final case class PanDemandResponse(EndDeviceAction: EndDeviceAction = null, appliance: String = null, avgLoadAdjustment: Double = 0.0, cancelControlMode: String = null, cancelDateTime: String = null, cancelNow: Boolean = false, coolingOffset: Double = 0.0, coolingSetpoint: Double = 0.0, criticalityLevel: String = null, dutyCycle: Double = 0.0, enrollmentGroup: String = null, heatingOffset: Double = 0.0, heatingSetpoint: Double = 0.0) extends Element with Product with Serializable
PAN control used to issue action/command to PAN devices during a demand response/load control event.
- EndDeviceAction
EndDeviceAction Reference to the superclass object.
- appliance
ControlledAppliance Appliance being controlled.
- avgLoadAdjustment
Used to define a maximum energy usage limit as a percentage of the client implementations specific average energy usage. The load adjustment percentage is added to 100% creating a percentage limit applied to the client implementations specific average energy usage. A -10% load adjustment percentage will establish an energy usage limit equal to 90% of the client implementations specific average energy usage. Each load adjustment percentage is referenced to the client implementations specific average energy usage. There are no cumulative effects. The range of this field is -100% to +100% with a resolution of 1. A -100% value equals a total load shed. A +100% value will limit the energy usage to the client implementations specific average energy usage.
- cancelControlMode
Encoding of cancel control.
- cancelDateTime
Timestamp when a canceling of the event is scheduled to start.
- cancelNow
If true, a canceling of the event should start immediately.
- coolingOffset
Requested offset to apply to the normal cooling setpoint at the time of the start of the event. It represents a temperature change that will be applied to the associated cooling set point. The temperature offsets will be calculated per the local temperature in the thermostat. The calculated temperature will be interpreted as the number of degrees to be added to the cooling set point. Sequential demand response events are not cumulative. The offset shall be applied to the normal setpoint.
- coolingSetpoint
Requested cooling set point. Temperature set point is typically defined and calculated based on local temperature.
- criticalityLevel
Level of criticality for the action of this control. The action taken by load control devices for an event can be solely based on this value, or in combination with other load control event fields supported by the device.
- dutyCycle
Maximum "on" state duty cycle as a percentage of time. For example, if the value is 80, the device would be in an "on" state for 80% of the time for the duration of the action.
- enrollmentGroup
Provides a mechanism to direct load control actions to groups of PAN devices. It can be used in conjunction with the PAN device types.
- heatingOffset
Requested offset to apply to the normal heating setpoint at the time of the start of the event. It represents a temperature change that will be applied to the associated heating set point. The temperature offsets will be calculated per the local temperature in the thermostat. The calculated temperature will be interpreted as the number of degrees to be subtracted from the heating set point. Sequential demand response events are not cumulative. The offset shall be applied to the normal setpoint.
- heatingSetpoint
Requested heating set point. Temperature set point is typically defined and calculated based on local temperature.
- Grouped
- Alphabetic
- By Inheritance
- PanDemandResponse
- Element
- Product
- Equals
- Cloneable
- Cloneable
- Row
- Serializable
- Serializable
- AnyRef
- Any
- Hide All
- Show All
- Public
- All
Instance Constructors
PanDemandResponse(EndDeviceAction: EndDeviceAction = null, appliance: String = null, avgLoadAdjustment: Double = 0.0, cancelControlMode: String = null, cancelDateTime: String = null, cancelNow: Boolean = false, coolingOffset: Double = 0.0, coolingSetpoint: Double = 0.0, criticalityLevel: String = null, dutyCycle: Double = 0.0, enrollmentGroup: String = null, heatingOffset: Double = 0.0, heatingSetpoint: Double = 0.0)
- EndDeviceAction
EndDeviceAction Reference to the superclass object.
- appliance
ControlledAppliance Appliance being controlled.
- avgLoadAdjustment
Used to define a maximum energy usage limit as a percentage of the client implementations specific average energy usage. The load adjustment percentage is added to 100% creating a percentage limit applied to the client implementations specific average energy usage. A -10% load adjustment percentage will establish an energy usage limit equal to 90% of the client implementations specific average energy usage. Each load adjustment percentage is referenced to the client implementations specific average energy usage. There are no cumulative effects. The range of this field is -100% to +100% with a resolution of 1. A -100% value equals a total load shed. A +100% value will limit the energy usage to the client implementations specific average energy usage.
- cancelControlMode
Encoding of cancel control.
- cancelDateTime
Timestamp when a canceling of the event is scheduled to start.
- cancelNow
If true, a canceling of the event should start immediately.
- coolingOffset
Requested offset to apply to the normal cooling setpoint at the time of the start of the event. It represents a temperature change that will be applied to the associated cooling set point. The temperature offsets will be calculated per the local temperature in the thermostat. The calculated temperature will be interpreted as the number of degrees to be added to the cooling set point. Sequential demand response events are not cumulative. The offset shall be applied to the normal setpoint.
- coolingSetpoint
Requested cooling set point. Temperature set point is typically defined and calculated based on local temperature.
- criticalityLevel
Level of criticality for the action of this control. The action taken by load control devices for an event can be solely based on this value, or in combination with other load control event fields supported by the device.
- dutyCycle
Maximum "on" state duty cycle as a percentage of time. For example, if the value is 80, the device would be in an "on" state for 80% of the time for the duration of the action.
- enrollmentGroup
Provides a mechanism to direct load control actions to groups of PAN devices. It can be used in conjunction with the PAN device types.
- heatingOffset
Requested offset to apply to the normal heating setpoint at the time of the start of the event. It represents a temperature change that will be applied to the associated heating set point. The temperature offsets will be calculated per the local temperature in the thermostat. The calculated temperature will be interpreted as the number of degrees to be subtracted from the heating set point. Sequential demand response events are not cumulative. The offset shall be applied to the normal setpoint.
- heatingSetpoint
Requested heating set point. Temperature set point is typically defined and calculated based on local temperature.
Value Members
!=(arg0: Any): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef → Any
##(): Int
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef → Any
==(arg0: Any): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef → Any
- val EndDeviceAction: EndDeviceAction
about: Boolean
Flag for rdf:about elements.
Flag for rdf:about elements.
- returns
if this is an rdf:about element,false
- Definition Classes
- Element
anyNull: Boolean
- Definition Classes
- Row
- val appliance: String
apply(i: Int): Any
- Definition Classes
- Row
asInstanceOf[T0]: T0
- Definition Classes
- Any
- val avgLoadAdjustment: Double
baseclass: String
This class name.
bitfields: Array[Int]
Valid fields bitmap.
Valid fields bitmap.
One (1) in a bit position means that field was found in parsing, zero means it has an indeterminate value. Field order is specified by the fields array.
For classes constructed manually, we initially fill this in with the worst case scenario. ToDo: this won't work for classes with more than 128 fields (so far none).
- Definition Classes
- Element
- val cancelControlMode: String
- val cancelDateTime: String
- val cancelNow: Boolean
classes: Seq[String]
This class and the hierarchical list of classes this class derives from.
This class and the hierarchical list of classes this class derives from.
- returns
the list of classes without the package prefixes.
- Definition Classes
- Element
clone(): AnyRef
- Attributes
- protected[lang]
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef
- Annotations
- @throws( ... ) @native() @HotSpotIntrinsicCandidate()
- val coolingOffset: Double
- val coolingSetpoint: Double
copy(): Row
Return a copy of this object as a Row.
Return a copy of this object as a Row.
Creates a clone of this object for use in Row manipulations.
- returns
The copy of the object.
- Definition Classes
- PanDemandResponse → Row
- val criticalityLevel: String
- val dutyCycle: Double
emit_attribute(field: String, value: Any)(implicit clz: String, s: StringBuilder): Unit
Emit one XML attribute.
Emit one XML attribute.
- field
The name of the field.
- value
The value of the field.
- clz
The class name (e.g. ACLineSegment) of this element
- s
The builder to write into.
- Definition Classes
- Element
<cim:Location.CoordinateSystem rdf:resource="#wgs84"/>
Example: -
emit_element(field: String, value: Any)(implicit clz: String, s: StringBuilder): Unit
Emit one XML element.
Emit one XML element.
- field
The name of the field.
- value
The value of the field.
- clz
The class name (e.g. ACLineSegment) of this element
- s
The builder to write into.
- Definition Classes
- Element
<>WGS 84</>
Example: - val enrollmentGroup: String
eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef
equals(o: Any): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- Row → AnyRef → Any
export: String
Return a string containing this object as XML.
Return a string containing this object as XML.
- returns
The XML corresponding to this object.
- Definition Classes
- PanDemandResponse → Element
export_fields: String
Return a string containing the fields of this object suitable for inclusion in an XML object.
Return a string containing the fields of this object suitable for inclusion in an XML object.
- returns
A string with the fields coded in XML
- Definition Classes
- PanDemandResponse → Element
fieldIndex(name: String): Int
- Definition Classes
- Row
get(i: Int): AnyRef
Get the value of the field at index
.Get the value of the field at index
.- i
The index of the field desired.
- returns
The value stored in the field, or
if none.
- Definition Classes
- Element → Row
getAs[T](fieldName: String): T
- Definition Classes
- Row
getAs[T](i: Int): T
- Definition Classes
- Row
getBoolean(i: Int): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- Row
getByte(i: Int): Byte
- Definition Classes
- Row
getClass(): Class[_]
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef → Any
- Annotations
- @native() @HotSpotIntrinsicCandidate()
getDate(i: Int): Date
- Definition Classes
- Row
getDecimal(i: Int): BigDecimal
- Definition Classes
- Row
getDouble(i: Int): Double
- Definition Classes
- Row
getFloat(i: Int): Float
- Definition Classes
- Row
getInstant(i: Int): Instant
- Definition Classes
- Row
getInt(i: Int): Int
- Definition Classes
- Row
getJavaMap[K, V](i: Int): Map[K, V]
- Definition Classes
- Row
getList[T](i: Int): List[T]
- Definition Classes
- Row
getLocalDate(i: Int): LocalDate
- Definition Classes
- Row
getLong(i: Int): Long
- Definition Classes
- Row
getMap[K, V](i: Int): Map[K, V]
- Definition Classes
- Row
getSeq[T](i: Int): Seq[T]
- Definition Classes
- Row
getShort(i: Int): Short
- Definition Classes
- Row
getString(i: Int): String
- Definition Classes
- Row
getStruct(i: Int): Row
- Definition Classes
- Row
getTimestamp(i: Int): Timestamp
- Definition Classes
- Row
getValuesMap[T](fieldNames: Seq[String]): Map[String, T]
- Definition Classes
- Row
hashCode(): Int
- Definition Classes
- Row → AnyRef → Any
- val heatingOffset: Double
- val heatingSetpoint: Double
id: String
Return the unique ID for the object, the mRID for IdentifiedObject derived classes.
Return the unique ID for the object, the mRID for IdentifiedObject derived classes.
- returns
The object ID.
- Definition Classes
- Element
isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean
- Definition Classes
- Any
isNullAt(i: Int): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- Row
json: String
- Definition Classes
- Row
- Annotations
- @Unstable()
length: Int
The number of fields in the object definition.
The number of fields in the object definition.
- returns
The number of defined fields for use in Row manipulations.
- Definition Classes
- Element → Row
mask(position: Int): Boolean
Is a field present predicate.
Is a field present predicate.
Determines if the field at the given position was encountered while parsing.
- position
the field position in the fields array
- returns
if the field was parsed,false
- Definition Classes
- Element
mkString(start: String, sep: String, end: String): String
- Definition Classes
- Row
mkString(sep: String): String
- Definition Classes
- Row
mkString: String
- Definition Classes
- Row
ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef
notify(): Unit
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef
- Annotations
- @native() @HotSpotIntrinsicCandidate()
notifyAll(): Unit
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef
- Annotations
- @native() @HotSpotIntrinsicCandidate()
prettyJson: String
- Definition Classes
- Row
- Annotations
- @Unstable()
schema: StructType
- Definition Classes
- Row
size: Int
- Definition Classes
- Row
sup: EndDeviceAction
Return the superclass object.
Return the superclass object.
- returns
The typed superclass nested object.
- Definition Classes
- PanDemandResponse → Element
synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef
toSeq: Seq[Any]
- Definition Classes
- Row
toString(): String
- Definition Classes
- Row → AnyRef → Any
wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef
- Annotations
- @throws( ... )
wait(arg0: Long): Unit
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef
- Annotations
- @throws( ... ) @native()
wait(): Unit
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef
- Annotations
- @throws( ... )
Deprecated Value Members
finalize(): Unit
- Attributes
- protected[lang]
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef
- Annotations
- @throws( classOf[java.lang.Throwable] ) @Deprecated @deprecated
- Deprecated
(Since version ) see corresponding Javadoc for more information.