, noLoadCost: Double = 0.0, optimalBidCost: Double = 0.0, optimalBidPay: Double = 0.0, optimalMargin: Double = 0.0, overrideTimeStamp: String = null, overrideValue: Double = 0.0, selfSchedMW: Double = 0.0, startUpCost: Double = 0.0, status: String = null, totalRevenue: Double = 0.0, updateTimeStamp: String = null, updateType: String = null, updateUser: String = null, ClearingResourceAward: List[String] = null, MarketProduct: String = null, RegisteredResource: String = null, SelfScheduleBreakdown: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Model of market results, instruction for resource.

    Model of market results, instruction for resource.

    Contains details of award as attributes.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    For DA Energy: Not Applicable; For DA AS: DA AS market award; For RT Energy: Not Applicable; For RT AS: RT AS market award (excluding DA AS market or self-proviison awards)


    For DA Energy: Total Schedule = DA market schedule + DA self-schedule award; For DA AS: DA Ancillary Service Awards = DA AS market award + DA AS self-provision award; For RT Energy: Total Schedule = RT market schedule + RT self-schedule award; For RT AS: RT Ancillary Service Awards = RT AS self-provision award + RT AS market award + DA AS market award + DA AS self-provision award;


    Marginal Price ($/MW) for the commodity (Regulation Up, Regulation Down, Spinning Reserve, or Non-spinning reserve) for pricing run.


    Congestion component of Location Marginal Price (LMP) in monetary units per MW.


    Cost component of Locational Marginal Pricing (LMP) in monetary units per MW.


    The tier2 mw added by dispatcher action Market results of the synchronized reserve market


    Unit max output for dispatch; bid in economic maximum


    Unit min output for dispatch; bid in economic minimum


    Effective Regulation Down Limit (MW)


    Effective Regulation Up Limit


    Locational marginal price value


    Loss component of Location Marginal Price (LMP) in monetary units per MW.


    Indicates if an award was manually blocked (Y/N). Valid for Spinning and Non-spinning.


    Indicator (Yes / No) that this resource set the price for this dispatch / schedule.


    Identifes if the unit was set to must run by the market participant responsible for bidding in the unit


    Unit no-load cost in case of energy commodity


    Optimal Bid cost


    Optimal Bid production payment based on LMP


    Optimal Bid production margin


    Time the manual data entry occured.


    Provides the ability for the grid operator to override items, such as spin capacity requirements, prior to running the algorithm. This value is market product based (spin, non-spin, reg up, reg down, or RUC).


    For DA Energy: DA total self-schedule award; For DA AS: DA AS self-provision award; For RT Energy: RT total self-schedule award; For RT AS: RT AS self-provision award (excluding DA AS market or self-provision awards)


    Unit start up cost in case of energy commodity


    In or out status of resource


    Total bid revenue (startup_cost + no_load_cost + bid_pay)








    ResourceAwardClearing undocumented


    MarketProduct undocumented


    RegisteredResource undocumented


    SelfScheduleBreakdown undocumented

  1123. final case class ResourceBid(Bid: Bid = null, aggregationFlag: Int = 0, bidStatus: String = null, commodityType: String = null, contingencyAvailFlag: String = null, createdISO: String = null, energyMaxDay: Double = 0.0, energyMinDay: Double = 0.0, marketSepFlag: String = null, minDispatchTime: Int = 0, resourceLoadingType: Int = 0, shutDownsMaxDay: Int = 0, shutDownsMaxWeek: Int = 0, startUpsMaxDay: Int = 0, startUpsMaxWeek: Int = 0, virtual: Boolean = false, BidError: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Energy bid for generation, load, or virtual type for the whole of the market-trading period (i.e., one day in day ahead market or one hour in the real time market).

    Energy bid for generation, load, or virtual type for the whole of the market-trading period (i.e., one day in day ahead market or one hour in the real time market).


    Bid Reference to the superclass object.


    Aggregation flag 0: individual resource level 1: Aggregated node location 2: Aggregated price location)




    Energy product (commodity) type: 'En' - Energy 'Ru' - Regulation Up 'Rd' - Regulation Dn 'Sr' - Spinning Reserve 'Nr' - Non-Spinning Reserve 'Or' - Operating Reserve


    contingent operating reserve availiability (Yes/No). Resource is availiable to participate with capacity only in contingency dispatch.


    A Yes indicates that this bid was created by the ISO.


    Maximum amount of energy per day which can be produced during the trading period in MWh


    Minimum amount of energy per day which has to be produced during the trading period in MWh


    Market Separation Flag 'Y' - Enforce market separation constraints for this bid 'N' - Don't enforce market separation constraints for this bid.


    minimum number of consecutive hours a resource shall be dispatched if bid is accepted


    Resource loading curve type 1 - step-wise continuous loading 2 - piece-wise linear continuous loading 3 - block loading


    Maximum number of shutdowns per day.


    Maximum number of shutdowns per week.


    Maximum number of startups per day.


    Maximum number of startups per week.


    True if bid is virtual. Bid is assumed to be non-virtual if attribute is absent


    BidError undocumented

  1124. final case class ResourceCapacity(Element: BasicElement = null, capacityType: String = null, defaultCapacity: Double = 0.0, maximumCapacity: Double = 0.0, minimumCapacity: Double = 0.0, unitSymbol: String = null, RegisteredResource: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    This class model the various capacities of a resource.

    This class model the various capacities of a resource.

    A resource may have numbers of capacities related to operating, ancillary services, energy trade and so forth. Capacities may be defined for active power or reactive power.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    capacity type The types are but not limited to: Regulation Up Regulation Dn Spinning Reserve Non-Spinning Reserve FOO capacity MOO capacity


    default capacity


    maximum capacity


    minimum capacity


    Unit selection for the capacity values.


    RegisteredResource undocumented

  1125. final case class ResourceCertification(Element: BasicElement = null, market: String = null, qualificationFlag: String = null, type: String = null, RegisteredResource: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Specifies certification for a resource to participate in a specific markets.

    Specifies certification for a resource to participate in a specific markets.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    market type


    Status of the qualification ('Y' = Active, 'N' = Inactive)


    Type of service based on ResourceAncillaryServiceType enumeration


    RegisteredResource RegisteredResources are qualified for resource ancillary service types (which include market product types as well as other types such as BlackStart) by the association to the class ResourceAncillaryServiceQualification.

  1126. final case class ResourceCertification2(Element: BasicElement = null, certifiedDAM: String = null, certifiedNonspinDAM: String = null, certifiedNonspinDAMMw: Double = 0.0, certifiedNonspinRTM: String = null, certifiedNonspinRTMMw: Double = 0.0, certifiedPIRP: String = null, certifiedRTM: String = null, certifiedRUC: String = null, certifiedRegulation: String = null, certifiedRegulationMw: Double = 0.0, certifiedReplaceAS: String = null, certifiedSpin: String = null, certifiedSpinMw: Double = 0.0, RegisteredResource: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    This class represent the resource certification for a specific product type.

    This class represent the resource certification for a specific product type.

    For example, a resource is certified for Non-Spinning reserve for RTM.


    Reference to the superclass object.




























    RegisteredResource undocumented

  1127. final case class ResourceClearing(MarketFactors: MarketFactors = null, ResourceDispatchResults: List[String] = null, ResourceLoadFollowingInst: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Model of market results, including cleaing result of resources.

    Model of market results, including cleaing result of resources.

    Associated with ResourceDispatchResults.


    MarketFactors Reference to the superclass object.


    ResourceDispatchResults undocumented


    ResourceLoadFollowingInst undocumented

  1128. final case class ResourceDeploymentStatus(Element: BasicElement = null, acceptComments: String = null, acceptStatus: String = null, resourceResponseMW: Double = 0.0, InstructionClearing: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

  1129. final case class ResourceDispatchResults(Element: BasicElement = null, blockedDispatch: String = null, blockedPublishDOP: String = null, contingencyFlag: String = null, limitIndicator: String = null, lowerLimit: Double = 0.0, maxRampRate: Double = 0.0, operatingLimitHigh: Double = 0.0, operatingLimitLow: Double = 0.0, penaltyDispatchIndicator: String = null, regulatingLimitHigh: Double = 0.0, regulatingLimitLow: Double = 0.0, resourceStatus: String = null, totalSchedule: Double = 0.0, updateTimeStamp: String = null, updateType: String = null, updateUser: String = null, upperLimit: Double = 0.0, RegisteredResource: String = null, ResourceClearing: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    The ResourceDispatchResults class provides market results that can be provided to a SC.

    The ResourceDispatchResults class provides market results that can be provided to a SC.

    The specific data provided consists of several indicators such as contingency flags, blocked start up, and RMR dispatch. It also provides the projected overall and the regulating status of the resource.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    Blocked Dispatch Indicator (Yes/No)


    Block sending DOP to ADS (Y/N)


    Contingent Operating Reserve Indicator (Yes/No). Resource participating with AS capacity in contingency dispatch.


    indicate which limit is the constraints


    resource energy ramping lower limit


    maximum ramp rate


    The upper operating limit incorporating any derate used by the RTD for the Binding Interval.


    The lower operating limit incorporating any derate used by the RTD for the Binding Interval.


    Penalty Dispatch Indicator (Yes / No) indicating an un-economic adjustment.


    The upper regulating limit incorporating any derate used by the RTD for the Binding Interval.


    The lower regulating limit incorporating any derate used by the RTD for the Binding Interval.


    Unit Commitment Status (On/Off/Starting)


    Resource total upward schedule. total schedule = En + all AS per resource per interval








    resource energy ramping upper limit


    RegisteredResource undocumented


    ResourceClearing undocumented

  1130. final case class ResourceGroup(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, status: String = null, type: String = null, RegisteredResources: List[String] = null, ResourceGroupReqs: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A logical grouping of resources that are used to model location of types of requirements for ancillary services such as spinning reserve zones, regulation zones, etc.

    A logical grouping of resources that are used to model location of types of requirements for ancillary services such as spinning reserve zones, regulation zones, etc.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    Status of this group.


    Type of this group.


    RegisteredResource undocumented


    ResourceGroupReq undocumented

  1131. final case class ResourceGroupReq(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, RTOs: List[String] = null, ResourceGroup: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Ancillary service requirements for a market.

    Ancillary service requirements for a market.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    RTO undocumented


    ResourceGroup undocumented

  1132. final case class ResourceLoadFollowingInst(Element: BasicElement = null, calcLoadFollowingMW: Double = 0.0, dispWindowHighLimt: Double = 0.0, dispWindowLowLimt: Double = 0.0, instructionID: String = null, intervalStartTime: String = null, RegisteredResource: String = null, ResourceClearing: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Model of market clearing results for resources that bid to follow load.

    Model of market clearing results for resources that bid to follow load.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    weighted average for RTPD and RTCD and same for RTID






    Unique instruction id per instruction, assigned by the SC and provided to ADS. ADS passes through.


    The start of the time interval for which requirement is defined.


    RegisteredResource undocumented


    ResourceClearing undocumented

  1133. final case class ResourceOperationMaintenanceCost(Curve: Curve = null, gasPercentAboveLowSustainedLimit: Double = 0.0, oilPercentAboveLowSustainedLimit: Double = 0.0, omCostColdStartup: Double = 0.0, omCostHotStartup: Double = 0.0, omCostIntermediateStartup: Double = 0.0, omCostLowSustainedLimit: Double = 0.0, solidfuelPercentAboveLowSustainedLimit: Double = 0.0, ResourceVerifiableCosts: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    To model the Operation and Maintenance (O and M) costs of a generation resource.

    To model the Operation and Maintenance (O and M) costs of a generation resource.


    Curve Reference to the superclass object.


    Percentage of Fuel Index Price (gas) for operating above Low Sustained Limit (LSL)


    Percentage of Fuel Oil Price (FOP) for operating above Low Sustained Limit (LSL)


    Verifiable O&M Cost ($), Cold Startup


    Verifiable O&M Cost ($), Hot Startup


    Verifiable O&M Cost ($), Intermediate Startup


    Verifiable O&M Cost ($/MWh), LSL


    Percentage of Solid Fuel for operating above Low Sustained Limit (LSL)


    ResourceVerifiableCosts undocumented

  1134. final case class ResourcePerformanceEvaluation(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, effectiveEndTime: String = null, effectiveStartTime: String = null, evaluationDescription: String = null, evaluationValue: String = null, DemandResponseActualEvent: String = null, ResorcePerformanceGlobalFactor: List[String] = null, ResourcePerformanceTimeSeriesFactors: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Represents an the performance evaluation of a resource deployment.

    Represents an the performance evaluation of a resource deployment.

    Every resource deployment may have many performance evaluations, using different evaluation metrics or algorithms, or produced by different evaluation authorities.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.






    Description of the performance evaluation, e.g. the rating classification used (any is allowed), why the evaluation was performed, anything that describes the demand response performance evaluation.


    The value of the performance. as a String, any rating scheme is supported (e.g. "1","2","3" or "low", "medium", "high"). The rating scheme is described in the performanceValueDescription attribute.


    DistributedResourceActualEvent undocumented


    ResourcePerformanceGlobalFactor undocumented


    ResourcePerformanceTimeSeriesFactor undocumented

  1135. final case class ResourcePerformanceGlobalFactor(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, factorDescription: String = null, factorValue: String = null, ResourcePerformanceEvaluation: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Global factors are property/value pairs that are used to adjust resource performance values.

    Global factors are property/value pairs that are used to adjust resource performance values.

    Example include scale factors (e.g. scale a baseline up or down), adders (positive or negative), etc.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    Description (name) of the property (factor).


    Value of the property (factor).


    ResourcePerformanceEvaluation undocumented

  1136. final case class ResourcePerformanceRating(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, effectiveEndTime: String = null, effectiveStartTime: String = null, ratingDescription: String = null, ratingType: String = null, ratingValue: String = null, RegisteredResource: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Rating of a resource for its demand response performance.

    Rating of a resource for its demand response performance. e.g. given a set on monthly resource demand response performance evaluations, the resource may be rated with excellent, average, or poor performance for the sample set.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    starting date time that the rating is valid for


    ending date time that the rating is valid for


    the resource's demand response rating description


    the type of performance rating, e.g. which market or product the rating is for


    the resource's demand response rating


    RegisteredDistributedResource undocumented

  1137. final case class ResourcePerformanceTimeSeriesFactor(RegularIntervalSchedule: RegularIntervalSchedule = null, timeSeriesDataType: String = null, timeSeriesDescription: String = null, value1Description: String = null, value2Description: String = null, ResourcePerformanceEvaluation: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Represents the performance of a resource as time series data for a specified time period, time interval, and evaluation criteria.

    Represents the performance of a resource as time series data for a specified time period, time interval, and evaluation criteria.


    RegularIntervalSchedule Reference to the superclass object.


    Type of the time series data, e.g. baseline data, meter read data, computed performance data.


    Optional description of the time series data, e.g. baseline data, meter read data, computed performance data.


    Description for the value1 contained within the TimeSeriesFactor.


    Description for the value2 contained within the TimeSeriesFactor.


    ResourcePerformanceEvaluation undocumented

  1138. final case class ResourceStartupCost(Element: BasicElement = null, fuelColdStartup: Double = 0.0, fuelHotStartup: Double = 0.0, fuelIntermediateStartup: Double = 0.0, fuelLowSustainedLimit: Double = 0.0, gasPercentColdStartup: Double = 0.0, gasPercentHotStartup: Double = 0.0, gasPercentIntermediateStartup: Double = 0.0, gasPercentLowSustainedLimit: Double = 0.0, oilPercentColdStartup: Double = 0.0, oilPercentHotStartup: Double = 0.0, oilPercentIntermediateStartup: Double = 0.0, oilPercentLowSustainedLimit: Double = 0.0, solidfuelPercentColdStartup: Double = 0.0, solidfuelPercentHotStartup: Double = 0.0, solidfuelPercentIntermediateStartup: Double = 0.0, solidfuelPercentLowSustainedLimit: Double = 0.0, ResourceVerifiableCosts: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    To model the startup costs of a generation resource.

    To model the startup costs of a generation resource.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    Verifiable Cold Start Up Fuel (MMBtu per start)


    Verifiable Hot Start Up Fuel (MMBtu per start)


    Verifiable Intermediate Start Up Fuel (MMBtu per start)


    Minimum-Energy fuel, MMBtu/MWh


    Percentage of Fuel Index Price (gas) for cold startup


    Percentage of Fuel Index Price (gas) for hot startup


    Percentage of Fuel Index Price (gas) for intermediate startup


    Percentage of FIP (gas) for operating at LSL


    Percentage of Fuel Oil Price (FOP) for cold startup


    Percentage of Fuel Oil Price (FOP) for hot startup


    Percentage of Fuel Oil Price (FOP) for intermediate startup


    Percentage of FOP (oil) for operating at LSL


    Percentage of Solid Fuel for cold startup


    Percentage of Solid Fuel for hot startup


    Percentage of Solid Fuel for intermedite startup


    Percentage of Solid Fuel for operating at LSL


    ResourceVerifiableCosts undocumented

  1139. final case class ResourceVerifiableCosts(Element: BasicElement = null, MktHeatRateCurve: String = null, RegisteredResource: String = null, ResourceOperationMaintenanceCost: String = null, ResourceStartupCost: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    This class is defined to describe the verifiable costs associated with a generation resource.

    This class is defined to describe the verifiable costs associated with a generation resource.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    MktHeatRateCurve undocumented


    RegisteredResource undocumented


    ResourceOperationMaintenanceCost undocumented


    ResourceStartupCost undocumented

  1140. final case class ResponseMethod(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, activePower: Double = 0.0, activePowerUOM: String = null, method: String = null, siteMultiplier: Int = 0, RegisteredResource: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Specifies a category of energy usage that the demand response applies for; e.g.

    Specifies a category of energy usage that the demand response applies for; e.g. energy from lighting, HVAC, other.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    The active power value for the demand adjustment type. This supports requests to be made to a resource for some amount of active power provided by a particular response method, as specified by the method attribute (e.g. lighting, HVAC, wall mounted air conditioners, etc.).


    The unit of measure of active power, e.g. kiloWatts (kW), megaWatts (mW), etc.


    The response method (e.g. lighting, HVAC, wall mounted air conditioners, etc.).


    This value provides for scaling of a response method's active power. For example, a response method of air conditioning could utilize a small amount of active power from each air conditioning unit (e.g. 0.1 kiloWatt), but the site multiplier could be used to produce a the total active power adjustment by multiplying the response method active power by this value (e.g. a building with 100 window air conditioning units, so 100 * 0.1 kW = 10 kW).


    RegisteredDistributedResource undocumented

  1141. final case class RightOfWay(Agreement: Agreement = null, propertyData: String = null, LandProperties: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A right-of-way (ROW) is for land where it is lawful to use for a public road, an electric power line, etc.

    A right-of-way (ROW) is for land where it is lawful to use for a public road, an electric power line, etc.

    Note that the association to Location, Asset, Organisation, etc. for the Grant is inherited from Agreement, a type of Document.


    Agreement Reference to the superclass object.


    Property related information that describes the ROW's land parcel. For example, it may be a deed book number, deed book page number, and parcel number.


    LandProperty All land properties this right of way applies to.

  1142. final case class RiskScore(AggregateScore: AggregateScore = null, kind: String = null, AssetHealthScore: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Score that is indicative of the risk associated with one or more assets.

    Score that is indicative of the risk associated with one or more assets.


    AggregateScore Reference to the superclass object.


    The risk kind, such as CustomerRisk, FinancialRisk, SafetyRisk, etc.


    HealthScore Individual health score associated with this risk score.

  1143. final case class Role(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, status: String = null, type: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Enumeration of potential roles that might be played by one object relative to another.

    Enumeration of potential roles that might be played by one object relative to another.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.




    Type of role.

  1144. final case class RotatingMachine(RegulatingCondEq: RegulatingCondEq = null, p: Double = 0.0, q: Double = 0.0, ratedPowerFactor: Double = 0.0, ratedS: Double = 0.0, ratedU: Double = 0.0, GeneratingUnit: String = null, HydroPump: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A rotating machine which may be used as a generator or motor.

    A rotating machine which may be used as a generator or motor.


    RegulatingCondEq Reference to the superclass object.


    Active power injection. Load sign convention is used, i.e. positive sign means flow out from a node. Starting value for a steady state solution.


    Reactive power injection. Load sign convention is used, i.e. positive sign means flow out from a node. Starting value for a steady state solution.


    Power factor (nameplate data). It is primarily used for short circuit data exchange according to IEC 60909. The attribute cannot be a negative value.


    Nameplate apparent power rating for the unit. The attribute shall have a positive value.


    Rated voltage (nameplate data, Ur in IEC 60909-0). It is primarily used for short circuit data exchange according to IEC 60909. The attribute shall be a positive value.


    GeneratingUnit A synchronous machine may operate as a generator and as such becomes a member of a generating unit.


    HydroPump The synchronous machine drives the turbine which moves the water from a low elevation to a higher elevation. The direction of machine rotation for pumping may or may not be the same as for generating.

  1145. final case class RotatingMachineDynamics(DynamicsFunctionBlock: DynamicsFunctionBlock = null, damping: Double = 0.0, inertia: Double = 0.0, saturationFactor: Double = 0.0, saturationFactor120: Double = 0.0, statorLeakageReactance: Double = 0.0, statorResistance: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Abstract parent class for all synchronous and asynchronous machine standard models.

    Abstract parent class for all synchronous and asynchronous machine standard models.


    DynamicsFunctionBlock Reference to the superclass object.


    Damping torque coefficient (D) (>= 0). A proportionality constant that, when multiplied by the angular velocity of the rotor poles with respect to the magnetic field (frequency), results in the damping torque. This value is often zero when the sources of damping torques (generator damper windings, load damping effects, etc.) are modelled in detail. Typical value = 0.


    Inertia constant of generator or motor and mechanical load (H) (> 0). This is the specification for the stored energy in the rotating mass when operating at rated speed. For a generator, this includes the generator plus all other elements (turbine, exciter) on the same shaft and has units of MW x s. For a motor, it includes the motor plus its mechanical load. Conventional units are PU on the generator MVA base, usually expressed as MW x s / MVA or just s. This value is used in the accelerating power reference frame for operator training simulator solutions. Typical value = 3.


    Saturation factor at rated terminal voltage (S1) (>= 0). Not used by simplified model. Defined by defined by S(E1) in the SynchronousMachineSaturationParameters diagram. Typical value = 0,02.


    Saturation factor at 120% of rated terminal voltage (S12) (>= RotatingMachineDynamics.saturationFactor). Not used by the simplified model, defined by S(E2) in the SynchronousMachineSaturationParameters diagram. Typical value = 0,12.


    Stator leakage reactance (Xl) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,15.


    Stator (armature) resistance (Rs) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,005.

  1146. final case class Route(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, status: String = null, type: String = null, Crews: List[String] = null, Locations: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Route that is followed, for example by service crews.

    Route that is followed, for example by service crews.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.




    Classification by utility's work management standards and practices.


    OldCrew undocumented


    Location undocumented

  1147. final case class SCADAInformation(Element: BasicElement = null, timeStamp: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Contains information about the update from SCADA.

    Contains information about the update from SCADA.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    time of the update from SCADA

  1148. final case class SVC(ShuntCompensator: ShuntCompensator = null, capacitiveRating: Double = 0.0, inductiveRating: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    SVC asset allows the capacitive and inductive ratings for each phase to be specified individually if required.

    SVC asset allows the capacitive and inductive ratings for each phase to be specified individually if required.


    ShuntCompensator Reference to the superclass object.


    Maximum capacitive reactive power.


    Maximum inductive reactive power.

  1149. final case class SVCUserDefined(StaticVarCompensatorDynamics: StaticVarCompensatorDynamics = null, proprietary: Boolean = false, ProprietaryParameterDynamics: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Static var compensator (SVC) function block whose dynamic behaviour is described by <font color="#0f0f0f">a user-defined model.</font>

    Static var compensator (SVC) function block whose dynamic behaviour is described by <font color="#0f0f0f">a user-defined model.</font>


    StaticVarCompensatorDynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    Behaviour is based on a proprietary model as opposed to a detailed model. true = user-defined model is proprietary with behaviour mutually understood by sending and receiving applications and parameters passed as general attributes false = user-defined model is explicitly defined in terms of control blocks and their input and output signals.


    ProprietaryParameterDynamics Parameter of this proprietary user-defined model.

  1150. final case class SafetyDocument(Document: Document = null, issuedDateTime: String = null, releasedDateTime: String = null, IssuedBySupervisor: String = null, IssuedToSupervisor: String = null, ReleasedBySupervisor: String = null, ReleasedToSupervisor: String = null, SwitchingPlan: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Document restricting or authorising works on electrical equipment (for example a permit to work, sanction for test, limitation of access, or certificate of isolation), defined based upon organisational practices.

    Document restricting or authorising works on electrical equipment (for example a permit to work, sanction for test, limitation of access, or certificate of isolation), defined based upon organisational practices.


    Document Reference to the superclass object.


    Date and time this safety document has been issued.


    Date and time this safety document has been released.


    OperationsSafetySupervisor Supervisor that issued this safety document.


    FieldSafetySupervisor Supervisor to whom this safety document is issued.


    FieldSafetySupervisor Supervisor that released this safety document.


    OperationsSafetySupervisor Supervisor to which this safety document is released.


    SwitchingPlan Switching plan to which this safety document applies.

  1151. final case class ScheduledActivePowerLimitValue(ScheduledLimitValue: ScheduledLimitValue = null, value: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

  1152. final case class ScheduledApparentPowerLimitValue(ScheduledLimitValue: ScheduledLimitValue = null, value: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A time scheduled value for apparent power limit.

    A time scheduled value for apparent power limit.


    ScheduledLimitValue Reference to the superclass object.


    The apparent power limit value for the scheduled time.

  1153. final case class ScheduledCurrentLimitValue(ScheduledLimitValue: ScheduledLimitValue = null, value: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A current limit that is scheduled.

    A current limit that is scheduled.


    ScheduledLimitValue Reference to the superclass object.


    The current flow limit value applicable at the scheduled time.

  1154. final case class ScheduledEvent(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, duration: Double = 0.0, status: String = null, type: String = null, Assets: List[String] = null, ScheduledEventData: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    An event to trigger one or more activities, such as reading a meter, recalculating a bill, requesting work, when generating units must be scheduled for maintenance, when a transformer is scheduled to be refurbished, etc.

    An event to trigger one or more activities, such as reading a meter, recalculating a bill, requesting work, when generating units must be scheduled for maintenance, when a transformer is scheduled to be refurbished, etc.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    Duration of the scheduled event, for example, the time to ramp between values.


    Status undocumented


    Type of scheduled event.


    Asset undocumented


    ScheduledEventData Specification for this scheduled event.

  1155. final case class ScheduledEventData(Element: BasicElement = null, estimatedWindow: String = null, requestedWindow: String = null, status: String = null, InspectionDataSet: String = null, ScheduledEvents: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Schedule parameters for an activity that is to occur, is occurring, or has completed.

    Schedule parameters for an activity that is to occur, is occurring, or has completed.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    Estimated date and time for activity execution (with earliest possibility of activity initiation and latest possibility of activity completion).


    Requested date and time interval for activity execution.


    Status undocumented


    InspectionDataSet undocumented


    ScheduledEvent All scheduled events with this specification.

  1156. final case class ScheduledLimitDependency(LimitDependency: LimitDependency = null, ScheduledLimitValues: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

  1157. final case class ScheduledLimitValue(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, ScheduledLimitDependency: String = null, Season: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A limit that is applicable during a scheduled time period.

    A limit that is applicable during a scheduled time period.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    ScheduledLimitDependency undocumented


    Season The season for which the scheduled limits applies. If not specified, then applicable ot any season.

  1158. final case class ScheduledVoltageLimitValue(ScheduledLimitValue: ScheduledLimitValue = null, value: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A voltage limit value for a scheduled time.

    A voltage limit value for a scheduled time.


    ScheduledLimitValue Reference to the superclass object.


    The voltage limit value for the scheduled time.

  1159. final case class SchedulingCoordinator(MarketParticipant: MarketParticipant = null, creditFlag: String = null, creditStartEffectiveDate: String = null, lastModified: String = null, qualificationStatus: String = null, scid: String = null, FromSCTrade: List[String] = null, LoadRatio: String = null, MarketParticipant_attr: String = null, SubmitFromSCTrade: List[String] = null, SubmitToSCTrade: List[String] = null, ToSCTrade: List[String] = null, TransmissionContractRight: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Market participants could be represented by Scheduling Coordinators (SCs) that are registered with the RTO/ISO.

    Market participants could be represented by Scheduling Coordinators (SCs) that are registered with the RTO/ISO.

    One participant could register multiple SCs with the RTO/ISO. Many market participants can do business with the RTO/ISO using a single SC. One SC could schedule multiple generators. A load scheduling point could be used by multiple SCs. Each SC could schedule load at multiple scheduling points. An inter-tie scheduling point can be used by multiple SCs. Each SC can schedule interchange at multiple inter-tie scheduling points.


    MarketParticipant Reference to the superclass object.


    Flag to indicate creditworthiness (Y, N)


    Date that the scheduling coordinator becomes creditworthy.


    Indication of the last time this scheduling coordinator information was modified.


    Scheduling coordinator qualification status, Qualified, Not Qualified, or Disqualified.


    This is the short name or Scheduling Coordinator ID field.


    Trade undocumented


    LoadRatio undocumented


    MarketParticipant undocumented


    Trade undocumented


    Trade undocumented


    Trade undocumented


    ContractRight undocumented

  1160. final case class SchedulingCoordinatorUser(Element: BasicElement = null, loginID: String = null, loginRole: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Describing users of a Scheduling Coordinator.

    Describing users of a Scheduling Coordinator.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    Login ID


    Assigned roles (these are roles with either Read or Read/Write privileges on different Market Systems)

  1161. final case class SchedulingPoint(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, Flowgate: String = null, InterchangeSchedule: List[String] = null, RegisteredResource: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Connection to other organizations at the boundary of the ISO/RTO.

    Connection to other organizations at the boundary of the ISO/RTO.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    Flowgate undocumented


    InterchangeSchedule undocumented


    RegisteredResource undocumented

  1162. final case class Seal(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, appliedDateTime: String = null, condition: String = null, kind: String = null, sealNumber: String = null, AssetContainer: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Physically controls access to AssetContainers.

    Physically controls access to AssetContainers.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    Date and time this seal has been applied.


    Condition of seal.


    Kind of seal.


    (reserved word) Seal number.


    AssetContainer Asset container to which this seal is applied.

  1163. final case class Season(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, endDate: String = null, startDate: String = null, ScheduledLimits: List[String] = null, SeasonDayTypeSchedules: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A specified time period of the year.

    A specified time period of the year.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    Date season ends.


    Date season starts.


    ScheduledLimitValue The scheduled limits associated with the season.


    SeasonDayTypeSchedule Schedules that use this Season.

  1164. final case class SeasonDayTypeSchedule(RegularIntervalSchedule: RegularIntervalSchedule = null, DayType: String = null, Season: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A time schedule covering a 24 hour period, with curve data for a specific type of season and day.

    A time schedule covering a 24 hour period, with curve data for a specific type of season and day.


    RegularIntervalSchedule Reference to the superclass object.


    DayType DayType for the Schedule.


    Season Season for the Schedule.

  1165. final case class Sectionaliser(Switch: Switch = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Automatic switch that will lock open to isolate a faulted section.

    Automatic switch that will lock open to isolate a faulted section.

    It may, or may not, have load breaking capability. Its primary purpose is to provide fault sectionalising at locations where the fault current is either too high, or too low, for proper coordination of fuses.


    Switch Reference to the superclass object.

  1166. final case class SecurityConstraintSum(MarketFactors: MarketFactors = null, BaseCaseConstraintLimit: String = null, ConstraintTerms: List[String] = null, ContingencyConstraintLimits: List[String] = null, DefaultConstraintLimit: String = null, RTO: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Typically provided by RTO systems, constraints identified in both base case and critical contingency cases have to be transferred.

    Typically provided by RTO systems, constraints identified in both base case and critical contingency cases have to be transferred.

    A constraint has N (>=1) constraint terms. A term is represented by an instance of TerminalConstraintTerm. The constraint expression is: minValue <= c1*x1 + c2*x2 + .... cn*xn + k <= maxValue where: - cn is ConstraintTerm.factor - xn is the flow at the terminal Flow into the associated equipment is positive for the purpose of ConnectivityNode NodeConstraintTerm.

    k is SecurityConstraintsLinear.resourceMW. The units of k are assumed to be same as the units of the flows, xn. The constants, cn, are dimensionless. With these conventions, cn and k are all positive for a typical constraint such as "weighted sum of generation shall be less than limit". Furthermore, cn are all 1.0 for a case such as "interface flow shall be less than limit", assuming the terminals are chosen on the importing side of the interface.


    MarketFactors Reference to the superclass object.


    BaseCaseConstraintLimit undocumented


    ConstraintTerm undocumented


    ContingencyConstraintLimit undocumented


    DefaultConstraintLimit undocumented


    RTO undocumented

  1167. final case class SecurityConstraints(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, actualMW: Double = 0.0, maxMW: Double = 0.0, minMW: Double = 0.0, Flowgate: String = null, GeneratingBid: String = null, RTO: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Typical for regional transmission operators (RTOs), these constraints include transmission as well as generation group constraints identified in both base case and critical contingency cases.

    Typical for regional transmission operators (RTOs), these constraints include transmission as well as generation group constraints identified in both base case and critical contingency cases.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    Actual branch or group of branches MW flow (only for transmission constraints)


    Maximum MW limit


    Minimum MW limit (only for transmission constraints).


    Flowgate undocumented


    GeneratingBid undocumented


    RTO undocumented

  1168. final case class SecurityConstraintsClearing(MarketFactors: MarketFactors = null, mwFlow: Double = 0.0, mwLimit: Double = 0.0, shadowPrice: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Binding security constrained clearing results posted for a given settlement period.

    Binding security constrained clearing results posted for a given settlement period.


    MarketFactors Reference to the superclass object.


    Optimal MW flow


    Binding MW limit.


    Security constraint shadow price.

  1169. final case class SelfScheduleBreakdown(Element: BasicElement = null, selfSchedMW: Double = 0.0, selfSchedType: String = null, ResourceAwardInstruction: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Model of Self Schedules Results.

    Model of Self Schedules Results.

    Includes self schedule MW,and type of self schedule for each self schedule type included in total self schedule MW value found in ResourceAwardInstruction.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    Cleared value for the specific self schedule type listed.


    Self schedule breakdown type.


    ResourceAwardInstruction undocumented

  1170. final case class SensitivityPriceCurve(Curve: Curve = null, ReserveReq: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Optionally, this curve expresses elasticity of the associated requirement.

    Optionally, this curve expresses elasticity of the associated requirement.

    For example, used to reduce requirements when clearing price exceeds reasonable values when the supply quantity becomes scarce. For example, a single point value of $1000/MW for a spinning reserve will cause a reduction in the required spinning reserve. X axis is constrained quantity (e.g., MW) Y1 axis is money per constrained quantity


    Curve Reference to the superclass object.


    ReserveReq undocumented

  1171. final case class Sensor(AuxiliaryEquipment: AuxiliaryEquipment = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    This class describe devices that transform a measured quantity into signals that can be presented at displays, used in control or be recorded.

    This class describe devices that transform a measured quantity into signals that can be presented at displays, used in control or be recorded.


    AuxiliaryEquipment Reference to the superclass object.

  1172. final case class Series(TimeSeries: TimeSeries = null, lastUpdateDate: String = null, methodType: String = null, registrationDate: String = null, SelfSeries: List[String] = null, Series_attr: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A set of similar physical or conceptual objects defined for the same period or point of time.

    A set of similar physical or conceptual objects defined for the same period or point of time.


    TimeSeries Reference to the superclass object.


    The date of the last update related to this market object.


    Type of method used in the business process related to this Series, e.g. metering method.


    For a market object, the date of registration of a contract, e.g. the date of change of supplier for a customer.


    Series undocumented


    Series undocumented

  1173. final case class SeriesCompensator(ConductingEquipment: ConductingEquipment = null, r: Double = 0.0, r0: Double = 0.0, varistorPresent: Boolean = false, varistorRatedCurrent: Double = 0.0, varistorVoltageThreshold: Double = 0.0, x: Double = 0.0, x0: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A Series Compensator is a series capacitor or reactor or an AC transmission line without charging susceptance.

    A Series Compensator is a series capacitor or reactor or an AC transmission line without charging susceptance.

    It is a two terminal device.


    ConductingEquipment Reference to the superclass object.


    Positive sequence resistance.


    Zero sequence resistance.


    Describe if a metal oxide varistor (mov) for over voltage protection is configured in parallel with the series compensator. It is used for short circuit calculations.


    The maximum current the varistor is designed to handle at specified duration. It is used for short circuit calculations and exchanged only if SeriesCompensator.varistorPresent is true. The attribute shall be a positive value.


    The dc voltage at which the varistor starts conducting. It is used for short circuit calculations and exchanged only if SeriesCompensator.varistorPresent is true.


    Positive sequence reactance.


    Zero sequence reactance.

  1174. final case class SeriesEquipmentDependentLimit(LimitDependency: LimitDependency = null, EquipmentLimitSeriesComponent: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Limit based on most restrictive series equipment limit.

    Limit based on most restrictive series equipment limit.

    A specification of of equipment that determines the calculated operational limit values based upon other equipment and their ratings. The most restrictive limit connected in series within the group is used. The physical connection based on switch status for example may also impact which elements in the group are considered. Any equipment in the group that are presently connected in series with the equipment of the directly associated operational limit are used. This provides a means to indicate which potentially series equipment limits are considered for a computed operational limit. The operational limit of the same operational limit type is assumed to be used from the grouped equipment. It is also possible to make assumptions or calculations regarding how flow might split if the equipment is not simply in series.


    LimitDependency Reference to the superclass object.


    EquipmentLimitSeriesComponent Equipment linkages that participates in the limit calculation.

  1175. final case class ServiceCategory(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, kind: String = null, ConfigurationEvents: List[String] = null, CustomerAgreements: List[String] = null, PricingStructures: List[String] = null, UsagePoints: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Category of service provided to the customer.

    Category of service provided to the customer.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    Kind of service.


    ConfigurationEvent All configuration events created for this service category.


    CustomerAgreement All customer agreements with this service category.


    PricingStructure All pricing structures applicable to this service category.


    UsagePoint All usage points that deliver this category of service.

  1176. final case class ServiceGuarantee(Document: Document = null, applicationPeriod: String = null, automaticPay: Boolean = false, payAmount: Double = 0.0, serviceRequirement: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A service guarantee, often imposed by a regulator, defines conditions that, if not satisfied, will result in the utility making a monetary payment to the customer.

    A service guarantee, often imposed by a regulator, defines conditions that, if not satisfied, will result in the utility making a monetary payment to the customer.

    Note that guarantee's identifier is in the 'name' attribute and the status of the guarantee is in the 'Status.status' attribute. Example service requirements include: 1) If power is not restored within 24 hours, customers can claim $50 for residential customers or $100 for commercial and industrial customers. In addition for each extra period of 12 hours the customer's supply has not been activated, the customer can claim $25. 2) If a customer has a question about their electricity bill, the utility will investigate and respond to the inquiry within 15 working days. If utility fails to meet its guarantee, utility will automatically pay the customer $50.


    Document Reference to the superclass object.


    Period in which this service guantee applies.


    True if utility must autmatically pay the specified amount whenever the condition is not satisified, otherwise customer must make a claim to receive payment.


    Amount to be paid by the service provider to the customer for each violation of the 'serviceRequirement'.


    Explanation of the requirement and conditions for satisfying it.

  1177. final case class ServiceLocation(WorkLocation: WorkLocation = null, accessMethod: String = null, needsInspection: Boolean = false, siteAccessProblem: String = null, CustomerAgreements: List[String] = null, EndDevices: List[String] = null, TroubleTicket: List[String] = null, UsagePoints: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A real estate location, commonly referred to as premises.

    A real estate location, commonly referred to as premises.


    WorkLocation Reference to the superclass object.


    Method for the service person to access this service location. For example, a description of where to obtain a key if the facility is unmanned and secured.


    True if inspection is needed of facilities at this service location. This could be requested by a customer, due to suspected tampering, environmental concerns (e.g., a fire in the vicinity), or to correct incompatible data.


    Problems previously encountered when visiting or performing work on this location. Examples include: bad dog, violent customer, verbally abusive occupant, obstructions, safety hazards, etc.


    CustomerAgreement All customer agreements regulating this service location.


    EndDevice All end devices that measure the service delivered to this service location.


    TroubleTicket undocumented


    UsagePoint All usage points delivering service (of the same type) to this service location.

  1178. final case class ServiceMultiplier(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, kind: String = null, value: Double = 0.0, UsagePoint: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Multiplier applied at the usage point.

    Multiplier applied at the usage point.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    Kind of multiplier.


    Multiplier value.


    UsagePoint Usage point applying this multiplier.

  1179. final case class ServicePoint(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, PODTransmissionPath: List[String] = null, PORTransmissionPath: List[String] = null, SinkReservation: List[String] = null, SourceReservation: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    The defined termination points of a transmission path.

    The defined termination points of a transmission path.

    Service points are defined from the viewpoint of the transmission service. Each service point is contained within (or on the boundary of) an interchange area. A service point is source or destination of a transaction.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    TransmissionPath A transmission path has a "point-of-delivery" service point


    TransmissionPath A transmission path has a "point-of-receipt" service point


    TransmissionReservation undocumented


    TransmissionReservation undocumented

  1180. final case class ServicePointOutageSummary(Element: BasicElement = null, criticalCount: Int = 0, totalCount: Int = 0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Summary counts of service points affected by an outage.

    Summary counts of service points affected by an outage.

    These counts are sometimes referred to as total and critical customer count.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    Number of critical service (delivery) points affected by an outage.


    Number of all service (delivery) points affected by an outage.

  1181. final case class ServiceSupplier(OrganisationRole: OrganisationRole = null, issuerIdentificationNumber: String = null, kind: String = null, BankAccounts: List[String] = null, CustomerAgreements: List[String] = null, UsagePoints: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Organisation that provides services to customers.

    Organisation that provides services to customers.


    OrganisationRole Reference to the superclass object.


    Unique transaction reference prefix number issued to an entity by the International Organization for Standardization for the purpose of tagging onto electronic financial transactions, as defined in ISO/IEC 7812-1 and ISO/IEC 7812-2.


    Kind of supplier.


    BankAccount All BackAccounts this ServiceSupplier owns.


    CustomerAgreement All customer agreements of this service supplier.


    UsagePoint All usage points this service supplier utilises to deliver a service.

  1182. final case class SetPoint(AnalogControl: AnalogControl = null, normalValue: Double = 0.0, value: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    An analog control that issues a set point value.

    An analog control that issues a set point value.


    AnalogControl Reference to the superclass object.


    Normal value for Control.value e.g. used for percentage scaling.


    The value representing the actuator output.

  1183. final case class Settlement(Document: Document = null, tradeDate: String = null, EnergyMarket: String = null, MajorChargeGroup: List[String] = null, MarketInvoiceLineItem: List[String] = null, MarketLedgerEntry: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Specifies a settlement run.

    Specifies a settlement run.


    Document Reference to the superclass object.


    The trade date on which the settlement is run.


    EnergyMarket undocumented


    MajorChargeGroup undocumented


    MarketInvoiceLineItem undocumented


    MarketLedgerEntry undocumented

  1184. final case class Shift(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, activityInterval: String = null, receiptsGrandTotalBankable: Double = 0.0, receiptsGrandTotalNonBankable: Double = 0.0, receiptsGrandTotalRounding: Double = 0.0, transactionsGrandTotal: Double = 0.0, transactionsGrandTotalRounding: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Generally referring to a period of operation or work performed.

    Generally referring to a period of operation or work performed.

    Whether the shift is open/closed can be derived from attributes 'activityInterval.start' and 'activityInterval.end'. The grand total for receipts (i.e., cumulative total of all actual receipted amounts during this shift; bankable + non-bankable; excludes rounding error totals) can be derived from receipt: =sum('Receipt.receiptAmount'); includes bankable and non-bankable receipts. It also has to be reconciled against: =sum('receiptsGrandTotalBankable' + 'receiptsGrandTotalNonBankable') and against receipt summary: =sum('ReceiptSummary.receiptsTotal'). The attributes with "GrandTotal" defined in this class may need to be used when the source data is periodically flushed from the system and then these cannot be derived.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    Interval for activity of this shift.


    Total of amounts receipted during this shift that can be manually banked (cash and cheques for example). Values are obtained from Receipt attributes: =sum(Receipt.receiptAmount) for all Receipt.bankable = true.


    Total of amounts receipted during this shift that cannot be manually banked (card payments for example). Values are obtained from Receipt attributes: =sum(Receipt.receiptAmount) for all Receipt.bankable = false.


    Cumulative amount in error due to process rounding not reflected in receiptsGrandTotal. Values are obtained from Receipt attributes: =sum(Receipt.receiptRounding).


    Cumulative total of transacted amounts during this shift. Values are obtained from transaction: =sum('Transaction.transactionAmount'). It also has to be reconciled against transaction summary: =sum('TransactionSummary.transactionsTotal').


    Cumulative amount in error due to process rounding not reflected in transactionsGandTotal. Values are obtained from Transaction attributes: =sum(Transaction.transactionRounding).

  1185. final case class ShiftPattern(WorkIdentifiedObject: WorkIdentifiedObject = null, assignmentType: String = null, cycleCount: Int = 0, status: String = null, validityInterval: String = null, Crews: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    The patterns of shifts worked by people or crews.

    The patterns of shifts worked by people or crews.


    WorkIdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    Type of assignement intended to be worked on this shift, for example, temporary, standard, etc.


    Number of cycles for a temporary shift.




    Date and time interval for which this shift pattern is valid (when it became effective and when it expires).


    OldCrew undocumented

  1186. final case class ShortCircuitTest(TransformerTest: TransformerTest = null, current: Double = 0.0, energisedEndStep: Int = 0, groundedEndStep: Int = 0, leakageImpedance: Double = 0.0, leakageImpedanceZero: Double = 0.0, loss: Double = 0.0, lossZero: Double = 0.0, power: Double = 0.0, voltage: Double = 0.0, EnergisedEnd: String = null, GroundedEnds: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Short-circuit test results determine mesh impedance parameters.

    Short-circuit test results determine mesh impedance parameters.

    They include load losses and leakage impedances. For three-phase windings, the excitation can be a positive sequence (the default) or a zero sequence. There shall be at least one grounded winding.


    TransformerTest Reference to the superclass object.


    Short circuit current..


    Tap step number for the energised end of the test pair.


    Tap step number for the grounded end of the test pair.


    Leakage impedance measured from a positive-sequence or single-phase short-circuit test.


    Leakage impedance measured from a zero-sequence short-circuit test.


    Load losses from a positive-sequence or single-phase short-circuit test.


    Load losses from a zero-sequence short-circuit test.


    Short circuit apparent power.


    Short circuit voltage..


    TransformerEndInfo Transformer end that voltage is applied to in this short-circuit test. The test voltage is chosen to induce rated current in the energised end.


    TransformerEndInfo All ends short-circuited in this short-circuit test.

  1187. final case class ShuntCompensator(RegulatingCondEq: RegulatingCondEq = null, aVRDelay: Double = 0.0, grounded: Boolean = false, maximumSections: Int = 0, nomU: Double = 0.0, normalSections: Int = 0, phaseConnection: String = null, sections: Double = 0.0, switchOnCount: Int = 0, switchOnDate: String = null, voltageSensitivity: Double = 0.0, ShuntCompensatorAction: String = null, ShuntCompensatorPhase: List[String] = null, SvShuntCompensatorSections: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A shunt capacitor or reactor or switchable bank of shunt capacitors or reactors.

    A shunt capacitor or reactor or switchable bank of shunt capacitors or reactors.

    A section of a shunt compensator is an individual capacitor or reactor. A negative value for reactivePerSection indicates that the compensator is a reactor. ShuntCompensator is a single terminal device. Ground is implied.


    RegulatingCondEq Reference to the superclass object.


    An automatic voltage regulation delay (AVRDelay) which is the time delay from a change in voltage to when the capacitor is allowed to change state. This filters out temporary changes in voltage.


    Used for Yn and Zn connections. True if the neutral is solidly grounded.


    The maximum number of sections that may be switched in.


    The voltage at which the nominal reactive power may be calculated. This should normally be within 10% of the voltage at which the capacitor is connected to the network.


    The normal number of sections switched in. The value shall be between zero and ShuntCompensator.maximumSections.


    The type of phase connection, such as wye or delta.


    Shunt compensator sections in use. Starting value for steady state solution. The attribute shall be a positive value or zero. Non integer values are allowed to support continuous variables. The reasons for continuous value are to support study cases where no discrete shunt compensators has yet been designed, a solutions where a narrow voltage band force the sections to oscillate or accommodate for a continuous solution as input. For LinearShuntConpensator the value shall be between zero and ShuntCompensator.maximumSections. At value zero the shunt compensator conductance and admittance is zero. Linear interpolation of conductance and admittance between the previous and next integer section is applied in case of non-integer values. For NonlinearShuntCompensator-s shall only be set to one of the NonlinearShuntCompenstorPoint.sectionNumber. There is no interpolation between NonlinearShuntCompenstorPoint-s.


    The switch on count since the capacitor count was last reset or initialized.


    The date and time when the capacitor bank was last switched on.


    Voltage sensitivity required for the device to regulate the bus voltage, in voltage/reactive power.


    ShuntCompensatorAction undocumented


    ShuntCompensatorPhase The individual phases models for the shunt compensator.


    SvShuntCompensatorSections The state for the number of shunt compensator sections in service.

  1188. final case class ShuntCompensatorAction(SwitchingAction: SwitchingAction = null, kind: String = null, ShuntCompensator: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

  1189. final case class ShuntCompensatorControl(RegulatingControl: RegulatingControl = null, branchDirect: Int = 0, cellSize: Double = 0.0, controlKind: String = null, highVoltageOverride: Double = 0.0, localControlKind: String = null, localOffLevel: String = null, localOnLevel: String = null, localOverride: Boolean = false, lowVoltageOverride: Double = 0.0, maxSwitchOperationCount: Int = 0, normalOpen: Boolean = false, regBranch: String = null, regBranchEnd: Int = 0, regBranchKind: String = null, sensingPhaseCode: String = null, switchOperationCycle: Double = 0.0, vRegLineLine: Boolean = false, ShuntCompensatorInfo: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Distribution capacitor bank control settings.

    Distribution capacitor bank control settings.


    RegulatingControl Reference to the superclass object.


    For VAR, amp, or power factor locally controlled shunt impedances, the flow direction: in, out.


    The size of the individual units that make up the bank.


    Kind of control (if any).


    For locally controlled shunt impedances which have a voltage override feature, the high voltage override value. If the voltage is above this value, the shunt impedance will be turned off regardless of the other local controller settings.


    Kind of local controller.


    Upper control setting.


    Lower control setting.


    True if the locally controlled capacitor has voltage override capability.


    For locally controlled shunt impedances which have a voltage override feature, the low voltage override value. If the voltage is below this value, the shunt impedance will be turned on regardless of the other local controller settings.




    True if open is normal status for a fixed capacitor bank, otherwise normal status is closed.


    For VAR, amp, or power factor locally controlled shunt impedances, the index of the regulation branch.


    For VAR, amp, or power factor locally controlled shunt impedances, the end of the branch that is regulated. The field has the following values: from side, to side, and tertiary (only if the branch is a transformer).


    (For VAR, amp, or power factor locally controlled shunt impedances) Kind of regulation branch.


    Phases that are measured for controlling the device.


    Time interval between consecutive switching operations.


    True if regulated voltages are measured line to line, otherwise they are measured line to ground.


    ShuntCompensatorInfo undocumented

  1190. final case class ShuntCompensatorDynamicData(Element: BasicElement = null, connectionStatus: Int = 0, desiredVoltage: Double = 0.0, mVARInjection: Double = 0.0, stepPosition: Int = 0, voltageRegulationStatus: Boolean = false, MktShuntCompensator: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Optimal Power Flow or State Estimator Filter Bank Data for OTS.

    Optimal Power Flow or State Estimator Filter Bank Data for OTS.

    This is used for RealTime, Study and Maintenance Users.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    The current status for the Voltage Control Capacitor 1= Connected 0 = Disconnected


    The desired voltage for the Voltage Control Capacitor


    The injection of reactive power of the filter bank in the NA solution or VCS reactive power production


    Voltage control capacitor step position


    Indicator if the voltage control this is regulating True = Yes, False = No


    MktShuntCompensator undocumented

  1191. final case class ShuntCompensatorInfo(AssetInfo: AssetInfo = null, maxPowerLoss: Double = 0.0, ratedCurrent: Double = 0.0, ratedReactivePower: Double = 0.0, ratedVoltage: Double = 0.0, ShuntCompensatorControl: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Properties of shunt capacitor, shunt reactor or switchable bank of shunt capacitor or reactor assets.

    Properties of shunt capacitor, shunt reactor or switchable bank of shunt capacitor or reactor assets.


    AssetInfo Reference to the superclass object.


    Maximum allowed apparent power loss.


    Rated current.


    Rated reactive power.


    Rated voltage.


    ShuntCompensatorControl undocumented

  1192. final case class ShuntCompensatorPhase(PowerSystemResource: PowerSystemResource = null, maximumSections: Int = 0, normalSections: Int = 0, phase: String = null, sections: Double = 0.0, ShuntCompensator: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Single phase of a multi-phase shunt compensator when its attributes might be different per phase.

    Single phase of a multi-phase shunt compensator when its attributes might be different per phase.


    PowerSystemResource Reference to the superclass object.


    The maximum number of sections that may be switched in for this phase.


    For the capacitor phase, the normal number of sections switched in. The value shall be between zero and ShuntCompensatorPhase.maximumSections.


    Phase of this shunt compensator component. If the shunt compensator is wye connected, the connection is from the indicated phase to the central ground or neutral point. If the shunt compensator is delta connected, the phase indicates a shunt compensator connected from the indicated phase to the next logical non-neutral phase.


    Shunt compensator sections in use. Starting value for steady state solution. The attribute shall be a positive value or zero. Non integer values are allowed to support continuous variables. The reasons for continuous value are to support study cases where no discrete shunt compensators has yet been designed, a solutions where a narrow voltage band force the sections to oscillate or accommodate for a continuous solution as input. For LinearShuntConpensator the value shall be between zero and ShuntCompensatorPhase.maximumSections. At value zero the shunt compensator conductance and admittance is zero. Linear interpolation of conductance and admittance between the previous and next integer section is applied in case of non-integer values. For NonlinearShuntCompensator-s shall only be set to one of the NonlinearShuntCompenstorPhasePoint.sectionNumber. There is no interpolation between NonlinearShuntCompenstorPhasePoint-s.


    ShuntCompensator Shunt compensator of this shunt compensator phase.

  1193. final case class ShutdownCurve(Curve: Curve = null, shutdownCost: Double = 0.0, shutdownDate: String = null, ThermalGeneratingUnit: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Relationship between the rate in gross active power/minute (Y-axis) at which a unit should be shutdown and its present gross MW output (X-axis).

    Relationship between the rate in gross active power/minute (Y-axis) at which a unit should be shutdown and its present gross MW output (X-axis).


    Curve Reference to the superclass object.


    Fixed shutdown cost.


    The date and time of the most recent generating unit shutdown.


    ThermalGeneratingUnit A thermal generating unit may have a shutdown curve.

  1194. final case class SimpleEndDeviceFunction(EndDeviceFunction: EndDeviceFunction = null, kind: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Simple end device function distinguished by 'kind'.

    Simple end device function distinguished by 'kind'.

    Use this class for instances that cannot be represented by another end device function specialisations.


    EndDeviceFunction Reference to the superclass object.


    Kind of this function.

  1195. final case class Skill(Document: Document = null, certificationPeriod: String = null, effectiveDateTime: String = null, level: String = null, Crafts: List[String] = null, ErpPerson: String = null, QualificationRequirements: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Proficiency level of a craft, which is required to operate or maintain a particular type of asset and/or perform certain types of work.

    Proficiency level of a craft, which is required to operate or maintain a particular type of asset and/or perform certain types of work.


    Document Reference to the superclass object.


    Interval between the certification and its expiry.


    Date and time the skill became effective.


    Level of skill for a Craft.


    Craft undocumented


    OldPerson undocumented


    QualificationRequirement undocumented

  1196. final case class SolarGeneratingUnit(GeneratingUnit: GeneratingUnit = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A solar thermal generating unit, connected to the grid by means of a rotating machine.

    A solar thermal generating unit, connected to the grid by means of a rotating machine.

    This class does not represent photovoltaic (PV) generation.


    GeneratingUnit Reference to the superclass object.

  1197. final case class SpaceAnalog(EnvironmentalAnalog: EnvironmentalAnalog = null, kind: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Analog (float) measuring a space (extra-terrestrial) condition.

    Analog (float) measuring a space (extra-terrestrial) condition.


    EnvironmentalAnalog Reference to the superclass object.


    Kind of space analog.

  1198. final case class SpacePhenomenon(EnvironmentalPhenomenon: EnvironmentalPhenomenon = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    An extra-terrestrial phenomenon.

    An extra-terrestrial phenomenon.


    EnvironmentalPhenomenon Reference to the superclass object.

  1199. final case class Specification(Document: Document = null, AssetProperites: List[String] = null, AssetPropertyCurves: List[String] = null, DimensionsInfos: List[String] = null, Mediums: List[String] = null, QualificationRequirements: List[String] = null, Ratings: List[String] = null, ReliabilityInfos: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Specification can be used for various purposes relative to an asset, a logical device (PowerSystemResource), location, etc.

    Specification can be used for various purposes relative to an asset, a logical device (PowerSystemResource), location, etc.

    Examples include documents supplied by manufacturers such as asset installation instructions, asset maintenance instructions, etc.


    Document Reference to the superclass object.


    UserAttribute UserAttributes used to specify further properties of the asset covered with this specification. Use 'name' to specify what kind of property it is, and 'value.value' attribute for the actual value.


    AssetPropertyCurve undocumented


    DimensionsInfo undocumented


    Medium undocumented


    QualificationRequirement undocumented


    UserAttribute UserAttributes used to specify ratings of the asset covered by this specification. Ratings also can be used to set the initial value of operational measurement limits. Use 'name' to specify what kind of rating it is (e.g., voltage, current), and 'value' attribute for the actual value and unit information of the rating.


    ReliabilityInfo undocumented

  1200. final case class Specimen(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, ambientTemperatureAtSampling: Double = 0.0, humidityAtSampling: Double = 0.0, specimenID: String = null, specimenSampleDateTime: String = null, specimenToLabDateTime: String = null, AssetTestSampleTaker: String = null, LabTestDataSet: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Sample or specimen of a material (fluid or solid).

    Sample or specimen of a material (fluid or solid).


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    Operating ambient temperature (in °C).


    Operating ambient humidity (in percent).


    Identifier of specimen used in inspection or test.


    Date and time sample specimen taken.


    Date and time the specimen was received by the lab.


    AssetTestSampleTaker Test sampler taker who gathered this specimen.


    LabTestDataSet Results from lab testing done on specimen.

  1201. final case class Stage(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, priority: Int = 0, RemedialActionScheme: String = null, StageTrigger: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Stage of a remedial action scheme.

    Stage of a remedial action scheme.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    The priority of the stage. 0 = don t care (default) 1 = highest priority. 2 is less than 1 and so on. A stage with higher priority needs be activated before a lower stage can be activated.


    RemedialActionScheme undocumented


    StageTrigger A Stage consist of one or more StageTrigger.

  1202. final case class StageTrigger(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, armed: Boolean = false, normalArmed: Boolean = false, priority: Int = 0, GateArmed: String = null, GateComCondition: String = null, GateTrigger: String = null, ProtectiveActionCollection: String = null, Stage: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Condition that is triggered either by TriggerCondition of by gate condition within a stage and has remedial action-s.

    Condition that is triggered either by TriggerCondition of by gate condition within a stage and has remedial action-s.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    The status of the class set by operation or by signal. Optional field that will override other status fields.


    The default/normal value used when other active signal/values are missing.


    Priority of trigger. 0 = don t care (default) 1 = highest priority. 2 is less than 1 and so on. A trigger with the highest priority will trigger first.


    Gate Association to a Gate that through a gate logic and input pin defines arming of the StageTrigger.


    Gate For the StageTrigger to active the set of protective actions the condition for communication needs to be met (true).


    Gate The Gate result that trigger the StageTrigger and thereby executing the a set of protective actions.


    ProtectiveActionCollection undocumented


    Stage undocumented

  1203. final case class StandardIndustryCode(Document: Document = null, code: String = null, CustomerAgreements: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    The Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) are the codes that identify the type of products/service an industry is involved in, and used for statutory reporting purposes.

    The Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) are the codes that identify the type of products/service an industry is involved in, and used for statutory reporting purposes.

    For example, in the USA these codes are located by the federal government, and then published in a book entitled "The Standard Industrial Classification Manual". The codes are arranged in a hierarchical structure. Note that Residential Service Agreements are not classified according to the SIC codes.


    Document Reference to the superclass object.


    Standard alphanumeric code assigned to a particular product/service within an industry.


    CustomerAgreement undocumented

  1204. final case class StartIgnFuelCurve(Curve: Curve = null, ignitionFuelType: String = null, StartupModel: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    The quantity of ignition fuel (Y-axis) used to restart and repay the auxiliary power consumed versus the number of hours (X-axis) the unit was off line.

    The quantity of ignition fuel (Y-axis) used to restart and repay the auxiliary power consumed versus the number of hours (X-axis) the unit was off line.


    Curve Reference to the superclass object.


    Type of ignition fuel.


    StartupModel The unit's startup model may have a startup ignition fuel curve.

  1205. final case class StartMainFuelCurve(Curve: Curve = null, mainFuelType: String = null, StartupModel: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    The quantity of main fuel (Y-axis) used to restart and repay the auxiliary power consumed versus the number of hours (X-axis) the unit was off line.

    The quantity of main fuel (Y-axis) used to restart and repay the auxiliary power consumed versus the number of hours (X-axis) the unit was off line.


    Curve Reference to the superclass object.


    Type of main fuel.


    StartupModel The unit's startup model may have a startup main fuel curve.

  1206. final case class StartRampCurve(Curve: Curve = null, hotStandbyRamp: Double = 0.0, StartupModel: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Rate in gross active power per minute (Y-axis) at which a unit can be loaded versus the number of hours (X-axis) the unit was off line.

    Rate in gross active power per minute (Y-axis) at which a unit can be loaded versus the number of hours (X-axis) the unit was off line.


    Curve Reference to the superclass object.


    The startup ramp rate in gross for a unit that is on hot standby.


    StartupModel The unit's startup model may have a startup ramp curve.

  1207. final case class StartUpCostCurve(Curve: Curve = null, GeneratingBid: List[String] = null, RegisteredGenerators: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Startup costs and time as a function of down time.

    Startup costs and time as a function of down time.

    Relationship between unit startup cost (Y1-axis) vs. unit elapsed down time (X-axis).


    Curve Reference to the superclass object.


    GeneratingBid undocumented


    RegisteredGenerator undocumented

  1208. final case class StartUpEnergyCurve(Curve: Curve = null, RegisteredGenerator: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    The energy consumption of a generating resource to complete a start-up from the StartUpEnergyCurve.

    The energy consumption of a generating resource to complete a start-up from the StartUpEnergyCurve.

    Definition of the StartUpEnergyCurve includes, xvalue as the cooling time and y1value as the MW value.


    Curve Reference to the superclass object.


    RegisteredGenerator undocumented

  1209. final case class StartUpFuelCurve(Curve: Curve = null, RegisteredGenerator: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    The fuel consumption of a Generating Resource to complete a Start-Up.(x=cooling time) Form Startup Fuel Curve.

    The fuel consumption of a Generating Resource to complete a Start-Up.(x=cooling time) Form Startup Fuel Curve. xAxisData -> cooling time, y1AxisData -> MBtu.


    Curve Reference to the superclass object.


    RegisteredGenerator undocumented

  1210. final case class StartUpTimeCurve(Curve: Curve = null, GeneratingBid: List[String] = null, RegisteredGenerator: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Startup time curve as a function of down time, where time is specified in minutes.

    Startup time curve as a function of down time, where time is specified in minutes.

    Relationship between unit startup time (Y1-axis) vs. unit elapsed down time (X-axis).


    Curve Reference to the superclass object.


    GeneratingBid undocumented


    RegisteredGenerator undocumented

  1211. final case class StartupModel(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, fixedMaintCost: Double = 0.0, hotStandbyHeat: Double = 0.0, incrementalMaintCost: Double = 0.0, minimumDownTime: Double = 0.0, minimumRunTime: Double = 0.0, riskFactorCost: Double = 0.0, startupCost: Double = 0.0, startupDate: String = null, startupPriority: Int = 0, stbyAuxP: Double = 0.0, StartIgnFuelCurve: String = null, StartMainFuelCurve: String = null, StartRampCurve: String = null, ThermalGeneratingUnit: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Unit start up characteristics depending on how long the unit has been off line.

    Unit start up characteristics depending on how long the unit has been off line.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    Fixed maintenance cost.


    The amount of heat input per time unit required for hot standby operation.


    Incremental maintenance cost.


    The minimum number of hours the unit must be down before restart.


    The minimum number of hours the unit must be operating before being allowed to shut down.


    The opportunity cost associated with the return in monetary unit. This represents the restart's "share" of the unit depreciation and risk of an event which would damage the unit.


    Total miscellaneous start up costs.


    The date and time of the most recent generating unit startup.


    Startup priority within control area where lower numbers indicate higher priorities. More than one unit in an area may be assigned the same priority.


    The unit's auxiliary active power consumption to maintain standby mode.


    StartIgnFuelCurve The unit's startup model may have a startup ignition fuel curve.


    StartMainFuelCurve The unit's startup model may have a startup main fuel curve.


    StartRampCurve The unit's startup model may have a startup ramp curve.


    ThermalGeneratingUnit A thermal generating unit may have a startup model.

  1212. final case class StateVariable(Element: BasicElement = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    An abstract class for state variables.

    An abstract class for state variables.


    Reference to the superclass object.

  1213. final case class StaticVarCompensator(RegulatingCondEq: RegulatingCondEq = null, capacitiveRating: Double = 0.0, inductiveRating: Double = 0.0, q: Double = 0.0, sVCControlMode: String = null, slope: Double = 0.0, voltageSetPoint: Double = 0.0, StaticVarCompensatorDynamics: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A facility for providing variable and controllable shunt reactive power.

    A facility for providing variable and controllable shunt reactive power.

    The SVC typically consists of a stepdown transformer, filter, thyristor-controlled reactor, and thyristor-switched capacitor arms.

    The SVC may operate in fixed MVar output mode or in voltage control mode. When in voltage control mode, the output of the SVC will be proportional to the deviation of voltage at the controlled bus from the voltage setpoint. The SVC characteristic slope defines the proportion. If the voltage at the controlled bus is equal to the voltage setpoint, the SVC MVar output is zero.


    RegulatingCondEq Reference to the superclass object.


    Capacitive reactance at maximum capacitive reactive power. Shall always be positive.


    Inductive reactance at maximum inductive reactive power. Shall always be negative.


    Reactive power injection. Load sign convention is used, i.e. positive sign means flow out from a node. Starting value for a steady state solution.


    SVC control mode.


    The characteristics slope of an SVC defines how the reactive power output changes in proportion to the difference between the regulated bus voltage and the voltage setpoint. The attribute shall be a positive value or zero.


    The reactive power output of the SVC is proportional to the difference between the voltage at the regulated bus and the voltage setpoint. When the regulated bus voltage is equal to the voltage setpoint, the reactive power output is zero.


    StaticVarCompensatorDynamics Static Var Compensator dynamics model used to describe dynamic behaviour of this Static Var Compensator.

  1214. final case class StaticVarCompensatorDynamics(DynamicsFunctionBlock: DynamicsFunctionBlock = null, StaticVarCompensator: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Static var compensator whose behaviour is described by reference to a standard model <font color="#0f0f0f">or by definition of a user-defined model.</font>

    Static var compensator whose behaviour is described by reference to a standard model <font color="#0f0f0f">or by definition of a user-defined model.</font>


    DynamicsFunctionBlock Reference to the superclass object.


    StaticVarCompensator Static Var Compensator to which Static Var Compensator dynamics model applies.

  1215. final case class StationSupply(EnergyConsumer: EnergyConsumer = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Station supply with load derived from the station output.

    Station supply with load derived from the station output.


    EnergyConsumer Reference to the superclass object.

  1216. final case class StatisticalCalculation(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, calculationMode: String = null, calculationTechnique: String = null, CalculationMethodOrder: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Description of statistical calculation performed.

    Description of statistical calculation performed.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    Calculation mode.


    Kind of statistical calculation, specifying how the measurement value is calculated.


    CalculationMethodOrder The order in which this statistical calculation is done.

  1217. final case class Status(Element: BasicElement = null, dateTime: String = null, reason: String = null, remark: String = null, value: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Current status information relevant to an entity.

    Current status information relevant to an entity.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    Date and time for which status 'value' applies.


    Reason code or explanation for why an object went to the current status 'value'.


    Pertinent information regarding the current 'value', as free form text.


    Status value at 'dateTime'; prior status changes may have been kept in instances of activity records associated with the object to which this status applies.

  1218. final case class SteamSendoutSchedule(RegularIntervalSchedule: RegularIntervalSchedule = null, CogenerationPlant: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    The cogeneration plant's steam sendout schedule in volume per time unit.

    The cogeneration plant's steam sendout schedule in volume per time unit.


    RegularIntervalSchedule Reference to the superclass object.


    CogenerationPlant A cogeneration plant has a steam sendout schedule.

  1219. final case class SteamSupply(PowerSystemResource: PowerSystemResource = null, steamSupplyRating: Double = 0.0, SteamTurbines: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Steam supply for steam turbine.

    Steam supply for steam turbine.


    PowerSystemResource Reference to the superclass object.


    Rating of steam supply.


    SteamTurbine Steam turbines may have steam supplied by a steam supply.

  1220. final case class SteamTurbine(PrimeMover: PrimeMover = null, crossoverTC: Double = 0.0, reheater1TC: Double = 0.0, reheater2TC: Double = 0.0, shaft1PowerHP: Double = 0.0, shaft1PowerIP: Double = 0.0, shaft1PowerLP1: Double = 0.0, shaft1PowerLP2: Double = 0.0, shaft2PowerHP: Double = 0.0, shaft2PowerIP: Double = 0.0, shaft2PowerLP1: Double = 0.0, shaft2PowerLP2: Double = 0.0, steamChestTC: Double = 0.0, SteamSupplys: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Steam turbine.

    Steam turbine.


    PrimeMover Reference to the superclass object.


    Crossover time constant.


    First reheater time constant.


    Second reheater time constant.


    Fraction of power from shaft 1 high pressure turbine output.


    Fraction of power from shaft 1 intermediate pressure turbine output.


    Fraction of power from shaft 1 first low pressure turbine output.


    Fraction of power from shaft 1 second low pressure turbine output.


    Fraction of power from shaft 2 high pressure turbine output.


    Fraction of power from shaft 2 intermediate pressure turbine output.


    Fraction of power from shaft 2 first low pressure turbine output.


    Fraction of power from shaft 2 second low pressure turbine output.


    Steam chest time constant.


    SteamSupply Steam turbines may have steam supplied by a steam supply.

  1221. final case class StreetAddress(Element: BasicElement = null, language: String = null, poBox: String = null, postalCode: String = null, status: String = null, streetDetail: String = null, townDetail: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    General purpose street and postal address information.

    General purpose street and postal address information.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    The language in which the address is specified, using ISO 639-1 two digit language code.


    Post office box.


    Postal code for the address.


    Status Status of this address.


    StreetDetail Street detail.


    TownDetail Town detail.

  1222. final case class StreetDetail(Element: BasicElement = null, addressGeneral: String = null, addressGeneral2: String = null, addressGeneral3: String = null, buildingName: String = null, code: String = null, floorIdentification: String = null, name: String = null, number: String = null, prefix: String = null, suffix: String = null, suiteNumber: String = null, type: String = null, withinTownLimits: Boolean = false) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Street details, in the context of address.

    Street details, in the context of address.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    First line of a free form address or some additional address information (for example a mail stop).


    (if applicable) Second line of a free form address.


    (if applicable) Third line of a free form address.


    (if applicable) In certain cases the physical location of the place of interest does not have a direct point of entry from the street, but may be located inside a larger structure such as a building, complex, office block, apartment, etc.


    (if applicable) Utilities often make use of external reference systems, such as those of the town-planner's department or surveyor general's mapping system, that allocate global reference codes to streets.


    The identification by name or number, expressed as text, of the floor in the building as part of this address.


    Name of the street.


    Designator of the specific location on the street.


    Prefix to the street name. For example: North, South, East, West.


    Suffix to the street name. For example: North, South, East, West.


    Number of the apartment or suite.


    Type of street. Examples include: street, circle, boulevard, avenue, road, drive, etc.


    True if this street is within the legal geographical boundaries of the specified town (default).

  1223. final case class Streetlight(Asset: Asset = null, armLength: Double = 0.0, lampKind: String = null, lightRating: Double = 0.0, Pole: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Streetlight asset.

    Streetlight asset.


    Asset Reference to the superclass object.


    Length of arm. Note that a new light may be placed on an existing arm.


    Lamp kind.


    Power rating of light.


    Pole Pole to which thiss streetlight is attached.

  1224. final case class StringMeasurement(Measurement: Measurement = null, StringMeasurementValues: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    StringMeasurement represents a measurement with values of type string.

    StringMeasurement represents a measurement with values of type string.


    Measurement Reference to the superclass object.


    StringMeasurementValue The values connected to this measurement.

  1225. final case class StringMeasurementValue(MeasurementValue: MeasurementValue = null, value: String = null, StringMeasurement: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    StringMeasurementValue represents a measurement value of type string.

    StringMeasurementValue represents a measurement value of type string.


    MeasurementValue Reference to the superclass object.


    The value to supervise.


    StringMeasurement Measurement to which this value is connected.

  1226. final case class StringQuantity(Element: BasicElement = null, multiplier: String = null, unit: String = null, value: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Quantity with string value (when it is not important whether it is an integral or a floating point number) and associated unit information.

    Quantity with string value (when it is not important whether it is an integral or a floating point number) and associated unit information.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    Unit multiplier of this quantity.


    Unit of this quantity.


    Value of this quantity.

  1227. final case class Structure(AssetContainer: AssetContainer = null, fumigantAppliedDate: String = null, fumigantName: String = null, height: Double = 0.0, materialKind: String = null, ratedVoltage: Double = 0.0, removeWeed: Boolean = false, weedRemovedDate: String = null, StructureSupports: List[String] = null, WireSpacingInfos: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Construction holding assets such as conductors, transformers, switchgear, etc.

    Construction holding assets such as conductors, transformers, switchgear, etc.

    Where applicable, number of conductors can be derived from the number of associated wire spacing instances.


    AssetContainer Reference to the superclass object.


    Date fumigant was last applied.


    Name of fumigant.


    Visible height of structure above ground level for overhead construction (e.g., Pole or Tower) or below ground level for an underground vault, manhole, etc. Refer to associated DimensionPropertiesInfo for other types of dimensions.


    Material this structure is made of.


    Maximum rated voltage of the equipment that can be mounted on/contained within the structure.


    True if weeds are to be removed around asset.


    Date weed were last removed.


    StructureSupport Structure support for this structure.


    WireSpacingInfo undocumented

  1228. final case class StructureSupport(Asset: Asset = null, anchorKind: String = null, anchorRodCount: Int = 0, anchorRodLength: Double = 0.0, direction: Double = 0.0, kind: String = null, len: Double = 0.0, size1: String = null, SecuredStructure: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Support for structure assets.

    Support for structure assets.


    Asset Reference to the superclass object.


    (if anchor) Kind of anchor.


    (if anchor) Number of rods used.


    (if anchor) Length of rod used.


    Direction of this support structure.


    Kind of structure support.


    Length of this support structure.


    Size of this support structure.


    Structure The secured structure supported by this structure support.

  1229. final case class SubControlArea(PowerSystemResource: PowerSystemResource = null, areaShortName: String = null, constantCoefficient: Double = 0.0, embeddedControlArea: String = null, internalCA: String = null, linearCoefficient: Double = 0.0, localCA: String = null, maxSelfSchedMW: Double = 0.0, minSelfSchedMW: Double = 0.0, quadraticCoefficient: Double = 0.0, AdjacentCASet: String = null, AggregateNode: List[String] = null, AreaReserveSpecification: String = null, BidSelfSched: List[String] = null, CnodeDistributionFactor: List[String] = null, ControlAreaDesignation: List[String] = null, ExPostLossResults: List[String] = null, Export_EnergyTransactions: List[String] = null, From_Flowgate: List[String] = null, GeneralClearingResults: List[String] = null, HostControlArea: String = null, Import_EnergyTransactions: List[String] = null, InadvertentAccount: List[String] = null, LossClearingResults: List[String] = null, Pnode: List[String] = null, RTO: String = null, Receive_DynamicSchedules: List[String] = null, RegisteredResource: List[String] = null, Send_DynamicSchedules: List[String] = null, SideA_TieLines: List[String] = null, SideB_TieLines: List[String] = null, To_Flowgate: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    An area defined for the purpose of tracking interchange with surrounding areas via tie points; may or may not serve as a control area.

    An area defined for the purpose of tracking interchange with surrounding areas via tie points; may or may not serve as a control area.


    PowerSystemResource Reference to the superclass object.


    Market area short name, which is the regulation zone. It references AGC regulation zone name.


    Loss estimate constant coefficient


    Used in conjunction with the InternalCA flag. If the InternalCA flag is YES, this flag does not apply. If the InternaCA flag is NO, this flag provides an indication of AdjacentCA (NO) or Embedded CA (YES).


    A Yes/No indication that this control area is contained internal to the system.


    Loss estimate linear coefficient


    Indication that this control area is the local control area.


    Maximum amount of self schedule MWs allowed for an embedded control area.


    Minimum amount of self schedule MW allowed for an embedded control area.


    Loss estimate quadratic coefficient


    AdjacentCASet undocumented


    AggregateNode undocumented


    AreaReserveSpec undocumented


    BidSelfSched undocumented


    CnodeDistributionFactor undocumented


    ControlAreaDesignation undocumented


    ExPostLossResults undocumented


    EnergyTransaction Energy is transferred between interchange areas


    Flowgate undocumented


    GeneralClearingResults undocumented


    HostControlArea The interchange area may operate as a control area


    EnergyTransaction Energy is transferred between interchange areas


    InadvertentAccount A control area can have one or more net inadvertent interchange accounts


    LossClearingResults undocumented


    Pnode undocumented


    RTO undocumented


    DynamicSchedule A control area can receive dynamic schedules from other control areas


    RegisteredResource undocumented


    DynamicSchedule A control area can send dynamic schedules to other control areas


    TieLine The SubControlArea is on the A side of a collection of metered points which define the SubControlArea's boundary for a ControlAreaOperator or CustomerConsumer.


    TieLine The SubControlArea is on the B side of a collection of metered points which define the SubControlArea's boundary for a ControlAreaOperator or CustomerConsumer.


    Flowgate undocumented

  1230. final case class SubGeographicalRegion(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, DCLines: List[String] = null, Lines: List[String] = null, Region: String = null, Substations: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A subset of a geographical region of a power system network model.

    A subset of a geographical region of a power system network model.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    DCLine The DC lines in this sub-geographical region.


    Line The lines within the sub-geographical region.


    GeographicalRegion The geographical region which this sub-geographical region is within.


    Substation The substations in this sub-geographical region.

  1231. final case class SubLoadArea(EnergyArea: EnergyArea = null, LoadArea: String = null, LoadGroups: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    The class is the second level in a hierarchical structure for grouping of loads for the purpose of load flow load scaling.

    The class is the second level in a hierarchical structure for grouping of loads for the purpose of load flow load scaling.


    EnergyArea Reference to the superclass object.


    LoadArea The LoadArea where the SubLoadArea belongs.


    LoadGroup The Loadgroups in the SubLoadArea.

  1232. final case class Subcritical(FossilSteamSupply: FossilSteamSupply = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Once-through subcritical boiler.

    Once-through subcritical boiler.


    FossilSteamSupply Reference to the superclass object.

  1233. final case class SubscribePowerCurve(Curve: Curve = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Price curve for specifying the cost of energy (X) at points in time (y1) according to a prcing structure, which is based on a tariff.

    Price curve for specifying the cost of energy (X) at points in time (y1) according to a prcing structure, which is based on a tariff.


    Curve Reference to the superclass object.

  1234. final case class Substation(EquipmentContainer: EquipmentContainer = null, Bays: List[String] = null, DCConverterUnit: List[String] = null, NamingFeeder: String = null, NormalEnergizedFeeder: List[String] = null, NormalEnergizingFeeder: List[String] = null, Region: String = null, VoltageLevels: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A collection of equipment for purposes other than generation or utilization, through which electric energy in bulk is passed for the purposes of switching or modifying its characteristics.

    A collection of equipment for purposes other than generation or utilization, through which electric energy in bulk is passed for the purposes of switching or modifying its characteristics.


    EquipmentContainer Reference to the superclass object.


    Bay Bays contained in the substation.


    DCConverterUnit The DC converter unit belonging of the substation.


    Feeder The primary feeder that normally energizes the secondary substation. Used for naming purposes. Either this association or the substation to subgeographical region should be used for hierarchical containment specification.


    Feeder The normal energized feeders of the substation. Also used for naming purposes.


    Feeder The feeders that potentially energize the downstream substation. Should be consistent with the associations that describe the naming hierarchy.


    SubGeographicalRegion The SubGeographicalRegion containing the substation.


    VoltageLevel The voltage levels within this substation.

  1235. final case class SubstitutionResourceList(Element: BasicElement = null, precedence: Int = 0, RegisteredResource: String = null, TransmissionContractRight: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    List of resources that can be substituted for within the bounds of a Contract definition.

    List of resources that can be substituted for within the bounds of a Contract definition.

    This class has a precedence and a resource.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    An indicator of the order a resource should be substituted. The lower the number the higher the precedence.


    RegisteredResource undocumented


    ContractRight undocumented

  1236. final case class Supercritical(FossilSteamSupply: FossilSteamSupply = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Once-through supercritical boiler.

    Once-through supercritical boiler.


    FossilSteamSupply Reference to the superclass object.

  1237. final case class SurgeArrester(AuxiliaryEquipment: AuxiliaryEquipment = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Shunt device, installed on the network, usually in the proximity of electrical equipment in order to protect the said equipment against transient voltage transients caused by lightning or switching activity.

    Shunt device, installed on the network, usually in the proximity of electrical equipment in order to protect the said equipment against transient voltage transients caused by lightning or switching activity.


    AuxiliaryEquipment Reference to the superclass object.

  1238. final case class SurgeArresterInfo(AssetInfo: AssetInfo = null, continuousOperatingVoltage: Double = 0.0, isPolymer: Boolean = false, lightningImpulseDischargeVoltage: Double = 0.0, lineDischargeClass: Int = 0, nominalDischargeCurrent: Double = 0.0, pressureReliefClass: Double = 0.0, ratedVoltage: Double = 0.0, steepFrontDischargeVoltage: Double = 0.0, switchingImpulseDischargeVoltage: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Properties of surge arrester.

    Properties of surge arrester.


    AssetInfo Reference to the superclass object.


    Maximum continuous power frequency voltage allowed on the surge arrester.


    If true, the arrester has a polymer housing, porcelain otherwise.


    Residual voltage during an 8x20 microsecond current impulse at the nominal discharge current level.


    Determines the arrester energy discharge capability. Choices are limited to 0 (none) through 5 (highest) by IEC 60099. Classes 1..3 require a 10-kA nominal discharge current. Classes 4..5 require a 20-kA nominal discharge current. Lower nominal discharge currents must use class 0.


    The lightning discharge current used to classify the arrester. Choices are limited to 1.5, 2.5, 5, 10, and 20 kA by IEC 60099.


    Fault current level at which all parts of the failed arrester lie within a circle prescribed by IEC 60099.


    The temporary overvoltage (TOV) level at power frequency that the surge arrester withstands for 10 seconds.


    Residual voltage during a current impulse with front time of 1 microsecond, and magnitude equal to the nominal discharge current level.


    Residual voltage during a current impulse with front time of at least 30 microseconds, and magnitude specified in IEC 60099 for the line discharge class. Does not apply to line discharge class 0.

  1239. final case class SvInjection(StateVariable: StateVariable = null, pInjection: Double = 0.0, phase: String = null, qInjection: Double = 0.0, TopologicalNode: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    The SvInjection reports the calculated bus injection minus the sum of the terminal flows.

    The SvInjection reports the calculated bus injection minus the sum of the terminal flows.

    The terminal flow is positive out from the bus (load sign convention) and bus injection has positive flow into the bus. SvInjection may have the remainder after state estimation or slack after power flow calculation.


    StateVariable Reference to the superclass object.


    The active power mismatch between calculated injection and initial injection. Positive sign means injection into the TopologicalNode (bus).


    The terminal phase at which the connection is applied. If missing, the injection is assumed to be balanced among non-neutral phases.


    The reactive power mismatch between calculated injection and initial injection. Positive sign means injection into the TopologicalNode (bus).


    TopologicalNode The topological node associated with the flow injection state variable.

  1240. final case class SvPowerFlow(StateVariable: StateVariable = null, p: Double = 0.0, phase: String = null, q: Double = 0.0, Terminal: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    State variable for power flow.

    State variable for power flow.

    Load convention is used for flow direction. This means flow out from the TopologicalNode into the equipment is positive.


    StateVariable Reference to the superclass object.


    The active power flow. Load sign convention is used, i.e. positive sign means flow out from a TopologicalNode (bus) into the conducting equipment.


    The individual phase of the flow. If unspecified, then assumed to be balanced among phases.


    The reactive power flow. Load sign convention is used, i.e. positive sign means flow out from a TopologicalNode (bus) into the conducting equipment.


    Terminal The terminal associated with the power flow state variable.

  1241. final case class SvShuntCompensatorSections(StateVariable: StateVariable = null, phase: String = null, sections: Double = 0.0, ShuntCompensator: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    State variable for the number of sections in service for a shunt compensator.

    State variable for the number of sections in service for a shunt compensator.


    StateVariable Reference to the superclass object.


    The terminal phase at which the connection is applied. If missing, the injection is assumed to be balanced among non-neutral phases.


    The number of sections in service as a continuous variable. The attribute shall be a positive value or zero. To get integer value scale with ShuntCompensator.bPerSection.


    ShuntCompensator The shunt compensator for which the state applies.

  1242. final case class SvStatus(StateVariable: StateVariable = null, inService: Boolean = false, phase: String = null, ConductingEquipment: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    State variable for status.

    State variable for status.


    StateVariable Reference to the superclass object.


    The in service status as a result of topology processing. It indicates if the equipment is considered as energized by the power flow. It reflects if the equipment is connected within a solvable island. It does not necessarily reflect whether or not the island was solved by the power flow.


    The individual phase status. If the attribute is unspecified, then three phase model is assumed.


    ConductingEquipment The conducting equipment associated with the status state variable.

  1243. final case class SvSwitch(StateVariable: StateVariable = null, open: Boolean = false, phase: String = null, Switch: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    State variable for switch.

    State variable for switch.


    StateVariable Reference to the superclass object.


    The attribute tells if the computed state of the switch is considered open.


    The terminal phase at which the connection is applied. If missing, the injection is assumed to be balanced among non-neutral phases.


    Switch The switch associated with the switch state.

  1244. final case class SvTapStep(StateVariable: StateVariable = null, position: Double = 0.0, TapChanger: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    State variable for transformer tap step.

    State variable for transformer tap step.


    StateVariable Reference to the superclass object.


    The floating point tap position. This is not the tap ratio, but rather the tap step position as defined by the related tap changer model and normally is constrained to be within the range of minimum and maximum tap positions.


    TapChanger The tap changer associated with the tap step state.

  1245. final case class SvVoltage(StateVariable: StateVariable = null, angle: Double = 0.0, phase: String = null, v: Double = 0.0, TopologicalNode: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    State variable for voltage.

    State variable for voltage.


    StateVariable Reference to the superclass object.


    The voltage angle of the topological node complex voltage with respect to system reference.


    If specified the voltage is the line to ground voltage of the individual phase. If unspecified, then the voltage is assumed balanced.


    The voltage magnitude at the topological node. The attribute shall be a positive value.


    TopologicalNode The topological node associated with the voltage state.

  1246. final case class Switch(ConductingEquipment: ConductingEquipment = null, locked: Boolean = false, normalOpen: Boolean = false, open: Boolean = false, ratedCurrent: Double = 0.0, retained: Boolean = false, switchOnCount: Int = 0, switchOnDate: String = null, CompositeSwitch: String = null, ConnectDisconnectFunctions: List[String] = null, SvSwitch: List[String] = null, SwitchAction: String = null, SwitchPhase: List[String] = null, SwitchSchedules: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A generic device designed to close, or open, or both, one or more electric circuits.

    A generic device designed to close, or open, or both, one or more electric circuits.

    All switches are two terminal devices including grounding switches. The ACDCTerminal.connected at the two sides of the switch shall not be considered for assessing switch connectivity, i.e. only, .normalOpen and .locked are relevant.


    ConductingEquipment Reference to the superclass object.


    If true, the switch is locked. The resulting switch state is a combination of locked and attributes as follows:

    • locked=true and The resulting state is open and locked;
    • locked=false and The resulting state is open;
    • locked=false and The resulting state is closed.

    The attribute is used in cases when no Measurement for the status value is present. If the Switch has a status measurement the Discrete.normalValue is expected to match with the Switch.normalOpen.


    The attribute tells if the switch is considered open when used as input to topology processing.


    The maximum continuous current carrying capacity in amps governed by the device material and construction. The attribute shall be a positive value.


    Branch is retained in the topological solution. The flow through retained switches will normally be calculated in power flow.


    The switch on count since the switch was last reset or initialized.


    The date and time when the switch was last switched on.


    CompositeSwitch Composite switch to which this Switch belongs.


    ConnectDisconnectFunction undocumented


    SvSwitch The switch state associated with the switch.


    SwitchAction Action changing status of this switch.


    SwitchPhase The individual switch phases for the switch.


    SwitchSchedule A Switch can be associated with SwitchSchedules.

  1247. final case class SwitchAction(SwitchingAction: SwitchingAction = null, kind: String = null, OperatedSwitch: String = null, PlannedOutage: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Action on switch as a switching step.

    Action on switch as a switching step.


    SwitchingAction Reference to the superclass object.


    Switching action to perform.


    Switch Switch that is the object of this switch action.


    Outage Planned outage for whose scope this switch action applies.

  1248. final case class SwitchInfo(AssetInfo: AssetInfo = null, breakingCapacity: Double = 0.0, gasWeightPerTank: Double = 0.0, isSinglePhase: Boolean = false, isUnganged: Boolean = false, lowPressureAlarm: Double = 0.0, lowPressureLockOut: Double = 0.0, oilVolumePerTank: Double = 0.0, ratedCurrent: Double = 0.0, ratedFrequency: Double = 0.0, ratedImpulseWithstandVoltage: Double = 0.0, ratedInterruptingTime: Double = 0.0, ratedVoltage: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    <was Switch data.>

    <was Switch data.>

    Switch datasheet information.


    AssetInfo Reference to the superclass object.


    The maximum fault current a breaking device can break safely under prescribed conditions of use.


    Weight of gas in each tank of SF6 dead tank breaker.


    If true, it is a single phase switch.


    If true, the switch is not ganged (i.e., a switch phase may be operated separately from other phases).


    Gas or air pressure at or below which a low pressure alarm is generated.


    Gas or air pressure below which the breaker will not open.


    Volume of oil in each tank of bulk oil breaker.


    Rated current.


    Frequency for which switch is rated.


    Rated impulse withstand voltage, also known as BIL (Basic Impulse Level).


    Switch rated interrupting time in seconds.


    Rated voltage.

  1249. final case class SwitchOperationSummary(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, lifetimeFaultOperations: Int = 0, lifetimeMotorStarts: Int = 0, lifetimeTotalOperations: Int = 0, mostRecentFaultOperationDate: String = null, mostRecentMotorStartDate: String = null, mostRecentOperationDate: String = null, Breaker: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Up-to-date, of-record summary of switch operation information, distilled from a variety of sources (real-time data or real-time data historian, field inspections, etc.) of use to asset health analytics.

    Up-to-date, of-record summary of switch operation information, distilled from a variety of sources (real-time data or real-time data historian, field inspections, etc.) of use to asset health analytics.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    Total breaker fault operations to date.


    Total motor starts to date.


    Total breaker operations to date (including fault and non-fault).


    Date of most recent breaker fault operation.


    Date of most recent motor start.


    Date of most recent breaker operation (fault or non-fault).


    Asset Breaker asset to which this operation information applies.

  1250. final case class SwitchPhase(PowerSystemResource: PowerSystemResource = null, closed: Boolean = false, normalOpen: Boolean = false, phaseSide1: String = null, phaseSide2: String = null, ratedCurrent: Double = 0.0, Switch: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Single phase of a multi-phase switch when its attributes might be different per phase.

    Single phase of a multi-phase switch when its attributes might be different per phase.


    PowerSystemResource Reference to the superclass object.


    The attribute tells if the switch is considered closed when used as input to topology processing.


    Used in cases when no Measurement for the status value is present. If the SwitchPhase has a status measurement the Discrete.normalValue is expected to match with this value.


    Phase of this SwitchPhase on the side with terminal sequence number equal to 1. Should be a phase contained in that terminal’s phases attribute.


    Phase of this SwitchPhase on the side with terminal sequence number equal to 2. Should be a phase contained in that terminal’s Terminal.phases attribute.


    The maximum continuous current carrying capacity in amps governed by the device material and construction. The attribute shall be a positive value.


    Switch The switch of the switch phase.

  1251. final case class SwitchSchedule(SeasonDayTypeSchedule: SeasonDayTypeSchedule = null, Switch: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A schedule of switch positions.

    A schedule of switch positions.

    If RegularTimePoint.value1 is 0, the switch is open. If 1, the switch is closed.


    SeasonDayTypeSchedule Reference to the superclass object.


    Switch A SwitchSchedule is associated with a Switch.

  1252. final case class SwitchStatus(Element: BasicElement = null, switchStatus: String = null, MktSwitch: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Optimal Power Flow or State Estimator Circuit Breaker Status.

    Optimal Power Flow or State Estimator Circuit Breaker Status.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    Circuit Breaker Status (closed or open) of the circuit breaker from the power flow.


    MktSwitch undocumented

  1253. final case class SwitchingAction(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, executedDateTime: String = null, issuedDateTime: String = null, phases: String = null, plannedDateTime: String = null, Crew: List[String] = null, Operator: String = null, SwitchingEvent: String = null, SwitchingPlan: String = null, SwitchingStep: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Atomic switching action.

    Atomic switching action.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    Actual date and time of this switching step.


    Date and time when the crew was given the instruction to execute the action; not applicable if the action is performed by operator remote control.


    Phases of the Switching Action


    Planned date and time of this switching step.


    Crew undocumented


    Operator Operator responsible for this switching step.


    SwitchingEvent undocumented


    SwitchingPlan undocumented


    SwitchingStep undocumented

  1254. final case class SwitchingEvent(ActivityRecord: ActivityRecord = null, SwitchingAction: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Event indicating the completion (success or fail) of any switching action (jumper action, cut action, tag action, etc).

    Event indicating the completion (success or fail) of any switching action (jumper action, cut action, tag action, etc).

    The switching action may or may not be a consequential event in response to a request to complete the action.


    ActivityRecord Reference to the superclass object.


    SwitchingAction undocumented

  1255. final case class SwitchingOrder(Document: Document = null, comment: String = null, plannedExecutionInterval: String = null, Location: List[String] = null, SwitchingPlan: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Transmits a switching plan to a crew in order for the plan to be executed.

    Transmits a switching plan to a crew in order for the plan to be executed.


    Document Reference to the superclass object.


    Free-form comment associated with the switching order.


    The planned start and end time for the switching order.


    Location undocumented


    SwitchingPlan undocumented

  1256. final case class SwitchingPlan(Document: Document = null, approvedDateTime: String = null, cancelledDateTime: String = null, plannedPeriod: String = null, purpose: String = null, rank: Int = 0, Outage: String = null, OutagePlan: String = null, PlannedOutageNotification: String = null, SafetyDocuments: List[String] = null, SwitchingAction: List[String] = null, SwitchingOrder: String = null, SwitchingPlanRequest: String = null, SwitchingStepGroups: List[String] = null, WorkTasks: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A sequence of grouped or atomic steps intended to: - de-energise equipment or part of the network for safe work, and/or

    A sequence of grouped or atomic steps intended to: - de-energise equipment or part of the network for safe work, and/or

    - bring back in service previously de-energised equipment or part of the network.


    Document Reference to the superclass object.


    The date and time the switching plan was approved


    Date and Time the switching plan was cancelled.


    the planned start and end times for the switching plan.


    Purpose of this plan, such as whether it is to move the state from normal to some abnormal condition, or to restore the normal state after an abnormal condition, or to perform some kind of optimisation such as correction of overload, voltage control, etc.


    Ranking in comparison to other switching plans.


    Outage Outage that will be activated or eliminated when this switching plan gets executed.


    OutagePlan The outage plan for which the switching plan is defined.


    PlannedOutageNotification undocumented


    SafetyDocument All safety documents applicable to this swtiching plan.


    SwitchingAction undocumented


    SwitchingOrder undocumented


    SwitchingPlanRequest undocumented


    SwitchingStepGroup All groups of switching steps within this switching plan.


    WorkTask All work tasks to execute this switching plan.

  1257. final case class SwitchingPlanRequest(Document: Document = null, comment: String = null, equipmentToBeIsolated: String = null, forwardSwitchingDateTimeInterval: String = null, groundingPoints: String = null, isolationArea: String = null, isolationPoints: String = null, outageDateTimeInterval: String = null, purpose: String = null, reverseSwitchingDateTimeInterval: String = null, switchingRequestDetails: String = null, RequestingOrganization: String = null, SwitchingPlan: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A document used to request that a switching plan be created for a particular purpose.

    A document used to request that a switching plan be created for a particular purpose.


    Document Reference to the superclass object.


    Free-form text to describe the request


    free-form list of the equipment to be isolated by the switching




    free-form list of equipment to be grounded or other actions to be taken in order to accomplish the required grounding.


    free-form description of the area to be isolated by the switching


    free-form list of equipment to be operated or other actions to be taken in order to accomplish the required isolation.


    The window of time during which one or more customers will be de-energized during execution of the switching plan.








    Organisation undocumented


    SwitchingPlan undocumented

  1258. final case class SwitchingStep(Element: BasicElement = null, isFreeSequence: Boolean = false, sequenceNumber: Int = 0, subStepSequenceNumber: Int = 0, SwitchingAction: String = null, SwitchingStepGroup: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Atomic switching step; can be part of a switching step group, or part of a switching plan.

    Atomic switching step; can be part of a switching step group, or part of a switching plan.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    For a step, if isFreeSequence is set to false or is not specified, all of the steps in the group must be executed in the order defined by the sequenceNumber attribute. The sequenceNumber for a step has a different meaning when there are two or more sequential steps that have the isFreeSequence attribute set to true. Execution must still be performed in sequenceNumber order until a set of two or more steps that have isFreeSequence set to true is encountered. In this case, these steps can be executed in any sequence, until a step is encountered that has isFreeSequence set to false. All of the steps preceding this step must be executed before the step can be executed.


    Order of this activity in the sequence of activities within the switching plan.


    Supports compound switching steps that are made up of several sub steps.


    SwitchingAction undocumented


    SwitchingStepGroup undocumented

  1259. final case class SwitchingStepGroup(Element: BasicElement = null, description: String = null, isFreeSequence: Boolean = false, purpose: String = null, sequenceNumber: Int = 0, SwitchingPlan: String = null, SwitchingStep: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A logical step, grouping atomic switching steps that are important to distinguish when they may change topology (e.g.

    A logical step, grouping atomic switching steps that are important to distinguish when they may change topology (e.g. placing a jumper between two cuts).


    Reference to the superclass object.


    Descriptive information concerning the switching step group.


    If true, the sequence number serves for presentation purposes only, and the activity itself may be executed at any time.


    Describes the overall purpose of the steps in this switching step group.


    Order of this activity in the sequence of activities within the switching plan.


    SwitchingPlan Switching plan to which this group belongs.


    SwitchingStep undocumented

  1260. final case class SynchrocheckRelay(ProtectionEquipment: ProtectionEquipment = null, maxAngleDiff: Double = 0.0, maxFreqDiff: Double = 0.0, maxVoltDiff: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A device that operates when two AC circuits are within the desired limits of frequency, phase angle, and voltage, to permit or to cause the paralleling of these two circuits.

    A device that operates when two AC circuits are within the desired limits of frequency, phase angle, and voltage, to permit or to cause the paralleling of these two circuits.

    Used to prevent the paralleling of non-synchronous topological islands.


    ProtectionEquipment Reference to the superclass object.


    The maximum allowable voltage vector phase angle difference across the open device.


    The maximum allowable frequency difference across the open device.


    The maximum allowable difference voltage across the open device.

  1261. final case class SynchronousMachine(RotatingMachine: RotatingMachine = null, aVRToManualLag: Double = 0.0, aVRToManualLead: Double = 0.0, baseQ: Double = 0.0, condenserP: Double = 0.0, coolantCondition: Double = 0.0, coolantType: String = null, earthing: Boolean = false, earthingStarPointR: Double = 0.0, earthingStarPointX: Double = 0.0, ikk: Double = 0.0, manualToAVR: Double = 0.0, maxQ: Double = 0.0, maxU: Double = 0.0, minQ: Double = 0.0, minU: Double = 0.0, mu: Double = 0.0, operatingMode: String = null, qPercent: Double = 0.0, r: Double = 0.0, r0: Double = 0.0, r2: Double = 0.0, referencePriority: Int = 0, satDirectSubtransX: Double = 0.0, satDirectSyncX: Double = 0.0, satDirectTransX: Double = 0.0, shortCircuitRotorType: String = null, type: String = null, voltageRegulationRange: Double = 0.0, x0: Double = 0.0, x2: Double = 0.0, InitialReactiveCapabilityCurve: String = null, PrimeMovers: List[String] = null, ReactiveCapabilityCurves: List[String] = null, SynchronousMachineDynamics: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    An electromechanical device that operates with shaft rotating synchronously with the network.

    An electromechanical device that operates with shaft rotating synchronously with the network.

    It is a single machine operating either as a generator or synchronous condenser or pump.


    RotatingMachine Reference to the superclass object.


    Time delay required when switching from Automatic Voltage Regulation (AVR) to Manual for a lagging MVAr violation.


    Time delay required when switching from Automatic Voltage Regulation (AVR) to Manual for a leading MVAr violation.


    Default base reactive power value. This value represents the initial reactive power that can be used by any application function.


    Active power consumed when in condenser mode operation.


    Temperature or pressure of coolant medium.


    Method of cooling the machine.


    Indicates whether or not the generator is earthed. Used for short circuit data exchange according to IEC 60909.


    Generator star point earthing resistance (Re). Used for short circuit data exchange according to IEC 60909.


    Generator star point earthing reactance (Xe). Used for short circuit data exchange according to IEC 60909.


    Steady-state short-circuit current (in A for the profile) of generator with compound excitation during 3-phase short circuit.

    • Ikk=0: Generator with no compound excitation.
    • Ikk<>0: Generator with compound excitation. Ikk is used to calculate the minimum steady-state short-circuit current for generators with compound excitation. ( in IEC 60909-0:2001). Used only for single fed short circuit on a generator. ( in IEC 60909-0:2001).

    Time delay required when switching from Manual to Automatic Voltage Regulation. This value is used in the accelerating power reference frame for powerflow solutions.


    Maximum reactive power limit. This is the maximum (nameplate) limit for the unit.


    Maximum voltage limit for the unit.


    Minimum reactive power limit for the unit.


    Minimum voltage limit for the unit.


    Factor to calculate the breaking current (Section in IEC 60909-0). Used only for single fed short circuit on a generator (Section in IEC 60909-0).


    Current mode of operation.


    Part of the coordinated reactive control that comes from this machine. The attribute is used as a participation factor not necessarily summing up to 100% for the participating devices in the control.


    Equivalent resistance (RG) of generator. RG is considered for the calculation of all currents, except for the calculation of the peak current ip. Used for short circuit data exchange according to IEC 60909.


    Zero sequence resistance of the synchronous machine.


    Negative sequence resistance.


    Priority of unit for use as powerflow voltage phase angle reference bus selection. 0 = don t care (default) 1 = highest priority. 2 is less than 1 and so on.


    Direct-axis subtransient reactance saturated, also known as Xd"sat.


    Direct-axes saturated synchronous reactance (xdsat); reciprocal of short-circuit ration. Used for short circuit data exchange, only for single fed short circuit on a generator. ( in IEC 60909-0:2001).


    Saturated Direct-axis transient reactance. The attribute is primarily used for short circuit calculations according to ANSI.


    Type of rotor, used by short circuit applications, only for single fed short circuit according to IEC 60909.


    Modes that this synchronous machine can operate in.


    Range of generator voltage regulation (PG in IEC 60909-0) used for calculation of the impedance correction factor KG defined in IEC 60909-0. This attribute is used to describe the operating voltage of the generating unit.


    Zero sequence reactance of the synchronous machine.


    Negative sequence reactance.


    ReactiveCapabilityCurve The default reactive capability curve for use by a synchronous machine.


    PrimeMover Prime movers that drive this SynchronousMachine.


    ReactiveCapabilityCurve All available reactive capability curves for this synchronous machine.


    SynchronousMachineDynamics Synchronous machine dynamics model used to describe dynamic behaviour of this synchronous machine.

  1262. final case class SynchronousMachineDetailed(SynchronousMachineDynamics: SynchronousMachineDynamics = null, efdBaseRatio: Double = 0.0, ifdBaseType: String = null, saturationFactor120QAxis: Double = 0.0, saturationFactorQAxis: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    All synchronous machine detailed types use a subset of the same data parameters and input/output variables.

    All synchronous machine detailed types use a subset of the same data parameters and input/output variables.

    The several variations differ in the following ways: - the number of equivalent windings that are included; - the way in which saturation is incorporated into the model; - whether or not “subtransient saliency” (X''q not = X''d) is represented. It is not necessary for each simulation tool to have separate models for each of the model types. The same model can often be used for several types by alternative logic within the model. Also, differences in saturation representation might not result in significant model performance differences so model substitutions are often acceptable.


    SynchronousMachineDynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    Ratio (exciter voltage/generator voltage) of Efd bases of exciter and generator models (> 0). Typical value = 1.


    Excitation base system mode. It should be equal to the value of WLMDV given by the user. WLMDV is the PU ratio between the field voltage and the excitation current: Efd = WLMDV x Ifd. Typical value = ifag.


    Quadrature-axis saturation factor at 120% of rated terminal voltage (S12q) (>= SynchonousMachineDetailed.saturationFactorQAxis). Typical value = 0,12.


    Quadrature-axis saturation factor at rated terminal voltage (S1q) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,02.

  1263. final case class SynchronousMachineDynamics(RotatingMachineDynamics: RotatingMachineDynamics = null, CrossCompoundTurbineGovernorDyanmics: String = null, CrossCompoundTurbineGovernorDynamics: String = null, ExcitationSystemDynamics: String = null, GenICompensationForGenJ: List[String] = null, MechanicalLoadDynamics: String = null, SynchronousMachine: String = null, TurbineGovernorDynamics: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Synchronous machine whose behaviour is described by reference to a standard model expressed in one of the following forms: - simplified (or classical), where a group of generators or motors is not modelled in detail; - detailed, in equivalent circuit form; - detailed, in time constant reactance form; or <font color="#0f0f0f">- by definition of a user-defined model.</font> <font color="#0f0f0f">It is a common practice to represent small generators by a negative load rather than by a dynamic generator model when performing dynamics simulations.

    Synchronous machine whose behaviour is described by reference to a standard model expressed in one of the following forms: - simplified (or classical), where a group of generators or motors is not modelled in detail; - detailed, in equivalent circuit form; - detailed, in time constant reactance form; or <font color="#0f0f0f">- by definition of a user-defined model.</font> <font color="#0f0f0f">It is a common practice to represent small generators by a negative load rather than by a dynamic generator model when performing dynamics simulations.

    In this case, a SynchronousMachine in the static model is not represented by anything in the dynamics model, instead it is treated as an ordinary load.</font> <font color="#0f0f0f">Parameter details:</font>

    • <font color="#0f0f0f">Synchronous machine parameters such as Xl, Xd, Xp etc. are actually used as inductances in the models,</font> but are commonly referred to as reactances since, at nominal frequency, the PU values are the same. However, some references use the symbol L instead of X.

    RotatingMachineDynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    CrossCompoundTurbineGovernorDynamics The cross-compound turbine governor with which this high-pressure synchronous machine is associated.


    CrossCompoundTurbineGovernorDynamics The cross-compound turbine governor with which this low-pressure synchronous machine is associated.


    ExcitationSystemDynamics Excitation system model associated with this synchronous machine model.


    GenICompensationForGenJ Compensation of voltage compensator's generator for current flow out of this generator.


    MechanicalLoadDynamics Mechanical load model associated with this synchronous machine model.


    SynchronousMachine Synchronous machine to which synchronous machine dynamics model applies.


    TurbineGovernorDynamics Turbine-governor model associated with this synchronous machine model. Multiplicity of greater than one is intended to support hydro units that have multiple turbines on one generator.

  1264. final case class SynchronousMachineEquivalentCircuit(SynchronousMachineDetailed: SynchronousMachineDetailed = null, r1d: Double = 0.0, r1q: Double = 0.0, r2q: Double = 0.0, rfd: Double = 0.0, x1d: Double = 0.0, x1q: Double = 0.0, x2q: Double = 0.0, xad: Double = 0.0, xaq: Double = 0.0, xf1d: Double = 0.0, xfd: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    The electrical equations for all variations of the synchronous models are based on the SynchronousEquivalentCircuit diagram for the direct- and quadrature- axes.

    The electrical equations for all variations of the synchronous models are based on the SynchronousEquivalentCircuit diagram for the direct- and quadrature- axes.

    Equations for conversion between equivalent circuit and time constant reactance forms: Xd = Xad + Xl X’d = Xl + Xad x Xfd / (Xad + Xfd) X”d = Xl + Xad x Xfd x X1d / (Xad x Xfd + Xad x X1d + Xfd x X1d) Xq = Xaq + Xl X’q = Xl + Xaq x X1q / (Xaq + X1q) X”q = Xl + Xaq x X1q x X2q / (Xaq x X1q + Xaq x X2q + X1q x X2q) T’do = (Xad + Xfd) / (omega0 x Rfd) T”do = (Xad x Xfd + Xad x X1d + Xfd x X1d) / (omega0 x R1d x (Xad + Xfd) T’qo = (Xaq + X1q) / (omega0 x R1q) T”qo = (Xaq x X1q + Xaq x X2q + X1q x X2q) / (omega0 x R2q x (Xaq + X1q) Same equations using CIM attributes from SynchronousMachineTimeConstantReactance class on left of "=" and SynchronousMachineEquivalentCircuit class on right (except as noted): xDirectSync = xad + RotatingMachineDynamics.statorLeakageReactance xDirectTrans = RotatingMachineDynamics.statorLeakageReactance + xad x xfd / (xad + xfd) xDirectSubtrans = RotatingMachineDynamics.statorLeakageReactance + xad x xfd x x1d / (xad x xfd + xad x x1d + xfd x x1d) xQuadSync = xaq + RotatingMachineDynamics.statorLeakageReactance xQuadTrans = RotatingMachineDynamics.statorLeakageReactance + xaq x x1q / (xaq+ x1q) xQuadSubtrans = RotatingMachineDynamics.statorLeakageReactance + xaq x x1q x x2q / (xaq x x1q + xaq x x2q + x1q x x2q) tpdo = (xad + xfd) / (2 x pi x nominal frequency x rfd) tppdo = (xad x xfd + xad x x1d + xfd x x1d) / (2 x pi x nominal frequency x r1d x (xad + xfd) tpqo = (xaq + x1q) / (2 x pi x nominal frequency x r1q) tppqo = (xaq x x1q + xaq x x2q + x1q x x2q) / (2 x pi x nominal frequency x r2q x (xaq + x1q) These are only valid for a simplified model where "Canay" reactance is zero.


    SynchronousMachineDetailed Reference to the superclass object.


    Direct-axis damper 1 winding resistance.


    Quadrature-axis damper 1 winding resistance.


    Quadrature-axis damper 2 winding resistance.


    Field winding resistance.


    Direct-axis damper 1 winding leakage reactance.


    Quadrature-axis damper 1 winding leakage reactance.


    Quadrature-axis damper 2 winding leakage reactance.


    Direct-axis mutual reactance.


    Quadrature-axis mutual reactance.


    Differential mutual (“Canay”) reactance.


    Field winding leakage reactance.

  1265. final case class SynchronousMachineSimplified(SynchronousMachineDynamics: SynchronousMachineDynamics = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    The simplified model represents a synchronous generator as a constant internal voltage behind an impedance (Rs + jXp) as shown in the Simplified diagram.

    The simplified model represents a synchronous generator as a constant internal voltage behind an impedance (Rs + jXp) as shown in the Simplified diagram.

    Since internal voltage is held constant, there is no Efd input and any excitation system model will be ignored. There is also no Ifd output. This model should not be used for representing a real generator except, perhaps, small generators whose response is insignificant. The parameters used for the simplified model include: - RotatingMachineDynamics.damping (D); - RotatingMachineDynamics.inertia (H); - RotatingMachineDynamics.statorLeakageReactance (used to exchange jXp for SynchronousMachineSimplified); - RotatingMachineDynamics.statorResistance (Rs).


    SynchronousMachineDynamics Reference to the superclass object.

  1266. final case class SynchronousMachineTimeConstantReactance(SynchronousMachineDetailed: SynchronousMachineDetailed = null, ks: Double = 0.0, modelType: String = null, rotorType: String = null, tc: Double = 0.0, tpdo: Double = 0.0, tppdo: Double = 0.0, tppqo: Double = 0.0, tpqo: Double = 0.0, xDirectSubtrans: Double = 0.0, xDirectSync: Double = 0.0, xDirectTrans: Double = 0.0, xQuadSubtrans: Double = 0.0, xQuadSync: Double = 0.0, xQuadTrans: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Synchronous machine detailed modelling types are defined by the combination of the attributes SynchronousMachineTimeConstantReactance.modelType and SynchronousMachineTimeConstantReactance.rotorType.

    Synchronous machine detailed modelling types are defined by the combination of the attributes SynchronousMachineTimeConstantReactance.modelType and SynchronousMachineTimeConstantReactance.rotorType.

    Parameter details:

    • The “p” in the time-related attribute names is a substitution for a “prime” in the usual parameter notation, e.g. tpdo refers to T'do.
    • The parameters used for models expressed in time constant reactance form include:

    - RotatingMachine.ratedS (MVAbase); - RotatingMachineDynamics.damping (D); - RotatingMachineDynamics.inertia (H); - RotatingMachineDynamics.saturationFactor (S1); - RotatingMachineDynamics.saturationFactor120 (S12); - RotatingMachineDynamics.statorLeakageReactance (Xl); - RotatingMachineDynamics.statorResistance (Rs); - SynchronousMachineTimeConstantReactance.ks (Ks); - SynchronousMachineDetailed.saturationFactorQAxis (S1q); - SynchronousMachineDetailed.saturationFactor120QAxis (S12q); - SynchronousMachineDetailed.efdBaseRatio; - SynchronousMachineDetailed.ifdBaseType; - .xDirectSync (Xd); - .xDirectTrans (X'd); - .xDirectSubtrans (X''d); - .xQuadSync (Xq); - .xQuadTrans (X'q); - .xQuadSubtrans (X''q); - .tpdo (T'do); - .tppdo (T''do); - .tpqo (T'qo); - .tppqo (T''qo); - .tc.


    SynchronousMachineDetailed Reference to the superclass object.


    Saturation loading correction factor (Ks) (>= 0). Used only by type J model. Typical value = 0.


    Type of synchronous machine model used in dynamic simulation applications.


    Type of rotor on physical machine.


    Damping time constant for “Canay” reactance (>= 0). Typical value = 0.


    Direct-axis transient rotor time constant (T'do) (> SynchronousMachineTimeConstantReactance.tppdo). Typical value = 5.


    Direct-axis subtransient rotor time constant (T''do) (> 0). Typical value = 0,03.


    Quadrature-axis subtransient rotor time constant (T''qo) (> 0). Typical value = 0,03.


    Quadrature-axis transient rotor time constant (T'qo) (> SynchronousMachineTimeConstantReactance.tppqo). Typical value = 0,5.


    Direct-axis subtransient reactance (unsaturated) (X''d) (> RotatingMachineDynamics.statorLeakageReactance). Typical value = 0,2.


    Direct-axis synchronous reactance (Xd) (>= SynchronousMachineTimeConstantReactance.xDirectTrans). The quotient of a sustained value of that AC component of armature voltage that is produced by the total direct-axis flux due to direct-axis armature current and the value of the AC component of this current, the machine running at rated speed. Typical value = 1,8.


    Direct-axis transient reactance (unsaturated) (X'd) (>= SynchronousMachineTimeConstantReactance.xDirectSubtrans). Typical value = 0,5.


    Quadrature-axis subtransient reactance (X''q) (> RotatingMachineDynamics.statorLeakageReactance). Typical value = 0,2.


    Quadrature-axis synchronous reactance (Xq) (>= SynchronousMachineTimeConstantReactance.xQuadTrans). The ratio of the component of reactive armature voltage, due to the quadrature-axis component of armature current, to this component of current, under steady state conditions and at rated frequency. Typical value = 1,6.


    Quadrature-axis transient reactance (X'q) (>= SynchronousMachineTimeConstantReactance.xQuadSubtrans). Typical value = 0,3.

  1267. final case class SynchronousMachineUserDefined(SynchronousMachineDynamics: SynchronousMachineDynamics = null, proprietary: Boolean = false, ProprietaryParameterDynamics: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Synchronous machine whose dynamic behaviour is described by a user-defined model.

    Synchronous machine whose dynamic behaviour is described by a user-defined model.


    SynchronousMachineDynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    Behaviour is based on a proprietary model as opposed to a detailed model. true = user-defined model is proprietary with behaviour mutually understood by sending and receiving applications and parameters passed as general attributes false = user-defined model is explicitly defined in terms of control blocks and their input and output signals.


    ProprietaryParameterDynamics Parameter of this proprietary user-defined model.

  1268. final case class SysLoadDistributionFactor(Element: BasicElement = null, factor: Double = 0.0, DistributionFactorSet: List[String] = null, HostControlArea: String = null, MktConnectivityNode: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    This class models the system distribution factors.

    This class models the system distribution factors.

    This class needs to be used along with the HostControlArea and the ConnectivityNode to show the distribution of each individual party.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    Used to calculate load "participation" of a connectivity node in an host control area


    DistributionFactorSet undocumented


    HostControlArea undocumented


    MktConnectivityNode undocumented

  1269. final case class TACArea(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, AggregatedPnode: List[String] = null, AreaLoadCurve: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Transmission Access Charge Area.

    Transmission Access Charge Area.

    Charges assessed, on behalf of the Participating Transmission Owner, to parties who require access to the controlled grid.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    AggregatedPnode undocumented


    AreaLoadCurve undocumented

  1270. final case class TAPPIStandard(Element: BasicElement = null, standardEdition: String = null, standardNumber: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Standard published by TAPPI.

    Standard published by TAPPI.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    Edition of TAPPI standard.


    TAPPI standard number.

  1271. final case class TASE2BilateralTable(BilateralExchangeAgreement: BilateralExchangeAgreement = null, bilateralTableID: String = null, bilateralTableVersion: String = null, tase2version: String = null, ICCPInformationMessage: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    This class describe the sending (providing) side in a bilateral ICCP data exchange.

    This class describe the sending (providing) side in a bilateral ICCP data exchange.

    Hence the ICCP bilateral (table) descriptions are created by exchanging ICCP Provider data between the parties.


    BilateralExchangeAgreement Reference to the superclass object.


    Specifies the version of the Bilateral Table configuration that is being exchanged.


    The Version attribute identifies a unique version of the Bilateral Table. If any changes are made to a Bilateral Table, then a new unique value for this attribute shall be generated.


    Specifies the version of the TASE.2 that is needed to access the Bilateral Table information via TASE.2. In order for a link to be established, both sides must have the same value.


    ICCPInformationMessage Informational message to be included in a Bilateral Table agreement.

  1272. final case class TCPAccessPoint(IPAccessPoint: IPAccessPoint = null, keepAliveTime: Int = 0, port: Int = 0, PublicX509Certificate: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Allows addressing and behavioural information regarding the use of TCP by ICCP links.

    Allows addressing and behavioural information regarding the use of TCP by ICCP links.


    IPAccessPoint Reference to the superclass object.


    Indicates the default interval at which TCP will check if the TCP connection is still valid.


    This value is only needed to be specified for called nodes (e.g. those that respond to a TCP. Open request). This value specifies the TCP port to be used. Well known and "registered" ports are preferred and can be found at: For IEC 60870-6 TASE.2 (e.g. ICCP) and IEC 61850, the value used shall be 102 for non-TLS protected exchanges. The value shall be 3782 for TLS transported ICCP and 61850 exchanges.


    PublicX509Certificate Is the Public Certificate used for mutual authentication between peers.

  1273. final case class TREntitlement(Element: BasicElement = null, entitlement: Double = 0.0, startOperatingDate: String = null, TransmissionContractRight: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A Transmission Right(TR) can be a chain of TR's or on individual.

    A Transmission Right(TR) can be a chain of TR's or on individual.

    When a transmission right is not a chain, this is formally the ETC/TOR Entitlement for each ETC/TOR contract with the inclusion of CVR(Converted Rights) as an ETC. This is the sum of all entitlements on all related transmission interfaces for the same TR.

    When TR is a chain, its entitlement is the minimum of all entitlements for the individual TRs in the chain.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    The entitlement


    Operating date and hour when the entitlement applies


    ContractRight undocumented

  1274. final case class TagAction(SwitchingAction: SwitchingAction = null, kind: String = null, OperationalTag: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Action on operation tag as a switching step.

    Action on operation tag as a switching step.


    SwitchingAction Reference to the superclass object.


    Kind of tag action.


    OperationalTag Tag associated with this tag action.

  1275. final case class TailbayLossCurve(Curve: Curve = null, HydroGeneratingUnit: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Relationship between tailbay head loss height (Y-axis) and the total discharge into the power station's tailbay volume per time unit (X-axis) .

    Relationship between tailbay head loss height (Y-axis) and the total discharge into the power station's tailbay volume per time unit (X-axis) .

    There could be more than one curve depending on the level of the tailbay reservoir or river level.


    Curve Reference to the superclass object.


    HydroGeneratingUnit A hydro generating unit has a tailbay loss curve.

  1276. final case class TapChanger(PowerSystemResource: PowerSystemResource = null, controlEnabled: Boolean = false, highStep: Int = 0, initialDelay: Double = 0.0, lowStep: Int = 0, ltcFlag: Boolean = false, neutralStep: Int = 0, neutralU: Double = 0.0, normalStep: Int = 0, step: Double = 0.0, subsequentDelay: Double = 0.0, SvTapStep: String = null, TapChangerControl: String = null, TapSchedules: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Mechanism for changing transformer winding tap positions.

    Mechanism for changing transformer winding tap positions.


    PowerSystemResource Reference to the superclass object.


    Specifies the regulation status of the equipment. True is regulating, false is not regulating.


    Highest possible tap step position, advance from neutral. The attribute shall be greater than lowStep.


    For an LTC, the delay for initial tap changer operation (first step change).


    Lowest possible tap step position, retard from neutral.


    Specifies whether or not a TapChanger has load tap changing capabilities.


    The neutral tap step position for this winding. The attribute shall be equal to or greater than lowStep and equal or less than highStep. It is the step position where the voltage is neutralU when the other terminals of the transformer are at the ratedU. If there are other tap changers on the transformer those taps are kept constant at their neutralStep.


    Voltage at which the winding operates at the neutral tap setting. It is the voltage at the terminal of the PowerTransformerEnd associated with the tap changer when all tap changers on the transformer are at their neutralStep position. Normally neutralU of the tap changer is the same as ratedU of the PowerTransformerEnd, but it can differ in special cases such as when the tapping mechanism is separate from the winding more common on lower voltage transformers. This attribute is not relevant for PhaseTapChangerAsymmetrical, PhaseTapChangerSymmetrical and PhaseTapChangerLinear.


    The tap step position used in "normal" network operation for this winding. For a "Fixed" tap changer indicates the current physical tap setting. The attribute shall be equal to or greater than lowStep and equal to or less than highStep.


    Tap changer position. Starting step for a steady state solution. Non integer values are allowed to support continuous tap variables. The reasons for continuous value are to support study cases where no discrete tap changer has yet been designed, a solution where a narrow voltage band forces the tap step to oscillate or to accommodate for a continuous solution as input. The attribute shall be equal to or greater than lowStep and equal to or less than highStep.


    For an LTC, the delay for subsequent tap changer operation (second and later step changes).


    SvTapStep The tap step state associated with the tap changer.


    TapChangerControl The regulating control scheme in which this tap changer participates.


    TapSchedule A TapChanger can have TapSchedules.

  1277. final case class TapChangerControl(RegulatingControl: RegulatingControl = null, limitVoltage: Double = 0.0, lineDropCompensation: Boolean = false, lineDropR: Double = 0.0, lineDropX: Double = 0.0, reverseLineDropR: Double = 0.0, reverseLineDropX: Double = 0.0, TapChanger: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Describes behaviour specific to tap changers, e.g.

    Describes behaviour specific to tap changers, e.g. how the voltage at the end of a line varies with the load level and compensation of the voltage drop by tap adjustment.


    RegulatingControl Reference to the superclass object.


    Maximum allowed regulated voltage on the PT secondary, regardless of line drop compensation. Sometimes referred to as first-house protection.


    If true, the line drop compensation is to be applied.


    Line drop compensator resistance setting for normal (forward) power flow.


    Line drop compensator reactance setting for normal (forward) power flow.


    Line drop compensator resistance setting for reverse power flow.


    Line drop compensator reactance setting for reverse power flow.


    TapChanger The tap changers that participates in this regulating tap control scheme.

  1278. final case class TapChangerDynamicData(Element: BasicElement = null, angleRegulationStatus: Boolean = false, desiredMW: Double = 0.0, desiredVoltage: Double = 0.0, maximumAngle: Double = 0.0, minimumAngle: Double = 0.0, solvedAngle: Double = 0.0, tapPosition: Double = 0.0, voltageRegulationStatus: Boolean = false, MktTapChanger: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Optimal Power Flow or State Estimator Phase Shifter Data.

    Optimal Power Flow or State Estimator Phase Shifter Data.

    This is used for RealTime, Study and Maintenance Users. SE Solution Phase Shifter Measurements from the last run of SE.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    True means the phase shifter is regulating.


    Phase Shifter Desired MW. The active power regulation setpoint of the phase shifter


    The desired voltage for the LTC


    The maximum phase angle shift of the phase shifter


    The minimum phase angle shift of the phase shifter


    Phase Shifter Angle. The solved phase angle shift of the phase shifter


    Tap position of the phase shifter, high-side tap position of the transformer, or low-side tap position of the transformer


    Indicator if the LTC transformer is regulating True = Yes, False = No


    MktTapChanger undocumented

  1279. final case class TapChangerInfo(AssetInfo: AssetInfo = null, bil: Double = 0.0, ctRating: Double = 0.0, ctRatio: Double = 0.0, frequency: Double = 0.0, highStep: Int = 0, isTcul: Boolean = false, lowStep: Int = 0, neutralStep: Int = 0, neutralU: Double = 0.0, ptRatio: Double = 0.0, ratedApparentPower: Double = 0.0, ratedCurrent: Double = 0.0, ratedVoltage: Double = 0.0, stepPhaseIncrement: Double = 0.0, stepVoltageIncrement: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Tap changer data.

    Tap changer data.


    AssetInfo Reference to the superclass object.


    Basic Insulation Level (BIL) expressed as the impulse crest voltage of a nominal wave, typically 1.2 X 50 microsecond. This is a measure of the ability of the insulation to withstand very high voltage surges.


    Built-in current transformer primary rating.


    Built-in current transducer ratio.


    Frequency at which the ratings apply.


    Highest possible tap step position, advance from neutral.


    Whether this tap changer has under load tap changing capabilities.


    Lowest possible tap step position, retard from neutral.


    The neutral tap step position for the winding.


    Voltage at which the winding operates at the neutral tap setting.


    Built-in voltage transducer ratio.


    Rated apparent power.


    Rated current.


    Rated voltage.


    Phase shift per step position.


    Tap step increment, in per cent of rated voltage, per step position.

  1280. final case class TapChangerTablePoint(Element: BasicElement = null, b: Double = 0.0, g: Double = 0.0, r: Double = 0.0, ratio: Double = 0.0, step: Int = 0, x: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Describes each tap step in the tabular curve.

    Describes each tap step in the tabular curve.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    The magnetizing branch susceptance deviation as a percentage of nominal value. The actual susceptance is calculated as follows: calculated magnetizing susceptance = b(nominal) * (1 + b(from this class)/100). The b(nominal) is defined as the static magnetizing susceptance on the associated power transformer end or ends. This model assumes the star impedance (pi model) form.


    The magnetizing branch conductance deviation as a percentage of nominal value. The actual conductance is calculated as follows: calculated magnetizing conductance = g(nominal) * (1 + g(from this class)/100). The g(nominal) is defined as the static magnetizing conductance on the associated power transformer end or ends. This model assumes the star impedance (pi model) form.


    The resistance deviation as a percentage of nominal value. The actual reactance is calculated as follows: calculated resistance = r(nominal) * (1 + r(from this class)/100). The r(nominal) is defined as the static resistance on the associated power transformer end or ends. This model assumes the star impedance (pi model) form.


    The voltage at the tap step divided by rated voltage of the transformer end having the tap changer. Hence this is a value close to one. For example, if the ratio at step 1 is 1.01, and the rated voltage of the transformer end is 110kV, then the voltage obtained by setting the tap changer to step 1 to is 111.1kV.


    The tap step.


    The series reactance deviation as a percentage of nominal value. The actual reactance is calculated as follows: calculated reactance = x(nominal) * (1 + x(from this class)/100). The x(nominal) is defined as the static series reactance on the associated power transformer end or ends. This model assumes the star impedance (pi model) form.

  1281. final case class TapSchedule(SeasonDayTypeSchedule: SeasonDayTypeSchedule = null, TapChanger: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A pre-established pattern over time for a tap step.

    A pre-established pattern over time for a tap step.


    SeasonDayTypeSchedule Reference to the superclass object.


    TapChanger A TapSchedule is associated with a TapChanger.

  1282. final case class TapeShieldCableInfo(CableInfo: CableInfo = null, tapeLap: Double = 0.0, tapeThickness: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Tape shield cable data.

    Tape shield cable data.


    CableInfo Reference to the superclass object.


    Percentage of the tape shield width that overlaps in each wrap, typically 10% to 25%.


    Thickness of the tape shield, before wrapping.

  1283. final case class TargetLevelSchedule(Curve: Curve = null, highLevelLimit: Double = 0.0, lowLevelLimit: Double = 0.0, Reservoir: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Reservoir water level targets from advanced studies or "rule curves".

    Reservoir water level targets from advanced studies or "rule curves".

    Typically in one hour increments for up to 10 days.


    Curve Reference to the superclass object.


    High target level limit, above which the reservoir operation will be penalized.


    Low target level limit, below which the reservoir operation will be penalized.


    Reservoir A reservoir may have a water level target schedule.

  1284. final case class Tariff(Document: Document = null, endDate: String = null, startDate: String = null, PricingStructures: List[String] = null, TariffProfiles: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Document, approved by the responsible regulatory agency, listing the terms and conditions, including a schedule of prices, under which utility services will be provided.

    Document, approved by the responsible regulatory agency, listing the terms and conditions, including a schedule of prices, under which utility services will be provided.

    It has a unique number within the state or province. For rate schedules it is frequently allocated by the affiliated Public utilities commission (PUC).


    Document Reference to the superclass object.


    (if tariff became inactive) Date tariff was terminated.


    Date tariff was activated.


    PricingStructure All pricing structures using this tariff.


    TariffProfile All tariff profiles using this tariff.

  1285. final case class TariffProfile(Document: Document = null, tariffCycle: String = null, ConsumptionTariffIntervals: List[String] = null, Tariffs: List[String] = null, TimeTariffIntervals: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A schedule of charges; structure associated with Tariff that allows the definition of complex tarif structures such as step and time of use when used in conjunction with TimeTariffInterval and Charge.

    A schedule of charges; structure associated with Tariff that allows the definition of complex tarif structures such as step and time of use when used in conjunction with TimeTariffInterval and Charge.

    Inherited 'status.value' is defined in the context of the utility's business rules, for example: active, inactive, etc.


    Document Reference to the superclass object.


    The frequency at which the tariff charge schedule is repeated. Examples are: once off on a specified date and time; hourly; daily; weekly; monthly; 3-monthly; 6-monthly; 12-monthly; etc. At the end of each cycle, the business rules are reset to start from the beginning again.


    ConsumptionTariffInterval All consumption tariff intervals used to define this tariff profile.


    Tariff All tariffs defined by this tariff profile.


    TimeTariffInterval All time tariff intervals used to define this tariff profile.

  1286. final case class TelephoneNumber(Element: BasicElement = null, areaCode: String = null, cityCode: String = null, countryCode: String = null, dialOut: String = null, extension: String = null, internationalPrefix: String = null, ituPhone: String = null, localNumber: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Telephone number.

    Telephone number.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    (if applicable) Area or region code.


    City code.


    Country code.


    (if applicable) Dial out code, for instance to call outside an enterprise.


    (if applicable) Extension for this telephone number.


    (if applicable) Prefix used when calling an international number.


    Phone number according to ITU E.164.


    Main (local) part of this telephone number.

  1287. final case class TemperatureDependentLimitPoint(Element: BasicElement = null, limitPercent: Double = 0.0, temperature: Double = 0.0, TemperatureDependentLimitTable: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A point on a table of limit verses temperature.

    A point on a table of limit verses temperature.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    The scaling of the operational limit in percent.


    The temperature of the table point.


    TemperatureDependentLimitTable undocumented

  1288. final case class TemperatureDependentLimitTable(EnvironmentalDependentLimit: EnvironmentalDependentLimit = null, TemperatureLimitTablePoint: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    This is a table lookup that provides limit values corresponding to a temperature input.

    This is a table lookup that provides limit values corresponding to a temperature input.


    EnvironmentalDependentLimit Reference to the superclass object.


    TemperatureDependentLimitPoint undocumented

  1289. final case class TemperaturePolynomialLimit(EnvironmentalDependentLimit: EnvironmentalDependentLimit = null, coefficient0: Double = 0.0, coefficient1: Double = 0.0, coefficient2: Double = 0.0, coefficient3: Double = 0.0, coefficient4: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    This describes the coefficients of a polynomial function that has temperature as input and calculates limit values as output.

    This describes the coefficients of a polynomial function that has temperature as input and calculates limit values as output.


    EnvironmentalDependentLimit Reference to the superclass object.


    The polinomial coefficent of power 0.


    The polinomial coefficent of power 1.


    The polinomial coefficent of power 2.


    The polinomial coefficent of power 3.


    The polinomial coefficent of power 4.

  1290. final case class TenMinAuxiliaryData(Element: BasicElement = null, intervalStartTime: String = null, updateTimeStamp: String = null, updateUser: String = null, AuxillaryData: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Models 10-Minutes Auxiliary Data.

    Models 10-Minutes Auxiliary Data.


    Reference to the superclass object.








    AuxiliaryValues undocumented

  1291. final case class Tender(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, amount: Double = 0.0, change: Double = 0.0, kind: String = null, Card: String = null, Cheque: String = null, Receipt: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Tender is what is "offered" by the customer towards making a payment and is often more than the required payment (hence the need for 'change').

    Tender is what is "offered" by the customer towards making a payment and is often more than the required payment (hence the need for 'change').

    The payment is thus that part of the Tender that goes towards settlement of a particular transaction. Tender is modelled as an aggregation of Cheque and Card. Both these tender types can exist in a single tender bid thus 'accountHolderName' has to exist separately in each of Cheque and Card as each could have a different account holder name.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    Amount tendered by customer.


    Difference between amount tendered by customer and the amount charged by point of sale.


    Kind of tender from customer.


    Card Card used to tender payment.


    Cheque Cheque used to tender payment.


    Receipt Receipt that recorded this receiving of a payment in the form of tenders.

  1292. final case class Terminal(ACDCTerminal: ACDCTerminal = null, phases: String = null, AuxiliaryEquipment: List[String] = null, BranchGroupTerminal: List[String] = null, Bushing: String = null, Circuit: String = null, ConductingEquipment: String = null, ConnectivityNode: String = null, ConverterDCSides: List[String] = null, EquipmentFaults: List[String] = null, HasFirstMutualCoupling: List[String] = null, HasSecondMutualCoupling: List[String] = null, NormalHeadFeeder: String = null, PinTerminal: List[String] = null, RegulatingControl: List[String] = null, RemoteInputSignal: List[String] = null, SvPowerFlow: List[String] = null, TieFlow: List[String] = null, TopologicalNode: String = null, TransformerEnd: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    An AC electrical connection point to a piece of conducting equipment.

    An AC electrical connection point to a piece of conducting equipment.

    Terminals are connected at physical connection points called connectivity nodes.


    ACDCTerminal Reference to the superclass object.


    Represents the normal network phasing condition. If the attribute is missing, three phases (ABC) shall be assumed, except for terminals of grounding classes (specializations of EarthFaultCompensator, GroundDisconnector, GroundSwitch, and Ground) which will be assumed to be N. Therefore, phase code ABCN is explicitly declared when needed, e.g. for star point grounding equipment. The phase code on terminals connecting same ConnectivityNode or same TopologicalNode as well as for equipment between two terminals shall be consistent.


    AuxiliaryEquipment The auxiliary equipment connected to the terminal.


    BranchGroupTerminal The directed branch group terminals for which this terminal is monitored.


    Bushing undocumented


    Circuit undocumented


    ConductingEquipment The conducting equipment of the terminal. Conducting equipment have terminals that may be connected to other conducting equipment terminals via connectivity nodes or topological nodes.


    ConnectivityNode The connectivity node to which this terminal connects with zero impedance.


    ACDCConverter All converters' DC sides linked to this point of common coupling terminal.


    EquipmentFault The equipment faults at this terminal.


    MutualCoupling Mutual couplings associated with the branch as the first branch.


    MutualCoupling Mutual couplings with the branch associated as the first branch.


    Feeder The feeder that this terminal normally feeds. Only specified for the terminals at head of feeders.


    PinTerminal undocumented


    RegulatingControl The controls regulating this terminal.


    RemoteInputSignal Input signal coming from this terminal.


    SvPowerFlow The power flow state variable associated with the terminal.


    TieFlow The control area tie flows to which this terminal associates.


    TopologicalNode The topological node associated with the terminal. This can be used as an alternative to the connectivity node path to topological node, thus making it unnecessary to model connectivity nodes in some cases. Note that the if connectivity nodes are in the model, this association would probably not be used as an input specification.


    TransformerEnd All transformer ends connected at this terminal.

  1293. final case class TerminalConstraintTerm(ConstraintTerm: ConstraintTerm = null, MktTerminal: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A constraint term associated with a specific terminal on a physical piece of equipment.

    A constraint term associated with a specific terminal on a physical piece of equipment.


    ConstraintTerm Reference to the superclass object.


    MktTerminal undocumented

  1294. final case class TestDataSet(ProcedureDataSet: ProcedureDataSet = null, conclusion: String = null, specimenID: String = null, specimenToLabDateTime: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Test results, usually obtained by a lab or other independent organisation.

    Test results, usually obtained by a lab or other independent organisation.


    ProcedureDataSet Reference to the superclass object.


    Conclusion drawn from test results.


    Identifier of specimen used in inspection or test.


    Date and time the specimen was received by the lab.

  1295. final case class TestStandard(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, testMethod: String = null, testStandardASTM: String = null, testStandardCIGRE: String = null, testStandardDIN: String = null, testStandardDoble: String = null, testStandardEPA: String = null, testStandardIEC: String = null, testStandardIEEE: String = null, testStandardISO: String = null, testStandardLaborelec: String = null, testStandardTAPPI: String = null, testStandardUKMinistryOfDefence: String = null, testStandardWEP: String = null, testVariant: String = null, AssetAnalog: List[String] = null, AssetDiscrete: List[String] = null, AssetString: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    The precise standard used in executing a lab test, including the standard, and standard version, test method and variant, if needed.

    The precise standard used in executing a lab test, including the standard, and standard version, test method and variant, if needed.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    Identification of test method used if multiple methods specified by test standard.


    ASTMStandard Which ASTM standard used to determine analog value result. Applies only if ASTM standard used.


    CIGREStandard Which CIGRE standard used to determine analog value result. Applies only if CIGRE standard used.


    DINStandard Which DIN standard used to determine analog value result. Applies only if DIN standard used.


    DobleStandard Which Doble standard used to determine analog value result. Applies only if Doble standard used.


    EPAStandard Which EPA standard used to determine analog value result. Applies only if EPA standard used.


    IECStandard Which IEC standard used to determine analog value result. Applies only if IEC standard used.


    IEEEStandard Which IEEE standard used to determine analog value result. Applies only if IEEE standard used.


    ISOStandard Which ISO standard used to determine analog value result. Applies only if ISO standard used.


    LaborelecStandard Which Laborelec standard used to determine analog value result. Applies only if Laborelec standard used.


    TAPPIStandard Which TAPPI standard used to determine analog value result. Applies only if TAPPI standard used.


    UKMinistryOfDefenceStandard Which UK Ministry of Defence standard used to determine analog value result. Applies only if UK Ministry of Defence standard used.


    WEPStandard Which WEP standard used to determine analog value result. Applies only if WEP standard used.


    Identification of variant of test method or standard if one is specified by the standard.


    AssetAnalog An asset health analog related to this lab test standard.


    AssetDiscrete An asset health discrete related to this lab test standard.


    AssetStringMeasurement An asset health string related to this lab test standard.

  1296. final case class TextDiagramObject(DiagramObject: DiagramObject = null, text: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A diagram object for placing free-text or text derived from an associated domain object.

    A diagram object for placing free-text or text derived from an associated domain object.


    DiagramObject Reference to the superclass object.


    The text that is displayed by this text diagram object.

  1297. final case class ThermalGeneratingUnit(GeneratingUnit: GeneratingUnit = null, oMCost: Double = 0.0, CAESPlant: String = null, CogenerationPlant: String = null, CombinedCyclePlant: String = null, EmissionCurves: List[String] = null, EmmissionAccounts: List[String] = null, FossilFuels: List[String] = null, FuelAllocationSchedules: List[String] = null, HeatInputCurve: String = null, HeatRateCurve: String = null, IncrementalHeatRateCurve: String = null, ShutdownCurve: String = null, StartupModel: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A generating unit whose prime mover could be a steam turbine, combustion turbine, or diesel engine.

    A generating unit whose prime mover could be a steam turbine, combustion turbine, or diesel engine.


    GeneratingUnit Reference to the superclass object.


    Operating and maintenance cost for the thermal unit.


    CAESPlant A thermal generating unit may be a member of a compressed air energy storage plant.


    CogenerationPlant A thermal generating unit may be a member of a cogeneration plant.


    CombinedCyclePlant A thermal generating unit may be a member of a combined cycle plant.


    EmissionCurve A thermal generating unit may have one or more emission curves.


    EmissionAccount A thermal generating unit may have one or more emission allowance accounts.


    FossilFuel A thermal generating unit may have one or more fossil fuels.


    FuelAllocationSchedule A thermal generating unit may have one or more fuel allocation schedules.


    HeatInputCurve A thermal generating unit may have a heat input curve.


    HeatRateCurve A thermal generating unit may have a heat rate curve.


    IncrementalHeatRateCurve A thermal generating unit may have an incremental heat rate curve.


    ShutdownCurve A thermal generating unit may have a shutdown curve.


    StartupModel A thermal generating unit may have a startup model.

  1298. final case class TieFlow(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, positiveFlowIn: Boolean = false, AltTieMeas: List[String] = null, ControlArea: String = null, Terminal: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Defines the structure (in terms of location and direction) of the net interchange constraint for a control area.

    Defines the structure (in terms of location and direction) of the net interchange constraint for a control area.

    This constraint may be used by either AGC or power flow.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    Specifies the sign of the tie flow associated with a control area. True if positive flow into the terminal (load convention) is also positive flow into the control area. See the description of ControlArea for further explanation of how TieFlow.positiveFlowIn is used.


    AltTieMeas The primary and alternate tie flow measurements associated with the tie flow.


    ControlArea The control area of the tie flows.


    Terminal The terminal to which this tie flow belongs.

  1299. final case class TieLine(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, EnergyTransaction: String = null, ParentOfA: List[String] = null, ParentOfB: String = null, SideA_SubControlArea: String = null, SideB_SubControlArea: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

  1300. final case class TiePoint(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, tiePointMWRating: Double = 0.0, ByMktMeasurement: List[String] = null, ForMktMeasurement: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Site of an interface between interchange areas.

    Site of an interface between interchange areas.

    The tie point can be a network branch (e.g., transmission line or transformer) or a switching device. For transmission lines, the interchange area boundary is usually at a designated point such as the middle of the line. Line end metering is then corrected for line losses.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    The MW rating of the tie point.


    MktMeasurement A measurement is made on the B side of a tie point


    MktMeasurement A measurement is made on the A side of a tie point

  1301. final case class TimeInterval(Element: BasicElement = null, end: String = null, start: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Interval between two times.

    Interval between two times.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    End time of this interval.


    Start time of this interval.

  1302. final case class TimePoint(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, dateTime: String = null, relativeTimeInterval: Double = 0.0, sequenceNumber: Int = 0, status: String = null, window: String = null, TimeSchedule: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A point in time within a sequence of points in time relative to a time schedule.

    A point in time within a sequence of points in time relative to a time schedule.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    Absolute date and time for this time point. For calendar-based time point, it is typically manually entered, while for interval-based or sequence-based time point it is derived.


    (if interval-based) A point in time relative to scheduled start time in 'TimeSchedule.scheduleInterval.start'.


    (if sequence-based) Relative sequence number for this time point.


    Status Status of this time point.


    Interval defining the window of time that this time point is valid (for example, seasonal, only on weekends, not on weekends, only 8:00 am to 5:00 pm, etc.).


    TimeSchedule Time schedule owning this time point.

  1303. final case class TimeSchedule(Document: Document = null, disabled: Boolean = false, offset: Double = 0.0, recurrencePattern: String = null, recurrencePeriod: Double = 0.0, scheduleInterval: String = null, TimePoints: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Description of anything that changes through time.

    Description of anything that changes through time.

    Time schedule is used to perform a single-valued function of time. Use inherited 'type' attribute to give additional information on this schedule, such as: periodic (hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, etc.), day of the month, by date, calendar (specific times and dates).


    Document Reference to the superclass object.


    True if this schedule is deactivated (disabled).


    The offset from midnight (i.e., 0 h, 0 min, 0 s) for the periodic time points to begin. For example, for an interval meter that is set up for five minute intervals ('recurrencePeriod'=300=5 min), setting 'offset'=120=2 min would result in scheduled events to read the meter executing at 2 min, 7 min, 12 min, 17 min, 22 min, 27 min, 32 min, 37 min, 42 min, 47 min, 52 min, and 57 min past each hour.


    Interval at which the scheduled action repeats (e.g., first Monday of every month, last day of the month, etc.).


    Duration between time points, from the beginning of one period to the beginning of the next period. Note that a device like a meter may have multiple interval periods (e.g., 1 min, 5 min, 15 min, 30 min, or 60 min).


    Schedule date and time interval.


    TimePoint Sequence of time points belonging to this time schedule.

  1304. final case class TimeSeries(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, businessType: String = null, cancelledTS: String = null, curveType: String = null, objectAggregation: String = null, product: String = null, version: String = null, AttributeInstanceComponent: List[String] = null, Auction: List[String] = null, ConstraintDuration: List[String] = null, DateAndOrTime: List[String] = null, Domain: List[String] = null, EnvironmentalMonitoringStation: List[String] = null, FlowDirection: List[String] = null, MarketDocument: List[String] = null, MarketEvaluationPoint: List[String] = null, MarketObjectStatus: List[String] = null, MarketParticipant: List[String] = null, MktPSRType: List[String] = null, Period: List[String] = null, Point: List[String] = null, Price: List[String] = null, Quantity: List[String] = null, Reason: List[String] = null, RegisteredResource: List[String] = null, Unit: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A set of regular time-ordered measurements or values of quantitative nature of an individual or collective phenomenon taken at successive, in most cases equidistant, periods / points of time.

    A set of regular time-ordered measurements or values of quantitative nature of an individual or collective phenomenon taken at successive, in most cases equidistant, periods / points of time.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    The identification of the nature of the time series.


    An indicator stating that the TimeSeries, identified by the mRID, is cancelled as well as all the values sent in a previous version of the TimeSeries in a previous document.


    The coded representation of the type of curve being described.


    Identification of the object that is the common denominator used to aggregate a time series.


    The type of the product such as Power, energy, reactive power, transport capacity that is the subject of the time series.


    Version of the time series.


    AttributeInstanceComponent undocumented


    Auction undocumented


    ConstraintDuration undocumented


    DateAndOrTime undocumented


    Domain undocumented


    EnvironmentalMonitoringStation undocumented


    FlowDirection undocumented


    MarketDocument undocumented


    MarketEvaluationPoint undocumented


    MarketObjectStatus undocumented


    MarketParticipant undocumented


    MktPSRType undocumented


    Period undocumented


    Point undocumented


    Price undocumented


    Quantity undocumented


    Reason undocumented


    RegisteredResource undocumented


    Unit_ undocumented

  1305. final case class TimeTariffInterval(Element: BasicElement = null, sequenceNumber: Int = 0, startTime: String = null, Charges: List[String] = null, ConsumptionTariffIntervals: List[String] = null, TariffProfiles: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    One of a sequence of time intervals defined in terms of real time.

    One of a sequence of time intervals defined in terms of real time.

    It is typically used in association with TariffProfile to define the intervals in a time of use tariff structure, where startDateTime simultaneously determines the starting point of this interval and the ending point of the previous interval.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    A sequential reference that defines the identity of this interval and its relative position with respect to other intervals in a sequence of intervals.


    A real time marker that defines the starting time (typically it is the time of day) for this interval. The interval extends to the start of the next interval or until it is reset to the start of the first interval by TariffProfile.tariffCycle.


    Charge All charges used to define this time tariff interval.


    ConsumptionTariffInterval All consumption tariff intervals that introduce variation in this time of use tariff interval; allows to express e.g., peak hour prices that are different with different consumption blocks.


    TariffProfile All tariff profiles defined by this time tariff interval.

  1306. final case class Tool(WorkAsset: WorkAsset = null, lastCalibrationDate: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Tool asset.

    Tool asset.


    WorkAsset Reference to the superclass object.


    (if applicable) Date the tool was last calibrated.

  1307. final case class TopologicalIsland(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, AngleRefTopologicalNode: String = null, TopologicalNodes: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    An electrically connected subset of the network.

    An electrically connected subset of the network.

    Topological islands can change as the current network state changes, e.g. due to: - disconnect switches or breakers changing state in a SCADA/EMS. - manual creation, change or deletion of topological nodes in a planning tool. Only energised TopologicalNode-s shall be part of the topological island.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    TopologicalNode The angle reference for the island. Normally there is one TopologicalNode that is selected as the angle reference for each island. Other reference schemes exist, so the association is typically optional.


    TopologicalNode A topological node belongs to a topological island.

  1308. final case class TopologicalNode(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, pInjection: Double = 0.0, qInjection: Double = 0.0, AngleRefTopologicalIsland: String = null, BaseVoltage: String = null, BusNameMarker: List[String] = null, ConnectivityNodeContainer: String = null, ConnectivityNodes: List[String] = null, ReportingGroup: String = null, SvInjection: List[String] = null, SvVoltage: List[String] = null, Terminal: List[String] = null, TopologicalIsland: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    For a detailed substation model a topological node is a set of connectivity nodes that, in the current network state, are connected together through any type of closed switches, including jumpers.

    For a detailed substation model a topological node is a set of connectivity nodes that, in the current network state, are connected together through any type of closed switches, including jumpers.

    Topological nodes change as the current network state changes (i.e., switches, breakers, etc. change state). For a planning model, switch statuses are not used to form topological nodes. Instead they are manually created or deleted in a model builder tool. Topological nodes maintained this way are also called "busses".


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    The active power injected into the bus at this location in addition to injections from equipment. Positive sign means injection into the TopologicalNode (bus). Starting value for a steady state solution.


    The reactive power injected into the bus at this location in addition to injections from equipment. Positive sign means injection into the TopologicalNode (bus). Starting value for a steady state solution.


    TopologicalIsland The island for which the node is an angle reference. Normally there is one angle reference node for each island.


    BaseVoltage The base voltage of the topological node.


    BusNameMarker BusnameMarkers that may refer to a pre defined TopologicalNode.


    ConnectivityNodeContainer The connectivity node container to which the topological node belongs.


    ConnectivityNode The connectivity nodes combine together to form this topological node. May depend on the current state of switches in the network.


    ReportingGroup The reporting group to which the topological node belongs.


    SvInjection The injection flows state variables associated with the topological node.


    SvVoltage The state voltage associated with the topological node.


    Terminal The terminals associated with the topological node. This can be used as an alternative to the connectivity node path to terminal, thus making it unnecessary to model connectivity nodes in some cases. Note that if connectivity nodes are in the model, this association would probably not be used as an input specification.


    TopologicalIsland A topological node belongs to a topological island.

  1309. final case class Tornado(AtmosphericPhenomenon: AtmosphericPhenomenon = null, fScale: String = null, width: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A tornado, a violent destructive whirling wind accompanied by a funnel-shaped cloud that progresses in a narrow path over the land.

    A tornado, a violent destructive whirling wind accompanied by a funnel-shaped cloud that progresses in a narrow path over the land.


    AtmosphericPhenomenon Reference to the superclass object.


    Fujita scale (referred to as EF-scale starting in 2007) for the tornado.


    Width of the tornado during the time interval.

  1310. final case class Tower(Structure: Structure = null, constructionKind: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Tower asset.

    Tower asset.

    Dimensions of the Tower are specified in associated DimensionsInfo class. When used for planning purposes, a transmission tower carrying two 3-phase circuits will have 2 instances of Connection, each of which will have 3 MountingPoint instances, one for each phase all with coordinates relative to a common origin on the tower. (It may also have a 3rd Connection with a single MountingPoint for the Neutral line).


    Structure Reference to the superclass object.


    Construction structure on the tower.

  1311. final case class TownDetail(Element: BasicElement = null, code: String = null, country: String = null, name: String = null, section: String = null, stateOrProvince: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Town details, in the context of address.

    Town details, in the context of address.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    Town code.


    Name of the country.


    Town name.


    Town section. For example, it is common for there to be 36 sections per township.


    Name of the state or province.

  1312. final case class Trade(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, adjustedTradeQuantity: Double = 0.0, counterTradeQuantity: Double = 0.0, dependOnTradeName: String = null, lastModified: String = null, marketType: String = null, startTime: String = null, stopTime: String = null, submitFromSchedulingCoordinator: String = null, submitFromTimeStamp: String = null, submitFromUser: String = null, submitToSchedulingCoordinator: String = null, submitToTimeStamp: String = null, submitToUser_1: String = null, tradeQuantity: Double = 0.0, tradeStatus: String = null, updateTimeStamp: String = null, updateUser: String = null, ActionRequest: String = null, From_SC: String = null, Pnode: String = null, RegisteredGenerator: String = null, To_SC: String = null, TradeError: List[String] = null, TradeProduct: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Inter Scheduling Coordinator Trades to model financial trades which may impact settlement.

    Inter Scheduling Coordinator Trades to model financial trades which may impact settlement.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    The validated and current market accepted trade amount of a physical energy trade.


    MW quantity submitted by counter SC for the same trade


    The Depend On IST Name points to the unique IST Name in the chain of physical energy trades.


    Time and date the trade was last modified.




    Start time and date for which trade applies.


    Stop time and date for which trade is applicable.


    SchedulingCoordinator undocumented


    Timestamp of submittal of submit From Scheduling Coordinator Trade to Market Participant Bid Submittal


    Userid of the submit From Scheduling Coordinator trade


    SchedulingCoordinator undocumented


    Timestamp of submittal of submit To Scheduling Coordinator Trade to Market Participant Bid Submittal


    Userid of the submit To Scheduling Coordinator trade


    tradeQuantity: If tradeType = IST, The amount of an Energy Trade. If tradeType = AST, The amount of an Ancillary Service Obligation Trade. If tradeType = UCT, The amount of a Unit Commitment Obligation Trade.


    Resulting status of the trade following the rule engine processing.






    ActionRequest undocumented


    SchedulingCoordinator undocumented


    Pnode undocumented


    RegisteredGenerator undocumented


    SchedulingCoordinator undocumented


    TradeError undocumented


    TradeProduct undocumented

  1313. final case class TradeError(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, endTime: String = null, errMessage: String = null, errPriority: Int = 0, logTimeStamp: String = null, ruleID: Int = 0, startTime: String = null, Trade: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Trade error and warning messages associated with the rule engine processing of the submitted trade.

    Trade error and warning messages associated with the rule engine processing of the submitted trade.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    hour wihthin the trade for which the error applies


    error message


    Priority number for the error message


    Timestamp of logged error/warning message


    Rule identifier which triggered the error/warning message


    hour wihthin the trade for which the error applies


    Trade undocumented

  1314. final case class TradeProduct(Element: BasicElement = null, tradeProductType: String = null, tradeType: String = null, Trade: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    TradeType TradeProduct IST (InterSC Trade) PHY (Physical Energy Trade) IST APN (Energy Trades at Aggregated Pricing Nodes) IST CPT (Converted Physical Energy Trade) AST (Ancilliary Services Trade) RUT (Regulation Up Trade) AST RDT (Regulation Down Trade) AST SRT (Spinning Reserve Trade) AST NRT (Non-Spinning Reserve Trade)

    TradeType TradeProduct IST (InterSC Trade) PHY (Physical Energy Trade) IST APN (Energy Trades at Aggregated Pricing Nodes) IST CPT (Converted Physical Energy Trade) AST (Ancilliary Services Trade) RUT (Regulation Up Trade) AST RDT (Regulation Down Trade) AST SRT (Spinning Reserve Trade) AST NRT (Non-Spinning Reserve Trade)

    UCT (Unit Commitment Trade) null


    Reference to the superclass object.


    PHY (Physical Energy Trade); APN (Energy Trades at Aggregated Pricing Nodes); CPT (Converted Physical Energy Trade); RUT (Regulation Up Trade); RDT (Regulation Down Trade); SRT (Spinning Reserve Trade); NRT (Non-Spinning Reserve Trade)


    IST - InterSC Trade; AST - Ancilliary Services Trade; UCT - Unit Commitment Trade


    Trade undocumented

  1315. final case class TradingHubPrice(Element: BasicElement = null, intervalStartTime: String = null, marketType: String = null, updateTimeStamp: String = null, updateUser: String = null, TradingHubValues: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Models prices at Trading Hubs, interval based.

    Models prices at Trading Hubs, interval based.


    Reference to the superclass object.










    TradingHubValues undocumented

  1316. final case class TradingHubValues(Element: BasicElement = null, price: Double = 0.0, AggregatedPnode: String = null, TradingHubPrice: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Models prices at Trading Hubs.

    Models prices at Trading Hubs.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    Utilizes the Market type. For DA, the price is hourly. For RTM the price is a 5 minute price.


    AggregatedPnode undocumented


    TradingHubPrice undocumented

  1317. final case class Transaction(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, diverseReference: String = null, donorReference: String = null, kind: String = null, line: String = null, receiverReference: String = null, reversedId: String = null, serviceUnitsEnergy: Double = 0.0, serviceUnitsError: Double = 0.0, AuxiliaryAccount: String = null, CashierShift: String = null, CustomerAccount: String = null, Meter: String = null, PricingStructure: String = null, Receipt: String = null, UserAttributes: List[String] = null, VendorShift: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    The record of details of payment for service or token sale.

    The record of details of payment for service or token sale.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    Formal reference for use with diverse payment (traffic fine for example).


    Reference to the entity that is the source of 'amount' (for example: customer for token purchase; or supplier for free issue token).


    Kind of transaction.


    LineDetail Transaction amount, rounding, date and note for this transaction line.


    Reference to the entity that is the recipient of 'amount' (for example, supplier for service charge payment; or tax receiver for VAT).


    (if 'kind' is transactionReversal) Reference to the original transaction that is being reversed by this transaction.


    Actual amount of service units that is being paid for.


    Number of service units not reflected in 'serviceUnitsEnergy' due to process rounding or truncating errors.


    AuxiliaryAccount Auxiliary account for this payment transaction.


    CashierShift Cashier shift during which this transaction was recorded.


    CustomerAccount Customer account for this payment transaction.


    Meter Meter for this vending transaction.


    PricingStructure Pricing structure applicable for this transaction.


    Receipt The receipted payment for which this transaction has been recorded.


    UserAttribute All snapshots of meter parameters recorded at the time of this transaction. Use 'name' and 'value.value' attributes to specify name and value of a parameter from meter.


    VendorShift Vendor shift during which this transaction was recorded.

  1318. final case class TransactionBid(Bid: Bid = null, demandTransaction: Boolean = false, dispatchable: Boolean = false, payCongestion: Boolean = false, Delivery_Pnode: String = null, EnergyProfiles: List[String] = null, Receipt_Pnode: String = null, TransactionBidResults: List[String] = null, TransmissionReservation: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Bilateral or scheduled transactions for energy and ancillary services considered by market clearing process.

    Bilateral or scheduled transactions for energy and ancillary services considered by market clearing process.


    Bid Reference to the superclass object.


    Set true if this is a demand transaction.


    Set true if this is a dispatchable transaction.


    Set true if this is a willing to pay transaction. This flag is used to determine whether a schedule is willing-to-pay-congestion or not.


    Pnode undocumented


    EnergyProfile undocumented


    Pnode undocumented


    TransactionBidResults undocumented


    TransmissionReservation undocumented

  1319. final case class TransactionBidClearing(MarketFactors: MarketFactors = null, TransactionBidResults: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Contains the intervals relavent for the associated TransactionBidResults.

    Contains the intervals relavent for the associated TransactionBidResults.

    For example, Day Ahead cleared results for the transaction bids for each interval of the market day.


    MarketFactors Reference to the superclass object.


    TransactionBidResults undocumented

  1320. final case class TransactionBidResults(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, clearedMW: Double = 0.0, clearedPrice: Double = 0.0, TransactionBid: String = null, TransactionBidClearing: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Contains the cleared results for each TransactionBid submitted to and accepted by the market.

    Contains the cleared results for each TransactionBid submitted to and accepted by the market.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    The market transaction megawatt


    The price of the market transaction


    TransactionBid undocumented


    TransactionBidClearing undocumented

  1321. final case class Transactor(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, MerchantAccounts: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    The entity that ultimately executes the transaction and which is in control of the process; typically this is embodied in secure software running on a server that may employ secure hardware encryption devices for secure transaction processing.

    The entity that ultimately executes the transaction and which is in control of the process; typically this is embodied in secure software running on a server that may employ secure hardware encryption devices for secure transaction processing.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    MerchantAccount All merchant accounts registered with this transactor.

  1322. final case class TransferInterface(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, HostControlArea: String = null, TransferInterfaceSolution: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A Transfer Interface is made up of branches such as transmission lines and transformers.

    A Transfer Interface is made up of branches such as transmission lines and transformers.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    HostControlArea undocumented


    TransferInterfaceSolution undocumented

  1323. final case class TransferInterfaceSolution(Element: BasicElement = null, interfaceMargin: Double = 0.0, postTransferMW: Double = 0.0, transferLimit: Double = 0.0, MktContingencyB: String = null, TransferInterface: String = null, _MktContingencyA: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    TNA Interface Definitions from OPF for VSA.

    TNA Interface Definitions from OPF for VSA.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    The margin for the interface


    Post Transfer MW for step


    Transfer Interface + Limit Attribute Usage: The absoloute of the maximum flow on the transfer interface. This is a positive MW value.


    MktContingency undocumented


    TransferInterface undocumented


    MktContingency undocumented

  1324. final case class TransformerCoreAdmittance(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, b: Double = 0.0, b0: Double = 0.0, g: Double = 0.0, g0: Double = 0.0, TransformerEnd: List[String] = null, TransformerEndInfo: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    The transformer core admittance.

    The transformer core admittance.

    Used to specify the core admittance of a transformer in a manner that can be shared among power transformers.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    Magnetizing branch susceptance (B mag). The value can be positive or negative.


    Zero sequence magnetizing branch susceptance.


    Magnetizing branch conductance (G mag).


    Zero sequence magnetizing branch conductance.


    TransformerEnd All transformer ends having this core admittance.


    TransformerEndInfo Transformer end datasheet used to calculate this core admittance.

  1325. final case class TransformerEnd(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, bmagSat: Double = 0.0, endNumber: Int = 0, grounded: Boolean = false, magBaseU: Double = 0.0, magSatFlux: Double = 0.0, rground: Double = 0.0, xground: Double = 0.0, BaseVoltage: String = null, CoreAdmittance: String = null, FromMeshImpedance: List[String] = null, FromWindingInsulations: List[String] = null, PhaseTapChanger: String = null, RatioTapChanger: String = null, StarImpedance: String = null, Terminal: String = null, ToMeshImpedance: List[String] = null, ToWindingInsulations: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A conducting connection point of a power transformer.

    A conducting connection point of a power transformer.

    It corresponds to a physical transformer winding terminal. In earlier CIM versions, the TransformerWinding class served a similar purpose, but this class is more flexible because it associates to terminal but is not a specialization of ConductingEquipment.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    Core shunt magnetizing susceptance in the saturation region.


    Number for this transformer end, corresponding to the end's order in the power transformer vector group or phase angle clock number. Highest voltage winding should be 1. Each end within a power transformer should have a unique subsequent end number. Note the transformer end number need not match the terminal sequence number.


    (for Yn and Zn connections) True if the neutral is solidly grounded.


    The reference voltage at which the magnetizing saturation measurements were made.


    Core magnetizing saturation curve knee flux level.


    (for Yn and Zn connections) Resistance part of neutral impedance where 'grounded' is true.


    (for Yn and Zn connections) Reactive part of neutral impedance where 'grounded' is true.


    BaseVoltage Base voltage of the transformer end. This is essential for PU calculation.


    TransformerCoreAdmittance Core admittance of this transformer end, representing magnetising current and core losses. The full values of the transformer should be supplied for one transformer end only.


    TransformerMeshImpedance All mesh impedances between this 'to' and other 'from' transformer ends.


    WindingInsulation undocumented


    PhaseTapChanger Phase tap changer associated with this transformer end.


    RatioTapChanger Ratio tap changer associated with this transformer end.


    TransformerStarImpedance (accurate for 2- or 3-winding transformers only) Pi-model impedances of this transformer end. By convention, for a two winding transformer, the full values of the transformer should be entered on the high voltage end (endNumber=1).


    Terminal Terminal of the power transformer to which this transformer end belongs.


    TransformerMeshImpedance All mesh impedances between this 'from' and other 'to' transformer ends.


    WindingInsulation undocumented

  1326. final case class TransformerEndInfo(AssetInfo: AssetInfo = null, connectionKind: String = null, emergencyS: Double = 0.0, endNumber: Int = 0, insulationU: Double = 0.0, phaseAngleClock: Int = 0, r: Double = 0.0, ratedS: Double = 0.0, ratedU: Double = 0.0, shortTermS: Double = 0.0, CoreAdmittance: String = null, EnergisedEndNoLoadTests: List[String] = null, EnergisedEndOpenCircuitTests: List[String] = null, EnergisedEndShortCircuitTests: List[String] = null, FromMeshImpedances: List[String] = null, GroundedEndShortCircuitTests: List[String] = null, OpenEndOpenCircuitTests: List[String] = null, ToMeshImpedances: List[String] = null, TransformerStarImpedance: String = null, TransformerTankInfo: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Transformer end data.

    Transformer end data.


    AssetInfo Reference to the superclass object.


    Kind of connection.


    Apparent power that the winding can carry under emergency conditions (also called long-term emergency power).


    Number for this transformer end, corresponding to the end's order in the PowerTransformer.vectorGroup attribute. Highest voltage winding should be 1.


    Basic insulation level voltage rating.


    Winding phase angle where 360 degrees are represented with clock hours, so the valid values are {0, ..., 11}. For example, to express the second winding in code 'Dyn11', set attributes as follows: 'endNumber'=2, 'connectionKind' = Yn and 'phaseAngleClock' = 11.


    DC resistance.


    Normal apparent power rating.


    Rated voltage: phase-phase for three-phase windings, and either phase-phase or phase-neutral for single-phase windings.


    Apparent power that this winding can carry for a short period of time (in emergency).


    TransformerCoreAdmittance Core admittance calculated from this transformer end datasheet, representing magnetising current and core losses. The full values of the transformer should be supplied for one transformer end info only.


    NoLoadTest All no-load test measurements in which this transformer end was energised.


    OpenCircuitTest All open-circuit test measurements in which this transformer end was excited.


    ShortCircuitTest All short-circuit test measurements in which this transformer end was energised.


    TransformerMeshImpedance All mesh impedances between this 'to' and other 'from' transformer ends.


    ShortCircuitTest All short-circuit test measurements in which this transformer end was short-circuited.


    OpenCircuitTest All open-circuit test measurements in which this transformer end was not excited.


    TransformerMeshImpedance All mesh impedances between this 'from' and other 'to' transformer ends.


    TransformerStarImpedance Transformer star impedance calculated from this transformer end datasheet.


    TransformerTankInfo Transformer tank data that this end description is part of.

  1327. final case class TransformerMeshImpedance(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, r: Double = 0.0, r0: Double = 0.0, x: Double = 0.0, x0: Double = 0.0, FromTransformerEnd: String = null, FromTransformerEndInfo: String = null, ToTransformerEnd: List[String] = null, ToTransformerEndInfos: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Transformer mesh impedance (Delta-model) between transformer ends.

    Transformer mesh impedance (Delta-model) between transformer ends.

    The typical case is that this class describes the impedance between two transformer ends pair-wise, i.e. the cardinalities at both transformer end associations are 1. However, in cases where two or more transformer ends are modelled the cardinalities are larger than 1.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    Resistance between the 'from' and the 'to' end, seen from the 'from' end.


    Zero-sequence resistance between the 'from' and the 'to' end, seen from the 'from' end.


    Reactance between the 'from' and the 'to' end, seen from the 'from' end.


    Zero-sequence reactance between the 'from' and the 'to' end, seen from the 'from' end.


    TransformerEnd From end this mesh impedance is connected to. It determines the voltage reference.


    TransformerEndInfo 'from' transformer end datasheet this mesh impedance is calculated from. It determines the voltage reference.


    TransformerEnd All transformer ends this mesh impedance is connected to.


    TransformerEndInfo All 'to' transformer end datasheets this mesh impedance for 'from' transformer end is calculated from.

  1328. final case class TransformerObservation(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, bushingTemp: Double = 0.0, dga: String = null, freqResp: String = null, furfuralDP: String = null, hotSpotTemp: Double = 0.0, oilColor: String = null, oilDielectricStrength: Double = 0.0, oilIFT: String = null, oilLevel: String = null, oilNeutralizationNumber: String = null, pumpVibration: String = null, status: String = null, topOilTemp: Double = 0.0, waterContent: String = null, BushingInsultationPFs: List[String] = null, ProcedureDataSets: List[String] = null, Reconditioning: String = null, Transformer: String = null, WindingInsulationPFs: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Common information captured during transformer inspections and/or diagnostics.

    Common information captured during transformer inspections and/or diagnostics.

    Note that some properties may be measured through other means and therefore have measurement values in addition to the observed values recorded here.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    Bushing temperature.


    Dissolved Gas Analysis. Typical values are: Acceptable, Overheating, Corona, Sparking, Arcing.


    Frequency Response Analysis. Typical values are: acceptable, slight movement, significant movement, failed, near failure. A graphic of the response diagram, which is a type of document, may be associated with this analysis through the recursive document relationship of the ProcedureDataSet.


    Overall measure of furfural in oil and mechanical strength of paper. DP, the degree of polymerization, is the strength of the paper. Furfural is a measure of furfural compounds, often expressed in parts per million.


    Hotspot oil temperature.


    Oil Quality Analysis-Color.


    Oil Quality Analysis-Dielectric Strength.


    Oil Quality Analysis- inter facial tension (IFT) - number-Dynes/CM.


    The level of oil in the transformer.


    Oil Quality Analysis-Neutralization Number - Number - Mg KOH.


    Pump vibration, with typical values being: nominal, high.




    Top oil temperature.


    Water Content expressed in parts per million.


    BushingInsulationPF undocumented


    ProcedureDataSet undocumented


    Reconditioning undocumented


    TransformerTank undocumented


    WindingInsulation undocumented

  1329. final case class TransformerStarImpedance(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, r: Double = 0.0, r0: Double = 0.0, x: Double = 0.0, x0: Double = 0.0, TransformerEnd: List[String] = null, TransformerEndInfo: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Transformer star impedance (Pi-model) that accurately reflects impedance for transformers with 2 or 3 windings.

    Transformer star impedance (Pi-model) that accurately reflects impedance for transformers with 2 or 3 windings.

    For transformers with 4 or more windings, TransformerMeshImpedance class shall be used. For transmission networks use PowerTransformerEnd impedances (r, r0, x, x0, b, b0, g and g0).


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    Resistance of the transformer end.


    Zero sequence series resistance of the transformer end.


    Positive sequence series reactance of the transformer end.


    Zero sequence series reactance of the transformer end.


    TransformerEnd All transformer ends having this star impedance.


    TransformerEndInfo Transformer end datasheet used to calculate this transformer star impedance.

  1330. final case class TransformerTank(Equipment: Equipment = null, PowerTransformer: String = null, TransformerObservations: List[String] = null, TransformerTankEnds: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    An assembly of two or more coupled windings that transform electrical power between voltage levels.

    An assembly of two or more coupled windings that transform electrical power between voltage levels.

    These windings are bound on a common core and placed in the same tank. Transformer tank can be used to model both single-phase and 3-phase transformers.


    Equipment Reference to the superclass object.


    PowerTransformer Bank this transformer belongs to.


    TransformerObservation undocumented


    TransformerTankEnd All windings of this transformer.

  1331. final case class TransformerTankEnd(TransformerEnd: TransformerEnd = null, phases: String = null, TransformerTank: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Transformer tank end represents an individual winding for unbalanced models or for transformer tanks connected into a bank (and bank is modelled with the PowerTransformer).

    Transformer tank end represents an individual winding for unbalanced models or for transformer tanks connected into a bank (and bank is modelled with the PowerTransformer).


    TransformerEnd Reference to the superclass object.


    Describes the phases carried by a conducting equipment.


    TransformerTank Transformer this winding belongs to.

  1332. final case class TransformerTankInfo(AssetInfo: AssetInfo = null, PowerTransformerInfo: String = null, TransformerEndInfos: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Set of transformer tank data, from an equipment library.

    Set of transformer tank data, from an equipment library.


    AssetInfo Reference to the superclass object.


    PowerTransformerInfo Power transformer data that this tank description is part of.


    TransformerEndInfo Data for all the ends described by this transformer tank data.

  1333. final case class TransformerTest(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, basePower: Double = 0.0, temperature: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Test result for transformer ends, such as short-circuit, open-circuit (excitation) or no-load test.

    Test result for transformer ends, such as short-circuit, open-circuit (excitation) or no-load test.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    Base power at which the tests are conducted, usually equal to the rateds of one of the involved transformer ends.


    Temperature at which the test is conducted.

  1334. final case class TransmissionCapacity(Element: BasicElement = null, capacityBenefitMargin: Double = 0.0, operationalTransmissionCapacity: Double = 0.0, startOperatingDate: String = null, totalTransmissionCapacity: Double = 0.0, Flowgate: String = null, GenericConstraints: String = null, OTC15min_emergency: Double = 0.0, OTCemergency: Double = 0.0, POD: String = null, POR: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    This class models the transmission (either a transmission interface or a POR/POD pair) capacity including Total Transfer Capacity (TTC), Operating Transfer Capacity (OTC), and Capacity Benefit Margin (CBM).

    This class models the transmission (either a transmission interface or a POR/POD pair) capacity including Total Transfer Capacity (TTC), Operating Transfer Capacity (OTC), and Capacity Benefit Margin (CBM).


    Reference to the superclass object.


    Capacity Benefit Margin (CBM) is used by Markets to calculate the transmission interface limits. This number could be manually or procedurally determined. The CBM is defined per transmission interface (branch group).


    The Operational Transmission Capacity (OTC) is the transmission capacity under the operating condition during a specific time period, incorporating the effects of derates and current settings of operation controls. The OTCs for all transmission interface (branch group) are always provided regardless of outage or switching conditions.


    Operating date & hour when the entitlement applies


    Total Transmission Capacity


    Flowgate undocumented


    GenericConstraints undocumented


    The Operational Transmission Capacity (OTC) 15 minute Emergency Limit


    The Operational Transmission Capacity (OTC) Emergency Limit.


    point of delivery


    point of receipt

  1335. final case class TransmissionCorridor(PowerSystemResource: PowerSystemResource = null, ContainedIn: List[String] = null, TransmissionRightOfWays: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A corridor containing one or more rights of way

    A corridor containing one or more rights of way


    PowerSystemResource Reference to the superclass object.


    TransmissionPath A TransmissionPath is contained in a TransmissionCorridor.


    TransmissionRightOfWay A transmission right-of-way is a member of a transmission corridor

  1336. final case class TransmissionInterfaceRightEntitlement(Element: BasicElement = null, entitlement: Double = 0.0, startOperatingDate: String = null, ContractRight: String = null, Flowgate: String = null, POD: String = null, POR: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    This is formally called the branch group ETC/TOR entitlement with the inclusion of CVR as ETC.

    This is formally called the branch group ETC/TOR entitlement with the inclusion of CVR as ETC.

    This could be also used to represent the TR entitlement on a POR/POD.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    the entitlement


    Operating date and hour when the entitlement applies


    ContractRight undocumented


    Flowgate undocumented


    point of delivery


    point of receipt

  1337. final case class TransmissionPath(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, availTransferCapability: Double = 0.0, parallelPathFlag: Boolean = false, totalTransferCapability: Double = 0.0, DeliveryPoint: String = null, For: String = null, LocatedOn: List[String] = null, PointOfReceipt: String = null, TransmissionReservation: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    An electrical connection, link, or line consisting of one or more parallel transmission elements between two areas of the interconnected electric systems, or portions thereof.

    An electrical connection, link, or line consisting of one or more parallel transmission elements between two areas of the interconnected electric systems, or portions thereof.

    TransmissionCorridor and TransmissionRightOfWay refer to legal aspects. The TransmissionPath refers to the segments between a TransmissionProvider's ServicePoints.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    The available transmission capability of a transmission path for the reference direction.


    Flag which indicates if the transmission path is also a designated interconnection "parallel path".


    The total transmission capability of a transmission path in the reference direction.


    ServicePoint A transmission path has a "point-of-delivery" service point


    TransmissionCorridor A TransmissionPath is contained in a TransmissionCorridor.


    TransmissionProduct A transmission product is located on a transmission path.


    ServicePoint A transmission path has a "point-of-receipt" service point


    TransmissionReservation undocumented

  1338. final case class TransmissionProduct(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, transmissionProductType: String = null, LocationFor: List[String] = null, TransmissionProvider: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

  1339. final case class TransmissionProvider(Organisation: Organisation = null, For: List[String] = null, TransmissionProducts: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Provider of the transmission capacity (interconnecting wires between Generation and Consumption) required to fulfill and Energy Transaction's energy exchange.

    Provider of the transmission capacity (interconnecting wires between Generation and Consumption) required to fulfill and Energy Transaction's energy exchange.

    Posts information for transmission paths and AvailableTransmissionCapacities on a reservation node. Buys and sells its products and services on the same reservation node.


    Organisation Reference to the superclass object.


    LossProfile Part of the LossProfile for an EnergyTransaction may be a loss for a TransmissionProvider. If so, the TransmissionProvider must be one of the participating entities in the EnergyTransaction.


    TransmissionProduct A TransmissionProvider offers a TransmissionProduct.

  1340. final case class TransmissionReservation(Element: BasicElement = null, EnergyTransaction: String = null, Sink: String = null, Source: String = null, TransactionBid: String = null, TransmissionPath: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A transmission reservation is obtained from the OASIS system to reserve transmission for a specified time period, transmission path and transmission product.

    A transmission reservation is obtained from the OASIS system to reserve transmission for a specified time period, transmission path and transmission product.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    EnergyTransaction undocumented


    ServicePoint undocumented


    ServicePoint undocumented


    TransactionBid undocumented


    TransmissionPath undocumented

  1341. final case class TransmissionRightChain(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, Chain_ContractRight: String = null, Ind_ContractRight: List[String] = null, RTO: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Allows chaining of TransmissionContractRights.

    Allows chaining of TransmissionContractRights.

    Many individual contract rights can be included in the definition of a TransmissionRightChain. A TransmissionRightChain is also defined as a TransmissionContractRight itself.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    ContractRight undocumented


    ContractRight undocumented


    RTO undocumented

  1342. final case class TransmissionRightOfWay(PowerSystemResource: PowerSystemResource = null, MktLine: List[String] = null, TransmissionCorridor: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A collection of transmission lines that are close proximity to each other.

    A collection of transmission lines that are close proximity to each other.


    PowerSystemResource Reference to the superclass object.


    MktLine undocumented


    TransmissionCorridor A transmission right-of-way is a member of a transmission corridor

  1343. final case class TriggerCondition(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, GateTrigger: String = null, RemedialActionScheme: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A conditions that can trigger remedial actions.

    A conditions that can trigger remedial actions.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    Gate The resulting Gate that is the condition for the Trigger.


    RemedialActionScheme undocumented

  1344. final case class TropicalCycloneAustralia(Cyclone: Cyclone = null, category: Int = 0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A tropical cyclone, a subtype of cyclone that forms to the east of 90°E in the Southern Hemisphere whose intensity is measured by the Australian tropical cyclone intensity scale.

    A tropical cyclone, a subtype of cyclone that forms to the east of 90°E in the Southern Hemisphere whose intensity is measured by the Australian tropical cyclone intensity scale.


    Cyclone Reference to the superclass object.


    Strength of tropical cyclone during the time interval, based on Australian Bureau of Meteorology Category System where: 1 - tropical cyclone, with typical gusts over flat land 90-125 km/h 2 - tropical cyclone, with typical gusts over flat land 125-164 km/h 3 - severe tropical cyclone, with typical gusts over flat land 165-224 km/h 4 - severe tropical cyclone, with typical gusts over flat land 225-279 km/h 5 - severe tropical cyclone, with typical gusts over flat land greater than 280 km/h.

  1345. final case class TroubleOrder(Document: Document = null, comment: String = null, plannedExecutionInterval: String = null, Incident: String = null, Location: String = null, TroubleTicket: List[String] = null, UnplannedOutage: String = null, WorkTask: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Trouble order sends an incident to a crew to initiate a response to an unplanned outage.

    Trouble order sends an incident to a crew to initiate a response to an unplanned outage.


    Document Reference to the superclass object.


    Free-form comment associated with the trouble order.


    The planned start and end time for the trouble order.


    Incident undocumented


    Location undocumented


    TroubleTicket undocumented


    UnplannedOutage undocumented


    WorkTask undocumented

  1346. final case class TroubleTicket(Document: Document = null, comment: String = null, dateTimeOfReport: String = null, firstResponderStatus: String = null, multiplePremises: Boolean = false, reportingKind: String = null, resolvedDateTime: String = null, troubleCode: String = null, Customer: String = null, Incident: String = null, IncidentHazard: List[String] = null, Notification: List[String] = null, ServiceLocation: String = null, TroubleOrder: String = null, UnplannedOutage: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

  1347. final case class Tsunami(HydrosphericPhenomenon: HydrosphericPhenomenon = null, intensity: Int = 0, magnitude: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A tsunami (tidal wave), a long high sea wave caused by an earthquake, submarine landslide, or other disturbance.

    A tsunami (tidal wave), a long high sea wave caused by an earthquake, submarine landslide, or other disturbance.


    HydrosphericPhenomenon Reference to the superclass object.


    Tsunami intensity on the Papadopoulos-Imamura tsunami intensity scale. Possible values are 1-12, corresponding to I-XII.


    Tsunami magnitude in the Tsunami Magnitude Scale (Mt). Is greater than zero.

  1348. final case class TurbLCFB1(TurbineLoadControllerDynamics: TurbineLoadControllerDynamics = null, db: Double = 0.0, emax: Double = 0.0, fb: Double = 0.0, fbf: Boolean = false, irmax: Double = 0.0, ki: Double = 0.0, kp: Double = 0.0, mwbase: Double = 0.0, pbf: Boolean = false, pmwset: Double = 0.0, speedReferenceGovernor: Boolean = false, tpelec: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Turbine load controller model developed by WECC.

    Turbine load controller model developed by WECC.

    This model represents a supervisory turbine load controller that acts to maintain turbine power at a set value by continuous adjustment of the turbine governor speed-load reference. This model is intended to represent slow reset 'outer loop' controllers managing the action of the turbine governor.


    TurbineLoadControllerDynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    Controller deadband (db). Typical value = 0.


    Maximum control error (Emax) (see parameter detail 4). Typical value = 0,02.


    Frequency bias gain (Fb). Typical value = 0.


    Frequency bias flag (Fbf). true = enable frequency bias false = disable frequency bias. Typical value = false.


    Maximum turbine speed/load reference bias (Irmax) (see parameter detail 3). Typical value = 0.


    Integral gain (Ki). Typical value = 0.


    Proportional gain (Kp). Typical value = 0.


    Base for power values (MWbase) (> 0). Unit = MW.


    Power controller flag (Pbf). true = enable load controller false = disable load controller. Typical value = false.


    Power controller setpoint (Pmwset) (see parameter detail 1). Unit = MW. Typical value = 0.


    Type of turbine governor reference (Type). true = speed reference governor false = load reference governor. Typical value = true.


    Power transducer time constant (Tpelec) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.

  1349. final case class TurbineGovernorDynamics(DynamicsFunctionBlock: DynamicsFunctionBlock = null, AsynchronousMachineDynamics: String = null, SynchronousMachineDynamics: String = null, TurbineLoadControllerDynamics: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Turbine-governor function block whose behaviour is described by reference to a standard model <font color="#0f0f0f">or by definition of a user-defined model.</font>

    Turbine-governor function block whose behaviour is described by reference to a standard model <font color="#0f0f0f">or by definition of a user-defined model.</font>


    DynamicsFunctionBlock Reference to the superclass object.


    AsynchronousMachineDynamics Asynchronous machine model with which this turbine-governor model is associated. TurbineGovernorDynamics shall have either an association to SynchronousMachineDynamics or to AsynchronousMachineDynamics.


    SynchronousMachineDynamics Synchronous machine model with which this turbine-governor model is associated. TurbineGovernorDynamics shall have either an association to SynchronousMachineDynamics or to AsynchronousMachineDynamics.


    TurbineLoadControllerDynamics Turbine load controller providing input to this turbine-governor.

  1350. final case class TurbineGovernorUserDefined(TurbineGovernorDynamics: TurbineGovernorDynamics = null, proprietary: Boolean = false, ProprietaryParameterDynamics: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Turbine-governor function block whose dynamic behaviour is described by <font color="#0f0f0f">a user-defined model.</font>

    Turbine-governor function block whose dynamic behaviour is described by <font color="#0f0f0f">a user-defined model.</font>


    TurbineGovernorDynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    Behaviour is based on a proprietary model as opposed to a detailed model. true = user-defined model is proprietary with behaviour mutually understood by sending and receiving applications and parameters passed as general attributes false = user-defined model is explicitly defined in terms of control blocks and their input and output signals.


    ProprietaryParameterDynamics Parameter of this proprietary user-defined model.

  1351. final case class TurbineLoadControllerDynamics(DynamicsFunctionBlock: DynamicsFunctionBlock = null, TurbineGovernorDynamics: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Turbine load controller function block whose behaviour is described by reference to a standard model <font color="#0f0f0f">or by definition of a user-defined model.</font>

    Turbine load controller function block whose behaviour is described by reference to a standard model <font color="#0f0f0f">or by definition of a user-defined model.</font>


    DynamicsFunctionBlock Reference to the superclass object.


    TurbineGovernorDynamics Turbine-governor controlled by this turbine load controller.

  1352. final case class TurbineLoadControllerUserDefined(TurbineLoadControllerDynamics: TurbineLoadControllerDynamics = null, proprietary: Boolean = false, ProprietaryParameterDynamics: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Turbine load controller function block whose dynamic behaviour is described by <font color="#0f0f0f">a user-defined model.</font>

    Turbine load controller function block whose dynamic behaviour is described by <font color="#0f0f0f">a user-defined model.</font>


    TurbineLoadControllerDynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    Behaviour is based on a proprietary model as opposed to a detailed model. true = user-defined model is proprietary with behaviour mutually understood by sending and receiving applications and parameters passed as general attributes false = user-defined model is explicitly defined in terms of control blocks and their input and output signals.


    ProprietaryParameterDynamics Parameter of this proprietary user-defined model.

  1353. final case class TypeAssetCatalogue(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, status: String = null, TypeAssets: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Catalogue of generic types of assets (TypeAsset) that may be used for design purposes.

    Catalogue of generic types of assets (TypeAsset) that may be used for design purposes.

    It is not associated with a particular manufacturer.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.




    CatalogAssetType undocumented

  1354. final case class TypeMaterial(WorkDocument: WorkDocument = null, costType: String = null, estUnitCost: Double = 0.0, quantity: String = null, stockItem: Boolean = false, CUMaterialItems: List[String] = null, ErpIssueInventories: List[String] = null, ErpReqLineItems: List[String] = null, MaterialItems: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Documentation for a generic material item that may be used for design, work and other purposes.

    Documentation for a generic material item that may be used for design, work and other purposes.

    Any number of MaterialItems manufactured by various vendors may be used to perform this TypeMaterial. Note that class analagous to "AssetModel" is not used for material items. This is because in some cases, for example, a utility sets up a Master material record for a 3 inch long half inch diameter steel bolt and they do not necessarily care what specific supplier is providing the material item. As different vendors are used to supply the part, the Stock Code of the material item can stay the same. In other cases, each time the vendor changes, a new stock code is set up so they can track material used by vendor. Therefore a Material Item "Model" is not typically needed.


    WorkDocument Reference to the superclass object.


    The type of cost to which this Material Item belongs.


    The estimated unit cost of this type of material, either for a unit cost or cost per unit length. Cost is for material or asset only and does not include labor to install/construct or configure it.


    The value, unit of measure, and multiplier for the quantity.


    True if item is a stock item (default).


    CUMaterialItem undocumented


    ErpIssueInventory undocumented


    ErpReqLineItem undocumented


    MaterialItem undocumented

  1355. final case class UKMinistryOfDefenceStandard(Element: BasicElement = null, standardEdition: String = null, standardNumber: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Standard published by United Kingdom Ministry of Defence.

    Standard published by United Kingdom Ministry of Defence.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    Edition of UK Ministry of Defence standard.


    UK Ministry of Defence standard number.

  1356. final case class Umode(Element: BasicElement = null, Delay: String = null, VSCtype1: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

  1357. final case class UnavailabilityScheduleDependency(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, UnavailabilityScheduleDependsOn: String = null, UnavailabilityScheduleImpacts: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

  1358. final case class UnavailabilitySwitchAction(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, open: Boolean = false) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Relevant switching action for supporting the availability (or unavailability) plans.

    Relevant switching action for supporting the availability (or unavailability) plans.

    This could open or close a switch that is not directly connected to the unavailable equipment .


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    The switch is to be open during the scheduled period.

  1359. final case class UnavailablitySchedule(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, DependsOn: List[String] = null, Impacts: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A schedule of unavailability for one or more specified equipment that need to follow the same scheduling periods.

    A schedule of unavailability for one or more specified equipment that need to follow the same scheduling periods.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    UnavailabilityScheduleDependency undocumented


    UnavailabilityScheduleDependency undocumented

  1360. final case class UnderexcLim2Simplified(UnderexcitationLimiterDynamics: UnderexcitationLimiterDynamics = null, kui: Double = 0.0, p0: Double = 0.0, p1: Double = 0.0, q0: Double = 0.0, q1: Double = 0.0, vuimax: Double = 0.0, vuimin: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Simplified type UEL2 underexcitation limiter.

    Simplified type UEL2 underexcitation limiter.

    This model can be derived from UnderexcLimIEEE2. The limit characteristic (look –up table) is a single straight-line, the same as UnderexcLimIEEE2 (see Figure 10.4 (p 32), IEEE 421.5-2005 Section 10.2).


    UnderexcitationLimiterDynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    Gain Under excitation limiter (KUI). Typical value = 0,1.


    Segment P initial point (P0). Typical value = 0.


    Segment P end point (P1). Typical value = 1.


    Segment Q initial point (Q0). Typical value = -0,31.


    Segment Q end point (Q1). Typical value = -0,1.


    Maximum error signal (VUIMAX) (> UnderexcLim2Simplified.vuimin). Typical value = 1.


    Minimum error signal (VUIMIN) (< UnderexcLim2Simplified.vuimax). Typical value = 0.

  1361. final case class UnderexcLimIEEE1(UnderexcitationLimiterDynamics: UnderexcitationLimiterDynamics = null, kuc: Double = 0.0, kuf: Double = 0.0, kui: Double = 0.0, kul: Double = 0.0, kur: Double = 0.0, tu1: Double = 0.0, tu2: Double = 0.0, tu3: Double = 0.0, tu4: Double = 0.0, vucmax: Double = 0.0, vuimax: Double = 0.0, vuimin: Double = 0.0, vulmax: Double = 0.0, vulmin: Double = 0.0, vurmax: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Type UEL1 model which has a circular limit boundary when plotted in terms of machine reactive power vs.

    Type UEL1 model which has a circular limit boundary when plotted in terms of machine reactive power vs. real power output.

    Reference: IEEE UEL1 421.5-2005, 10.1.


    UnderexcitationLimiterDynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    UEL centre setting (KUC). Typical value = 1,38.


    UEL excitation system stabilizer gain (KUF). Typical value = 3,3.


    UEL integral gain (KUI). Typical value = 0.


    UEL proportional gain (KUL). Typical value = 100.


    UEL radius setting (KUR). Typical value = 1,95.


    UEL lead time constant (TU1) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.


    UEL lag time constant (TU2) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,05.


    UEL lead time constant (TU3) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.


    UEL lag time constant (TU4) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.


    UEL maximum limit for operating point phasor magnitude (VUCMAX). Typical value = 5,8.


    UEL integrator output maximum limit (VUIMAX) (> UnderexcLimIEEE1.vuimin).


    UEL integrator output minimum limit (VUIMIN) (< UnderexcLimIEEE1.vuimax).


    UEL output maximum limit (VULMAX) (> UnderexcLimIEEE1.vulmin). Typical value = 18.


    UEL output minimum limit (VULMIN) (< UnderexcLimIEEE1.vulmax). Typical value = -18.


    UEL maximum limit for radius phasor magnitude (VURMAX). Typical value = 5,8.

  1362. final case class UnderexcLimIEEE2(UnderexcitationLimiterDynamics: UnderexcitationLimiterDynamics = null, k1: Double = 0.0, k2: Double = 0.0, kfb: Double = 0.0, kuf: Double = 0.0, kui: Double = 0.0, kul: Double = 0.0, p0: Double = 0.0, p1: Double = 0.0, p10: Double = 0.0, p2: Double = 0.0, p3: Double = 0.0, p4: Double = 0.0, p5: Double = 0.0, p6: Double = 0.0, p7: Double = 0.0, p8: Double = 0.0, p9: Double = 0.0, q0: Double = 0.0, q1: Double = 0.0, q10: Double = 0.0, q2: Double = 0.0, q3: Double = 0.0, q4: Double = 0.0, q5: Double = 0.0, q6: Double = 0.0, q7: Double = 0.0, q8: Double = 0.0, q9: Double = 0.0, tu1: Double = 0.0, tu2: Double = 0.0, tu3: Double = 0.0, tu4: Double = 0.0, tul: Double = 0.0, tup: Double = 0.0, tuq: Double = 0.0, tuv: Double = 0.0, vuimax: Double = 0.0, vuimin: Double = 0.0, vulmax: Double = 0.0, vulmin: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Type UEL2 underexcitation limiter which has either a straight-line or multi-segment characteristic when plotted in terms of machine reactive power output vs.

    Type UEL2 underexcitation limiter which has either a straight-line or multi-segment characteristic when plotted in terms of machine reactive power output vs. real power output.

    Reference: IEEE UEL2 421.5-2005, 10.2 (limit characteristic lookup table shown in Figure 10.4 (p 32)).


    UnderexcitationLimiterDynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    UEL terminal voltage exponent applied to real power input to UEL limit look-up table (k1). Typical value = 2.


    UEL terminal voltage exponent applied to reactive power output from UEL limit look-up table (k2). Typical value = 2.


    Gain associated with optional integrator feedback input signal to UEL (KFB). Typical value = 0.


    UEL excitation system stabilizer gain (KUF). Typical value = 0.


    UEL integral gain (KUI). Typical value = 0,5.


    UEL proportional gain (KUL). Typical value = 0,8.


    Real power values for endpoints (P0). Typical value = 0.


    Real power values for endpoints (P1). Typical value = 0,3.


    Real power values for endpoints (P10).


    Real power values for endpoints (P2). Typical value = 0,6.


    Real power values for endpoints (P3). Typical value = 0,9.


    Real power values for endpoints (P4). Typical value = 1,02.


    Real power values for endpoints (P5).


    Real power values for endpoints (P6).


    Real power values for endpoints (P7).


    Real power values for endpoints (P8).


    Real power values for endpoints (P9).


    Reactive power values for endpoints (Q0). Typical value = -0,31.


    Reactive power values for endpoints (Q1). Typical value = -0,31.


    Reactive power values for endpoints (Q10).


    Reactive power values for endpoints (Q2). Typical value = -0,28.


    Reactive power values for endpoints (Q3). Typical value = -0,21.


    Reactive power values for endpoints (Q4). Typical value = 0.


    Reactive power values for endpoints (Q5).


    Reactive power values for endpoints (Q6).


    Reactive power values for endpoints (Q7).


    Reactive power values for endpoints (Q8).


    Reactive power values for endpoints (Q9).


    UEL lead time constant (TU1) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.


    UEL lag time constant (TU2) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.


    UEL lead time constant (TU3) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.


    UEL lag time constant (TU4) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.


    Time constant associated with optional integrator feedback input signal to UEL (TUL) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.


    Real power filter time constant (TUP) (>= 0). Typical value = 5.


    Reactive power filter time constant (TUQ) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.


    Voltage filter time constant (TUV) (>= 0). Typical value = 5.


    UEL integrator output maximum limit (VUIMAX) (> UnderexcLimIEEE2.vuimin). Typical value = 0,25.


    UEL integrator output minimum limit (VUIMIN) (< UnderexcLimIEEE2.vuimax). Typical value = 0.


    UEL output maximum limit (VULMAX) (> UnderexcLimIEEE2.vulmin). Typical value = 0,25.


    UEL output minimum limit (VULMIN) (< UnderexcLimIEEE2.vulmax). Typical value = 0.

  1363. final case class UnderexcLimX1(UnderexcitationLimiterDynamics: UnderexcitationLimiterDynamics = null, k: Double = 0.0, kf2: Double = 0.0, km: Double = 0.0, melmax: Double = 0.0, tf2: Double = 0.0, tm: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    <font color="#0f0f0f">Allis-Chalmers minimum excitation limiter.</font>

    <font color="#0f0f0f">Allis-Chalmers minimum excitation limiter.</font>


    UnderexcitationLimiterDynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    Minimum excitation limit slope (K) (> 0).


    Differential gain (KF2).


    Minimum excitation limit gain (KM).


    Minimum excitation limit value (MELMAX).


    Differential time constant (TF2) (>= 0).


    Minimum excitation limit time constant (TM) (>= 0).

  1364. final case class UnderexcLimX2(UnderexcitationLimiterDynamics: UnderexcitationLimiterDynamics = null, kf2: Double = 0.0, km: Double = 0.0, melmax: Double = 0.0, qo: Double = 0.0, r: Double = 0.0, tf2: Double = 0.0, tm: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    <font color="#0f0f0f">Westinghouse minimum excitation limiter.</font>

    <font color="#0f0f0f">Westinghouse minimum excitation limiter.</font>


    UnderexcitationLimiterDynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    Differential gain (KF2).


    Minimum excitation limit gain (KM).


    Minimum excitation limit value (MELMAX).


    Excitation centre setting (QO).


    Excitation radius (R).


    Differential time constant (TF2) (>= 0).


    Minimum excitation limit time constant (TM) (>= 0).

  1365. final case class UnderexcitationLimiterDynamics(DynamicsFunctionBlock: DynamicsFunctionBlock = null, ExcitationSystemDynamics: String = null, RemoteInputSignal: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Underexcitation limiter function block whose behaviour is described by reference to a standard model <font color="#0f0f0f">or by definition of a user-defined model.</font>

    Underexcitation limiter function block whose behaviour is described by reference to a standard model <font color="#0f0f0f">or by definition of a user-defined model.</font>


    DynamicsFunctionBlock Reference to the superclass object.


    ExcitationSystemDynamics Excitation system model with which this underexcitation limiter model is associated.


    RemoteInputSignal Remote input signal used by this underexcitation limiter model.

  1366. final case class UnderexcitationLimiterUserDefined(UnderexcitationLimiterDynamics: UnderexcitationLimiterDynamics = null, proprietary: Boolean = false, ProprietaryParameterDynamics: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Underexcitation limiter function block whose dynamic behaviour is described by <font color="#0f0f0f">a user-defined model.</font>

    Underexcitation limiter function block whose dynamic behaviour is described by <font color="#0f0f0f">a user-defined model.</font>


    UnderexcitationLimiterDynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    Behaviour is based on a proprietary model as opposed to a detailed model. true = user-defined model is proprietary with behaviour mutually understood by sending and receiving applications and parameters passed as general attributes false = user-defined model is explicitly defined in terms of control blocks and their input and output signals.


    ProprietaryParameterDynamics Parameter of this proprietary user-defined model.

  1367. final case class UndergroundStructure(Structure: Structure = null, hasVentilation: Boolean = false, kind: String = null, material: String = null, sealingWarrantyExpiresDate: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Underground structure.

    Underground structure.


    Structure Reference to the superclass object.


    True if vault is ventilating.


    True if vault is ventilating.


    Primary material of underground structure.


    Date sealing warranty expires.

  1368. final case class UnitInitialConditions(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, cumEnergy: Double = 0.0, cumStatusChanges: Int = 0, numberOfStartups: Int = 0, onlineStatus: Boolean = false, resourceMW: Double = 0.0, resourceStatus: Int = 0, statusDate: String = null, timeInStatus: Double = 0.0, timeInterval: String = null, GeneratingUnit: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Resource status at the end of a given clearing period.

    Resource status at the end of a given clearing period.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    Cumulative energy production over trading period.


    Cumulative number of status changes of the resource.


    Number of start ups in the Operating Day until the end of previous hour.


    'true' if the GeneratingUnit is currently On-Line


    Resource MW output at the end of previous clearing period.


    Resource status at the end of previous clearing period: 0 - off-line 1 - on-line production 2 - in shutdown process 3 - in startup process


    Time and date for resourceStatus


    Time in market trading intervals the resource is in the state as of the end of the previous clearing period.


    Time interval


    RegisteredGenerator undocumented

  1369. final case class Unit_(Element: BasicElement = null, name: String = null, AceTariffType: List[String] = null, TimeSeries: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    The identification of the unit name for the time series quantities.

    The identification of the unit name for the time series quantities.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    The coded representation of the unit.


    AceTariffType undocumented


    TimeSeries undocumented

  1370. case class Unknown(Element: Element = null, guts: String, line: Int, start: Long, end: Long) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Unknown element.

    Unknown element.

    Default parsed element, when no other more specific class applies.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    Internal contents of the XML element with the unrecognized name.


    The line number on which the unknown XML element starts, in Spark this is relative to the split being processed.


    The starting character position of the unknown XML element, in Spark this is relative to the split being processed.


    The ending character position of the unknown XML element, in Spark this is relative to the split being processed.

  1371. final case class UnplannedOutage(Outage: Outage = null, cause: String = null, causeKind: String = null, reportedStartTime: String = null, FieldDispatchHistory: String = null, Incident: List[String] = null, TroubleOrder: List[String] = null, TroubleTicket: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Document describing the consequence of an unplanned outage in a part of the electrical network.

    Document describing the consequence of an unplanned outage in a part of the electrical network.

    For the purposes of this model, an unplanned outage refers to a state where energy is not delivered; such as, customers out of service, a street light is not served, etc. A unplanned outage may be created upon: - impacts the SAIDI calculation - a breaker trip, - a fault indicator status change, - a meter event indicating customer outage, - a reception of one or more customer trouble calls, or - an operator command, reflecting information obtained from the field crew. Outage restoration may be performed using a switching plan which complements the outage information with detailed switching activities, including the relationship to the crew and work.


    Outage Reference to the superclass object.


    The cause of this outage. This is the cause that is used to present to external entities. That is, the cause is weather, equipment failure, etc. Note: At present, this is a free text; could be replaced with a separate associated class in case we have multiple causes (e.g. OutageCauseType, inheriting from IdentifiedObject).




    The earliest start time of the Outage - as reported by some system or individual


    FieldDispatchHistory undocumented


    Incident undocumented


    TroubleOrder undocumented


    TroubleTicket undocumented

  1372. final case class Usage(WorkIdentifiedObject: WorkIdentifiedObject = null, status: String = null, WorkTask: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    The way material and assets are used to perform a certain type of work task.

    The way material and assets are used to perform a certain type of work task.

    The way is described in text in the inheritied description attribute.


    WorkIdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.




    OldWorkTask undocumented

  1373. final case class UsagePoint(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, amiBillingReady: String = null, checkBilling: Boolean = false, connectionCategory: String = null, connectionState: String = null, disconnectionMethod: String = null, estimatedLoad: Double = 0.0, grounded: Boolean = false, isSdp: Boolean = false, isVirtual: Boolean = false, minimalUsageExpected: Boolean = false, nominalServiceVoltage: Double = 0.0, outageRegion: String = null, phaseCode: String = null, phaseCount: Int = 0, physicalConnectionCapacity: String = null, ratedCurrent: Double = 0.0, ratedPower: Double = 0.0, readCycle: String = null, readRoute: String = null, serviceDeliveryRemark: String = null, servicePriority: String = null, ConfigurationEvents: List[String] = null, CustomerAgreement: String = null, EndDeviceControls: List[String] = null, EndDeviceEvents: List[String] = null, EndDevices: List[String] = null, EnvironmentalMonitoringStation: String = null, Equipments: List[String] = null, MeterReadings: List[String] = null, MeterServiceWorkTasks: List[String] = null, MetrologyRequirements: List[String] = null, Outage: List[String] = null, PricingStructures: List[String] = null, Register: List[String] = null, ServiceCategory: String = null, ServiceLocation: String = null, ServiceMultipliers: List[String] = null, ServiceSupplier: String = null, UsagePointGroups: List[String] = null, UsagePointLocation: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Logical or physical point in the network to which readings or events may be attributed.

    Logical or physical point in the network to which readings or events may be attributed.

    Used at the place where a physical or virtual meter may be located; however, it is not required that a meter be present.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    Tracks the lifecycle of the metering installation at a usage point with respect to readiness for billing via advanced metering infrastructure reads.


    True if as a result of an inspection or otherwise, there is a reason to suspect that a previous billing may have been performed with erroneous data. Value should be reset once this potential discrepancy has been resolved.


    A code used to specify the connection category, e.g., low voltage or low pressure, where the usage point is defined.


    State of the usage point with respect to connection to the network.


    Is an indication of how the usage point is physically connected or disconnected.


    Estimated load.


    True if grounded.


    If true, this usage point is a service delivery point, i.e., a usage point where the ownership of the service changes hands.


    If true, this usage point is virtual, i.e., no physical location exists in the network where a meter could be located to collect the meter readings. For example, one may define a virtual usage point to serve as an aggregation of usage for all of a company's premises distributed widely across the distribution territory. Otherwise, the usage point is physical, i.e., there is a logical point in the network where a meter could be located to collect meter readings.


    If true, minimal or zero usage is expected at this usage point for situations such as premises vacancy, logical or physical disconnect. It is used for readings validation and estimation.


    Nominal service voltage.


    Outage region in which this usage point is located.


    Phase code. Number of wires and specific nominal phases can be deduced from enumeration literal values. For example, ABCN is three-phase, four-wire, s12n (splitSecondary12N) is single-phase, three-wire, and s1n and s2n are single-phase, two-wire.


    Number of potential phases the Usage Point supports, typically 0, 1 or 3.


    Quantitative information about the maximum physical capacity of the connection for the usage point.


    Current flow that this usage point is configured to deliver.


    Active power that this usage point is configured to deliver.


    Cycle day on which the meter for this usage point will normally be read. Usually correlated with the billing cycle.


    Identifier of the route to which this usage point is assigned for purposes of meter reading. Typically used to configure hand held meter reading systems prior to collection of reads.


    Remarks about this usage point, for example the reason for it being rated with a non-nominal priority.


    Priority of service for this usage point. Note that usage points at the same service location can have different priorities.


    ConfigurationEvent All configuration events created for this usage point.


    CustomerAgreement Customer agreement regulating this service delivery point.


    EndDeviceControl All end device controls sending commands to this usage point.


    EndDeviceEvent All end device events reported for this usage point.


    EndDevice All end devices at this usage point.


    EnvironmentalMonitoringStation undocumented


    Equipment All equipment connecting this usage point to the electrical grid.


    MeterReading All meter readings obtained from this usage point.


    MeterWorkTask All meter service work tasks at this usage point.


    MetrologyRequirement All metrology requirements for this usage point.


    Outage All outages at this usage point.


    PricingStructure All pricing structures applicable to this service delivery point (with prepayment meter running as a stand-alone device, with no CustomerAgreement or Customer).


    Register undocumented


    ServiceCategory Service category delivered by this usage point.


    ServiceLocation Service location where the service delivered by this usage point is consumed.


    ServiceMultiplier All multipliers applied at this usage point.


    ServiceSupplier ServiceSupplier (utility) utilising this usage point to deliver a service.


    UsagePointGroup All groups to which this usage point belongs.


    UsagePointLocation Location of this usage point.

  1374. final case class UsagePointGroup(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, type: String = null, DemandResponsePrograms: List[String] = null, EndDeviceControls: List[String] = null, UsagePoints: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Abstraction for management of group communications within a two-way AMR system or the data for a group of related usage points.

    Abstraction for management of group communications within a two-way AMR system or the data for a group of related usage points.

    Commands can be issued to all of the usage points that belong to a usage point group using a defined group address and the underlying AMR communication infrastructure.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    Type of this group.


    DemandResponseProgram All demand response programs this usage point group is enrolled in.


    EndDeviceControl All end device controls sending commands to this usage point group.


    UsagePoint All usage points in this group.

  1375. final case class UsagePointLocation(Location: Location = null, accessMethod: String = null, remark: String = null, siteAccessProblem: String = null, UsagePoints: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Location of an individual usage point.

    Location of an individual usage point.


    Location Reference to the superclass object.


    Method for the service person to access this usage point location. For example, a description of where to obtain a key if the facility is unmanned and secured.


    Remarks about this location.


    Problems previously encountered when visiting or performing work at this location. Examples include: bad dog, violent customer, verbally abusive occupant, obstructions, safety hazards, etc.


    UsagePoint All usage points at this location.

  1376. final case class UserAttribute(Element: BasicElement = null, name: String = null, sequenceNumber: Int = 0, value: String = null, ErpInvoiceLineItems: List[String] = null, ErpLedgerEntries: List[String] = null, ProcedureDataSets: List[String] = null, PropertySpecification: String = null, RatingSpecification: String = null, Transaction: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Generic name-value pair class, with optional sequence number and units for value; can be used to model parts of information exchange when concrete types are not known in advance.

    Generic name-value pair class, with optional sequence number and units for value; can be used to model parts of information exchange when concrete types are not known in advance.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    Name of an attribute.


    Sequence number for this attribute in a list of attributes.


    Value of an attribute, including unit information.


    ErpInvoiceLineItem undocumented


    ErpLedgerEntry undocumented


    ProcedureDataSet undocumented


    Specification undocumented


    Specification undocumented


    Transaction Transaction for which this snapshot has been recorded.

  1377. final case class VAdjIEEE(VoltageAdjusterDynamics: VoltageAdjusterDynamics = null, adjslew: Double = 0.0, taoff: Double = 0.0, taon: Double = 0.0, vadjf: Double = 0.0, vadjmax: Double = 0.0, vadjmin: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    IEEE voltage adjuster which is used to represent the voltage adjuster in either a power factor or VAr control system.

    IEEE voltage adjuster which is used to represent the voltage adjuster in either a power factor or VAr control system.

    Reference: IEEE 421.5-2005, 11.1.


    VoltageAdjusterDynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    Rate at which output of adjuster changes (ADJ_SLEW). Unit = s / PU. Typical value = 300.


    Time that adjuster pulses are off (TAOFF) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,5.


    Time that adjuster pulses are on (TAON) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,1.


    Set high to provide a continuous raise or lower (VADJF).


    Maximum output of the adjuster (VADJMAX) (> VAdjIEEE.vadjmin). Typical value = 1,1.


    Minimum output of the adjuster (VADJMIN) (< VAdjIEEE.vadjmax). Typical value = 0,9.

  1378. final case class VCompIEEEType1(VoltageCompensatorDynamics: VoltageCompensatorDynamics = null, rc: Double = 0.0, tr: Double = 0.0, xc: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    <font color="#0f0f0f">Terminal voltage transducer and load compensator as defined in IEEE 421.5-2005, 4.

    <font color="#0f0f0f">Terminal voltage transducer and load compensator as defined in IEEE 421.5-2005, 4.

    This model is common to all excitation system models described in the IEEE Standard. </font> <font color="#0f0f0f">Parameter details:</font>

    • <font color="#0f0f0f">If Rc and Xc are set to zero, the l</font>oad compensation is not employed and the behaviour is as a simple sensing circuit.
    • If all parameters (Rc, Xc and Tr) are set to zero, the standard model VCompIEEEType1 is bypassed.

    Reference: IEEE 421.5-2005 4.


    VoltageCompensatorDynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    <font color="#0f0f0f">Resistive component of compensation of a generator (Rc) (>= 0).</font>


    <font color="#0f0f0f">Time constant which is used for the combined voltage sensing and compensation signal (Tr) (>= 0).</font>


    <font color="#0f0f0f">Reactive component of compensation of a generator (Xc) (>= 0).</font>

  1379. final case class VCompIEEEType2(VoltageCompensatorDynamics: VoltageCompensatorDynamics = null, tr: Double = 0.0, GenICompensationForGenJ: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    <font color="#0f0f0f">Terminal voltage transducer and load compensator as defined in IEEE 421.5-2005, 4.

    <font color="#0f0f0f">Terminal voltage transducer and load compensator as defined in IEEE 421.5-2005, 4.

    This model is designed to cover the following types of compensation: </font>

    • <font color="#0f0f0f">reactive droop;</font>
    • <font color="#0f0f0f">transformer-drop or line-drop compensation;</font>
    • <font color="#0f0f0f">reactive differential compensation known also as cross-current compensation.</font>

    <font color="#0f0f0f">Reference: IEEE 421.5-2005, 4.</font>


    VoltageCompensatorDynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    <font color="#0f0f0f">Time constant which is used for the combined voltage sensing and compensation signal (Tr) (>= 0).</font>


    GenICompensationForGenJ Compensation of this voltage compensator's generator for current flow out of another generator.

  1380. final case class VDCOL(Element: BasicElement = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

  1381. final case class VSCDynamics(HVDCDynamics: HVDCDynamics = null, VsConverter: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    VSC function block whose behaviour is described by reference to a standard model <font color="#0f0f0f">or by definition of a user-defined model.</font>

    VSC function block whose behaviour is described by reference to a standard model <font color="#0f0f0f">or by definition of a user-defined model.</font>


    HVDCDynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    VsConverter Voltage source converter to which voltage source converter dynamics model applies.

  1382. final case class VSCUserDefined(VSCDynamics: VSCDynamics = null, proprietary: Boolean = false, ProprietaryParameterDynamics: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Voltage source converter (VSC) function block whose dynamic behaviour is described by <font color="#0f0f0f">a user-defined model.</font>

    Voltage source converter (VSC) function block whose dynamic behaviour is described by <font color="#0f0f0f">a user-defined model.</font>


    VSCDynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    Behaviour is based on a proprietary model as opposed to a detailed model. true = user-defined model is proprietary with behaviour mutually understood by sending and receiving applications and parameters passed as general attributes false = user-defined model is explicitly defined in terms of control blocks and their input and output signals.


    ProprietaryParameterDynamics Parameter of this proprietary user-defined model.

  1383. final case class VSCtype1(VSCDynamics: VSCDynamics = null, BlockingFunction: String = null, DCvoltageControl: String = null, PFmodel: String = null, Pcontrol: String = null, Qlimiter: String = null, Qmode: String = null, Qregulator: String = null, Umode: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

  1384. final case class ValueAliasSet(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, Commands: List[String] = null, Discretes: List[String] = null, RaiseLowerCommands: List[String] = null, Values: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Describes the translation of a set of values into a name and is intendend to facilitate custom translations.

    Describes the translation of a set of values into a name and is intendend to facilitate custom translations.

    Each ValueAliasSet has a name, description etc. A specific Measurement may represent a discrete state like Open, Closed, Intermediate etc. This requires a translation from the MeasurementValue.value number to a string, e.g. 0->"Invalid", 1->"Open", 2->"Closed", 3->"Intermediate". Each ValueToAlias member in ValueAliasSet.Value describe a mapping for one particular value to a name.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    Command The Commands using the set for translation.


    Discrete The Measurements using the set for translation.


    RaiseLowerCommand The Commands using the set for translation.


    ValueToAlias The ValueToAlias mappings included in the set.

  1385. final case class ValueToAlias(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, value: Int = 0, ValueAliasSet: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Describes the translation of one particular value into a name, e.g.

    Describes the translation of one particular value into a name, e.g. 1 as "Open".


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    The value that is mapped.


    ValueAliasSet The ValueAliasSet having the ValueToAlias mappings.

  1386. final case class Vehicle(WorkAsset: WorkAsset = null, odometerReadDateTime: String = null, odometerReading: Double = 0.0, usageKind: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Vehicle asset.

    Vehicle asset.


    WorkAsset Reference to the superclass object.


    Date and time the last odometer reading was recorded.


    Odometer reading of this vehicle as of the 'odometerReadingDateTime'. Refer to associated ActivityRecords for earlier readings.


    Kind of usage of the vehicle.

  1387. final case class Vendor(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, VendorShifts: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    The entity that owns the point of sale and contracts with the cashier to receipt payments and vend tokens using the payment system.

    The entity that owns the point of sale and contracts with the cashier to receipt payments and vend tokens using the payment system.

    The vendor has a private contract with and is managed by the merchant which is a type of organisation. The vendor is accountable to the merchant for revenue collected, and the merchant is in turn accountable to the supplier.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    VendorShift All vendor shifts opened and owned by this vendor.

  1388. final case class VendorShift(Shift: Shift = null, merchantDebitAmount: Double = 0.0, posted: Boolean = false, MerchantAccount: String = null, Receipts: List[String] = null, Transactions: List[String] = null, Vendor: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    The operating shift for a vendor during which the vendor may transact against the merchant's account.

    The operating shift for a vendor during which the vendor may transact against the merchant's account.

    It aggregates transactions and receipts during the shift and periodically debits a merchant account. The totals in vendor shift should always be the sum of totals aggregated in all cashier shifts that were open under the particular vendor shift.


    Shift Reference to the superclass object.


    The amount that is to be debited from the merchant account for this vendor shift. This amount reflects the sum(PaymentTransaction.transactionAmount).


    If true, merchantDebitAmount has been debited from MerchantAccount; typically happens at the end of VendorShift when it closes.


    MerchantAccount Merchant account this vendor shift periodically debits (based on aggregated transactions).


    Receipt All receipts recorded during this vendor shift.


    Transaction All transactions recorded during this vendor shift.


    Vendor Vendor that opens and owns this vendor shift.

  1389. final case class VerificationAction(SwitchingAction: SwitchingAction = null, verificationCondition: String = null, PowerSystemResource: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Verification of a switch position or other condition as a switching step

    Verification of a switch position or other condition as a switching step


    SwitchingAction Reference to the superclass object.


    freeform description of the condition to be verified


    PowerSystemResource undocumented

  1390. final case class Version(Element: BasicElement = null, date: String = null, major: Int = 0, minor: Int = 0, revision: Int = 0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    This is the version for a group of devices or objects.

    This is the version for a group of devices or objects.

    This could be used to track the version for any group of objects or devices over time. For example, for a DERGroup, the requesting system may want to get the details of a specific version of a DERGroup.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    date of this version


    major release level for this version


    minor release level for this version


    revision level for this version

  1391. final case class ViolationLimit(Limit: Limit = null, enforced: Boolean = false, Flowgate: String = null, MktMeasurement: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A type of limit that indicates if it is enforced and, through association, the organisation responsible for setting the limit.

    A type of limit that indicates if it is enforced and, through association, the organisation responsible for setting the limit.


    Limit Reference to the superclass object.


    True if limit is enforced.


    Flowgate undocumented


    MktMeasurement undocumented

  1392. final case class VisibilityLayer(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, drawingOrder: Int = 0, VisibleObjects: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Layers are typically used for grouping diagram objects according to themes and scales.

    Layers are typically used for grouping diagram objects according to themes and scales.

    Themes are used to display or hide certain information (e.g., lakes, borders), while scales are used for hiding or displaying information depending on the current zoom level (hide text when it is too small to be read, or when it exceeds the screen size). This is also called de-cluttering. CIM based graphics exchange supports an m:n relationship between diagram objects and layers. The importing system shall convert an m:n case into an appropriate 1:n representation if the importing system does not support m:n.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    The drawing order for this layer. The higher the number, the later the layer and the objects within it are rendered.


    DiagramObject A visibility layer can contain one or more diagram objects.

  1393. final case class VolcanicAshCloud(AtmosphericPhenomenon: AtmosphericPhenomenon = null, density: Double = 0.0, particleSize: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    An ash cloud formed as a result of a volcanic eruption.

    An ash cloud formed as a result of a volcanic eruption.


    AtmosphericPhenomenon Reference to the superclass object.


    Particulate density of the ash cloud during the time interval.


    The diameter of the particles during the time interval.

  1394. final case class VoltageAdjusterDynamics(DynamicsFunctionBlock: DynamicsFunctionBlock = null, PFVArControllerType1Dynamics: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Voltage adjuster function block whose behaviour is described by reference to a standard model <font color="#0f0f0f">or by definition of a user-defined model.</font>

    Voltage adjuster function block whose behaviour is described by reference to a standard model <font color="#0f0f0f">or by definition of a user-defined model.</font>


    DynamicsFunctionBlock Reference to the superclass object.


    PFVArControllerType1Dynamics Power factor or VAr controller type 1 model with which this voltage adjuster is associated.

  1395. final case class VoltageAdjusterUserDefined(VoltageAdjusterDynamics: VoltageAdjusterDynamics = null, proprietary: Boolean = false, ProprietaryParameterDynamics: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    <font color="#0f0f0f">Voltage adjuster</font> function block whose dynamic behaviour is described by <font color="#0f0f0f">a user-defined model.</font>

    <font color="#0f0f0f">Voltage adjuster</font> function block whose dynamic behaviour is described by <font color="#0f0f0f">a user-defined model.</font>


    VoltageAdjusterDynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    Behaviour is based on a proprietary model as opposed to a detailed model. true = user-defined model is proprietary with behaviour mutually understood by sending and receiving applications and parameters passed as general attributes false = user-defined model is explicitly defined in terms of control blocks and their input and output signals.


    ProprietaryParameterDynamics Parameter of this proprietary user-defined model.

  1396. final case class VoltageCompensatorDynamics(DynamicsFunctionBlock: DynamicsFunctionBlock = null, ExcitationSystemDynamics: String = null, RemoteInputSignal: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Voltage compensator function block whose behaviour is described by reference to a standard model <font color="#0f0f0f">or by definition of a user-defined model.</font>

    Voltage compensator function block whose behaviour is described by reference to a standard model <font color="#0f0f0f">or by definition of a user-defined model.</font>


    DynamicsFunctionBlock Reference to the superclass object.


    ExcitationSystemDynamics Excitation system model with which this voltage compensator is associated.


    RemoteInputSignal Remote input signal used by this voltage compensator model.

  1397. final case class VoltageCompensatorUserDefined(VoltageCompensatorDynamics: VoltageCompensatorDynamics = null, proprietary: Boolean = false, ProprietaryParameterDynamics: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Voltage compensator function block whose dynamic behaviour is described by <font color="#0f0f0f">a user-defined model.</font>

    Voltage compensator function block whose dynamic behaviour is described by <font color="#0f0f0f">a user-defined model.</font>


    VoltageCompensatorDynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    Behaviour is based on a proprietary model as opposed to a detailed model. true = user-defined model is proprietary with behaviour mutually understood by sending and receiving applications and parameters passed as general attributes false = user-defined model is explicitly defined in terms of control blocks and their input and output signals.


    ProprietaryParameterDynamics Parameter of this proprietary user-defined model.

  1398. final case class VoltageControlZone(PowerSystemResource: PowerSystemResource = null, BusbarSection: String = null, RegulationSchedule: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    An area of the power system network which is defined for secondary voltage control purposes.

    An area of the power system network which is defined for secondary voltage control purposes.

    A voltage control zone consists of a collection of substations with a designated bus bar section whose voltage will be controlled.


    PowerSystemResource Reference to the superclass object.


    BusbarSection A VoltageControlZone is controlled by a designated BusbarSection.


    RegulationSchedule A VoltageControlZone may have a voltage regulation schedule.

  1399. final case class VoltageLevel(EquipmentContainer: EquipmentContainer = null, highVoltageLimit: Double = 0.0, lowVoltageLimit: Double = 0.0, BaseVoltage: String = null, Bays: List[String] = null, Substation: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A collection of equipment at one common system voltage forming a switchgear.

    A collection of equipment at one common system voltage forming a switchgear.

    The equipment typically consists of breakers, busbars, instrumentation, control, regulation and protection devices as well as assemblies of all these.


    EquipmentContainer Reference to the superclass object.


    The bus bar's high voltage limit. The limit applies to all equipment and nodes contained in a given VoltageLevel. It is not required that it is exchanged in pair with lowVoltageLimit. It is preferable to use operational VoltageLimit, which prevails, if present.


    The bus bar's low voltage limit. The limit applies to all equipment and nodes contained in a given VoltageLevel. It is not required that it is exchanged in pair with highVoltageLimit. It is preferable to use operational VoltageLimit, which prevails, if present.


    BaseVoltage The base voltage used for all equipment within the voltage level.


    Bay The bays within this voltage level.


    Substation The substation of the voltage level.

  1400. final case class VoltageLimit(OperationalLimit: OperationalLimit = null, normalValue: Double = 0.0, value: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Operational limit applied to voltage.

    Operational limit applied to voltage.

    The use of operational VoltageLimit is preferred instead of limits defined at VoltageLevel. The operational VoltageLimits are used, if present.


    OperationalLimit Reference to the superclass object.


    The normal limit on voltage. High or low limit nature of the limit depends upon the properties of the operational limit type. The attribute shall be a positive value or zero.


    Limit on voltage. High or low limit nature of the limit depends upon the properties of the operational limit type. The attribute shall be a positive value or zero.

  1401. final case class VsCapabilityCurve(Curve: Curve = null, VsConverterDCSides: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    The P-Q capability curve for a voltage source converter, with P on X-axis and Qmin and Qmax on Y1-axis and Y2-axis.

    The P-Q capability curve for a voltage source converter, with P on X-axis and Qmin and Qmax on Y1-axis and Y2-axis.


    Curve Reference to the superclass object.


    VsConverter All converters with this capability curve.

  1402. final case class VsConverter(ACDCConverter: ACDCConverter = null, delta: Double = 0.0, droop: Double = 0.0, droopCompensation: Double = 0.0, maxModulationIndex: Double = 0.0, maxValveCurrent: Double = 0.0, pPccControl: String = null, qPccControl: String = null, qShare: Double = 0.0, targetPWMfactor: Double = 0.0, targetPhasePcc: Double = 0.0, targetPowerFactorPcc: Double = 0.0, targetQpcc: Double = 0.0, targetUpcc: Double = 0.0, uv: Double = 0.0, CapabilityCurve: String = null, VSCDynamics: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    DC side of the voltage source converter (VSC).

    DC side of the voltage source converter (VSC).


    ACDCConverter Reference to the superclass object.


    Angle between VsConverter.uv and ACDCConverter.uc. It is converter’s state variable used in power flow. The attribute shall be a positive value or zero.


    Droop constant. The pu value is obtained as D [kV/MW] x Sb / Ubdc. The attribute shall be a positive value.


    Compensation constant. Used to compensate for voltage drop when controlling voltage at a distant bus. The attribute shall be a positive value.


    The maximum quotient between the AC converter voltage (Uc) and DC voltage (Ud). A factor typically less than 1. It is converter’s configuration data used in power flow.


    The maximum current through a valve. It is converter’s configuration data.


    Kind of control of real power and/or DC voltage.


    Kind of reactive power control.


    Reactive power sharing factor among parallel converters on Uac control. The attribute shall be a positive value or zero.


    Magnitude of pulse-modulation factor. The attribute shall be a positive value.


    Phase target at AC side, at point of common coupling. The attribute shall be a positive value.


    Power factor target at the AC side, at point of common coupling. The attribute shall be a positive value.


    Reactive power injection target in AC grid, at point of common coupling. Load sign convention is used, i.e. positive sign means flow out from a node.


    Voltage target in AC grid, at point of common coupling. The attribute shall be a positive value.


    Line-to-line voltage on the valve side of the converter transformer. It is converter’s state variable, result from power flow. The attribute shall be a positive value.


    VsCapabilityCurve Capability curve of this converter.


    VSCDynamics Voltage source converter dynamics model used to describe dynamic behaviour of this converter.

  1403. final case class WEPStandard(Element: BasicElement = null, standardEdition: String = null, standardNumber: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Standard published by Westinghouse - a WEP (Westinghouse Engineering Procedure).

    Standard published by Westinghouse - a WEP (Westinghouse Engineering Procedure).


    Reference to the superclass object.


    Edition of WEP standard.


    WEP standard number.

  1404. final case class WaveTrap(AuxiliaryEquipment: AuxiliaryEquipment = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Line traps are devices that impede high frequency power line carrier signals yet present a negligible impedance at the main power frequency.

    Line traps are devices that impede high frequency power line carrier signals yet present a negligible impedance at the main power frequency.


    AuxiliaryEquipment Reference to the superclass object.

  1405. final case class WeatherStation(PowerSystemResource: PowerSystemResource = null, Equipment: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    This represents a source of ambient temperature.

    This represents a source of ambient temperature.


    PowerSystemResource Reference to the superclass object.


    Equipment undocumented

  1406. final case class WheelingCounterParty(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, RegisteredInterTie: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Counter party in a wheeling transaction.

    Counter party in a wheeling transaction.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    RegisteredInterTie undocumented

  1407. final case class WheelingReferenceSchedule(BidHourlySchedule: BidHourlySchedule = null, value: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A unique identifier of a wheeling transaction.

    A unique identifier of a wheeling transaction.

    A wheeling transaction is a balanced Energy exchange among Supply and Demand Resources.

    This schedule is assocated with the hourly parameters in a resource bid.


    BidHourlySchedule Reference to the superclass object.



  1408. final case class Whirlpool(HydrosphericPhenomenon: HydrosphericPhenomenon = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A whirlpool, a rapidly rotating mass of water in a river or sea into which objects may be drawn, typically caused by the meeting of conflicting currents.

    A whirlpool, a rapidly rotating mass of water in a river or sea into which objects may be drawn, typically caused by the meeting of conflicting currents.


    HydrosphericPhenomenon Reference to the superclass object.

  1409. final case class WindAeroConstIEC(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, WindGenTurbineType1aIEC: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Constant aerodynamic torque model which assumes that the aerodynamic torque is constant.

    Constant aerodynamic torque model which assumes that the aerodynamic torque is constant.

    Reference: IEC 61400-27-1:2015,


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    WindGenTurbineType1aIEC Wind turbine type 1A model with which this wind aerodynamic model is associated.

  1410. final case class WindAeroOneDimIEC(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, ka: Double = 0.0, thetaomega: Double = 0.0, WindTurbineType3IEC: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    One-dimensional aerodynamic model.

    One-dimensional aerodynamic model.

    Reference: IEC 61400-27-1:2015,


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    Aerodynamic gain (ka). It is a type-dependent parameter.


    Initial pitch angle (thetaomega0). It is a case-dependent parameter.


    WindTurbineType3IEC Wind turbine type 3 model with which this wind aerodynamic model is associated.

  1411. final case class WindAeroTwoDimIEC(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, dpomega: Double = 0.0, dptheta: Double = 0.0, dpv1: Double = 0.0, omegazero: Double = 0.0, pavail: Double = 0.0, thetav2: Double = 0.0, thetazero: Double = 0.0, WindTurbineType3IEC: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Two-dimensional aerodynamic model.

    Two-dimensional aerodynamic model.

    Reference: IEC 61400-27-1:2015,


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    Partial derivative of aerodynamic power with respect to changes in WTR speed (dpomega). It is a type-dependent parameter.


    Partial derivative of aerodynamic power with respect to changes in pitch angle (dptheta). It is a type-dependent parameter.


    Partial derivative (dpv1). It is a type-dependent parameter.


    Rotor speed if the wind turbine is not derated (omega0). It is a type-dependent parameter.


    Available aerodynamic power (pavail). It is a case-dependent parameter.


    Blade angle at twice rated wind speed (thetav2). It is a type-dependent parameter.


    Pitch angle if the wind turbine is not derated (theta0). It is a case-dependent parameter.


    WindTurbineType3IEC Wind turbine type 3 model with which this wind aerodynamic model is associated.

  1412. final case class WindContCurrLimIEC(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, imax: Double = 0.0, imaxdip: Double = 0.0, kpqu: Double = 0.0, mdfslim: Boolean = false, mqpri: Boolean = false, tufiltcl: Double = 0.0, upqumax: Double = 0.0, WindDynamicsLookupTable: List[String] = null, WindTurbineType3or4IEC: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Current limitation model.

    Current limitation model.

    The current limitation model combines the physical limits and the control limits. Reference: IEC 61400-27-1:2015,


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    Maximum continuous current at the wind turbine terminals (imax). It is a type-dependent parameter.


    Maximum current during voltage dip at the wind turbine terminals (imaxdip). It is a project-dependent parameter.


    Partial derivative of reactive current limit (Kpqu) versus voltage. It is a type-dependent parameter.


    Limitation of type 3 stator current (MDFSLim). MDFSLim = 1 for wind turbines type 4. It is a type-dependent parameter. false= total current limitation (0 in the IEC model) true=stator current limitation (1 in the IEC model).


    Prioritisation of Q control during UVRT (Mqpri). It is a project-dependent parameter. true = reactive power priority (1 in the IEC model) false = active power priority (0 in the IEC model).


    Voltage measurement filter time constant (Tufiltcl) (>= 0). It is a type-dependent parameter.


    Wind turbine voltage in the operation point where zero reactive current can be delivered (upqumax). It is a type-dependent parameter.


    WindDynamicsLookupTable The wind dynamics lookup table associated with this current control limitation model.


    WindTurbineType3or4IEC Wind turbine type 3 or type 4 model with which this wind control current limitation model is associated.

  1413. final case class WindContPType3IEC(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, dpmax: Double = 0.0, dprefmax: Double = 0.0, dprefmin: Double = 0.0, dthetamax: Double = 0.0, dthetamaxuvrt: Double = 0.0, kdtd: Double = 0.0, kip: Double = 0.0, kpp: Double = 0.0, mpuvrt: Boolean = false, omegadtd: Double = 0.0, omegaoffset: Double = 0.0, pdtdmax: Double = 0.0, tdvs: Double = 0.0, thetaemin: Double = 0.0, thetauscale: Double = 0.0, tomegafiltp3: Double = 0.0, tomegaref: Double = 0.0, tpfiltp3: Double = 0.0, tpord: Double = 0.0, tufiltp3: Double = 0.0, udvs: Double = 0.0, updip: Double = 0.0, zeta: Double = 0.0, WindDynamicsLookupTable: List[String] = null, WindTurbineType3IEC: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    P control model type 3.

    P control model type 3.

    Reference: IEC 61400-27-1:2015,


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    Maximum wind turbine power ramp rate (dpmax). It is a type-dependent parameter.


    Maximum ramp rate of wind turbine reference power (dprefmax). It is a project-dependent parameter.


    Minimum ramp rate of wind turbine reference power (dprefmin). It is a project-dependent parameter.


    Ramp limitation of torque, required in some grid codes (dtmax). It is a project-dependent parameter.


    Limitation of torque rise rate during UVRT (dthetamaxUVRT). It is a project-dependent parameter.


    Gain for active drive train damping (KDTD). It is a type-dependent parameter.


    PI controller integration parameter (KIp). It is a type-dependent parameter.


    PI controller proportional gain (KPp). It is a type-dependent parameter.


    Enable UVRT power control mode (MpUVRT). It is a project-dependent parameter. true = voltage control (1 in the IEC model) false = reactive power control (0 in the IEC model).


    Active drive train damping frequency (omegaDTD). It can be calculated from two mass model parameters. It is a type-dependent parameter.


    Offset to reference value that limits controller action during rotor speed changes (omegaoffset). It is a case-dependent parameter.


    Maximum active drive train damping power (pDTDmax). It is a type-dependent parameter.


    Time delay after deep voltage sags (TDVS) (>= 0). It is a project-dependent parameter.


    Minimum electrical generator torque (temin). It is a type-dependent parameter.


    Voltage scaling factor of reset-torque (tuscale). It is a project-dependent parameter.


    Filter time constant for generator speed measurement (Tomegafiltp3) (>= 0). It is a type-dependent parameter.


    Time constant in speed reference filter (Tomega,ref) (>= 0). It is a type-dependent parameter.


    Filter time constant for power measurement (Tpfiltp3) (>= 0). It is a type-dependent parameter.


    Time constant in power order lag (Tpord). It is a type-dependent parameter.


    Filter time constant for voltage measurement (Tufiltp3) (>= 0). It is a type-dependent parameter.


    Voltage limit for hold UVRT status after deep voltage sags (uDVS). It is a project-dependent parameter.


    Voltage dip threshold for P-control (uPdip). Part of turbine control, often different (e.g 0.8) from converter thresholds. It is a project-dependent parameter.


    Coefficient for active drive train damping (zeta). It is a type-dependent parameter.


    WindDynamicsLookupTable The wind dynamics lookup table associated with this P control type 3 model.


    WindTurbineType3IEC Wind turbine type 3 model with which this wind control P type 3 model is associated.

  1414. final case class WindContPType4aIEC(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, dpmaxp4a: Double = 0.0, tpordp4a: Double = 0.0, tufiltp4a: Double = 0.0, WindTurbineType4aIEC: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    P control model type 4A.

    P control model type 4A.

    Reference: IEC 61400-27-1:2015,


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    Maximum wind turbine power ramp rate (dpmaxp4A). It is a project-dependent parameter.


    Time constant in power order lag (Tpordp4A) (>= 0). It is a type-dependent parameter.


    Voltage measurement filter time constant (Tufiltp4A) (>= 0). It is a type-dependent parameter.


    WindTurbineType4aIEC Wind turbine type 4A model with which this wind control P type 4A model is associated.

  1415. final case class WindContPType4bIEC(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, dpmaxp4b: Double = 0.0, tpaero: Double = 0.0, tpordp4b: Double = 0.0, tufiltp4b: Double = 0.0, WindTurbineType4bIEC: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    P control model type 4B.

    P control model type 4B.

    Reference: IEC 61400-27-1:2015,


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    Maximum wind turbine power ramp rate (dpmaxp4B). It is a project-dependent parameter.


    Time constant in aerodynamic power response (Tpaero) (>= 0). It is a type-dependent parameter.


    Time constant in power order lag (Tpordp4B) (>= 0). It is a type-dependent parameter.


    Voltage measurement filter time constant (Tufiltp4B) (>= 0). It is a type-dependent parameter.


    WindTurbineType4bIEC Wind turbine type 4B model with which this wind control P type 4B model is associated.

  1416. final case class WindContPitchAngleIEC(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, dthetamax: Double = 0.0, dthetamin: Double = 0.0, kic: Double = 0.0, kiomega: Double = 0.0, kpc: Double = 0.0, kpomega: Double = 0.0, kpx: Double = 0.0, thetamax: Double = 0.0, thetamin: Double = 0.0, ttheta: Double = 0.0, WindTurbineType3IEC: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Pitch angle control model.

    Pitch angle control model.

    Reference: IEC 61400-27-1:2015,


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    Maximum pitch positive ramp rate (dthetamax) (> WindContPitchAngleIEC.dthetamin). It is a type-dependent parameter. Unit = degrees / s.


    Maximum pitch negative ramp rate (dthetamin) (< WindContPitchAngleIEC.dthetamax). It is a type-dependent parameter. Unit = degrees / s.


    Power PI controller integration gain (KIc). It is a type-dependent parameter.


    Speed PI controller integration gain (KIomega). It is a type-dependent parameter.


    Power PI controller proportional gain (KPc). It is a type-dependent parameter.


    Speed PI controller proportional gain (KPomega). It is a type-dependent parameter.


    Pitch cross coupling gain (KPX). It is a type-dependent parameter.


    Maximum pitch angle (thetamax) (> WindContPitchAngleIEC.thetamin). It is a type-dependent parameter.


    Minimum pitch angle (thetamin) (< WindContPitchAngleIEC.thetamax). It is a type-dependent parameter.


    Pitch time constant (ttheta) (>= 0). It is a type-dependent parameter.


    WindTurbineType3IEC Wind turbine type 3 model with which this pitch control model is associated.

  1417. final case class WindContQIEC(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, iqh1: Double = 0.0, iqmax: Double = 0.0, iqmin: Double = 0.0, iqpost: Double = 0.0, kiq: Double = 0.0, kiu: Double = 0.0, kpq: Double = 0.0, kpu: Double = 0.0, kqv: Double = 0.0, rdroop: Double = 0.0, tpfiltq: Double = 0.0, tpost: Double = 0.0, tqord: Double = 0.0, tufiltq: Double = 0.0, udb1: Double = 0.0, udb2: Double = 0.0, umax: Double = 0.0, umin: Double = 0.0, uqdip: Double = 0.0, uref0: Double = 0.0, windQcontrolModesType: String = null, windUVRTQcontrolModesType: String = null, xdroop: Double = 0.0, WindTurbineType3or4IEC: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Q control model.

    Q control model.

    Reference: IEC 61400-27-1:2015,


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    Maximum reactive current injection during dip (iqh1). It is a type-dependent parameter.


    Maximum reactive current injection (iqmax) (> WindContQIEC.iqmin). It is a type-dependent parameter.


    Minimum reactive current injection (iqmin) (< WindContQIEC.iqmax). It is a type-dependent parameter.


    Post fault reactive current injection (iqpost). It is a project-dependent parameter.


    Reactive power PI controller integration gain (KI,q). It is a type-dependent parameter.


    Voltage PI controller integration gain (KI,u). It is a type-dependent parameter.


    Reactive power PI controller proportional gain (KP,q). It is a type-dependent parameter.


    Voltage PI controller proportional gain (KP,u). It is a type-dependent parameter.


    Voltage scaling factor for UVRT current (Kqv). It is a project-dependent parameter.


    Resistive component of voltage drop impedance (rdroop) (>= 0). It is a project-dependent parameter.


    Power measurement filter time constant (Tpfiltq) (>= 0). It is a type-dependent parameter.


    Length of time period where post fault reactive power is injected (Tpost) (>= 0). It is a project-dependent parameter.


    Time constant in reactive power order lag (Tqord) (>= 0). It is a type-dependent parameter.


    Voltage measurement filter time constant (Tufiltq) (>= 0). It is a type-dependent parameter.


    Voltage deadband lower limit (udb1). It is a type-dependent parameter.


    Voltage deadband upper limit (udb2). It is a type-dependent parameter.


    Maximum voltage in voltage PI controller integral term (umax) (> WindContQIEC.umin). It is a type-dependent parameter.


    Minimum voltage in voltage PI controller integral term (umin) (< WindContQIEC.umax). It is a type-dependent parameter.


    Voltage threshold for UVRT detection in Q control (uqdip). It is a type-dependent parameter.


    User-defined bias in voltage reference (uref0). It is a case-dependent parameter.


    Types of general wind turbine Q control modes (MqG). It is a project-dependent parameter.


    Types of UVRT Q control modes (MqUVRT). It is a project-dependent parameter.


    Inductive component of voltage drop impedance (xdroop) (>= 0). It is a project-dependent parameter.


    WindTurbineType3or4IEC Wind turbine type 3 or type 4 model with which this reactive control model is associated.

  1418. final case class WindContQLimIEC(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, qmax: Double = 0.0, qmin: Double = 0.0, WindTurbineType3or4IEC: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Constant Q limitation model.

    Constant Q limitation model.

    Reference: IEC 61400-27-1:2015,


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    Maximum reactive power (qmax) (> WindContQLimIEC.qmin). It is a type-dependent parameter.


    Minimum reactive power (qmin) (< WindContQLimIEC.qmax). It is a type-dependent parameter.


    WindTurbineType3or4IEC Wind generator type 3 or type 4 model with which this constant Q limitation model is associated.

  1419. final case class WindContQPQULimIEC(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, tpfiltql: Double = 0.0, tufiltql: Double = 0.0, WindDynamicsLookupTable: List[String] = null, WindTurbineType3or4IEC: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    QP and QU limitation model.

    QP and QU limitation model.

    Reference: IEC 61400-27-1:2015,


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    Power measurement filter time constant for Q capacity (Tpfiltql) (>= 0). It is a type-dependent parameter.


    Voltage measurement filter time constant for Q capacity (Tufiltql) (>= 0). It is a type-dependent parameter.


    WindDynamicsLookupTable The wind dynamics lookup table associated with this QP and QU limitation model.


    WindTurbineType3or4IEC Wind generator type 3 or type 4 model with which this QP and QU limitation model is associated.

  1420. final case class WindContRotorRIEC(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, kirr: Double = 0.0, komegafilt: Double = 0.0, kpfilt: Double = 0.0, kprr: Double = 0.0, rmax: Double = 0.0, rmin: Double = 0.0, tomegafiltrr: Double = 0.0, tpfiltrr: Double = 0.0, WindDynamicsLookupTable: List[String] = null, WindGenTurbineType2IEC: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Rotor resistance control model.

    Rotor resistance control model.

    Reference: IEC 61400-27-1:2015,


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    Integral gain in rotor resistance PI controller (KIrr). It is a type-dependent parameter.


    Filter gain for generator speed measurement (Komegafilt). It is a type-dependent parameter.


    Filter gain for power measurement (Kpfilt). It is a type-dependent parameter.


    Proportional gain in rotor resistance PI controller (KPrr). It is a type-dependent parameter.


    Maximum rotor resistance (rmax) (> WindContRotorRIEC.rmin). It is a type-dependent parameter.


    Minimum rotor resistance (rmin) (< WindContRotorRIEC.rmax). It is a type-dependent parameter.


    Filter time constant for generator speed measurement (Tomegafiltrr) (>= 0). It is a type-dependent parameter.


    Filter time constant for power measurement (Tpfiltrr) (>= 0). It is a type-dependent parameter.


    WindDynamicsLookupTable The wind dynamics lookup table associated with this rotor resistance control model.


    WindGenTurbineType2IEC Wind turbine type 2 model with whitch this wind control rotor resistance model is associated.

  1421. final case class WindDynamicsLookupTable(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, input: Double = 0.0, lookupTableFunctionType: String = null, output: Double = 0.0, sequence: Int = 0, WindContCurrLimIEC: String = null, WindContPType3IEC: String = null, WindContQPQULimIEC: String = null, WindContRotorRIEC: String = null, WindGenType3bIEC: String = null, WindPitchContPowerIEC: String = null, WindPlantFreqPcontrolIEC: String = null, WindPlantReactiveControlIEC: String = null, WindProtectionIEC: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Look up table for the purpose of wind standard models.

    Look up table for the purpose of wind standard models.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    Input value (x) for the lookup table function.


    Type of the lookup table function.


    Output value (y) for the lookup table function.


    Sequence numbers of the pairs of the input (x) and the output (y) of the lookup table function.


    WindContCurrLimIEC The current control limitation model with which this wind dynamics lookup table is associated.


    WindContPType3IEC The P control type 3 model with which this wind dynamics lookup table is associated.


    WindContQPQULimIEC The QP and QU limitation model with which this wind dynamics lookup table is associated.


    WindContRotorRIEC The rotor resistance control model with which this wind dynamics lookup table is associated.


    WindGenType3bIEC The generator type 3B model with which this wind dynamics lookup table is associated.


    WindPitchContPowerIEC The pitch control power model with which this wind dynamics lookup table is associated.


    WindPlantFreqPcontrolIEC The frequency and active power wind plant control model with which this wind dynamics lookup table is associated.


    WindPlantReactiveControlIEC The voltage and reactive power wind plant control model with which this wind dynamics lookup table is associated.


    WindProtectionIEC The grid protection model with which this wind dynamics lookup table is associated.

  1422. final case class WindGenTurbineType1aIEC(WindTurbineType1or2IEC: WindTurbineType1or2IEC = null, WindAeroConstIEC: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Wind turbine IEC type 1A.

    Wind turbine IEC type 1A.

    Reference: IEC 61400-27-1:2015,


    WindTurbineType1or2IEC Reference to the superclass object.


    WindAeroConstIEC Wind aerodynamic model associated with this wind turbine type 1A model.

  1423. final case class WindGenTurbineType1bIEC(WindTurbineType1or2IEC: WindTurbineType1or2IEC = null, WindPitchContPowerIEC: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Wind turbine IEC type 1B.

    Wind turbine IEC type 1B.

    Reference: IEC 61400-27-1:2015,


    WindTurbineType1or2IEC Reference to the superclass object.


    WindPitchContPowerIEC Pitch control power model associated with this wind turbine type 1B model.

  1424. final case class WindGenTurbineType2IEC(WindTurbineType1or2IEC: WindTurbineType1or2IEC = null, WindContRotorRIEC: String = null, WindPitchContPowerIEC: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Wind turbine IEC type 2.

    Wind turbine IEC type 2.

    Reference: IEC 61400-27-1:2015, 5.5.3.


    WindTurbineType1or2IEC Reference to the superclass object.


    WindContRotorRIEC Wind control rotor resistance model associated with wind turbine type 2 model.


    WindPitchContPowerIEC Pitch control power model associated with this wind turbine type 2 model.

  1425. final case class WindGenType3IEC(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, dipmax: Double = 0.0, diqmax: Double = 0.0, xs: Double = 0.0, WindTurbineType3IEC: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Parent class supporting relationships to IEC wind turbines type 3 generator models of IEC type 3A and 3B.

    Parent class supporting relationships to IEC wind turbines type 3 generator models of IEC type 3A and 3B.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    Maximum active current ramp rate (dipmax). It is a project-dependent parameter.


    Maximum reactive current ramp rate (diqmax). It is a project-dependent parameter.


    Electromagnetic transient reactance (xS). It is a type-dependent parameter.


    WindTurbineType3IEC Wind turbine type 3 model with which this wind generator type 3 is associated.

  1426. final case class WindGenType3aIEC(WindGenType3IEC: WindGenType3IEC = null, kpc: Double = 0.0, tic: Double = 0.0, WindTurbineType4IEC: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    IEC type 3A generator set model.

    IEC type 3A generator set model.

    Reference: IEC 61400-27-1:2015,


    WindGenType3IEC Reference to the superclass object.


    Current PI controller proportional gain (KPc). It is a type-dependent parameter.


    Current PI controller integration time constant (TIc) (>= 0). It is a type-dependent parameter.


    WindTurbineType4IEC Wind turbine type 4 model with which this wind generator type 3A model is associated.

  1427. final case class WindGenType3bIEC(WindGenType3IEC: WindGenType3IEC = null, mwtcwp: Boolean = false, tg: Double = 0.0, two: Double = 0.0, WindDynamicsLookupTable: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    IEC type 3B generator set model.

    IEC type 3B generator set model.

    Reference: IEC 61400-27-1:2015,


    WindGenType3IEC Reference to the superclass object.


    Crowbar control mode (MWTcwp). It is a case-dependent parameter. true = 1 in the IEC model false = 0 in the IEC model.


    Current generation time constant (Tg) (>= 0). It is a type-dependent parameter.


    Time constant for crowbar washout filter (Two) (>= 0). It is a case-dependent parameter.


    WindDynamicsLookupTable The wind dynamics lookup table associated with this generator type 3B model.

  1428. final case class WindGenType4IEC(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, dipmax: Double = 0.0, diqmax: Double = 0.0, diqmin: Double = 0.0, tg: Double = 0.0, WindTurbineType4aIEC: String = null, WindTurbineType4bIEC: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    IEC type 4 generator set model.

    IEC type 4 generator set model.

    Reference: IEC 61400-27-1:2015,


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    Maximum active current ramp rate (dipmax). It is a project-dependent parameter.


    Maximum reactive current ramp rate (diqmax). It is a project-dependent parameter.


    Minimum reactive current ramp rate (diqmin). It is a project-dependent parameter.


    Time constant (Tg) (>= 0). It is a type-dependent parameter.


    WindTurbineType4aIEC Wind turbine type 4A model with which this wind generator type 4 model is associated.


    WindTurbineType4bIEC Wind turbine type 4B model with which this wind generator type 4 model is associated.

  1429. final case class WindGeneratingUnit(GeneratingUnit: GeneratingUnit = null, windGenUnitType: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A wind driven generating unit, connected to the grid by means of a rotating machine.

    A wind driven generating unit, connected to the grid by means of a rotating machine.

    May be used to represent a single turbine or an aggregation.


    GeneratingUnit Reference to the superclass object.


    The kind of wind generating unit.

  1430. final case class WindMechIEC(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, cdrt: Double = 0.0, hgen: Double = 0.0, hwtr: Double = 0.0, kdrt: Double = 0.0, WindTurbineType1or2IEC: String = null, WindTurbineType3IEC: String = null, WindTurbineType4bIEC: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Two mass model.

    Two mass model.

    Reference: IEC 61400-27-1:2015,


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    Drive train damping (cdrt). It is a type-dependent parameter.


    Inertia constant of generator (Hgen) (>= 0). It is a type-dependent parameter.


    Inertia constant of wind turbine rotor (HWTR) (>= 0). It is a type-dependent parameter.


    Drive train stiffness (kdrt). It is a type-dependent parameter.


    WindTurbineType1or2IEC Wind generator type 1 or type 2 model with which this wind mechanical model is associated.


    WindTurbineType3IEC Wind turbine type 3 model with which this wind mechanical model is associated.


    WindTurbineType4bIEC Wind turbine type 4B model with which this wind mechanical model is associated.

  1431. final case class WindPitchContPowerIEC(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, dpmax: Double = 0.0, dpmin: Double = 0.0, pmin: Double = 0.0, pset: Double = 0.0, t1: Double = 0.0, tr: Double = 0.0, uuvrt: Double = 0.0, WindDynamicsLookupTable: List[String] = null, WindGenTurbineType1bIEC: String = null, WindGenTurbineType2IEC: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Pitch control power model.

    Pitch control power model.

    Reference: IEC 61400-27-1:2015,


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    Rate limit for increasing power (dpmax) (> WindPitchContPowerIEC.dpmin). It is a type-dependent parameter.


    Rate limit for decreasing power (dpmin) (< WindPitchContPowerIEC.dpmax). It is a type-dependent parameter.


    Minimum power setting (pmin). It is a type-dependent parameter.


    If pinit < pset then power will be ramped down to pmin. It is (pset) in the IEC 61400-27-1:2015. It is a type-dependent parameter.


    Lag time constant (T1) (>= 0). It is a type-dependent parameter.


    Voltage measurement time constant (Tr) (>= 0). It is a type-dependent parameter.


    Dip detection threshold (uUVRT). It is a type-dependent parameter.


    WindDynamicsLookupTable The wind dynamics lookup table associated with this pitch control power model.


    WindGenTurbineType1bIEC Wind turbine type 1B model with which this pitch control power model is associated.


    WindGenTurbineType2IEC Wind turbine type 2 model with which this pitch control power model is associated.

  1432. final case class WindPlantDynamics(DynamicsFunctionBlock: DynamicsFunctionBlock = null, RemoteInputSignal: String = null, WindTurbineType3or4Dynamics: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Parent class supporting relationships to wind turbines type 3 and type 4 and wind plant IEC and user-defined wind plants including their control models.

    Parent class supporting relationships to wind turbines type 3 and type 4 and wind plant IEC and user-defined wind plants including their control models.


    DynamicsFunctionBlock Reference to the superclass object.


    RemoteInputSignal The remote signal with which this power plant is associated.


    WindTurbineType3or4Dynamics The wind turbine type 3 or type 4 associated with this wind plant.

  1433. final case class WindPlantFreqPcontrolIEC(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, dprefmax: Double = 0.0, dprefmin: Double = 0.0, dpwprefmax: Double = 0.0, dpwprefmin: Double = 0.0, kiwpp: Double = 0.0, kiwppmax: Double = 0.0, kiwppmin: Double = 0.0, kpwpp: Double = 0.0, kwppref: Double = 0.0, prefmax: Double = 0.0, prefmin: Double = 0.0, tpft: Double = 0.0, tpfv: Double = 0.0, twpffiltp: Double = 0.0, twppfiltp: Double = 0.0, WindDynamicsLookupTable: List[String] = null, WindPlantIEC: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Frequency and active power controller model.

    Frequency and active power controller model.

    Reference: IEC 61400-27-1:2015, Annex D.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    Maximum ramp rate of pWTref request from the plant controller to the wind turbines (dprefmax) (> WindPlantFreqPcontrolIEC.dprefmin). It is a case-dependent parameter.


    Minimum (negative) ramp rate of pWTref request from the plant controller to the wind turbines (dprefmin) (< WindPlantFreqPcontrolIEC.dprefmax). It is a project-dependent parameter.


    Maximum positive ramp rate for wind plant power reference (dpWPrefmax) (> WindPlantFreqPcontrolIEC.dpwprefmin). It is a project-dependent parameter.


    Maximum negative ramp rate for wind plant power reference (dpWPrefmin) (< WindPlantFreqPcontrolIEC.dpwprefmax). It is a project-dependent parameter.


    Plant P controller integral gain (KIWPp). It is a project-dependent parameter.


    Maximum PI integrator term (KIWPpmax) (> WindPlantFreqPcontrolIEC.kiwppmin). It is a project-dependent parameter.


    Minimum PI integrator term (KIWPpmin) (< WindPlantFreqPcontrolIEC.kiwppmax). It is a project-dependent parameter.


    Plant P controller proportional gain (KPWPp). It is a project-dependent parameter.


    Power reference gain (KWPpref). It is a project-dependent parameter.


    Maximum pWTref request from the plant controller to the wind turbines (prefmax) (> WindPlantFreqPcontrolIEC.prefmin). It is a project-dependent parameter.


    Minimum pWTref request from the plant controller to the wind turbines (prefmin) (< WindPlantFreqPcontrolIEC.prefmax). It is a project-dependent parameter.


    Lead time constant in reference value transfer function (Tpft) (>= 0). It is a project-dependent parameter.


    Lag time constant in reference value transfer function (Tpfv) (>= 0). It is a project-dependent parameter.


    Filter time constant for frequency measurement (TWPffiltp) (>= 0). It is a project-dependent parameter.


    Filter time constant for active power measurement (TWPpfiltp) (>= 0). It is a project-dependent parameter.


    WindDynamicsLookupTable The wind dynamics lookup table associated with this frequency and active power wind plant model.


    WindPlantIEC Wind plant model with which this wind plant frequency and active power control is associated.

  1434. final case class WindPlantIEC(WindPlantDynamics: WindPlantDynamics = null, WindPlantFreqPcontrolIEC: String = null, WindPlantReactiveControlIEC: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Simplified IEC type plant level model.

    Simplified IEC type plant level model.

    Reference: IEC 61400-27-1:2015, Annex D.


    WindPlantDynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    WindPlantFreqPcontrolIEC Wind plant frequency and active power control model associated with this wind plant.


    WindPlantReactiveControlIEC Wind plant model with which this wind reactive control is associated.

  1435. final case class WindPlantReactiveControlIEC(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, dxrefmax: Double = 0.0, dxrefmin: Double = 0.0, kiwpx: Double = 0.0, kiwpxmax: Double = 0.0, kiwpxmin: Double = 0.0, kpwpx: Double = 0.0, kwpqref: Double = 0.0, kwpqu: Double = 0.0, tuqfilt: Double = 0.0, twppfiltq: Double = 0.0, twpqfiltq: Double = 0.0, twpufiltq: Double = 0.0, txft: Double = 0.0, txfv: Double = 0.0, uwpqdip: Double = 0.0, windPlantQcontrolModesType: String = null, xrefmax: Double = 0.0, xrefmin: Double = 0.0, WindDynamicsLookupTable: List[String] = null, WindPlantIEC: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Simplified plant voltage and reactive power control model for use with type 3 and type 4 wind turbine models.

    Simplified plant voltage and reactive power control model for use with type 3 and type 4 wind turbine models.

    Reference: IEC 61400-27-1:2015, Annex D.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    Maximum positive ramp rate for wind turbine reactive power/voltage reference (dxrefmax) (> WindPlantReactiveControlIEC.dxrefmin). It is a project-dependent parameter.


    Maximum negative ramp rate for wind turbine reactive power/voltage reference (dxrefmin) (< WindPlantReactiveControlIEC.dxrefmax). It is a project-dependent parameter.


    Plant Q controller integral gain (KIWPx). It is a project-dependent parameter.


    Maximum reactive power/voltage reference from integration (KIWPxmax) (> WindPlantReactiveControlIEC.kiwpxmin). It is a project-dependent parameter.


    Minimum reactive power/voltage reference from integration (KIWPxmin) (< WindPlantReactiveControlIEC.kiwpxmax). It is a project-dependent parameter.


    Plant Q controller proportional gain (KPWPx). It is a project-dependent parameter.


    Reactive power reference gain (KWPqref). It is a project-dependent parameter.


    Plant voltage control droop (KWPqu). It is a project-dependent parameter.


    Filter time constant for voltage-dependent reactive power (Tuqfilt) (>= 0). It is a project-dependent parameter.


    Filter time constant for active power measurement (TWPpfiltq) (>= 0). It is a project-dependent parameter.


    Filter time constant for reactive power measurement (TWPqfiltq) (>= 0). It is a project-dependent parameter.


    Filter time constant for voltage measurement (TWPufiltq) (>= 0). It is a project-dependent parameter.


    Lead time constant in reference value transfer function (Txft) (>= 0). It is a project-dependent parameter.


    Lag time constant in reference value transfer function (Txfv) (>= 0). It is a project-dependent parameter.


    Voltage threshold for UVRT detection in Q control (uWPqdip). It is a project-dependent parameter.


    Reactive power/voltage controller mode (MWPqmode). It is a case-dependent parameter.


    Maximum xWTref (qWTref or delta uWTref) request from the plant controller (xrefmax) (> WindPlantReactiveControlIEC.xrefmin). It is a case-dependent parameter.


    Minimum xWTref (qWTref or delta uWTref) request from the plant controller (xrefmin) (< WindPlantReactiveControlIEC.xrefmax). It is a project-dependent parameter.


    WindDynamicsLookupTable The wind dynamics lookup table associated with this voltage and reactive power wind plant model.


    WindPlantIEC Wind plant reactive control model associated with this wind plant.

  1436. final case class WindPlantUserDefined(WindPlantDynamics: WindPlantDynamics = null, proprietary: Boolean = false, ProprietaryParameterDynamics: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Wind plant function block whose dynamic behaviour is described by <font color="#0f0f0f">a user-defined model.</font>

    Wind plant function block whose dynamic behaviour is described by <font color="#0f0f0f">a user-defined model.</font>


    WindPlantDynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    Behaviour is based on a proprietary model as opposed to a detailed model. true = user-defined model is proprietary with behaviour mutually understood by sending and receiving applications and parameters passed as general attributes false = user-defined model is explicitly defined in terms of control blocks and their input and output signals.


    ProprietaryParameterDynamics Parameter of this proprietary user-defined model.

  1437. final case class WindProtectionIEC(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, dfimax: Double = 0.0, fover: Double = 0.0, funder: Double = 0.0, mzc: Boolean = false, tfma: Double = 0.0, uover: Double = 0.0, uunder: Double = 0.0, WindDynamicsLookupTable: List[String] = null, WindTurbineType1or2IEC: String = null, WindTurbineType3or4IEC: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    The grid protection model includes protection against over- and under-voltage, and against over- and under-frequency.

    The grid protection model includes protection against over- and under-voltage, and against over- and under-frequency.

    Reference: IEC 61400-27-1:2015, 5.6.6.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    Maximum rate of change of frequency (dFmax). It is a type-dependent parameter.


    Wind turbine over frequency protection activation threshold (fover). It is a project-dependent parameter.


    Wind turbine under frequency protection activation threshold (funder). It is a project-dependent parameter.


    Zero crossing measurement mode (Mzc). It is a type-dependent parameter. true = WT protection system uses zero crossings to detect frequency (1 in the IEC model) false = WT protection system does not use zero crossings to detect frequency (0 in the IEC model).


    Time interval of moving average window (TfMA) (>= 0). It is a type-dependent parameter.


    Wind turbine over voltage protection activation threshold (uover). It is a project-dependent parameter.


    Wind turbine under voltage protection activation threshold (uunder). It is a project-dependent parameter.


    WindDynamicsLookupTable The wind dynamics lookup table associated with this grid protection model.


    WindTurbineType1or2IEC Wind generator type 1 or type 2 model with which this wind turbine protection model is associated.


    WindTurbineType3or4IEC Wind generator type 3 or type 4 model with which this wind turbine protection model is associated.

  1438. final case class WindRefFrameRotIEC(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, tpll: Double = 0.0, upll1: Double = 0.0, upll2: Double = 0.0, WindTurbineType3or4IEC: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Reference frame rotation model.

    Reference frame rotation model.

    Reference: IEC 61400-27-1:2015,


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    Time constant for PLL first order filter model (TPLL) (>= 0). It is a type-dependent parameter.


    Voltage below which the angle of the voltage is filtered and possibly also frozen (uPLL1). It is a type-dependent parameter.


    Voltage (uPLL2) below which the angle of the voltage is frozen if uPLL2 is smaller or equal to uPLL1 . It is a type-dependent parameter.


    WindTurbineType3or4IEC Wind turbine type 3 or type 4 model with which this reference frame rotation model is associated.

  1439. final case class WindTurbineType1or2Dynamics(DynamicsFunctionBlock: DynamicsFunctionBlock = null, AsynchronousMachineDynamics: String = null, RemoteInputSignal: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Parent class supporting relationships to wind turbines type 1 and type 2 and their control models.

    Parent class supporting relationships to wind turbines type 1 and type 2 and their control models.

    Generator model for wind turbine of type 1 or type 2 is a standard asynchronous generator model.


    DynamicsFunctionBlock Reference to the superclass object.


    AsynchronousMachineDynamics Asynchronous machine model with which this wind generator type 1 or type 2 model is associated.


    RemoteInputSignal Remote input signal used by this wind generator type 1 or type 2 model.

  1440. final case class WindTurbineType1or2IEC(WindTurbineType1or2Dynamics: WindTurbineType1or2Dynamics = null, WindMechIEC: String = null, WindProtectionIEC: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Parent class supporting relationships to IEC wind turbines type 1 and type 2 including their control models.

    Parent class supporting relationships to IEC wind turbines type 1 and type 2 including their control models.

    Generator model for wind turbine of IEC type 1 or type 2 is a standard asynchronous generator model. Reference: IEC 61400-27-1:2015, 5.5.2 and 5.5.3.


    WindTurbineType1or2Dynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    WindMechIEC Wind mechanical model associated with this wind generator type 1 or type 2 model.


    WindProtectionIEC Wind turbune protection model associated with this wind generator type 1 or type 2 model.

  1441. final case class WindTurbineType3IEC(WindTurbineType3or4IEC: WindTurbineType3or4IEC = null, WindAeroOneDimIEC: String = null, WindAeroTwoDimIEC: String = null, WindContPType3IEC: String = null, WindContPitchAngleIEC: String = null, WindGenType3IEC: String = null, WindMechIEC: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Parent class supporting relationships to IEC wind turbines type 3 including their control models.

    Parent class supporting relationships to IEC wind turbines type 3 including their control models.


    WindTurbineType3or4IEC Reference to the superclass object.


    WindAeroOneDimIEC Wind aerodynamic model associated with this wind generator type 3 model.


    WindAeroTwoDimIEC Wind aerodynamic model associated with this wind turbine type 3 model.


    WindContPType3IEC Wind control P type 3 model associated with this wind turbine type 3 model.


    WindContPitchAngleIEC Wind control pitch angle model associated with this wind turbine type 3.


    WindGenType3IEC Wind generator type 3 model associated with this wind turbine type 3 model.


    WindMechIEC Wind mechanical model associated with this wind turbine type 3 model.

  1442. final case class WindTurbineType3or4Dynamics(DynamicsFunctionBlock: DynamicsFunctionBlock = null, PowerElectronicsConnection: String = null, RemoteInputSignal: String = null, WindPlantDynamics: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Parent class supporting relationships to wind turbines type 3 and type 4 and wind plant including their control models.

    Parent class supporting relationships to wind turbines type 3 and type 4 and wind plant including their control models.


    DynamicsFunctionBlock Reference to the superclass object.


    PowerElectronicsConnection The power electronics connection associated with this wind turbine type 3 or type 4 dynamics model.


    RemoteInputSignal Remote input signal used by these wind turbine type 3 or type 4 models.


    WindPlantDynamics The wind plant with which the wind turbines type 3 or type 4 are associated.

  1443. final case class WindTurbineType3or4IEC(WindTurbineType3or4Dynamics: WindTurbineType3or4Dynamics = null, WIndContQIEC: String = null, WindContCurrLimIEC: String = null, WindContQLimIEC: String = null, WindContQPQULimIEC: String = null, WindProtectionIEC: String = null, WindRefFrameRotIEC: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Parent class supporting relationships to IEC wind turbines type 3 and type 4 including their control models.

    Parent class supporting relationships to IEC wind turbines type 3 and type 4 including their control models.


    WindTurbineType3or4Dynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    WindContQIEC Wind control Q model associated with this wind turbine type 3 or type 4 model.


    WindContCurrLimIEC Wind control current limitation model associated with this wind turbine type 3 or type 4 model.


    WindContQLimIEC Constant Q limitation model associated with this wind generator type 3 or type 4 model.


    WindContQPQULimIEC QP and QU limitation model associated with this wind generator type 3 or type 4 model.


    WindProtectionIEC Wind turbune protection model associated with this wind generator type 3 or type 4 model.


    WindRefFrameRotIEC Reference frame rotation model associated with this wind turbine type 3 or type 4 model.

  1444. final case class WindTurbineType4IEC(WindTurbineType3or4IEC: WindTurbineType3or4IEC = null, WindGenType3aIEC: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Parent class supporting relationships to IEC wind turbines type 4 including their control models.

    Parent class supporting relationships to IEC wind turbines type 4 including their control models.


    WindTurbineType3or4IEC Reference to the superclass object.


    WindGenType3aIEC Wind generator type 3A model associated with this wind turbine type 4 model.

  1445. final case class WindTurbineType4aIEC(WindTurbineType4IEC: WindTurbineType4IEC = null, WindContPType4aIEC: String = null, WindGenType4IEC: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Wind turbine IEC type 4A.

    Wind turbine IEC type 4A.

    Reference: IEC 61400-27-1:2015,


    WindTurbineType4IEC Reference to the superclass object.


    WindContPType4aIEC Wind control P type 4A model associated with this wind turbine type 4A model.


    WindGenType4IEC Wind generator type 4 model associated with this wind turbine type 4A model.

  1446. final case class WindTurbineType4bIEC(WindTurbineType4IEC: WindTurbineType4IEC = null, WindContPType4bIEC: String = null, WindGenType4IEC: String = null, WindMechIEC: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Wind turbine IEC type 4B.

    Wind turbine IEC type 4B.

    Reference: IEC 61400-27-1:2015,


    WindTurbineType4IEC Reference to the superclass object.


    WindContPType4bIEC Wind control P type 4B model associated with this wind turbine type 4B model.


    WindGenType4IEC Wind generator type 4 model associated with this wind turbine type 4B model.


    WindMechIEC Wind mechanical model associated with this wind turbine type 4B model.

  1447. final case class WindType1or2UserDefined(WindTurbineType1or2Dynamics: WindTurbineType1or2Dynamics = null, proprietary: Boolean = false, ProprietaryParameterDynamics: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Wind type 1 or type 2 function block whose dynamic behaviour is described by <font color="#0f0f0f">a user-defined model.</font>

    Wind type 1 or type 2 function block whose dynamic behaviour is described by <font color="#0f0f0f">a user-defined model.</font>


    WindTurbineType1or2Dynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    Behaviour is based on a proprietary model as opposed to a detailed model. true = user-defined model is proprietary with behaviour mutually understood by sending and receiving applications and parameters passed as general attributes false = user-defined model is explicitly defined in terms of control blocks and their input and output signals.


    ProprietaryParameterDynamics Parameter of this proprietary user-defined model.

  1448. final case class WindType3or4UserDefined(WindTurbineType3or4Dynamics: WindTurbineType3or4Dynamics = null, proprietary: Boolean = false, ProprietaryParameterDynamics: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Wind type 3 or type 4 function block whose dynamic behaviour is described by <font color="#0f0f0f">a user-defined model.</font>

    Wind type 3 or type 4 function block whose dynamic behaviour is described by <font color="#0f0f0f">a user-defined model.</font>


    WindTurbineType3or4Dynamics Reference to the superclass object.


    Behaviour is based on a proprietary model as opposed to a detailed model. true = user-defined model is proprietary with behaviour mutually understood by sending and receiving applications and parameters passed as general attributes false = user-defined model is explicitly defined in terms of control blocks and their input and output signals.


    ProprietaryParameterDynamics Parameter of this proprietary user-defined model.

  1449. final case class WindingInsulation(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, insulationPFStatus: String = null, insulationResistance: String = null, leakageReactance: Double = 0.0, status: String = null, FromWinding: String = null, ToWinding: String = null, TransformerObservation: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Winding insulation condition as a result of a test.

    Winding insulation condition as a result of a test.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    Status of Winding Insulation Power Factor as of statusDate: Acceptable, Minor Deterioration or Moisture Absorption, Major Deterioration or Moisture Absorption, Failed.


    For testType, status of Winding Insulation Resistance as of statusDate. Typical values are: Acceptable, Questionable, Failed.


    As of statusDate, the leakage reactance measured at the "from" winding with the "to" winding short-circuited and all other windings open-circuited.




    TransformerEnd undocumented


    TransformerEnd undocumented


    TransformerObservation undocumented

  1450. final case class WireAssemblyInfo(AssetInfo: AssetInfo = null, PerLengthLineParameter: List[String] = null, WirePhaseInfo: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Describes the construction of a multi-conductor wire.<-NOTE: period missing.

    Describes the construction of a multi-conductor wire.<-NOTE: period missing.


    AssetInfo Reference to the superclass object.


    PerLengthLineParameter Per length line parameter associated with this wire assembly.


    WirePhaseInfo Wire phase information associated with this wire assembly.

  1451. final case class WireInfo(AssetInfo: AssetInfo = null, coreRadius: Double = 0.0, coreStrandCount: Int = 0, gmr: Double = 0.0, insulated: Boolean = false, insulationMaterial: String = null, insulationThickness: Double = 0.0, material: String = null, rAC25: Double = 0.0, rAC50: Double = 0.0, rAC75: Double = 0.0, rDC20: Double = 0.0, radius: Double = 0.0, ratedCurrent: Double = 0.0, sizeDescription: String = null, strandCount: Int = 0, ACLineSegmentPhase: List[String] = null, WirePhaseInfo: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Wire data that can be specified per line segment phase, or for the line segment as a whole in case its phases all have the same wire characteristics.

    Wire data that can be specified per line segment phase, or for the line segment as a whole in case its phases all have the same wire characteristics.


    AssetInfo Reference to the superclass object.


    (if there is a different core material) Radius of the central core.


    (if used) Number of strands in the steel core.


    Geometric mean radius. If we replace the conductor by a thin walled tube of radius GMR, then its reactance is identical to the reactance of the actual conductor.


    True if conductor is insulated.


    (if insulated conductor) Material used for insulation.


    (if insulated conductor) Thickness of the insulation.


    Conductor material.


    AC resistance per unit length of the conductor at 25 °C.


    AC resistance per unit length of the conductor at 50 °C.


    AC resistance per unit length of the conductor at 75 °C.


    DC resistance per unit length of the conductor at 20 °C.


    Outside radius of the wire.


    Current carrying capacity of the wire under stated thermal conditions.


    Describes the wire gauge or cross section (e.g., 4/0, #2, 336.5).


    Number of strands in the conductor.


    ACLineSegmentPhase undocumented


    WirePhaseInfo Wire phase information associated with this wire information.

  1452. final case class WirePhaseInfo(Element: BasicElement = null, phaseInfo: String = null, WireAssemblyInfo: String = null, WireInfo: String = null, WirePosition: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Information on a wire carrying a single phase.

    Information on a wire carrying a single phase.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    Phase information.


    WireAssemblyInfo Wire assembly information using this wire phase information.


    WireInfo Wire information contributing to this wire phase information.


    WirePosition Wire position with this wire phase information.

  1453. final case class WirePosition(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, sequenceNumber: Int = 0, xCoord: Double = 0.0, yCoord: Double = 0.0, WirePhaseInfo: List[String] = null, WireSpacingInfo: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Identification, spacing and configuration of the wires of a conductor with respect to a structure.

    Identification, spacing and configuration of the wires of a conductor with respect to a structure.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    Numbering for wires on a WireSpacingInfo. Neutrals should be numbered last.


    Signed horizontal distance from the wire at this position to a common reference point.


    Signed vertical distance from the wire at this position: above ground (positive value) or burial depth below ground (negative value).


    WirePhaseInfo Wire phase information for this wire position.


    WireSpacingInfo Wire spacing data this wire position belongs to.

  1454. final case class WireSegment(Conductor: Conductor = null, WireSegmentPhases: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A two terminal and power conducting device of negligible impedance and length represented as zero impedance device that can be used to connect auxiliary equipment to its terminals.

    A two terminal and power conducting device of negligible impedance and length represented as zero impedance device that can be used to connect auxiliary equipment to its terminals.


    Conductor Reference to the superclass object.


    WireSegmentPhase The wire segment phases which belong to the wire segment.

  1455. final case class WireSegmentPhase(PowerSystemResource: PowerSystemResource = null, phase: String = null, sequenceNumber: Int = 0, WireSegment: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Represents a single wire of an alternating current wire segment.

    Represents a single wire of an alternating current wire segment.


    PowerSystemResource Reference to the superclass object.


    The phase connection of the wire at both ends.


    Number designation for this wire segment phase. Each wire segment phase within a wire segment should have a unique sequence number.


    WireSegment The wire segment to which the phase belongs.

  1456. final case class WireSpacingInfo(AssetInfo: AssetInfo = null, isCable: Boolean = false, phaseWireCount: Int = 0, phaseWireSpacing: Double = 0.0, usage: String = null, ACLineSegment: List[String] = null, DuctBank: String = null, Structures: List[String] = null, WirePositions: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Wire spacing data that associates multiple wire positions with the line segment, and allows to calculate line segment impedances.

    Wire spacing data that associates multiple wire positions with the line segment, and allows to calculate line segment impedances.

    Number of phases can be derived from the number of associated wire positions whose phase is not neutral.


    AssetInfo Reference to the superclass object.


    If true, this spacing data describes a cable.


    Number of wire sub-conductors in the symmetrical bundle (typically between 1 and 4).


    Distance between wire sub-conductors in a symmetrical bundle.


    Usage of the associated wires.


    ACLineSegment undocumented


    DuctBank undocumented


    Structure undocumented


    WirePosition All positions of single wires (phase or neutral) making the conductor.

  1457. final case class Work(BaseWork: BaseWork = null, requestDateTime: String = null, workOrderNumber: String = null, Appointments: List[String] = null, BusinessCase: String = null, Customers: List[String] = null, Designs: List[String] = null, ErpProjectAccounting: String = null, Incidents: List[String] = null, Project: String = null, WorkBillingInfo: String = null, WorkCostDetails: List[String] = null, WorkFlowSteps: List[String] = null, WorkTasks: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Document used to request, initiate, track and record work.

    Document used to request, initiate, track and record work.


    BaseWork Reference to the superclass object.


    Date and time work was requested.


    Work order number (or other unique identifying information) for this work.


    Appointment All appointments for this work.


    BusinessCase undocumented


    Customer All the customers for which this work is performed.


    Design undocumented


    ErpProjectAccounting undocumented


    Incident All incidents being addressed by this work.


    Project undocumented


    WorkBillingInfo undocumented


    WorkCostDetail undocumented


    WorkFlowStep undocumented


    WorkTask All tasks in this work.

  1458. final case class WorkActivityRecord(ActivityRecord: ActivityRecord = null, percentComplete: Double = 0.0, BaseWork: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Records information about the status of work or work task at a point in time.

    Records information about the status of work or work task at a point in time.


    ActivityRecord Reference to the superclass object.


    Estimated percentage of completion of this individual work task or overall work order.


    BaseWork Base work that this activity record tracks.

  1459. final case class WorkAsset(Asset: Asset = null, CUWorkEquipmentAsset: String = null, Crew: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Asset used to perform work.

    Asset used to perform work.


    Asset Reference to the superclass object.


    CUWorkEquipmentItem undocumented


    Crew Crew using this work asset.

  1460. final case class WorkBillingInfo(Document: Document = null, costEstimate: Double = 0.0, deposit: Double = 0.0, discount: Double = 0.0, dueDateTime: String = null, issueDateTime: String = null, receivedDateTime: String = null, workPrice: Double = 0.0, CustomerAccount: String = null, ErpLineItems: List[String] = null, Works: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Billing information for work performed for the customer.

    Billing information for work performed for the customer.

    The history of Work Billing Info, Invoices, and Payments is to be maintained in associated ActivityRecords.


    Document Reference to the superclass object.


    Estimated cost for work.


    Amount of price on deposit.


    Discount from standard price.


    Date and time by which payment for bill is expected from client.


    Date and time bill was issued to client.


    Date payment was received from client.


    Amount of bill.


    CustomerAccount undocumented


    ErpInvoiceLineItem undocumented


    Work undocumented

  1461. final case class WorkCostDetail(WorkDocument: WorkDocument = null, amount: Double = 0.0, isDebit: Boolean = false, transactionDateTime: String = null, ContractorItems: List[String] = null, CostType: String = null, Design: String = null, ErpProjectAccounting: String = null, LaborItems: List[String] = null, MiscCostItems: List[String] = null, OverheadCost: String = null, PropertyUnits: List[String] = null, WorkCostSummary: String = null, WorkTask: String = null, Works: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A collection of all of the individual cost items collected from multiple sources.

    A collection of all of the individual cost items collected from multiple sources.


    WorkDocument Reference to the superclass object.


    Amount in designated currency for work, either a total or an individual element. As defined in the attribute "type," multiple instances are applicable to each work for: planned cost, actual cost, authorized cost, budgeted cost, forecasted cost, other.


    True if 'amount' is a debit, false if it is a credit.


    Date and time that 'amount' is posted to the work.


    ContractorItem undocumented


    CostType undocumented


    Design undocumented


    ErpProjectAccounting undocumented


    LaborItem undocumented


    MiscCostItem undocumented


    OverheadCost undocumented


    PropertyUnit undocumented


    WorkCostSummary undocumented


    OldWorkTask undocumented


    Work undocumented

  1462. final case class WorkCostSummary(WorkDocument: WorkDocument = null, WorkCostDetail: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A roll up by cost type for the entire cost of a work order.

    A roll up by cost type for the entire cost of a work order.

    For example, total labor.


    WorkDocument Reference to the superclass object.


    WorkCostDetail undocumented

  1463. final case class WorkDocument(Document: Document = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Shadow class for Document, to isolate subclassing from this package.

    Shadow class for Document, to isolate subclassing from this package.

    If any subclass gets normative and needs inheritance, it will inherit directly from Document.


    Document Reference to the superclass object.

  1464. final case class WorkFlowStep(WorkIdentifiedObject: WorkIdentifiedObject = null, sequenceNumber: Int = 0, status: String = null, Work: String = null, WorkTasks: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A pre-defined set of work steps for a given type of work.

    A pre-defined set of work steps for a given type of work.


    WorkIdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.


    Used to define dependencies of each work flow step, which is for the instance of WorkTask associated with a given instance of WorkFlow.




    Work undocumented


    OldWorkTask undocumented

  1465. final case class WorkIdentifiedObject(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Shadow class for IdentifiedObject, to isolate subclassing from this package.

    Shadow class for IdentifiedObject, to isolate subclassing from this package.

    If any subclass gets normative and needs inheritance, it will inherit directly from IdentifiedObject.


    IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.

  1466. final case class WorkLocation(Location: Location = null, BaseWorks: List[String] = null, DesignLocations: List[String] = null, OneCallRequest: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Information about a particular location for various forms of work.

    Information about a particular location for various forms of work.


    Location Reference to the superclass object.


    BaseWork All works/tasks at this location.


    DesignLocation undocumented


    OneCallRequest undocumented

  1467. final case class WorkTask(BaseWork: BaseWork = null, completedDateTime: String = null, contractorCost: Double = 0.0, crewETA: String = null, estimatedCompletionTime: String = null, instruction: String = null, laborCost: Double = 0.0, laborHours: Double = 0.0, materiallCost: Double = 0.0, schedOverride: String = null, startedDateTime: String = null, taskKind: String = null, toolCost: Double = 0.0, Assets: List[String] = null, Crews: List[String] = null, MaterialItems: List[String] = null, OldAsset: List[String] = null, ProcedureDataSet: List[String] = null, SwitchingPlan: String = null, TroubleOrder: String = null, Work: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    A task within a set of work.

    A task within a set of work.


    BaseWork Reference to the superclass object.


    Date and time work task was completed.


    Total contractor costs associated with the work task.


    Estimated time of arrival, so that customer or police/fire department can be informed when the crew will arrive.


    Time and Date when the work task will be completed.


    Instructions for performing this task.


    Total labor costs associated with the work task.


    Hours of labor expended under work task.


    Total material costs associated with the work task.


    If specified, override schedule and perform this task in accordance with instructions specified here.


    Date and time work task was started.


    Kind of work.


    Total tool costs associated with the work task.


    Asset All assets on which this non-replacement work task is performed.


    Crew All crews participating in this work task.


    MaterialItem undocumented


    Asset Old asset replaced by this work task.


    ProcedureDataSet Procedure data set associated with this work task.


    SwitchingPlan Switching plan executed by this work task.


    TroubleOrder undocumented


    Work Work this task belongs to.

  1468. final case class WorkTimeSchedule(TimeSchedule: TimeSchedule = null, kind: String = null, BaseWork: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Time schedule specific to work.

    Time schedule specific to work.


    TimeSchedule Reference to the superclass object.


    WorkTimeScheduleKind Kind of this work schedule.


    BaseWork Time schedule for this work or work task.

  1469. final case class WorkTimeScheduleKind(Element: BasicElement = null, actual: String = null, earliest: String = null, estimate: String = null, immediate: String = null, latest: String = null, request: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Kind of work schedule.

    Kind of work schedule.


    Reference to the superclass object.


    Actual work time schedule.


    Earliest work time schedule.


    Estimate work time schedule.




    Latest work time schedule.


    Request work time schedule.

  1470. final case class Zone(Location: Location = null, kind: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable

    Area divided off from other areas.

    Area divided off from other areas.

    It may be part of the electrical network, a land area where special restrictions apply, weather areas, etc. For weather, it is an area where a set of relatively homogenous weather measurements apply.


    Location Reference to the superclass object.


    Kind of this zone.

Value Members

  1. object ACDCConverter extends CIMParseable[ACDCConverter] with Serializable
  2. object ACDCConverterDCTerminal extends CIMParseable[ACDCConverterDCTerminal] with Serializable
  3. object ACDCConverterDCTerminalSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ACDCConverterDCTerminal]
  4. object ACDCConverterSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ACDCConverter]
  5. object ACDCTerminal extends CIMParseable[ACDCTerminal] with Serializable
  6. object ACDCTerminalSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ACDCTerminal]
  7. object ACLineSegment extends CIMParseable[ACLineSegment] with Serializable
  8. object ACLineSegmentPhase extends CIMParseable[ACLineSegmentPhase] with Serializable
  9. object ACLineSegmentPhaseSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ACLineSegmentPhase]
  10. object ACLineSegmentSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ACLineSegment]
  11. object ASRequirements extends CIMParseable[ASRequirements] with Serializable
  12. object ASRequirementsSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ASRequirements]
  13. object ASTMStandard extends CIMParseable[ASTMStandard] with Serializable
  14. object ASTMStandardSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ASTMStandard]
  15. object AcceptanceTest extends CIMParseable[AcceptanceTest] with Serializable
  16. object AcceptanceTestSerializer extends CIMSerializer[AcceptanceTest]
  17. object AccessPermit extends CIMParseable[AccessPermit] with Serializable
  18. object AccessPermitSerializer extends CIMSerializer[AccessPermit]
  19. object AccountMovement extends CIMParseable[AccountMovement] with Serializable
  20. object AccountMovementSerializer extends CIMSerializer[AccountMovement]
  21. object AccountNotification extends CIMParseable[AccountNotification] with Serializable
  22. object AccountNotificationSerializer extends CIMSerializer[AccountNotification]
  23. object AccountingUnit extends CIMParseable[AccountingUnit] with Serializable
  24. object AccountingUnitSerializer extends CIMSerializer[AccountingUnit]
  25. object Accumulator extends CIMParseable[Accumulator] with Serializable
  26. object AccumulatorLimit extends CIMParseable[AccumulatorLimit] with Serializable
  27. object AccumulatorLimitSerializer extends CIMSerializer[AccumulatorLimit]
  28. object AccumulatorLimitSet extends CIMParseable[AccumulatorLimitSet] with Serializable
  29. object AccumulatorLimitSetSerializer extends CIMSerializer[AccumulatorLimitSet]
  30. object AccumulatorReset extends CIMParseable[AccumulatorReset] with Serializable
  31. object AccumulatorResetSerializer extends CIMSerializer[AccumulatorReset]
  32. object AccumulatorSerializer extends CIMSerializer[Accumulator]
  33. object AccumulatorValue extends CIMParseable[AccumulatorValue] with Serializable
  34. object AccumulatorValueSerializer extends CIMSerializer[AccumulatorValue]
  35. object AceTariffType extends CIMParseable[AceTariffType] with Serializable
  36. object AceTariffTypeSerializer extends CIMSerializer[AceTariffType]
  37. object ActionRequest extends CIMParseable[ActionRequest] with Serializable
  38. object ActionRequestSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ActionRequest]
  39. object ActivePowerLimit extends CIMParseable[ActivePowerLimit] with Serializable
  40. object ActivePowerLimitSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ActivePowerLimit]
  41. object ActivityRecord extends CIMParseable[ActivityRecord] with Serializable
  42. object ActivityRecordSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ActivityRecord]
  43. object AdjacentCASet extends CIMParseable[AdjacentCASet] with Serializable
  44. object AdjacentCASetSerializer extends CIMSerializer[AdjacentCASet]
  45. object AggregateNode extends CIMParseable[AggregateNode] with Serializable
  46. object AggregateNodeSerializer extends CIMSerializer[AggregateNode]
  47. object AggregateScore extends CIMParseable[AggregateScore] with Serializable
  48. object AggregateScoreSerializer extends CIMSerializer[AggregateScore]
  49. object AggregatedPnode extends CIMParseable[AggregatedPnode] with Serializable
  50. object AggregatedPnodeSerializer extends CIMSerializer[AggregatedPnode]
  51. object Agreement extends CIMParseable[Agreement] with Serializable
  52. object AgreementSerializer extends CIMSerializer[Agreement]
  53. object AirCompressor extends CIMParseable[AirCompressor] with Serializable
  54. object AirCompressorSerializer extends CIMSerializer[AirCompressor]
  55. object AlertTypeList extends CIMParseable[AlertTypeList] with Serializable
  56. object AlertTypeListSerializer extends CIMSerializer[AlertTypeList]
  57. object AllocationResult extends CIMParseable[AllocationResult] with Serializable
  58. object AllocationResultSerializer extends CIMSerializer[AllocationResult]
  59. object AllocationResultValues extends CIMParseable[AllocationResultValues] with Serializable
  60. object AllocationResultValuesSerializer extends CIMSerializer[AllocationResultValues]
  61. object AltGeneratingUnitMeas extends CIMParseable[AltGeneratingUnitMeas] with Serializable
  62. object AltGeneratingUnitMeasSerializer extends CIMSerializer[AltGeneratingUnitMeas]
  63. object AltTieMeas extends CIMParseable[AltTieMeas] with Serializable
  64. object AltTieMeasSerializer extends CIMSerializer[AltTieMeas]
  65. object AlternateModel extends CIMParseable[AlternateModel] with Serializable
  66. object AlternateModelGroup extends CIMParseable[AlternateModelGroup] with Serializable
  67. object AlternateModelGroupSerializer extends CIMSerializer[AlternateModelGroup]
  68. object AlternateModelSerializer extends CIMSerializer[AlternateModel]
  69. object Analog extends CIMParseable[Analog] with Serializable
  70. object AnalogControl extends CIMParseable[AnalogControl] with Serializable
  71. object AnalogControlSerializer extends CIMSerializer[AnalogControl]
  72. object AnalogLimit extends CIMParseable[AnalogLimit] with Serializable
  73. object AnalogLimitSerializer extends CIMSerializer[AnalogLimit]
  74. object AnalogLimitSet extends CIMParseable[AnalogLimitSet] with Serializable
  75. object AnalogLimitSetSerializer extends CIMSerializer[AnalogLimitSet]
  76. object AnalogMeasurementValueQuality extends CIMParseable[AnalogMeasurementValueQuality] with Serializable
  77. object AnalogMeasurementValueQualitySerializer extends CIMSerializer[AnalogMeasurementValueQuality]
  78. object AnalogSerializer extends CIMSerializer[Analog]
  79. object AnalogValue extends CIMParseable[AnalogValue] with Serializable
  80. object AnalogValueSerializer extends CIMSerializer[AnalogValue]
  81. object Analytic extends CIMParseable[Analytic] with Serializable
  82. object AnalyticScore extends CIMParseable[AnalyticScore] with Serializable
  83. object AnalyticScoreSerializer extends CIMSerializer[AnalyticScore]
  84. object AnalyticSerializer extends CIMSerializer[Analytic]
  85. object AncillaryServiceClearing extends CIMParseable[AncillaryServiceClearing] with Serializable
  86. object AncillaryServiceClearingSerializer extends CIMSerializer[AncillaryServiceClearing]
  87. object AnnotatedProjectDependency extends CIMParseable[AnnotatedProjectDependency] with Serializable
  88. object AnnotatedProjectDependencySerializer extends CIMSerializer[AnnotatedProjectDependency]
  89. object ApparentPowerLimit extends CIMParseable[ApparentPowerLimit] with Serializable
  90. object ApparentPowerLimitSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ApparentPowerLimit]
  91. object Appointment extends CIMParseable[Appointment] with Serializable
  92. object AppointmentSerializer extends CIMSerializer[Appointment]
  93. object Approver extends CIMParseable[Approver] with Serializable
  94. object ApproverSerializer extends CIMSerializer[Approver]
  95. object AreaLoadBid extends CIMParseable[AreaLoadBid] with Serializable
  96. object AreaLoadBidSerializer extends CIMSerializer[AreaLoadBid]
  97. object AreaLoadCurve extends CIMParseable[AreaLoadCurve] with Serializable
  98. object AreaLoadCurveSerializer extends CIMSerializer[AreaLoadCurve]
  99. object AreaReserveSpec extends CIMParseable[AreaReserveSpec] with Serializable
  100. object AreaReserveSpecSerializer extends CIMSerializer[AreaReserveSpec]
  101. object AssemblyDescription extends CIMParseable[AssemblyDescription] with Serializable
  102. object AssemblyDescriptionSerializer extends CIMSerializer[AssemblyDescription]
  103. object AssemblyManifest extends CIMParseable[AssemblyManifest] with Serializable
  104. object AssemblyManifestSerializer extends CIMSerializer[AssemblyManifest]
  105. object Asset extends CIMParseable[Asset] with Serializable
  106. object AssetAnalog extends CIMParseable[AssetAnalog] with Serializable
  107. object AssetAnalogSerializer extends CIMSerializer[AssetAnalog]
  108. object AssetContainer extends CIMParseable[AssetContainer] with Serializable
  109. object AssetContainerSerializer extends CIMSerializer[AssetContainer]
  110. object AssetDeployment extends CIMParseable[AssetDeployment] with Serializable
  111. object AssetDeploymentSerializer extends CIMSerializer[AssetDeployment]
  112. object AssetDiscrete extends CIMParseable[AssetDiscrete] with Serializable
  113. object AssetDiscreteSerializer extends CIMSerializer[AssetDiscrete]
  114. object AssetFunction extends CIMParseable[AssetFunction] with Serializable
  115. object AssetFunctionSerializer extends CIMSerializer[AssetFunction]
  116. object AssetGroup extends CIMParseable[AssetGroup] with Serializable
  117. object AssetGroupSerializer extends CIMSerializer[AssetGroup]
  118. object AssetHealthEvent extends CIMParseable[AssetHealthEvent] with Serializable
  119. object AssetHealthEventSerializer extends CIMSerializer[AssetHealthEvent]
  120. object AssetInfo extends CIMParseable[AssetInfo] with Serializable
  121. object AssetInfoSerializer extends CIMSerializer[AssetInfo]
  122. object AssetLocationHazard extends CIMParseable[AssetLocationHazard] with Serializable
  123. object AssetLocationHazardSerializer extends CIMSerializer[AssetLocationHazard]
  124. object AssetModelCatalogue extends CIMParseable[AssetModelCatalogue] with Serializable
  125. object AssetModelCatalogueItem extends CIMParseable[AssetModelCatalogueItem] with Serializable
  126. object AssetModelCatalogueItemSerializer extends CIMSerializer[AssetModelCatalogueItem]
  127. object AssetModelCatalogueSerializer extends CIMSerializer[AssetModelCatalogue]
  128. object AssetOrganisationRole extends CIMParseable[AssetOrganisationRole] with Serializable
  129. object AssetOrganisationRoleSerializer extends CIMSerializer[AssetOrganisationRole]
  130. object AssetOwner extends CIMParseable[AssetOwner] with Serializable
  131. object AssetOwnerSerializer extends CIMSerializer[AssetOwner]
  132. object AssetPropertyCurve extends CIMParseable[AssetPropertyCurve] with Serializable
  133. object AssetPropertyCurveSerializer extends CIMSerializer[AssetPropertyCurve]
  134. object AssetSerializer extends CIMSerializer[Asset]
  135. object AssetStringMeasurement extends CIMParseable[AssetStringMeasurement] with Serializable
  136. object AssetStringMeasurementSerializer extends CIMSerializer[AssetStringMeasurement]
  137. object AssetTemperaturePressureAnalog extends CIMParseable[AssetTemperaturePressureAnalog] with Serializable
  138. object AssetTemperaturePressureAnalogSerializer extends CIMSerializer[AssetTemperaturePressureAnalog]
  139. object AssetTestLab extends CIMParseable[AssetTestLab] with Serializable
  140. object AssetTestLabSerializer extends CIMSerializer[AssetTestLab]
  141. object AssetTestSampleTaker extends CIMParseable[AssetTestSampleTaker] with Serializable
  142. object AssetTestSampleTakerSerializer extends CIMSerializer[AssetTestSampleTaker]
  143. object AssetUser extends CIMParseable[AssetUser] with Serializable
  144. object AssetUserSerializer extends CIMSerializer[AssetUser]
  145. object Assignment extends CIMParseable[Assignment] with Serializable
  146. object AssignmentSerializer extends CIMSerializer[Assignment]
  147. object AsynchronousMachine extends CIMParseable[AsynchronousMachine] with Serializable
  148. object AsynchronousMachineDynamics extends CIMParseable[AsynchronousMachineDynamics] with Serializable
  149. object AsynchronousMachineDynamicsSerializer extends CIMSerializer[AsynchronousMachineDynamics]
  150. object AsynchronousMachineEquivalentCircuit extends CIMParseable[AsynchronousMachineEquivalentCircuit] with Serializable
  151. object AsynchronousMachineEquivalentCircuitSerializer extends CIMSerializer[AsynchronousMachineEquivalentCircuit]
  152. object AsynchronousMachineSerializer extends CIMSerializer[AsynchronousMachine]
  153. object AsynchronousMachineTimeConstantReactance extends CIMParseable[AsynchronousMachineTimeConstantReactance] with Serializable
  154. object AsynchronousMachineTimeConstantReactanceSerializer extends CIMSerializer[AsynchronousMachineTimeConstantReactance]
  155. object AsynchronousMachineUserDefined extends CIMParseable[AsynchronousMachineUserDefined] with Serializable
  156. object AsynchronousMachineUserDefinedSerializer extends CIMSerializer[AsynchronousMachineUserDefined]
  157. object AtmosphericAnalog extends CIMParseable[AtmosphericAnalog] with Serializable
  158. object AtmosphericAnalogSerializer extends CIMSerializer[AtmosphericAnalog]
  159. object AtmosphericPhenomenon extends CIMParseable[AtmosphericPhenomenon] with Serializable
  160. object AtmosphericPhenomenonSerializer extends CIMSerializer[AtmosphericPhenomenon]
  161. object AttributeInstanceComponent extends CIMParseable[AttributeInstanceComponent] with Serializable
  162. object AttributeInstanceComponentSerializer extends CIMSerializer[AttributeInstanceComponent]
  163. object AttributeProperty extends CIMParseable[AttributeProperty] with Serializable
  164. object AttributePropertySerializer extends CIMSerializer[AttributeProperty]
  165. object Auction extends CIMParseable[Auction] with Serializable
  166. object AuctionSerializer extends CIMSerializer[Auction]
  167. object Author extends CIMParseable[Author] with Serializable
  168. object AuthorSerializer extends CIMSerializer[Author]
  169. object AuxiliaryAccount extends CIMParseable[AuxiliaryAccount] with Serializable
  170. object AuxiliaryAccountSerializer extends CIMSerializer[AuxiliaryAccount]
  171. object AuxiliaryAgreement extends CIMParseable[AuxiliaryAgreement] with Serializable
  172. object AuxiliaryAgreementSerializer extends CIMSerializer[AuxiliaryAgreement]
  173. object AuxiliaryCost extends CIMParseable[AuxiliaryCost] with Serializable
  174. object AuxiliaryCostSerializer extends CIMSerializer[AuxiliaryCost]
  175. object AuxiliaryEquipment extends CIMParseable[AuxiliaryEquipment] with Serializable
  176. object AuxiliaryEquipmentSerializer extends CIMSerializer[AuxiliaryEquipment]
  177. object AuxiliaryObject extends CIMParseable[AuxiliaryObject] with Serializable
  178. object AuxiliaryObjectSerializer extends CIMSerializer[AuxiliaryObject]
  179. object AuxiliaryValues extends CIMParseable[AuxiliaryValues] with Serializable
  180. object AuxiliaryValuesSerializer extends CIMSerializer[AuxiliaryValues]
  181. object AvailablityPlan extends CIMParseable[AvailablityPlan] with Serializable
  182. object AvailablityPlanSerializer extends CIMSerializer[AvailablityPlan]
  183. object BWRSteamSupply extends CIMParseable[BWRSteamSupply] with Serializable
  184. object BWRSteamSupplySerializer extends CIMSerializer[BWRSteamSupply]
  185. object Bank extends CIMParseable[Bank] with Serializable
  186. object BankAccount extends CIMParseable[BankAccount] with Serializable
  187. object BankAccountDetail extends CIMParseable[BankAccountDetail] with Serializable
  188. object BankAccountDetailSerializer extends CIMSerializer[BankAccountDetail]
  189. object BankAccountSerializer extends CIMSerializer[BankAccount]
  190. object BankSerializer extends CIMSerializer[Bank]
  191. object BaseCaseConstraintLimit extends CIMParseable[BaseCaseConstraintLimit] with Serializable
  192. object BaseCaseConstraintLimitSerializer extends CIMSerializer[BaseCaseConstraintLimit]
  193. object BaseFrequency extends CIMParseable[BaseFrequency] with Serializable
  194. object BaseFrequencySerializer extends CIMSerializer[BaseFrequency]
  195. object BasePower extends CIMParseable[BasePower] with Serializable
  196. object BasePowerSerializer extends CIMSerializer[BasePower]
  197. object BaseReading extends CIMParseable[BaseReading] with Serializable
  198. object BaseReadingSerializer extends CIMSerializer[BaseReading]
  199. object BaseVoltage extends CIMParseable[BaseVoltage] with Serializable
  200. object BaseVoltageSerializer extends CIMSerializer[BaseVoltage]
  201. object BaseWork extends CIMParseable[BaseWork] with Serializable
  202. object BaseWorkSerializer extends CIMSerializer[BaseWork]
  203. object BasicElement extends CIMParser with Serializable
  204. object BasicElementSerializer extends CIMSerializer[BasicElement]
  205. object BasicIntervalSchedule extends CIMParseable[BasicIntervalSchedule] with Serializable
  206. object BasicIntervalScheduleSerializer extends CIMSerializer[BasicIntervalSchedule]
  207. object BatteryUnit extends CIMParseable[BatteryUnit] with Serializable
  208. object BatteryUnitSerializer extends CIMSerializer[BatteryUnit]
  209. object Bay extends CIMParseable[Bay] with Serializable
  210. object BaySerializer extends CIMSerializer[Bay]
  211. object Bid extends CIMParseable[Bid] with Serializable
  212. object BidDistributionFactor extends CIMParseable[BidDistributionFactor] with Serializable
  213. object BidDistributionFactorSerializer extends CIMSerializer[BidDistributionFactor]
  214. object BidError extends CIMParseable[BidError] with Serializable
  215. object BidErrorSerializer extends CIMSerializer[BidError]
  216. object BidHourlyProductSchedule extends CIMParseable[BidHourlyProductSchedule] with Serializable
  217. object BidHourlyProductScheduleSerializer extends CIMSerializer[BidHourlyProductSchedule]
  218. object BidHourlySchedule extends CIMParseable[BidHourlySchedule] with Serializable
  219. object BidHourlyScheduleSerializer extends CIMSerializer[BidHourlySchedule]
  220. object BidPriceCap extends CIMParseable[BidPriceCap] with Serializable
  221. object BidPriceCapSerializer extends CIMSerializer[BidPriceCap]
  222. object BidPriceCurve extends CIMParseable[BidPriceCurve] with Serializable
  223. object BidPriceCurveSerializer extends CIMSerializer[BidPriceCurve]
  224. object BidPriceSchedule extends CIMParseable[BidPriceSchedule] with Serializable
  225. object BidPriceScheduleSerializer extends CIMSerializer[BidPriceSchedule]
  226. object BidSelfSched extends CIMParseable[BidSelfSched] with Serializable
  227. object BidSelfSchedSerializer extends CIMSerializer[BidSelfSched]
  228. object BidSerializer extends CIMSerializer[Bid]
  229. object BidSet extends CIMParseable[BidSet] with Serializable
  230. object BidSetSerializer extends CIMSerializer[BidSet]
  231. object BidTimeSeries extends CIMParseable[BidTimeSeries] with Serializable
  232. object BidTimeSeriesSerializer extends CIMSerializer[BidTimeSeries]
  233. object BilateralExchangeActor extends CIMParseable[BilateralExchangeActor] with Serializable
  234. object BilateralExchangeActorSerializer extends CIMSerializer[BilateralExchangeActor]
  235. object BilateralExchangeAgreement extends CIMParseable[BilateralExchangeAgreement] with Serializable
  236. object BilateralExchangeAgreementSerializer extends CIMSerializer[BilateralExchangeAgreement]
  237. object BilateralTransaction extends CIMParseable[BilateralTransaction] with Serializable
  238. object BilateralTransactionSerializer extends CIMSerializer[BilateralTransaction]
  239. object BillDeterminant extends CIMParseable[BillDeterminant] with Serializable
  240. object BillDeterminantSerializer extends CIMSerializer[BillDeterminant]
  241. object BlockDispatchComponent extends CIMParseable[BlockDispatchComponent] with Serializable
  242. object BlockDispatchComponentSerializer extends CIMSerializer[BlockDispatchComponent]
  243. object BlockDispatchInstruction extends CIMParseable[BlockDispatchInstruction] with Serializable
  244. object BlockDispatchInstructionSerializer extends CIMSerializer[BlockDispatchInstruction]
  245. object BlockDispatchOrder extends CIMParseable[BlockDispatchOrder] with Serializable
  246. object BlockDispatchOrderSerializer extends CIMSerializer[BlockDispatchOrder]
  247. object BlockingFunction extends CIMParseable[BlockingFunction] with Serializable
  248. object BlockingFunctionSerializer extends CIMSerializer[BlockingFunction]
  249. object BranchEndFlow extends CIMParseable[BranchEndFlow] with Serializable
  250. object BranchEndFlowSerializer extends CIMSerializer[BranchEndFlow]
  251. object BranchGroup extends CIMParseable[BranchGroup] with Serializable
  252. object BranchGroupSerializer extends CIMSerializer[BranchGroup]
  253. object BranchGroupTerminal extends CIMParseable[BranchGroupTerminal] with Serializable
  254. object BranchGroupTerminalSerializer extends CIMSerializer[BranchGroupTerminal]
  255. object Breaker extends CIMParseable[Breaker] with Serializable
  256. object BreakerInfo extends CIMParseable[BreakerInfo] with Serializable
  257. object BreakerInfoSerializer extends CIMSerializer[BreakerInfo]
  258. object BreakerSerializer extends CIMSerializer[Breaker]
  259. object BusNameMarker extends CIMParseable[BusNameMarker] with Serializable
  260. object BusNameMarkerSerializer extends CIMSerializer[BusNameMarker]
  261. object BusbarSection extends CIMParseable[BusbarSection] with Serializable
  262. object BusbarSectionInfo extends CIMParseable[BusbarSectionInfo] with Serializable
  263. object BusbarSectionInfoSerializer extends CIMSerializer[BusbarSectionInfo]
  264. object BusbarSectionSerializer extends CIMSerializer[BusbarSection]
  265. object Bushing extends CIMParseable[Bushing] with Serializable
  266. object BushingInfo extends CIMParseable[BushingInfo] with Serializable
  267. object BushingInfoSerializer extends CIMSerializer[BushingInfo]
  268. object BushingInsulationPF extends CIMParseable[BushingInsulationPF] with Serializable
  269. object BushingInsulationPFSerializer extends CIMSerializer[BushingInsulationPF]
  270. object BushingSerializer extends CIMSerializer[Bushing]
  271. object BusinessCase extends CIMParseable[BusinessCase] with Serializable
  272. object BusinessCaseSerializer extends CIMSerializer[BusinessCase]
  273. object BusinessPlan extends CIMParseable[BusinessPlan] with Serializable
  274. object BusinessPlanSerializer extends CIMSerializer[BusinessPlan]
  275. object BusinessRole extends CIMParseable[BusinessRole] with Serializable
  276. object BusinessRoleSerializer extends CIMSerializer[BusinessRole]
  277. object CAESPlant extends CIMParseable[CAESPlant] with Serializable
  278. object CAESPlantSerializer extends CIMSerializer[CAESPlant]
  279. object CCAinverter extends CIMParseable[CCAinverter] with Serializable
  280. object CCAinverterSerializer extends CIMSerializer[CCAinverter]
  281. object CCArectifierControl extends CIMParseable[CCArectifierControl] with Serializable
  282. object CCArectifierControlSerializer extends CIMSerializer[CCArectifierControl]
  283. object CIGREStandard extends CIMParseable[CIGREStandard] with Serializable
  284. object CIGREStandardSerializer extends CIMSerializer[CIGREStandard]
  285. object CRRMarket extends CIMParseable[CRRMarket] with Serializable
  286. object CRRMarketSerializer extends CIMSerializer[CRRMarket]
  287. object CRROrgRole extends CIMParseable[CRROrgRole] with Serializable
  288. object CRROrgRoleSerializer extends CIMSerializer[CRROrgRole]
  289. object CRRSegment extends CIMParseable[CRRSegment] with Serializable
  290. object CRRSegmentSerializer extends CIMSerializer[CRRSegment]
  291. object CSCDynamics extends CIMParseable[CSCDynamics] with Serializable
  292. object CSCDynamicsSerializer extends CIMSerializer[CSCDynamics]
  293. object CSCUserDefined extends CIMParseable[CSCUserDefined] with Serializable
  294. object CSCUserDefinedSerializer extends CIMSerializer[CSCUserDefined]
  295. object CSCtype1 extends CIMParseable[CSCtype1] with Serializable
  296. object CSCtype1Serializer extends CIMSerializer[CSCtype1]
  297. object CTTempActivePowerCurve extends CIMParseable[CTTempActivePowerCurve] with Serializable
  298. object CTTempActivePowerCurveSerializer extends CIMSerializer[CTTempActivePowerCurve]
  299. object CUAllowableAction extends CIMParseable[CUAllowableAction] with Serializable
  300. object CUAllowableActionSerializer extends CIMSerializer[CUAllowableAction]
  301. object CUContractorItem extends CIMParseable[CUContractorItem] with Serializable
  302. object CUContractorItemSerializer extends CIMSerializer[CUContractorItem]
  303. object CUGroup extends CIMParseable[CUGroup] with Serializable
  304. object CUGroupSerializer extends CIMSerializer[CUGroup]
  305. object CULaborCode extends CIMParseable[CULaborCode] with Serializable
  306. object CULaborCodeSerializer extends CIMSerializer[CULaborCode]
  307. object CULaborItem extends CIMParseable[CULaborItem] with Serializable
  308. object CULaborItemSerializer extends CIMSerializer[CULaborItem]
  309. object CUMaterialItem extends CIMParseable[CUMaterialItem] with Serializable
  310. object CUMaterialItemSerializer extends CIMSerializer[CUMaterialItem]
  311. object CUWorkEquipmentItem extends CIMParseable[CUWorkEquipmentItem] with Serializable
  312. object CUWorkEquipmentItemSerializer extends CIMSerializer[CUWorkEquipmentItem]
  313. object Cabinet extends CIMParseable[Cabinet] with Serializable
  314. object CabinetSerializer extends CIMSerializer[Cabinet]
  315. object CableInfo extends CIMParseable[CableInfo] with Serializable
  316. object CableInfoSerializer extends CIMSerializer[CableInfo]
  317. object CalculationMethodHierarchy extends CIMParseable[CalculationMethodHierarchy] with Serializable
  318. object CalculationMethodHierarchySerializer extends CIMSerializer[CalculationMethodHierarchy]
  319. object CalculationMethodOrder extends CIMParseable[CalculationMethodOrder] with Serializable
  320. object CalculationMethodOrderSerializer extends CIMSerializer[CalculationMethodOrder]
  321. object Capability extends CIMParseable[Capability] with Serializable
  322. object CapabilitySerializer extends CIMSerializer[Capability]
  323. object Card extends CIMParseable[Card] with Serializable
  324. object CardSerializer extends CIMSerializer[Card]
  325. object Cashier extends CIMParseable[Cashier] with Serializable
  326. object CashierSerializer extends CIMSerializer[Cashier]
  327. object CashierShift extends CIMParseable[CashierShift] with Serializable
  328. object CashierShiftSerializer extends CIMSerializer[CashierShift]
  329. object CatalogAssetType extends CIMParseable[CatalogAssetType] with Serializable
  330. object CatalogAssetTypeSerializer extends CIMSerializer[CatalogAssetType]
  331. object ChangeSet extends CIMParseable[ChangeSet] with Serializable
  332. object ChangeSetMember extends CIMParseable[ChangeSetMember] with Serializable
  333. object ChangeSetMemberSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ChangeSetMember]
  334. object ChangeSetSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ChangeSet]
  335. object Channel extends CIMParseable[Channel] with Serializable
  336. object ChannelSerializer extends CIMSerializer[Channel]
  337. object Charge extends CIMParseable[Charge] with Serializable
  338. object ChargeComponent extends CIMParseable[ChargeComponent] with Serializable
  339. object ChargeComponentSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ChargeComponent]
  340. object ChargeGroup extends CIMParseable[ChargeGroup] with Serializable
  341. object ChargeGroupSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ChargeGroup]
  342. object ChargeProfile extends CIMParseable[ChargeProfile] with Serializable
  343. object ChargeProfileData extends CIMParseable[ChargeProfileData] with Serializable
  344. object ChargeProfileDataSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ChargeProfileData]
  345. object ChargeProfileSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ChargeProfile]
  346. object ChargeSerializer extends CIMSerializer[Charge]
  347. object ChargeType extends CIMParseable[ChargeType] with Serializable
  348. object ChargeTypeSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ChargeType]
  349. object Cheque extends CIMParseable[Cheque] with Serializable
  350. object ChequeSerializer extends CIMSerializer[Cheque]
  351. object Circuit extends CIMParseable[Circuit] with Serializable
  352. object CircuitSerializer extends CIMSerializer[Circuit]
  353. object Clamp extends CIMParseable[Clamp] with Serializable
  354. object ClampAction extends CIMParseable[ClampAction] with Serializable
  355. object ClampActionSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ClampAction]
  356. object ClampSerializer extends CIMSerializer[Clamp]
  357. object ClassificationCondition extends CIMParseable[ClassificationCondition] with Serializable
  358. object ClassificationConditionSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ClassificationCondition]
  359. object ClearanceAction extends CIMParseable[ClearanceAction] with Serializable
  360. object ClearanceActionSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ClearanceAction]
  361. object ClearanceDocument extends CIMParseable[ClearanceDocument] with Serializable
  362. object ClearanceDocumentSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ClearanceDocument]
  363. object CloudCondition extends CIMParseable[CloudCondition] with Serializable
  364. object CloudConditionSerializer extends CIMSerializer[CloudCondition]
  365. object CnodeDistributionFactor extends CIMParseable[CnodeDistributionFactor] with Serializable
  366. object CnodeDistributionFactorSerializer extends CIMSerializer[CnodeDistributionFactor]
  367. object CogenerationPlant extends CIMParseable[CogenerationPlant] with Serializable
  368. object CogenerationPlantSerializer extends CIMSerializer[CogenerationPlant]
  369. object ComFunction extends CIMParseable[ComFunction] with Serializable
  370. object ComFunctionSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ComFunction]
  371. object ComMedia extends CIMParseable[ComMedia] with Serializable
  372. object ComMediaSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ComMedia]
  373. object ComModule extends CIMParseable[ComModule] with Serializable
  374. object ComModuleSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ComModule]
  375. object CombinedCycleConfiguration extends CIMParseable[CombinedCycleConfiguration] with Serializable
  376. object CombinedCycleConfigurationMember extends CIMParseable[CombinedCycleConfigurationMember] with Serializable
  377. object CombinedCycleConfigurationMemberSerializer extends CIMSerializer[CombinedCycleConfigurationMember]
  378. object CombinedCycleConfigurationSerializer extends CIMSerializer[CombinedCycleConfiguration]
  379. object CombinedCycleLogicalConfiguration extends CIMParseable[CombinedCycleLogicalConfiguration] with Serializable
  380. object CombinedCycleLogicalConfigurationSerializer extends CIMSerializer[CombinedCycleLogicalConfiguration]
  381. object CombinedCyclePlant extends CIMParseable[CombinedCyclePlant] with Serializable
  382. object CombinedCyclePlantSerializer extends CIMSerializer[CombinedCyclePlant]
  383. object CombinedCycleTransitionState extends CIMParseable[CombinedCycleTransitionState] with Serializable
  384. object CombinedCycleTransitionStateSerializer extends CIMSerializer[CombinedCycleTransitionState]
  385. object CombustionTurbine extends CIMParseable[CombustionTurbine] with Serializable
  386. object CombustionTurbineSerializer extends CIMSerializer[CombustionTurbine]
  387. object Command extends CIMParseable[Command] with Serializable
  388. object CommandSerializer extends CIMSerializer[Command]
  389. object CommitmentClearing extends CIMParseable[CommitmentClearing] with Serializable
  390. object CommitmentClearingSerializer extends CIMSerializer[CommitmentClearing]
  391. object Commitments extends CIMParseable[Commitments] with Serializable
  392. object CommitmentsSerializer extends CIMSerializer[Commitments]
  393. object CommodityDefinition extends CIMParseable[CommodityDefinition] with Serializable
  394. object CommodityDefinitionSerializer extends CIMSerializer[CommodityDefinition]
  395. object CommodityPrice extends CIMParseable[CommodityPrice] with Serializable
  396. object CommodityPriceSerializer extends CIMSerializer[CommodityPrice]
  397. object CommunicationLink extends CIMParseable[CommunicationLink] with Serializable
  398. object CommunicationLinkSerializer extends CIMSerializer[CommunicationLink]
  399. object CompatibleUnit extends CIMParseable[CompatibleUnit] with Serializable
  400. object CompatibleUnitSerializer extends CIMSerializer[CompatibleUnit]
  401. object CompleteModelToBeDeleted extends CIMParseable[CompleteModelToBeDeleted] with Serializable
  402. object CompleteModelToBeDeletedSerializer extends CIMSerializer[CompleteModelToBeDeleted]
  403. object ComplianceEvent extends CIMParseable[ComplianceEvent] with Serializable
  404. object ComplianceEventSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ComplianceEvent]
  405. object CompositeSwitch extends CIMParseable[CompositeSwitch] with Serializable
  406. object CompositeSwitchInfo extends CIMParseable[CompositeSwitchInfo] with Serializable
  407. object CompositeSwitchInfoSerializer extends CIMSerializer[CompositeSwitchInfo]
  408. object CompositeSwitchSerializer extends CIMSerializer[CompositeSwitch]
  409. object ConcentricNeutralCableInfo extends CIMParseable[ConcentricNeutralCableInfo] with Serializable
  410. object ConcentricNeutralCableInfoSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ConcentricNeutralCableInfo]
  411. object ConditionFactor extends CIMParseable[ConditionFactor] with Serializable
  412. object ConditionFactorSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ConditionFactor]
  413. object ConductingEquipment extends CIMParseable[ConductingEquipment] with Serializable
  414. object ConductingEquipmentSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ConductingEquipment]
  415. object Conductor extends CIMParseable[Conductor] with Serializable
  416. object ConductorSerializer extends CIMSerializer[Conductor]
  417. object ConfigurationEvent extends CIMParseable[ConfigurationEvent] with Serializable
  418. object ConfigurationEventSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ConfigurationEvent]
  419. object ConformLoad extends CIMParseable[ConformLoad] with Serializable
  420. object ConformLoadGroup extends CIMParseable[ConformLoadGroup] with Serializable
  421. object ConformLoadGroupSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ConformLoadGroup]
  422. object ConformLoadSchedule extends CIMParseable[ConformLoadSchedule] with Serializable
  423. object ConformLoadScheduleSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ConformLoadSchedule]
  424. object ConformLoadSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ConformLoad]
  425. object CongestionArea extends CIMParseable[CongestionArea] with Serializable
  426. object CongestionAreaSerializer extends CIMSerializer[CongestionArea]
  427. object CongestionRevenueRight extends CIMParseable[CongestionRevenueRight] with Serializable
  428. object CongestionRevenueRightSerializer extends CIMSerializer[CongestionRevenueRight]
  429. object ConnectDisconnectFunction extends CIMParseable[ConnectDisconnectFunction] with Serializable
  430. object ConnectDisconnectFunctionSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ConnectDisconnectFunction]
  431. object ConnectivityNode extends CIMParseable[ConnectivityNode] with Serializable
  432. object ConnectivityNodeContainer extends CIMParseable[ConnectivityNodeContainer] with Serializable
  433. object ConnectivityNodeContainerSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ConnectivityNodeContainer]
  434. object ConnectivityNodeSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ConnectivityNode]
  435. object Connector extends CIMParseable[Connector] with Serializable
  436. object ConnectorSerializer extends CIMSerializer[Connector]
  437. object ConstraintClearing extends CIMParseable[ConstraintClearing] with Serializable
  438. object ConstraintClearingSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ConstraintClearing]
  439. object ConstraintDuration extends CIMParseable[ConstraintDuration] with Serializable
  440. object ConstraintDurationSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ConstraintDuration]
  441. object ConstraintResults extends CIMParseable[ConstraintResults] with Serializable
  442. object ConstraintResultsSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ConstraintResults]
  443. object ConstraintTerm extends CIMParseable[ConstraintTerm] with Serializable
  444. object ConstraintTermSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ConstraintTerm]
  445. object ConsumptionTariffInterval extends CIMParseable[ConsumptionTariffInterval] with Serializable
  446. object ConsumptionTariffIntervalSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ConsumptionTariffInterval]
  447. object Contingency extends CIMParseable[Contingency] with Serializable
  448. object ContingencyConstraintLimit extends CIMParseable[ContingencyConstraintLimit] with Serializable
  449. object ContingencyConstraintLimitSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ContingencyConstraintLimit]
  450. object ContingencyElement extends CIMParseable[ContingencyElement] with Serializable
  451. object ContingencyElementSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ContingencyElement]
  452. object ContingencyEquipment extends CIMParseable[ContingencyEquipment] with Serializable
  453. object ContingencyEquipmentSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ContingencyEquipment]
  454. object ContingencySerializer extends CIMSerializer[Contingency]
  455. object ContractDistributionFactor extends CIMParseable[ContractDistributionFactor] with Serializable
  456. object ContractDistributionFactorSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ContractDistributionFactor]
  457. object ContractRight extends CIMParseable[ContractRight] with Serializable
  458. object ContractRightSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ContractRight]
  459. object ContractorItem extends CIMParseable[ContractorItem] with Serializable
  460. object ContractorItemSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ContractorItem]
  461. object Control extends CIMParseable[Control] with Serializable
  462. object ControlAction extends CIMParseable[ControlAction] with Serializable
  463. object ControlActionSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ControlAction]
  464. object ControlArea extends CIMParseable[ControlArea] with Serializable
  465. object ControlAreaDesignation extends CIMParseable[ControlAreaDesignation] with Serializable
  466. object ControlAreaDesignationSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ControlAreaDesignation]
  467. object ControlAreaGeneratingUnit extends CIMParseable[ControlAreaGeneratingUnit] with Serializable
  468. object ControlAreaGeneratingUnitSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ControlAreaGeneratingUnit]
  469. object ControlAreaOperator extends CIMParseable[ControlAreaOperator] with Serializable
  470. object ControlAreaOperatorSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ControlAreaOperator]
  471. object ControlAreaSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ControlArea]
  472. object ControlAreaSolutionData extends CIMParseable[ControlAreaSolutionData] with Serializable
  473. object ControlAreaSolutionDataSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ControlAreaSolutionData]
  474. object ControlSerializer extends CIMSerializer[Control]
  475. object ControlledAppliance extends CIMParseable[ControlledAppliance] with Serializable
  476. object ControlledApplianceSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ControlledAppliance]
  477. object CoolingPowerRating extends CIMParseable[CoolingPowerRating] with Serializable
  478. object CoolingPowerRatingSerializer extends CIMSerializer[CoolingPowerRating]
  479. object CoordinateSystem extends CIMParseable[CoordinateSystem] with Serializable
  480. object CoordinateSystemSerializer extends CIMSerializer[CoordinateSystem]
  481. object CostType extends CIMParseable[CostType] with Serializable
  482. object CostTypeSerializer extends CIMSerializer[CostType]
  483. object Craft extends CIMParseable[Craft] with Serializable
  484. object CraftSerializer extends CIMSerializer[Craft]
  485. object Crew extends CIMParseable[Crew] with Serializable
  486. object CrewMember extends CIMParseable[CrewMember] with Serializable
  487. object CrewMemberSerializer extends CIMSerializer[CrewMember]
  488. object CrewSerializer extends CIMSerializer[Crew]
  489. object CrewType extends CIMParseable[CrewType] with Serializable
  490. object CrewTypeSerializer extends CIMSerializer[CrewType]
  491. object CrossCompoundTurbineGovernorDynamics extends CIMParseable[CrossCompoundTurbineGovernorDynamics] with Serializable
  492. object CrossCompoundTurbineGovernorDynamicsSerializer extends CIMSerializer[CrossCompoundTurbineGovernorDynamics]
  493. object CsConverter extends CIMParseable[CsConverter] with Serializable
  494. object CsConverterSerializer extends CIMSerializer[CsConverter]
  495. object CurrentEmergencyScheduledInterchange extends CIMParseable[CurrentEmergencyScheduledInterchange] with Serializable
  496. object CurrentEmergencyScheduledInterchangeSerializer extends CIMSerializer[CurrentEmergencyScheduledInterchange]
  497. object CurrentLimit extends CIMParseable[CurrentLimit] with Serializable
  498. object CurrentLimitSerializer extends CIMSerializer[CurrentLimit]
  499. object CurrentRelay extends CIMParseable[CurrentRelay] with Serializable
  500. object CurrentRelaySerializer extends CIMSerializer[CurrentRelay]
  501. object CurrentScheduledInterchange extends CIMParseable[CurrentScheduledInterchange] with Serializable
  502. object CurrentScheduledInterchangeSerializer extends CIMSerializer[CurrentScheduledInterchange]
  503. object CurrentState extends CIMParseable[CurrentState] with Serializable
  504. object CurrentStateSerializer extends CIMSerializer[CurrentState]
  505. object CurrentTransformer extends CIMParseable[CurrentTransformer] with Serializable
  506. object CurrentTransformerInfo extends CIMParseable[CurrentTransformerInfo] with Serializable
  507. object CurrentTransformerInfoSerializer extends CIMSerializer[CurrentTransformerInfo]
  508. object CurrentTransformerSerializer extends CIMSerializer[CurrentTransformer]
  509. object CurtailmentProfile extends CIMParseable[CurtailmentProfile] with Serializable
  510. object CurtailmentProfileSerializer extends CIMSerializer[CurtailmentProfile]
  511. object Curve extends CIMParseable[Curve] with Serializable
  512. object CurveData extends CIMParseable[CurveData] with Serializable
  513. object CurveDataSerializer extends CIMSerializer[CurveData]
  514. object CurveSerializer extends CIMSerializer[Curve]
  515. object Customer extends CIMParseable[Customer] with Serializable
  516. object CustomerAccount extends CIMParseable[CustomerAccount] with Serializable
  517. object CustomerAccountSerializer extends CIMSerializer[CustomerAccount]
  518. object CustomerAgreement extends CIMParseable[CustomerAgreement] with Serializable
  519. object CustomerAgreementSerializer extends CIMSerializer[CustomerAgreement]
  520. object CustomerBillingInfo extends CIMParseable[CustomerBillingInfo] with Serializable
  521. object CustomerBillingInfoSerializer extends CIMSerializer[CustomerBillingInfo]
  522. object CustomerConsumer extends CIMParseable[CustomerConsumer] with Serializable
  523. object CustomerConsumerSerializer extends CIMSerializer[CustomerConsumer]
  524. object CustomerNotification extends CIMParseable[CustomerNotification] with Serializable
  525. object CustomerNotificationSerializer extends CIMSerializer[CustomerNotification]
  526. object CustomerSerializer extends CIMSerializer[Customer]
  527. object Cut extends CIMParseable[Cut] with Serializable
  528. object CutAction extends CIMParseable[CutAction] with Serializable
  529. object CutActionSerializer extends CIMSerializer[CutAction]
  530. object CutSerializer extends CIMSerializer[Cut]
  531. object Cyclone extends CIMParseable[Cyclone] with Serializable
  532. object CycloneSerializer extends CIMSerializer[Cyclone]
  533. object DCBaseTerminal extends CIMParseable[DCBaseTerminal] with Serializable
  534. object DCBaseTerminalSerializer extends CIMSerializer[DCBaseTerminal]
  535. object DCBreaker extends CIMParseable[DCBreaker] with Serializable
  536. object DCBreakerSerializer extends CIMSerializer[DCBreaker]
  537. object DCBusbar extends CIMParseable[DCBusbar] with Serializable
  538. object DCBusbarSerializer extends CIMSerializer[DCBusbar]
  539. object DCChopper extends CIMParseable[DCChopper] with Serializable
  540. object DCChopperSerializer extends CIMSerializer[DCChopper]
  541. object DCConductingEquipment extends CIMParseable[DCConductingEquipment] with Serializable
  542. object DCConductingEquipmentSerializer extends CIMSerializer[DCConductingEquipment]
  543. object DCConverterUnit extends CIMParseable[DCConverterUnit] with Serializable
  544. object DCConverterUnitSerializer extends CIMSerializer[DCConverterUnit]
  545. object DCDisconnector extends CIMParseable[DCDisconnector] with Serializable
  546. object DCDisconnectorSerializer extends CIMSerializer[DCDisconnector]
  547. object DCEquipmentContainer extends CIMParseable[DCEquipmentContainer] with Serializable
  548. object DCEquipmentContainerSerializer extends CIMSerializer[DCEquipmentContainer]
  549. object DCGround extends CIMParseable[DCGround] with Serializable
  550. object DCGroundSerializer extends CIMSerializer[DCGround]
  551. object DCLine extends CIMParseable[DCLine] with Serializable
  552. object DCLineSegment extends CIMParseable[DCLineSegment] with Serializable
  553. object DCLineSegmentSerializer extends CIMSerializer[DCLineSegment]
  554. object DCLineSerializer extends CIMSerializer[DCLine]
  555. object DCNode extends CIMParseable[DCNode] with Serializable
  556. object DCNodeSerializer extends CIMSerializer[DCNode]
  557. object DCSeriesDevice extends CIMParseable[DCSeriesDevice] with Serializable
  558. object DCSeriesDeviceSerializer extends CIMSerializer[DCSeriesDevice]
  559. object DCShunt extends CIMParseable[DCShunt] with Serializable
  560. object DCShuntSerializer extends CIMSerializer[DCShunt]
  561. object DCSwitch extends CIMParseable[DCSwitch] with Serializable
  562. object DCSwitchSerializer extends CIMSerializer[DCSwitch]
  563. object DCTerminal extends CIMParseable[DCTerminal] with Serializable
  564. object DCTerminalSerializer extends CIMSerializer[DCTerminal]
  565. object DCTopologicalIsland extends CIMParseable[DCTopologicalIsland] with Serializable
  566. object DCTopologicalIslandSerializer extends CIMSerializer[DCTopologicalIsland]
  567. object DCTopologicalNode extends CIMParseable[DCTopologicalNode] with Serializable
  568. object DCTopologicalNodeSerializer extends CIMSerializer[DCTopologicalNode]
  569. object DCvoltageControl extends CIMParseable[DCvoltageControl] with Serializable
  570. object DCvoltageControlSerializer extends CIMSerializer[DCvoltageControl]
  571. object DERCurveData extends CIMParseable[DERCurveData] with Serializable
  572. object DERCurveDataSerializer extends CIMSerializer[DERCurveData]
  573. object DERFunction extends CIMParseable[DERFunction] with Serializable
  574. object DERFunctionSerializer extends CIMSerializer[DERFunction]
  575. object DERGroupDispatch extends CIMParseable[DERGroupDispatch] with Serializable
  576. object DERGroupDispatchSerializer extends CIMSerializer[DERGroupDispatch]
  577. object DERGroupForecast extends CIMParseable[DERGroupForecast] with Serializable
  578. object DERGroupForecastSerializer extends CIMSerializer[DERGroupForecast]
  579. object DERMonitorableParameter extends CIMParseable[DERMonitorableParameter] with Serializable
  580. object DERMonitorableParameterSerializer extends CIMSerializer[DERMonitorableParameter]
  581. object DINStandard extends CIMParseable[DINStandard] with Serializable
  582. object DINStandardSerializer extends CIMSerializer[DINStandard]
  583. object DataSet extends CIMParseable[DataSet] with Serializable
  584. object DataSetSerializer extends CIMSerializer[DataSet]
  585. object DatasetArg extends CIMParseable[DatasetArg] with Serializable
  586. object DatasetArgDescription extends CIMParseable[DatasetArgDescription] with Serializable
  587. object DatasetArgDescriptionSerializer extends CIMSerializer[DatasetArgDescription]
  588. object DatasetArgSerializer extends CIMSerializer[DatasetArg]
  589. object DateAndOrTime extends CIMParseable[DateAndOrTime] with Serializable
  590. object DateAndOrTimeSerializer extends CIMSerializer[DateAndOrTime]
  591. object DateInterval extends CIMParseable[DateInterval] with Serializable
  592. object DateIntervalSerializer extends CIMSerializer[DateInterval]
  593. object DateTimeInterval extends CIMParseable[DateTimeInterval] with Serializable
  594. object DateTimeIntervalSerializer extends CIMSerializer[DateTimeInterval]
  595. object DayType extends CIMParseable[DayType] with Serializable
  596. object DayTypeSerializer extends CIMSerializer[DayType]
  597. object DecimalQuantity extends CIMParseable[DecimalQuantity] with Serializable
  598. object DecimalQuantitySerializer extends CIMSerializer[DecimalQuantity]
  599. object DefaultBid extends CIMParseable[DefaultBid] with Serializable
  600. object DefaultBidCurve extends CIMParseable[DefaultBidCurve] with Serializable
  601. object DefaultBidCurveData extends CIMParseable[DefaultBidCurveData] with Serializable
  602. object DefaultBidCurveDataSerializer extends CIMSerializer[DefaultBidCurveData]
  603. object DefaultBidCurveSerializer extends CIMSerializer[DefaultBidCurve]
  604. object DefaultBidSerializer extends CIMSerializer[DefaultBid]
  605. object DefaultConstraintLimit extends CIMParseable[DefaultConstraintLimit] with Serializable
  606. object DefaultConstraintLimitSerializer extends CIMSerializer[DefaultConstraintLimit]
  607. object Delay extends CIMParseable[Delay] with Serializable
  608. object DelaySerializer extends CIMSerializer[Delay]
  609. object DemandResponseProgram extends CIMParseable[DemandResponseProgram] with Serializable
  610. object DemandResponseProgramSerializer extends CIMSerializer[DemandResponseProgram]
  611. object DeploymentDate extends CIMParseable[DeploymentDate] with Serializable
  612. object DeploymentDateSerializer extends CIMSerializer[DeploymentDate]
  613. object Design extends CIMParseable[Design] with Serializable
  614. object DesignLocation extends CIMParseable[DesignLocation] with Serializable
  615. object DesignLocationCU extends CIMParseable[DesignLocationCU] with Serializable
  616. object DesignLocationCUSerializer extends CIMSerializer[DesignLocationCU]
  617. object DesignLocationSerializer extends CIMSerializer[DesignLocation]
  618. object DesignSerializer extends CIMSerializer[Design]
  619. object DiagnosisDataSet extends CIMParseable[DiagnosisDataSet] with Serializable
  620. object DiagnosisDataSetSerializer extends CIMSerializer[DiagnosisDataSet]
  621. object Diagram extends CIMParseable[Diagram] with Serializable
  622. object DiagramObject extends CIMParseable[DiagramObject] with Serializable
  623. object DiagramObjectGluePoint extends CIMParseable[DiagramObjectGluePoint] with Serializable
  624. object DiagramObjectGluePointSerializer extends CIMSerializer[DiagramObjectGluePoint]
  625. object DiagramObjectPoint extends CIMParseable[DiagramObjectPoint] with Serializable
  626. object DiagramObjectPointSerializer extends CIMSerializer[DiagramObjectPoint]
  627. object DiagramObjectSerializer extends CIMSerializer[DiagramObject]
  628. object DiagramObjectStyle extends CIMParseable[DiagramObjectStyle] with Serializable
  629. object DiagramObjectStyleSerializer extends CIMSerializer[DiagramObjectStyle]
  630. object DiagramSerializer extends CIMSerializer[Diagram]
  631. object DiagramStyle extends CIMParseable[DiagramStyle] with Serializable
  632. object DiagramStyleSerializer extends CIMSerializer[DiagramStyle]
  633. object DifferentialModel extends CIMParseable[DifferentialModel] with Serializable
  634. object DifferentialModelSerializer extends CIMSerializer[DifferentialModel]
  635. object DimensionsInfo extends CIMParseable[DimensionsInfo] with Serializable
  636. object DimensionsInfoSerializer extends CIMSerializer[DimensionsInfo]
  637. object DiscExcContIEEEDEC1A extends CIMParseable[DiscExcContIEEEDEC1A] with Serializable
  638. object DiscExcContIEEEDEC1ASerializer extends CIMSerializer[DiscExcContIEEEDEC1A]
  639. object DiscExcContIEEEDEC2A extends CIMParseable[DiscExcContIEEEDEC2A] with Serializable
  640. object DiscExcContIEEEDEC2ASerializer extends CIMSerializer[DiscExcContIEEEDEC2A]
  641. object DiscExcContIEEEDEC3A extends CIMParseable[DiscExcContIEEEDEC3A] with Serializable
  642. object DiscExcContIEEEDEC3ASerializer extends CIMSerializer[DiscExcContIEEEDEC3A]
  643. object DisconnectingCircuitBreaker extends CIMParseable[DisconnectingCircuitBreaker] with Serializable
  644. object DisconnectingCircuitBreakerSerializer extends CIMSerializer[DisconnectingCircuitBreaker]
  645. object Disconnector extends CIMParseable[Disconnector] with Serializable
  646. object DisconnectorSerializer extends CIMSerializer[Disconnector]
  647. object DiscontinuousExcitationControlDynamics extends CIMParseable[DiscontinuousExcitationControlDynamics] with Serializable
  648. object DiscontinuousExcitationControlDynamicsSerializer extends CIMSerializer[DiscontinuousExcitationControlDynamics]
  649. object DiscontinuousExcitationControlUserDefined extends CIMParseable[DiscontinuousExcitationControlUserDefined] with Serializable
  650. object DiscontinuousExcitationControlUserDefinedSerializer extends CIMSerializer[DiscontinuousExcitationControlUserDefined]
  651. object Discrete extends CIMParseable[Discrete] with Serializable
  652. object DiscreteMeasurementValueQuality extends CIMParseable[DiscreteMeasurementValueQuality] with Serializable
  653. object DiscreteMeasurementValueQualitySerializer extends CIMSerializer[DiscreteMeasurementValueQuality]
  654. object DiscreteSerializer extends CIMSerializer[Discrete]
  655. object DiscreteValue extends CIMParseable[DiscreteValue] with Serializable
  656. object DiscreteValueSerializer extends CIMSerializer[DiscreteValue]
  657. object DispatchInstReply extends CIMParseable[DispatchInstReply] with Serializable
  658. object DispatchInstReplySerializer extends CIMSerializer[DispatchInstReply]
  659. object DispatchSchedule extends CIMParseable[DispatchSchedule] with Serializable
  660. object DispatchScheduleSerializer extends CIMSerializer[DispatchSchedule]
  661. object DispatchablePowerCapability extends CIMParseable[DispatchablePowerCapability] with Serializable
  662. object DispatchablePowerCapabilitySerializer extends CIMSerializer[DispatchablePowerCapability]
  663. object DistributedResourceActualEvent extends CIMParseable[DistributedResourceActualEvent] with Serializable
  664. object DistributedResourceActualEventSerializer extends CIMSerializer[DistributedResourceActualEvent]
  665. object DistributionFactorSet extends CIMParseable[DistributionFactorSet] with Serializable
  666. object DistributionFactorSetSerializer extends CIMSerializer[DistributionFactorSet]
  667. object DobleStandard extends CIMParseable[DobleStandard] with Serializable
  668. object DobleStandardSerializer extends CIMSerializer[DobleStandard]
  669. object Document extends CIMParseable[Document] with Serializable
  670. object DocumentOrganisationRole extends CIMParseable[DocumentOrganisationRole] with Serializable
  671. object DocumentOrganisationRoleSerializer extends CIMSerializer[DocumentOrganisationRole]
  672. object DocumentPersonRole extends CIMParseable[DocumentPersonRole] with Serializable
  673. object DocumentPersonRoleSerializer extends CIMSerializer[DocumentPersonRole]
  674. object DocumentSerializer extends CIMSerializer[Document]
  675. object Domain extends CIMParseable[Domain] with Serializable
  676. object DomainSerializer extends CIMSerializer[Domain]
  677. object DopInstruction extends CIMParseable[DopInstruction] with Serializable
  678. object DopInstructionSerializer extends CIMSerializer[DopInstruction]
  679. object DotInstruction extends CIMParseable[DotInstruction] with Serializable
  680. object DotInstructionSerializer extends CIMSerializer[DotInstruction]
  681. object DrumBoiler extends CIMParseable[DrumBoiler] with Serializable
  682. object DrumBoilerSerializer extends CIMSerializer[DrumBoiler]
  683. object DuctBank extends CIMParseable[DuctBank] with Serializable
  684. object DuctBankSerializer extends CIMSerializer[DuctBank]
  685. object Due extends CIMParseable[Due] with Serializable
  686. object DueSerializer extends CIMSerializer[Due]
  687. object DynamicSchedule extends CIMParseable[DynamicSchedule] with Serializable
  688. object DynamicScheduleSerializer extends CIMSerializer[DynamicSchedule]
  689. object DynamicsFunctionBlock extends CIMParseable[DynamicsFunctionBlock] with Serializable
  690. object DynamicsFunctionBlockSerializer extends CIMSerializer[DynamicsFunctionBlock]
  691. object EPAStandard extends CIMParseable[EPAStandard] with Serializable
  692. object EPAStandardSerializer extends CIMSerializer[EPAStandard]
  693. object EarthFaultCompensator extends CIMParseable[EarthFaultCompensator] with Serializable
  694. object EarthFaultCompensatorSerializer extends CIMSerializer[EarthFaultCompensator]
  695. object Earthquake extends CIMParseable[Earthquake] with Serializable
  696. object EarthquakeSerializer extends CIMSerializer[Earthquake]
  697. object Editor extends CIMParseable[Editor] with Serializable
  698. object EditorSerializer extends CIMSerializer[Editor]
  699. object ElectronicAddress extends CIMParseable[ElectronicAddress] with Serializable
  700. object ElectronicAddressSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ElectronicAddress]
  701. object EmissionAccount extends CIMParseable[EmissionAccount] with Serializable
  702. object EmissionAccountSerializer extends CIMSerializer[EmissionAccount]
  703. object EmissionCurve extends CIMParseable[EmissionCurve] with Serializable
  704. object EmissionCurveSerializer extends CIMSerializer[EmissionCurve]
  705. object EndDevice extends CIMParseable[EndDevice] with Serializable
  706. object EndDeviceAction extends CIMParseable[EndDeviceAction] with Serializable
  707. object EndDeviceActionSerializer extends CIMSerializer[EndDeviceAction]
  708. object EndDeviceCapability extends CIMParseable[EndDeviceCapability] with Serializable
  709. object EndDeviceCapabilitySerializer extends CIMSerializer[EndDeviceCapability]
  710. object EndDeviceControl extends CIMParseable[EndDeviceControl] with Serializable
  711. object EndDeviceControlSerializer extends CIMSerializer[EndDeviceControl]
  712. object EndDeviceControlType extends CIMParseable[EndDeviceControlType] with Serializable
  713. object EndDeviceControlTypeSerializer extends CIMSerializer[EndDeviceControlType]
  714. object EndDeviceEvent extends CIMParseable[EndDeviceEvent] with Serializable
  715. object EndDeviceEventDetail extends CIMParseable[EndDeviceEventDetail] with Serializable
  716. object EndDeviceEventDetailSerializer extends CIMSerializer[EndDeviceEventDetail]
  717. object EndDeviceEventSerializer extends CIMSerializer[EndDeviceEvent]
  718. object EndDeviceEventType extends CIMParseable[EndDeviceEventType] with Serializable
  719. object EndDeviceEventTypeSerializer extends CIMSerializer[EndDeviceEventType]
  720. object EndDeviceFunction extends CIMParseable[EndDeviceFunction] with Serializable
  721. object EndDeviceFunctionSerializer extends CIMSerializer[EndDeviceFunction]
  722. object EndDeviceGroup extends CIMParseable[EndDeviceGroup] with Serializable
  723. object EndDeviceGroupSerializer extends CIMSerializer[EndDeviceGroup]
  724. object EndDeviceInfo extends CIMParseable[EndDeviceInfo] with Serializable
  725. object EndDeviceInfoSerializer extends CIMSerializer[EndDeviceInfo]
  726. object EndDeviceSerializer extends CIMSerializer[EndDevice]
  727. object EndDeviceTiming extends CIMParseable[EndDeviceTiming] with Serializable
  728. object EndDeviceTimingSerializer extends CIMSerializer[EndDeviceTiming]
  729. object EnergyArea extends CIMParseable[EnergyArea] with Serializable
  730. object EnergyAreaSerializer extends CIMSerializer[EnergyArea]
  731. object EnergyComponent extends CIMParseable[EnergyComponent] with Serializable
  732. object EnergyComponentSerializer extends CIMSerializer[EnergyComponent]
  733. object EnergyConnection extends CIMParseable[EnergyConnection] with Serializable
  734. object EnergyConnectionSerializer extends CIMSerializer[EnergyConnection]
  735. object EnergyConsumer extends CIMParseable[EnergyConsumer] with Serializable
  736. object EnergyConsumerAction extends CIMParseable[EnergyConsumerAction] with Serializable
  737. object EnergyConsumerActionSerializer extends CIMSerializer[EnergyConsumerAction]
  738. object EnergyConsumerPhase extends CIMParseable[EnergyConsumerPhase] with Serializable
  739. object EnergyConsumerPhaseSerializer extends CIMSerializer[EnergyConsumerPhase]
  740. object EnergyConsumerSerializer extends CIMSerializer[EnergyConsumer]
  741. object EnergyGroup extends CIMParseable[EnergyGroup] with Serializable
  742. object EnergyGroupSerializer extends CIMSerializer[EnergyGroup]
  743. object EnergyMarket extends CIMParseable[EnergyMarket] with Serializable
  744. object EnergyMarketSerializer extends CIMSerializer[EnergyMarket]
  745. object EnergyPriceCurve extends CIMParseable[EnergyPriceCurve] with Serializable
  746. object EnergyPriceCurveSerializer extends CIMSerializer[EnergyPriceCurve]
  747. object EnergyPriceIndex extends CIMParseable[EnergyPriceIndex] with Serializable
  748. object EnergyPriceIndexSerializer extends CIMSerializer[EnergyPriceIndex]
  749. object EnergyProduct extends CIMParseable[EnergyProduct] with Serializable
  750. object EnergyProductSerializer extends CIMSerializer[EnergyProduct]
  751. object EnergyProfile extends CIMParseable[EnergyProfile] with Serializable
  752. object EnergyProfileSerializer extends CIMSerializer[EnergyProfile]
  753. object EnergySchedulingType extends CIMParseable[EnergySchedulingType] with Serializable
  754. object EnergySchedulingTypeSerializer extends CIMSerializer[EnergySchedulingType]
  755. object EnergySource extends CIMParseable[EnergySource] with Serializable
  756. object EnergySourceAction extends CIMParseable[EnergySourceAction] with Serializable
  757. object EnergySourceActionSerializer extends CIMSerializer[EnergySourceAction]
  758. object EnergySourcePhase extends CIMParseable[EnergySourcePhase] with Serializable
  759. object EnergySourcePhaseSerializer extends CIMSerializer[EnergySourcePhase]
  760. object EnergySourceSerializer extends CIMSerializer[EnergySource]
  761. object EnergyTransaction extends CIMParseable[EnergyTransaction] with Serializable
  762. object EnergyTransactionSerializer extends CIMSerializer[EnergyTransaction]
  763. object EnergyTypeReference extends CIMParseable[EnergyTypeReference] with Serializable
  764. object EnergyTypeReferenceSerializer extends CIMSerializer[EnergyTypeReference]
  765. object EnvironmentalAlert extends CIMParseable[EnvironmentalAlert] with Serializable
  766. object EnvironmentalAlertSerializer extends CIMSerializer[EnvironmentalAlert]
  767. object EnvironmentalAnalog extends CIMParseable[EnvironmentalAnalog] with Serializable
  768. object EnvironmentalAnalogSerializer extends CIMSerializer[EnvironmentalAnalog]
  769. object EnvironmentalCodedValue extends CIMParseable[EnvironmentalCodedValue] with Serializable
  770. object EnvironmentalCodedValueSerializer extends CIMSerializer[EnvironmentalCodedValue]
  771. object EnvironmentalDataAuthority extends CIMParseable[EnvironmentalDataAuthority] with Serializable
  772. object EnvironmentalDataAuthoritySerializer extends CIMSerializer[EnvironmentalDataAuthority]
  773. object EnvironmentalDataProvider extends CIMParseable[EnvironmentalDataProvider] with Serializable
  774. object EnvironmentalDataProviderSerializer extends CIMSerializer[EnvironmentalDataProvider]
  775. object EnvironmentalDependentLimit extends CIMParseable[EnvironmentalDependentLimit] with Serializable
  776. object EnvironmentalDependentLimitSerializer extends CIMSerializer[EnvironmentalDependentLimit]
  777. object EnvironmentalDiscrete extends CIMParseable[EnvironmentalDiscrete] with Serializable
  778. object EnvironmentalDiscreteSerializer extends CIMSerializer[EnvironmentalDiscrete]
  779. object EnvironmentalEvent extends CIMParseable[EnvironmentalEvent] with Serializable
  780. object EnvironmentalEventSerializer extends CIMSerializer[EnvironmentalEvent]
  781. object EnvironmentalInformation extends CIMParseable[EnvironmentalInformation] with Serializable
  782. object EnvironmentalInformationSerializer extends CIMSerializer[EnvironmentalInformation]
  783. object EnvironmentalLocationType extends CIMParseable[EnvironmentalLocationType] with Serializable
  784. object EnvironmentalLocationTypeSerializer extends CIMSerializer[EnvironmentalLocationType]
  785. object EnvironmentalMonitoringStation extends CIMParseable[EnvironmentalMonitoringStation] with Serializable
  786. object EnvironmentalMonitoringStationSerializer extends CIMSerializer[EnvironmentalMonitoringStation]
  787. object EnvironmentalPhenomenon extends CIMParseable[EnvironmentalPhenomenon] with Serializable
  788. object EnvironmentalPhenomenonSerializer extends CIMSerializer[EnvironmentalPhenomenon]
  789. object EnvironmentalStringMeasurement extends CIMParseable[EnvironmentalStringMeasurement] with Serializable
  790. object EnvironmentalStringMeasurementSerializer extends CIMSerializer[EnvironmentalStringMeasurement]
  791. object Equipment extends CIMParseable[Equipment] with Serializable
  792. object EquipmentContainer extends CIMParseable[EquipmentContainer] with Serializable
  793. object EquipmentContainerSerializer extends CIMSerializer[EquipmentContainer]
  794. object EquipmentFault extends CIMParseable[EquipmentFault] with Serializable
  795. object EquipmentFaultSerializer extends CIMSerializer[EquipmentFault]
  796. object EquipmentLimitSeriesComponent extends CIMParseable[EquipmentLimitSeriesComponent] with Serializable
  797. object EquipmentLimitSeriesComponentSerializer extends CIMSerializer[EquipmentLimitSeriesComponent]
  798. object EquipmentSerializer extends CIMSerializer[Equipment]
  799. object EquipmentUnavailabilitySchedule extends CIMParseable[EquipmentUnavailabilitySchedule] with Serializable
  800. object EquipmentUnavailabilityScheduleSerializer extends CIMSerializer[EquipmentUnavailabilitySchedule]
  801. object EquivalentBranch extends CIMParseable[EquivalentBranch] with Serializable
  802. object EquivalentBranchSerializer extends CIMSerializer[EquivalentBranch]
  803. object EquivalentEquipment extends CIMParseable[EquivalentEquipment] with Serializable
  804. object EquivalentEquipmentSerializer extends CIMSerializer[EquivalentEquipment]
  805. object EquivalentInjection extends CIMParseable[EquivalentInjection] with Serializable
  806. object EquivalentInjectionSerializer extends CIMSerializer[EquivalentInjection]
  807. object EquivalentNetwork extends CIMParseable[EquivalentNetwork] with Serializable
  808. object EquivalentNetworkSerializer extends CIMSerializer[EquivalentNetwork]
  809. object EquivalentShunt extends CIMParseable[EquivalentShunt] with Serializable
  810. object EquivalentShuntSerializer extends CIMSerializer[EquivalentShunt]
  811. object ErpBOM extends CIMParseable[ErpBOM] with Serializable
  812. object ErpBOMSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ErpBOM]
  813. object ErpBankAccount extends CIMParseable[ErpBankAccount] with Serializable
  814. object ErpBankAccountSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ErpBankAccount]
  815. object ErpBomItemData extends CIMParseable[ErpBomItemData] with Serializable
  816. object ErpBomItemDataSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ErpBomItemData]
  817. object ErpChartOfAccounts extends CIMParseable[ErpChartOfAccounts] with Serializable
  818. object ErpChartOfAccountsSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ErpChartOfAccounts]
  819. object ErpCompetency extends CIMParseable[ErpCompetency] with Serializable
  820. object ErpCompetencySerializer extends CIMSerializer[ErpCompetency]
  821. object ErpDocument extends CIMParseable[ErpDocument] with Serializable
  822. object ErpDocumentSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ErpDocument]
  823. object ErpEngChangeOrder extends CIMParseable[ErpEngChangeOrder] with Serializable
  824. object ErpEngChangeOrderSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ErpEngChangeOrder]
  825. object ErpIdentifiedObject extends CIMParseable[ErpIdentifiedObject] with Serializable
  826. object ErpIdentifiedObjectSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ErpIdentifiedObject]
  827. object ErpInventory extends CIMParseable[ErpInventory] with Serializable
  828. object ErpInventoryCount extends CIMParseable[ErpInventoryCount] with Serializable
  829. object ErpInventoryCountSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ErpInventoryCount]
  830. object ErpInventorySerializer extends CIMSerializer[ErpInventory]
  831. object ErpInvoice extends CIMParseable[ErpInvoice] with Serializable
  832. object ErpInvoiceLineItem extends CIMParseable[ErpInvoiceLineItem] with Serializable
  833. object ErpInvoiceLineItemSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ErpInvoiceLineItem]
  834. object ErpInvoiceSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ErpInvoice]
  835. object ErpIssueInventory extends CIMParseable[ErpIssueInventory] with Serializable
  836. object ErpIssueInventorySerializer extends CIMSerializer[ErpIssueInventory]
  837. object ErpItemMaster extends CIMParseable[ErpItemMaster] with Serializable
  838. object ErpItemMasterSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ErpItemMaster]
  839. object ErpJournal extends CIMParseable[ErpJournal] with Serializable
  840. object ErpJournalEntry extends CIMParseable[ErpJournalEntry] with Serializable
  841. object ErpJournalEntrySerializer extends CIMSerializer[ErpJournalEntry]
  842. object ErpJournalSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ErpJournal]
  843. object ErpLedBudLineItem extends CIMParseable[ErpLedBudLineItem] with Serializable
  844. object ErpLedBudLineItemSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ErpLedBudLineItem]
  845. object ErpLedger extends CIMParseable[ErpLedger] with Serializable
  846. object ErpLedgerBudget extends CIMParseable[ErpLedgerBudget] with Serializable
  847. object ErpLedgerBudgetSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ErpLedgerBudget]
  848. object ErpLedgerEntry extends CIMParseable[ErpLedgerEntry] with Serializable
  849. object ErpLedgerEntrySerializer extends CIMSerializer[ErpLedgerEntry]
  850. object ErpLedgerSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ErpLedger]
  851. object ErpPOLineItem extends CIMParseable[ErpPOLineItem] with Serializable
  852. object ErpPOLineItemSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ErpPOLineItem]
  853. object ErpPayable extends CIMParseable[ErpPayable] with Serializable
  854. object ErpPayableLineItem extends CIMParseable[ErpPayableLineItem] with Serializable
  855. object ErpPayableLineItemSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ErpPayableLineItem]
  856. object ErpPayableSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ErpPayable]
  857. object ErpPayment extends CIMParseable[ErpPayment] with Serializable
  858. object ErpPaymentSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ErpPayment]
  859. object ErpPersonnel extends CIMParseable[ErpPersonnel] with Serializable
  860. object ErpPersonnelSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ErpPersonnel]
  861. object ErpProjectAccounting extends CIMParseable[ErpProjectAccounting] with Serializable
  862. object ErpProjectAccountingSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ErpProjectAccounting]
  863. object ErpPurchaseOrder extends CIMParseable[ErpPurchaseOrder] with Serializable
  864. object ErpPurchaseOrderSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ErpPurchaseOrder]
  865. object ErpQuote extends CIMParseable[ErpQuote] with Serializable
  866. object ErpQuoteLineItem extends CIMParseable[ErpQuoteLineItem] with Serializable
  867. object ErpQuoteLineItemSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ErpQuoteLineItem]
  868. object ErpQuoteSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ErpQuote]
  869. object ErpRecDelvLineItem extends CIMParseable[ErpRecDelvLineItem] with Serializable
  870. object ErpRecDelvLineItemSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ErpRecDelvLineItem]
  871. object ErpRecLineItem extends CIMParseable[ErpRecLineItem] with Serializable
  872. object ErpRecLineItemSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ErpRecLineItem]
  873. object ErpReceivable extends CIMParseable[ErpReceivable] with Serializable
  874. object ErpReceivableSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ErpReceivable]
  875. object ErpReceiveDelivery extends CIMParseable[ErpReceiveDelivery] with Serializable
  876. object ErpReceiveDeliverySerializer extends CIMSerializer[ErpReceiveDelivery]
  877. object ErpReqLineItem extends CIMParseable[ErpReqLineItem] with Serializable
  878. object ErpReqLineItemSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ErpReqLineItem]
  879. object ErpRequisition extends CIMParseable[ErpRequisition] with Serializable
  880. object ErpRequisitionSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ErpRequisition]
  881. object ErpSalesOrder extends CIMParseable[ErpSalesOrder] with Serializable
  882. object ErpSalesOrderSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ErpSalesOrder]
  883. object ErpSiteLevelData extends CIMParseable[ErpSiteLevelData] with Serializable
  884. object ErpSiteLevelDataSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ErpSiteLevelData]
  885. object ErpTimeEntry extends CIMParseable[ErpTimeEntry] with Serializable
  886. object ErpTimeEntrySerializer extends CIMSerializer[ErpTimeEntry]
  887. object ErpTimeSheet extends CIMParseable[ErpTimeSheet] with Serializable
  888. object ErpTimeSheetSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ErpTimeSheet]
  889. object EstimatedRestorationTime extends CIMParseable[EstimatedRestorationTime] with Serializable
  890. object EstimatedRestorationTimeSerializer extends CIMSerializer[EstimatedRestorationTime]
  891. object ExPostLoss extends CIMParseable[ExPostLoss] with Serializable
  892. object ExPostLossResults extends CIMParseable[ExPostLossResults] with Serializable
  893. object ExPostLossResultsSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ExPostLossResults]
  894. object ExPostLossSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ExPostLoss]
  895. object ExPostMarketRegion extends CIMParseable[ExPostMarketRegion] with Serializable
  896. object ExPostMarketRegionResults extends CIMParseable[ExPostMarketRegionResults] with Serializable
  897. object ExPostMarketRegionResultsSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ExPostMarketRegionResults]
  898. object ExPostMarketRegionSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ExPostMarketRegion]
  899. object ExPostPricing extends CIMParseable[ExPostPricing] with Serializable
  900. object ExPostPricingResults extends CIMParseable[ExPostPricingResults] with Serializable
  901. object ExPostPricingResultsSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ExPostPricingResults]
  902. object ExPostPricingSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ExPostPricing]
  903. object ExPostResource extends CIMParseable[ExPostResource] with Serializable
  904. object ExPostResourceResults extends CIMParseable[ExPostResourceResults] with Serializable
  905. object ExPostResourceResultsSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ExPostResourceResults]
  906. object ExPostResourceSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ExPostResource]
  907. object ExcAC1A extends CIMParseable[ExcAC1A] with Serializable
  908. object ExcAC1ASerializer extends CIMSerializer[ExcAC1A]
  909. object ExcAC2A extends CIMParseable[ExcAC2A] with Serializable
  910. object ExcAC2ASerializer extends CIMSerializer[ExcAC2A]
  911. object ExcAC3A extends CIMParseable[ExcAC3A] with Serializable
  912. object ExcAC3ASerializer extends CIMSerializer[ExcAC3A]
  913. object ExcAC4A extends CIMParseable[ExcAC4A] with Serializable
  914. object ExcAC4ASerializer extends CIMSerializer[ExcAC4A]
  915. object ExcAC5A extends CIMParseable[ExcAC5A] with Serializable
  916. object ExcAC5ASerializer extends CIMSerializer[ExcAC5A]
  917. object ExcAC6A extends CIMParseable[ExcAC6A] with Serializable
  918. object ExcAC6ASerializer extends CIMSerializer[ExcAC6A]
  919. object ExcAC8B extends CIMParseable[ExcAC8B] with Serializable
  920. object ExcAC8BSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ExcAC8B]
  921. object ExcANS extends CIMParseable[ExcANS] with Serializable
  922. object ExcANSSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ExcANS]
  923. object ExcAVR1 extends CIMParseable[ExcAVR1] with Serializable
  924. object ExcAVR1Serializer extends CIMSerializer[ExcAVR1]
  925. object ExcAVR2 extends CIMParseable[ExcAVR2] with Serializable
  926. object ExcAVR2Serializer extends CIMSerializer[ExcAVR2]
  927. object ExcAVR3 extends CIMParseable[ExcAVR3] with Serializable
  928. object ExcAVR3Serializer extends CIMSerializer[ExcAVR3]
  929. object ExcAVR4 extends CIMParseable[ExcAVR4] with Serializable
  930. object ExcAVR4Serializer extends CIMSerializer[ExcAVR4]
  931. object ExcAVR5 extends CIMParseable[ExcAVR5] with Serializable
  932. object ExcAVR5Serializer extends CIMSerializer[ExcAVR5]
  933. object ExcAVR7 extends CIMParseable[ExcAVR7] with Serializable
  934. object ExcAVR7Serializer extends CIMSerializer[ExcAVR7]
  935. object ExcBBC extends CIMParseable[ExcBBC] with Serializable
  936. object ExcBBCSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ExcBBC]
  937. object ExcCZ extends CIMParseable[ExcCZ] with Serializable
  938. object ExcCZSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ExcCZ]
  939. object ExcDC1A extends CIMParseable[ExcDC1A] with Serializable
  940. object ExcDC1ASerializer extends CIMSerializer[ExcDC1A]
  941. object ExcDC2A extends CIMParseable[ExcDC2A] with Serializable
  942. object ExcDC2ASerializer extends CIMSerializer[ExcDC2A]
  943. object ExcDC3A extends CIMParseable[ExcDC3A] with Serializable
  944. object ExcDC3A1 extends CIMParseable[ExcDC3A1] with Serializable
  945. object ExcDC3A1Serializer extends CIMSerializer[ExcDC3A1]
  946. object ExcDC3ASerializer extends CIMSerializer[ExcDC3A]
  947. object ExcELIN1 extends CIMParseable[ExcELIN1] with Serializable
  948. object ExcELIN1Serializer extends CIMSerializer[ExcELIN1]
  949. object ExcELIN2 extends CIMParseable[ExcELIN2] with Serializable
  950. object ExcELIN2Serializer extends CIMSerializer[ExcELIN2]
  951. object ExcHU extends CIMParseable[ExcHU] with Serializable
  952. object ExcHUSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ExcHU]
  953. object ExcIEEEAC1A extends CIMParseable[ExcIEEEAC1A] with Serializable
  954. object ExcIEEEAC1ASerializer extends CIMSerializer[ExcIEEEAC1A]
  955. object ExcIEEEAC2A extends CIMParseable[ExcIEEEAC2A] with Serializable
  956. object ExcIEEEAC2ASerializer extends CIMSerializer[ExcIEEEAC2A]
  957. object ExcIEEEAC3A extends CIMParseable[ExcIEEEAC3A] with Serializable
  958. object ExcIEEEAC3ASerializer extends CIMSerializer[ExcIEEEAC3A]
  959. object ExcIEEEAC4A extends CIMParseable[ExcIEEEAC4A] with Serializable
  960. object ExcIEEEAC4ASerializer extends CIMSerializer[ExcIEEEAC4A]
  961. object ExcIEEEAC5A extends CIMParseable[ExcIEEEAC5A] with Serializable
  962. object ExcIEEEAC5ASerializer extends CIMSerializer[ExcIEEEAC5A]
  963. object ExcIEEEAC6A extends CIMParseable[ExcIEEEAC6A] with Serializable
  964. object ExcIEEEAC6ASerializer extends CIMSerializer[ExcIEEEAC6A]
  965. object ExcIEEEAC7B extends CIMParseable[ExcIEEEAC7B] with Serializable
  966. object ExcIEEEAC7BSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ExcIEEEAC7B]
  967. object ExcIEEEAC8B extends CIMParseable[ExcIEEEAC8B] with Serializable
  968. object ExcIEEEAC8BSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ExcIEEEAC8B]
  969. object ExcIEEEDC1A extends CIMParseable[ExcIEEEDC1A] with Serializable
  970. object ExcIEEEDC1ASerializer extends CIMSerializer[ExcIEEEDC1A]
  971. object ExcIEEEDC2A extends CIMParseable[ExcIEEEDC2A] with Serializable
  972. object ExcIEEEDC2ASerializer extends CIMSerializer[ExcIEEEDC2A]
  973. object ExcIEEEDC3A extends CIMParseable[ExcIEEEDC3A] with Serializable
  974. object ExcIEEEDC3ASerializer extends CIMSerializer[ExcIEEEDC3A]
  975. object ExcIEEEDC4B extends CIMParseable[ExcIEEEDC4B] with Serializable
  976. object ExcIEEEDC4BSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ExcIEEEDC4B]
  977. object ExcIEEEST1A extends CIMParseable[ExcIEEEST1A] with Serializable
  978. object ExcIEEEST1ASerializer extends CIMSerializer[ExcIEEEST1A]
  979. object ExcIEEEST2A extends CIMParseable[ExcIEEEST2A] with Serializable
  980. object ExcIEEEST2ASerializer extends CIMSerializer[ExcIEEEST2A]
  981. object ExcIEEEST3A extends CIMParseable[ExcIEEEST3A] with Serializable
  982. object ExcIEEEST3ASerializer extends CIMSerializer[ExcIEEEST3A]
  983. object ExcIEEEST4B extends CIMParseable[ExcIEEEST4B] with Serializable
  984. object ExcIEEEST4BSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ExcIEEEST4B]
  985. object ExcIEEEST5B extends CIMParseable[ExcIEEEST5B] with Serializable
  986. object ExcIEEEST5BSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ExcIEEEST5B]
  987. object ExcIEEEST6B extends CIMParseable[ExcIEEEST6B] with Serializable
  988. object ExcIEEEST6BSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ExcIEEEST6B]
  989. object ExcIEEEST7B extends CIMParseable[ExcIEEEST7B] with Serializable
  990. object ExcIEEEST7BSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ExcIEEEST7B]
  991. object ExcNI extends CIMParseable[ExcNI] with Serializable
  992. object ExcNISerializer extends CIMSerializer[ExcNI]
  993. object ExcOEX3T extends CIMParseable[ExcOEX3T] with Serializable
  994. object ExcOEX3TSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ExcOEX3T]
  995. object ExcPIC extends CIMParseable[ExcPIC] with Serializable
  996. object ExcPICSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ExcPIC]
  997. object ExcREXS extends CIMParseable[ExcREXS] with Serializable
  998. object ExcREXSSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ExcREXS]
  999. object ExcRQB extends CIMParseable[ExcRQB] with Serializable
  1000. object ExcRQBSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ExcRQB]
  1001. object ExcSCRX extends CIMParseable[ExcSCRX] with Serializable
  1002. object ExcSCRXSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ExcSCRX]
  1003. object ExcSEXS extends CIMParseable[ExcSEXS] with Serializable
  1004. object ExcSEXSSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ExcSEXS]
  1005. object ExcSK extends CIMParseable[ExcSK] with Serializable
  1006. object ExcSKSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ExcSK]
  1007. object ExcST1A extends CIMParseable[ExcST1A] with Serializable
  1008. object ExcST1ASerializer extends CIMSerializer[ExcST1A]
  1009. object ExcST2A extends CIMParseable[ExcST2A] with Serializable
  1010. object ExcST2ASerializer extends CIMSerializer[ExcST2A]
  1011. object ExcST3A extends CIMParseable[ExcST3A] with Serializable
  1012. object ExcST3ASerializer extends CIMSerializer[ExcST3A]
  1013. object ExcST4B extends CIMParseable[ExcST4B] with Serializable
  1014. object ExcST4BSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ExcST4B]
  1015. object ExcST6B extends CIMParseable[ExcST6B] with Serializable
  1016. object ExcST6BSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ExcST6B]
  1017. object ExcST7B extends CIMParseable[ExcST7B] with Serializable
  1018. object ExcST7BSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ExcST7B]
  1019. object ExcitationSystemDynamics extends CIMParseable[ExcitationSystemDynamics] with Serializable
  1020. object ExcitationSystemDynamicsSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ExcitationSystemDynamics]
  1021. object ExcitationSystemUserDefined extends CIMParseable[ExcitationSystemUserDefined] with Serializable
  1022. object ExcitationSystemUserDefinedSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ExcitationSystemUserDefined]
  1023. object ExpectedEnergy extends CIMParseable[ExpectedEnergy] with Serializable
  1024. object ExpectedEnergySerializer extends CIMSerializer[ExpectedEnergy]
  1025. object ExpectedEnergyValues extends CIMParseable[ExpectedEnergyValues] with Serializable
  1026. object ExpectedEnergyValuesSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ExpectedEnergyValues]
  1027. object ExtensionItem extends CIMParseable[ExtensionItem] with Serializable
  1028. object ExtensionItemSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ExtensionItem]
  1029. object ExtensionsList extends CIMParseable[ExtensionsList] with Serializable
  1030. object ExtensionsListSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ExtensionsList]
  1031. object ExternalCustomerAgreement extends CIMParseable[ExternalCustomerAgreement] with Serializable
  1032. object ExternalCustomerAgreementSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ExternalCustomerAgreement]
  1033. object ExternalNetworkInjection extends CIMParseable[ExternalNetworkInjection] with Serializable
  1034. object ExternalNetworkInjectionSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ExternalNetworkInjection]
  1035. object FACTSDevice extends CIMParseable[FACTSDevice] with Serializable
  1036. object FACTSDeviceSerializer extends CIMSerializer[FACTSDevice]
  1037. object FTR extends CIMParseable[FTR] with Serializable
  1038. object FTRSerializer extends CIMSerializer[FTR]
  1039. object Facility extends CIMParseable[Facility] with Serializable
  1040. object FacilitySerializer extends CIMSerializer[Facility]
  1041. object FailureEvent extends CIMParseable[FailureEvent] with Serializable
  1042. object FailureEventSerializer extends CIMSerializer[FailureEvent]
  1043. object Fault extends CIMParseable[Fault] with Serializable
  1044. object FaultCauseType extends CIMParseable[FaultCauseType] with Serializable
  1045. object FaultCauseTypeSerializer extends CIMSerializer[FaultCauseType]
  1046. object FaultImpedance extends CIMParseable[FaultImpedance] with Serializable
  1047. object FaultImpedanceSerializer extends CIMSerializer[FaultImpedance]
  1048. object FaultIndicator extends CIMParseable[FaultIndicator] with Serializable
  1049. object FaultIndicatorInfo extends CIMParseable[FaultIndicatorInfo] with Serializable
  1050. object FaultIndicatorInfoSerializer extends CIMSerializer[FaultIndicatorInfo]
  1051. object FaultIndicatorSerializer extends CIMSerializer[FaultIndicator]
  1052. object FaultSerializer extends CIMSerializer[Fault]
  1053. object Feeder extends CIMParseable[Feeder] with Serializable
  1054. object FeederSerializer extends CIMSerializer[Feeder]
  1055. object FieldDispatchHistory extends CIMParseable[FieldDispatchHistory] with Serializable
  1056. object FieldDispatchHistorySerializer extends CIMSerializer[FieldDispatchHistory]
  1057. object FieldDispatchStep extends CIMParseable[FieldDispatchStep] with Serializable
  1058. object FieldDispatchStepSerializer extends CIMSerializer[FieldDispatchStep]
  1059. object FieldSafetySupervisor extends CIMParseable[FieldSafetySupervisor] with Serializable
  1060. object FieldSafetySupervisorSerializer extends CIMSerializer[FieldSafetySupervisor]
  1061. object FinancialInfo extends CIMParseable[FinancialInfo] with Serializable
  1062. object FinancialInfoSerializer extends CIMSerializer[FinancialInfo]
  1063. object Fire extends CIMParseable[Fire] with Serializable
  1064. object FireSerializer extends CIMSerializer[Fire]
  1065. object FiveMinAuxiliaryData extends CIMParseable[FiveMinAuxiliaryData] with Serializable
  1066. object FiveMinAuxiliaryDataSerializer extends CIMSerializer[FiveMinAuxiliaryData]
  1067. object FloatQuantity extends CIMParseable[FloatQuantity] with Serializable
  1068. object FloatQuantitySerializer extends CIMSerializer[FloatQuantity]
  1069. object Flood extends CIMParseable[Flood] with Serializable
  1070. object FloodSerializer extends CIMSerializer[Flood]
  1071. object FlowDirection extends CIMParseable[FlowDirection] with Serializable
  1072. object FlowDirectionSerializer extends CIMSerializer[FlowDirection]
  1073. object Flowgate extends CIMParseable[Flowgate] with Serializable
  1074. object FlowgatePartner extends CIMParseable[FlowgatePartner] with Serializable
  1075. object FlowgatePartnerSerializer extends CIMSerializer[FlowgatePartner]
  1076. object FlowgateRelief extends CIMParseable[FlowgateRelief] with Serializable
  1077. object FlowgateReliefSerializer extends CIMSerializer[FlowgateRelief]
  1078. object FlowgateSerializer extends CIMSerializer[Flowgate]
  1079. object FlowgateValue extends CIMParseable[FlowgateValue] with Serializable
  1080. object FlowgateValueSerializer extends CIMSerializer[FlowgateValue]
  1081. object ForbiddenRegion extends CIMParseable[ForbiddenRegion] with Serializable
  1082. object ForbiddenRegionSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ForbiddenRegion]
  1083. object Forecast extends CIMParseable[Forecast] with Serializable
  1084. object ForecastSerializer extends CIMSerializer[Forecast]
  1085. object FormerReference extends CIMParseable[FormerReference] with Serializable
  1086. object FormerReferenceSerializer extends CIMSerializer[FormerReference]
  1087. object FossilFuel extends CIMParseable[FossilFuel] with Serializable
  1088. object FossilFuelSerializer extends CIMSerializer[FossilFuel]
  1089. object FossilSteamSupply extends CIMParseable[FossilSteamSupply] with Serializable
  1090. object FossilSteamSupplySerializer extends CIMSerializer[FossilSteamSupply]
  1091. object FrameworkPart extends CIMParseable[FrameworkPart] with Serializable
  1092. object FrameworkPartSerializer extends CIMSerializer[FrameworkPart]
  1093. object FrequencyConverter extends CIMParseable[FrequencyConverter] with Serializable
  1094. object FrequencyConverterSerializer extends CIMSerializer[FrequencyConverter]
  1095. object FuelAllocationSchedule extends CIMParseable[FuelAllocationSchedule] with Serializable
  1096. object FuelAllocationScheduleSerializer extends CIMSerializer[FuelAllocationSchedule]
  1097. object FuelCostCurve extends CIMParseable[FuelCostCurve] with Serializable
  1098. object FuelCostCurveSerializer extends CIMSerializer[FuelCostCurve]
  1099. object FuelRegion extends CIMParseable[FuelRegion] with Serializable
  1100. object FuelRegionSerializer extends CIMSerializer[FuelRegion]
  1101. object Fuse extends CIMParseable[Fuse] with Serializable
  1102. object FuseSerializer extends CIMSerializer[Fuse]
  1103. object GasPrice extends CIMParseable[GasPrice] with Serializable
  1104. object GasPriceSerializer extends CIMSerializer[GasPrice]
  1105. object Gate extends CIMParseable[Gate] with Serializable
  1106. object GateInputPin extends CIMParseable[GateInputPin] with Serializable
  1107. object GateInputPinSerializer extends CIMSerializer[GateInputPin]
  1108. object GateSerializer extends CIMSerializer[Gate]
  1109. object GenDistributionFactor extends CIMParseable[GenDistributionFactor] with Serializable
  1110. object GenDistributionFactorSerializer extends CIMSerializer[GenDistributionFactor]
  1111. object GenICompensationForGenJ extends CIMParseable[GenICompensationForGenJ] with Serializable
  1112. object GenICompensationForGenJSerializer extends CIMSerializer[GenICompensationForGenJ]
  1113. object GenUnitOpCostCurve extends CIMParseable[GenUnitOpCostCurve] with Serializable
  1114. object GenUnitOpCostCurveSerializer extends CIMSerializer[GenUnitOpCostCurve]
  1115. object GenUnitOpSchedule extends CIMParseable[GenUnitOpSchedule] with Serializable
  1116. object GenUnitOpScheduleSerializer extends CIMSerializer[GenUnitOpSchedule]
  1117. object GeneralClearing extends CIMParseable[GeneralClearing] with Serializable
  1118. object GeneralClearingResults extends CIMParseable[GeneralClearingResults] with Serializable
  1119. object GeneralClearingResultsSerializer extends CIMSerializer[GeneralClearingResults]
  1120. object GeneralClearingSerializer extends CIMSerializer[GeneralClearing]
  1121. object GeneratingBid extends CIMParseable[GeneratingBid] with Serializable
  1122. object GeneratingBidSerializer extends CIMSerializer[GeneratingBid]
  1123. object GeneratingUnit extends CIMParseable[GeneratingUnit] with Serializable
  1124. object GeneratingUnitDynamicValues extends CIMParseable[GeneratingUnitDynamicValues] with Serializable
  1125. object GeneratingUnitDynamicValuesSerializer extends CIMSerializer[GeneratingUnitDynamicValues]
  1126. object GeneratingUnitSerializer extends CIMSerializer[GeneratingUnit]
  1127. object GenerationProvider extends CIMParseable[GenerationProvider] with Serializable
  1128. object GenerationProviderSerializer extends CIMSerializer[GenerationProvider]
  1129. object GeneratorTypeAsset extends CIMParseable[GeneratorTypeAsset] with Serializable
  1130. object GeneratorTypeAssetSerializer extends CIMSerializer[GeneratorTypeAsset]
  1131. object GenericAction extends CIMParseable[GenericAction] with Serializable
  1132. object GenericActionSerializer extends CIMSerializer[GenericAction]
  1133. object GenericConstraints extends CIMParseable[GenericConstraints] with Serializable
  1134. object GenericConstraintsSerializer extends CIMSerializer[GenericConstraints]
  1135. object GenericDataSetVersion extends CIMParseable[GenericDataSetVersion] with Serializable
  1136. object GenericDataSetVersionSerializer extends CIMSerializer[GenericDataSetVersion]
  1137. object GeographicalRegion extends CIMParseable[GeographicalRegion] with Serializable
  1138. object GeographicalRegionSerializer extends CIMSerializer[GeographicalRegion]
  1139. object GeosphericAnalog extends CIMParseable[GeosphericAnalog] with Serializable
  1140. object GeosphericAnalogSerializer extends CIMSerializer[GeosphericAnalog]
  1141. object GeosphericPhenomenon extends CIMParseable[GeosphericPhenomenon] with Serializable
  1142. object GeosphericPhenomenonSerializer extends CIMSerializer[GeosphericPhenomenon]
  1143. object GovCT1 extends CIMParseable[GovCT1] with Serializable
  1144. object GovCT1Serializer extends CIMSerializer[GovCT1]
  1145. object GovCT2 extends CIMParseable[GovCT2] with Serializable
  1146. object GovCT2Serializer extends CIMSerializer[GovCT2]
  1147. object GovGAST extends CIMParseable[GovGAST] with Serializable
  1148. object GovGAST1 extends CIMParseable[GovGAST1] with Serializable
  1149. object GovGAST1Serializer extends CIMSerializer[GovGAST1]
  1150. object GovGAST2 extends CIMParseable[GovGAST2] with Serializable
  1151. object GovGAST2Serializer extends CIMSerializer[GovGAST2]
  1152. object GovGAST3 extends CIMParseable[GovGAST3] with Serializable
  1153. object GovGAST3Serializer extends CIMSerializer[GovGAST3]
  1154. object GovGAST4 extends CIMParseable[GovGAST4] with Serializable
  1155. object GovGAST4Serializer extends CIMSerializer[GovGAST4]
  1156. object GovGASTSerializer extends CIMSerializer[GovGAST]
  1157. object GovGASTWD extends CIMParseable[GovGASTWD] with Serializable
  1158. object GovGASTWDSerializer extends CIMSerializer[GovGASTWD]
  1159. object GovHydro1 extends CIMParseable[GovHydro1] with Serializable
  1160. object GovHydro1Serializer extends CIMSerializer[GovHydro1]
  1161. object GovHydro2 extends CIMParseable[GovHydro2] with Serializable
  1162. object GovHydro2Serializer extends CIMSerializer[GovHydro2]
  1163. object GovHydro3 extends CIMParseable[GovHydro3] with Serializable
  1164. object GovHydro3Serializer extends CIMSerializer[GovHydro3]
  1165. object GovHydro4 extends CIMParseable[GovHydro4] with Serializable
  1166. object GovHydro4Serializer extends CIMSerializer[GovHydro4]
  1167. object GovHydroDD extends CIMParseable[GovHydroDD] with Serializable
  1168. object GovHydroDDSerializer extends CIMSerializer[GovHydroDD]
  1169. object GovHydroFrancis extends CIMParseable[GovHydroFrancis] with Serializable
  1170. object GovHydroFrancisSerializer extends CIMSerializer[GovHydroFrancis]
  1171. object GovHydroIEEE0 extends CIMParseable[GovHydroIEEE0] with Serializable
  1172. object GovHydroIEEE0Serializer extends CIMSerializer[GovHydroIEEE0]
  1173. object GovHydroIEEE2 extends CIMParseable[GovHydroIEEE2] with Serializable
  1174. object GovHydroIEEE2Serializer extends CIMSerializer[GovHydroIEEE2]
  1175. object GovHydroPID extends CIMParseable[GovHydroPID] with Serializable
  1176. object GovHydroPID2 extends CIMParseable[GovHydroPID2] with Serializable
  1177. object GovHydroPID2Serializer extends CIMSerializer[GovHydroPID2]
  1178. object GovHydroPIDSerializer extends CIMSerializer[GovHydroPID]
  1179. object GovHydroPelton extends CIMParseable[GovHydroPelton] with Serializable
  1180. object GovHydroPeltonSerializer extends CIMSerializer[GovHydroPelton]
  1181. object GovHydroR extends CIMParseable[GovHydroR] with Serializable
  1182. object GovHydroRSerializer extends CIMSerializer[GovHydroR]
  1183. object GovHydroWEH extends CIMParseable[GovHydroWEH] with Serializable
  1184. object GovHydroWEHSerializer extends CIMSerializer[GovHydroWEH]
  1185. object GovHydroWPID extends CIMParseable[GovHydroWPID] with Serializable
  1186. object GovHydroWPIDSerializer extends CIMSerializer[GovHydroWPID]
  1187. object GovSteam0 extends CIMParseable[GovSteam0] with Serializable
  1188. object GovSteam0Serializer extends CIMSerializer[GovSteam0]
  1189. object GovSteam1 extends CIMParseable[GovSteam1] with Serializable
  1190. object GovSteam1Serializer extends CIMSerializer[GovSteam1]
  1191. object GovSteam2 extends CIMParseable[GovSteam2] with Serializable
  1192. object GovSteam2Serializer extends CIMSerializer[GovSteam2]
  1193. object GovSteamBB extends CIMParseable[GovSteamBB] with Serializable
  1194. object GovSteamBBSerializer extends CIMSerializer[GovSteamBB]
  1195. object GovSteamCC extends CIMParseable[GovSteamCC] with Serializable
  1196. object GovSteamCCSerializer extends CIMSerializer[GovSteamCC]
  1197. object GovSteamEU extends CIMParseable[GovSteamEU] with Serializable
  1198. object GovSteamEUSerializer extends CIMSerializer[GovSteamEU]
  1199. object GovSteamFV2 extends CIMParseable[GovSteamFV2] with Serializable
  1200. object GovSteamFV2Serializer extends CIMSerializer[GovSteamFV2]
  1201. object GovSteamFV3 extends CIMParseable[GovSteamFV3] with Serializable
  1202. object GovSteamFV3Serializer extends CIMSerializer[GovSteamFV3]
  1203. object GovSteamFV4 extends CIMParseable[GovSteamFV4] with Serializable
  1204. object GovSteamFV4Serializer extends CIMSerializer[GovSteamFV4]
  1205. object GovSteamIEEE1 extends CIMParseable[GovSteamIEEE1] with Serializable
  1206. object GovSteamIEEE1Serializer extends CIMSerializer[GovSteamIEEE1]
  1207. object GovSteamSGO extends CIMParseable[GovSteamSGO] with Serializable
  1208. object GovSteamSGOSerializer extends CIMSerializer[GovSteamSGO]
  1209. object GrossToNetActivePowerCurve extends CIMParseable[GrossToNetActivePowerCurve] with Serializable
  1210. object GrossToNetActivePowerCurveSerializer extends CIMSerializer[GrossToNetActivePowerCurve]
  1211. object Ground extends CIMParseable[Ground] with Serializable
  1212. object GroundAction extends CIMParseable[GroundAction] with Serializable
  1213. object GroundActionSerializer extends CIMSerializer[GroundAction]
  1214. object GroundDisconnector extends CIMParseable[GroundDisconnector] with Serializable
  1215. object GroundDisconnectorSerializer extends CIMSerializer[GroundDisconnector]
  1216. object GroundSerializer extends CIMSerializer[Ground]
  1217. object GroundingImpedance extends CIMParseable[GroundingImpedance] with Serializable
  1218. object GroundingImpedanceSerializer extends CIMSerializer[GroundingImpedance]
  1219. object HVDCDynamics extends CIMParseable[HVDCDynamics] with Serializable
  1220. object HVDCDynamicsSerializer extends CIMSerializer[HVDCDynamics]
  1221. object HVDCLookUpTable extends CIMParseable[HVDCLookUpTable] with Serializable
  1222. object HVDCLookUpTableSerializer extends CIMSerializer[HVDCLookUpTable]
  1223. object Hazard extends CIMParseable[Hazard] with Serializable
  1224. object HazardSerializer extends CIMSerializer[Hazard]
  1225. object HealthScore extends CIMParseable[HealthScore] with Serializable
  1226. object HealthScoreSerializer extends CIMSerializer[HealthScore]
  1227. object HeatInputCurve extends CIMParseable[HeatInputCurve] with Serializable
  1228. object HeatInputCurveSerializer extends CIMSerializer[HeatInputCurve]
  1229. object HeatRateCurve extends CIMParseable[HeatRateCurve] with Serializable
  1230. object HeatRateCurveSerializer extends CIMSerializer[HeatRateCurve]
  1231. object HeatRecoveryBoiler extends CIMParseable[HeatRecoveryBoiler] with Serializable
  1232. object HeatRecoveryBoilerSerializer extends CIMSerializer[HeatRecoveryBoiler]
  1233. object HostControlArea extends CIMParseable[HostControlArea] with Serializable
  1234. object HostControlAreaSerializer extends CIMSerializer[HostControlArea]
  1235. object HourlyPreDispatchSchedule extends CIMParseable[HourlyPreDispatchSchedule] with Serializable
  1236. object HourlyPreDispatchScheduleSerializer extends CIMSerializer[HourlyPreDispatchSchedule]
  1237. object Hurricane extends CIMParseable[Hurricane] with Serializable
  1238. object HurricaneSerializer extends CIMSerializer[Hurricane]
  1239. object HydroGeneratingEfficiencyCurve extends CIMParseable[HydroGeneratingEfficiencyCurve] with Serializable
  1240. object HydroGeneratingEfficiencyCurveSerializer extends CIMSerializer[HydroGeneratingEfficiencyCurve]
  1241. object HydroGeneratingUnit extends CIMParseable[HydroGeneratingUnit] with Serializable
  1242. object HydroGeneratingUnitSerializer extends CIMSerializer[HydroGeneratingUnit]
  1243. object HydroPowerPlant extends CIMParseable[HydroPowerPlant] with Serializable
  1244. object HydroPowerPlantSerializer extends CIMSerializer[HydroPowerPlant]
  1245. object HydroPump extends CIMParseable[HydroPump] with Serializable
  1246. object HydroPumpOpSchedule extends CIMParseable[HydroPumpOpSchedule] with Serializable
  1247. object HydroPumpOpScheduleSerializer extends CIMSerializer[HydroPumpOpSchedule]
  1248. object HydroPumpSerializer extends CIMSerializer[HydroPump]
  1249. object HydroTurbine extends CIMParseable[HydroTurbine] with Serializable
  1250. object HydroTurbineSerializer extends CIMSerializer[HydroTurbine]
  1251. object HydrosphericAnalog extends CIMParseable[HydrosphericAnalog] with Serializable
  1252. object HydrosphericAnalogSerializer extends CIMSerializer[HydrosphericAnalog]
  1253. object HydrosphericPhenomenon extends CIMParseable[HydrosphericPhenomenon] with Serializable
  1254. object HydrosphericPhenomenonSerializer extends CIMSerializer[HydrosphericPhenomenon]
  1255. object ICCPInformationMessage extends CIMParseable[ICCPInformationMessage] with Serializable
  1256. object ICCPInformationMessageSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ICCPInformationMessage]
  1257. object ICCPProvidedPoint extends CIMParseable[ICCPProvidedPoint] with Serializable
  1258. object ICCPProvidedPointSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ICCPProvidedPoint]
  1259. object ICCPVCC extends CIMParseable[ICCPVCC] with Serializable
  1260. object ICCPVCCSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ICCPVCC]
  1261. object ICCPVirtualControlCentre extends CIMParseable[ICCPVirtualControlCentre] with Serializable
  1262. object ICCPVirtualControlCentreSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ICCPVirtualControlCentre]
  1263. object IEC61968CIMVersion extends CIMParseable[IEC61968CIMVersion] with Serializable
  1264. object IEC61968CIMVersionSerializer extends CIMSerializer[IEC61968CIMVersion]
  1265. object IEC61970CIMVersion extends CIMParseable[IEC61970CIMVersion] with Serializable
  1266. object IEC61970CIMVersionSerializer extends CIMSerializer[IEC61970CIMVersion]
  1267. object IEC62325CIMVersion extends CIMParseable[IEC62325CIMVersion] with Serializable
  1268. object IEC62325CIMVersionSerializer extends CIMSerializer[IEC62325CIMVersion]
  1269. object IECStandard extends CIMParseable[IECStandard] with Serializable
  1270. object IECStandardSerializer extends CIMSerializer[IECStandard]
  1271. object IEEEStandard extends CIMParseable[IEEEStandard] with Serializable
  1272. object IEEEStandardSerializer extends CIMSerializer[IEEEStandard]
  1273. object IOPoint extends CIMParseable[IOPoint] with Serializable
  1274. object IOPointSerializer extends CIMSerializer[IOPoint]
  1275. object IOPointSource extends CIMParseable[IOPointSource] with Serializable
  1276. object IOPointSourceSerializer extends CIMSerializer[IOPointSource]
  1277. object IPAccessPoint extends CIMParseable[IPAccessPoint] with Serializable
  1278. object IPAccessPointSerializer extends CIMSerializer[IPAccessPoint]
  1279. object ISOStandard extends CIMParseable[ISOStandard] with Serializable
  1280. object ISOStandardSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ISOStandard]
  1281. object ISOUpperLayer extends CIMParseable[ISOUpperLayer] with Serializable
  1282. object ISOUpperLayerSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ISOUpperLayer]
  1283. object IdcInverterControl extends CIMParseable[IdcInverterControl] with Serializable
  1284. object IdcInverterControlSerializer extends CIMSerializer[IdcInverterControl]
  1285. object IdentifiedObject extends CIMParseable[IdentifiedObject] with Serializable
  1286. object IdentifiedObjectSerializer extends CIMSerializer[IdentifiedObject]
  1287. object IgnAngleContInverter extends CIMParseable[IgnAngleContInverter] with Serializable
  1288. object IgnAngleContInverterSerializer extends CIMSerializer[IgnAngleContInverter]
  1289. object InUseDate extends CIMParseable[InUseDate] with Serializable
  1290. object InUseDateSerializer extends CIMSerializer[InUseDate]
  1291. object InadvertentAccount extends CIMParseable[InadvertentAccount] with Serializable
  1292. object InadvertentAccountSerializer extends CIMSerializer[InadvertentAccount]
  1293. object Incident extends CIMParseable[Incident] with Serializable
  1294. object IncidentHazard extends CIMParseable[IncidentHazard] with Serializable
  1295. object IncidentHazardSerializer extends CIMSerializer[IncidentHazard]
  1296. object IncidentSerializer extends CIMSerializer[Incident]
  1297. object IncrementalDatasetArg extends CIMParseable[IncrementalDatasetArg] with Serializable
  1298. object IncrementalDatasetArgDescription extends CIMParseable[IncrementalDatasetArgDescription] with Serializable
  1299. object IncrementalDatasetArgDescriptionSerializer extends CIMSerializer[IncrementalDatasetArgDescription]
  1300. object IncrementalDatasetArgSerializer extends CIMSerializer[IncrementalDatasetArg]
  1301. object IncrementalHeatRateCurve extends CIMParseable[IncrementalHeatRateCurve] with Serializable
  1302. object IncrementalHeatRateCurveSerializer extends CIMSerializer[IncrementalHeatRateCurve]
  1303. object IndividualPnode extends CIMParseable[IndividualPnode] with Serializable
  1304. object IndividualPnodeSerializer extends CIMSerializer[IndividualPnode]
  1305. object InflowForecast extends CIMParseable[InflowForecast] with Serializable
  1306. object InflowForecastSerializer extends CIMSerializer[InflowForecast]
  1307. object InfoQuestion extends CIMParseable[InfoQuestion] with Serializable
  1308. object InfoQuestionSerializer extends CIMSerializer[InfoQuestion]
  1309. object InspectionAnalog extends CIMParseable[InspectionAnalog] with Serializable
  1310. object InspectionAnalogSerializer extends CIMSerializer[InspectionAnalog]
  1311. object InspectionDataSet extends CIMParseable[InspectionDataSet] with Serializable
  1312. object InspectionDataSetSerializer extends CIMSerializer[InspectionDataSet]
  1313. object InspectionDiscrete extends CIMParseable[InspectionDiscrete] with Serializable
  1314. object InspectionDiscreteSerializer extends CIMSerializer[InspectionDiscrete]
  1315. object InstanceSet extends CIMParseable[InstanceSet] with Serializable
  1316. object InstanceSetSerializer extends CIMSerializer[InstanceSet]
  1317. object InstructionClearing extends CIMParseable[InstructionClearing] with Serializable
  1318. object InstructionClearingDOP extends CIMParseable[InstructionClearingDOP] with Serializable
  1319. object InstructionClearingDOPSerializer extends CIMSerializer[InstructionClearingDOP]
  1320. object InstructionClearingDOT extends CIMParseable[InstructionClearingDOT] with Serializable
  1321. object InstructionClearingDOTSerializer extends CIMSerializer[InstructionClearingDOT]
  1322. object InstructionClearingSerializer extends CIMSerializer[InstructionClearing]
  1323. object Instructions extends CIMParseable[Instructions] with Serializable
  1324. object InstructionsSerializer extends CIMSerializer[Instructions]
  1325. object IntSchedAgreement extends CIMParseable[IntSchedAgreement] with Serializable
  1326. object IntSchedAgreementSerializer extends CIMSerializer[IntSchedAgreement]
  1327. object IntegerQuantity extends CIMParseable[IntegerQuantity] with Serializable
  1328. object IntegerQuantitySerializer extends CIMSerializer[IntegerQuantity]
  1329. object InterTieBid extends CIMParseable[InterTieBid] with Serializable
  1330. object InterTieBidSerializer extends CIMSerializer[InterTieBid]
  1331. object InterTieClearing extends CIMParseable[InterTieClearing] with Serializable
  1332. object InterTieClearingSerializer extends CIMSerializer[InterTieClearing]
  1333. object InterTieDispatchResponse extends CIMParseable[InterTieDispatchResponse] with Serializable
  1334. object InterTieDispatchResponseSerializer extends CIMSerializer[InterTieDispatchResponse]
  1335. object InterTieResults extends CIMParseable[InterTieResults] with Serializable
  1336. object InterTieResultsSerializer extends CIMSerializer[InterTieResults]
  1337. object InterchangeETCData extends CIMParseable[InterchangeETCData] with Serializable
  1338. object InterchangeETCDataSerializer extends CIMSerializer[InterchangeETCData]
  1339. object InterchangeSchedule extends CIMParseable[InterchangeSchedule] with Serializable
  1340. object InterchangeScheduleSerializer extends CIMSerializer[InterchangeSchedule]
  1341. object IntermittentResourceEligibility extends CIMParseable[IntermittentResourceEligibility] with Serializable
  1342. object IntermittentResourceEligibilitySerializer extends CIMSerializer[IntermittentResourceEligibility]
  1343. object InternalControlArea extends CIMParseable[InternalControlArea] with Serializable
  1344. object InternalControlAreaSerializer extends CIMSerializer[InternalControlArea]
  1345. object InternalLocation extends CIMParseable[InternalLocation] with Serializable
  1346. object InternalLocationSerializer extends CIMSerializer[InternalLocation]
  1347. object InterrupterUnit extends CIMParseable[InterrupterUnit] with Serializable
  1348. object InterrupterUnitInfo extends CIMParseable[InterrupterUnitInfo] with Serializable
  1349. object InterrupterUnitInfoSerializer extends CIMSerializer[InterrupterUnitInfo]
  1350. object InterrupterUnitSerializer extends CIMSerializer[InterrupterUnit]
  1351. object IntervalBlock extends CIMParseable[IntervalBlock] with Serializable
  1352. object IntervalBlockSerializer extends CIMSerializer[IntervalBlock]
  1353. object IntervalReading extends CIMParseable[IntervalReading] with Serializable
  1354. object IntervalReadingSerializer extends CIMSerializer[IntervalReading]
  1355. object IrregularIntervalSchedule extends CIMParseable[IrregularIntervalSchedule] with Serializable
  1356. object IrregularIntervalScheduleSerializer extends CIMSerializer[IrregularIntervalSchedule]
  1357. object IrregularTimePoint extends CIMParseable[IrregularTimePoint] with Serializable
  1358. object IrregularTimePointSerializer extends CIMSerializer[IrregularTimePoint]
  1359. object Issuer extends CIMParseable[Issuer] with Serializable
  1360. object IssuerSerializer extends CIMSerializer[Issuer]
  1361. object Joint extends CIMParseable[Joint] with Serializable
  1362. object JointSerializer extends CIMSerializer[Joint]
  1363. object Jumper extends CIMParseable[Jumper] with Serializable
  1364. object JumperAction extends CIMParseable[JumperAction] with Serializable
  1365. object JumperActionSerializer extends CIMSerializer[JumperAction]
  1366. object JumperSerializer extends CIMSerializer[Jumper]
  1367. object Junction extends CIMParseable[Junction] with Serializable
  1368. object JunctionSerializer extends CIMSerializer[Junction]
  1369. object LabTestDataSet extends CIMParseable[LabTestDataSet] with Serializable
  1370. object LabTestDataSetSerializer extends CIMSerializer[LabTestDataSet]
  1371. object LaborItem extends CIMParseable[LaborItem] with Serializable
  1372. object LaborItemSerializer extends CIMSerializer[LaborItem]
  1373. object LaborelecStandard extends CIMParseable[LaborelecStandard] with Serializable
  1374. object LaborelecStandardSerializer extends CIMSerializer[LaborelecStandard]
  1375. object LandProperty extends CIMParseable[LandProperty] with Serializable
  1376. object LandPropertySerializer extends CIMSerializer[LandProperty]
  1377. object Landslide extends CIMParseable[Landslide] with Serializable
  1378. object LandslideSerializer extends CIMSerializer[Landslide]
  1379. object LevelVsVolumeCurve extends CIMParseable[LevelVsVolumeCurve] with Serializable
  1380. object LevelVsVolumeCurveSerializer extends CIMSerializer[LevelVsVolumeCurve]
  1381. object LifecycleDate extends CIMParseable[LifecycleDate] with Serializable
  1382. object LifecycleDateSerializer extends CIMSerializer[LifecycleDate]
  1383. object LightningStrike extends CIMParseable[LightningStrike] with Serializable
  1384. object LightningStrikeSerializer extends CIMSerializer[LightningStrike]
  1385. object Limit extends CIMParseable[Limit] with Serializable
  1386. object LimitDependency extends CIMParseable[LimitDependency] with Serializable
  1387. object LimitDependencySerializer extends CIMSerializer[LimitDependency]
  1388. object LimitScalingLimit extends CIMParseable[LimitScalingLimit] with Serializable
  1389. object LimitScalingLimitSerializer extends CIMSerializer[LimitScalingLimit]
  1390. object LimitSerializer extends CIMSerializer[Limit]
  1391. object LimitSet extends CIMParseable[LimitSet] with Serializable
  1392. object LimitSetSerializer extends CIMSerializer[LimitSet]
  1393. object Line extends CIMParseable[Line] with Serializable
  1394. object LineDetail extends CIMParseable[LineDetail] with Serializable
  1395. object LineDetailSerializer extends CIMSerializer[LineDetail]
  1396. object LineFault extends CIMParseable[LineFault] with Serializable
  1397. object LineFaultSerializer extends CIMSerializer[LineFault]
  1398. object LineSerializer extends CIMSerializer[Line]
  1399. object LinearShuntCompensator extends CIMParseable[LinearShuntCompensator] with Serializable
  1400. object LinearShuntCompensatorPhase extends CIMParseable[LinearShuntCompensatorPhase] with Serializable
  1401. object LinearShuntCompensatorPhaseSerializer extends CIMSerializer[LinearShuntCompensatorPhase]
  1402. object LinearShuntCompensatorSerializer extends CIMSerializer[LinearShuntCompensator]
  1403. object LoadAggregate extends CIMParseable[LoadAggregate] with Serializable
  1404. object LoadAggregateSerializer extends CIMSerializer[LoadAggregate]
  1405. object LoadAggregationPoint extends CIMParseable[LoadAggregationPoint] with Serializable
  1406. object LoadAggregationPointSerializer extends CIMSerializer[LoadAggregationPoint]
  1407. object LoadArea extends CIMParseable[LoadArea] with Serializable
  1408. object LoadAreaSerializer extends CIMSerializer[LoadArea]
  1409. object LoadBid extends CIMParseable[LoadBid] with Serializable
  1410. object LoadBidSerializer extends CIMSerializer[LoadBid]
  1411. object LoadBreakSwitch extends CIMParseable[LoadBreakSwitch] with Serializable
  1412. object LoadBreakSwitchSerializer extends CIMSerializer[LoadBreakSwitch]
  1413. object LoadComposite extends CIMParseable[LoadComposite] with Serializable
  1414. object LoadCompositeSerializer extends CIMSerializer[LoadComposite]
  1415. object LoadDistributionFactor extends CIMParseable[LoadDistributionFactor] with Serializable
  1416. object LoadDistributionFactorSerializer extends CIMSerializer[LoadDistributionFactor]
  1417. object LoadDynamics extends CIMParseable[LoadDynamics] with Serializable
  1418. object LoadDynamicsSerializer extends CIMSerializer[LoadDynamics]
  1419. object LoadFollowingInst extends CIMParseable[LoadFollowingInst] with Serializable
  1420. object LoadFollowingInstSerializer extends CIMSerializer[LoadFollowingInst]
  1421. object LoadFollowingOperatorInput extends CIMParseable[LoadFollowingOperatorInput] with Serializable
  1422. object LoadFollowingOperatorInputSerializer extends CIMSerializer[LoadFollowingOperatorInput]
  1423. object LoadGenericNonLinear extends CIMParseable[LoadGenericNonLinear] with Serializable
  1424. object LoadGenericNonLinearSerializer extends CIMSerializer[LoadGenericNonLinear]
  1425. object LoadGroup extends CIMParseable[LoadGroup] with Serializable
  1426. object LoadGroupSerializer extends CIMSerializer[LoadGroup]
  1427. object LoadModelPartVersion extends CIMParseable[LoadModelPartVersion] with Serializable
  1428. object LoadModelPartVersionSerializer extends CIMSerializer[LoadModelPartVersion]
  1429. object LoadMotor extends CIMParseable[LoadMotor] with Serializable
  1430. object LoadMotorSerializer extends CIMSerializer[LoadMotor]
  1431. object LoadRatio extends CIMParseable[LoadRatio] with Serializable
  1432. object LoadRatioSerializer extends CIMSerializer[LoadRatio]
  1433. object LoadReductionPriceCurve extends CIMParseable[LoadReductionPriceCurve] with Serializable
  1434. object LoadReductionPriceCurveSerializer extends CIMSerializer[LoadReductionPriceCurve]
  1435. object LoadReductionTimeCurve extends CIMParseable[LoadReductionTimeCurve] with Serializable
  1436. object LoadReductionTimeCurveSerializer extends CIMSerializer[LoadReductionTimeCurve]
  1437. object LoadResponseCharacteristic extends CIMParseable[LoadResponseCharacteristic] with Serializable
  1438. object LoadResponseCharacteristicSerializer extends CIMSerializer[LoadResponseCharacteristic]
  1439. object LoadStatic extends CIMParseable[LoadStatic] with Serializable
  1440. object LoadStaticSerializer extends CIMSerializer[LoadStatic]
  1441. object LoadUserDefined extends CIMParseable[LoadUserDefined] with Serializable
  1442. object LoadUserDefinedSerializer extends CIMSerializer[LoadUserDefined]
  1443. object LocalReliabilityArea extends CIMParseable[LocalReliabilityArea] with Serializable
  1444. object LocalReliabilityAreaSerializer extends CIMSerializer[LocalReliabilityArea]
  1445. object Location extends CIMParseable[Location] with Serializable
  1446. object LocationGrant extends CIMParseable[LocationGrant] with Serializable
  1447. object LocationGrantSerializer extends CIMSerializer[LocationGrant]
  1448. object LocationSerializer extends CIMSerializer[Location]
  1449. object LossClearing extends CIMParseable[LossClearing] with Serializable
  1450. object LossClearingResults extends CIMParseable[LossClearingResults] with Serializable
  1451. object LossClearingResultsSerializer extends CIMSerializer[LossClearingResults]
  1452. object LossClearingSerializer extends CIMSerializer[LossClearing]
  1453. object LossProfile extends CIMParseable[LossProfile] with Serializable
  1454. object LossProfileSerializer extends CIMSerializer[LossProfile]
  1455. object LossSensitivity extends CIMParseable[LossSensitivity] with Serializable
  1456. object LossSensitivitySerializer extends CIMSerializer[LossSensitivity]
  1457. object MPMClearing extends CIMParseable[MPMClearing] with Serializable
  1458. object MPMClearingSerializer extends CIMSerializer[MPMClearing]
  1459. object MPMResourceStatus extends CIMParseable[MPMResourceStatus] with Serializable
  1460. object MPMResourceStatusSerializer extends CIMSerializer[MPMResourceStatus]
  1461. object MPMTestCategory extends CIMParseable[MPMTestCategory] with Serializable
  1462. object MPMTestCategorySerializer extends CIMSerializer[MPMTestCategory]
  1463. object MPMTestResults extends CIMParseable[MPMTestResults] with Serializable
  1464. object MPMTestResultsSerializer extends CIMSerializer[MPMTestResults]
  1465. object MPMTestThreshold extends CIMParseable[MPMTestThreshold] with Serializable
  1466. object MPMTestThresholdSerializer extends CIMSerializer[MPMTestThreshold]
  1467. object MSSAggregation extends CIMParseable[MSSAggregation] with Serializable
  1468. object MSSAggregationSerializer extends CIMSerializer[MSSAggregation]
  1469. object MSSZone extends CIMParseable[MSSZone] with Serializable
  1470. object MSSZoneSerializer extends CIMSerializer[MSSZone]
  1471. object MWLimitSchedule extends CIMParseable[MWLimitSchedule] with Serializable
  1472. object MWLimitScheduleSerializer extends CIMSerializer[MWLimitSchedule]
  1473. object MagneticStorm extends CIMParseable[MagneticStorm] with Serializable
  1474. object MagneticStormSerializer extends CIMSerializer[MagneticStorm]
  1475. object Maintainer extends CIMParseable[Maintainer] with Serializable
  1476. object MaintainerSerializer extends CIMSerializer[Maintainer]
  1477. object MaintenanceDataSet extends CIMParseable[MaintenanceDataSet] with Serializable
  1478. object MaintenanceDataSetSerializer extends CIMSerializer[MaintenanceDataSet]
  1479. object MaintenanceLocation extends CIMParseable[MaintenanceLocation] with Serializable
  1480. object MaintenanceLocationSerializer extends CIMSerializer[MaintenanceLocation]
  1481. object MaintenanceWorkTask extends CIMParseable[MaintenanceWorkTask] with Serializable
  1482. object MaintenanceWorkTaskSerializer extends CIMSerializer[MaintenanceWorkTask]
  1483. object MajorChargeGroup extends CIMParseable[MajorChargeGroup] with Serializable
  1484. object MajorChargeGroupSerializer extends CIMSerializer[MajorChargeGroup]
  1485. object Manufacturer extends CIMParseable[Manufacturer] with Serializable
  1486. object ManufacturerSerializer extends CIMSerializer[Manufacturer]
  1487. object Market extends CIMParseable[Market] with Serializable
  1488. object MarketActualEvent extends CIMParseable[MarketActualEvent] with Serializable
  1489. object MarketActualEventSerializer extends CIMSerializer[MarketActualEvent]
  1490. object MarketAgreement extends CIMParseable[MarketAgreement] with Serializable
  1491. object MarketAgreementSerializer extends CIMSerializer[MarketAgreement]
  1492. object MarketCaseClearing extends CIMParseable[MarketCaseClearing] with Serializable
  1493. object MarketCaseClearingSerializer extends CIMSerializer[MarketCaseClearing]
  1494. object MarketDocument extends CIMParseable[MarketDocument] with Serializable
  1495. object MarketDocumentSerializer extends CIMSerializer[MarketDocument]
  1496. object MarketEvaluationPoint extends CIMParseable[MarketEvaluationPoint] with Serializable
  1497. object MarketEvaluationPointSerializer extends CIMSerializer[MarketEvaluationPoint]
  1498. object MarketFactors extends CIMParseable[MarketFactors] with Serializable
  1499. object MarketFactorsSerializer extends CIMSerializer[MarketFactors]
  1500. object MarketInvoice extends CIMParseable[MarketInvoice] with Serializable
  1501. object MarketInvoiceLineItem extends CIMParseable[MarketInvoiceLineItem] with Serializable
  1502. object MarketInvoiceLineItemSerializer extends CIMSerializer[MarketInvoiceLineItem]
  1503. object MarketInvoiceSerializer extends CIMSerializer[MarketInvoice]
  1504. object MarketLedger extends CIMParseable[MarketLedger] with Serializable
  1505. object MarketLedgerEntry extends CIMParseable[MarketLedgerEntry] with Serializable
  1506. object MarketLedgerEntrySerializer extends CIMSerializer[MarketLedgerEntry]
  1507. object MarketLedgerSerializer extends CIMSerializer[MarketLedger]
  1508. object MarketObjectStatus extends CIMParseable[MarketObjectStatus] with Serializable
  1509. object MarketObjectStatusSerializer extends CIMSerializer[MarketObjectStatus]
  1510. object MarketParticipant extends CIMParseable[MarketParticipant] with Serializable
  1511. object MarketParticipantSerializer extends CIMSerializer[MarketParticipant]
  1512. object MarketPerson extends CIMParseable[MarketPerson] with Serializable
  1513. object MarketPersonSerializer extends CIMSerializer[MarketPerson]
  1514. object MarketPlan extends CIMParseable[MarketPlan] with Serializable
  1515. object MarketPlanSerializer extends CIMSerializer[MarketPlan]
  1516. object MarketProduct extends CIMParseable[MarketProduct] with Serializable
  1517. object MarketProductSerializer extends CIMSerializer[MarketProduct]
  1518. object MarketQualificationRequirement extends CIMParseable[MarketQualificationRequirement] with Serializable
  1519. object MarketQualificationRequirementSerializer extends CIMSerializer[MarketQualificationRequirement]
  1520. object MarketRegion extends CIMParseable[MarketRegion] with Serializable
  1521. object MarketRegionResults extends CIMParseable[MarketRegionResults] with Serializable
  1522. object MarketRegionResultsSerializer extends CIMSerializer[MarketRegionResults]
  1523. object MarketRegionSerializer extends CIMSerializer[MarketRegion]
  1524. object MarketResults extends CIMParseable[MarketResults] with Serializable
  1525. object MarketResultsSerializer extends CIMSerializer[MarketResults]
  1526. object MarketRole extends CIMParseable[MarketRole] with Serializable
  1527. object MarketRoleSerializer extends CIMSerializer[MarketRole]
  1528. object MarketRun extends CIMParseable[MarketRun] with Serializable
  1529. object MarketRunSerializer extends CIMSerializer[MarketRun]
  1530. object MarketScheduledEvent extends CIMParseable[MarketScheduledEvent] with Serializable
  1531. object MarketScheduledEventSerializer extends CIMSerializer[MarketScheduledEvent]
  1532. object MarketSerializer extends CIMSerializer[Market]
  1533. object MarketSkill extends CIMParseable[MarketSkill] with Serializable
  1534. object MarketSkillSerializer extends CIMSerializer[MarketSkill]
  1535. object MarketStatement extends CIMParseable[MarketStatement] with Serializable
  1536. object MarketStatementLineItem extends CIMParseable[MarketStatementLineItem] with Serializable
  1537. object MarketStatementLineItemSerializer extends CIMSerializer[MarketStatementLineItem]
  1538. object MarketStatementSerializer extends CIMSerializer[MarketStatement]
  1539. object Marketer extends CIMParseable[Marketer] with Serializable
  1540. object MarketerSerializer extends CIMSerializer[Marketer]
  1541. object MaterialItem extends CIMParseable[MaterialItem] with Serializable
  1542. object MaterialItemSerializer extends CIMSerializer[MaterialItem]
  1543. object MaxStartUpCostCurve extends CIMParseable[MaxStartUpCostCurve] with Serializable
  1544. object MaxStartUpCostCurveSerializer extends CIMSerializer[MaxStartUpCostCurve]
  1545. object Measurement extends CIMParseable[Measurement] with Serializable
  1546. object MeasurementAction extends CIMParseable[MeasurementAction] with Serializable
  1547. object MeasurementActionSerializer extends CIMSerializer[MeasurementAction]
  1548. object MeasurementCalculator extends CIMParseable[MeasurementCalculator] with Serializable
  1549. object MeasurementCalculatorInput extends CIMParseable[MeasurementCalculatorInput] with Serializable
  1550. object MeasurementCalculatorInputSerializer extends CIMSerializer[MeasurementCalculatorInput]
  1551. object MeasurementCalculatorSerializer extends CIMSerializer[MeasurementCalculator]
  1552. object MeasurementSerializer extends CIMSerializer[Measurement]
  1553. object MeasurementValue extends CIMParseable[MeasurementValue] with Serializable
  1554. object MeasurementValueQuality extends CIMParseable[MeasurementValueQuality] with Serializable
  1555. object MeasurementValueQualitySerializer extends CIMSerializer[MeasurementValueQuality]
  1556. object MeasurementValueSerializer extends CIMSerializer[MeasurementValue]
  1557. object MeasurementValueSource extends CIMParseable[MeasurementValueSource] with Serializable
  1558. object MeasurementValueSourceSerializer extends CIMSerializer[MeasurementValueSource]
  1559. object MechLoad1 extends CIMParseable[MechLoad1] with Serializable
  1560. object MechLoad1Serializer extends CIMSerializer[MechLoad1]
  1561. object MechanicalLoadDynamics extends CIMParseable[MechanicalLoadDynamics] with Serializable
  1562. object MechanicalLoadDynamicsSerializer extends CIMSerializer[MechanicalLoadDynamics]
  1563. object MechanicalLoadUserDefined extends CIMParseable[MechanicalLoadUserDefined] with Serializable
  1564. object MechanicalLoadUserDefinedSerializer extends CIMSerializer[MechanicalLoadUserDefined]
  1565. object Medium extends CIMParseable[Medium] with Serializable
  1566. object MediumSerializer extends CIMSerializer[Medium]
  1567. object MerchantAccount extends CIMParseable[MerchantAccount] with Serializable
  1568. object MerchantAccountSerializer extends CIMSerializer[MerchantAccount]
  1569. object MerchantAgreement extends CIMParseable[MerchantAgreement] with Serializable
  1570. object MerchantAgreementSerializer extends CIMSerializer[MerchantAgreement]
  1571. object Meter extends CIMParseable[Meter] with Serializable
  1572. object MeterMultiplier extends CIMParseable[MeterMultiplier] with Serializable
  1573. object MeterMultiplierSerializer extends CIMSerializer[MeterMultiplier]
  1574. object MeterReading extends CIMParseable[MeterReading] with Serializable
  1575. object MeterReadingSerializer extends CIMSerializer[MeterReading]
  1576. object MeterSerializer extends CIMSerializer[Meter]
  1577. object MeterWorkTask extends CIMParseable[MeterWorkTask] with Serializable
  1578. object MeterWorkTaskSerializer extends CIMSerializer[MeterWorkTask]
  1579. object MeteredSubSystem extends CIMParseable[MeteredSubSystem] with Serializable
  1580. object MeteredSubSystemSerializer extends CIMSerializer[MeteredSubSystem]
  1581. object MetrologyRequirement extends CIMParseable[MetrologyRequirement] with Serializable
  1582. object MetrologyRequirementSerializer extends CIMSerializer[MetrologyRequirement]
  1583. object MiscCostItem extends CIMParseable[MiscCostItem] with Serializable
  1584. object MiscCostItemSerializer extends CIMSerializer[MiscCostItem]
  1585. object MitigatedBid extends CIMParseable[MitigatedBid] with Serializable
  1586. object MitigatedBidClearing extends CIMParseable[MitigatedBidClearing] with Serializable
  1587. object MitigatedBidClearingSerializer extends CIMSerializer[MitigatedBidClearing]
  1588. object MitigatedBidSegment extends CIMParseable[MitigatedBidSegment] with Serializable
  1589. object MitigatedBidSegmentSerializer extends CIMSerializer[MitigatedBidSegment]
  1590. object MitigatedBidSerializer extends CIMSerializer[MitigatedBid]
  1591. object MktACLineSegment extends CIMParseable[MktACLineSegment] with Serializable
  1592. object MktACLineSegmentSerializer extends CIMSerializer[MktACLineSegment]
  1593. object MktActivityRecord extends CIMParseable[MktActivityRecord] with Serializable
  1594. object MktActivityRecordSerializer extends CIMSerializer[MktActivityRecord]
  1595. object MktAnalogLimit extends CIMParseable[MktAnalogLimit] with Serializable
  1596. object MktAnalogLimitSerializer extends CIMSerializer[MktAnalogLimit]
  1597. object MktAnalogLimitSet extends CIMParseable[MktAnalogLimitSet] with Serializable
  1598. object MktAnalogLimitSetSerializer extends CIMSerializer[MktAnalogLimitSet]
  1599. object MktCombinedCyclePlant extends CIMParseable[MktCombinedCyclePlant] with Serializable
  1600. object MktCombinedCyclePlantSerializer extends CIMSerializer[MktCombinedCyclePlant]
  1601. object MktConductingEquipment extends CIMParseable[MktConductingEquipment] with Serializable
  1602. object MktConductingEquipmentSerializer extends CIMSerializer[MktConductingEquipment]
  1603. object MktConnectivityNode extends CIMParseable[MktConnectivityNode] with Serializable
  1604. object MktConnectivityNodeSerializer extends CIMSerializer[MktConnectivityNode]
  1605. object MktContingency extends CIMParseable[MktContingency] with Serializable
  1606. object MktContingencySerializer extends CIMSerializer[MktContingency]
  1607. object MktControlArea extends CIMParseable[MktControlArea] with Serializable
  1608. object MktControlAreaSerializer extends CIMSerializer[MktControlArea]
  1609. object MktGeneratingUnit extends CIMParseable[MktGeneratingUnit] with Serializable
  1610. object MktGeneratingUnitSerializer extends CIMSerializer[MktGeneratingUnit]
  1611. object MktHeatRateCurve extends CIMParseable[MktHeatRateCurve] with Serializable
  1612. object MktHeatRateCurveSerializer extends CIMSerializer[MktHeatRateCurve]
  1613. object MktLine extends CIMParseable[MktLine] with Serializable
  1614. object MktLineSerializer extends CIMSerializer[MktLine]
  1615. object MktMeasurement extends CIMParseable[MktMeasurement] with Serializable
  1616. object MktMeasurementSerializer extends CIMSerializer[MktMeasurement]
  1617. object MktPSRType extends CIMParseable[MktPSRType] with Serializable
  1618. object MktPSRTypeSerializer extends CIMSerializer[MktPSRType]
  1619. object MktPowerTransformer extends CIMParseable[MktPowerTransformer] with Serializable
  1620. object MktPowerTransformerSerializer extends CIMSerializer[MktPowerTransformer]
  1621. object MktSeriesCompensator extends CIMParseable[MktSeriesCompensator] with Serializable
  1622. object MktSeriesCompensatorSerializer extends CIMSerializer[MktSeriesCompensator]
  1623. object MktShuntCompensator extends CIMParseable[MktShuntCompensator] with Serializable
  1624. object MktShuntCompensatorSerializer extends CIMSerializer[MktShuntCompensator]
  1625. object MktSwitch extends CIMParseable[MktSwitch] with Serializable
  1626. object MktSwitchSerializer extends CIMSerializer[MktSwitch]
  1627. object MktTapChanger extends CIMParseable[MktTapChanger] with Serializable
  1628. object MktTapChangerSerializer extends CIMSerializer[MktTapChanger]
  1629. object MktTerminal extends CIMParseable[MktTerminal] with Serializable
  1630. object MktTerminalSerializer extends CIMSerializer[MktTerminal]
  1631. object MktThermalGeneratingUnit extends CIMParseable[MktThermalGeneratingUnit] with Serializable
  1632. object MktThermalGeneratingUnitSerializer extends CIMSerializer[MktThermalGeneratingUnit]
  1633. object MktUserAttribute extends CIMParseable[MktUserAttribute] with Serializable
  1634. object MktUserAttributeSerializer extends CIMSerializer[MktUserAttribute]
  1635. object ModelAuthority extends CIMParseable[ModelAuthority] with Serializable
  1636. object ModelAuthoritySerializer extends CIMSerializer[ModelAuthority]
  1637. object ModelAuthoritySet extends CIMParseable[ModelAuthoritySet] with Serializable
  1638. object ModelAuthoritySetSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ModelAuthoritySet]
  1639. object ModelFrameType extends CIMParseable[ModelFrameType] with Serializable
  1640. object ModelFrameTypeSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ModelFrameType]
  1641. object ModelOperation extends CIMParseable[ModelOperation] with Serializable
  1642. object ModelOperationArg extends CIMParseable[ModelOperationArg] with Serializable
  1643. object ModelOperationArgDescription extends CIMParseable[ModelOperationArgDescription] with Serializable
  1644. object ModelOperationArgDescriptionSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ModelOperationArgDescription]
  1645. object ModelOperationArgSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ModelOperationArg]
  1646. object ModelOperationDescription extends CIMParseable[ModelOperationDescription] with Serializable
  1647. object ModelOperationDescriptionSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ModelOperationDescription]
  1648. object ModelOperationSequence extends CIMParseable[ModelOperationSequence] with Serializable
  1649. object ModelOperationSequenceSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ModelOperationSequence]
  1650. object ModelOperationSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ModelOperation]
  1651. object ModelPartSpecification extends CIMParseable[ModelPartSpecification] with Serializable
  1652. object ModelPartSpecificationSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ModelPartSpecification]
  1653. object ModelPartVersion extends CIMParseable[ModelPartVersion] with Serializable
  1654. object ModelPartVersionSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ModelPartVersion]
  1655. object ModelToBeDeleted extends CIMParseable[ModelToBeDeleted] with Serializable
  1656. object ModelToBeDeletedSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ModelToBeDeleted]
  1657. object MonthDayInterval extends CIMParseable[MonthDayInterval] with Serializable
  1658. object MonthDayIntervalSerializer extends CIMSerializer[MonthDayInterval]
  1659. object MutualCoupling extends CIMParseable[MutualCoupling] with Serializable
  1660. object MutualCouplingSerializer extends CIMSerializer[MutualCoupling]
  1661. object Name extends CIMParseable[Name] with Serializable
  1662. object NameSerializer extends CIMSerializer[Name]
  1663. object NameType extends CIMParseable[NameType] with Serializable
  1664. object NameTypeAuthority extends CIMParseable[NameTypeAuthority] with Serializable
  1665. object NameTypeAuthoritySerializer extends CIMSerializer[NameTypeAuthority]
  1666. object NameTypeSerializer extends CIMSerializer[NameType]
  1667. object NetworkBoundary extends CIMParseable[NetworkBoundary] with Serializable
  1668. object NetworkBoundarySerializer extends CIMSerializer[NetworkBoundary]
  1669. object NetworkFrame extends CIMParseable[NetworkFrame] with Serializable
  1670. object NetworkFrameSerializer extends CIMSerializer[NetworkFrame]
  1671. object NetworkModelCaseDefinition extends CIMParseable[NetworkModelCaseDefinition] with Serializable
  1672. object NetworkModelCaseDefinitionSerializer extends CIMSerializer[NetworkModelCaseDefinition]
  1673. object NetworkModelProject extends CIMParseable[NetworkModelProject] with Serializable
  1674. object NetworkModelProject2 extends CIMParseable[NetworkModelProject2] with Serializable
  1675. object NetworkModelProject2Serializer extends CIMSerializer[NetworkModelProject2]
  1676. object NetworkModelProjectChange extends CIMParseable[NetworkModelProjectChange] with Serializable
  1677. object NetworkModelProjectChangeSerializer extends CIMSerializer[NetworkModelProjectChange]
  1678. object NetworkModelProjectChangeVersion extends CIMParseable[NetworkModelProjectChangeVersion] with Serializable
  1679. object NetworkModelProjectChangeVersionSerializer extends CIMSerializer[NetworkModelProjectChangeVersion]
  1680. object NetworkModelProjectCollection extends CIMParseable[NetworkModelProjectCollection] with Serializable
  1681. object NetworkModelProjectCollectionSerializer extends CIMSerializer[NetworkModelProjectCollection]
  1682. object NetworkModelProjectComponent extends CIMParseable[NetworkModelProjectComponent] with Serializable
  1683. object NetworkModelProjectComponent2 extends CIMParseable[NetworkModelProjectComponent2] with Serializable
  1684. object NetworkModelProjectComponent2Serializer extends CIMSerializer[NetworkModelProjectComponent2]
  1685. object NetworkModelProjectComponentSerializer extends CIMSerializer[NetworkModelProjectComponent]
  1686. object NetworkModelProjectDocument extends CIMParseable[NetworkModelProjectDocument] with Serializable
  1687. object NetworkModelProjectDocumentSerializer extends CIMSerializer[NetworkModelProjectDocument]
  1688. object NetworkModelProjectRelationship extends CIMParseable[NetworkModelProjectRelationship] with Serializable
  1689. object NetworkModelProjectRelationshipSerializer extends CIMSerializer[NetworkModelProjectRelationship]
  1690. object NetworkModelProjectSerializer extends CIMSerializer[NetworkModelProject]
  1691. object NetworkModelProjectStage extends CIMParseable[NetworkModelProjectStage] with Serializable
  1692. object NetworkModelProjectStageSerializer extends CIMSerializer[NetworkModelProjectStage]
  1693. object NetworkModelProjectState extends CIMParseable[NetworkModelProjectState] with Serializable
  1694. object NetworkModelProjectStateSerializer extends CIMSerializer[NetworkModelProjectState]
  1695. object NoLoadTest extends CIMParseable[NoLoadTest] with Serializable
  1696. object NoLoadTestSerializer extends CIMSerializer[NoLoadTest]
  1697. object NodeConstraintTerm extends CIMParseable[NodeConstraintTerm] with Serializable
  1698. object NodeConstraintTermSerializer extends CIMSerializer[NodeConstraintTerm]
  1699. object NonConformLoad extends CIMParseable[NonConformLoad] with Serializable
  1700. object NonConformLoadGroup extends CIMParseable[NonConformLoadGroup] with Serializable
  1701. object NonConformLoadGroupSerializer extends CIMSerializer[NonConformLoadGroup]
  1702. object NonConformLoadSchedule extends CIMParseable[NonConformLoadSchedule] with Serializable
  1703. object NonConformLoadScheduleSerializer extends CIMSerializer[NonConformLoadSchedule]
  1704. object NonConformLoadSerializer extends CIMSerializer[NonConformLoad]
  1705. object NonStandardItem extends CIMParseable[NonStandardItem] with Serializable
  1706. object NonStandardItemSerializer extends CIMSerializer[NonStandardItem]
  1707. object NonlinearShuntCompensator extends CIMParseable[NonlinearShuntCompensator] with Serializable
  1708. object NonlinearShuntCompensatorPhase extends CIMParseable[NonlinearShuntCompensatorPhase] with Serializable
  1709. object NonlinearShuntCompensatorPhasePoint extends CIMParseable[NonlinearShuntCompensatorPhasePoint] with Serializable
  1710. object NonlinearShuntCompensatorPhasePointSerializer extends CIMSerializer[NonlinearShuntCompensatorPhasePoint]
  1711. object NonlinearShuntCompensatorPhaseSerializer extends CIMSerializer[NonlinearShuntCompensatorPhase]
  1712. object NonlinearShuntCompensatorPoint extends CIMParseable[NonlinearShuntCompensatorPoint] with Serializable
  1713. object NonlinearShuntCompensatorPointSerializer extends CIMSerializer[NonlinearShuntCompensatorPoint]
  1714. object NonlinearShuntCompensatorSerializer extends CIMSerializer[NonlinearShuntCompensator]
  1715. object NotificationTimeCurve extends CIMParseable[NotificationTimeCurve] with Serializable
  1716. object NotificationTimeCurveSerializer extends CIMSerializer[NotificationTimeCurve]
  1717. object NuclearGeneratingUnit extends CIMParseable[NuclearGeneratingUnit] with Serializable
  1718. object NuclearGeneratingUnitSerializer extends CIMSerializer[NuclearGeneratingUnit]
  1719. object ObjectCreation extends CIMParseable[ObjectCreation] with Serializable
  1720. object ObjectCreationSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ObjectCreation]
  1721. object ObjectDeletion extends CIMParseable[ObjectDeletion] with Serializable
  1722. object ObjectDeletionSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ObjectDeletion]
  1723. object ObjectModification extends CIMParseable[ObjectModification] with Serializable
  1724. object ObjectModificationSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ObjectModification]
  1725. object ObjectReverseModification extends CIMParseable[ObjectReverseModification] with Serializable
  1726. object ObjectReverseModificationSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ObjectReverseModification]
  1727. object Observation extends CIMParseable[Observation] with Serializable
  1728. object ObservationSerializer extends CIMSerializer[Observation]
  1729. object OilAnalysisFluidAnalog extends CIMParseable[OilAnalysisFluidAnalog] with Serializable
  1730. object OilAnalysisFluidAnalogSerializer extends CIMSerializer[OilAnalysisFluidAnalog]
  1731. object OilAnalysisFluidDiscrete extends CIMParseable[OilAnalysisFluidDiscrete] with Serializable
  1732. object OilAnalysisFluidDiscreteSerializer extends CIMSerializer[OilAnalysisFluidDiscrete]
  1733. object OilAnalysisGasAnalog extends CIMParseable[OilAnalysisGasAnalog] with Serializable
  1734. object OilAnalysisGasAnalogSerializer extends CIMSerializer[OilAnalysisGasAnalog]
  1735. object OilAnalysisMetalsAnalog extends CIMParseable[OilAnalysisMetalsAnalog] with Serializable
  1736. object OilAnalysisMetalsAnalogSerializer extends CIMSerializer[OilAnalysisMetalsAnalog]
  1737. object OilAnalysisMoistureAnalog extends CIMParseable[OilAnalysisMoistureAnalog] with Serializable
  1738. object OilAnalysisMoistureAnalogSerializer extends CIMSerializer[OilAnalysisMoistureAnalog]
  1739. object OilAnalysisPCBAnalog extends CIMParseable[OilAnalysisPCBAnalog] with Serializable
  1740. object OilAnalysisPCBAnalogSerializer extends CIMSerializer[OilAnalysisPCBAnalog]
  1741. object OilAnalysisPCBDiscrete extends CIMParseable[OilAnalysisPCBDiscrete] with Serializable
  1742. object OilAnalysisPCBDiscreteSerializer extends CIMSerializer[OilAnalysisPCBDiscrete]
  1743. object OilAnalysisPaperAnalog extends CIMParseable[OilAnalysisPaperAnalog] with Serializable
  1744. object OilAnalysisPaperAnalogSerializer extends CIMSerializer[OilAnalysisPaperAnalog]
  1745. object OilAnalysisParticleAnalog extends CIMParseable[OilAnalysisParticleAnalog] with Serializable
  1746. object OilAnalysisParticleAnalogSerializer extends CIMSerializer[OilAnalysisParticleAnalog]
  1747. object OilAnalysisParticleDiscrete extends CIMParseable[OilAnalysisParticleDiscrete] with Serializable
  1748. object OilAnalysisParticleDiscreteSerializer extends CIMSerializer[OilAnalysisParticleDiscrete]
  1749. object OilPrice extends CIMParseable[OilPrice] with Serializable
  1750. object OilPriceSerializer extends CIMSerializer[OilPrice]
  1751. object OilSpecimen extends CIMParseable[OilSpecimen] with Serializable
  1752. object OilSpecimenSerializer extends CIMSerializer[OilSpecimen]
  1753. object OldCrew extends CIMParseable[OldCrew] with Serializable
  1754. object OldCrewSerializer extends CIMSerializer[OldCrew]
  1755. object OldPerson extends CIMParseable[OldPerson] with Serializable
  1756. object OldPersonSerializer extends CIMSerializer[OldPerson]
  1757. object OldSwitchInfo extends CIMParseable[OldSwitchInfo] with Serializable
  1758. object OldSwitchInfoSerializer extends CIMSerializer[OldSwitchInfo]
  1759. object OldTransformerEndInfo extends CIMParseable[OldTransformerEndInfo] with Serializable
  1760. object OldTransformerEndInfoSerializer extends CIMSerializer[OldTransformerEndInfo]
  1761. object OldTransformerTankInfo extends CIMParseable[OldTransformerTankInfo] with Serializable
  1762. object OldTransformerTankInfoSerializer extends CIMSerializer[OldTransformerTankInfo]
  1763. object OldWorkTask extends CIMParseable[OldWorkTask] with Serializable
  1764. object OldWorkTaskSerializer extends CIMSerializer[OldWorkTask]
  1765. object OneCallRequest extends CIMParseable[OneCallRequest] with Serializable
  1766. object OneCallRequestSerializer extends CIMSerializer[OneCallRequest]
  1767. object OpenAccessProduct extends CIMParseable[OpenAccessProduct] with Serializable
  1768. object OpenAccessProductSerializer extends CIMSerializer[OpenAccessProduct]
  1769. object OpenCircuitTest extends CIMParseable[OpenCircuitTest] with Serializable
  1770. object OpenCircuitTestSerializer extends CIMSerializer[OpenCircuitTest]
  1771. object OpenTieSchedule extends CIMParseable[OpenTieSchedule] with Serializable
  1772. object OpenTieScheduleSerializer extends CIMSerializer[OpenTieSchedule]
  1773. object OperatingMechanism extends CIMParseable[OperatingMechanism] with Serializable
  1774. object OperatingMechanismInfo extends CIMParseable[OperatingMechanismInfo] with Serializable
  1775. object OperatingMechanismInfoSerializer extends CIMSerializer[OperatingMechanismInfo]
  1776. object OperatingMechanismSerializer extends CIMSerializer[OperatingMechanism]
  1777. object OperatingParticipant extends CIMParseable[OperatingParticipant] with Serializable
  1778. object OperatingParticipantSerializer extends CIMSerializer[OperatingParticipant]
  1779. object OperatingShare extends CIMParseable[OperatingShare] with Serializable
  1780. object OperatingShareSerializer extends CIMSerializer[OperatingShare]
  1781. object Operation extends CIMParseable[Operation] with Serializable
  1782. object OperationPersonRole extends CIMParseable[OperationPersonRole] with Serializable
  1783. object OperationPersonRoleSerializer extends CIMSerializer[OperationPersonRole]
  1784. object OperationSerializer extends CIMSerializer[Operation]
  1785. object OperationalLimit extends CIMParseable[OperationalLimit] with Serializable
  1786. object OperationalLimitSerializer extends CIMSerializer[OperationalLimit]
  1787. object OperationalLimitSet extends CIMParseable[OperationalLimitSet] with Serializable
  1788. object OperationalLimitSetSerializer extends CIMSerializer[OperationalLimitSet]
  1789. object OperationalLimitType extends CIMParseable[OperationalLimitType] with Serializable
  1790. object OperationalLimitTypeSerializer extends CIMSerializer[OperationalLimitType]
  1791. object OperationalRestriction extends CIMParseable[OperationalRestriction] with Serializable
  1792. object OperationalRestrictionSerializer extends CIMSerializer[OperationalRestriction]
  1793. object OperationalTag extends CIMParseable[OperationalTag] with Serializable
  1794. object OperationalTagSerializer extends CIMSerializer[OperationalTag]
  1795. object OperationalUpdatedRating extends CIMParseable[OperationalUpdatedRating] with Serializable
  1796. object OperationalUpdatedRatingSerializer extends CIMSerializer[OperationalUpdatedRating]
  1797. object OperationsSafetySupervisor extends CIMParseable[OperationsSafetySupervisor] with Serializable
  1798. object OperationsSafetySupervisorSerializer extends CIMSerializer[OperationsSafetySupervisor]
  1799. object OperatonalLimitTypeScaling extends CIMParseable[OperatonalLimitTypeScaling] with Serializable
  1800. object OperatonalLimitTypeScalingSerializer extends CIMSerializer[OperatonalLimitTypeScaling]
  1801. object Operator extends CIMParseable[Operator] with Serializable
  1802. object OperatorSerializer extends CIMSerializer[Operator]
  1803. object OrgOrgRole extends CIMParseable[OrgOrgRole] with Serializable
  1804. object OrgOrgRoleSerializer extends CIMSerializer[OrgOrgRole]
  1805. object OrgPnodeAllocation extends CIMParseable[OrgPnodeAllocation] with Serializable
  1806. object OrgPnodeAllocationSerializer extends CIMSerializer[OrgPnodeAllocation]
  1807. object OrgResOwnership extends CIMParseable[OrgResOwnership] with Serializable
  1808. object OrgResOwnershipSerializer extends CIMSerializer[OrgResOwnership]
  1809. object Organisation extends CIMParseable[Organisation] with Serializable
  1810. object OrganisationRole extends CIMParseable[OrganisationRole] with Serializable
  1811. object OrganisationRoleSerializer extends CIMSerializer[OrganisationRole]
  1812. object OrganisationSerializer extends CIMSerializer[Organisation]
  1813. object Outage extends CIMParseable[Outage] with Serializable
  1814. object OutageArea extends CIMParseable[OutageArea] with Serializable
  1815. object OutageAreaSerializer extends CIMSerializer[OutageArea]
  1816. object OutageOrder extends CIMParseable[OutageOrder] with Serializable
  1817. object OutageOrderSerializer extends CIMSerializer[OutageOrder]
  1818. object OutagePlan extends CIMParseable[OutagePlan] with Serializable
  1819. object OutagePlanSerializer extends CIMSerializer[OutagePlan]
  1820. object OutageSerializer extends CIMSerializer[Outage]
  1821. object OverexcLim2 extends CIMParseable[OverexcLim2] with Serializable
  1822. object OverexcLim2Serializer extends CIMSerializer[OverexcLim2]
  1823. object OverexcLimIEEE extends CIMParseable[OverexcLimIEEE] with Serializable
  1824. object OverexcLimIEEESerializer extends CIMSerializer[OverexcLimIEEE]
  1825. object OverexcLimX1 extends CIMParseable[OverexcLimX1] with Serializable
  1826. object OverexcLimX1Serializer extends CIMSerializer[OverexcLimX1]
  1827. object OverexcLimX2 extends CIMParseable[OverexcLimX2] with Serializable
  1828. object OverexcLimX2Serializer extends CIMSerializer[OverexcLimX2]
  1829. object OverexcitationLimiterDynamics extends CIMParseable[OverexcitationLimiterDynamics] with Serializable
  1830. object OverexcitationLimiterDynamicsSerializer extends CIMSerializer[OverexcitationLimiterDynamics]
  1831. object OverexcitationLimiterUserDefined extends CIMParseable[OverexcitationLimiterUserDefined] with Serializable
  1832. object OverexcitationLimiterUserDefinedSerializer extends CIMSerializer[OverexcitationLimiterUserDefined]
  1833. object OverheadCost extends CIMParseable[OverheadCost] with Serializable
  1834. object OverheadCostSerializer extends CIMSerializer[OverheadCost]
  1835. object OverheadWireInfo extends CIMParseable[OverheadWireInfo] with Serializable
  1836. object OverheadWireInfoSerializer extends CIMSerializer[OverheadWireInfo]
  1837. object Ownership extends CIMParseable[Ownership] with Serializable
  1838. object OwnershipSerializer extends CIMSerializer[Ownership]
  1839. object PFVArControllerType1Dynamics extends CIMParseable[PFVArControllerType1Dynamics] with Serializable
  1840. object PFVArControllerType1DynamicsSerializer extends CIMSerializer[PFVArControllerType1Dynamics]
  1841. object PFVArControllerType1UserDefined extends CIMParseable[PFVArControllerType1UserDefined] with Serializable
  1842. object PFVArControllerType1UserDefinedSerializer extends CIMSerializer[PFVArControllerType1UserDefined]
  1843. object PFVArControllerType2Dynamics extends CIMParseable[PFVArControllerType2Dynamics] with Serializable
  1844. object PFVArControllerType2DynamicsSerializer extends CIMSerializer[PFVArControllerType2Dynamics]
  1845. object PFVArControllerType2UserDefined extends CIMParseable[PFVArControllerType2UserDefined] with Serializable
  1846. object PFVArControllerType2UserDefinedSerializer extends CIMSerializer[PFVArControllerType2UserDefined]
  1847. object PFVArType1IEEEPFController extends CIMParseable[PFVArType1IEEEPFController] with Serializable
  1848. object PFVArType1IEEEPFControllerSerializer extends CIMSerializer[PFVArType1IEEEPFController]
  1849. object PFVArType1IEEEVArController extends CIMParseable[PFVArType1IEEEVArController] with Serializable
  1850. object PFVArType1IEEEVArControllerSerializer extends CIMSerializer[PFVArType1IEEEVArController]
  1851. object PFVArType2Common1 extends CIMParseable[PFVArType2Common1] with Serializable
  1852. object PFVArType2Common1Serializer extends CIMSerializer[PFVArType2Common1]
  1853. object PFVArType2IEEEPFController extends CIMParseable[PFVArType2IEEEPFController] with Serializable
  1854. object PFVArType2IEEEPFControllerSerializer extends CIMSerializer[PFVArType2IEEEPFController]
  1855. object PFVArType2IEEEVArController extends CIMParseable[PFVArType2IEEEVArController] with Serializable
  1856. object PFVArType2IEEEVArControllerSerializer extends CIMSerializer[PFVArType2IEEEVArController]
  1857. object PFmode extends CIMParseable[PFmode] with Serializable
  1858. object PFmodeSerializer extends CIMSerializer[PFmode]
  1859. object PSREvent extends CIMParseable[PSREvent] with Serializable
  1860. object PSREventSerializer extends CIMSerializer[PSREvent]
  1861. object PSRType extends CIMParseable[PSRType] with Serializable
  1862. object PSRTypeSerializer extends CIMSerializer[PSRType]
  1863. object PWRSteamSupply extends CIMParseable[PWRSteamSupply] with Serializable
  1864. object PWRSteamSupplySerializer extends CIMSerializer[PWRSteamSupply]
  1865. object PackageDependenciesCIMVersion extends CIMParseable[PackageDependenciesCIMVersion] with Serializable
  1866. object PackageDependenciesCIMVersionSerializer extends CIMSerializer[PackageDependenciesCIMVersion]
  1867. object PanDemandResponse extends CIMParseable[PanDemandResponse] with Serializable
  1868. object PanDemandResponseSerializer extends CIMSerializer[PanDemandResponse]
  1869. object PanDisplay extends CIMParseable[PanDisplay] with Serializable
  1870. object PanDisplaySerializer extends CIMSerializer[PanDisplay]
  1871. object PanPricing extends CIMParseable[PanPricing] with Serializable
  1872. object PanPricingDetail extends CIMParseable[PanPricingDetail] with Serializable
  1873. object PanPricingDetailSerializer extends CIMSerializer[PanPricingDetail]
  1874. object PanPricingSerializer extends CIMSerializer[PanPricing]
  1875. object ParentOrganization extends CIMParseable[ParentOrganization] with Serializable
  1876. object ParentOrganizationSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ParentOrganization]
  1877. object Participation extends CIMParseable[Participation] with Serializable
  1878. object ParticipationSerializer extends CIMSerializer[Participation]
  1879. object PassThroughBill extends CIMParseable[PassThroughBill] with Serializable
  1880. object PassThroughBillSerializer extends CIMSerializer[PassThroughBill]
  1881. object Pcontrol extends CIMParseable[Pcontrol] with Serializable
  1882. object PcontrolSerializer extends CIMSerializer[Pcontrol]
  1883. object PendingCalculation extends CIMParseable[PendingCalculation] with Serializable
  1884. object PendingCalculationSerializer extends CIMSerializer[PendingCalculation]
  1885. object PenstockLossCurve extends CIMParseable[PenstockLossCurve] with Serializable
  1886. object PenstockLossCurveSerializer extends CIMSerializer[PenstockLossCurve]
  1887. object PerLengthDCLineParameter extends CIMParseable[PerLengthDCLineParameter] with Serializable
  1888. object PerLengthDCLineParameterSerializer extends CIMSerializer[PerLengthDCLineParameter]
  1889. object PerLengthImpedance extends CIMParseable[PerLengthImpedance] with Serializable
  1890. object PerLengthImpedanceSerializer extends CIMSerializer[PerLengthImpedance]
  1891. object PerLengthLineParameter extends CIMParseable[PerLengthLineParameter] with Serializable
  1892. object PerLengthLineParameterSerializer extends CIMSerializer[PerLengthLineParameter]
  1893. object PerLengthPhaseImpedance extends CIMParseable[PerLengthPhaseImpedance] with Serializable
  1894. object PerLengthPhaseImpedanceSerializer extends CIMSerializer[PerLengthPhaseImpedance]
  1895. object PerLengthSequenceImpedance extends CIMParseable[PerLengthSequenceImpedance] with Serializable
  1896. object PerLengthSequenceImpedanceSerializer extends CIMSerializer[PerLengthSequenceImpedance]
  1897. object Period extends CIMParseable[Period] with Serializable
  1898. object PeriodSerializer extends CIMSerializer[Period]
  1899. object PeriodicStatisticalCalculation extends CIMParseable[PeriodicStatisticalCalculation] with Serializable
  1900. object PeriodicStatisticalCalculationSerializer extends CIMSerializer[PeriodicStatisticalCalculation]
  1901. object Person extends CIMParseable[Person] with Serializable
  1902. object PersonOrganisationRole extends CIMParseable[PersonOrganisationRole] with Serializable
  1903. object PersonOrganisationRoleSerializer extends CIMSerializer[PersonOrganisationRole]
  1904. object PersonPropertyRole extends CIMParseable[PersonPropertyRole] with Serializable
  1905. object PersonPropertyRoleSerializer extends CIMSerializer[PersonPropertyRole]
  1906. object PersonRole extends CIMParseable[PersonRole] with Serializable
  1907. object PersonRoleSerializer extends CIMSerializer[PersonRole]
  1908. object PersonSerializer extends CIMSerializer[Person]
  1909. object PetersenCoil extends CIMParseable[PetersenCoil] with Serializable
  1910. object PetersenCoilSerializer extends CIMSerializer[PetersenCoil]
  1911. object PhaseImpedanceData extends CIMParseable[PhaseImpedanceData] with Serializable
  1912. object PhaseImpedanceDataSerializer extends CIMSerializer[PhaseImpedanceData]
  1913. object PhaseTapChanger extends CIMParseable[PhaseTapChanger] with Serializable
  1914. object PhaseTapChangerAsymmetrical extends CIMParseable[PhaseTapChangerAsymmetrical] with Serializable
  1915. object PhaseTapChangerAsymmetricalSerializer extends CIMSerializer[PhaseTapChangerAsymmetrical]
  1916. object PhaseTapChangerLinear extends CIMParseable[PhaseTapChangerLinear] with Serializable
  1917. object PhaseTapChangerLinearSerializer extends CIMSerializer[PhaseTapChangerLinear]
  1918. object PhaseTapChangerNonLinear extends CIMParseable[PhaseTapChangerNonLinear] with Serializable
  1919. object PhaseTapChangerNonLinearSerializer extends CIMSerializer[PhaseTapChangerNonLinear]
  1920. object PhaseTapChangerSerializer extends CIMSerializer[PhaseTapChanger]
  1921. object PhaseTapChangerSymmetrical extends CIMParseable[PhaseTapChangerSymmetrical] with Serializable
  1922. object PhaseTapChangerSymmetricalSerializer extends CIMSerializer[PhaseTapChangerSymmetrical]
  1923. object PhaseTapChangerTable extends CIMParseable[PhaseTapChangerTable] with Serializable
  1924. object PhaseTapChangerTablePoint extends CIMParseable[PhaseTapChangerTablePoint] with Serializable
  1925. object PhaseTapChangerTablePointSerializer extends CIMSerializer[PhaseTapChangerTablePoint]
  1926. object PhaseTapChangerTableSerializer extends CIMSerializer[PhaseTapChangerTable]
  1927. object PhaseTapChangerTabular extends CIMParseable[PhaseTapChangerTabular] with Serializable
  1928. object PhaseTapChangerTabularSerializer extends CIMSerializer[PhaseTapChangerTabular]
  1929. object PhenomenonClassification extends CIMParseable[PhenomenonClassification] with Serializable
  1930. object PhenomenonClassificationSerializer extends CIMSerializer[PhenomenonClassification]
  1931. object PhotoVoltaicUnit extends CIMParseable[PhotoVoltaicUnit] with Serializable
  1932. object PhotoVoltaicUnitSerializer extends CIMSerializer[PhotoVoltaicUnit]
  1933. object PinBranchGroup extends CIMParseable[PinBranchGroup] with Serializable
  1934. object PinBranchGroupSerializer extends CIMSerializer[PinBranchGroup]
  1935. object PinEquipment extends CIMParseable[PinEquipment] with Serializable
  1936. object PinEquipmentSerializer extends CIMSerializer[PinEquipment]
  1937. object PinGate extends CIMParseable[PinGate] with Serializable
  1938. object PinGateSerializer extends CIMSerializer[PinGate]
  1939. object PinMeasurement extends CIMParseable[PinMeasurement] with Serializable
  1940. object PinMeasurementSerializer extends CIMSerializer[PinMeasurement]
  1941. object PinTerminal extends CIMParseable[PinTerminal] with Serializable
  1942. object PinTerminalSerializer extends CIMSerializer[PinTerminal]
  1943. object PlannedMarket extends CIMParseable[PlannedMarket] with Serializable
  1944. object PlannedMarketEvent extends CIMParseable[PlannedMarketEvent] with Serializable
  1945. object PlannedMarketEventSerializer extends CIMSerializer[PlannedMarketEvent]
  1946. object PlannedMarketSerializer extends CIMSerializer[PlannedMarket]
  1947. object PlannedOutage extends CIMParseable[PlannedOutage] with Serializable
  1948. object PlannedOutageNotification extends CIMParseable[PlannedOutageNotification] with Serializable
  1949. object PlannedOutageNotificationSerializer extends CIMSerializer[PlannedOutageNotification]
  1950. object PlannedOutageSerializer extends CIMSerializer[PlannedOutage]
  1951. object Plant extends CIMParseable[Plant] with Serializable
  1952. object PlantSerializer extends CIMSerializer[Plant]
  1953. object Pnode extends CIMParseable[Pnode] with Serializable
  1954. object PnodeClearing extends CIMParseable[PnodeClearing] with Serializable
  1955. object PnodeClearingSerializer extends CIMSerializer[PnodeClearing]
  1956. object PnodeDistributionFactor extends CIMParseable[PnodeDistributionFactor] with Serializable
  1957. object PnodeDistributionFactorSerializer extends CIMSerializer[PnodeDistributionFactor]
  1958. object PnodeResults extends CIMParseable[PnodeResults] with Serializable
  1959. object PnodeResultsSerializer extends CIMSerializer[PnodeResults]
  1960. object PnodeSerializer extends CIMSerializer[Pnode]
  1961. object Point extends CIMParseable[Point] with Serializable
  1962. object PointOfSale extends CIMParseable[PointOfSale] with Serializable
  1963. object PointOfSaleSerializer extends CIMSerializer[PointOfSale]
  1964. object PointSerializer extends CIMSerializer[Point]
  1965. object Pole extends CIMParseable[Pole] with Serializable
  1966. object PoleSerializer extends CIMSerializer[Pole]
  1967. object PositionPoint extends CIMParseable[PositionPoint] with Serializable
  1968. object PositionPointSerializer extends CIMSerializer[PositionPoint]
  1969. object PostLineSensor extends CIMParseable[PostLineSensor] with Serializable
  1970. object PostLineSensorSerializer extends CIMSerializer[PostLineSensor]
  1971. object PotentialTransformer extends CIMParseable[PotentialTransformer] with Serializable
  1972. object PotentialTransformerInfo extends CIMParseable[PotentialTransformerInfo] with Serializable
  1973. object PotentialTransformerInfoSerializer extends CIMSerializer[PotentialTransformerInfo]
  1974. object PotentialTransformerSerializer extends CIMSerializer[PotentialTransformer]
  1975. object PowerCutZone extends CIMParseable[PowerCutZone] with Serializable
  1976. object PowerCutZoneSerializer extends CIMSerializer[PowerCutZone]
  1977. object PowerElectronicsConnection extends CIMParseable[PowerElectronicsConnection] with Serializable
  1978. object PowerElectronicsConnectionPhase extends CIMParseable[PowerElectronicsConnectionPhase] with Serializable
  1979. object PowerElectronicsConnectionPhaseSerializer extends CIMSerializer[PowerElectronicsConnectionPhase]
  1980. object PowerElectronicsConnectionSerializer extends CIMSerializer[PowerElectronicsConnection]
  1981. object PowerElectronicsUnit extends CIMParseable[PowerElectronicsUnit] with Serializable
  1982. object PowerElectronicsUnitSerializer extends CIMSerializer[PowerElectronicsUnit]
  1983. object PowerElectronicsWindUnit extends CIMParseable[PowerElectronicsWindUnit] with Serializable
  1984. object PowerElectronicsWindUnitSerializer extends CIMSerializer[PowerElectronicsWindUnit]
  1985. object PowerQualityPricing extends CIMParseable[PowerQualityPricing] with Serializable
  1986. object PowerQualityPricingSerializer extends CIMSerializer[PowerQualityPricing]
  1987. object PowerSystemProjectLifecycleToBeDeleted extends CIMParseable[PowerSystemProjectLifecycleToBeDeleted] with Serializable
  1988. object PowerSystemProjectLifecycleToBeDeletedSerializer extends CIMSerializer[PowerSystemProjectLifecycleToBeDeleted]
  1989. object PowerSystemResource extends CIMParseable[PowerSystemResource] with Serializable
  1990. object PowerSystemResourceSerializer extends CIMSerializer[PowerSystemResource]
  1991. object PowerSystemStabilizerDynamics extends CIMParseable[PowerSystemStabilizerDynamics] with Serializable
  1992. object PowerSystemStabilizerDynamicsSerializer extends CIMSerializer[PowerSystemStabilizerDynamics]
  1993. object PowerSystemStabilizerUserDefined extends CIMParseable[PowerSystemStabilizerUserDefined] with Serializable
  1994. object PowerSystemStabilizerUserDefinedSerializer extends CIMSerializer[PowerSystemStabilizerUserDefined]
  1995. object PowerTransformer extends CIMParseable[PowerTransformer] with Serializable
  1996. object PowerTransformerEnd extends CIMParseable[PowerTransformerEnd] with Serializable
  1997. object PowerTransformerEndSerializer extends CIMSerializer[PowerTransformerEnd]
  1998. object PowerTransformerInfo extends CIMParseable[PowerTransformerInfo] with Serializable
  1999. object PowerTransformerInfoSerializer extends CIMSerializer[PowerTransformerInfo]
  2000. object PowerTransformerSerializer extends CIMSerializer[PowerTransformer]
  2001. object Price extends CIMParseable[Price] with Serializable
  2002. object PriceDescriptor extends CIMParseable[PriceDescriptor] with Serializable
  2003. object PriceDescriptorSerializer extends CIMSerializer[PriceDescriptor]
  2004. object PriceSerializer extends CIMSerializer[Price]
  2005. object PricingStructure extends CIMParseable[PricingStructure] with Serializable
  2006. object PricingStructureSerializer extends CIMSerializer[PricingStructure]
  2007. object PrimeMover extends CIMParseable[PrimeMover] with Serializable
  2008. object PrimeMoverSerializer extends CIMSerializer[PrimeMover]
  2009. object Priority extends CIMParseable[Priority] with Serializable
  2010. object PrioritySerializer extends CIMSerializer[Priority]
  2011. object Procedure extends CIMParseable[Procedure] with Serializable
  2012. object ProcedureDataSet extends CIMParseable[ProcedureDataSet] with Serializable
  2013. object ProcedureDataSetSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ProcedureDataSet]
  2014. object ProcedureSerializer extends CIMSerializer[Procedure]
  2015. object Process extends CIMParseable[Process] with Serializable
  2016. object ProcessSerializer extends CIMSerializer[Process]
  2017. object ProductAssetModel extends CIMParseable[ProductAssetModel] with Serializable
  2018. object ProductAssetModelSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ProductAssetModel]
  2019. object ProductBid extends CIMParseable[ProductBid] with Serializable
  2020. object ProductBidSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ProductBid]
  2021. object Profile extends CIMParseable[Profile] with Serializable
  2022. object Profile2 extends CIMParseable[Profile2] with Serializable
  2023. object Profile2Serializer extends CIMSerializer[Profile2]
  2024. object ProfileData extends CIMParseable[ProfileData] with Serializable
  2025. object ProfileDataSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ProfileData]
  2026. object ProfileSerializer extends CIMSerializer[Profile]
  2027. object Project extends CIMParseable[Project] with Serializable
  2028. object ProjectAlternative extends CIMParseable[ProjectAlternative] with Serializable
  2029. object ProjectAlternativeSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ProjectAlternative]
  2030. object ProjectDependency extends CIMParseable[ProjectDependency] with Serializable
  2031. object ProjectDependencySerializer extends CIMSerializer[ProjectDependency]
  2032. object ProjectSerializer extends CIMSerializer[Project]
  2033. object PropertyOrganisationRole extends CIMParseable[PropertyOrganisationRole] with Serializable
  2034. object PropertyOrganisationRoleSerializer extends CIMSerializer[PropertyOrganisationRole]
  2035. object PropertyUnit extends CIMParseable[PropertyUnit] with Serializable
  2036. object PropertyUnitSerializer extends CIMSerializer[PropertyUnit]
  2037. object ProportionalDistributionComponent extends CIMParseable[ProportionalDistributionComponent] with Serializable
  2038. object ProportionalDistributionComponentSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ProportionalDistributionComponent]
  2039. object ProprietaryParameterDynamics extends CIMParseable[ProprietaryParameterDynamics] with Serializable
  2040. object ProprietaryParameterDynamicsSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ProprietaryParameterDynamics]
  2041. object ProtectedSwitch extends CIMParseable[ProtectedSwitch] with Serializable
  2042. object ProtectedSwitchSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ProtectedSwitch]
  2043. object ProtectionEquipment extends CIMParseable[ProtectionEquipment] with Serializable
  2044. object ProtectionEquipmentInfo extends CIMParseable[ProtectionEquipmentInfo] with Serializable
  2045. object ProtectionEquipmentInfoSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ProtectionEquipmentInfo]
  2046. object ProtectionEquipmentSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ProtectionEquipment]
  2047. object ProtectiveAction extends CIMParseable[ProtectiveAction] with Serializable
  2048. object ProtectiveActionAdjustment extends CIMParseable[ProtectiveActionAdjustment] with Serializable
  2049. object ProtectiveActionAdjustmentSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ProtectiveActionAdjustment]
  2050. object ProtectiveActionCollection extends CIMParseable[ProtectiveActionCollection] with Serializable
  2051. object ProtectiveActionCollectionSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ProtectiveActionCollection]
  2052. object ProtectiveActionEquipment extends CIMParseable[ProtectiveActionEquipment] with Serializable
  2053. object ProtectiveActionEquipmentSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ProtectiveActionEquipment]
  2054. object ProtectiveActionRegulation extends CIMParseable[ProtectiveActionRegulation] with Serializable
  2055. object ProtectiveActionRegulationSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ProtectiveActionRegulation]
  2056. object ProtectiveActionSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ProtectiveAction]
  2057. object ProvidedBilateralPoint extends CIMParseable[ProvidedBilateralPoint] with Serializable
  2058. object ProvidedBilateralPointSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ProvidedBilateralPoint]
  2059. object Pss1 extends CIMParseable[Pss1] with Serializable
  2060. object Pss1A extends CIMParseable[Pss1A] with Serializable
  2061. object Pss1ASerializer extends CIMSerializer[Pss1A]
  2062. object Pss1Serializer extends CIMSerializer[Pss1]
  2063. object Pss2B extends CIMParseable[Pss2B] with Serializable
  2064. object Pss2BSerializer extends CIMSerializer[Pss2B]
  2065. object Pss2ST extends CIMParseable[Pss2ST] with Serializable
  2066. object Pss2STSerializer extends CIMSerializer[Pss2ST]
  2067. object Pss5 extends CIMParseable[Pss5] with Serializable
  2068. object Pss5Serializer extends CIMSerializer[Pss5]
  2069. object PssELIN2 extends CIMParseable[PssELIN2] with Serializable
  2070. object PssELIN2Serializer extends CIMSerializer[PssELIN2]
  2071. object PssIEEE1A extends CIMParseable[PssIEEE1A] with Serializable
  2072. object PssIEEE1ASerializer extends CIMSerializer[PssIEEE1A]
  2073. object PssIEEE2B extends CIMParseable[PssIEEE2B] with Serializable
  2074. object PssIEEE2BSerializer extends CIMSerializer[PssIEEE2B]
  2075. object PssIEEE3B extends CIMParseable[PssIEEE3B] with Serializable
  2076. object PssIEEE3BSerializer extends CIMSerializer[PssIEEE3B]
  2077. object PssIEEE4B extends CIMParseable[PssIEEE4B] with Serializable
  2078. object PssIEEE4BSerializer extends CIMSerializer[PssIEEE4B]
  2079. object PssPTIST1 extends CIMParseable[PssPTIST1] with Serializable
  2080. object PssPTIST1Serializer extends CIMSerializer[PssPTIST1]
  2081. object PssPTIST3 extends CIMParseable[PssPTIST3] with Serializable
  2082. object PssPTIST3Serializer extends CIMSerializer[PssPTIST3]
  2083. object PssRQB extends CIMParseable[PssRQB] with Serializable
  2084. object PssRQBSerializer extends CIMSerializer[PssRQB]
  2085. object PssSB4 extends CIMParseable[PssSB4] with Serializable
  2086. object PssSB4Serializer extends CIMSerializer[PssSB4]
  2087. object PssSH extends CIMParseable[PssSH] with Serializable
  2088. object PssSHSerializer extends CIMSerializer[PssSH]
  2089. object PssSK extends CIMParseable[PssSK] with Serializable
  2090. object PssSKSerializer extends CIMSerializer[PssSK]
  2091. object PssSTAB2A extends CIMParseable[PssSTAB2A] with Serializable
  2092. object PssSTAB2ASerializer extends CIMSerializer[PssSTAB2A]
  2093. object PssWECC extends CIMParseable[PssWECC] with Serializable
  2094. object PssWECCSerializer extends CIMSerializer[PssWECC]
  2095. object PublicX509Certificate extends CIMParseable[PublicX509Certificate] with Serializable
  2096. object PublicX509CertificateSerializer extends CIMSerializer[PublicX509Certificate]
  2097. object PumpingCostSchedule extends CIMParseable[PumpingCostSchedule] with Serializable
  2098. object PumpingCostScheduleSerializer extends CIMSerializer[PumpingCostSchedule]
  2099. object PumpingLevelSchedule extends CIMParseable[PumpingLevelSchedule] with Serializable
  2100. object PumpingLevelScheduleSerializer extends CIMSerializer[PumpingLevelSchedule]
  2101. object PumpingShutDownCostSchedule extends CIMParseable[PumpingShutDownCostSchedule] with Serializable
  2102. object PumpingShutDownCostScheduleSerializer extends CIMSerializer[PumpingShutDownCostSchedule]
  2103. object Qlimiter extends CIMParseable[Qlimiter] with Serializable
  2104. object QlimiterSerializer extends CIMSerializer[Qlimiter]
  2105. object Qmode extends CIMParseable[Qmode] with Serializable
  2106. object QmodeSerializer extends CIMSerializer[Qmode]
  2107. object Qregulator extends CIMParseable[Qregulator] with Serializable
  2108. object QregulatorSerializer extends CIMSerializer[Qregulator]
  2109. object QualificationRequirement extends CIMParseable[QualificationRequirement] with Serializable
  2110. object QualificationRequirementSerializer extends CIMSerializer[QualificationRequirement]
  2111. object Quality61850 extends CIMParseable[Quality61850] with Serializable
  2112. object Quality61850Serializer extends CIMSerializer[Quality61850]
  2113. object Quantity extends CIMParseable[Quantity] with Serializable
  2114. object QuantitySerializer extends CIMSerializer[Quantity]
  2115. object RMRDetermination extends CIMParseable[RMRDetermination] with Serializable
  2116. object RMRDeterminationSerializer extends CIMSerializer[RMRDetermination]
  2117. object RMRHeatRateCurve extends CIMParseable[RMRHeatRateCurve] with Serializable
  2118. object RMRHeatRateCurveSerializer extends CIMSerializer[RMRHeatRateCurve]
  2119. object RMROperatorInput extends CIMParseable[RMROperatorInput] with Serializable
  2120. object RMROperatorInputSerializer extends CIMSerializer[RMROperatorInput]
  2121. object RMRStartUpCostCurve extends CIMParseable[RMRStartUpCostCurve] with Serializable
  2122. object RMRStartUpCostCurveSerializer extends CIMSerializer[RMRStartUpCostCurve]
  2123. object RMRStartUpEnergyCurve extends CIMParseable[RMRStartUpEnergyCurve] with Serializable
  2124. object RMRStartUpEnergyCurveSerializer extends CIMSerializer[RMRStartUpEnergyCurve]
  2125. object RMRStartUpFuelCurve extends CIMParseable[RMRStartUpFuelCurve] with Serializable
  2126. object RMRStartUpFuelCurveSerializer extends CIMSerializer[RMRStartUpFuelCurve]
  2127. object RMRStartUpTimeCurve extends CIMParseable[RMRStartUpTimeCurve] with Serializable
  2128. object RMRStartUpTimeCurveSerializer extends CIMSerializer[RMRStartUpTimeCurve]
  2129. object RTO extends CIMParseable[RTO] with Serializable
  2130. object RTOSerializer extends CIMSerializer[RTO]
  2131. object RUCAwardInstruction extends CIMParseable[RUCAwardInstruction] with Serializable
  2132. object RUCAwardInstructionSerializer extends CIMSerializer[RUCAwardInstruction]
  2133. object RUCZone extends CIMParseable[RUCZone] with Serializable
  2134. object RUCZoneSerializer extends CIMSerializer[RUCZone]
  2135. object RaiseLowerCommand extends CIMParseable[RaiseLowerCommand] with Serializable
  2136. object RaiseLowerCommandSerializer extends CIMSerializer[RaiseLowerCommand]
  2137. object RampRateCurve extends CIMParseable[RampRateCurve] with Serializable
  2138. object RampRateCurveSerializer extends CIMSerializer[RampRateCurve]
  2139. object Ratio extends CIMParseable[Ratio] with Serializable
  2140. object RatioSerializer extends CIMSerializer[Ratio]
  2141. object RatioTapChanger extends CIMParseable[RatioTapChanger] with Serializable
  2142. object RatioTapChangerSerializer extends CIMSerializer[RatioTapChanger]
  2143. object RatioTapChangerTable extends CIMParseable[RatioTapChangerTable] with Serializable
  2144. object RatioTapChangerTablePoint extends CIMParseable[RatioTapChangerTablePoint] with Serializable
  2145. object RatioTapChangerTablePointSerializer extends CIMSerializer[RatioTapChangerTablePoint]
  2146. object RatioTapChangerTableSerializer extends CIMSerializer[RatioTapChangerTable]
  2147. object RationalNumber extends CIMParseable[RationalNumber] with Serializable
  2148. object RationalNumberSerializer extends CIMSerializer[RationalNumber]
  2149. object ReactiveCapabilityCurve extends CIMParseable[ReactiveCapabilityCurve] with Serializable
  2150. object ReactiveCapabilityCurveSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ReactiveCapabilityCurve]
  2151. object Reading extends CIMParseable[Reading] with Serializable
  2152. object ReadingInterharmonic extends CIMParseable[ReadingInterharmonic] with Serializable
  2153. object ReadingInterharmonicSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ReadingInterharmonic]
  2154. object ReadingQuality extends CIMParseable[ReadingQuality] with Serializable
  2155. object ReadingQualitySerializer extends CIMSerializer[ReadingQuality]
  2156. object ReadingQualityType extends CIMParseable[ReadingQualityType] with Serializable
  2157. object ReadingQualityTypeSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ReadingQualityType]
  2158. object ReadingSerializer extends CIMSerializer[Reading]
  2159. object ReadingType extends CIMParseable[ReadingType] with Serializable
  2160. object ReadingTypeSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ReadingType]
  2161. object Reason extends CIMParseable[Reason] with Serializable
  2162. object ReasonSerializer extends CIMSerializer[Reason]
  2163. object Receipt extends CIMParseable[Receipt] with Serializable
  2164. object ReceiptSerializer extends CIMSerializer[Receipt]
  2165. object RecloseSequence extends CIMParseable[RecloseSequence] with Serializable
  2166. object RecloseSequenceSerializer extends CIMSerializer[RecloseSequence]
  2167. object Recloser extends CIMParseable[Recloser] with Serializable
  2168. object RecloserInfo extends CIMParseable[RecloserInfo] with Serializable
  2169. object RecloserInfoSerializer extends CIMSerializer[RecloserInfo]
  2170. object RecloserSerializer extends CIMSerializer[Recloser]
  2171. object Reconditioning extends CIMParseable[Reconditioning] with Serializable
  2172. object ReconditioningSerializer extends CIMSerializer[Reconditioning]
  2173. object RedLine extends CIMParseable[RedLine] with Serializable
  2174. object RedLineSerializer extends CIMSerializer[RedLine]
  2175. object Register extends CIMParseable[Register] with Serializable
  2176. object RegisterSerializer extends CIMSerializer[Register]
  2177. object RegisteredControllableLoad extends CIMParseable[RegisteredControllableLoad] with Serializable
  2178. object RegisteredControllableLoadSerializer extends CIMSerializer[RegisteredControllableLoad]
  2179. object RegisteredDistributedResource extends CIMParseable[RegisteredDistributedResource] with Serializable
  2180. object RegisteredDistributedResourceSerializer extends CIMSerializer[RegisteredDistributedResource]
  2181. object RegisteredGenerator extends CIMParseable[RegisteredGenerator] with Serializable
  2182. object RegisteredGeneratorSerializer extends CIMSerializer[RegisteredGenerator]
  2183. object RegisteredInterTie extends CIMParseable[RegisteredInterTie] with Serializable
  2184. object RegisteredInterTieSerializer extends CIMSerializer[RegisteredInterTie]
  2185. object RegisteredLoad extends CIMParseable[RegisteredLoad] with Serializable
  2186. object RegisteredLoadSerializer extends CIMSerializer[RegisteredLoad]
  2187. object RegisteredResource extends CIMParseable[RegisteredResource] with Serializable
  2188. object RegisteredResourceSerializer extends CIMSerializer[RegisteredResource]
  2189. object RegularIntervalSchedule extends CIMParseable[RegularIntervalSchedule] with Serializable
  2190. object RegularIntervalScheduleSerializer extends CIMSerializer[RegularIntervalSchedule]
  2191. object RegularTimePoint extends CIMParseable[RegularTimePoint] with Serializable
  2192. object RegularTimePointSerializer extends CIMSerializer[RegularTimePoint]
  2193. object RegulatingCondEq extends CIMParseable[RegulatingCondEq] with Serializable
  2194. object RegulatingCondEqSerializer extends CIMSerializer[RegulatingCondEq]
  2195. object RegulatingControl extends CIMParseable[RegulatingControl] with Serializable
  2196. object RegulatingControlSerializer extends CIMSerializer[RegulatingControl]
  2197. object RegulatingLimit extends CIMParseable[RegulatingLimit] with Serializable
  2198. object RegulatingLimitSerializer extends CIMSerializer[RegulatingLimit]
  2199. object Regulation extends CIMParseable[Regulation] with Serializable
  2200. object RegulationSchedule extends CIMParseable[RegulationSchedule] with Serializable
  2201. object RegulationScheduleSerializer extends CIMSerializer[RegulationSchedule]
  2202. object RegulationSerializer extends CIMSerializer[Regulation]
  2203. object RelativeDisplacement extends CIMParseable[RelativeDisplacement] with Serializable
  2204. object RelativeDisplacementSerializer extends CIMSerializer[RelativeDisplacement]
  2205. object ReliabilityInfo extends CIMParseable[ReliabilityInfo] with Serializable
  2206. object ReliabilityInfoSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ReliabilityInfo]
  2207. object RemedialActionScheme extends CIMParseable[RemedialActionScheme] with Serializable
  2208. object RemedialActionSchemeSerializer extends CIMSerializer[RemedialActionScheme]
  2209. object RemoteConnectDisconnectInfo extends CIMParseable[RemoteConnectDisconnectInfo] with Serializable
  2210. object RemoteConnectDisconnectInfoSerializer extends CIMSerializer[RemoteConnectDisconnectInfo]
  2211. object RemoteControl extends CIMParseable[RemoteControl] with Serializable
  2212. object RemoteControlSerializer extends CIMSerializer[RemoteControl]
  2213. object RemoteInputSignal extends CIMParseable[RemoteInputSignal] with Serializable
  2214. object RemoteInputSignalSerializer extends CIMSerializer[RemoteInputSignal]
  2215. object RemotePoint extends CIMParseable[RemotePoint] with Serializable
  2216. object RemotePointSerializer extends CIMSerializer[RemotePoint]
  2217. object RemoteSource extends CIMParseable[RemoteSource] with Serializable
  2218. object RemoteSourceSerializer extends CIMSerializer[RemoteSource]
  2219. object RemoteUnit extends CIMParseable[RemoteUnit] with Serializable
  2220. object RemoteUnitSerializer extends CIMSerializer[RemoteUnit]
  2221. object RepairItem extends CIMParseable[RepairItem] with Serializable
  2222. object RepairItemSerializer extends CIMSerializer[RepairItem]
  2223. object RepairWorkTask extends CIMParseable[RepairWorkTask] with Serializable
  2224. object RepairWorkTaskSerializer extends CIMSerializer[RepairWorkTask]
  2225. object ReportingCapability extends CIMParseable[ReportingCapability] with Serializable
  2226. object ReportingCapabilitySerializer extends CIMSerializer[ReportingCapability]
  2227. object ReportingGroup extends CIMParseable[ReportingGroup] with Serializable
  2228. object ReportingGroupSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ReportingGroup]
  2229. object ReportingSuperGroup extends CIMParseable[ReportingSuperGroup] with Serializable
  2230. object ReportingSuperGroupSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ReportingSuperGroup]
  2231. object ReserveDemandCurve extends CIMParseable[ReserveDemandCurve] with Serializable
  2232. object ReserveDemandCurveSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ReserveDemandCurve]
  2233. object ReserveReq extends CIMParseable[ReserveReq] with Serializable
  2234. object ReserveReqCurve extends CIMParseable[ReserveReqCurve] with Serializable
  2235. object ReserveReqCurveSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ReserveReqCurve]
  2236. object ReserveReqSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ReserveReq]
  2237. object Reservoir extends CIMParseable[Reservoir] with Serializable
  2238. object ReservoirSerializer extends CIMSerializer[Reservoir]
  2239. object ResourceAwardClearing extends CIMParseable[ResourceAwardClearing] with Serializable
  2240. object ResourceAwardClearingSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ResourceAwardClearing]
  2241. object ResourceAwardInstruction extends CIMParseable[ResourceAwardInstruction] with Serializable
  2242. object ResourceAwardInstructionSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ResourceAwardInstruction]
  2243. object ResourceBid extends CIMParseable[ResourceBid] with Serializable
  2244. object ResourceBidSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ResourceBid]
  2245. object ResourceCapacity extends CIMParseable[ResourceCapacity] with Serializable
  2246. object ResourceCapacitySerializer extends CIMSerializer[ResourceCapacity]
  2247. object ResourceCertification extends CIMParseable[ResourceCertification] with Serializable
  2248. object ResourceCertification2 extends CIMParseable[ResourceCertification2] with Serializable
  2249. object ResourceCertification2Serializer extends CIMSerializer[ResourceCertification2]
  2250. object ResourceCertificationSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ResourceCertification]
  2251. object ResourceClearing extends CIMParseable[ResourceClearing] with Serializable
  2252. object ResourceClearingSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ResourceClearing]
  2253. object ResourceDeploymentStatus extends CIMParseable[ResourceDeploymentStatus] with Serializable
  2254. object ResourceDeploymentStatusSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ResourceDeploymentStatus]
  2255. object ResourceDispatchResults extends CIMParseable[ResourceDispatchResults] with Serializable
  2256. object ResourceDispatchResultsSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ResourceDispatchResults]
  2257. object ResourceGroup extends CIMParseable[ResourceGroup] with Serializable
  2258. object ResourceGroupReq extends CIMParseable[ResourceGroupReq] with Serializable
  2259. object ResourceGroupReqSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ResourceGroupReq]
  2260. object ResourceGroupSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ResourceGroup]
  2261. object ResourceLoadFollowingInst extends CIMParseable[ResourceLoadFollowingInst] with Serializable
  2262. object ResourceLoadFollowingInstSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ResourceLoadFollowingInst]
  2263. object ResourceOperationMaintenanceCost extends CIMParseable[ResourceOperationMaintenanceCost] with Serializable
  2264. object ResourceOperationMaintenanceCostSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ResourceOperationMaintenanceCost]
  2265. object ResourcePerformanceEvaluation extends CIMParseable[ResourcePerformanceEvaluation] with Serializable
  2266. object ResourcePerformanceEvaluationSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ResourcePerformanceEvaluation]
  2267. object ResourcePerformanceGlobalFactor extends CIMParseable[ResourcePerformanceGlobalFactor] with Serializable
  2268. object ResourcePerformanceGlobalFactorSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ResourcePerformanceGlobalFactor]
  2269. object ResourcePerformanceRating extends CIMParseable[ResourcePerformanceRating] with Serializable
  2270. object ResourcePerformanceRatingSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ResourcePerformanceRating]
  2271. object ResourcePerformanceTimeSeriesFactor extends CIMParseable[ResourcePerformanceTimeSeriesFactor] with Serializable
  2272. object ResourcePerformanceTimeSeriesFactorSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ResourcePerformanceTimeSeriesFactor]
  2273. object ResourceStartupCost extends CIMParseable[ResourceStartupCost] with Serializable
  2274. object ResourceStartupCostSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ResourceStartupCost]
  2275. object ResourceVerifiableCosts extends CIMParseable[ResourceVerifiableCosts] with Serializable
  2276. object ResourceVerifiableCostsSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ResourceVerifiableCosts]
  2277. object ResponseMethod extends CIMParseable[ResponseMethod] with Serializable
  2278. object ResponseMethodSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ResponseMethod]
  2279. object RightOfWay extends CIMParseable[RightOfWay] with Serializable
  2280. object RightOfWaySerializer extends CIMSerializer[RightOfWay]
  2281. object RiskScore extends CIMParseable[RiskScore] with Serializable
  2282. object RiskScoreSerializer extends CIMSerializer[RiskScore]
  2283. object Role extends CIMParseable[Role] with Serializable
  2284. object RoleSerializer extends CIMSerializer[Role]
  2285. object RotatingMachine extends CIMParseable[RotatingMachine] with Serializable
  2286. object RotatingMachineDynamics extends CIMParseable[RotatingMachineDynamics] with Serializable
  2287. object RotatingMachineDynamicsSerializer extends CIMSerializer[RotatingMachineDynamics]
  2288. object RotatingMachineSerializer extends CIMSerializer[RotatingMachine]
  2289. object Route extends CIMParseable[Route] with Serializable
  2290. object RouteSerializer extends CIMSerializer[Route]
  2291. object SCADAInformation extends CIMParseable[SCADAInformation] with Serializable
  2292. object SCADAInformationSerializer extends CIMSerializer[SCADAInformation]
  2293. object SVC extends CIMParseable[SVC] with Serializable
  2294. object SVCSerializer extends CIMSerializer[SVC]
  2295. object SVCUserDefined extends CIMParseable[SVCUserDefined] with Serializable
  2296. object SVCUserDefinedSerializer extends CIMSerializer[SVCUserDefined]
  2297. object SafetyDocument extends CIMParseable[SafetyDocument] with Serializable
  2298. object SafetyDocumentSerializer extends CIMSerializer[SafetyDocument]
  2299. object ScheduledActivePowerLimitValue extends CIMParseable[ScheduledActivePowerLimitValue] with Serializable
  2300. object ScheduledActivePowerLimitValueSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ScheduledActivePowerLimitValue]
  2301. object ScheduledApparentPowerLimitValue extends CIMParseable[ScheduledApparentPowerLimitValue] with Serializable
  2302. object ScheduledApparentPowerLimitValueSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ScheduledApparentPowerLimitValue]
  2303. object ScheduledCurrentLimitValue extends CIMParseable[ScheduledCurrentLimitValue] with Serializable
  2304. object ScheduledCurrentLimitValueSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ScheduledCurrentLimitValue]
  2305. object ScheduledEvent extends CIMParseable[ScheduledEvent] with Serializable
  2306. object ScheduledEventData extends CIMParseable[ScheduledEventData] with Serializable
  2307. object ScheduledEventDataSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ScheduledEventData]
  2308. object ScheduledEventSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ScheduledEvent]
  2309. object ScheduledLimitDependency extends CIMParseable[ScheduledLimitDependency] with Serializable
  2310. object ScheduledLimitDependencySerializer extends CIMSerializer[ScheduledLimitDependency]
  2311. object ScheduledLimitValue extends CIMParseable[ScheduledLimitValue] with Serializable
  2312. object ScheduledLimitValueSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ScheduledLimitValue]
  2313. object ScheduledVoltageLimitValue extends CIMParseable[ScheduledVoltageLimitValue] with Serializable
  2314. object ScheduledVoltageLimitValueSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ScheduledVoltageLimitValue]
  2315. object SchedulingCoordinator extends CIMParseable[SchedulingCoordinator] with Serializable
  2316. object SchedulingCoordinatorSerializer extends CIMSerializer[SchedulingCoordinator]
  2317. object SchedulingCoordinatorUser extends CIMParseable[SchedulingCoordinatorUser] with Serializable
  2318. object SchedulingCoordinatorUserSerializer extends CIMSerializer[SchedulingCoordinatorUser]
  2319. object SchedulingPoint extends CIMParseable[SchedulingPoint] with Serializable
  2320. object SchedulingPointSerializer extends CIMSerializer[SchedulingPoint]
  2321. object Seal extends CIMParseable[Seal] with Serializable
  2322. object SealSerializer extends CIMSerializer[Seal]
  2323. object Season extends CIMParseable[Season] with Serializable
  2324. object SeasonDayTypeSchedule extends CIMParseable[SeasonDayTypeSchedule] with Serializable
  2325. object SeasonDayTypeScheduleSerializer extends CIMSerializer[SeasonDayTypeSchedule]
  2326. object SeasonSerializer extends CIMSerializer[Season]
  2327. object Sectionaliser extends CIMParseable[Sectionaliser] with Serializable
  2328. object SectionaliserSerializer extends CIMSerializer[Sectionaliser]
  2329. object SecurityConstraintSum extends CIMParseable[SecurityConstraintSum] with Serializable
  2330. object SecurityConstraintSumSerializer extends CIMSerializer[SecurityConstraintSum]
  2331. object SecurityConstraints extends CIMParseable[SecurityConstraints] with Serializable
  2332. object SecurityConstraintsClearing extends CIMParseable[SecurityConstraintsClearing] with Serializable
  2333. object SecurityConstraintsClearingSerializer extends CIMSerializer[SecurityConstraintsClearing]
  2334. object SecurityConstraintsSerializer extends CIMSerializer[SecurityConstraints]
  2335. object SelfScheduleBreakdown extends CIMParseable[SelfScheduleBreakdown] with Serializable
  2336. object SelfScheduleBreakdownSerializer extends CIMSerializer[SelfScheduleBreakdown]
  2337. object SensitivityPriceCurve extends CIMParseable[SensitivityPriceCurve] with Serializable
  2338. object SensitivityPriceCurveSerializer extends CIMSerializer[SensitivityPriceCurve]
  2339. object Sensor extends CIMParseable[Sensor] with Serializable
  2340. object SensorSerializer extends CIMSerializer[Sensor]
  2341. object Series extends CIMParseable[Series] with Serializable
  2342. object SeriesCompensator extends CIMParseable[SeriesCompensator] with Serializable
  2343. object SeriesCompensatorSerializer extends CIMSerializer[SeriesCompensator]
  2344. object SeriesEquipmentDependentLimit extends CIMParseable[SeriesEquipmentDependentLimit] with Serializable
  2345. object SeriesEquipmentDependentLimitSerializer extends CIMSerializer[SeriesEquipmentDependentLimit]
  2346. object SeriesSerializer extends CIMSerializer[Series]
  2347. object ServiceCategory extends CIMParseable[ServiceCategory] with Serializable
  2348. object ServiceCategorySerializer extends CIMSerializer[ServiceCategory]
  2349. object ServiceGuarantee extends CIMParseable[ServiceGuarantee] with Serializable
  2350. object ServiceGuaranteeSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ServiceGuarantee]
  2351. object ServiceLocation extends CIMParseable[ServiceLocation] with Serializable
  2352. object ServiceLocationSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ServiceLocation]
  2353. object ServiceMultiplier extends CIMParseable[ServiceMultiplier] with Serializable
  2354. object ServiceMultiplierSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ServiceMultiplier]
  2355. object ServicePoint extends CIMParseable[ServicePoint] with Serializable
  2356. object ServicePointOutageSummary extends CIMParseable[ServicePointOutageSummary] with Serializable
  2357. object ServicePointOutageSummarySerializer extends CIMSerializer[ServicePointOutageSummary]
  2358. object ServicePointSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ServicePoint]
  2359. object ServiceSupplier extends CIMParseable[ServiceSupplier] with Serializable
  2360. object ServiceSupplierSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ServiceSupplier]
  2361. object SetPoint extends CIMParseable[SetPoint] with Serializable
  2362. object SetPointSerializer extends CIMSerializer[SetPoint]
  2363. object Settlement extends CIMParseable[Settlement] with Serializable
  2364. object SettlementSerializer extends CIMSerializer[Settlement]
  2365. object Shift extends CIMParseable[Shift] with Serializable
  2366. object ShiftPattern extends CIMParseable[ShiftPattern] with Serializable
  2367. object ShiftPatternSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ShiftPattern]
  2368. object ShiftSerializer extends CIMSerializer[Shift]
  2369. object ShortCircuitTest extends CIMParseable[ShortCircuitTest] with Serializable
  2370. object ShortCircuitTestSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ShortCircuitTest]
  2371. object ShuntCompensator extends CIMParseable[ShuntCompensator] with Serializable
  2372. object ShuntCompensatorAction extends CIMParseable[ShuntCompensatorAction] with Serializable
  2373. object ShuntCompensatorActionSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ShuntCompensatorAction]
  2374. object ShuntCompensatorControl extends CIMParseable[ShuntCompensatorControl] with Serializable
  2375. object ShuntCompensatorControlSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ShuntCompensatorControl]
  2376. object ShuntCompensatorDynamicData extends CIMParseable[ShuntCompensatorDynamicData] with Serializable
  2377. object ShuntCompensatorDynamicDataSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ShuntCompensatorDynamicData]
  2378. object ShuntCompensatorInfo extends CIMParseable[ShuntCompensatorInfo] with Serializable
  2379. object ShuntCompensatorInfoSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ShuntCompensatorInfo]
  2380. object ShuntCompensatorPhase extends CIMParseable[ShuntCompensatorPhase] with Serializable
  2381. object ShuntCompensatorPhaseSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ShuntCompensatorPhase]
  2382. object ShuntCompensatorSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ShuntCompensator]
  2383. object ShutdownCurve extends CIMParseable[ShutdownCurve] with Serializable
  2384. object ShutdownCurveSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ShutdownCurve]
  2385. object SimpleEndDeviceFunction extends CIMParseable[SimpleEndDeviceFunction] with Serializable
  2386. object SimpleEndDeviceFunctionSerializer extends CIMSerializer[SimpleEndDeviceFunction]
  2387. object Skill extends CIMParseable[Skill] with Serializable
  2388. object SkillSerializer extends CIMSerializer[Skill]
  2389. object SolarGeneratingUnit extends CIMParseable[SolarGeneratingUnit] with Serializable
  2390. object SolarGeneratingUnitSerializer extends CIMSerializer[SolarGeneratingUnit]
  2391. object SpaceAnalog extends CIMParseable[SpaceAnalog] with Serializable
  2392. object SpaceAnalogSerializer extends CIMSerializer[SpaceAnalog]
  2393. object SpacePhenomenon extends CIMParseable[SpacePhenomenon] with Serializable
  2394. object SpacePhenomenonSerializer extends CIMSerializer[SpacePhenomenon]
  2395. object Specification extends CIMParseable[Specification] with Serializable
  2396. object SpecificationSerializer extends CIMSerializer[Specification]
  2397. object Specimen extends CIMParseable[Specimen] with Serializable
  2398. object SpecimenSerializer extends CIMSerializer[Specimen]
  2399. object Stage extends CIMParseable[Stage] with Serializable
  2400. object StageSerializer extends CIMSerializer[Stage]
  2401. object StageTrigger extends CIMParseable[StageTrigger] with Serializable
  2402. object StageTriggerSerializer extends CIMSerializer[StageTrigger]
  2403. object StandardIndustryCode extends CIMParseable[StandardIndustryCode] with Serializable
  2404. object StandardIndustryCodeSerializer extends CIMSerializer[StandardIndustryCode]
  2405. object StartIgnFuelCurve extends CIMParseable[StartIgnFuelCurve] with Serializable
  2406. object StartIgnFuelCurveSerializer extends CIMSerializer[StartIgnFuelCurve]
  2407. object StartMainFuelCurve extends CIMParseable[StartMainFuelCurve] with Serializable
  2408. object StartMainFuelCurveSerializer extends CIMSerializer[StartMainFuelCurve]
  2409. object StartRampCurve extends CIMParseable[StartRampCurve] with Serializable
  2410. object StartRampCurveSerializer extends CIMSerializer[StartRampCurve]
  2411. object StartUpCostCurve extends CIMParseable[StartUpCostCurve] with Serializable
  2412. object StartUpCostCurveSerializer extends CIMSerializer[StartUpCostCurve]
  2413. object StartUpEnergyCurve extends CIMParseable[StartUpEnergyCurve] with Serializable
  2414. object StartUpEnergyCurveSerializer extends CIMSerializer[StartUpEnergyCurve]
  2415. object StartUpFuelCurve extends CIMParseable[StartUpFuelCurve] with Serializable
  2416. object StartUpFuelCurveSerializer extends CIMSerializer[StartUpFuelCurve]
  2417. object StartUpTimeCurve extends CIMParseable[StartUpTimeCurve] with Serializable
  2418. object StartUpTimeCurveSerializer extends CIMSerializer[StartUpTimeCurve]
  2419. object StartupModel extends CIMParseable[StartupModel] with Serializable
  2420. object StartupModelSerializer extends CIMSerializer[StartupModel]
  2421. object StateVariable extends CIMParseable[StateVariable] with Serializable
  2422. object StateVariableSerializer extends CIMSerializer[StateVariable]
  2423. object StaticVarCompensator extends CIMParseable[StaticVarCompensator] with Serializable
  2424. object StaticVarCompensatorDynamics extends CIMParseable[StaticVarCompensatorDynamics] with Serializable
  2425. object StaticVarCompensatorDynamicsSerializer extends CIMSerializer[StaticVarCompensatorDynamics]
  2426. object StaticVarCompensatorSerializer extends CIMSerializer[StaticVarCompensator]
  2427. object StationSupply extends CIMParseable[StationSupply] with Serializable
  2428. object StationSupplySerializer extends CIMSerializer[StationSupply]
  2429. object StatisticalCalculation extends CIMParseable[StatisticalCalculation] with Serializable
  2430. object StatisticalCalculationSerializer extends CIMSerializer[StatisticalCalculation]
  2431. object Status extends CIMParseable[Status] with Serializable
  2432. object StatusSerializer extends CIMSerializer[Status]
  2433. object SteamSendoutSchedule extends CIMParseable[SteamSendoutSchedule] with Serializable
  2434. object SteamSendoutScheduleSerializer extends CIMSerializer[SteamSendoutSchedule]
  2435. object SteamSupply extends CIMParseable[SteamSupply] with Serializable
  2436. object SteamSupplySerializer extends CIMSerializer[SteamSupply]
  2437. object SteamTurbine extends CIMParseable[SteamTurbine] with Serializable
  2438. object SteamTurbineSerializer extends CIMSerializer[SteamTurbine]
  2439. object StreetAddress extends CIMParseable[StreetAddress] with Serializable
  2440. object StreetAddressSerializer extends CIMSerializer[StreetAddress]
  2441. object StreetDetail extends CIMParseable[StreetDetail] with Serializable
  2442. object StreetDetailSerializer extends CIMSerializer[StreetDetail]
  2443. object Streetlight extends CIMParseable[Streetlight] with Serializable
  2444. object StreetlightSerializer extends CIMSerializer[Streetlight]
  2445. object StringMeasurement extends CIMParseable[StringMeasurement] with Serializable
  2446. object StringMeasurementSerializer extends CIMSerializer[StringMeasurement]
  2447. object StringMeasurementValue extends CIMParseable[StringMeasurementValue] with Serializable
  2448. object StringMeasurementValueSerializer extends CIMSerializer[StringMeasurementValue]
  2449. object StringQuantity extends CIMParseable[StringQuantity] with Serializable
  2450. object StringQuantitySerializer extends CIMSerializer[StringQuantity]
  2451. object Structure extends CIMParseable[Structure] with Serializable
  2452. object StructureSerializer extends CIMSerializer[Structure]
  2453. object StructureSupport extends CIMParseable[StructureSupport] with Serializable
  2454. object StructureSupportSerializer extends CIMSerializer[StructureSupport]
  2455. object SubControlArea extends CIMParseable[SubControlArea] with Serializable
  2456. object SubControlAreaSerializer extends CIMSerializer[SubControlArea]
  2457. object SubGeographicalRegion extends CIMParseable[SubGeographicalRegion] with Serializable
  2458. object SubGeographicalRegionSerializer extends CIMSerializer[SubGeographicalRegion]
  2459. object SubLoadArea extends CIMParseable[SubLoadArea] with Serializable
  2460. object SubLoadAreaSerializer extends CIMSerializer[SubLoadArea]
  2461. object Subcritical extends CIMParseable[Subcritical] with Serializable
  2462. object SubcriticalSerializer extends CIMSerializer[Subcritical]
  2463. object SubscribePowerCurve extends CIMParseable[SubscribePowerCurve] with Serializable
  2464. object SubscribePowerCurveSerializer extends CIMSerializer[SubscribePowerCurve]
  2465. object Substation extends CIMParseable[Substation] with Serializable
  2466. object SubstationSerializer extends CIMSerializer[Substation]
  2467. object SubstitutionResourceList extends CIMParseable[SubstitutionResourceList] with Serializable
  2468. object SubstitutionResourceListSerializer extends CIMSerializer[SubstitutionResourceList]
  2469. object Supercritical extends CIMParseable[Supercritical] with Serializable
  2470. object SupercriticalSerializer extends CIMSerializer[Supercritical]
  2471. object SurgeArrester extends CIMParseable[SurgeArrester] with Serializable
  2472. object SurgeArresterInfo extends CIMParseable[SurgeArresterInfo] with Serializable
  2473. object SurgeArresterInfoSerializer extends CIMSerializer[SurgeArresterInfo]
  2474. object SurgeArresterSerializer extends CIMSerializer[SurgeArrester]
  2475. object SvInjection extends CIMParseable[SvInjection] with Serializable
  2476. object SvInjectionSerializer extends CIMSerializer[SvInjection]
  2477. object SvPowerFlow extends CIMParseable[SvPowerFlow] with Serializable
  2478. object SvPowerFlowSerializer extends CIMSerializer[SvPowerFlow]
  2479. object SvShuntCompensatorSections extends CIMParseable[SvShuntCompensatorSections] with Serializable
  2480. object SvShuntCompensatorSectionsSerializer extends CIMSerializer[SvShuntCompensatorSections]
  2481. object SvStatus extends CIMParseable[SvStatus] with Serializable
  2482. object SvStatusSerializer extends CIMSerializer[SvStatus]
  2483. object SvSwitch extends CIMParseable[SvSwitch] with Serializable
  2484. object SvSwitchSerializer extends CIMSerializer[SvSwitch]
  2485. object SvTapStep extends CIMParseable[SvTapStep] with Serializable
  2486. object SvTapStepSerializer extends CIMSerializer[SvTapStep]
  2487. object SvVoltage extends CIMParseable[SvVoltage] with Serializable
  2488. object SvVoltageSerializer extends CIMSerializer[SvVoltage]
  2489. object Switch extends CIMParseable[Switch] with Serializable
  2490. object SwitchAction extends CIMParseable[SwitchAction] with Serializable
  2491. object SwitchActionSerializer extends CIMSerializer[SwitchAction]
  2492. object SwitchInfo extends CIMParseable[SwitchInfo] with Serializable
  2493. object SwitchInfoSerializer extends CIMSerializer[SwitchInfo]
  2494. object SwitchOperationSummary extends CIMParseable[SwitchOperationSummary] with Serializable
  2495. object SwitchOperationSummarySerializer extends CIMSerializer[SwitchOperationSummary]
  2496. object SwitchPhase extends CIMParseable[SwitchPhase] with Serializable
  2497. object SwitchPhaseSerializer extends CIMSerializer[SwitchPhase]
  2498. object SwitchSchedule extends CIMParseable[SwitchSchedule] with Serializable
  2499. object SwitchScheduleSerializer extends CIMSerializer[SwitchSchedule]
  2500. object SwitchSerializer extends CIMSerializer[Switch]
  2501. object SwitchStatus extends CIMParseable[SwitchStatus] with Serializable
  2502. object SwitchStatusSerializer extends CIMSerializer[SwitchStatus]
  2503. object SwitchingAction extends CIMParseable[SwitchingAction] with Serializable
  2504. object SwitchingActionSerializer extends CIMSerializer[SwitchingAction]
  2505. object SwitchingEvent extends CIMParseable[SwitchingEvent] with Serializable
  2506. object SwitchingEventSerializer extends CIMSerializer[SwitchingEvent]
  2507. object SwitchingOrder extends CIMParseable[SwitchingOrder] with Serializable
  2508. object SwitchingOrderSerializer extends CIMSerializer[SwitchingOrder]
  2509. object SwitchingPlan extends CIMParseable[SwitchingPlan] with Serializable
  2510. object SwitchingPlanRequest extends CIMParseable[SwitchingPlanRequest] with Serializable
  2511. object SwitchingPlanRequestSerializer extends CIMSerializer[SwitchingPlanRequest]
  2512. object SwitchingPlanSerializer extends CIMSerializer[SwitchingPlan]
  2513. object SwitchingStep extends CIMParseable[SwitchingStep] with Serializable
  2514. object SwitchingStepGroup extends CIMParseable[SwitchingStepGroup] with Serializable
  2515. object SwitchingStepGroupSerializer extends CIMSerializer[SwitchingStepGroup]
  2516. object SwitchingStepSerializer extends CIMSerializer[SwitchingStep]
  2517. object SynchrocheckRelay extends CIMParseable[SynchrocheckRelay] with Serializable
  2518. object SynchrocheckRelaySerializer extends CIMSerializer[SynchrocheckRelay]
  2519. object SynchronousMachine extends CIMParseable[SynchronousMachine] with Serializable
  2520. object SynchronousMachineDetailed extends CIMParseable[SynchronousMachineDetailed] with Serializable
  2521. object SynchronousMachineDetailedSerializer extends CIMSerializer[SynchronousMachineDetailed]
  2522. object SynchronousMachineDynamics extends CIMParseable[SynchronousMachineDynamics] with Serializable
  2523. object SynchronousMachineDynamicsSerializer extends CIMSerializer[SynchronousMachineDynamics]
  2524. object SynchronousMachineEquivalentCircuit extends CIMParseable[SynchronousMachineEquivalentCircuit] with Serializable
  2525. object SynchronousMachineEquivalentCircuitSerializer extends CIMSerializer[SynchronousMachineEquivalentCircuit]
  2526. object SynchronousMachineSerializer extends CIMSerializer[SynchronousMachine]
  2527. object SynchronousMachineSimplified extends CIMParseable[SynchronousMachineSimplified] with Serializable
  2528. object SynchronousMachineSimplifiedSerializer extends CIMSerializer[SynchronousMachineSimplified]
  2529. object SynchronousMachineTimeConstantReactance extends CIMParseable[SynchronousMachineTimeConstantReactance] with Serializable
  2530. object SynchronousMachineTimeConstantReactanceSerializer extends CIMSerializer[SynchronousMachineTimeConstantReactance]
  2531. object SynchronousMachineUserDefined extends CIMParseable[SynchronousMachineUserDefined] with Serializable
  2532. object SynchronousMachineUserDefinedSerializer extends CIMSerializer[SynchronousMachineUserDefined]
  2533. object SysLoadDistributionFactor extends CIMParseable[SysLoadDistributionFactor] with Serializable
  2534. object SysLoadDistributionFactorSerializer extends CIMSerializer[SysLoadDistributionFactor]
  2535. object TACArea extends CIMParseable[TACArea] with Serializable
  2536. object TACAreaSerializer extends CIMSerializer[TACArea]
  2537. object TAPPIStandard extends CIMParseable[TAPPIStandard] with Serializable
  2538. object TAPPIStandardSerializer extends CIMSerializer[TAPPIStandard]
  2539. object TASE2BilateralTable extends CIMParseable[TASE2BilateralTable] with Serializable
  2540. object TASE2BilateralTableSerializer extends CIMSerializer[TASE2BilateralTable]
  2541. object TCPAccessPoint extends CIMParseable[TCPAccessPoint] with Serializable
  2542. object TCPAccessPointSerializer extends CIMSerializer[TCPAccessPoint]
  2543. object TREntitlement extends CIMParseable[TREntitlement] with Serializable
  2544. object TREntitlementSerializer extends CIMSerializer[TREntitlement]
  2545. object TagAction extends CIMParseable[TagAction] with Serializable
  2546. object TagActionSerializer extends CIMSerializer[TagAction]
  2547. object TailbayLossCurve extends CIMParseable[TailbayLossCurve] with Serializable
  2548. object TailbayLossCurveSerializer extends CIMSerializer[TailbayLossCurve]
  2549. object TapChanger extends CIMParseable[TapChanger] with Serializable
  2550. object TapChangerControl extends CIMParseable[TapChangerControl] with Serializable
  2551. object TapChangerControlSerializer extends CIMSerializer[TapChangerControl]
  2552. object TapChangerDynamicData extends CIMParseable[TapChangerDynamicData] with Serializable
  2553. object TapChangerDynamicDataSerializer extends CIMSerializer[TapChangerDynamicData]
  2554. object TapChangerInfo extends CIMParseable[TapChangerInfo] with Serializable
  2555. object TapChangerInfoSerializer extends CIMSerializer[TapChangerInfo]
  2556. object TapChangerSerializer extends CIMSerializer[TapChanger]
  2557. object TapChangerTablePoint extends CIMParseable[TapChangerTablePoint] with Serializable
  2558. object TapChangerTablePointSerializer extends CIMSerializer[TapChangerTablePoint]
  2559. object TapSchedule extends CIMParseable[TapSchedule] with Serializable
  2560. object TapScheduleSerializer extends CIMSerializer[TapSchedule]
  2561. object TapeShieldCableInfo extends CIMParseable[TapeShieldCableInfo] with Serializable
  2562. object TapeShieldCableInfoSerializer extends CIMSerializer[TapeShieldCableInfo]
  2563. object TargetLevelSchedule extends CIMParseable[TargetLevelSchedule] with Serializable
  2564. object TargetLevelScheduleSerializer extends CIMSerializer[TargetLevelSchedule]
  2565. object Tariff extends CIMParseable[Tariff] with Serializable
  2566. object TariffProfile extends CIMParseable[TariffProfile] with Serializable
  2567. object TariffProfileSerializer extends CIMSerializer[TariffProfile]
  2568. object TariffSerializer extends CIMSerializer[Tariff]
  2569. object TelephoneNumber extends CIMParseable[TelephoneNumber] with Serializable
  2570. object TelephoneNumberSerializer extends CIMSerializer[TelephoneNumber]
  2571. object TemperatureDependentLimitPoint extends CIMParseable[TemperatureDependentLimitPoint] with Serializable
  2572. object TemperatureDependentLimitPointSerializer extends CIMSerializer[TemperatureDependentLimitPoint]
  2573. object TemperatureDependentLimitTable extends CIMParseable[TemperatureDependentLimitTable] with Serializable
  2574. object TemperatureDependentLimitTableSerializer extends CIMSerializer[TemperatureDependentLimitTable]
  2575. object TemperaturePolynomialLimit extends CIMParseable[TemperaturePolynomialLimit] with Serializable
  2576. object TemperaturePolynomialLimitSerializer extends CIMSerializer[TemperaturePolynomialLimit]
  2577. object TenMinAuxiliaryData extends CIMParseable[TenMinAuxiliaryData] with Serializable
  2578. object TenMinAuxiliaryDataSerializer extends CIMSerializer[TenMinAuxiliaryData]
  2579. object Tender extends CIMParseable[Tender] with Serializable
  2580. object TenderSerializer extends CIMSerializer[Tender]
  2581. object Terminal extends CIMParseable[Terminal] with Serializable
  2582. object TerminalConstraintTerm extends CIMParseable[TerminalConstraintTerm] with Serializable
  2583. object TerminalConstraintTermSerializer extends CIMSerializer[TerminalConstraintTerm]
  2584. object TerminalSerializer extends CIMSerializer[Terminal]
  2585. object TestDataSet extends CIMParseable[TestDataSet] with Serializable
  2586. object TestDataSetSerializer extends CIMSerializer[TestDataSet]
  2587. object TestStandard extends CIMParseable[TestStandard] with Serializable
  2588. object TestStandardSerializer extends CIMSerializer[TestStandard]
  2589. object TextDiagramObject extends CIMParseable[TextDiagramObject] with Serializable
  2590. object TextDiagramObjectSerializer extends CIMSerializer[TextDiagramObject]
  2591. object ThermalGeneratingUnit extends CIMParseable[ThermalGeneratingUnit] with Serializable
  2592. object ThermalGeneratingUnitSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ThermalGeneratingUnit]
  2593. object TieFlow extends CIMParseable[TieFlow] with Serializable
  2594. object TieFlowSerializer extends CIMSerializer[TieFlow]
  2595. object TieLine extends CIMParseable[TieLine] with Serializable
  2596. object TieLineSerializer extends CIMSerializer[TieLine]
  2597. object TiePoint extends CIMParseable[TiePoint] with Serializable
  2598. object TiePointSerializer extends CIMSerializer[TiePoint]
  2599. object TimeInterval extends CIMParseable[TimeInterval] with Serializable
  2600. object TimeIntervalSerializer extends CIMSerializer[TimeInterval]
  2601. object TimePoint extends CIMParseable[TimePoint] with Serializable
  2602. object TimePointSerializer extends CIMSerializer[TimePoint]
  2603. object TimeSchedule extends CIMParseable[TimeSchedule] with Serializable
  2604. object TimeScheduleSerializer extends CIMSerializer[TimeSchedule]
  2605. object TimeSeries extends CIMParseable[TimeSeries] with Serializable
  2606. object TimeSeriesSerializer extends CIMSerializer[TimeSeries]
  2607. object TimeTariffInterval extends CIMParseable[TimeTariffInterval] with Serializable
  2608. object TimeTariffIntervalSerializer extends CIMSerializer[TimeTariffInterval]
  2609. object Tool extends CIMParseable[Tool] with Serializable
  2610. object ToolSerializer extends CIMSerializer[Tool]
  2611. object TopologicalIsland extends CIMParseable[TopologicalIsland] with Serializable
  2612. object TopologicalIslandSerializer extends CIMSerializer[TopologicalIsland]
  2613. object TopologicalNode extends CIMParseable[TopologicalNode] with Serializable
  2614. object TopologicalNodeSerializer extends CIMSerializer[TopologicalNode]
  2615. object Tornado extends CIMParseable[Tornado] with Serializable
  2616. object TornadoSerializer extends CIMSerializer[Tornado]
  2617. object Tower extends CIMParseable[Tower] with Serializable
  2618. object TowerSerializer extends CIMSerializer[Tower]
  2619. object TownDetail extends CIMParseable[TownDetail] with Serializable
  2620. object TownDetailSerializer extends CIMSerializer[TownDetail]
  2621. object Trade extends CIMParseable[Trade] with Serializable
  2622. object TradeError extends CIMParseable[TradeError] with Serializable
  2623. object TradeErrorSerializer extends CIMSerializer[TradeError]
  2624. object TradeProduct extends CIMParseable[TradeProduct] with Serializable
  2625. object TradeProductSerializer extends CIMSerializer[TradeProduct]
  2626. object TradeSerializer extends CIMSerializer[Trade]
  2627. object TradingHubPrice extends CIMParseable[TradingHubPrice] with Serializable
  2628. object TradingHubPriceSerializer extends CIMSerializer[TradingHubPrice]
  2629. object TradingHubValues extends CIMParseable[TradingHubValues] with Serializable
  2630. object TradingHubValuesSerializer extends CIMSerializer[TradingHubValues]
  2631. object Transaction extends CIMParseable[Transaction] with Serializable
  2632. object TransactionBid extends CIMParseable[TransactionBid] with Serializable
  2633. object TransactionBidClearing extends CIMParseable[TransactionBidClearing] with Serializable
  2634. object TransactionBidClearingSerializer extends CIMSerializer[TransactionBidClearing]
  2635. object TransactionBidResults extends CIMParseable[TransactionBidResults] with Serializable
  2636. object TransactionBidResultsSerializer extends CIMSerializer[TransactionBidResults]
  2637. object TransactionBidSerializer extends CIMSerializer[TransactionBid]
  2638. object TransactionSerializer extends CIMSerializer[Transaction]
  2639. object Transactor extends CIMParseable[Transactor] with Serializable
  2640. object TransactorSerializer extends CIMSerializer[Transactor]
  2641. object TransferInterface extends CIMParseable[TransferInterface] with Serializable
  2642. object TransferInterfaceSerializer extends CIMSerializer[TransferInterface]
  2643. object TransferInterfaceSolution extends CIMParseable[TransferInterfaceSolution] with Serializable
  2644. object TransferInterfaceSolutionSerializer extends CIMSerializer[TransferInterfaceSolution]
  2645. object TransformerCoreAdmittance extends CIMParseable[TransformerCoreAdmittance] with Serializable
  2646. object TransformerCoreAdmittanceSerializer extends CIMSerializer[TransformerCoreAdmittance]
  2647. object TransformerEnd extends CIMParseable[TransformerEnd] with Serializable
  2648. object TransformerEndInfo extends CIMParseable[TransformerEndInfo] with Serializable
  2649. object TransformerEndInfoSerializer extends CIMSerializer[TransformerEndInfo]
  2650. object TransformerEndSerializer extends CIMSerializer[TransformerEnd]
  2651. object TransformerMeshImpedance extends CIMParseable[TransformerMeshImpedance] with Serializable
  2652. object TransformerMeshImpedanceSerializer extends CIMSerializer[TransformerMeshImpedance]
  2653. object TransformerObservation extends CIMParseable[TransformerObservation] with Serializable
  2654. object TransformerObservationSerializer extends CIMSerializer[TransformerObservation]
  2655. object TransformerStarImpedance extends CIMParseable[TransformerStarImpedance] with Serializable
  2656. object TransformerStarImpedanceSerializer extends CIMSerializer[TransformerStarImpedance]
  2657. object TransformerTank extends CIMParseable[TransformerTank] with Serializable
  2658. object TransformerTankEnd extends CIMParseable[TransformerTankEnd] with Serializable
  2659. object TransformerTankEndSerializer extends CIMSerializer[TransformerTankEnd]
  2660. object TransformerTankInfo extends CIMParseable[TransformerTankInfo] with Serializable
  2661. object TransformerTankInfoSerializer extends CIMSerializer[TransformerTankInfo]
  2662. object TransformerTankSerializer extends CIMSerializer[TransformerTank]
  2663. object TransformerTest extends CIMParseable[TransformerTest] with Serializable
  2664. object TransformerTestSerializer extends CIMSerializer[TransformerTest]
  2665. object TransmissionCapacity extends CIMParseable[TransmissionCapacity] with Serializable
  2666. object TransmissionCapacitySerializer extends CIMSerializer[TransmissionCapacity]
  2667. object TransmissionCorridor extends CIMParseable[TransmissionCorridor] with Serializable
  2668. object TransmissionCorridorSerializer extends CIMSerializer[TransmissionCorridor]
  2669. object TransmissionInterfaceRightEntitlement extends CIMParseable[TransmissionInterfaceRightEntitlement] with Serializable
  2670. object TransmissionInterfaceRightEntitlementSerializer extends CIMSerializer[TransmissionInterfaceRightEntitlement]
  2671. object TransmissionPath extends CIMParseable[TransmissionPath] with Serializable
  2672. object TransmissionPathSerializer extends CIMSerializer[TransmissionPath]
  2673. object TransmissionProduct extends CIMParseable[TransmissionProduct] with Serializable
  2674. object TransmissionProductSerializer extends CIMSerializer[TransmissionProduct]
  2675. object TransmissionProvider extends CIMParseable[TransmissionProvider] with Serializable
  2676. object TransmissionProviderSerializer extends CIMSerializer[TransmissionProvider]
  2677. object TransmissionReservation extends CIMParseable[TransmissionReservation] with Serializable
  2678. object TransmissionReservationSerializer extends CIMSerializer[TransmissionReservation]
  2679. object TransmissionRightChain extends CIMParseable[TransmissionRightChain] with Serializable
  2680. object TransmissionRightChainSerializer extends CIMSerializer[TransmissionRightChain]
  2681. object TransmissionRightOfWay extends CIMParseable[TransmissionRightOfWay] with Serializable
  2682. object TransmissionRightOfWaySerializer extends CIMSerializer[TransmissionRightOfWay]
  2683. object TriggerCondition extends CIMParseable[TriggerCondition] with Serializable
  2684. object TriggerConditionSerializer extends CIMSerializer[TriggerCondition]
  2685. object TropicalCycloneAustralia extends CIMParseable[TropicalCycloneAustralia] with Serializable
  2686. object TropicalCycloneAustraliaSerializer extends CIMSerializer[TropicalCycloneAustralia]
  2687. object TroubleOrder extends CIMParseable[TroubleOrder] with Serializable
  2688. object TroubleOrderSerializer extends CIMSerializer[TroubleOrder]
  2689. object TroubleTicket extends CIMParseable[TroubleTicket] with Serializable
  2690. object TroubleTicketSerializer extends CIMSerializer[TroubleTicket]
  2691. object Tsunami extends CIMParseable[Tsunami] with Serializable
  2692. object TsunamiSerializer extends CIMSerializer[Tsunami]
  2693. object TurbLCFB1 extends CIMParseable[TurbLCFB1] with Serializable
  2694. object TurbLCFB1Serializer extends CIMSerializer[TurbLCFB1]
  2695. object TurbineGovernorDynamics extends CIMParseable[TurbineGovernorDynamics] with Serializable
  2696. object TurbineGovernorDynamicsSerializer extends CIMSerializer[TurbineGovernorDynamics]
  2697. object TurbineGovernorUserDefined extends CIMParseable[TurbineGovernorUserDefined] with Serializable
  2698. object TurbineGovernorUserDefinedSerializer extends CIMSerializer[TurbineGovernorUserDefined]
  2699. object TurbineLoadControllerDynamics extends CIMParseable[TurbineLoadControllerDynamics] with Serializable
  2700. object TurbineLoadControllerDynamicsSerializer extends CIMSerializer[TurbineLoadControllerDynamics]
  2701. object TurbineLoadControllerUserDefined extends CIMParseable[TurbineLoadControllerUserDefined] with Serializable
  2702. object TurbineLoadControllerUserDefinedSerializer extends CIMSerializer[TurbineLoadControllerUserDefined]
  2703. object TypeAssetCatalogue extends CIMParseable[TypeAssetCatalogue] with Serializable
  2704. object TypeAssetCatalogueSerializer extends CIMSerializer[TypeAssetCatalogue]
  2705. object TypeMaterial extends CIMParseable[TypeMaterial] with Serializable
  2706. object TypeMaterialSerializer extends CIMSerializer[TypeMaterial]
  2707. object UKMinistryOfDefenceStandard extends CIMParseable[UKMinistryOfDefenceStandard] with Serializable
  2708. object UKMinistryOfDefenceStandardSerializer extends CIMSerializer[UKMinistryOfDefenceStandard]
  2709. object Umode extends CIMParseable[Umode] with Serializable
  2710. object UmodeSerializer extends CIMSerializer[Umode]
  2711. object UnavailabilityScheduleDependency extends CIMParseable[UnavailabilityScheduleDependency] with Serializable
  2712. object UnavailabilityScheduleDependencySerializer extends CIMSerializer[UnavailabilityScheduleDependency]
  2713. object UnavailabilitySwitchAction extends CIMParseable[UnavailabilitySwitchAction] with Serializable
  2714. object UnavailabilitySwitchActionSerializer extends CIMSerializer[UnavailabilitySwitchAction]
  2715. object UnavailablitySchedule extends CIMParseable[UnavailablitySchedule] with Serializable
  2716. object UnavailablityScheduleSerializer extends CIMSerializer[UnavailablitySchedule]
  2717. object UnderexcLim2Simplified extends CIMParseable[UnderexcLim2Simplified] with Serializable
  2718. object UnderexcLim2SimplifiedSerializer extends CIMSerializer[UnderexcLim2Simplified]
  2719. object UnderexcLimIEEE1 extends CIMParseable[UnderexcLimIEEE1] with Serializable
  2720. object UnderexcLimIEEE1Serializer extends CIMSerializer[UnderexcLimIEEE1]
  2721. object UnderexcLimIEEE2 extends CIMParseable[UnderexcLimIEEE2] with Serializable
  2722. object UnderexcLimIEEE2Serializer extends CIMSerializer[UnderexcLimIEEE2]
  2723. object UnderexcLimX1 extends CIMParseable[UnderexcLimX1] with Serializable
  2724. object UnderexcLimX1Serializer extends CIMSerializer[UnderexcLimX1]
  2725. object UnderexcLimX2 extends CIMParseable[UnderexcLimX2] with Serializable
  2726. object UnderexcLimX2Serializer extends CIMSerializer[UnderexcLimX2]
  2727. object UnderexcitationLimiterDynamics extends CIMParseable[UnderexcitationLimiterDynamics] with Serializable
  2728. object UnderexcitationLimiterDynamicsSerializer extends CIMSerializer[UnderexcitationLimiterDynamics]
  2729. object UnderexcitationLimiterUserDefined extends CIMParseable[UnderexcitationLimiterUserDefined] with Serializable
  2730. object UnderexcitationLimiterUserDefinedSerializer extends CIMSerializer[UnderexcitationLimiterUserDefined]
  2731. object UndergroundStructure extends CIMParseable[UndergroundStructure] with Serializable
  2732. object UndergroundStructureSerializer extends CIMSerializer[UndergroundStructure]
  2733. object UnitInitialConditions extends CIMParseable[UnitInitialConditions] with Serializable
  2734. object UnitInitialConditionsSerializer extends CIMSerializer[UnitInitialConditions]
  2735. object Unit_ extends CIMParseable[Unit_] with Serializable
  2736. object Unit_Serializer extends CIMSerializer[Unit_]
  2737. object Unknown extends CIMParseable[Unknown] with Serializable
  2738. object UnknownSerializer extends CIMSerializer[Unknown]
  2739. object UnplannedOutage extends CIMParseable[UnplannedOutage] with Serializable
  2740. object UnplannedOutageSerializer extends CIMSerializer[UnplannedOutage]
  2741. object Usage extends CIMParseable[Usage] with Serializable
  2742. object UsagePoint extends CIMParseable[UsagePoint] with Serializable
  2743. object UsagePointGroup extends CIMParseable[UsagePointGroup] with Serializable
  2744. object UsagePointGroupSerializer extends CIMSerializer[UsagePointGroup]
  2745. object UsagePointLocation extends CIMParseable[UsagePointLocation] with Serializable
  2746. object UsagePointLocationSerializer extends CIMSerializer[UsagePointLocation]
  2747. object UsagePointSerializer extends CIMSerializer[UsagePoint]
  2748. object UsageSerializer extends CIMSerializer[Usage]
  2749. object UserAttribute extends CIMParseable[UserAttribute] with Serializable
  2750. object UserAttributeSerializer extends CIMSerializer[UserAttribute]
  2751. object VAdjIEEE extends CIMParseable[VAdjIEEE] with Serializable
  2752. object VAdjIEEESerializer extends CIMSerializer[VAdjIEEE]
  2753. object VCompIEEEType1 extends CIMParseable[VCompIEEEType1] with Serializable
  2754. object VCompIEEEType1Serializer extends CIMSerializer[VCompIEEEType1]
  2755. object VCompIEEEType2 extends CIMParseable[VCompIEEEType2] with Serializable
  2756. object VCompIEEEType2Serializer extends CIMSerializer[VCompIEEEType2]
  2757. object VDCOL extends CIMParseable[VDCOL] with Serializable
  2758. object VDCOLSerializer extends CIMSerializer[VDCOL]
  2759. object VSCDynamics extends CIMParseable[VSCDynamics] with Serializable
  2760. object VSCDynamicsSerializer extends CIMSerializer[VSCDynamics]
  2761. object VSCUserDefined extends CIMParseable[VSCUserDefined] with Serializable
  2762. object VSCUserDefinedSerializer extends CIMSerializer[VSCUserDefined]
  2763. object VSCtype1 extends CIMParseable[VSCtype1] with Serializable
  2764. object VSCtype1Serializer extends CIMSerializer[VSCtype1]
  2765. object ValueAliasSet extends CIMParseable[ValueAliasSet] with Serializable
  2766. object ValueAliasSetSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ValueAliasSet]
  2767. object ValueToAlias extends CIMParseable[ValueToAlias] with Serializable
  2768. object ValueToAliasSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ValueToAlias]
  2769. object Vehicle extends CIMParseable[Vehicle] with Serializable
  2770. object VehicleSerializer extends CIMSerializer[Vehicle]
  2771. object Vendor extends CIMParseable[Vendor] with Serializable
  2772. object VendorSerializer extends CIMSerializer[Vendor]
  2773. object VendorShift extends CIMParseable[VendorShift] with Serializable
  2774. object VendorShiftSerializer extends CIMSerializer[VendorShift]
  2775. object VerificationAction extends CIMParseable[VerificationAction] with Serializable
  2776. object VerificationActionSerializer extends CIMSerializer[VerificationAction]
  2777. object Version extends CIMParseable[Version] with Serializable
  2778. object VersionSerializer extends CIMSerializer[Version]
  2779. object ViolationLimit extends CIMParseable[ViolationLimit] with Serializable
  2780. object ViolationLimitSerializer extends CIMSerializer[ViolationLimit]
  2781. object VisibilityLayer extends CIMParseable[VisibilityLayer] with Serializable
  2782. object VisibilityLayerSerializer extends CIMSerializer[VisibilityLayer]
  2783. object VolcanicAshCloud extends CIMParseable[VolcanicAshCloud] with Serializable
  2784. object VolcanicAshCloudSerializer extends CIMSerializer[VolcanicAshCloud]
  2785. object VoltageAdjusterDynamics extends CIMParseable[VoltageAdjusterDynamics] with Serializable
  2786. object VoltageAdjusterDynamicsSerializer extends CIMSerializer[VoltageAdjusterDynamics]
  2787. object VoltageAdjusterUserDefined extends CIMParseable[VoltageAdjusterUserDefined] with Serializable
  2788. object VoltageAdjusterUserDefinedSerializer extends CIMSerializer[VoltageAdjusterUserDefined]
  2789. object VoltageCompensatorDynamics extends CIMParseable[VoltageCompensatorDynamics] with Serializable
  2790. object VoltageCompensatorDynamicsSerializer extends CIMSerializer[VoltageCompensatorDynamics]
  2791. object VoltageCompensatorUserDefined extends CIMParseable[VoltageCompensatorUserDefined] with Serializable
  2792. object VoltageCompensatorUserDefinedSerializer extends CIMSerializer[VoltageCompensatorUserDefined]
  2793. object VoltageControlZone extends CIMParseable[VoltageControlZone] with Serializable
  2794. object VoltageControlZoneSerializer extends CIMSerializer[VoltageControlZone]
  2795. object VoltageLevel extends CIMParseable[VoltageLevel] with Serializable
  2796. object VoltageLevelSerializer extends CIMSerializer[VoltageLevel]
  2797. object VoltageLimit extends CIMParseable[VoltageLimit] with Serializable
  2798. object VoltageLimitSerializer extends CIMSerializer[VoltageLimit]
  2799. object VsCapabilityCurve extends CIMParseable[VsCapabilityCurve] with Serializable
  2800. object VsCapabilityCurveSerializer extends CIMSerializer[VsCapabilityCurve]
  2801. object VsConverter extends CIMParseable[VsConverter] with Serializable
  2802. object VsConverterSerializer extends CIMSerializer[VsConverter]
  2803. object WEPStandard extends CIMParseable[WEPStandard] with Serializable
  2804. object WEPStandardSerializer extends CIMSerializer[WEPStandard]
  2805. object WaveTrap extends CIMParseable[WaveTrap] with Serializable
  2806. object WaveTrapSerializer extends CIMSerializer[WaveTrap]
  2807. object WeatherStation extends CIMParseable[WeatherStation] with Serializable
  2808. object WeatherStationSerializer extends CIMSerializer[WeatherStation]
  2809. object WheelingCounterParty extends CIMParseable[WheelingCounterParty] with Serializable
  2810. object WheelingCounterPartySerializer extends CIMSerializer[WheelingCounterParty]
  2811. object WheelingReferenceSchedule extends CIMParseable[WheelingReferenceSchedule] with Serializable
  2812. object WheelingReferenceScheduleSerializer extends CIMSerializer[WheelingReferenceSchedule]
  2813. object Whirlpool extends CIMParseable[Whirlpool] with Serializable
  2814. object WhirlpoolSerializer extends CIMSerializer[Whirlpool]
  2815. object WindAeroConstIEC extends CIMParseable[WindAeroConstIEC] with Serializable
  2816. object WindAeroConstIECSerializer extends CIMSerializer[WindAeroConstIEC]
  2817. object WindAeroOneDimIEC extends CIMParseable[WindAeroOneDimIEC] with Serializable
  2818. object WindAeroOneDimIECSerializer extends CIMSerializer[WindAeroOneDimIEC]
  2819. object WindAeroTwoDimIEC extends CIMParseable[WindAeroTwoDimIEC] with Serializable
  2820. object WindAeroTwoDimIECSerializer extends CIMSerializer[WindAeroTwoDimIEC]
  2821. object WindContCurrLimIEC extends CIMParseable[WindContCurrLimIEC] with Serializable
  2822. object WindContCurrLimIECSerializer extends CIMSerializer[WindContCurrLimIEC]
  2823. object WindContPType3IEC extends CIMParseable[WindContPType3IEC] with Serializable
  2824. object WindContPType3IECSerializer extends CIMSerializer[WindContPType3IEC]
  2825. object WindContPType4aIEC extends CIMParseable[WindContPType4aIEC] with Serializable
  2826. object WindContPType4aIECSerializer extends CIMSerializer[WindContPType4aIEC]
  2827. object WindContPType4bIEC extends CIMParseable[WindContPType4bIEC] with Serializable
  2828. object WindContPType4bIECSerializer extends CIMSerializer[WindContPType4bIEC]
  2829. object WindContPitchAngleIEC extends CIMParseable[WindContPitchAngleIEC] with Serializable
  2830. object WindContPitchAngleIECSerializer extends CIMSerializer[WindContPitchAngleIEC]
  2831. object WindContQIEC extends CIMParseable[WindContQIEC] with Serializable
  2832. object WindContQIECSerializer extends CIMSerializer[WindContQIEC]
  2833. object WindContQLimIEC extends CIMParseable[WindContQLimIEC] with Serializable
  2834. object WindContQLimIECSerializer extends CIMSerializer[WindContQLimIEC]
  2835. object WindContQPQULimIEC extends CIMParseable[WindContQPQULimIEC] with Serializable
  2836. object WindContQPQULimIECSerializer extends CIMSerializer[WindContQPQULimIEC]
  2837. object WindContRotorRIEC extends CIMParseable[WindContRotorRIEC] with Serializable
  2838. object WindContRotorRIECSerializer extends CIMSerializer[WindContRotorRIEC]
  2839. object WindDynamicsLookupTable extends CIMParseable[WindDynamicsLookupTable] with Serializable
  2840. object WindDynamicsLookupTableSerializer extends CIMSerializer[WindDynamicsLookupTable]
  2841. object WindGenTurbineType1aIEC extends CIMParseable[WindGenTurbineType1aIEC] with Serializable
  2842. object WindGenTurbineType1aIECSerializer extends CIMSerializer[WindGenTurbineType1aIEC]
  2843. object WindGenTurbineType1bIEC extends CIMParseable[WindGenTurbineType1bIEC] with Serializable
  2844. object WindGenTurbineType1bIECSerializer extends CIMSerializer[WindGenTurbineType1bIEC]
  2845. object WindGenTurbineType2IEC extends CIMParseable[WindGenTurbineType2IEC] with Serializable
  2846. object WindGenTurbineType2IECSerializer extends CIMSerializer[WindGenTurbineType2IEC]
  2847. object WindGenType3IEC extends CIMParseable[WindGenType3IEC] with Serializable
  2848. object WindGenType3IECSerializer extends CIMSerializer[WindGenType3IEC]
  2849. object WindGenType3aIEC extends CIMParseable[WindGenType3aIEC] with Serializable
  2850. object WindGenType3aIECSerializer extends CIMSerializer[WindGenType3aIEC]
  2851. object WindGenType3bIEC extends CIMParseable[WindGenType3bIEC] with Serializable
  2852. object WindGenType3bIECSerializer extends CIMSerializer[WindGenType3bIEC]
  2853. object WindGenType4IEC extends CIMParseable[WindGenType4IEC] with Serializable
  2854. object WindGenType4IECSerializer extends CIMSerializer[WindGenType4IEC]
  2855. object WindGeneratingUnit extends CIMParseable[WindGeneratingUnit] with Serializable
  2856. object WindGeneratingUnitSerializer extends CIMSerializer[WindGeneratingUnit]
  2857. object WindMechIEC extends CIMParseable[WindMechIEC] with Serializable
  2858. object WindMechIECSerializer extends CIMSerializer[WindMechIEC]
  2859. object WindPitchContPowerIEC extends CIMParseable[WindPitchContPowerIEC] with Serializable
  2860. object WindPitchContPowerIECSerializer extends CIMSerializer[WindPitchContPowerIEC]
  2861. object WindPlantDynamics extends CIMParseable[WindPlantDynamics] with Serializable
  2862. object WindPlantDynamicsSerializer extends CIMSerializer[WindPlantDynamics]
  2863. object WindPlantFreqPcontrolIEC extends CIMParseable[WindPlantFreqPcontrolIEC] with Serializable
  2864. object WindPlantFreqPcontrolIECSerializer extends CIMSerializer[WindPlantFreqPcontrolIEC]
  2865. object WindPlantIEC extends CIMParseable[WindPlantIEC] with Serializable
  2866. object WindPlantIECSerializer extends CIMSerializer[WindPlantIEC]
  2867. object WindPlantReactiveControlIEC extends CIMParseable[WindPlantReactiveControlIEC] with Serializable
  2868. object WindPlantReactiveControlIECSerializer extends CIMSerializer[WindPlantReactiveControlIEC]
  2869. object WindPlantUserDefined extends CIMParseable[WindPlantUserDefined] with Serializable
  2870. object WindPlantUserDefinedSerializer extends CIMSerializer[WindPlantUserDefined]
  2871. object WindProtectionIEC extends CIMParseable[WindProtectionIEC] with Serializable
  2872. object WindProtectionIECSerializer extends CIMSerializer[WindProtectionIEC]
  2873. object WindRefFrameRotIEC extends CIMParseable[WindRefFrameRotIEC] with Serializable
  2874. object WindRefFrameRotIECSerializer extends CIMSerializer[WindRefFrameRotIEC]
  2875. object WindTurbineType1or2Dynamics extends CIMParseable[WindTurbineType1or2Dynamics] with Serializable
  2876. object WindTurbineType1or2DynamicsSerializer extends CIMSerializer[WindTurbineType1or2Dynamics]
  2877. object WindTurbineType1or2IEC extends CIMParseable[WindTurbineType1or2IEC] with Serializable
  2878. object WindTurbineType1or2IECSerializer extends CIMSerializer[WindTurbineType1or2IEC]
  2879. object WindTurbineType3IEC extends CIMParseable[WindTurbineType3IEC] with Serializable
  2880. object WindTurbineType3IECSerializer extends CIMSerializer[WindTurbineType3IEC]
  2881. object WindTurbineType3or4Dynamics extends CIMParseable[WindTurbineType3or4Dynamics] with Serializable
  2882. object WindTurbineType3or4DynamicsSerializer extends CIMSerializer[WindTurbineType3or4Dynamics]
  2883. object WindTurbineType3or4IEC extends CIMParseable[WindTurbineType3or4IEC] with Serializable
  2884. object WindTurbineType3or4IECSerializer extends CIMSerializer[WindTurbineType3or4IEC]
  2885. object WindTurbineType4IEC extends CIMParseable[WindTurbineType4IEC] with Serializable
  2886. object WindTurbineType4IECSerializer extends CIMSerializer[WindTurbineType4IEC]
  2887. object WindTurbineType4aIEC extends CIMParseable[WindTurbineType4aIEC] with Serializable
  2888. object WindTurbineType4aIECSerializer extends CIMSerializer[WindTurbineType4aIEC]
  2889. object WindTurbineType4bIEC extends CIMParseable[WindTurbineType4bIEC] with Serializable
  2890. object WindTurbineType4bIECSerializer extends CIMSerializer[WindTurbineType4bIEC]
  2891. object WindType1or2UserDefined extends CIMParseable[WindType1or2UserDefined] with Serializable
  2892. object WindType1or2UserDefinedSerializer extends CIMSerializer[WindType1or2UserDefined]
  2893. object WindType3or4UserDefined extends CIMParseable[WindType3or4UserDefined] with Serializable
  2894. object WindType3or4UserDefinedSerializer extends CIMSerializer[WindType3or4UserDefined]
  2895. object WindingInsulation extends CIMParseable[WindingInsulation] with Serializable
  2896. object WindingInsulationSerializer extends CIMSerializer[WindingInsulation]
  2897. object WireAssemblyInfo extends CIMParseable[WireAssemblyInfo] with Serializable
  2898. object WireAssemblyInfoSerializer extends CIMSerializer[WireAssemblyInfo]
  2899. object WireInfo extends CIMParseable[WireInfo] with Serializable
  2900. object WireInfoSerializer extends CIMSerializer[WireInfo]
  2901. object WirePhaseInfo extends CIMParseable[WirePhaseInfo] with Serializable
  2902. object WirePhaseInfoSerializer extends CIMSerializer[WirePhaseInfo]
  2903. object WirePosition extends CIMParseable[WirePosition] with Serializable
  2904. object WirePositionSerializer extends CIMSerializer[WirePosition]
  2905. object WireSegment extends CIMParseable[WireSegment] with Serializable
  2906. object WireSegmentPhase extends CIMParseable[WireSegmentPhase] with Serializable
  2907. object WireSegmentPhaseSerializer extends CIMSerializer[WireSegmentPhase]
  2908. object WireSegmentSerializer extends CIMSerializer[WireSegment]
  2909. object WireSpacingInfo extends CIMParseable[WireSpacingInfo] with Serializable
  2910. object WireSpacingInfoSerializer extends CIMSerializer[WireSpacingInfo]
  2911. object Work extends CIMParseable[Work] with Serializable
  2912. object WorkActivityRecord extends CIMParseable[WorkActivityRecord] with Serializable
  2913. object WorkActivityRecordSerializer extends CIMSerializer[WorkActivityRecord]
  2914. object WorkAsset extends CIMParseable[WorkAsset] with Serializable
  2915. object WorkAssetSerializer extends CIMSerializer[WorkAsset]
  2916. object WorkBillingInfo extends CIMParseable[WorkBillingInfo] with Serializable
  2917. object WorkBillingInfoSerializer extends CIMSerializer[WorkBillingInfo]
  2918. object WorkCostDetail extends CIMParseable[WorkCostDetail] with Serializable
  2919. object WorkCostDetailSerializer extends CIMSerializer[WorkCostDetail]
  2920. object WorkCostSummary extends CIMParseable[WorkCostSummary] with Serializable
  2921. object WorkCostSummarySerializer extends CIMSerializer[WorkCostSummary]
  2922. object WorkDocument extends CIMParseable[WorkDocument] with Serializable
  2923. object WorkDocumentSerializer extends CIMSerializer[WorkDocument]
  2924. object WorkFlowStep extends CIMParseable[WorkFlowStep] with Serializable
  2925. object WorkFlowStepSerializer extends CIMSerializer[WorkFlowStep]
  2926. object WorkIdentifiedObject extends CIMParseable[WorkIdentifiedObject] with Serializable
  2927. object WorkIdentifiedObjectSerializer extends CIMSerializer[WorkIdentifiedObject]
  2928. object WorkLocation extends CIMParseable[WorkLocation] with Serializable
  2929. object WorkLocationSerializer extends CIMSerializer[WorkLocation]
  2930. object WorkSerializer extends CIMSerializer[Work]
  2931. object WorkTask extends CIMParseable[WorkTask] with Serializable
  2932. object WorkTaskSerializer extends CIMSerializer[WorkTask]
  2933. object WorkTimeSchedule extends CIMParseable[WorkTimeSchedule] with Serializable
  2934. object WorkTimeScheduleKind extends CIMParseable[WorkTimeScheduleKind] with Serializable
  2935. object WorkTimeScheduleKindSerializer extends CIMSerializer[WorkTimeScheduleKind]
  2936. object WorkTimeScheduleSerializer extends CIMSerializer[WorkTimeSchedule]
  2937. object Zone extends CIMParseable[Zone] with Serializable
  2938. object ZoneSerializer extends CIMSerializer[Zone]

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any





































































































