final case class SubControlArea(PowerSystemResource: PowerSystemResource = null, areaShortName: String = null, constantCoefficient: Double = 0.0, embeddedControlArea: String = null, internalCA: String = null, linearCoefficient: Double = 0.0, localCA: String = null, maxSelfSchedMW: Double = 0.0, minSelfSchedMW: Double = 0.0, quadraticCoefficient: Double = 0.0, AdjacentCASet: String = null, AggregateNode: List[String] = null, AreaReserveSpecification: String = null, BidSelfSched: List[String] = null, CnodeDistributionFactor: List[String] = null, ControlAreaDesignation: List[String] = null, ExPostLossResults: List[String] = null, Export_EnergyTransactions: List[String] = null, From_Flowgate: List[String] = null, GeneralClearingResults: List[String] = null, HostControlArea: String = null, Import_EnergyTransactions: List[String] = null, InadvertentAccount: List[String] = null, LossClearingResults: List[String] = null, Pnode: List[String] = null, RTO: String = null, Receive_DynamicSchedules: List[String] = null, RegisteredResource: List[String] = null, Send_DynamicSchedules: List[String] = null, SideA_TieLines: List[String] = null, SideB_TieLines: List[String] = null, To_Flowgate: List[String] = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable
An area defined for the purpose of tracking interchange with surrounding areas via tie points; may or may not serve as a control area.
- PowerSystemResource
PowerSystemResource Reference to the superclass object.
- areaShortName
Market area short name, which is the regulation zone. It references AGC regulation zone name.
- constantCoefficient
Loss estimate constant coefficient
- embeddedControlArea
Used in conjunction with the InternalCA flag. If the InternalCA flag is YES, this flag does not apply. If the InternaCA flag is NO, this flag provides an indication of AdjacentCA (NO) or Embedded CA (YES).
- internalCA
A Yes/No indication that this control area is contained internal to the system.
- linearCoefficient
Loss estimate linear coefficient
- localCA
Indication that this control area is the local control area.
- maxSelfSchedMW
Maximum amount of self schedule MWs allowed for an embedded control area.
- minSelfSchedMW
Minimum amount of self schedule MW allowed for an embedded control area.
- quadraticCoefficient
Loss estimate quadratic coefficient
- AdjacentCASet
AdjacentCASet undocumented
- AggregateNode
AggregateNode undocumented
- AreaReserveSpecification
AreaReserveSpec undocumented
- BidSelfSched
BidSelfSched undocumented
- CnodeDistributionFactor
CnodeDistributionFactor undocumented
- ControlAreaDesignation
ControlAreaDesignation undocumented
- ExPostLossResults
ExPostLossResults undocumented
- Export_EnergyTransactions
EnergyTransaction Energy is transferred between interchange areas
- From_Flowgate
Flowgate undocumented
- GeneralClearingResults
GeneralClearingResults undocumented
- HostControlArea
HostControlArea The interchange area may operate as a control area
- Import_EnergyTransactions
EnergyTransaction Energy is transferred between interchange areas
- InadvertentAccount
InadvertentAccount A control area can have one or more net inadvertent interchange accounts
- LossClearingResults
LossClearingResults undocumented
- Pnode
Pnode undocumented
RTO undocumented
- Receive_DynamicSchedules
DynamicSchedule A control area can receive dynamic schedules from other control areas
- RegisteredResource
RegisteredResource undocumented
- Send_DynamicSchedules
DynamicSchedule A control area can send dynamic schedules to other control areas
- SideA_TieLines
TieLine The SubControlArea is on the A side of a collection of metered points which define the SubControlArea's boundary for a ControlAreaOperator or CustomerConsumer.
- SideB_TieLines
TieLine The SubControlArea is on the B side of a collection of metered points which define the SubControlArea's boundary for a ControlAreaOperator or CustomerConsumer.
- To_Flowgate
Flowgate undocumented
- Grouped
- Alphabetic
- By Inheritance
- SubControlArea
- Element
- Product
- Equals
- Cloneable
- Cloneable
- Row
- Serializable
- Serializable
- AnyRef
- Any
- Hide All
- Show All
- Public
- All
Instance Constructors
SubControlArea(PowerSystemResource: PowerSystemResource = null, areaShortName: String = null, constantCoefficient: Double = 0.0, embeddedControlArea: String = null, internalCA: String = null, linearCoefficient: Double = 0.0, localCA: String = null, maxSelfSchedMW: Double = 0.0, minSelfSchedMW: Double = 0.0, quadraticCoefficient: Double = 0.0, AdjacentCASet: String = null, AggregateNode: List[String] = null, AreaReserveSpecification: String = null, BidSelfSched: List[String] = null, CnodeDistributionFactor: List[String] = null, ControlAreaDesignation: List[String] = null, ExPostLossResults: List[String] = null, Export_EnergyTransactions: List[String] = null, From_Flowgate: List[String] = null, GeneralClearingResults: List[String] = null, HostControlArea: String = null, Import_EnergyTransactions: List[String] = null, InadvertentAccount: List[String] = null, LossClearingResults: List[String] = null, Pnode: List[String] = null, RTO: String = null, Receive_DynamicSchedules: List[String] = null, RegisteredResource: List[String] = null, Send_DynamicSchedules: List[String] = null, SideA_TieLines: List[String] = null, SideB_TieLines: List[String] = null, To_Flowgate: List[String] = null)
- PowerSystemResource
PowerSystemResource Reference to the superclass object.
- areaShortName
Market area short name, which is the regulation zone. It references AGC regulation zone name.
- constantCoefficient
Loss estimate constant coefficient
- embeddedControlArea
Used in conjunction with the InternalCA flag. If the InternalCA flag is YES, this flag does not apply. If the InternaCA flag is NO, this flag provides an indication of AdjacentCA (NO) or Embedded CA (YES).
- internalCA
A Yes/No indication that this control area is contained internal to the system.
- linearCoefficient
Loss estimate linear coefficient
- localCA
Indication that this control area is the local control area.
- maxSelfSchedMW
Maximum amount of self schedule MWs allowed for an embedded control area.
- minSelfSchedMW
Minimum amount of self schedule MW allowed for an embedded control area.
- quadraticCoefficient
Loss estimate quadratic coefficient
- AdjacentCASet
AdjacentCASet undocumented
- AggregateNode
AggregateNode undocumented
- AreaReserveSpecification
AreaReserveSpec undocumented
- BidSelfSched
BidSelfSched undocumented
- CnodeDistributionFactor
CnodeDistributionFactor undocumented
- ControlAreaDesignation
ControlAreaDesignation undocumented
- ExPostLossResults
ExPostLossResults undocumented
- Export_EnergyTransactions
EnergyTransaction Energy is transferred between interchange areas
- From_Flowgate
Flowgate undocumented
- GeneralClearingResults
GeneralClearingResults undocumented
- HostControlArea
HostControlArea The interchange area may operate as a control area
- Import_EnergyTransactions
EnergyTransaction Energy is transferred between interchange areas
- InadvertentAccount
InadvertentAccount A control area can have one or more net inadvertent interchange accounts
- LossClearingResults
LossClearingResults undocumented
- Pnode
Pnode undocumented
RTO undocumented
- Receive_DynamicSchedules
DynamicSchedule A control area can receive dynamic schedules from other control areas
- RegisteredResource
RegisteredResource undocumented
- Send_DynamicSchedules
DynamicSchedule A control area can send dynamic schedules to other control areas
- SideA_TieLines
TieLine The SubControlArea is on the A side of a collection of metered points which define the SubControlArea's boundary for a ControlAreaOperator or CustomerConsumer.
- SideB_TieLines
TieLine The SubControlArea is on the B side of a collection of metered points which define the SubControlArea's boundary for a ControlAreaOperator or CustomerConsumer.
- To_Flowgate
Flowgate undocumented
Value Members
!=(arg0: Any): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef → Any
##(): Int
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef → Any
==(arg0: Any): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef → Any
- val AdjacentCASet: String
- val AggregateNode: List[String]
- val AreaReserveSpecification: String
- val BidSelfSched: List[String]
- val CnodeDistributionFactor: List[String]
- val ControlAreaDesignation: List[String]
- val ExPostLossResults: List[String]
- val Export_EnergyTransactions: List[String]
- val From_Flowgate: List[String]
- val GeneralClearingResults: List[String]
- val HostControlArea: String
- val Import_EnergyTransactions: List[String]
- val InadvertentAccount: List[String]
- val LossClearingResults: List[String]
- val Pnode: List[String]
- val PowerSystemResource: PowerSystemResource
- val RTO: String
- val Receive_DynamicSchedules: List[String]
- val RegisteredResource: List[String]
- val Send_DynamicSchedules: List[String]
- val SideA_TieLines: List[String]
- val SideB_TieLines: List[String]
- val To_Flowgate: List[String]
about: Boolean
Flag for rdf:about elements.
Flag for rdf:about elements.
- returns
if this is an rdf:about element,false
- Definition Classes
- Element
anyNull: Boolean
- Definition Classes
- Row
apply(i: Int): Any
- Definition Classes
- Row
- val areaShortName: String
asInstanceOf[T0]: T0
- Definition Classes
- Any
baseclass: String
This class name.
bitfields: Array[Int]
Valid fields bitmap.
Valid fields bitmap.
One (1) in a bit position means that field was found in parsing, zero means it has an indeterminate value. Field order is specified by the fields array.
For classes constructed manually, we initially fill this in with the worst case scenario. ToDo: this won't work for classes with more than 128 fields (so far none).
- Definition Classes
- Element
classes: Seq[String]
This class and the hierarchical list of classes this class derives from.
This class and the hierarchical list of classes this class derives from.
- returns
the list of classes without the package prefixes.
- Definition Classes
- Element
clone(): AnyRef
- Attributes
- protected[lang]
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef
- Annotations
- @throws( ... ) @native() @HotSpotIntrinsicCandidate()
- val constantCoefficient: Double
copy(): Row
Return a copy of this object as a Row.
Return a copy of this object as a Row.
Creates a clone of this object for use in Row manipulations.
- returns
The copy of the object.
- Definition Classes
- SubControlArea → Row
- val embeddedControlArea: String
emit_attribute(field: String, value: Any)(implicit clz: String, s: StringBuilder): Unit
Emit one XML attribute.
Emit one XML attribute.
- field
The name of the field.
- value
The value of the field.
- clz
The class name (e.g. ACLineSegment) of this element
- s
The builder to write into.
- Definition Classes
- Element
<cim:Location.CoordinateSystem rdf:resource="#wgs84"/>
Example: -
emit_element(field: String, value: Any)(implicit clz: String, s: StringBuilder): Unit
Emit one XML element.
Emit one XML element.
- field
The name of the field.
- value
The value of the field.
- clz
The class name (e.g. ACLineSegment) of this element
- s
The builder to write into.
- Definition Classes
- Element
<>WGS 84</>
Example: -
eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef
equals(o: Any): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- Row → AnyRef → Any
export: String
Return a string containing this object as XML.
Return a string containing this object as XML.
- returns
The XML corresponding to this object.
- Definition Classes
- SubControlArea → Element
export_fields: String
Return a string containing the fields of this object suitable for inclusion in an XML object.
Return a string containing the fields of this object suitable for inclusion in an XML object.
- returns
A string with the fields coded in XML
- Definition Classes
- SubControlArea → Element
fieldIndex(name: String): Int
- Definition Classes
- Row
get(i: Int): AnyRef
Get the value of the field at index
.Get the value of the field at index
.- i
The index of the field desired.
- returns
The value stored in the field, or
if none.
- Definition Classes
- Element → Row
getAs[T](fieldName: String): T
- Definition Classes
- Row
getAs[T](i: Int): T
- Definition Classes
- Row
getBoolean(i: Int): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- Row
getByte(i: Int): Byte
- Definition Classes
- Row
getClass(): Class[_]
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef → Any
- Annotations
- @native() @HotSpotIntrinsicCandidate()
getDate(i: Int): Date
- Definition Classes
- Row
getDecimal(i: Int): BigDecimal
- Definition Classes
- Row
getDouble(i: Int): Double
- Definition Classes
- Row
getFloat(i: Int): Float
- Definition Classes
- Row
getInstant(i: Int): Instant
- Definition Classes
- Row
getInt(i: Int): Int
- Definition Classes
- Row
getJavaMap[K, V](i: Int): Map[K, V]
- Definition Classes
- Row
getList[T](i: Int): List[T]
- Definition Classes
- Row
getLocalDate(i: Int): LocalDate
- Definition Classes
- Row
getLong(i: Int): Long
- Definition Classes
- Row
getMap[K, V](i: Int): Map[K, V]
- Definition Classes
- Row
getSeq[T](i: Int): Seq[T]
- Definition Classes
- Row
getShort(i: Int): Short
- Definition Classes
- Row
getString(i: Int): String
- Definition Classes
- Row
getStruct(i: Int): Row
- Definition Classes
- Row
getTimestamp(i: Int): Timestamp
- Definition Classes
- Row
getValuesMap[T](fieldNames: Seq[String]): Map[String, T]
- Definition Classes
- Row
hashCode(): Int
- Definition Classes
- Row → AnyRef → Any
id: String
Return the unique ID for the object, the mRID for IdentifiedObject derived classes.
Return the unique ID for the object, the mRID for IdentifiedObject derived classes.
- returns
The object ID.
- Definition Classes
- Element
- val internalCA: String
isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean
- Definition Classes
- Any
isNullAt(i: Int): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- Row
json: String
- Definition Classes
- Row
- Annotations
- @Unstable()
length: Int
The number of fields in the object definition.
The number of fields in the object definition.
- returns
The number of defined fields for use in Row manipulations.
- Definition Classes
- Element → Row
- val linearCoefficient: Double
- val localCA: String
mask(position: Int): Boolean
Is a field present predicate.
Is a field present predicate.
Determines if the field at the given position was encountered while parsing.
- position
the field position in the fields array
- returns
if the field was parsed,false
- Definition Classes
- Element
- val maxSelfSchedMW: Double
- val minSelfSchedMW: Double
mkString(start: String, sep: String, end: String): String
- Definition Classes
- Row
mkString(sep: String): String
- Definition Classes
- Row
mkString: String
- Definition Classes
- Row
ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef
notify(): Unit
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef
- Annotations
- @native() @HotSpotIntrinsicCandidate()
notifyAll(): Unit
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef
- Annotations
- @native() @HotSpotIntrinsicCandidate()
prettyJson: String
- Definition Classes
- Row
- Annotations
- @Unstable()
- val quadraticCoefficient: Double
schema: StructType
- Definition Classes
- Row
size: Int
- Definition Classes
- Row
sup: PowerSystemResource
Return the superclass object.
Return the superclass object.
- returns
The typed superclass nested object.
- Definition Classes
- SubControlArea → Element
synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef
toSeq: Seq[Any]
- Definition Classes
- Row
toString(): String
- Definition Classes
- Row → AnyRef → Any
wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef
- Annotations
- @throws( ... )
wait(arg0: Long): Unit
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef
- Annotations
- @throws( ... ) @native()
wait(): Unit
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef
- Annotations
- @throws( ... )
Deprecated Value Members
finalize(): Unit
- Attributes
- protected[lang]
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef
- Annotations
- @throws( classOf[java.lang.Throwable] ) @Deprecated @deprecated
- Deprecated
(Since version ) see corresponding Javadoc for more information.