final case class WindContPType3IEC(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, dpmax: Double = 0.0, dprefmax: Double = 0.0, dprefmin: Double = 0.0, dthetamax: Double = 0.0, dthetamaxuvrt: Double = 0.0, kdtd: Double = 0.0, kip: Double = 0.0, kpp: Double = 0.0, mpuvrt: Boolean = false, omegadtd: Double = 0.0, omegaoffset: Double = 0.0, pdtdmax: Double = 0.0, tdvs: Double = 0.0, thetaemin: Double = 0.0, thetauscale: Double = 0.0, tomegafiltp3: Double = 0.0, tomegaref: Double = 0.0, tpfiltp3: Double = 0.0, tpord: Double = 0.0, tufiltp3: Double = 0.0, udvs: Double = 0.0, updip: Double = 0.0, zeta: Double = 0.0, WindDynamicsLookupTable: List[String] = null, WindTurbineType3IEC: String = null) extends Element with Product with Serializable
P control model type 3.
Reference: IEC 61400-27-1:2015,
- IdentifiedObject
IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.
- dpmax
Maximum wind turbine power ramp rate (dpmax). It is a type-dependent parameter.
- dprefmax
Maximum ramp rate of wind turbine reference power (dprefmax). It is a project-dependent parameter.
- dprefmin
Minimum ramp rate of wind turbine reference power (dprefmin). It is a project-dependent parameter.
- dthetamax
Ramp limitation of torque, required in some grid codes (dtmax). It is a project-dependent parameter.
- dthetamaxuvrt
Limitation of torque rise rate during UVRT (dthetamaxUVRT). It is a project-dependent parameter.
- kdtd
Gain for active drive train damping (KDTD). It is a type-dependent parameter.
- kip
PI controller integration parameter (KIp). It is a type-dependent parameter.
- kpp
PI controller proportional gain (KPp). It is a type-dependent parameter.
- mpuvrt
Enable UVRT power control mode (MpUVRT). It is a project-dependent parameter. true = voltage control (1 in the IEC model) false = reactive power control (0 in the IEC model).
- omegadtd
Active drive train damping frequency (omegaDTD). It can be calculated from two mass model parameters. It is a type-dependent parameter.
- omegaoffset
Offset to reference value that limits controller action during rotor speed changes (omegaoffset). It is a case-dependent parameter.
- pdtdmax
Maximum active drive train damping power (pDTDmax). It is a type-dependent parameter.
- tdvs
Time delay after deep voltage sags (TDVS) (>= 0). It is a project-dependent parameter.
- thetaemin
Minimum electrical generator torque (temin). It is a type-dependent parameter.
- thetauscale
Voltage scaling factor of reset-torque (tuscale). It is a project-dependent parameter.
- tomegafiltp3
Filter time constant for generator speed measurement (Tomegafiltp3) (>= 0). It is a type-dependent parameter.
- tomegaref
Time constant in speed reference filter (Tomega,ref) (>= 0). It is a type-dependent parameter.
- tpfiltp3
Filter time constant for power measurement (Tpfiltp3) (>= 0). It is a type-dependent parameter.
- tpord
Time constant in power order lag (Tpord). It is a type-dependent parameter.
- tufiltp3
Filter time constant for voltage measurement (Tufiltp3) (>= 0). It is a type-dependent parameter.
- udvs
Voltage limit for hold UVRT status after deep voltage sags (uDVS). It is a project-dependent parameter.
- updip
Voltage dip threshold for P-control (uPdip). Part of turbine control, often different (e.g 0.8) from converter thresholds. It is a project-dependent parameter.
- zeta
Coefficient for active drive train damping (zeta). It is a type-dependent parameter.
- WindDynamicsLookupTable
WindDynamicsLookupTable The wind dynamics lookup table associated with this P control type 3 model.
- WindTurbineType3IEC
WindTurbineType3IEC Wind turbine type 3 model with which this wind control P type 3 model is associated.
- Grouped
- Alphabetic
- By Inheritance
- WindContPType3IEC
- Element
- Product
- Equals
- Cloneable
- Cloneable
- Row
- Serializable
- Serializable
- AnyRef
- Any
- Hide All
- Show All
- Public
- All
Instance Constructors
WindContPType3IEC(IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject = null, dpmax: Double = 0.0, dprefmax: Double = 0.0, dprefmin: Double = 0.0, dthetamax: Double = 0.0, dthetamaxuvrt: Double = 0.0, kdtd: Double = 0.0, kip: Double = 0.0, kpp: Double = 0.0, mpuvrt: Boolean = false, omegadtd: Double = 0.0, omegaoffset: Double = 0.0, pdtdmax: Double = 0.0, tdvs: Double = 0.0, thetaemin: Double = 0.0, thetauscale: Double = 0.0, tomegafiltp3: Double = 0.0, tomegaref: Double = 0.0, tpfiltp3: Double = 0.0, tpord: Double = 0.0, tufiltp3: Double = 0.0, udvs: Double = 0.0, updip: Double = 0.0, zeta: Double = 0.0, WindDynamicsLookupTable: List[String] = null, WindTurbineType3IEC: String = null)
- IdentifiedObject
IdentifiedObject Reference to the superclass object.
- dpmax
Maximum wind turbine power ramp rate (dpmax). It is a type-dependent parameter.
- dprefmax
Maximum ramp rate of wind turbine reference power (dprefmax). It is a project-dependent parameter.
- dprefmin
Minimum ramp rate of wind turbine reference power (dprefmin). It is a project-dependent parameter.
- dthetamax
Ramp limitation of torque, required in some grid codes (dtmax). It is a project-dependent parameter.
- dthetamaxuvrt
Limitation of torque rise rate during UVRT (dthetamaxUVRT). It is a project-dependent parameter.
- kdtd
Gain for active drive train damping (KDTD). It is a type-dependent parameter.
- kip
PI controller integration parameter (KIp). It is a type-dependent parameter.
- kpp
PI controller proportional gain (KPp). It is a type-dependent parameter.
- mpuvrt
Enable UVRT power control mode (MpUVRT). It is a project-dependent parameter. true = voltage control (1 in the IEC model) false = reactive power control (0 in the IEC model).
- omegadtd
Active drive train damping frequency (omegaDTD). It can be calculated from two mass model parameters. It is a type-dependent parameter.
- omegaoffset
Offset to reference value that limits controller action during rotor speed changes (omegaoffset). It is a case-dependent parameter.
- pdtdmax
Maximum active drive train damping power (pDTDmax). It is a type-dependent parameter.
- tdvs
Time delay after deep voltage sags (TDVS) (>= 0). It is a project-dependent parameter.
- thetaemin
Minimum electrical generator torque (temin). It is a type-dependent parameter.
- thetauscale
Voltage scaling factor of reset-torque (tuscale). It is a project-dependent parameter.
- tomegafiltp3
Filter time constant for generator speed measurement (Tomegafiltp3) (>= 0). It is a type-dependent parameter.
- tomegaref
Time constant in speed reference filter (Tomega,ref) (>= 0). It is a type-dependent parameter.
- tpfiltp3
Filter time constant for power measurement (Tpfiltp3) (>= 0). It is a type-dependent parameter.
- tpord
Time constant in power order lag (Tpord). It is a type-dependent parameter.
- tufiltp3
Filter time constant for voltage measurement (Tufiltp3) (>= 0). It is a type-dependent parameter.
- udvs
Voltage limit for hold UVRT status after deep voltage sags (uDVS). It is a project-dependent parameter.
- updip
Voltage dip threshold for P-control (uPdip). Part of turbine control, often different (e.g 0.8) from converter thresholds. It is a project-dependent parameter.
- zeta
Coefficient for active drive train damping (zeta). It is a type-dependent parameter.
- WindDynamicsLookupTable
WindDynamicsLookupTable The wind dynamics lookup table associated with this P control type 3 model.
- WindTurbineType3IEC
WindTurbineType3IEC Wind turbine type 3 model with which this wind control P type 3 model is associated.
Value Members
!=(arg0: Any): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef → Any
##(): Int
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef → Any
==(arg0: Any): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef → Any
- val IdentifiedObject: IdentifiedObject
- val WindDynamicsLookupTable: List[String]
- val WindTurbineType3IEC: String
about: Boolean
Flag for rdf:about elements.
Flag for rdf:about elements.
- returns
if this is an rdf:about element,false
- Definition Classes
- Element
anyNull: Boolean
- Definition Classes
- Row
apply(i: Int): Any
- Definition Classes
- Row
asInstanceOf[T0]: T0
- Definition Classes
- Any
baseclass: String
This class name.
bitfields: Array[Int]
Valid fields bitmap.
Valid fields bitmap.
One (1) in a bit position means that field was found in parsing, zero means it has an indeterminate value. Field order is specified by the fields array.
For classes constructed manually, we initially fill this in with the worst case scenario. ToDo: this won't work for classes with more than 128 fields (so far none).
- Definition Classes
- Element
classes: Seq[String]
This class and the hierarchical list of classes this class derives from.
This class and the hierarchical list of classes this class derives from.
- returns
the list of classes without the package prefixes.
- Definition Classes
- Element
clone(): AnyRef
- Attributes
- protected[lang]
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef
- Annotations
- @throws( ... ) @native() @HotSpotIntrinsicCandidate()
copy(): Row
Return a copy of this object as a Row.
Return a copy of this object as a Row.
Creates a clone of this object for use in Row manipulations.
- returns
The copy of the object.
- Definition Classes
- WindContPType3IEC → Row
- val dpmax: Double
- val dprefmax: Double
- val dprefmin: Double
- val dthetamax: Double
- val dthetamaxuvrt: Double
emit_attribute(field: String, value: Any)(implicit clz: String, s: StringBuilder): Unit
Emit one XML attribute.
Emit one XML attribute.
- field
The name of the field.
- value
The value of the field.
- clz
The class name (e.g. ACLineSegment) of this element
- s
The builder to write into.
- Definition Classes
- Element
<cim:Location.CoordinateSystem rdf:resource="#wgs84"/>
Example: -
emit_element(field: String, value: Any)(implicit clz: String, s: StringBuilder): Unit
Emit one XML element.
Emit one XML element.
- field
The name of the field.
- value
The value of the field.
- clz
The class name (e.g. ACLineSegment) of this element
- s
The builder to write into.
- Definition Classes
- Element
<>WGS 84</>
Example: -
eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef
equals(o: Any): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- Row → AnyRef → Any
export: String
Return a string containing this object as XML.
Return a string containing this object as XML.
- returns
The XML corresponding to this object.
- Definition Classes
- WindContPType3IEC → Element
export_fields: String
Return a string containing the fields of this object suitable for inclusion in an XML object.
Return a string containing the fields of this object suitable for inclusion in an XML object.
- returns
A string with the fields coded in XML
- Definition Classes
- WindContPType3IEC → Element
fieldIndex(name: String): Int
- Definition Classes
- Row
get(i: Int): AnyRef
Get the value of the field at index
.Get the value of the field at index
.- i
The index of the field desired.
- returns
The value stored in the field, or
if none.
- Definition Classes
- Element → Row
getAs[T](fieldName: String): T
- Definition Classes
- Row
getAs[T](i: Int): T
- Definition Classes
- Row
getBoolean(i: Int): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- Row
getByte(i: Int): Byte
- Definition Classes
- Row
getClass(): Class[_]
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef → Any
- Annotations
- @native() @HotSpotIntrinsicCandidate()
getDate(i: Int): Date
- Definition Classes
- Row
getDecimal(i: Int): BigDecimal
- Definition Classes
- Row
getDouble(i: Int): Double
- Definition Classes
- Row
getFloat(i: Int): Float
- Definition Classes
- Row
getInstant(i: Int): Instant
- Definition Classes
- Row
getInt(i: Int): Int
- Definition Classes
- Row
getJavaMap[K, V](i: Int): Map[K, V]
- Definition Classes
- Row
getList[T](i: Int): List[T]
- Definition Classes
- Row
getLocalDate(i: Int): LocalDate
- Definition Classes
- Row
getLong(i: Int): Long
- Definition Classes
- Row
getMap[K, V](i: Int): Map[K, V]
- Definition Classes
- Row
getSeq[T](i: Int): Seq[T]
- Definition Classes
- Row
getShort(i: Int): Short
- Definition Classes
- Row
getString(i: Int): String
- Definition Classes
- Row
getStruct(i: Int): Row
- Definition Classes
- Row
getTimestamp(i: Int): Timestamp
- Definition Classes
- Row
getValuesMap[T](fieldNames: Seq[String]): Map[String, T]
- Definition Classes
- Row
hashCode(): Int
- Definition Classes
- Row → AnyRef → Any
id: String
Return the unique ID for the object, the mRID for IdentifiedObject derived classes.
Return the unique ID for the object, the mRID for IdentifiedObject derived classes.
- returns
The object ID.
- Definition Classes
- Element
isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean
- Definition Classes
- Any
isNullAt(i: Int): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- Row
json: String
- Definition Classes
- Row
- Annotations
- @Unstable()
- val kdtd: Double
- val kip: Double
- val kpp: Double
length: Int
The number of fields in the object definition.
The number of fields in the object definition.
- returns
The number of defined fields for use in Row manipulations.
- Definition Classes
- Element → Row
mask(position: Int): Boolean
Is a field present predicate.
Is a field present predicate.
Determines if the field at the given position was encountered while parsing.
- position
the field position in the fields array
- returns
if the field was parsed,false
- Definition Classes
- Element
mkString(start: String, sep: String, end: String): String
- Definition Classes
- Row
mkString(sep: String): String
- Definition Classes
- Row
mkString: String
- Definition Classes
- Row
- val mpuvrt: Boolean
ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef
notify(): Unit
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef
- Annotations
- @native() @HotSpotIntrinsicCandidate()
notifyAll(): Unit
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef
- Annotations
- @native() @HotSpotIntrinsicCandidate()
- val omegadtd: Double
- val omegaoffset: Double
- val pdtdmax: Double
prettyJson: String
- Definition Classes
- Row
- Annotations
- @Unstable()
schema: StructType
- Definition Classes
- Row
size: Int
- Definition Classes
- Row
sup: IdentifiedObject
Return the superclass object.
Return the superclass object.
- returns
The typed superclass nested object.
- Definition Classes
- WindContPType3IEC → Element
synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef
- val tdvs: Double
- val thetaemin: Double
- val thetauscale: Double
toSeq: Seq[Any]
- Definition Classes
- Row
toString(): String
- Definition Classes
- Row → AnyRef → Any
- val tomegafiltp3: Double
- val tomegaref: Double
- val tpfiltp3: Double
- val tpord: Double
- val tufiltp3: Double
- val udvs: Double
- val updip: Double
wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef
- Annotations
- @throws( ... )
wait(arg0: Long): Unit
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef
- Annotations
- @throws( ... ) @native()
wait(): Unit
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef
- Annotations
- @throws( ... )
- val zeta: Double
Deprecated Value Members
finalize(): Unit
- Attributes
- protected[lang]
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef
- Annotations
- @throws( classOf[java.lang.Throwable] ) @Deprecated @deprecated
- Deprecated
(Since version ) see corresponding Javadoc for more information.